Training Need Analysis
Training Need Analysis
Training Need Analysis
Submitted by
MAY 2010
I certify that the project report titled “A Study on Employee need analysis in
21609631030) who carried out the project work under my guidance and supervision.
Thandalam. Thandalam
Chennai-105 Chennai-105
I, SENTHILKUMAR.S hereby declare that the project entitled “A Study on
Employee training need analysis in TTK-LIG ,Limited virudhunagar.” has been done by
me as a partial fulfillment for the award of degree “Master of Business Administration”. The
project report is drafted by me and is original to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I express my deep sense of gratitude to beloved President, DR.N.M.VEERIYAN for his
encouragement and guidance.
Finally I thank all the members of the college, staff for their help to complete the project
8 Bibliography
9 Appendix
The main objective of the project is to study the need of training at TTK-LIG LIMITED. The
suggestions and conclusions. The information needed for the research has been gathered from
About company:
CHENNAI: India's largest condom maker, TTK LIG Limited, is stepping on gas. It is inaugurating its
third plant in Pondicherry on Friday.
T T Jagannathan, Chairman, TTK Group of Companies told presspersons that the plant will have a
capacity to make 330 million pieces of condoms a year. The total investment in the plant is around Rs 20
crore which has been met completely by internal accruals.
The condoms from the Pondicherry facility would be used for both domestic sales and exports. In India
TTK LIG sells two brands -- Kohinoor and Durex. The company makes 1.5 billion condoms a year while
the estimated market size in India is 2.5 billion while the world market is slightly less than 8 billion.
"We should be proud because we have 20 per cent of World's capacity with us. We export to practically
every country," Jagannathan added. The company hopes to attain a profit after tax of Rs 60 crore this
fiscal as against Rs 42.11 crore recorded for the previous year. The company recorded revenues of Rs
179.48 crore for the year ended March 2003 of which export income was Rs 111.34 crore.
Besides Pondicherry, TTK LIG has two more plants one each in Chennai and Virudhunagar in South
Tamil Nadu.
TTK-LIG is a leader in more ways than one. They were the first to introduce variant condoms
like ribbed, dotted, contoured and spermicidal condoms in India. Having pioneered condom
advertising in India, their flagship brand Kohinoor continues to be the market leader with over
40% market share, and Durex, the international bestseller, is the first super premium condom
brand to be marketed in India.
TTK-LIG is also a leading supplier of condoms to the Government of India's Family welfare
programme, with over 5 billion condoms supplied so far.
Dotted Condoms
Coloured Condoms
Primary objective:
Secondary objective:
3. To identify the gaps that exist between the current training situation.
Gould D, Kelly D, White I, Chidgey J (2005), Training needs analysis is the initial step
in a cyclical process which contributes to the overall training and educational strategy of
staff in an organisation or a professional group. The cycle commences with a systematic
consultation to identify the learning needs of the population considered, followed by
course planning, delivery and evaluation.
Tara Lynne, (2004), This study was an evaluation of the tribes training program , a
program aimed at providing educators with strategies and methods for creating an
inclusive classroom environment . this was a pilot that attempted to assess “Tribes”
ability to enhance educator and student positive attitudes toward student with learning
difficulties as well as attitudes toward mainstreaming /inclusion.
Andrew Knowles, (2009), Most people can, if they put their mind to it, perform a
training needs analysis on staff within their organization in order to identify learning
needs. All it requires is a clear understanding of what is to be achieved, some knowledge
of the organization itself, and a consistent, methodical approach. Analysing training need
often forms part of an ongoing cycle of needs assessment, training delivery and
evaluation of the training, which leads back to needs assessment.
Bill Cochrane, A (2005), It is possible that the process of analysing learning needs leads
to the identification of other issues. It could reveal that there is poor communication
within or between departments or teams, or even that there is a break down of
relationships. Analysis can pin-point problems with staff morale or systemic weaknesses
within the organization. It may lead to the conclusion that training alone will not resolve
a particular problem.
Janice A. Miller, February 1996, The first step in designing a training and development
program is to conduct a needs assessment. The assessment begins with a "need" which
can be identified in several ways but is generally described as a gap between what is
currently in place and what is needed, now and in the future. Gaps can include
discrepancies/differences between:
• Changing work force demographics and the need to address cultural or language
• Organizational goals (how effective is the organization in meetings its goals), resources
available (money, facilities; materials on hand and current, available expertise within the
• Climate and support for training (top management support, employee willingness to
participate, responsibility for outcomes).
