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User'S Guide: Bullseye Ii

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User’s Guide

501 071-502
BullsEye II
The information in this document can be subject to change without prior notice and should not be
regarded as an undertaking from ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for errors that can appear in
this document.

ABB is not responsible for damage incurred by the use of this document or software or hardware des-
cribed in this document.

The document, or parts there of, may not be reproduced or copied without prior permission from ABB.
It may neither be imparted to another nor otherwise used without authorisation. Infringement here of
will be subject to action in accordance with applicable laws.

Further copies of this document can be obtained from ABB at current prices.

© ABB Automation Technology Products AB

Article number: 501 071-502

Date: 2001-09-24

ABB Automation Technology Products AB

Arc Welding & Application Equipment

S-695 82 Laxå

BullsEye II


1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 How to use this Manual ..................................................................................... 5
1.2 What you must know before you use the Robot ................................................ 5

2 Technical Specification ............................................................................................... 7

2.1 Unit Specifications............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Physical Dimensions.......................................................................................... 7

3 Product Description .................................................................................................... 9

3.1 Tool Center Point (TCP).................................................................................... 9
3.2 Theory of Operation........................................................................................... 10
3.3 BullsEye® Advantages..................................................................................... 11

4 BullsEye® Installation ................................................................................................ 13

4.1 Mechanical Installation...................................................................................... 13
4.2 Software Installation.......................................................................................... 15

5 Operation ..................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Basic Operation.................................................................................................. 23

6 Advanced Setup Information ..................................................................................... 27

6.1 Global routines in the BullsEye.sys module:..................................................... 27

7 User’s Guide ................................................................................................................ 31

7.1 Program execution ............................................................................................. 31
7.2 Fault management.............................................................................................. 31

8 Maintenance................................................................................................................. 35

9 Reservdelsförteckning/Spare parts list ..................................................................... 37

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4 501 071-502
BullsEye II

1 Introduction

1.1 How to use this Manual

This manual provides information on installation, preventive maintenance, trouble
shooting and operation of the BullsEye ® product.

1.2 What you must know before you use the Robot
The power supply must always be switched off whenever work is carried out in the
controller cabinet.

Note: Even though the power is switched off at the robot controller, there may be
live cables which are connected to external equipment and are consequently not
affected by the mains switch on the controller.

Circuit boards - printed boards and components - should never be handled without
Electro-Static-Discharge (ESD) protection. Use the wrist strap located on the inside
of the controller door whenever handling any of these components.

501 071-502 5
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6 501 071-502
BullsEye II
Technical Specification

2 Technical Specification

2.1 Unit Specifications

Electrical 40 mA, 24 VDC
Robot Connections One sensor signal, 24 VDC, and 0 VDC
Software Furnished with unit (requires 250 kb free user memory)
Repeatability ± 0.006" (0.163 mm)

2.2 Physical Dimensions

Figure 1. BullsEye® Side Mount Unit

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Technical Specification

8 501 071-502
BullsEye II
Product Description

3 Product Description

3.1 Tool Center Point (TCP)

BullsEye® II provides completely automated Tool Center Point (TCP) definition for
the S4 and S4C models of IRB robots.

TCP is defined as an invisible reference point in direct alignment and relationship

to all axes of the robot arm and located at the precise point where the welding wire
tip would touch the workpiece using a pre-determined wire stickout distance from
the bottom of the gas nozzle.

TCP Reference

Figure 2. Welding Torch Revolving Around A Set TCP

501 071-502 9
BullsEye II
Product Description

3.2 Theory of Operation

When the robot is programmed to revolve around the TCP all robot axes will move
accordingly to keep the TCP constant (See Figure 3. and Figure 4.). If the torch is
bumped and the program is run again, the robot repeats its same movements but it
is possible that the TCP will no longer follow the same programmed path due to
misalignment. You now have two choices:

1. Physically move the torch back into alignment (a task that could be difficult
if not impossible) or

2. Have the robot automatically adjust for the misalignment by redefining the
TCP to the new torch position using the BullsEye ®. After correction has
been made by the BullsEye ®, the torch will rotate around the TCP as before
because the robot arm has adjusted its path to compensate for the torch mis-

