Assessing The Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of A State University in Southern Philippines

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Assessing the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives

of a State University in Southern Philippines
Albert A. Villanca, Bernadette S. Binayao, Maria Zaida D. Caterial, Vilma C. Ablanque
Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon 8700

Abstract:- This study assessed the clarity of statements plans, programs, activities, lessons, reports done by the
of the vision, mission goals and objectives (VMGO) of university, these are always in consonance with its Vision,
the Bukidnon State University and to what degree Mission, Goals and Objectives.
VMGO is disseminated and accepted by the
stakeholders. It also assessed the perception of the Each institution has its own VMGO based on their
stakeholders through documentary analysis with regard judgment as to what the institution should do or accomplish.
to its congruency to the actual educational practices and These VMGO are unique in nature and vary from one
activities. This study used a descriptive method of institution to another, because each institution has its own
research primarily using a survey questionnaire along perspective, focus and ways of implementation.
with the Focus Group Discussion and Interview. Data
were analyzed quantitatively using mean and standard Bukidnon State University being a dynamic agent of
deviation. FDG and interview responses were also used change and transformation, regularly updates and revises its
to substantiate the findings. The study revealed that the VMGO through assemblies, consultative meetings with the
VMGO is very much clear among the stakeholders and administration, faculty, students, alumni and other
that their level of dissemination and acceptability is to a stakeholders.
great extent. It also showed that generally the
stakeholders strongly agreed that VMGO is congruent to An institution cannot develop quality education
the educational activities of the University. Result of the without assessing the understanding and acceptability of
careful examination of the syllabi and interview with the these vision and COE’s mission, goals and objectives of the
stakeholders also revealed that indeed there is BEE and BSE programs. In 2009, another study was
congruency. conducted by Martinez, et. al to further evaluate the “ extent
to which the BEE program outcomes are achieved through
Keywords:- Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives (VMGO), internalization of values in education and understanding and
Clarity, Dissemination and Acceptability and Congruency. acceptance of the Vision, COE’s Mission, Goals and
Objectives of BEE and BSE Programs”. Assessing the
I. INTRODUCTION VMGO of the University and the College of Teacher
Education as to the clarity of statements, dissemination and
Assessment of the vision, mission, goals and acceptability of the VMGO to the different stakeholders, and
objectives(VMGO)is an indispensible activity of any whether there is congruency between the VMGO and the
institution may it be academic or non-academic. It is on actual practices and activities of the school is very
assessing the VMGO that an institution will know the extent important, hence, the intent of this study.
of achievement to one’s vision and mission. As practiced,
accrediting teams examine and evaluate the institutions  Conceptual Framework
based on their stated VMGO. Clearly, VMGO is the most This study is anchored on the idea that institution of
fundamental and the guiding principle for the success of the learning should have a well defined and functional VMGO
institution’s operation. The institutions are assessed in a to serve as its anchorage for quality education. Having clear
holistic manner but are composed of different areas. The and well formulated VMGO will help ensure that schools
VMGO are displayed in conspicuous places and utilizes can continue to perform their functions, thus shaping the
different manner of dissemination for the general public’s aspirations of its constituents in a rapidly changing world
knowledge or awareness. In this manner, the general public (Doronilla, 1992).
will know if the institutions implement the different
programs that they have set, based on the VMGO. Bukidnon State University is not exempted in
formulating and presenting its vision and mission to the
The Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and academic community as well as to the outside community.
Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) helps strengthen The formulation of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and
the school’s Vision, Philosophy and Mission because it Objectives of Bukidnon State University underwent several
gives importance to this area. In fact, this is the area of discussions, consultations, and revisions prior to its printing
concern during the accreditation process. This is just and implementation. The academic and non-academic
appropriate because it is from the VMGO of the university community, the student body and other stakeholders of BSU
where the assessment will always be referred to. Whatever were consulted in the process of finalizing the vision and

