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Language Teaching Media

Submitted to fulfill assignment

Course : English Teaching Media

Lecturer: Mrs. Sri Supiyah Cahyati M.Pd

Muhamad Aji Putra Pamungkas

English Education Study Program

Pekalongan University
Language Teaching Media

1. Draw the learning pyramid.

2. What do you know about teaching media?
3. What are the advantages of using teaching media?
4. Why some teachers reluctant to use media in their teaching-learning process?
5. Mention some types of teaching media & give the examples.
6. Should we develop our teaching media? Why?
7. Mention some media that can be used in teaching listening.& explain in brief the way
how to use them.
8. Mention some media that can be used in teaching speaking.& explain in brief the way
how to use them.
9. Mention some media that can be used in teaching reading.& explain in brief the way how
to use them.
10. Mention some media that can be used in teaching writing.& explain in brief the way how
to use them.
11. Distinguish between message, method, and media.
12. Explain four roles of media in instructional process and give the example of media used
in each role!
13. How to get the appropriate material in teaching?
14. Give the example of five basic steps in utilizing instructional materials
15. Explain two strategies used to develop students’ visual literacy.
16. Describe the factors that influence students’ decoding and encoding visual?
17. In creating visual design we need to consider several things. Mention them and explain!
18. Compare the advantages and limitation of printed material and non projected material in
19. List six types of non-projected visual and state an appropriate application for each in
20. Explain the teaching media that your senior high school teacher ever used in class.
Answer :

1. The pyramid of learning

Reference : https://medium.com/precarious-physicist/the-learning-pyramid-

2. Teaching media is effective media to support process of learning based on our strategy
and our planning for reach the goal of teaching.
Reference : https://www.facebook.com/241840552951609/posts/romiszowski-dalam-

3. The advantages of using teaching media is could raise the students interest of the lesson
and media is important to lead students attention. Media increase students responsibility
to control their own learning. In brief, we can say that the use of media in teaching-
learning activity is good. https://googleweblight.com/i?
4. They don’t understand it. Maybe your educators don’t completely understand those
benefits I mentioned earlier and how some computers or platforms can help them
achieve these.
They don’t understand it. Maybe your educators don’t completely understand those
benefits I mentioned earlier and how some computers or platforms can help them
achieve these.
They’re very traditional. Many teachers are used to doing things their (old) way, with
paper and pencils, creating their lessons on paper, distributing tests to students on
paper, assessing their tests, and so on. This is so bad not only for the school system,
but for the environment as well. There is nothing wrong with having your own style
of teaching, but you have to embrace the changes that come with evolution. These
type of teachers usually think that technology can’t do a good job, they have security
issues, they’re worried that students can easily cheat, that automatic systems calculate
grades inaccurately, and more. Basically, they don’t want to be replaced with a
learning platform and they’re afraid of losing control over their teaching methods.

