(Mulk Raj Anand R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao) of Indian novelist
professional writer till the end of his life. One cannot phrase his work as
this feature that places Narayan among the greatest story tellers of
modern Indian English. He has the most intimate knowledge of the life
of Indian middle class family. His memorable characters are all middle
day to day life. He has tried to solve the problem through the intellect of
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
spokesman of the creative artist. It is through him that they are directed
situations and under the given situations they act. Thus the characters
male and female becomes the brain children of the author. Their
towards life. The main object of this chapter is to show to what extent
life. K.R.S. Iyenger remarks: "He is the rare thing in India today, a
the life of a creative artist. One is incomplete without the other. A work
become spokesman of the author’s view of life and embody his vision
of life. In fact, the criticism of life and writer’s approach are co-related
to each other. The writer has a certain mission or object of his writings.
K.R.S. Iyenger, Srinivas, Indian writing in English (Sterling Publication Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1985), P. 358
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
his works. He too has his own approach and attitude to life.
going on from time immemorial and still continues. Like everyone else
does with male protagonists. They are fully drawn and developing
characters. The author has tried to probe into the mind of his characters.
protagonists that female one can be better understood and this is what
Narayan also has written on issues like love and marriage. As for love,
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
it is the very basis of life that sweetens the relationship between the two
passion that acts as a bond between man and woman. In the novels of
maintain. Love is different from sex. It is not necessary for survival but
There are certain usual feminine tendencies in his women .He has
above man leaving a few and ultimately they accept defeat under
pressure despite they struggle hard till to the end. They love living
through struggle and suffering but in the end admit defeat.They endure
all the sufferings coming in their ways. They face life by accepting it
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
nature. His protagonists have a wide and varied experience of life both
tragic and comic. They are ordinary real human being with their
weaknesses and strength. They embody the author’s vision of life as this
is a struggle and in this struggle defeat or victory does not matter. What
matters most is the struggle that is faced. Life is neither a tragedy nor a
exhibits the vision of life, values, norms and rituals which have been in
existence and still continue to play a major role in shaping the lives of
Narayan does assert the validity of traditional Indian values but the
There are few doubts that R.K. Narayan was the most famous
for his novels, Myth, social implications and political events do make
Mathu, O.P. The West Wind Blows through Malgudi. (Indian Journal of English
Studies 19 1979), 125-34.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
part of the pattern of his writing but they always remain confined to the
important basis for a study from this peculiar perspective in the fiction
each other, mix and blend leaving the reader with a feeling of
present, whereas the latter directly draws back from the protagonist's
let alone her professional career, makes her irresistible to Raju's eyes, I
was only conscious of her movements, the guide has to admit. On the
insensitive and detached from his pretty wife's graces. "If a man has to
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
have peace of mind it is best that he forgets the fair sex," 3 he states
for Marco is that his refusal for dance is equivalent to a refusal for life,
Arts and in The English Teacher, even though in both the cases it is not
The focus on this peculiar bias of the whole aspect may help us to
clear the area from misleading or hasty conclusions. One does not rarely
find encomiums to the South Indian writer for his `progressive' attitude
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
his outlook was far more astonishing when compared to Raja Rao's, the
other South Indian Brahmin novelist we must also bear in mind that his
mean or imply a support for feminism. Far from it, the body of evidence
not inconsiderable.
far cry. This is why Narayan, induced by the social reality of man-
his Savitri a staunch rebel like Ibsen's Nora but the harsh realities of
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
overwhelming pressures.
Narayan has explained the myths and legends of the Indian of the
human life and his individual way of placing and ordaining human
combination, is also the part of his vision of life. Through simple and
Indian middle class milieu in his fiction. This fictional small town and
its inhabitant have their local identity. But there is a conflict of the real
Ibid. pp. 166-167
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
and the universal. The inhabitants are essentially human having kinship
These is sure a human feel in the virtues as well as the vices of the
draw good from his character. His vision of life is voiced through the
works and words of the protagonist. Central to this achievement was the
fictional town, which he peopled with ordinary men and women made
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
vision of life. From the very first novel we see such things. A creative
language other than his own. The novelist has made laudable efforts to
harness the rich sources and English and mix it up with native colour. It
the treatment of his subject matter. He can cause to work a miracle even
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
and Faulkner’s Yokna Patawpha: and he has filled it with men and
we live. His novels are the description of one’s daily life on surface
ground and suggest the depth beneath. His dealing with the fiction is
ordinary everyday life matters in almost all of his novels. This novels
are universal in appeal. They please the one and the many. He is a pure
realist. the term realism means firstly to depict the things a they really
are or as they appear to be. Secondly, it means the art of making the
unreal appear as real. For some scholars realism is the fidelity observed
interpretation of life.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
it means the art of making the unreal appear as real. How for Narayan is
realistic in the manner of his creation can be seen from the harmony
which his narration acquires in the blending of theme and the style. He
does not see the ugly side of reality. Extreme crudities, naked sex
description and cruelties are ignored by him. He portrays the seemy side
language and style. The life which he describes is put before us with a
wealth of detail and accuracy. The authors humour is the direct outcome
be some misfortune for either of them. So they should not marry and
harm to life.
and naturalist who are interested in the stark and naked realism of life.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
narration acquires in the blending of theme and style expose the realism
of the author. Keeping in view the middle clan people of his novels
and colourful style like Manohar Malgonkar, this simple style and tone
mirrors the daily rhythm of life of the middle class people of Malgudi.
novels reveal that the author makes his common man aware of his talent
and potentials. This talent and calibre helps him rise above his so called
destined role in the society. He has roots in Hindu culture which has so
great an impact that novelist and his characters remains unable to shake
prevailing social customs and traditions revolt and accept defeat in the
Rahv, Philip, Fiction and the criticism of fiction (N. York,1965), P. 58
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
exhibits values, norms, rituals and his vision of life. These high morals
have been in existence and still continue to play a major role in shaping
the lives of Indians. The author has beautifully and artistically drawn
the picture of the middle and lower class of society and revealed the
mind and heart of the people. Every minute action and its reaction on
the society has been exposed. Malgudi is seen steeped in tradition and
its inhabitant’s women characters with their roots in family and religion.
Even today they cherish a heritage of faith and values, customs and
Sampaths and Chandrans do not play their part, but live, move in
and out, talk and laugh, and then disappear only to appear again
go against the prevailing social customs and traditions but they cannot
shake them off. Simply they muster courage for change. They cannot
stand the collective force of the society as a whole. The result is that
Badal, R.K., R.K. Narayan: study (Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, 1976), P. 7
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
sentimentality in almost all his novels. Chandran is able to lead his life
frustration in his life. Sastri returns to her husband and children when
she understands the actual situation and realises the fatality after her
escape from home. Ravi and Raju are also not able to cope with and rise
of his creations. In his very first novel Swami and Friends, he has
set in contrast with the character of Rajam, the son of the superintendent
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
more" said Rajam, "In our house my father does not care for new
moon days and there are no annual ceremonies for the dead."9
S.P. of police. However, he too could not completely free himself from
the impact of Hindu culture. The story of hell and heaven had a great
bearing upon his mind. When the friends at school come to him, he
gives a hair raising account of hell which makes them unhappy. Rajam
There are believes all around with bees as big as lemons. If the
sinner stepped down from the pedestal he would have to put his foot
in hundred."10
paradox in his novels. Though novelist has written tragedies yet the tone
of his novels is comic. Raju’s story of his love for Rosie the dancer, and
Narayan R.K. Swami and Friends (Indian Thought Publications, Mysore, 1971) P.109
Ibid, P. 46
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
his rise and fall as guide, lover and promoter are half comedy. Novelist
Guide ends neither at the time of Raju’s landing in jail for moral
degradation, nor when Raju’s love affair with Rosie comes to an end at
presents a comic situation when Raju is on fast and about to die a whole
crowd of men, women and children gathers on the bank of the river and
of a dying saint: Tell me, how do you like it here? How long have you
been without food now? Do you feel weak? When will you break your
virtues, it is a blend of the saintly and the sinful. The individual and
fact and fiction together against each other to present a whole picture of
life. The novelist describes his world through the eyes of children. We
arithmetic lesson. The novelist is not satisfied with the present day
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
Narayan in his Novel The Dark Room very clearly and straight
position and women are confined to the home and hearth with all sorts
notion of liberated women but he does not forget to depict the perils of
Sumati and Babu, Savitri, is a typical Indian house wife, dominated and
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
unbearable to her.
been revered for being sati and at the same time she has been hated and
loathed for being a widow or for not bringing dowry. stories of women
literary texts . However, with the progress of time the women of Indian
all areas which were until now they are no of men. In literature too, the
Narayan writes about characters like Savitri and Shanta Bai in the Dark
with the occasional agitations and angers, Savitri gets upset at time by
Ramani's behaviour and sulks in Dark Room, a musty until store room,
next the kitchen. But life is still pleasant and happy one day Santa Bai
comes to know about the affair and tries to stop Ramani. He refuses, so
Savirti leaves the house to and her life, However, this could not happen
as she is saved by a low caste blacksmith Mani. He and his wife Ponni
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
takes care of Savita but after a few days of hardship and loneliness she
her own. She can’t protest and even if she raises her voice, it is unheard
marriage. There can be marriage with love or without love. Marriage is,
outside the values that bind together. Hence what is more important for
true relationship is feeling of love and sacrifice mutual trust and mutual
are traditional Indian women who live a life within the confines of their
example. Despite the rude nature of her husband, Savitri performs the
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
harshness with indifference. She behaves or talks only after judging his
humble and down to earth person that after, hearing about her husband's
affair, she does not believe in. later she feels remain is not to be blamed,
Perhaps, she is not beautiful anymore and hence Ramani got attracted to
Shanta Bai, In her innocence she starts paying attended to her looks.
individuals to play their expected life. The novel explores the fruit her
class Hindu house wife to discard the role she is expected to play.
central character from whose point of view the world is seen and
Sen K., Critical Essays in R.K. Narayan’s The Guide with an introduction to Narayan’s
Novels, (Orient Longman, New Delhi, 1971), p. 124.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
develop gradually.
her rebellions with others and her fear and hopes for the future. A
made her tragic. The opening of the novel clearly indicates the kind of
servile role she is condemned to play in the house. She has no liberty to
take any minor decision. One day unable to attend school create
problem over these question she humiliated on the remark, "mind your
own business do you hear go and do any work you like in the
Ibid, p. 124
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
a woman's business"13
deal with the ghosts. There are some such incidents. When she feels
strongly and realizes self evaluation. “We are responsible for our
position. We accept food shelter and comforts that you give, and are
Savitri feels deeply that man is born feels deeply that man is born
woman's life is! She never enjoys freedom. She is under the control of
her father during her childhood. When she gets married, she is
controlled by her husband. The things do not stop here. Even when she
becomes a mother, she is guided and governed by her son. Savitri says:
possession can a woman call her own except her body? Everything
else that she has is her father's her husband's or her son's”15
Shanta Bai, is the other woman a part of the love triangle, who is
herself a socially liberated one. In the novel she is shown as a bold, self
Narayan R.K., The Dark Room, (Indian Thought Publication, Mysore, 1985), p.1
Ibid, pp. 112-113.
Ibid., p.75
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
possessed and educated woman. She has left her husband because she
instance she tells Ramani that she couldn't exist without a copy of the
Rubaitoty that Khayyam is the only person who would have understood
the secret of her soul. In the novel the web of human relationship is
rustic couple Mani and Poni also plays an important role in the novel.
They are saviour of Savitri. Poni has a clear cut philosophy of husband
management which she expounds to Savitri: "Keep the men under the
rod, and they will be all right show them that you care for them and
they will tie you and treat you like a dog."16 When savitri comes to
know about the use of her house furniture in the office of Ramani, she
feels very pity: "Later she knows what the use Ramani has made of
and lies quiet still in the private place she has of her own, the dark
Ibid., p.140
Ibid, P. 8
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
with one Shanta Bai his office assistant. Firstly she tries to persuade
him to leave the woman and she would forgive and forget. But when
she finds that nothing is of any use. Her courage is seen in warning to
her husband. "I'm a human being, you men will never grant that.
For you we are play things when you feel like hugging and slaves at
other times. Don't think that you can fondle us when you like and
Narayan has a lot to speak on issues like love and marriage but he
"Sumati and Vimla must study up to B.A. and not depend for their
salivation on marriage."19
Ibid, P. 12
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
interest in life when his wife Sushila dies. The sudden death of his wife
spirit. In his interview with Vedmantra, Narayan said that, "all that he
has set down in the second half of the English Teacher had actually
automatic writing."20
the Banner. In this novel novelist has discussed his two main motifs
money and sex. This is the theme of restoration of the old order and the
explain his clear cut philosophy of earning money by only fair means
and use that for the welfare of the needy Srinivas is shown as the
Badal, R.K., R.K. Narayan : A study (Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, 1976), P. 38
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
man Margayya, who wish to reach the summit of Mount Everest like a
successful effort to humanise the hero from his greed and wickedness.
frequently narrated. The writing of this novel clears the insight and
vision of the author in the sense that he wants the readers to improve
R.K. Narayan, Mr. Sampath (Indian thought publication, Mysore, 1956), P. 4
Shiv K. Girla, R.K. Narayan, This world this art, (Saryu Publishing House, Meerut
1984), p. 34
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
story of Sriram and Bharti against the background of the political life of
joins her. In this novel, the author experiments in role reversal in terms
of Sriram. Both Bharti and Sriram are orphan, yet their worlds are
fundamentally opposed.
educated young girl who is like Narayan’s other female characters try to
define her role. She advocates liberty of women and want them to join
novel. Like The Dark Room, The Guide is also voices author’s concepts
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
changes her fortune. Her married life with Marco proves miserable,
lost things like cave walls. Raju comments in horror, “This man would
go on wall gazing all his life and leave her to languish in her hotel
In spite of her fully gained independence she often regrets for her failed
should be and yet a part of her is intensely orthodox. She claims her
Narayan R.K. The Guide, (Indian Thought publication, Mysore, 1985), p.63
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
identity clearly by starting that she is Devdasi she belongs to the class
in the sculptured figures on walls and stones in caves, than in his wife,
engagement from Raju, Rosie too started taking interest in him. In the
absence of Marco, the two get drawn close to each other. Raju's mother
was against this affair, she warns Raju of the bad influence, ".... don't
have anything to do with this dancing woman. They are all a bad
sort."25 Rosie's association with nature shows that is the only recluse
and relief of her life to which she claims, "I am prepared to spend the
welcome. Things."26
Narayan R.K. The guide, (Orient Longman Private Ltd. Delhi, 2004) P. 84
Ibid- p. 69
Kundu, Rama, Anita Desai's Fire on the mountain, (Atlantic Publishers and Distt.,
2005), P. 127
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
Rosie’s quick association with a night, with the jungle and wide
Mampy hills gives her character a new dimension which relates to echo-
feminism like Nanda Kaul in Fire on the Mountain. But the most crucial
comparison in the novel comes when Raju narrates the scene in which
Rosie watches the king kobra to dance, Rosie's attraction to the snake
and her performance of the snake dance are richly symbolic and highly
reforming herself like the snake to become closer to lord Shiva Natraj.
that the metaphor of dance rightly associated with Rosie. She gets
frustrated with Marco because he forbids her to dance and gets duped
by Raju.
wishes to nurture it. She is, of course, grateful to Raju who has made
her national celebrity as the greatest dancer of Bharat Natyam. But the
same Raju remains responsible for the abrupt end of her career. He
made her dancing art a commercial venture tainted with the vices of
cheap popularity. Raju made a fortune out of Rosie's dancing career and
liked to live lavishly. Nalini alias Rosie seemed to accept it all with a
touch of resignation, but she was no longer her old happier self. Raju
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
realises, "She had seemed such a happy creature in her old house,
no need of Raju at all. She needed no props. "I knew I was growing
jealous of herf- reliance... She would never stop dancing. She would
"Neither Marco nor I had any place in her life, which had its own
along." 29
her.. she was my property and a little later. I did not like to see her
Raju thinks that Rosie can't do anything without his support; he also
Ibid, p. 173
Ibid., p.187
Ibid., p.199
Ibid., p. 127
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
realizes that Marco, her husband and he himself are useful at all to her.
emotionally disturbed, she becomes stronger than man for the simple
reason that in such moments of crisis, she derives strength from her
inner most resources. She becomes stronger and more confident. This is
exactly the case with Rosie, after she feels humiliated and cheated by
Marco and Raju. She emerges as a new woman, more confident and
more independent. She feels that it is the inner strength that matters and
it is sufficient enough to face the world habituated by man like Raju and
Marco. This is the way that in her begins self realization of woman. The
this novel. He has artistically drawn the picture of the social as well as
political life of the country. The rich, though immoral in their private
life, become influential in the society, and their show of social service
gets importance. There is a clash of caste and class in the society. The
tourist guide into a jailbird, then a fake Sadhu into a famous martyr.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
R.K. Naraya's next novel The Man Eater of Malgudi, presents the
nothing fellow. Novelist has taken the story from mythology as he told
writing career, one takes a fresh look at the so called myths and
of novels and short stories based on the society around me, some
under the title the man eater of Malgudi. I based this story on a well
Through this novel Narayan has expressed his view that a man is
Vasu is an aggressive bully and from the very first day of his
peaceful carefree life of Natraj and his circle. He treats the poet and sen,
the journalist, with contempt, makes fun of them and oases sarcastic
R.K. Narayan, Gods, Demons and Modern Times (The literary criterion, 3 winter,
1972) pp 47-48
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
Afraid of him, Natraj says: “I was longing for a word with Vasu. I
could not compromise with the world. Over this situation G.S. Amur
Painter of Sign. This novel brings out the relationship between Raman,
a young rationalist sign-painter with his old aunt in Malgudi and Daisy,
the heroine of the novel. Daisy is a family planning officer who does
her work with a visionary zeal. She is an educated woman who does not
Narayan R.K., The Man Eater of Malgudi (Indian Thought Publication, Mysore, 1980),
p. 94
Amur, G.S., R.K. Narayan in his own culture: An approach to the vendor of sweets.