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
3.2Research design:
This study used the analytical research design. This is typically concerned with determining
frequency with something occurs or how two variables vary together. Analytical study is a
system of procedures and techniques of analysis applied to quantitative data. It may consist of a
system of mathematical models or statistical techniques applicable to numerical data.
3.3Sampling design:
Sampling unit: Respondents have been selected from all the level of TTL-LIG employees.
Sampling size: Respondents are mostly selected form one level. So the sample size is limited to
125 due to availability and the busy schedule of the employees.
3.4Sampling procedure:
The sampling method used was simple random sampling. This sampling method was used
because of lack of time and lack of thorough knowledge about the Universe. The sample size
was fixed to 125 respondents.
Data required:
The information required for the study was directly collected from the employees through
3.5Data collection:
Primary data:
These are fresh data which are collected for the first time such as observation, personal interview, and
Secondary data:
To supplement the primary data, secondary data is required. This is obtained from the company
profile, internet and various other hand books on the subject matter.
The data has to be processed and analyzed in accordance with the outline laid down for the
purpose at the time of developing the research plan. Processing implies editing, coding,
tabulation of collected data, so that they are amenable to analysis. Validity must be one of the
objectives of measurement, validity exist when data actually measure what they are supposed to
measure. The data must properly valued, if not it will give misleading result.
It was initially done to edit and tabulated one data collected through questionnaire
Total respondents
2. Chi-square test:
Chi-square test is used to find out whether there is relationship among various groups. It is
calculated by using the formula:
O i=observed frequency
It means tentative generalization the validity of which remains to be tested. In short it deals
certain assumptions made in the study.
Null Hypothesis
A hypothesis which assumes that there is no significant difference between sample statistic and
population parameter is called null hypothesis. It is denoted by H0.
Alternative hypothesis
A hypothesis which assumes that there is significant difference between sample statistic and
population parameter is called alternative hypothesis. It is denoted by H1.
3. Correlation analysis
Correlation is defined as the association or relationship that exist between two or more variables.
r= N ∑x y- ∑x ∑y
Where,r measures the degree of relation that exist between the variables.
The coefficient of rank correlation is based on the various values of the variates is denoted by r.
it is applied in the problems in which data cannot be measured quantitatively but qualitatively
assessment is possible such as beauty , honesty etc..
r= 1 – 6(∑D2 )
No 0 0
The collected data shows that 100% of the employees said that they are given training for the job
undertaken by them
Yes 100 70
No 25 30
the collected data shows that 70% of the employees said that they are well aware of their job components
and 30% said that they are unaware of that.
Yes 113 90
No 12 10
the collected data shows that 90% of the employees feel that they need training and 10% of employees
said they do not feel the need of training
Training analysis
Technically 38 30
Subjectively/systematically 25 20
Practically 38 30
Others 24 20
The collected data shows that 30% of the employees said that they need to train technically, 20% said
subjectively/ systematically, 30% said practically and 20% said others.
5. Type of training
The collected data shows that 30.4% of the employees prefer on the job training, 9.6% prefer class room
training, 20.8% prefer group discussion and 39.2% prefer lab/factory visits.
6. Duration of training
Week 1 month 13 10
1 Month to 2 Month 50 40
2 Month to 3 Month 50 40
The collected data shows that 10% of the employees said that the duration of the training should be less
than a week, 10% said week to ! Month, 40% said 1 month to 2 months and 40% said 2 months to 3
No 0 0
The collected data shows that 100% of the employees are aware of the training program followed in
8.performance factor
Aware of TTK-LIG Training No of respondents percentage
Yes 113 90
No 12 10
The collected data shows 90% of the employees believe that training makes a positive change in
performance factor and 10% do not believe that.