5. Types of teaching media:

No Media Categories Examples in Learning

I Audio Audio tapes, radio, CD, telephone
Textbooks, modules, brochures,
II Print
leaflets, pictures,   flashcard
Audio tapes that include written
III Audio-print
Proyeksi visual Overhead transparency (OHT),
silent Film frames (slides)
Audio visual
V Film frames (slides) voiced
projection silent
VI Visual Motion silent film
Audio Visual silent motion film, video / VCD,
motion, TV
VIII Physical Obects Real objects, models, specimens
Humans and the
IX Teacher, librarian, laboratory
CAI (Computer Assisted
Instructional = computer-assisted
X Computer
learning), CMI (Computer Managed
6. Yes, we develop our teching media in my opinion we can do learning that attracts
students' attention so that it can foster motivation, learning will be easy to understand,
learning methods vary, not merely verbal communication through the spoken words of
the instructor, the learner is not bored, and the teacher is not exhausted, learners do more
learning activities, because they don't just listen to the teacher's explanation, but also
other activities such as observing, doing, demonstrating and so on.
7. The media that can be used for listening learning is audio, audio visual such as film,
video. Radio, audio tapes, songs, etc.
8. Media that can be used in teaching speaking.& explain in brief the way how to use them.
a. Blackboard
The blackboard has been rightly termed the most versatile visual media. It is
standard equipment in every classroom. Teachers need to begin with a clean slate.
The blackboard should be completely erased before beginning any new lesson or
new point in the lesson. Teachers should write an attention pointer when new
material is taught. Teachers in the primary level make very effective use of
colored chalk. Excellent use of the blackboard can increase memorization of text.
b. Picture
That is meant here, including photos, paintings / drawings, realia, and sketches
(line drawings). The main objective appearance of various types of picture is to
visualize the concept to be conveyed to students. This media, students feel to
undertake to perceive picture and at the same time train natural existence energy
and their memory, and naturally student have attention to what teaching, (Alwi
Achmad: Makasar 2003).
c. Flashcard
The forms of flashcard are variety. The teachers can collect their own sets of
flashcards from magazines, calendars, etc. According to Betty Morgan Bowen in
Leni’s thesis, there are two types of flashcard as their shapes, and they are word
flashcard and picture flashcard, (Leny: Jakarta 2006). Word flashcard is a card
with printed word on it. The teacher can use the card to demonstrate exactly what
the teacher wishes. Picture flashcard is card with printed picture on it. It is very
useful for the representation of a single concept, such as an object or in action.
But now, it is very often that flashcard has both such as picture and word that
printed on it. Mokhammad Nizam said that this type is considered more
beneficial than the previous two sorts because it does not only give concrete
visual imagery but also word spelling, (Nizam: Surabaya 2009). It means that
flashcard that consists of the picture and word on it is more useful and interested
because through flashcard the students will know the spelling of the word and
colorful picture will provide concrete illustration to the students. It will make the
students are motivated. Then, flashcard can reinforce the writing skill of the
students such as the students are asked to compose words, making sentences or
paragraphs until finally forming essay or article through flashcard.
d. Chalkboard
Most of the time teachers do make special effort to use the chalkboard
effectively, for lesson elements that develop from simple to complex ideas.
Students often to do practice work directly on the board. Students add symbols,
carts, maps, or outlines at just right time to emphasize the content involved. Some
solve arithmetic problems while walking at desks. Chalkboard can provide
immediate feedback and information on accuracy of the work and knowledge of
e. Puppets
Puppets are very popular among children. They have been popular for hundreds
of years because they are so much fun. Teachers can move them around and
make them talk, dace, and walk, just like actors in a play. Some simple puppets
are very easy to make. These can be paper bag puppets, glove puppets, stick
puppets, hand puppets, or finger puppets.
f. Charts
Wall charts of many types have been used successfully for years. They have great
advantages for oral practice. They keep the attention of a whole class together on
the same stimulus, whereas individual pictures in the student’s books tend to
scatter the attention of the class. Charts can be used repeatedly in full daylight,
while others aids require electric connections, darkening of room, special
equipment, etc.
g. Graphs
Graphs show numerical or proportional relationship that can enable readers to
graphs quickly and accurately the specific meaning of messes of complex data.
Nearly any list of figures can be made into graph that is understandable to even
unsophisticated readers.
h. Models
There are many advantages in real things in instructions, not the least of which is
that students became familiar with objects are part of their environment and relate
to their problems and activities. In many deferent ways in which real things can
be used for instructional purposes, each student will study to manipulate the
object practice with them, and use them to discover their characteristic,
operational actions, or behaviors.
9. Some media in teaching reading
A newsletter is an informal printed report, which is distributed to members of a particular
group in order to share information. A newsletter can be useful to promote good public
relations, offering evidence that the school, college or other organization is working hard to
achieve its targets. To keep a record of newsletters you have made, punch holes in them and
store them in a special file. Printing costs can be funded through selling advertising space or
asking local businesses to sponsor a page. Careful budget control is necessary. Like
pamphlets, newsletters are easier to produce if you know how to use and have access to a
computer and a desktop publishing (DTP) programme.
10. Some media in teaching writing
Many of us know that with practice comes perfection, especially when it comes to writing.
The more we write, the better we become as writers. Social media can be a tool where
students are encouraged to use their creativity combined with personal expression to improve
and strengthen their writing. For examples are blog, twitter, instagram.
11. A message is a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for
consumption by some recipient or group of recipients. A message may be delivered
by various means, including courier, telegraphy, carrier pigeon and electronic bus. A
message can be the content of a broadcast. An interactive exchange of messages forms
a conversation.
Method is the term teaching method refers to the general principles, pedagogy and
management strategies used for classroom instruction.
Media education in general, is a teaching and learning tool. Everything that can be
used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns and abilities or skills of learners so as to
facilitate the process of learning. This limitation is quite broad and includes in-depth
understanding of the source, the environment, human beings and the method used for
the purpose of learning / training.
12. 4 roles of media in instructional process
Instruction : The arrangement of information and the environment to facilitate
learning. Example : Computer mediated instruction.
Learning : The development of new knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Exanple :
Audio media cassettes.
Media : A channel of communication. Example : Computer projection..
Methods : The procedures of instruction that are selected to help learners
achieve the objectives or to internalize the content or message. Example : broadcast
Reference : http://itchybon1.tripod.com/hrd/id35.html

13. - The material have to be appropriate and support instructional objectives.

- The material have is appropriate to the level of education or development of
students in general.
- Determine the learning material must be compatible with the order of
- The material is continued while playing attention to continuity.
Reference : http://dianramadani150393.blogspot.com/2012/12/pemilihan-
materi- pelajaran.html

14. Five basic steps in utilizing instructional materials

(Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate)

1. Analyze

As with most things, you must first figure out what it is you’re setting out to do.  This
step usually involves a needs analysis, an examination of the need that you’re aiming
to meet through instruction.  What resources are available to you (time, financial
constraints, human resources, etc)?  What is the current situation and where does it
need to be taken?  In the case of designing instruction, skills (or a lack of them) is the
focus.  The main point of the Analyze step is to discover the current situation and
identify the desired goal.

