How Lit Am I
How Lit Am I
How Lit Am I
Ku August 22,2019
I- AB Literature (Eng) ENLIT 12
Of the many pastimes that occupied me as a child, sadly reading books wasn’t that high
on my list. In fact, I almost hated reading books. I always found it irrelevant and found it hard to
concentrate whenever I had to read a book. I never thought it would have any significance to my
life and so was never able to immerse my childhood with literature. As a child I was very
interested in light novels and comics but hardly ever read any actual books. So sadly, when asked
the question “How Lit Am I?”, my answer would have to be “not lit enough”.
It wasn’t until my 2nd year of senior high that my interest in literature sparked. It wasn’t
because of a sudden epiphany or great event. I tried to impress a girl I liked. She was really into
reading fictional books like Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar children and I ended up reading
the entire series just to impress her. Due to this, I indirectly got into literature. Sadly, that failed
to impress her but what it succeeded in doing was helping me realize how great reading books
can be. From then on, I read more books and was able to expand my reach from fictional to non-
fictional and some poetry books as well.
Even after all of this, I understand I am “not lit enough”. I haven’t read enough books to
call myself “lit”. I haven’t familiarized myself with enough genres to call myself “lit” and I
know I don’t have enough knowledge about books to call myself “lit”. But what I do know is
that my love for literature is not a fluke. I know I am not good enough to consider myself a “lit
person” but that is the exact reason why I chose A.B. Literature as my pre-law course. I may not
be, good with literature but A.B. Literature is my course because I want to be good with