No 0 0
The collected data shows that 100% of the employees said that the company provide sufficient first-aid
boxes and protective equipments
Yes 113 90
No 12 10
The collected data shows 90% of the employees said their team members cooperate with them and 10%
said that their team members are not cooperating
Training Evaluation
Written Exam 13 10
Practical 6 5
Presentation 6 5
The collected data shows that 10% of the employees want to evaluate their training programs through
written exams, 5% want through practical exams, 5% want presentations and 80% want to evaluate
training through on the job performance
Compounding 25 20
Dipping 25 20
ET 25 20
Foiling 50 40
The collected data shows that 20% of the employees like to have additional training programs in
Compounding, 20% like in Dipping, 20% like in ET and 40% like to have training in Foiling
No 12 10
The collected data shows that 80% of the employees like to see additional training in lab testing and 20%
like to see in GT
Quality testing 75 60
GT 50 40
The collected data shows that 60% of the employees like to see additional training in Quality testing and
40% like to see in GT
Water testing 75 60
Air testing 50 40
The collected data shows that 60% of the employees like to see additional training in Water testing and
40% like to see in Air testing
16.interested area
Compounding 25 20
Dipping 25 20
ET 25 20
Foiling 50 40
The collected data shows that 20% of the employees interested in Compounding, 20% in Dipping, 20%
in ET and 40% like in Foiling
8.00am 12 10
10.00am 0 0
10.00am-12.00pm 0 0
1.00pm 25 20
3.00pm 0 0
3.00pm-5.00pm 88 70
Morning 0 0
Afternoon 0 0
The collected data shows that 10% of the employees said the most convenient time for them to attend
training programs is 8am ,20% said 1pm and 70% said 3pm-5pm
Working days 75 60
Leave days 50 40
The collected data shows that 60% of the employees said that the most desirable day to attend training is
Week days and 40% said leave days division
Compounding 31 25
Dipping 31 25
ET 31 25
Foiling 32 25
The collected data shows that 25% of the employees are working in compounding, 25% in dipping, 25%
in Et and 25% in foiling
Operator 31 25
Supervisor 31 25
Lab testing 32 25
LQC 31 25
The collected data shows that 25% of the employees are working at operator level, 25% at supervisor
level, 25% at Lab testing level and 25% at LQC
Table showing the additional training program and production area interested to you
Compounding Dipping ET Foiling Total
20 20 20 40 100
are to you
20 20 20 40 100
Total 40 40 40 80 200
χ2 = ∑ (Oi -Ei )2 / Ei
O = Observed Frequency
E = Expected Frequency = Row Total x Column Total
Grand Total
i = 1, 2, 3………n
Table showing the analysis between additional training program and production area
interested to you want.
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
40 40 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
20 20 0 0 0
40 40 0 0 0
Total 0
Degree of freedom:
= (r - 1) (c -1)
= (2-1) (2-1)
χ2 Table value at 5% Level of significance = 3.841
χ2 Calculated value = 0
χ2 CV < χ2 TV
So, H0 is accepted, H1 is rejected.
Hence, There is no significant different between addition training program and production area
interested to you want.
4.3Analysis between require training and positive changes in training .
4.3.1Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant different between require training and positive
changes in training .
Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant different between require training and
positive changes in training .
Table showing the require training and positive changes in training .
Yes No Total
Number Of
90 10 100
90 10 100
χ2 = ∑ (Oi -Ei )2 / Ei
O = Observed Frequency
E = Expected Frequency = Row Total x Column Total
Grand Total
i = 1, 2, 3………n
Table showing the analysis between require training and positive changes in training .
90 90 0 0 0
10 10 0 0 0
90 90 0 0 0
10 10 0 0 0
Total 0
Degree of freedom:
= (r - 1) (c -1)
= (2-1) (2-1)
Hence, There is no significant different between require training and positive changes in training.
4.4.1Analysis between the Convenient time and Desirable day for training .
X – Convenient time.
Y – Desirable day.
Table showing the analysis between the Convenient time and Desirable day for training .
X Y X2 Y2 XY
0 40 0 1600 0
0 0 0 0 0
20 0 400 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
70 0 4900 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
= 0.813
Correlation for the Convenient time and Desirable day for VALUE RESULT
training .
0.813 GOOD
X Y R1 R2 D = R1 – R2 D2
20 5 1.5 1.5 0 0
30 5 3.5 1.5 2 4
When the ranks are equal,
r = 1 – 6 (∑D2 + 1/12(m3 – m) +……)
N (N2 – 1)
N = Number of values in a group.
m = Number of times a value is repeated.
r = 1 – 6 (6.5)[ (23 – 2) /12 +(23 – 2) /12 + (23 – 2) /12)
4 (42 – 1)
= 1 – 0.975
= 0.025
Training need area and Evaluate training program. VALUE RESULT
0.025 GOOD
Statistical Analysis:
Chi - Square Analysis:
1) There is a relationship between the awareness of workers and the Health and safety
2) There is no relationship existing between the effective disciplinary procedures and safe
working environment.
