Pink Wachirapaet - g8 Unit 2 Formative Presentation 1 Culture
Pink Wachirapaet - g8 Unit 2 Formative Presentation 1 Culture
Pink Wachirapaet - g8 Unit 2 Formative Presentation 1 Culture
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Connecting to different text forms helps to make purposeful exchanges and interactions with others.
Criterion B: organising
Level 1-2 Level 3-4 Level 5-6 Level 7-8
i. Makes minimal use of i. Makes adequate use of i. Makes competent use of i. Makes sophisticated use of
organizational structures, though organizational structures that organizational structures that organizational structures that
these may not always serve the serve the context and intention. serve the context and intention. serve the context and intention
context and intention. ii. Organizes opinions and ideas ii. Organizes opinions and ideas in a effectively.
ii. Organizes opinions and ideas with some degree of coherence coherent and logical manner, ii. Effectively organizes opinions
with a minimal degree of and logic. with ideas building on each other. and ideas in a sustained,
coherence and logic. iii. Makes adequate use of iii. Makes competent use of coherent and logical manner
iii. Makes minimal use of referencing and formatting tools referencing and formatting tools with ideas building on each other
referencing and formatting tools to create a presentation style to create a presentation style in a sophisticated way.
to create a presentation style that suitable to the context and suitable to the context and iii. Makes excellent use of
may not always be suitable to intention. intention. referencing and formatting tools
the context and intention. to create an effective
presentation style.
i. Uses a limited range of i. Uses an adequate range of i. Uses a varied range of i. Effectively uses a range of
appropriate vocabulary and forms appropriate vocabulary, sentence appropriate vocabulary, sentence appropriate vocabulary, sentence
of expression. structures and forms of structures and forms of structures and forms of
ii. Writes in an inappropriate expression. expression competently. expression.
register and style that do not ii. Sometimes writes in a register ii. Writes competently in a register ii. Writes in a consistently
serve the context and intention. and style that serve the context and style that serve the context appropriate register and style
iii. Uses grammar, syntax and and intention. and intention. that serve the context and
punctuation with limited iii. Uses grammar, syntax and iii. Uses grammar, syntax and intention.
accuracy; errors often hinder punctuation with some degree of punctuation with a considerable iii. Uses grammar, syntax and
communication. accuracy; errors sometimes degree of accuracy; errors do punctuation with a high degree of
hinder communication.
iv. Spells/writes with limited iv. Spell/writes with some degree of not hinder effective accuracy; errors are minor and
accuracy; errors often hinder accuracy; errors sometimes communication. communication is effective.
communication. hinder communication. iv. Spells/writes with considerable iv. Spells/writes with a high degree
v. Makes limited and/or v. Makes some use of appropriate degree of accuracy; errors do of accuracy; errors are minor and
inappropriate use of non-verbal non-verbal communication not hinder effective communication is effective.
communication techniques. techniques. communication. v. Makes effective use of
v. Makes sufficient use of appropriate non-verbal
appropriate non-verbal communication techniques.
communication techniques.