Figure 3. Robot Arm and Torch Movement With Correct TCP

Figure 4. Robot Arm Follows Same Path But Torch Path Has Changed

10 501 071-502
BullsEye II
Product Description

Once a point has been programmed, the robot remembers the tool center point loca-
tion, not what the angles of the robot joints are. When the robot replays the pro-
grammed path, it calculates what the joint angles should be to get the TCP back to
where it was when the path was programmed initially. As long as the robot control-
ler is kept informed about where the tool center point is, it will always keep the paths
properly adjusted.

3.3 BullsEye ® Advantages

New for version 6.1 BullsEye® :

1. Improved quick check function (IsTCPOK) is faster and more accurate.

2. The system is now able to approximate an initial TCP when doing the setup,
decreasing set-up time.

3. More efficient math functions make it possible to achieve the same accuracy
with less rotation.

4. Rotation options are now 30 and 45. The 45 degree option makes gun
alignment slightly better.

5. Error handling is improved. After a search error, the operator will be able to
make the robot move to the tcp check pointer.

6. Internal BullsEye ® parameters can now be easily changed with optional

arguments attached to GetNewTCPData. Modified parameters are saved
in the tcp_data module.

7. In teach mode, the operator is given the option to move down to the pointer
before the routine is executed. The robot can either be moved to the check
pointer with the Day1 tcp or the present tcp active.

8. All text strings are placed in two routines for easy language adaptation.

9. The BullsEye® module is made NOVIEW to reduce confusion.

New for version 6.2 BullsEye® :

1. IsTcpOk and GetNewTcpData will read present location of all external axes
before executing and adding this to all used robtargets. This will make it
possible to have any external axes active during a TCP check. The TCP can
be checked when in an error handler.

2. New optional parameter in GetNewTcp (Wob)j. Used for adding a robot

carrier work object to the BullsEye® system during setup. If added the TCP
can be checked at any place along a track or other robot carrier.

3. New compact side mount design allows for mounting on robot riser or other
locations at different heights for more alternative sites.

501 071-502 11
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Product Description

New corrections in version 6.3 BullsEye ® :


In some configurations the last move during setup could fail. This was due to that
an incorrect tool was used during the last move.

New instruction

The instruction GetGantryFrame is added. This instruction is used when the Bulls-
Eye® system is used on gantry systems to get a local frame in which the BullsEye®
is executed. This makes it possible to check the tool independent of the position of
the gantry.

12 501 071-502
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BullsEye® Installation

4 BullsEye® Installation

4.1 Mechanical Installation

The BullsEye ® should be either bolted to the floor (freestanding) or in a position
where the robot can reach it and where it is not in the way of personnel working
around the robot.

Figure 5. Base Coordinates

When the software is installed and executed (see Section 4.2), the robot will swivel
around the weld wire plus and minus 30 or 45 degrees (See Figure 6.). Forty-five
(45) degrees will achieve the best accuracy. The position chosen for mounting the
BullsEye® must not only allow the robot to reach it, but this position must also allow
the robot to easily maneuver around its TCP within the BullsEye ® work envelope
without causing the robot to exceed its joint limits.

Figure 6. Alignment Angle Of 45° Works Best

501 071-502 13
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BullsEye® Installation

The best procedure for installation is to place the Freestanding BullsEye ® in a

desired position without securing it permanently. Perform the software installation
and execute the BullsEye ® setup procedures as described in section 4.2 . If the robot
is able to complete the full TCP update process and successfully completes a Quick
Check routine while meeting all other location requirements, then bolt it solidly in

Side Mount BullsEye’s must also be mounted in a manner to allow unrestricted

robot access.

14 501 071-502
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BullsEye® Installation

4.2 Software Installation

If a Program containing a “main” routine has already been loaded into the S4C con-
troller, place the floppy disk containing the BULLSEYE System Module into the
floppy drive of the robot control cabinet. With the Program Window of the Teach
Pendant displayed, select "FILE", then "OPEN", and choose the "BULLSEYE"
System Module from the list shown. This will load the program from the floppy into
the robot controller where it will reside in memory. Acknowledge any reference
errors displayed on the Teach Pendant and follow the same procedures to load the
“TCPData” Program Module from the floppy disk. Note that the system must have
at least 250 kb free memory to run this software. From this point on, you will not
have to use this floppy disk again unless you want to reinstall the software.

Prepare the robot, the torch and BullsEye® for use. With the Program Window vis-
ible on the Teach Pendant, select the VIEW Menu Key, select “Modules”, highlight
BULLSEYE and press ENTER. Now highlight the routine “SetupBullsEye” and
press ENTER. Press the TEST Function Key. With the robot ready to operate and
the enabling devise activated, you may begin the program by pressing the START
Function Key.

The BullsEye® setup routines can also be called from the EasyArc program. Refer
to the appropriate EasyArc instructions for starting and running this program.

Upon starting the setup program, the first screen displayed will tell you the module
version number and that the program running is “...for setting up the BullsEye".
The next screen is regarding Copyright and Patent information concerning the
BullsEye® software. Press PROCEED.
Now the Teach Pendant will display the Present Selections Screen. To change any
of the parameters shown, select the corresponding Function Key. To keep the
parameters shown press OK.

Program Waiting for Data!

Present setup number =1

1 Degree of rotation = 30/45
2 Robot mounting pos = STAND/ INVERTED
3 Gun alignment = NEVER/ SETUP/ ALWAYS
4 Stick-out distance (mm)= Min: 5 mm, Max: 30 mm
Select which parameter to change
to keep present values press OK
1 2 3 4 OK

501 071-502 15
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BullsEye® Installation

Present setup number

This value represents which tool is selected, and therefore which TCP is going
to be updated. Changing this value must be performed off-line on a text

1. Degree of rotation

Making this selection elicits the following menu:

Program Waiting for Data!

This parameter defines how much the

welding torch will rotate between
each measurement
(Try to use 45 degree if possible)
Select degree of rotation
30 45

The robot will calculate the TCP by finding the welding wire at different rota
tion locations of the welding gun. A larger rotation will result in slightly better
accuracy in the measurement (See Figure 6.).

2. Robot mounting position

Making this selection elicits the following menu:

Program Waiting for Data!

This parameter defines how the robot

is mounted, STANDING or INVERTED
Select robot mounting pos

This parameter defines how the robot and BullsEye® are mounted in relation
to each other, either STANDING or INVERTED. If the base of both the robot
and the BullsEye ® are mounted on the same plane, select STANDING. If for
example the robot is hanging upside down from a tower and the BullsEye® is
mounted conventionally on the floor, or visa versa, select INVERTED.

16 501 071-502
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BullsEye® Installation

3. Gun alignment

This parameter is for selecting when to align the welding gun to World Z
(torch angle realignment) - Always is recommended.
Program Waiting for Data!

This parameter defines if and when

the welding torch should be aligned
with world Z (torch angle re-alignment)
(ALWAYS is recommended if possible)
Select robot mounting pos

NEVER - If torch is difficult to align.

SETUP - Aligns during setup only.

ALWAYS - Recommended method.

4. Stick-out distance

Allows you to indicate stick-out distance from bottom of the gas cup to the
TCP in millimeters. Use the keypad to input the desired length.
Program Waiting for Data!

Stick-out is the distance between the

bottom of the gas cup and the TCP.
Min:5 mm, Max:30 mm
Select stick-out distance (mm)


Robot Arm

Face Plate


Figure 7. Defining The TCP

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BullsEye® Installation

Once all the set up questions have been answered, the next screen you will see
Program Waiting for Data!