Since the correlation value is 0.813, there is a high degree of positive relationship that
exists between the maintenance of machines and the accidents happened.
Spearman’s Rank Correlation:
Since the correlation value is 0.875, the relationship that exists between the health check-
up provided and stress towards work is good.
2. the collected data shows that 70% of the employees said that they are well aware of
their job components and 30% said that they are unaware of that.
3. the collected data shows that 90% of the employees feel that they need training and
10% of employees said they do not feel the need of training
4. The collected data shows that 30% of the employees said that they need to train
technically, 20% said subjectively/ systematically, 30% said practically and 20% said
5. The collected data shows that 30.4% of the employees prefer on the job training, 9.6%
prefer class room training, 20.8% prefer group discussion and 39.2% prefer lab/factory
6. The collected data shows that 10% of the employees said that the duration of the
training should be less than a week, 10% said week to ! Month, 40% said 1 month to 2
months and 40% said 2 months to 3 months
7. The collected data shows that 100% of the employees are aware of the training
program followed in TTK-LIG Ltd
8. The collected data shows 90% of the employees believe that training makes a positive
change in performance factor and 10% do not believe that.
9. The collected data shows that 100% of the employees said that the company provide
sufficient first-aid boxes and protective equipments
10. The collected data shows 90% of the employees said their team members cooperate
with them and 10% said that their team members are not cooperating
11. The collected data shows that 10% of the employees want to evaluate their training
programs through written exams, 5% want through practical exams, 5% want
presentations and 80% want to evaluate training through on the job performance
12. The collected data shows that 20% of the employees like to have additional training
programs in Compounding, 20% like in Dipping, 20% like in ET and 40% like to have
training in Foiling
13. The collected data shows that 80% of the employees like to see additional training in
lab testing and 20% like to see in GT
14. The collected data shows that 60% of the employees like to see additional training in
Quality testing and 40% like to see in GT.
15. The collected data shows that 60% of the employees like to see additional training in
Water testing and 40% like to see in Air testing.
16. The collected data shows that 20% of the employees interested in Compounding,
20% in Dipping, 20% in ET and 40% like in Foiling
17. The collected data shows that 10% of the employees said the most convenient time
for them to attend training programs is 8am ,20% said 1pm and 70% said 3pm-5pm
18. The collected data shows that 60% of the employees said that the most desirable day
to attend training is Week days and 40% said leave days
19. The collected data shows that 25% of the employees are working in compounding,
25% in dipping, 25% in Et and 25% in foiling.
20. The collected data shows that 25% of the employees are working at operator level,
25% at supervisor level, 25% at Lab testing level and 25% at LQC
1.from the outcome of the survey the researcher would suggest the management of TTK-LIG to
conduct regular training for the employees to execute the work more effectively. is suggested that job description, job analysis should be made clear to the employees.
3.the training modules can also have according to work description in order to have full attention
of the employee in the training to have a effective and efficient work. programmers can be organized to all employees to improve their knowledge and skills.
5.the training bring out the true training need of the employees.
6.Action plans should be shared with the training department so analysis can be made with
respect to every training programme.
7.performance of the employees before the training and after the training should be compared. programmer is necessary to all levels of employees to improve their knowledge and
15.presence of handout material through insignificant can result for better reproduction of
VIRUDHUNAGAR”, was conducted to identify the post employee training need analysis
programme. The study done with 125 respondent showed clearly that to be effective , years of
experience is not a factor but
• Frequency of schedule
• Use of visual aids
• Presentation skills
• Coaching
Can play a vital in improving the overall employee training need analysis.
GARY DESSLER-“Human Resource Management”-prentice –hall india- edition 2002,pp.56-
Personal Information:
Name : Age:
Designation: Sex:
Experience: Shift:
1.Have you given any training for the job currently you are undertaking?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Training Analysis:
Yes No
8.Do you believe training really makes a positive change in the performance
factor ?
Yes No
9.Does your company provide sufficient first-aid boxes and protective equipments?
Yes No
Yes No
Training Evaluation
12. What areas listed below would you like to see additional training programs?
13. what areas listed below would you like to see additional training in compounding?
a. lap testing b. GT
14. what areas listed below would you like to see additional training in Dipping?
Quality testing b. GT
15. what areas listed below would you like to see additional training in ET?
18. Please select the most desirable day for you to attend training programs: