Weigh in Motion Technology - Economics and Performance Presented at NATMEC '98 Charlotte, North Carolina Presented by Andrew J. Pratt

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Weigh In Motion Technology - Economics and Performance

Presented at NATMEC ’98

Charlotte, North Carolina

Presented by Andrew J. Pratt

Written by:
Rob Bushman
Andrew J. Pratt
Weigh In Motion Technology - Economics and Performance

1. Introduction to WIM Technology and Accuracy

The number of WIM sensors and scales available has increased over the last few years as
attempts are made to increase accuracy and performance and reduce costs. This discussion will
focus on three traditional WIM technologies which are the most widely accepted and used in
North America. The three technologies are Single Load Cell Scale, Bending Plate Scale, and in-
road sensors (Piezoelectric).

For comparison of the performance of these technologies, there are many variables involved.
The performance of any WIM system is dependent on road conditions, road geometry, and
vehicle condition. Therefore the ASTM standards for accuracy will be used for comparison
purposes. The actual performance of any WIM system will vary depending on specific
conditions at the site. At a good site meeting the ASTM site requirements, an accuracy much
higher than those listed here may be achieved. The relative difference in accuracy can still be
expected to exist under these conditions.

Quantifying the accuracy of a WIM system is more difficult than assigning an accuracy to a static
scale. With a static scale, the axle, axle group, or vehicle is placed on the scale. The force of
that axle, axle group, or vehicle is constant while it is motionless on the scale. The only factor
affecting the accuracy of the determined weight is the scale itself. With repeated testing and
calibration, an accuracy level for every vehicle can be determined.

One of the purposes behind the development of WIM technology was the ability to measure the
actual loads being applied to a roadway by a moving truck. It was felt that this would more
accurately represent what the pavement is subjected to than a static weight. However, the
calculated static weight is still the value used in evaluating accuracy and in recording traffic
information. Although there is a definite relationship between static weights and applied loads,
there are many other factors introduced.

The actual load applied by a vehicle includes much more than the weight of the vehicle. As a
vehicle travels, the dynamic load applied to the road varies significantly due to the vehicle
bouncing, acceleration or deceleration, and shifting of the load either physically or just in its
distribution through the suspension system. The combination of all these loading factors is what
is actually measured by a WIM system. In addition to the error in the measuring device which is
also present in a static scale, there is a second error due to the dynamic effects of weighing a
vehicle at high speeds. Figure 1 illustrates the difference between weighing statically and
(Kg) Wd Wd is affected
by many
* speed
* roughness,
* scale error

Time (sec)

Figure 1 - Static and Dynamic Weighing

Various techniques are applied to the WIM weights being measured to minimize the effects of
vehicle dynamics, but they can not be totally eliminated. One important factor is the number of
measurements that can be taken to determine the weight. Very high sampling rates by the system
electronics provide as much information as possible to provide more measurements and a better
definition of the applied loads. In addition, the span over which the measurements are taken is
also significant, and may be one factor for the relative accuracy of the various technologies.
While the actual weighing element of a piezoelectric sensor is measured in fractions of an inch, a
Single Load Cell scale is active over approximately three feet. Referring back to figure 1, the
longer period of analysis will yield a greater section of the loading curve. Even if simple
averaging were the only technique used, the greater the time of measurement would yield a more
accurate result.

Because of the effects of vehicle dynamics, the accuracy level of any WIM system is lower than
that for a static scale used for enforcement weighing. It is also not possible to quote an absolute
accuracy for a WIM scale. Therefore, any WIM accuracy is always quoted as a percentage
accuracy with a confidence level. The confidence level is typically set at either 68% or 95%.
ASTM accuracy uses the 95 % level. This means that 95 % of measured WIM values will fall
within the stated accuracy level.

Piezoelectric Sensors

The most common WIM sensor for data collection purposes is the Piezoelectric sensor. The
basic construction of the typical sensor consists of a copper strand, surrounded by a piezoelectric
material, which is covered by a copper sheath. When pressure is applied to the piezoelectric
material an electrical charge is produced. The sensor is actually embedded in the pavement and
the load is transferred through the pavement. The characteristics of the pavement will therefore
affect the output signal. By measuring and analyzing the charge produced, the sensor can be
used to measure the weight of a passing tire or axle group. There are a number of variations on
the shape, size and packaging of the sensors produced to obtain better results, easier installation,
and longer life. This discussion will treat piezoelectric sensors as a general group, rather than
particular products.