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
mission. This illustrates how relevant these vision, mission, different stakeholders, and Part 3 assessed whether the
goals and objectives to the school because it serves as the stated VMGOs are congruent with the actual educational
foundation where all the curricular programs, objectives, practices and activities of the school.
activities and of the general operation of the school are
based. A total of two hundred ninety-six (296) stakeholders
served as participants which consisted Ten (10) University
Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual framework of the officials and faculty, sixteen (16) non-teaching staff, two
study. From the schema, the first frame illustrates the BSU’s hundred thirty-five (235) students, twenty (20)alumni and
VMGO as assessed by the participants, namely: the fifteen (15) other stakeholders that included parents and
administration and faculty, students, alumni, parents and indigenous people representatives. All participants were
other stakeholders. The assessment will be done in terms of randomly selected except the indigenous peoplewho were
clarity of the stated statements, dissemination and purposively chosen.
acceptability of VMGO by various stakeholders, and
congruency of actual educational practices and activities on The main research instrument employed was a survey
the mission, goals and objectives of the College of Teacher questionnaire mainly closed but some open-ended questions
Education. are provided every after part. Items were patterned from the
survey instrument of the AACCUP (2009). The closed
questions were primarily in the form of five-point Likert
scale while the open-ended left blank spaces for additional
comments and suggestions from the participants. This made
this study a mixed method combining quantitative and
qualitative analysis. Darbi (2012), Analui and Karami
(2002) in their previous researches related to this study used
this research instrument.

Focus group discussion and semi-structured interview

were also conducted to specifically answer how the mission,
goals and objectives of the College of Education were
Fig 1:- Schematic Diagram of the Study congruent in terms of the implementation of the actual
educational practices and activities.
Mean and standard deviation were utilized to help in
This study aimed at assessing the clarity, the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data
dissemination and acceptability, and congruency of the through the aid of the Minitab statistical software.
University’s Vision and the mission, goals and objectives of Responses from focus group discussion and interviews were
the College of Teacher Education. Specifically, it sought to: also used to substantiate and served as basis in coming up
(1) determine the extent of clarity of the statement on the with realistic findings and conclusions about the vision and
vision, mission, goals; and objectives of the University; mission of the university and the mission, goals and
(2) determine the degree/level of dissemination and objectives of the College of Education.
acceptability of VMGO by the following stakeholders:
administrators and faculty; staff; students andother IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
stakeholders; and
(3) assess the extent of congruency between the actual  Extent of Clarity of the VMGO
educational practices and activities on the following: Table 1 shows that the extent of clarity of statements
mission of the University; goals of the College of of vision and mission of Bukidnon State University and the
Education; and objectives of the BSE and BEE goals of the College of Teacher Education is very much
Programs. clear. This means that the vision of the University which is
to be “a premier institution of higher learning in teacher
III. METHODOLOGY education, sciences and humanities” is highly indicative of
what it hopes to become in the future. The mission of the
This study used descriptive method of research. University “to develop competitive professionals who are
Participants of the study included the different stakeholders: committed to build a sustainable life for all through quality
the faculty, students, parents, alumni and community people. instruction, research, extension, and production” is also
They were gathered in one place and were asked to revisit highly reflective of its legal and educational mandates as
the vision and mission of the University and the mission, prescribed in its own charter, the Republic Act 9456 as well
goals and objectives of the College of Education. A as in the Republic Act 8292 or the Higher Education
questionnaire checklist patterned from the AACCUP Modernization Act of 1997. This is also true to the goals and
instrument on the assessment of VMGO was given and were objectives of the College of Teacher Education which
responded individually. The questionnaire consisted of essentially have to anchor to the mission of the University.
three parts: Part 1 determined the VMGO as to the extent of Correspondingly, program outcomes of the College and the
clarity of statements to various stakeholders, Part 2 assessed program goals of both the BEEd and BSEd have clearly
as to the degree of dissemination and acceptability by the stated the expected outcomes in terms of competencies,

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
values and other attributes the graduates would have after 4- understandable by any layman and if found some statements
5 years in the college. which they could hardly understand, they have to suggest
for appropriate replacement or revision of the term or
The said results which indicate high level of clarity statement. One participant was quoted saying, “the
among the VMGO statements could be very well attributed statements are very much clear, no wonder BukSU was able
to the constant and periodic review and revisions of the said to produce very good teachers not only for Bukidnon but
statements with the participation of all the stakeholders of also abroad.” This remark is a manifestation that BuKSU –
the University including even the indigenous people of the being a premier state university in the province is really
province. During consultative meetings, all stakeholders capable of producing graduates who can compete nationally
were asked whether the statements are clear and easily and internationally.

Statements Mean sd Q.D.

The Vision and Mission statements, Goals and Objectives are printed in 4.69 0.54 Great extent
bulletin boards, catalogues/manuals and other forms of communication
media and readily available.

