Stainless Steel Specification and Composition Chart - Engineers Edge
Stainless Steel Specification and Composition Chart - Engineers Edge
Stainless Steel Specification and Composition Chart - Engineers Edge
304 - The most widely used of the stainless steels. Offers good corrosion resistance to many environments. Has Print Webpage
good formability and can be readily welded. Copyright Notice
309 - Used in high temperature applications. High scale resistance. Corrosion resistance superior to 304. Resists
corrosion when welded.
316 - Better corrosion resistance as well as higher strength at elevated temperatures than 304. Often used for
pumps, valves, chemical equipment and marine applications. Most popular of stainless steels.
409 - Lowest cost stainless - used extensively in automotive exhaust systems. Excellent formability and
weldability. Because of its economy and good resistance to oxidation and corrosion, this stainless offer many
opportunities for a wide range of parts.
410 - Heat-treatable stainless used widely where corrosion is not severe - air, fresh water, some chemicals and
food acids.
416 - Free machining variation of 410 with useful corrosion resistance to natural food acids, basic salts, water and
most atmospheres.
416 - Free-machining variation of 410 with useful corrosion resistance to natural food acids, basic salts, water and
430 - Is the most popular of the non-hardenable chromium stainless steels. It combines good corrosion and heat
resistance with good mechanical properties. Oxidation resistance to 1500 deg F widely used in both industrial and
consumer products. 1/1