For a complete data collection system, it is common to install two inductive loops and two
piezoelectric sensors in each lane which is being monitored. Installation begins by making a
relatively small cut in the road into which the sensor will be installed. The size of the cut varies
depending on the sensor being installed, but is generally 1”-2” deep and 1” to 2” wide. The
sensor is placed in the sawcut and secured in place by a fast curing grout. A complete lane
installation consisting of two sensors and two loops can be accomplished in less than a full day,
including curing time.

When properly installed and calibrated, a piezoelectric WIM system should be expected to
provide gross vehicle weights that are within 15% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the
trucks measured.

Bending Plate Scale

The bending plate scale uses a different approach to determine vehicle weight. The bending
plate scale consists of two steel platforms which are each 2’ x 6’, placed adjacent to each other to
cover a 12’ lane. The steel plate is instrumented with strain gages at critical points to measure
the strain in the plate as a tire or axle passes over. The measured strain is analyzed to determine
the axle load. The Bending Plate scale is typically installed in a lane with two inductive loops
and an axle sensor to provide vehicle length and axle spacing information.

There are two basic installation methods for a Bending Plate scale. In concrete roadways of
sufficient depth, a shallow excavation is made in the surface of the road. The scale frame is
anchored into place using anchoring bars and epoxy. In asphalt roads or thin concrete roads, it is
necessary to install a concrete foundation for support of the frame. The roadway is cut and
excavated to form a pit of 30” deep by 4’10” wide by 13’10” long. The frame is positioned in
place and then is cast into the concrete to form a secure and durable foundation for the scale.

Installing a complete lane of scales, loops and axle sensor can be accomplished in a day using the
shallow excavation method and in 3 days using the concrete vault.

When properly installed and calibrated, Bending Plate WIM system should be expected to
provide gross vehicle weights that are within 10% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the
trucks measured.

Single Load Cell Scale

The Single Load Cell Scale consists of two weighing platforms with a surface size of 6’ by 3’2”,
placed adjacent to each other to fully cover a normal 12’ traffic lane. A single hydraulic load cell
is installed at the center of each platform to measure the force applied to the scale. The load
measurements are recorded and analyzed by the system electronics to determine tire and axle

The installation of a single load cell scale requires the use of a concrete vault, as explained
earlier for the bending plate scale. The size of vault required is slightly larger, measuring 165”
by 58” by 34”.
The Single Load Cell scale is typically installed in a lane with two inductive loops and an axle
sensor to provide vehicle length and axle spacing information. Installing a complete lane of
scales, loops and axle sensor can be accomplished in 3 days.

When properly installed and calibrated, Single Load Cell WIM system should be expected to
provide gross vehicle weights that are within 6% of the actual vehicle weight for 95% of the
trucks measured.

2. Comparison of WIM Technology Costs

The operation and expected performance of the various technologies has been explained. In
order to evaluate which technology is most appropriate, the cost of each technology must also be
considered. However, there are many factors to include in the cost of a WIM technology beyond
the equipment cost or the installation cost. Other factors to consider include the expected life,
maintenance cost, and replacement cost.

The three technologies will be evaluated based on a life cycle cost basis. For comparison, the
equipment and installation costs will be for the in-road equipment only. The cost of the
electronics, cabinet, power supply, telephone connection, and road preparation are assumed to be
relatively constant, regardless of the technology used. The initial installation includes the
equipment supply, installation by a local contractor, and installation supervision and calibration
by a vendor representative.

In order for any WIM system to perform consistently and reliably it should be maintained. It is
recommended that scheduled maintenance visits occur at least semi-annually, with calibration
occurring at each visit. The cost of a calibration vehicle is not included, since all systems will
require the use of a calibration vehicle. One of the maintenance visits can be a visual inspection
and calibration check. The other visit should include an in depth on road inspection as well as a
calibration check.

Other assumptions for the purposes of the comparison are noted for each technology. This
comparison takes into account only direct costs for the work and equipment to provide the WIM
data. Associated factors such as road deterioration and repair, traffic delay costs, and data
reliability are not considered.