The Administration and Faculty

The administrators/faculty members are aware of the Vision and Mission of 4.65 0.53 Great extent
the Institution, and the Goals and Objectives of the College of Teacher
The faculty understand and accept the Objectives of the program. 4.62 0.58 Great extent
There is faculty participation in the formulation, review and/or revision of 4.68 0.54 Great extent
the VMGO.
Sub-total 4.65 0.55 Great extent

The Staff
The staff are aware of the Vision and Mission of the Institution, and the 4.67 0.50 Great extent
Goals and Objectives of the College and the program respectively.
There is staff participation in the formulation, review and/or revision of the 4.65 0.55 Great extent
The staff accepts the responsibility of realizing the objectives that are 4.65 0.53 Great extent
relevant to their particular work.
Sub-total 4.66 0.53 Great extent

The Students
The students are aware of the Vision and Mission of the Institution. 4.76 0.43 Great extent
The students understand and accept the Objectives (Outcomes) of their 4.74 0.50 Great extent
There is student participation in the formulation, review and/or revision of 4.70 0.46 Great extent
the VMGO.
Sub-total 4.73 0.46 Great extent

Other Stakeholders
Representatives of cooperating agencies, linkages, alumni, industry 4.63 0.53 Great extent
representatives, and other concerned organizations/groups participate in the
formulation, review, and/or revision of the VMGO.
The cooperating agencies, linkages, alumni, industry sector, and other 4.64 0.53 Great extent
concerned groups are aware of and generally accept the VMGO.
The VMGO are widely disseminated to the different agencies, institutions, 4.70 0.49 Great extent
industry sector, and the community as a whole.
Sub-total 4.66 0.52 Great extent
General 4.64 0.53 Great extent
Table 1

Another factor that could be attributed to this high community can now understand better what do vision and
extent of clarity is the translation of vision and mission mission statements mean to them. What is even more
statements into several languages such Filipino, Cebuano appreciative is that they can already make comments and
and Binukid which are more comprehensible for the local suggestions for the improvement of the vision and mission
residents in the community. With the translations, external statements. One Cebuano local resident was quoted saying,
stakeholders like those who belong to the lower strata of the “Aw, kini mao ang mas patsada kay mas nakasabot nako

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
unsa jud ang katuyoan sa BSU para sa atong lugar” which this city, another local resident when asked about the
means that this translation is much better since he can now Binukid translation responded saying, “Kini ang mas klaro
better understand what BSU’s mission is all about for the kay nakasabot nako kay gihubad naman sa among sinultian
community.Darbi (2012) is very explicit in saying that ug mas nabati nako nga apil jud diay mi sa Bukidnon State
mission statements must be translated into many languages University diha sa Malaybalay.”Said statement means that
and cultures to have it widely understood and shared. This this translation is much clear and that this man can now
becomes a shared mission among the stakeholders. In fact, better understand due to the translation of vision and
during a visit to the extension site in Brgy Capitan Angel mission statements into their own dialect.

 Level of Dissemination and Acceptability of the VMGO

Statements Mean Sd Q.D.

The Vision clearly reflects what the institution hopes to become in 4.76 0.43 Very much clear
the future
The Mission clearly reflects the institution’s legal and educational 4.74 0.50 Very much clear
The Goals are clearly stated and are consistent with the Mission of 4.70 0.46 Very much clear
the Institution
The Objectives clearly state the expected outcomes in terms of 4.65 0.46 Very much clear
competencies (skills and knowledge), values and other attributes of
the graduates which include the development of:
Technical skills in teaching; 4.69 0.49 Very much clear
Research and extension capabilities; 4.63 0.53 Very much clear
Students’ own ideas, desirable attitudes and personal 4.61 0.52 Very much clear
Moral character; 4.64 0.53 Very much clear
Critical thinking skills; and 4.70 0.49 Very much clear
Aesthetic and cultural values. 4.61 0.49 Very much clear
The VMGO contains the following provisions for training of globally Very much clear
competitive teachers who are:
Imbued with ideals of Philippine file; 4.43 0.63 Very clear
Equipped with pedagogical knowledge and skills; 4.52 0.61 Very clear
Effective empathizers of organized knowledge to allow 4.57 0.57 Very clear
analytical and critical thinking;
Efficient facilitators of learning; 4.70 0.51 Very much clear
Committed humanists. 4.67 0.55 Very much clear
The VMGO contains the following provisions to meet professional 4.68 0.56 Very much clear
General 4.64 0.53 Very much clear
Table 2:- Level of Dissemination and Acceptability of the VMGO