2. Design

This step involved breaking down (or “chunking”) the goal into a set of major
objectives or milestones, each usually containing a set of smaller objectives
within.  Each of the small objectives will lead to major objectives, the sum of these
then leading to the goal identified by the Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the Analyze
step.  Think of a tree with many roots, all with smaller sections connecting at larger
nodes, each of those eventually intersecting and meeting at the base of the tree.  This
also lends to modularity/granularity in instruction, allowing for the elimination or
substitution of certain parts without the entire system falling to pieces.  The
assessments or milestones are also drawn out here, defining how the effectiveness of
the instruction will be checked.

3. Develop
Here the IDs lay out the learning materials, content and activities.  Prototypes and
wireframes of the learning materials, which are really just vehicles to transmit the
content, are outlined and tested with small target groups.  Many revisions occur
within this step based on feedback from the prototype testing.  The teacher-training
materials are also developed here, which is sadly one of the more overlooked parts of
instruction development.  The teachers on the ground (for which I have the upmost
respect) benefit greatly from thorough yet concise “this is how you can reach your
learners” aids and guides.

4. Implement

This is the delivery and support step.  The instruction has been developed, worked
over, aligned and realigned to meet the needs of the target population.  The materials
are handed over to the instructors and/or made accessible (learning management
system, platform, etc).  Cross your fingers and hope all the work you put into the
instruction design is going to translate into effective and efficient delivery of the
content.  Well, there really shouldn’t be a whole lot of finger crossing if the
Development step was thorough, but it never hurts

5. Evaluate

So, how did it go?  You won’t really know until this step.  Using formative evaluation
(what did the learners think?) and summative evaluation (how did the learners
actually perform based on the instruction?), IDs develop a plan for revisions to the
instruction.  As new content is collected, expanding the breadth and depth of the
subject that can be covered in, IDs lay out a maintenance plan that will grow the
course and adapt it to the new resources and factors.

Reference : https://billymeinke.wordpress.com/2012/08/01/easy-instructional-design-

15. Input strategy: helps students to crack codes, or "read" visually proficiently by
practicing visual analysis skills. (For example, through image analysis and film and
video program discussions).
Output strategy: helps students to encode, or "write", visually, to express themselves
and communicate with others. (For example, through planning and producing photo
and video presentations).
Reference :( Michael, mhlanga : 2015. Visual Literacy )
16. A method, in the context of object-oriented programming, is a procedure or function
associated with a class. As part of a class, a method defines a particular behavior of a
class instance. A class can have more than one method.
Media is the plural form of medium, which (broadly speaking) describes any channel
of communication.
 Context
Context in the form of conditions that support when communication takes place. In order
for communication to be effective, the right context becomes the thing that attracts the
attention of the audience.
 Continuity and Consistency
In order for communication to succeed, the message or information needs to be conveyed
continuously or continuously
 Capability of Audience
Communication can be said to be successful if the recipient of the message understands
and does what is contained in the contents of the message
 Clarity
A clear message alias does not cause various interpretations is the key to successful
communication. Clarity of information is an important thing that can reduce and avoid
the risk of misunderstanding in the audience.
17. In creating visual design we need to consider several things
 Unity/ Harmony
According to Alex White, author of The Elements of Graphic Design, to achieve
visual unity is a main goal graphic design
 Balance
It is a state of equalized tension and equilibrium, which may not always be calm.
 Hierarchy
A good design contains elements that lead the reader through each element in order
of its significance
 Scale/ proposition
Using the relative size of elements against each other can attract atention to a focal
 Dominance/ emphasis
Dominance is created by contrasting size, positioning, color, style, or shape
 Similarity and contrast
Planning a consistent and similar design is a important aspect of a designer’s work to
make their focal point visible.
18. The advantages and limitations of printed material in instruction
Advantages Limitations
  Availability   Reading level
  Flexibility   Prior knowledge
  Portability   Memorization
  User friendly   Vocabulary
  Economical   One-way presentation
  Curriculum determination
  Cursory appraisal

Using Non-projected visuals

a. Abundant and easily obtainable
b. Requires no electricity
c. Appropriate for low budget
d. Not much artistic ability is required
e. Can be used in many ways at all levels of instruction and disciplines
f. Used stimulate creative expression such as tell stories or writing stories.
g. Many of them can be converted into projected
h. Some of them can be projected through an opaque projector.
a. Durability: it is easy to damage with regular learner use it. There is a problem to keep
to non-projected visuals-storage.
b. May be too small for grup viewing: non-projected visuals are not suitable use for
group because they are small.
19. Posters
Posters are easy to produce .They are used to catch and hold the viewer's attention at
least long enough to communicate a brief message quickly for a new topic or a special
Cartoons are very popular and familiar visual design. Cartoons are also easily and
quickly read and appeal to learners of all ages. You can use cartoons to reinforce a
point of instruction.
20. Teaching media that my senior high school teacher used audio, audio visual, flash card,
visual silent.

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