From explorations in modern Indo English Fiction, edited by R.K. Dhawan.(Bahri
Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1982), p. 128
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
believe in the western culture and as a pure Indian woman she performs
urbanization that blows over Malgudi. Daisy, who dominates over her
dynamism controls all the events in the novel. She is strikingly modern
in her spirit of independence. Women like Savitri and Rosie are of the
traditional type, who depend on the men folk and can not conceive of an
independent existence. Daisy is the new woman who does her best to
family in one way or the other. Born in a joint family, she feels
admits honestly: “married life is not for me. I can’t live except
Narayan, R.K. The Painter of Sign, (Indian Thought Publication, Mysor 1989).p 89
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
paint signs and murals for various clinics throughout the countryside.
She offends the groom on the face and thus offends the whole orthodox
tradition. She flees her family, and never again in her life she gets
and may act in the way she desires. Daisy’s independent nature is
further evident when we notice that her aim is confined not only to the
between right and wrong. Daisy has a tradition of her own within which
goes on spreading her mission with rejuvenated spirit to the well being
of humanity.
tradition and modernity has been revealed through Tim’s character. Tim
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
uncle’s house along with his wife Charu, but in the end, like all
to the fold of tradition and family life. In the novel all male and female
characters are struggling sometimes for their liberty and sometimes for
their identity. Like other Malgudi novels this novel also presents
every novel deals with its genuine and individual problem. The creative
problem first and then through his visionary outlook finds salvation.
The novelist after much wanderings in and around the Malgudi circus,
for a moment that other creatures may also possess ego, values,
R.K. Narayan, A Tiger for Malgudi, (Indian Thought Publication, Mysore, 1979), pp.7-
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
perspectives and social activities. Firstly, there are the chief protagonists
Natraj in the Man Eater of Malgudi and Nagraj in the world of Nagraj
are philosophers in their own ways who expound, protect and promote
Secondly, there are those like Vasu in The Man Eater of Malgudi and
They are ordinary people engaged in the mundane activities and their
and codes laid down in Manu-Smriti; Srinivas and Natraj are moralists
who adhere to the values of the Indian society. The characters who
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
violate the peace and harmony of the Malgudian world are immoral,
and writing. The Bhagvad Gita and its Karma philosophy regards self-
although the methods for the attainment of this goal may vary from man
to man. Soul i.e. Atman acquires unanimity with the supreme soul or
evil, between doubt and faith, between being and non being. This goal is
and Jivan Mukti or liberation in the end, when the individual who has
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
and A Tiger for Malgudi. Raju, the tourist guide is initially entrapped in
and governs his life. He commits the crime of forging the signature of
Rosie and is accordingly punished and sent to the prison. He has to pay
for his foul deeds. He receives his ill fate accordingly his evil Karma.
But landed into the prison life, he finds time for his moral and social
into the innermost regions of his soul and shakes off his material and
man, A Tiger for Malgudi on the contrary presents an insight into the
animal world. Narayan has experimented here with the popular theme of
animal form the animal kingdom as the chief protagonist in the novel is
superior position and women are confined to the home and hearth.
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
lib- movement which begins in from The Dark Room and come to an
journey from Savitri to Daisy via Shanti, Bharti and Roise. The chief
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
wreaker of home, Rosie takes the traditional name Nalini and Daisy
leaves Malgudi.
A woman has held a very strange place in Indian society. She has
been revered for being ‘Sati’ and at the same time she has been hated
and loathed for being a widow or for not bringing dowry. Stories of
women are in abundance in the ancient literary texts. However, with the
progress of time the woman of Indian society changed and she started
making herself noticed by fathoming all areas which were until now the
arena of men. In literature too, the role of woman was given a certain
Savitri and Shanta Bai in The Dark Room and shows the various
does not think to shape or create story, that comes naturally to him. His
very little emotional involvement of narrator in his novels. His first and
third person narrators show little variation among themselves and carry
novels are clearly more important than the situations. His delineation of
women characters has been one of the unfailing considerations. His all
A Portrayal of Women Characters in R.K. Narayan’s Novels: A Critical Study
women characters are from Malgudi but, they are much different from