Table 2 shows that dissemination and acceptability of feedbacks for the improvement of the vision and mission
the vision and mission of the Bukidnon State University and statements.
the goals and objectives of the College of Education is to a
great extent.This implies that there is deep understanding It can be noted that the university is constantly
and acceptability among the stakeholders including the conducting strategic planning every year. The basic purpose
indigenous peoples who explicitly expressed that they of having this is to revisit and revise the vision and mission
definitely can understand and they accept what the vision, of the University to ensure relevance to its mandates.
mission statements of the University as well as the goals and University key officials, unit heads, faculty members and
objectives of the College of Education. This also means that even student representatives were all involved to participate
dissemination of the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives in this activity. In fact, during the last strategic planning in
was widely disseminated and received by the different June 2016, the University’s vision and mission were totally
stakeholders through consultative meetings, fora, billboards, revised to keep abreast to the call for internationalizations,
printed bulletin of information and other resource materials. Kto12 program, Outcomes-Based Education, Asean
The effort of the VMGO committee is also worth Economic Community (AEC) Integration, among others.
mentioning when they conducted site visit to the public
market, plaza and IP community just to disseminate the In the past, sectoral meetings and fora with the
vision and mission of the Bukidnon State University which different stakeholders were also held separately to ensure
turned out to be fruitful as they were able to gather understanding and acceptability of VMGO. It is on these
meetings that the idea of translating the English version into

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
several dialects cropped up. One participant even expressly validity of the translated Filipino version. Since the Binukid
set out her suggestions saying that in order for better version needed more time to translate, as it is needed to be
understanding of the VMGO to the local residents including properly channelled through the National Commission on
the indigenous peoples in the locality, it must be translated Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), the same was first translated
to Cebuano and even Binukid. and contextualized by an IP Community Relations Officer
of which after undergoing several referrals and examination
To carry out the aforementioned recommendation, a – the process and procedure of which strictly followed NCIP
team was organized primarily to translate the vision and rules in translation was finally validated during the IP
mission of the University into Filipino and Cebuano Month celebration last October 2015 where majority of the
dialects. The Filipino version was appropriately referred to IP chieftains of different tribes were around.
the Komisyon ng Wika at Kultura which determined the

 Extent of Congruency and Implementation of the VMGO

Statements Mean sd Q.D.

There is congruency between actual educational practices and activities
in all of the following:
Mission of the Bukidnon State University; 4.67 0.50 Strongly Agree
Goals of the College of Education; and 4.66 0.50 Strongly Agree
Objectives of the Teacher Education Program. 4.67 0.50 Strongly Agree
There is evidence that the goals and objectives are being achieved. 4.67 0.52 Strongly Agree
General 4.67 0.51 Strongly Agree
Table 3:- Congruency and Implementation

Table 3 illustrates the congruency between the actual who is teaching major subject said that “to ensure that our
educational practices and activities of the BSE and BEE students will get the right training from our subject, we first
programs to the vision and mission of the University and the teach through modelling by showing and demonstrating how
goals and objectives of the College of Education. The table to do the skills and then we allowed them to simulate what it
shows that the stakeholders strongly agree that the actual is like to be real teacher in our classroom”. This practice is
educational practices and activities are congruent and also true to all teachers who are handling major subjects
aligned with the vision and mission of the institutions. The because it is only through proper modelling that
faculty demonstrates in their teaching the VMGO and the competencies are properly transferred to these students.
philosophy of the institution. The formulation of the goals
and objectives including the BSEd and BEEd programs is It is worthy to take notice that for the past several
guided by the mission of the University. years already, the University through the College of
Education have successfully forged partnerships with the
The educational practices and activities under the four various local, national and international partners. The
functions; instruction, research, extension, and production partnership with Anubanchonburi School and Watboonyasri
are congruent with the mission and objectives of the Thumrurat Upathum School in Thailand and Manado
institution. This is highly evident in the different materials International School in Indonesia are among the
of the faculty and outputs of students such as instructional international linkages where pre-service studentsare sent to
materials, researches, and community and extension take their on-the-job trainings, while some faculty are sent
involvements both by the faculty and students. An to serve as resource speakers for the seminars they have
extensive and careful examination of the different syllabi of organized. Correspondingly, some partner-teachers have
both BEEd and BSEd programs revealed that indeed what come to the Bukidnon State University since 2014 to receive
they are reflecting in their learning plan are actually aligned trainings as extension project of the institution.
with what is to be attained in consonance with the VMGO
statements. However, to validate this alignment, the In a semi-structured interview conducted to the alumni
researchers really took time to interview with the different of the College who are now occupying key positions as
faculty in-charge for each major or unit in the BEED and school principal and directors in the privates schools
BSEd curricula which revealed that true enough these situated in the City, they are one in saying that indeed our
teachers really did these activities in their classes to ensure graduates are globally competitive. One alumnus responded
alignment and attainment of the VMGO. In an interview saying that: “BukSu has given the graduates the opportunity
with a certain faculty regarding congruency, what she said not only for local but has a choice to go international”. This
was, “In order for me and my classes to attain the Desired remark is very true in the sense that a good number of
Learning Outcomes of the College, I have to ensure that my graduates have immediately found employment in the public
activities provided to the students are well within the goals and private schools in the country as well as abroad. This is
of the course considering the knowledge, skills and values supported by another school principal who said that: “Yes,
that my students have to learn after my class.”Her answer is because some of the teachers from Heights Kinderland are
very true as evidenced by the different learning materials now employed outside the country. During the hiring of the
she used in her classes. This is reinforced by another faculty teachers, there were plenty of applicants from other schools

