Error-Prone Abbreviations Symbols Dose Designations: List Of,, and
Error-Prone Abbreviations Symbols Dose Designations: List Of,, and
Error-Prone Abbreviations Symbols Dose Designations: List Of,, and
**These abbreviations are included on The Joint Commission’s “minimum list” of dangerous abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that must be included on an
“Do Not Use” list, effective January 1, 2004. Visit for more information about this Joint Commission requirement.
© ISMP 2015. Permission is granted to reproduce material with proper attribution for internal use within healthcare organizations. Other reproduction is
without written permission from ISMP. Report actual and potential medication errors to the ISMP National Medication Errors
Reporting Program (ISMP MERP) via the
Web at or by calling 1-800-FAIL-SAF(E).