There are many variable which may affect the cost of installing and maintaining a system of this
type including site conditions, site location, contractor installation costs, and traffic control
requirements. The actual cost will vary for each specific application, so these numbers should be
used for relative comparison of the technologies only.

Piezoelectric Sensors

The approximate cost to supply and install one lane of piezoelectric WIM is $9,000. Two Class
1 sensors, two inductive loops, and one temperature sensor are supplied for each lane of data
collection. A vendor representative to supervise installation, a subcontractor to perform the
installation work, and traffic control are also included.
After a successful installation, it is assumed that the entire system will have a life of 4 years,
after which time the in road equipment will be replaced. During the 4 year life of the system,
sensor failures are assumed as follows:
5% in year one
15% in year two
25% in year three
Replacement in year four
The cost associated with sensor failure are calculated as a percentage of the original installation
cost. Over the life of the system, the semi-annual maintenance and calibration visits also occur.

When all these costs are calculated over a 12 year cycle, using the Net Present Value of each
cost, the cost per year of operation in present dollars is $4,750 per year per lane.

Bending Plate WIM

A Bending Plate WIM system consists of two weigh pads in an installation frame, two inductive
loops, and an axle sensor. The installation can be either a concrete vault in an asphalt or
concrete roadway or a shallow excavation in concrete. The shallow excavation is assumed for
the installation cost of the system. A vendor representative to supervise installation, a
subcontractor to perform the installation work, and traffic control are also included. The
approximate cost for a fully installed lane of Bending Plate WIM is $21,500.

A Bending Plate WIM system is generally more durable than a piezoelectric installation, so a life
of 6 years is assumed for the in road equipment. In addition to the scale itself being more
durable, the installation is less dependent on the conditions of the roadway and less affected by

Regular six month maintenance visits are assumed for the Bending Plate system. In addition to
these maintenance visits a cost for sensor replacement or repair, based on the original installation
cost, is included. The cost due to sensor failure or repair were estimated as follows:
4% in year one
6% in year two
8% in year three
10% in year four
15% in year five
Replacement in year six

When all these costs are calculated over a 12 year cycle, using the Net Present Value of each
cost, the cost per year of operation for a Bending Plate Weigh In Motion data collection system,
in present dollars, is $6,400 per year per lane.

Single Load Cell WIM

A Single Load Cell WIM system consists of two weigh pads in an installation frame, two
inductive loops, and an axle sensor. The installation consists of casting the scale frame into a
concrete vault in both asphalt and concrete roadways. A vendor representative to supervise
installation, a subcontractor to perform the installation work, and traffic control are also
included. The approximate cost for a fully installed lane of Single Load Cell WIM is $48,700.
A Single Load Cell scale is the most durable of the WIM technologies with an expected life of 12
years for the scale mechanism. A major overhaul of the scale after 6 years is included in the
costing to provide high performance over the entire 12 year period. Since all single load cell
scales are installed using a concrete vault installation, the integrity of the installation is not
affected by the deterioration of the surrounding roadway.

Regular six month maintenance visits are assumed for the Single Load Cell system. In addition
to these maintenance visits a cost for sensor and scale replacement or repair, based on the
original installation cost, is included. The cost due to sensor failure or repair were estimated as
4% of equipment cost per year over the life of the scale
A major overhaul in year six

When all these costs are calculated over a 12 year cycle, using the Net Present Value of each
cost, the cost per year of operation for a Single Load Cell Weigh In Motion data collection
system, in present dollars, is $8,300 per year per lane.


Three basic types of Weigh In Motion technology have been considered on the basis of accuracy
and cost. The accuracy assumed according to ASTM standards for each technology are outlined
below. In addition, some of the key figures regarding the cost of the system are also included.
These costs are the direct costs of the inroad equipment only and do not include related conduit
work, system electronics, time delays, etc.

Piezoelectric Bending Plate Single Load Cell

Accuracy (95% +/- 15 % +/- 10 % +/- 6 %
Expected Life 4 Years 6 Years 12 Years
Initial Installation $9,000 $21,500 $48,700
Annual Life Cycle $4,750 $6,400 $8,300

These are some of the factors that should be considered and planned for when installing a data
collection system. There is no single system that is right for every application. A careful
consideration of the accuracy required, the anticipated road usage, and the convenience of
maintenance should be taken into consideration. In addition factors such as lane closure costs,
pavement life, and traffic delay costs should also be considered.

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