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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
but we prefer product from BukSU because they are 4. Finally, future research undertakings similar to the
articulate when teaching, their communication skills is studymay be conducted by other colleges of the
good, they are well equipped and can compete University.
globally”.This means that there is a strong evidence that the
mission of the University to develop globally competitive ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
professionals is highly achieved.
The researchers would like to express its sincere
V. FINDINGS thanks to the people who helped in one way or another
finished this research. Their colleagues, families, friends and
The findings of the study are as follows: loved ones provided the much needed support for the
1. The extent of clarity of vision and mission of the fulfilment of this study. The researchers are very grateful to
Bukidnon State University and the goals and objectives the University administration headed by Dr. Oscar B.
statements of the College of Education is very much Cabañelez for the assistance extended in helping make this
clear among the different stakeholders; research come into reality.
2. Dissemination and acceptability of the vision and mission
of the Bukidnon State University and the goals and REFERENCES
objectives of the College of Education is to a great
extent; [1]. AACCUP Revised Instrument (2009). The Accrediting
3. Various stakeholders such as administrators and faculty, Agency of Chartered Colleges andUniversities in the
staff, students and other stakeholders have strongly Philippines, Inc.
agreed that indeed there is congruency between the [2]. Analui, F and Karami, A (2002). “CEOs and the
actual educational practices and activities with the development of the meaningful mission statement”,
mission of the Bukidnon State University and the goals Corporate Governance, vol. 2 No. 3 pp. 13-20
and objectives of the College of Education. Result of the [3]. Compelio, Caranto and David (2015). Awareness,
careful examination of the syllabi and interview with the Understanding, and Acceptance of Student Nurses of
stakeholders revealed the same result. the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of Benguet
State University. International Journal of Nursing
[4]. Doronilla, M.L. (1992). Quality and Equity are two
Based on the findings of the study, the following sides of the same coin, UGNAYAN, Philippine
conclusions were drawn: Journal of Higher Education, UP-ERP, NIUFE
1. Since vision, mission, goals and objectives statements are [5]. Darbi (2012). Of Mission and Vision Statements and
very much clear, then, it is highly indicative that VMGO Their Potential Impact on employee Behavior and
statements are highly recognized and understood by the Attitudes: The Case of A Public But Profit-Oriented
different stakeholders. Tertiary Institution International Journal of Business
2. Since VMGO are widely disseminated in various media and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 14 Special Issue – July
and accepted by the different stakeholders, then, it can be 2012
concluded that these stakeholders have lived with it to
help the University attained the statements;
3. Since different stakeholders strongly agreed that there is
congruency between the actual educational practices to
the mission, goals and objectives as evidenced by the
different activities conducted by the University to them,
then, it is ensured that these are being achieved.

Anchored on the conclusions of the study, the

following recommendations were derived:
1. The University and the College concerned should
continuously work for the revision of the vision, mission,
goals and objectives statements to keep abreast with the
calls for internationalization, glocalization, and
Outcomes-Based Education;
2. Awareness, understanding and acceptability of the
VMGO should be continuously done especially to the
first year students, indigenous people of the nearby
localities and other stakeholders;
3. A more standardized congruency matrix reflecting the
suggestive educational practices per objective statement
may be adopted to serve as basis of the faculty when
conducting their educational activities along their
respective curricula;

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