Glossary of Chess Terminology

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Glossary of chess terminology

Blockade is a tactical method. With this special

type of decoy the player forces his/her opponent
to block the way of another, more important
piece (often the king) of their own, which then
becomes an object of attack. 

1...Kg8-h8 2.Ne5-f7+ Kh8-g8 3.Nf7-h6++ Kg8-h8

4.Qd5-g8+! Re8xg8 5.Nh6-f7#
Breaking the shelter of the king can be realized
by sacrifices. Starting point for combinations like
this are weaknesses caused by the pushing of the
pawns on the wing the opponent has castled to.
Another reason could be a disadvantage in the
development of the opponent's pieces and a lack
of space. 

1.Rh4xh7+ Kh8xh7 2.Qf7-h5#

Catching of a piece is a tactical method which

aims at limiting the moving possibilities of a piece
of the opponent. This piece will be finally lost. 


Chasing: attacking a piece of the opponent

continuously which cannot escape from these
attacks and has to move to a bad place. This
method leads to a draw in the end. Most
frequently the result of persecution is a perpetual
check (the king is object of persecution). 

1.Qg6-f5 Bh5-g4 2.Qf5-g6 Bg4-h5 =

Check is the direct attack of the opponent's king

by one of the player's pieces.

Chess combination: a sacrifice and forced

sequence of moves to gain a certain advantage.
Decoy is a tactical method which is used to force a
piece of the opponent to move to an unfavourable
square. Once occupying this square, this piece
will soon be lost or it disturbs the coordination of
other pieces so that one of those will be
conquered by the player. 

1.Rg4-g8+ Kf8xg8 2.Qf6-g7#

Deflection: is a tactical method used to distract a

piece of the opponent from the defence of an
important square, file or the protection of
another piece. 

1.Rh4-h8+ Kg8xh8 2.Qd5xf7

Discovered attack: by moving away a certain

piece the player opens the way for another piece
which immediately gets attacking possibilities.

1.Bd5xf7+ Kg8xf7 2.Rd4xd8

Double attack: simultaneous attack of two pieces

of the opponent by a pawn or any other piece.

Elimination of a defending piece is a tactical

method which liquidates defending pieces of the
opponent. The piece in question can be cleared
away by means of exchange or sacrifice. 

1.Rf4xf8+ Kg8xf8 2.Qg4xd7

Interception: the aim of this tactical method

consists in disturbing the coordination of the
pieces of the opponent standing in the same file or
to prevent that the opponent's pieces reach
important squares. 

1.Nd5-e7 Bd6-e7 2.Qg6xg7#

Intermediate move is a move of the player which
was not considered by the opponent in calculating
his/her variation or combination. Intermediate
move can disturb our calculations, change plans
or cause the failure of combinations. 

1.e5-e6 Qc7xf4 2.e6xd7+ Ke8xd7 Ng6xf4

Mate: a piece of the player checks the opponent's

king against which no defence is possible. To
mate the opponent is the aim of every chess game.

Open file: an open file is a vertical line in which

no pawn is left (neither own nor opponent's).
Opening of a file: sometimes an own piece blocks
a certain file or diagonal and thereby disturbs the
efficiency of another piece in this file (diagonal).
The aim of this tactical method consists in moving
away this piece to open the file (diagonal) for the
other piece. As a result the player may win an
important square, shift a piece to a more active
position or prepare a threat.
Overloading: a piece is overloaded when it has to
protect two or more other pieces, squares or
threats at the same time. In situations like this
opportunities often arise to benefit from the
overloading by distracting the piece from one or
several of its protecting tasks. 

1.Nd6-f5 Qe7xc5 2.Rd4xd8#

Passed pawn:is a free running pawn. The
opponent has no pawn on the same or the
adjoining files. A passed pawn is usually a big
advantage because of its capacity - in certain
cases - to limit the moving possibilities of the
opponent's pieces and to be the topic of a

1...Qe4xe1+ 2.Qd1xe1 d3-d2 3.Qe1-e2(d1) Rc5-

Pawn breakthrough: one or several pawns are
sacrificed in order to create a passed pawn which
cannot be stopped from conversion. 

(Die Könige seien so weit entfernt, daß sie nicht in

den kampf eingreifen können)
1.g5-g6! f7xg6 (oder 1...h7xg6 2.f5-f6! g7xf6 3.h5-
h6) 2.h5-h6! g7xh6 3.f5-f6
Perpetual check: the king of the opponent is
exposed to a sequence of checks from which he
cannot hide. Usually this method is used by a
player with worse position in order not to loose
the game. Perpetual check is the most frequent
type of the chasing. 

1.Kg1-h2 Qe1-h4+ 2.Kh2-g1 Qh4-e1+

Pinning: a piece or pawn is pinned when it cannot

move away because a more valuable piece then
would be lost, a key square would be attacked
(unechte? pin) or the king would be standing in
the check (echte? pin).

Play for stalemate: a player, usually with worse

position, plays for a stalemate by sacrificing
his/her last pieces in order to reach a stalemate

1...Rf5-g5! 2.Rg4xg5 stalemate

Sacrifice: material is voluntarily given up to the

opponent in order to obtain other kinds of
advantages, e.g. attack, open king etc.
Space clearance: similar to the opening of a file
this method is used when an own piece occupies a
square urgently needed by another piece. The
piece disturbing should be moved away,
preferably without losing time. This means that
the piece checks the opponent, attacks a piece of
the opponent or is even sacrificed. In this way the
opponent hasn't got the time to take any steps of
1.Rg7-h7+ Kh8xh7 3.Qg5-g7#

Stalemate: the player to move has no legal moves

with his/her pieces and pawns and his/her king is
not checked.

Weakness of the back rank: very often the

insufficient protection of the first (last) rank by
heavy pieces or the missing of a square of escape
give an opportunity for combinations, resulting in
material disadvantage or mate. 

1...Re4xe2 2.Re1xe2 Rd5-d1#

X-ray: bishop, rook or queen are attacking

pieces, pawns or squares of the opponent on the
long file or diagonal while they (file, diagonal) are
still closed by own or opponent's pieces. 

1.Qf4-f8+ Re8xf8 2.Rd8xf8#

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