Veritas Netbackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and Management

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Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.

Configuration and Management


This course includes practical hands-on lab exercises that
The Veritas NetBackup Appliances 3.1.2: Configuration and enable you to test your new skills and begin to transfer them
Management course is designed for the IT Professional who into your working environment. It also includes simulations,
is new to appliances and is responsible for configuring the demonstrations and videos as part of the lab work.
5330 and 5240 appliances, performing appliance
maintenance tasks, operating and managing the appliance COURSE OUTLINE
and troubleshooting the appliance.
Introduction and Overview
This course covers how to configure the appliances and add • NetBackup Appliance models and their major features.
storage to the appliances. You learn how the appliances • NetBackup Appliance software releases and interfaces.
easily integrate into the NetBackup environment and how to • Hardware components and configuration options of the
run backups and restores. You learn the basics of resolving appliance compute units and storage shelves.
appliance issues and maintaining the appliances. In addition,
you learn about reconfiguring the appliances. You also learn Appliance Configuration
how to configure and maintain CloudCatalyst 5240 and finally • Pre-configuration checklist and configuration tasks using
you learn how to deploy a Virtual Appliance. Veritas Remote Management.
• Using the Appliance Web Console for initial appliance
Delivery Method(s) configuration.
This course is available in the following delivery method(s): • Local configuration tasks using the Appliance Web
• Instructor-led training (ILT) Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu
• Virtual instructor-led training (VILT) (CLISH).
• Learning Lab • Remote configuration tasks using the Veritas Remote
Management (VRM) console.
Duration • Validate the appliance configuration.
• Instructor-led training (ILT): 3 days, including 6 months Labs
of lab access • Exercise A: NetBackup 3.1.2 lab environment
• Virtual instructor-led training (VILT): 3 days, including 6 • Exercise B: Configuring a master server Appliance
months of lab access • Exercise C: Adding a 5330 media server appliance to a
• Learning Lab – Self-paced lesson guide plus 6 months master
of lab access • Exercise D: Configuring a 5330 media server Appliance
• Exercise E: Verifying the configuration
Course Objectives • Exercise F: Launching the NetBackup Administration
By the completion of this course, you will be able to: Console
• Describe key components of the NetBackup Appliances • Exercise G: Viewing software emails
hardware and software.
Appliance Operations
• Configure the NetBackup Appliance.
• Appliance functionality differences and common
• Integrate appliances into the NetBackup environment,
NetBackup appliance features.
run backups and restores.
• Run reports from the NetBackup and Appliance
• Resolve appliance issues with troubleshooting tools.
interfaces, showing backup activity on the appliance.
• Monitor appliance health.
• Configure Universal and Oracle Copilot shares on an
• Update appliance software.
• Maintain the appliances.
• Reconfigure the appliances.
• Exercise A: Appliance Shell Menu storage information
• Configure and maintain CloudCatalyst.
• Exercise B: Resizing storage
• Deploying Virtual Appliances.
• Exercise C: Configuring policies to use Advanced Disk
Who Should Attend
• Exercise D: Performing Manual backups to storage
This course is for customers and partners new to appliances
• Exercise E: Viewing the disk pool information
and front-line technical support personnel who are
responsible for configuring the 5330 and 5240 appliances, • Exercise F: NetBackup storage email alerts
performing appliance maintenance tasks, operating and • Exercise G: Running Deduplication Reports in
managing the appliance and troubleshooting the appliance. OpsCenter (optional)
Appliance Troubleshooting and Tools
Prerequisites • Online resources for troubleshooting the appliance.
You must have working knowledge of Veritas NetBackup. It • Troubleshooting using the indicators, lights and LEDs.
would be beneficial to have some knowledge about Veritas • Locate and resolve common hardware faults.
NetBackup Appliances, networking, and storage concepts. Labs

© 2018 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved. Veritas and the Veritas Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Veritas Technologies LLC or its affiliates in the U.S. and other
countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
• Exercise A: Appliance Shell Support Menu CloudCatalyst 5240
Troubleshooting Commands • Describe the new NetBackup CloudCatalyst Appliance.
• Exercise B: Viewing Log Files Using the Support > Logs • Configure a CloudCatalyst Appliance.
Command • Monitor and troubleshoot a CloudCatalyst appliance.
Monitoring Appliance Health • Exercise A: Configuring a CloudCatalyst 5240 storage
• Monitor appliance health using the OpsCenter interface. server
• Monitor appliance health using the Appliance Web • Exercise B: Perform duplication and backup operations
Console and the NetBackup Appliance Shell Menu to CloudCatalyst
• Monitor and remotely manage the appliance using the
Veritas Remote Management console. Virtual Appliances
• Basic features and use cases for the NetBackup Virtual
Updating Appliance Software Appliances.
• Overview for the upgrade process to 3.1.2. • Differences between NetBackup Virtual Appliances and
• Upgrade the software version of a NetBackup appliance. NetBackup physical appliances.
• Architecture and functionality of the Appliance • Deployment and configuration of a NetBackup Virtual
Management Console. Appliance.
• Configure Appliance Management Servers and • Steps for deploying a NetBackup Virtual Appliance.
Appliance Management Agents. • NetBackup Virtual Appliance configuration process.
• Manage the Repository and install EEB’s and upgrades. • Identify additional configuration tasks.
• Exercise A: Configuring an appliance as an Appliance
Management Server (AMS)
• Exercise B: Configuring an appliance as an Appliance
Management Agent (AMA)
• Exercise C: Managing appliances from the Appliance
Management Console (AMC)

Maintenance Tasks
• Managing AutoSupport alerts.
• Set a Login Banner on a NetBackup appliance.
• Configure a NetBackup CLI User.
• Configure LDAP and Active Directory Authentication.
• Add or remove a storage shelf to the appliance.
• Configure and monitor appliance security.
• Describe how to configure SAN Client and Fibre channel
• Exercise A: NetBackup CLI administrative users
• Exercise B: An introduction to the NetBackup command
line shell
• Exercise C: Viewing SDCS audit logs
• Exercise D: Creating a Login Banner

Reconfiguring an Appliance
• Provide an overview of resetting an appliance.
• Identify the process for reimaging the appliance.
• Describe how to migrate to a new appliance.
• Describe how to decommission an appliance.

• Exercise A: Exercise A: Performing a NetBackup Manual
• Exercise B: Configuring Data Migration
• Exercise C: Viewing Migration Task Status
• Exercise D: Viewing Data Migration Results

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