Istory, Ivics & Eography (HCG) : History and Civics Geography
Istory, Ivics & Eography (HCG) : History and Civics Geography
Istory, Ivics & Eography (HCG) : History and Civics Geography
Geography (HCG)
Class VI
Ancient World
‘River Valley Civilizations’ aims at enabling children to understand how our present day
society has evolved. It will help them understand the reasons for development of the
earliest societies near rivers. Children will be aware and appreciate the rich and
flourished civilization on the basis of historical evidences. It will further help to develop
in them a world historical perspective of the contribution made by various cultures to the
heritage of mankind.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify and locate the sites of major river valley civilizations on an outline map of the world;
discuss and understand with reason the development of early civilizations near river beds;
question, discuss and appreciate the sources to know these civilizations;
compare the society then (in the past) and now;
discuss, debate and appreciate the development in early civilizations;
draw a comparative analysis between Indus Valley civilization and the Egyptian civilization;
appreciate the contribution of these civilizations in today’s world.
The River Valley Civilizations
Key Concepts / Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Concerns Processes Resources
study bet ween river valley civilizations
in different parts of the world.
Making models by children based on
the Seal, Great bath (using only
environmental friendly materials) Clay
Preparing a Scrap Book by each child –
pictures related to the civilization.
Enactment of role plays for example:
where children can imagine themselves
as a trader from Harappa on a business
trip and give an account of trading
Making projects (group/individual) on
the Planning in Indus Valley Civilization
/Tracing the rise and decline of the
civilizations in the theme.
Showing the extent of related
civilizations and rivers through Map
Integration: Geography
Life Skills: Appreciation for Heritage
Theme 2: The Vedic Civilization
The aim of the theme ‘Vedic Civilization’ is to acquaint and inform children of India’s
glorious past dating back to 3500 years ago. They will understand and appreciate how
ancient literatures like Vedas and Epics provide an insight into our past and the genesis
of our present day society.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
define the term ‘Vedic’ and list the various literature related to it;
summarize the lifestyle of the Vedic period by relating it to the epics;
discuss and identify the differences and similarities between the early and later Vedic period;
trace the changing position of woman in early and later Vedic society;
analyze and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of India in terms of values, beliefs and
The Vedic Civilization
Key Concepts / Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Concerns Processes Resources
Preparing a Scrap Book by each child
on – Musical Instruments during the
Vedic period.
Using maps to show the spread of the
civilization along Saptsindhu and
Gangetic valley through Map Work.
Enacting Role Plays by children on
the main characters from the
Ramayana & Mahabharata.
Theme 3: Mahavira & Buddha - Great Preachers
The theme on ‘Mahavira and Buddha” will enable children to understand and appreciate
the teachings of Gautam Buddha and Mahavira. It will also develop their understanding
about the importance of Ahimsa and Tolerance which will in turn help them become
responsible citizens.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
explain the teachings and ideologies of the two great preachers;
critically analyze the importance of Ahimsa and tolerance in today’s society.
Theme 4: The Mauryan Empire
The ‘Mauryan Empire’ with special mention of Emperor Ashoka who gave up war provides
an insight into the glorious traditions of non-violence and a welfare state. The children
will get to know about ‘Chanakya’ a famous Indian thinker and appreciate his ideas in
‘Arthashashtra’. It will enable children to understand the relationship between the concept
of Ashoka’s welfare state and present day society.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
infer and illustrate the features of the Mauryan empire through the sources Indica and
Arthashastra and list the notable rulers;
outline the causes and effects of the Kalinga war;
analyze the effects of Ashoka’s ‘Dhamma’ and reflect on the relevance of the teachings of
Dhamma in present day society;
appreciate the public welfare activities of Ashoka.
The Mauryan Empire
Key Concepts / Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Concerns Processes Resources
Encouraging children to write a brief
report on the influences of Buddhism
on Emperor Ashoka.
Theme 5: The Golden Age – Gupta Empire
‘The Golden Age - Gupta Empire’ will provide children an insight into the glorious past of
India owing to advancements in trade, economy, literature, astronomy, Ayurveda, and
mathematics. Interesting pedagogies will help children understand the reasons for this
period of study to be known as the Golden Age in the History of India and they will
appreciate India’s rich heritage.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
draw the extent of Gupta empire on an outline map of India;
discuss and analyze the sources to know about Gupta rulers;
identify and describe the important achievements of the Gupta rulers;
Chandragupta I & II and Samudragupta;
evaluate and appreciate the achievements during the Gupta period to summarize the golden
age of India.
Theme 1: Rural local Self Government
The theme ‘Rural Local Self Government’ aims at children developing an understanding
about the main features and functions of the Panchayati Raj System and other local
bodies in India. Children will be able to understand the functioning of the three tiers of
the Panchayati Raj System.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
describe the Rural local self –Government - Panchayati Raj system;
explain the functions of local government at the village, block and district levels;
appreciate the role played by the local bodies;
initiate responsibilities to help local bodies.
Theme 2: Urban Local Self Government
The theme ‘Urban Local Self Government’ aims at providing information and developing
children’s understanding into the composition and functions of Municipal Corporations.
Transactional processes will help children in taking up responsibilities and solving common
problems in their surroundings. It will enable them to be a proactive citizen who will give
back to society through an understanding of their duties.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
explain the term ‘Metropolitan’ and state the names of four major cities;
locate and identify metropolitan cities on an outline map of India;
describe the functioning of Municipal Corporations;
demonstrate the ability to take initiatives and responsibility in solving community problems
such as sewage, traffic jam, pollution, cleanliness;
create simple awareness programmes in the vicinity on public welfare issues.
Class VI
Theme 1: Representation of Geographical Features
Maps are the basic tools of Geography. In this theme children will learn to identify the
different types of maps and directions on a map through various methods.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify the difference between a map, sketch, plan and globe;
identify directions and the eight cardinal points.
Theme 2: Landforms
Landforms are natural features of the earth surface. In this theme children will be
introduced to and develop an understanding about the forces responsible for the formation
of mountains and valleys, plateaus and plains on the earth. Activities such as map-based
quizzes in the classroom will enhance cooperative learning.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
identify different types of landforms in their immediate surroundings and on visuals;
differentiate between processes of formation of Fold mountains and Block mountains;
discuss the process of formation of Volcanic mountains;
appreciate the importance of mountains in our life;
compare and describe the formation and characteristics of Valleys and Plateaus;
discuss the effects of geography on the history of our country;
understand how landforms affect the lives of people.
Suggested transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
processes resources
Types of landforms; Initiating a discussion about Documentaries.
Mountains and Valleys: what children already know Models of landforms,
processes of formation of about different landforms and World maps and Atlas.
mountains and valleys – building on their previous Diagrams
endogenous and exogenous knowledge and learning. Satellite imageries of
processes Providing opportunities to different landforms.
Mountains: children to draw and colour Other online resources and
Formation of Mountains, maps and make models and Videos.
folding, meaning and diagrams. Quizzes.
characteristics of young fold Discussing the meaning, Children’s experiences.
mountains, distribution of formation and characteristics of
Young Fold Mountains in fold and block mountains.
the world – Rockies, Andes, Comparing the fold, block and
Alps, Great Dividing Range, volcanic mountains.
Himalayas and Atlas Conducting Group /individual
Mountains; Meaning and activity of children listing things
characteristics of Old Fold obtained from mountains.
Mountains, distribution of Discussing the formation and
old fold mountains in the characteristics of rift valleys and
world (Urals, Appalachians, relating them to the river valley
Aravalis). civilizations in past.
Faulting - meaning of Showing documentaries on the
faulting, formation and life of people living in mountains
characteristics of Block and plateaus.
mountains. Conducting a research on the
Importance of mountains minerals found in Deccan
Volcanic mountains: Plateau in India using technology
formation and backed skills.
Suggested transactional Suggested Learning
Key Concepts
processes resources
characteristics (Mount.
Kilimanjaro in Africa and
Conducting a discussion on
comparing life in mountains and
Mt. Fujiyama in Japan) in the plains.
Valleys: Formation and Conducting a class discussion on
characteristics of rift Valley, how geographical features of
distribution of rift valleys in the India have shaped its history.
world - Rhine, Narmada, Nile Discussing the processes of
Plateaus: formation and formation of landforms with the
characteristics, types of plateaus help of audio-visual materials.
(Intermontane and volcanic: Encouraging children to locate
definition and examples), different landforms on an outline
distribution in the world (The map of India and speak about the
Deccan plateau in India, Tibet same. (Referring to the Atlas)
Plateau). Organising quiz competitions in
Plains: formation and the classroom for locating
characteristics, types of plains important landforms on the
(depositional and erosional: world map.
definition and examples).
Landforms and people:
Landforms – impact on the life
of people. (comparison between
life in the mountains and life in
the plains)
Theme 3: Minerals
The theme aims at providing children the knowledge and developing their understanding
about minerals and ores and the need to conserve minerals.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals;
describe the importance of minerals in daily life;
appreciate the need to conserve mineral resources.
Suggested Learning
Key Concepts Suggested transactional processes
Minerals and Ores Initiating a discussion about what Wall maps of the world
(meaning and examples). children already know about map, Atlas.
Types of minerals - minerals and their uses on our daily Internet resources.
metallic and non-metallic life and building on this. Visuals and articles from
Metallic: Iron ore, Asking children to list different items Newspapers, journals,
bauxite, manganese, made of metallic minerals, that they magazines, etc.
copper see in daily life.
Non-Metallic: Lime Explaining the meaning of minerals
stone, mica and and ores followed by examples.
mineral fuels (coal and Engaging children in discussion
petroleum) natural gas about the importance of minerals
Conservation of minerals. and their conservation.
Using articles, newspaper clippings,
videos, etc. for generating discussion
amongst children towards
conversation of non-renewable
minerals and encouraging them to
search for alternatives to these
Theme 4: Study of Continents: North America and South America
This theme is an introduction to the study of the Continents of the world which begins
with the study of North America and South America. Children will be provided a broad
overview of the two continents.
Learning outcomes:
Children will be able to:
locate North America and South America on the world map and in the Atlas;
identify major countries in North America and South America on their respective maps;
locate and identify the major political divisions of North America and South America through
an atlas.
locate and identify the physical features of North America and South America on the map.
List of Map pointing (North America & South America)
Name of the Physical Map Pointing
Continent Features
Mountains Rockies, Appalachians, Sierra Nevada
Plateaus Mexican, Colorado, Columbian, Canadian Shield,
Laurentian plateau
Plains Great Plains, Coastal Plains
Lakes Great Lakes