Robot needs to be at a point where the

gun is positioned straight up and down
with the gas cup breaking the beam.
STOP, Jog robot manually, start again
LAST, Moves to last Setup position

Make a selection please


To continue with the set up, the robot needs to be moved to a point were the welding
gun is positioned straight up and down with the gas cup breaking the beam. The
beam needs to be placed a location were the robot is able to rotate the welding gun
around its gas cup axis +/- 45 or 30 and make a 30 tilt motion without running out
of reach (See Figure 6. and Figure 8.). Also, the beam needs to be parallel to the
plane of the robot base.
STOP allows the operator to manually jog the robot to a point where
the torch is positioned straight up and down with the gas cup breaking
the beam of the BullsEye®. Once the robot is in a correct position. the
operator then presses START on the Teach Pendant to resume the


LAST causes the robot to move to the last point defined as the Startup
position. This position is stored in the TCPData module and is
inaccessible to edit except through the Setup routine.
It is not recommended that the operator chose LAST, if it is the first
time for the BullsEye ® to be set up on that particular system.
The robot is not able to verify that the last setup location can be reached before
trying to go there

18 501 071-502
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BullsEye® Installation

Figure 8. 30° tilting motion.

If LAST was selected, the operator will be asked if the location that the robot moved
to is indeed in correct orientation for the BullsEye® to begin updating the TCP:
Program Waiting for Data!

Robot needs to be at a point where the

gun is positioned straight up and down
with the gas cup breaking the beam.
YES, Program will stop, you can then
jog robot manually, start again
NO, Program will continue

Is adjustment needed?

YES will stop the program and allows the operator to manually jog the robot to a
correct position. Once the robot is in a correct position. the operator then presses
START on the Teach Pendant to resume the program.

Pressing NO allows the program to continue with the tool center point set up.

The above screen would also appear had STOP been chosen instead of selecting
LAST at the previous screen. In either case if the torch is not breaking the beam
when the program is allowed to resume with the set up, the following message and
request for action appears:
Program Waiting for Data!

The system has detected that the beam

is not broken
Program will move to previous screen

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BullsEye® Installation

The robot is now ready to begin calculating the TCP for the welding gun. The first
step is to determine the beam orientation and generate an approximate TCP.
Program Waiting for Data!

The Robot is now ready to search

for the beam orientation and
approximate TCP values.
Select SKIPTCP If you already have
good TCP values.
If your using a MIG weld gun, make sure
that 15 mm wire is fed out.
The approximate TCP measurement is excluded if the SKIPTCP button is pressed.
If the system has a MIG weld gun, use the wire feeder manual button to increase the
wire stick-out, cut to length as required and then press PROCEED. Note that on
some plasma cutting torches a special extension needs to be added to the torch to
simulate a wire. Now the BullsEye® begins automatic estimation of the TCP.

Once an estimated TCP has been defined, a screen similar to the figure below will
be displayed. Values can be altered if necessary. Tool load can also be entered here.
Program Waiting for Data!

Defined approximate TCP values

Values for estimated tcp are:
X value (mm)= 0
Y value (mm) = 0
Z value (mm) = 0
Mass value (kg)= 0
Select which value to change
for present press OK
X Y Z Mass OK
Once the data has been acknowledged, the following screen appears:
Program Waiting for Data!

The Robot will now continue with

the setup by measuring the TCP

The automatic TCP and gun alignment routine will begin when PROCEED is
selected. As the BullsEye® is functioning, the operator is kept informed of the
update process by messages displayed on the Teach Pendant. This will take several
minutes. The robot will come to a stop with the torch gun just above the BullsEye® .

20 501 071-502
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BullsEye® Installation

A new screen will be displayed prompting the operator how to define the manual
calibration position at the pointer of the BullsEye®.
Program Waiting for Data!

Define manual calibration pointer.

The robot needs to be manually
moved to the pointer.
1.Stop the program by pressing PROCEED
2.Move the robot to the pointer
3.Restart the program

It is important to jog the robot so the TCP is directly above and on the pointer at the
base of the “horseshoe” of the BullsEye®. This position will be stored and can be
used in subsequent checks of the TCP to manually move the torch neck if needed in
the event of a severe crash. The BullsEye® program will prompt the operator if this
is necessary.

After re-starting the program with the START Function Key, the operator will be
asked if the robot is on the pointer. Answering YES allows the program to continue.
Selecting NO will display the screen above giving instructions on moving the robot
to the pointer.

The last screen of the setup procedure will appear once acknowledgment has been
received that the robot was indeed at the pointer.
Program Waiting for Data!

The BullsEye setup is now complete

Your TCP has been set to the following:
X= 123 Y= 0 Z= 350
Press PROCEED to exit setup.

The above screen shows the values of the set up tool center point of this tool set up.
It is known as the Day-1 tcp. An entry will also be filed in the user error log of the
robot controller:

BullsEye setup done

cp data for SetupNo: 1
X= 123 Y= 0 Z= 350
Values saved as Day1 tcp
Possible Error Messages Incurred During Setup:

Invalid setup number is used

Change setup number in instruction

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BullsEye® Installation

Valid setup numbers are normally 1-3. Change instruction and re-execute.

The beam could not be found

Check beam and/or change startpoint

This comes up if the beam could not be found. Check beam function and/or
change the start point.

The TCP estimate function failed

Check if enough wire is fed out

Comes up if a search failed during TCP estimation.

Torch alignment could not be done

Check beam and/or wire stick-out

Comes up if a search failed during gun alignment.

Tool measurement function failed

Check beam and/or wire stick-out

Comes up if a search failed during measure TCP operation.

Tool measurement function failed

Check beam and /or wire stick-out

Comes up if a search failed during measure TCP operation.

Face plate pointing straight down, tool X axis will parallel with beam X.
Check with the manual on how to correct this problem.

This screen will appear if the system detects that the welding gun z axis is parallel
with the robot mounting flange z axis. In this situation the TCP x axis direction can
not calculated. There are two possible ways to cope with this problem.

1. Change the angle of the welding gun.

2. Set BullsEye_Param variable “ForceTcpQuat” to either –1 or 1. This will

force the x axis of the TCP to be 90 degrees from the beam direction. Set to
1, x will go in the direction opposite the tilt motion.

22 501 071-502
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5 Operation

5.1 Basic Operation

When the CheckTCP routine is called by the robot, the BullsEye® will measure the
TCP. A system with EasyArc installed will have menus which allow the operator to
easily execute the procedure call and handle movements from the system’s safe
position and the approach point to the BullsEye® unit. In a system without EasyArc
CheckTCP can be executed directly. In either event, one of the following will hap-

1. If the TCP is very close to the Day-1 TCP values, no update is made, and
the robot returns to production.

2. If the TCP is within a predetermined allowed error (X,Y, & Z combined) of

its Day-1 set up TCP, BullsEye ® will automatically update it and allow the
robot to return to production. The allowed error will be set at 5mm, unless
the optional set up parameter MaxFrDay1 is set to some other value. If the
program running in manual teach mode the following options become avail-
able in this situation:

Program Waiting for Data!

Tcp does not match 'Present' definition.

Present_TCP - Day1_TCP SetupNo: 1
X= 2 Y= 2 Z= 1
Day1Tcp: tcp when setup was made
Present: tcp with present values
Move to pointer before updating TCP?
Select which tcp to use at pointer or
NO to continue with tcp update.
Day1Tcp Present NO

If the tool is known to be bent, it is recommended that the torch be bent back to the
original position. By selecting Day1Tcp the robot will move to the reference pointer
defined during the set up. Selecting NO allows the robot to continue with updating
the TCP, much as it would do in automatic mode. Selecting either Day1Tcp or
Present TCP allows the robot to move to the pointer with that respective tool active.
The following screen will appear:

501 071-502 23
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Program Waiting for Data!

The gun should now be on the pointer.

If not, it may need to be manually
bent back to the pointer.

Select which tcp to use at pointer or PROCEED to continue

Day1Tcp/Present NO

It is possible to change between day 1 TCP and present TCP. Present TCP is the
TCP that was calculated the last time the GetNewTcpData was executed.
In teach mode, the following result screen will appear:
Program Waiting for Data!

Difference from Day1 X (mm)= 1

Y (mm)= 1
Z (mm)= 2
TCP was updated by X (mm)= 0.5
Y (mm)= 0.1
Z (mm)= 0.2

In all modes the following message is recorded in the robot’s user error log:

Tcp updated 0.1 mm

Present_TCP - Day1_TCP SetupNo 1
X= 0.1 Y= 0.3 Z= 0.5
Tcp was updated by
X= 0.1 Y= 0.3 Z= 0.5

3. If the TCP is off by more than the allowed limit from its original position,
updating will stop and the following screen will be displayed:
Program Waiting for Data!

The system has detected that the TCP has

changed more than that allowed from Day1
Max error from day 1: 5 mm
TCP-Day1 X= 5 Y= 3 Z= 3
(It is recommended that the torch
be manually adjusted at the pointer.)
Do you want to manually adjust?
Yes No

24 501 071-502
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This is a warning that a large change in TCP has occurred since setup. It is recom-
mended that the torch be manually adjusted back to the day-1 setup position. If the
TCP is allowed to drift away from its original values too far, it is very likely that
parts of the robot program will be out of reach for the robot or that portions of the
robot will collide with the fixture.

i. If No is selected, the TCP will be re-measured and the values of the TCP
will be updated to the new position.

ii. If Yes is chosen, the robot will move to the original position that was
programmed during setup for the pointer located at the bottom or the
BullsEye® opening, and the following screen will be displayed:
Program Waiting for Data!

The gun needs to be manually bent back

to the pointer.
GetNewTcpData will be re-executed when
PROCEED is pressed.

You can now bend the torch until it is aligned with the pointer. Pressing PROCEED
will re-start the program. BullsEye® will then re-measure and the values of the TCP
will be updated to the new position.
Once the update has been performed the opportunity arises to change the Day-1
TCP values to the Present values:
Program Waiting for Data!

TCP has been updated.

Day1 TCP is now different from present
TCP by more than the allowed amount.
(If Day1 TCP is not updated, this
screen will come up every time)
Do you want to reset the day 1 TCP to
present values?
If a search error occurs during gun alignment, the following screen will appear:
Program Waiting for Data!

Torch alignment could not be done.

Check beam and/or wire stick-out.
Check if gun is bent too much.
POINTER: Robot will move to pointer

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It is recommended to move to the pointer and check to see how far the tool is bent.
If a search error occurs during TCP measurement, the following screen will appear:
Program Waiting for Data!

Tool measurement function failed.

Check beam and/or wire stick-out.
Check if gun is bent too much.
POINTER: Robot will move to pointer
It is recommended to move to the pointer and check to see how far the tool is bent.
When POINTER has been selected in the above two screens, the following message
Program Waiting for Data!

The gun should now be on the pointer.

If not, it may need to be manually
bent back to the pointer.
GetNewTcpData will be re-executed when
PROCEED is pressed

4. If the BullsEye® has moved on the floor or the robot mechanics have been
altered (e.g. the robot has been damaged in a collision, or the calibration of
the robot has been changed.), the following screen will display:

Program Waiting for Data!

The system has detected that the beam

position is more than 2 mm from where it
was day 1.
Either the robot is out of sync or
the beam has moved.
Please check calibration of the robot
(the TCP might not be correct)

Either the robot is out of synchronization or the BullsEye® unit has moved. Press
PROCEED to continue. Note that the TCP measurements will still be valid in most
cases. If necessary, you should update the revolution counters of the robot and run
the BullsEye® program again. When the robot is properly synchronized and the
mechanics are set-up correctly, this error will not appear.

26 501 071-502
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Advanced Setup Information

6 Advanced Setup Information

Note: The information in this section is typically used only by ABB technicians set-
ting up a system with unique properties.

6.1 Global routines in the BullsEye.sys module:

IsTCPOK Function for TCP quick check

Function that performs a quick check of the tool. The function returns TRUE
if the tool is within specified tolerances

PROC CheckTcp()
GetNewTCPData tWeldGun,1;
Standard BullsEye error handler
Returned Value Data type: bool

TRUE if the tool is within specified parameters otherwise FALSE.

IsTCPOK (SetupNo [\Wobj])

SetupNo Data type: num

Specifies setup no 1, 2, or 3 (1 is default). Up to 3 different TCP setups can

be done on the same system. The same setup no need to be used both during
setup and check.

[\Wobj] Data type: wobjdata

The parameter is normally used if the robot is moved by a robot carrier and the
bullseye is mounted to the carrier.

If a work object with a reference to the track can be used, the Wobj parameter
only need to included during setup.

If a gantry system is used with no gantry work object, a work object needs to
be generated with the instruction GetGantryFrame. A work object is required
for both setup and check.

501 071-502 27
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Advanced Setup Information

GetNewTCPData: Instruction used for TCP check

The instruction returns TCP values calculated by the BullsEye® routine.

The new TCP values are returned in the INOUT variable YourTool.
GetNewTCPData YourTool SetupNo [\DoSetup] [\MaxQChkErr]
[\MaxFrDay1] [\GasCupAlign] [\GasCupMinDia] [\GasCupOffs][\DistGas-
Cup] [\InitMove] [\SliceGap] [\ForceTcpQuat] [\WireScanLngth] [\Cup-
ScanLngth] [\Wobj]

YourTool Data type: tooldata

Inout parameter for the tool to be updated.

SetupNo Data type: num

Specifies setup no 1, 2, or 3 (1 is default). Up to 3 different TCP setups can
be done on the same system. The same setup no need to be used both during
setup and check.

[\DoSetup] Data type: switch

If selected, setup of the BullsEye ® will be performed. Parameters below
except for the Wobj parameter will only be used during setup.

[\MaxQChkErr] Data type: num

Min 0.1 Max 2 Default 0.3 (unit mm)
Limit for IsTCPOK function. If the TCP if found to have changed more than
this parameter the IsTCPOK function will return FALSE.

[\MaxFrDay1] Data type: num

Min 2 Max 10 Default 5 (unit mm)
Max allowed change of the tcp compared with day 1 tcp.

[\GasCupAlign] Data type: num

Min 10 Max 100 Default 50 (unit mm)
Defines the distance between the lower and higher search location when doing
the align function. If a short gas cup is used this parameter needs to be low-

[\GasCupMinDia] Data type: num

Min 3 Max 15 Default 6 (unit mm)
Defines the minimum diameter for the gas cup. The system is using this
parameter when the bottom of the gas cup is detected. If a small gas cup or a
thick welding wire is used this parameter needs to be changed.

[\GasCupOffs] Data type: num

Min 3 Max 10 Default 6 (unit mm)
Defines the forward movement between the center of the wire and the vertical
search location for the gas cup. If a thick wire is used this parameter might
need to be changed.

28 501 071-502
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Advanced Setup Information

[\DistGasCup] Data type: num

Min 3 Max 15 Default 6 (unit mm)
Defines the vertical distance between the gas cup and the wire search location.

[\InitMove] Data type: num

Min 100 Max 500 Default 300 (unit mm)
Defines the vertical distance between the beam and the approach location.

[\SliceGap] Data type: num

Min 1 Max 15 Default 8 (unit mm)
Defines the vertical movement between each gas cup scan.

[\ForceTcpQuat] Data type: num

Min -1 Max 1 Default 0
This parameter can be used to force the orientation of the tool x axis to 90
from the beam axis. Used if the tool is mounted straight out from the robot
face plate or a specific orientation of the tool is required.

[\WireScanLngth] Data type: num

Min 8 Max 15 Default 8 (unit mm)
Defines the search length for the wire. Might need to be increased if a thick
wire is used.

[\CupScanLngth] Data type: num

Min 30 Max 100 Default 50 (unit mm)
Defines the length of each gas cup scan. Initial scans are 60% longer.

[\Wobj] Data type: wobjdata

The parameter is normally used if the robot is moved by a robot carrier and
the BullsEye ® is mounted to the carrier

If a work object with a reference to the track can be used, the Wobj parameter
only need to included during setup.

If a gantry system is used with no gantry work object, a work object needs to
be generated with the instruction GetGantryFrame. A work object is required
for both setup and check.

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BullsEye II
Advanced Setup Information

30 501 071-502
BullsEye II
User’s Guide

7 User’s Guide

7.1 Program execution

This procedure is designed to give access to a number of parameters that affect
how the BullsEye program runs. The parameters can be changed to adapt the
program to tools that do not resemble a standard MIG gun (a plasma cutter,
for example). When the procedure call is made GetNewTCPData without any
of it’s optional arguments attached, the program runs with default values
designed to work with most standard MIG guns. Optional parameters, with
the exception of the Wobj parameter, are only checked when the DoSetup flag
is selected.

Backward execution
Not supported

7.2 Fault management

The following code needs to be pasted in to the error handler of the procedure
with the GetNewTCPData instruction.

BullsEye error handler

TEST BullsEye_Error(ERRNO)
! Move the gun to the beam
! Restart the program
! Move the gun/tcp to the pointer
! Restart the program

501 071-502 31
BullsEye II
User’s Guide


Normal setup
Stationary robot with the bullseye mounted to the floor.

The SetupBullsEye procedure is used when the BullsEye needs to be setup.

After execution, the tWeldGun variable will have new values. The tWeldGun
variable can be replaced with your tcp name if different.

PROC SetupBullsEye()
GetNewTCPData tWeldGun,1\DoSetup

Standard BullsEye error handler

The CheckTcp procedure is used when the tcp needs to be checked. If the tcp
is OK the IsTCPOK will return TRUE. The tWeldGun variable can be
replaced with your tcp name if different.

PROC CheckTcp()
GetNewTCPData tWeldGun,1;
Standard BullsEye error handler

Robot on a track system

The bullseye is mounted to the moving part of the track. With this setup, the
tcp can be checked at any location along the track.
PERS wobjdata obTrack:=

PROC SetupBullsEye()
GetNewTCPData tWeldGun,1\DoSetup \WObj:=obTrack
Standard BullsEye error handler

The CheckTcp procedure is used when the tcp needs to be checked. If the tcp
is OK the IsTCPOK will return TRUE. The tWeldGun variable can be
replaced with your tcp name if different.

PROC CheckTcp()
GetNewTCPData tWeldGun,1;

Standard BullsEye error handler

32 501 071-502
BullsEye II
User’s Guide

GetGantryFrame Calculates a new frame

The GetGantryFrame instruction is basically an encapsulated MoveAbsJ

“MoveAbsJ ToJointPos,Speed,fine,tool0” that returns the frame of tool0
when the location is reached.

The procedure can be used to calculate a frame based on a robot joint move
This is needed when the robot is mounted on a gantry system and the bullseye
moves with the gantry.
GetGantryFrame ToJointPos Frame [\ExtAxes] Speed [\Ax7] [\Ax8] [\Ax9]
[\Ax10] [\nAx11] [\Ax12]

ToJointPos (To Joint Position) Data type: jointtarget

The destination absolute joint position of the robot and external axes. It is
defined as a named position or stored directly in the instruction (marked with
an * in the instruction).

Frame Data type: pose

INOUT parameter that returns the location of tool0 as a frame when the
programmed location is reached. The bulleye routine can then be executed in
the calculated frame.

[\ExtAxes] Data type: extjoint

INOUT parameter that returns the present location of all external axes.

Speed Data type: speeddata

The speed data that applies to movements. Speed data defines the velocity of
the tool centre point, the tool reorientation and external axes.

[\Ax7]- [\Ax12] Data type: num

The Ax7 to Ax12 parameter is used to force one or multiple axes to a specific
location. If not used, no external axes will move when executed.

Tool orientation

The bullseye program always defines the tool z-axis as straight out from the
torch gas nozzle. The tool x-axis will be oriented in such as way that it is
parallel with tool0 z-axis. The positive direction will be towards the robot face

In most cases the orientation will be the same as doing a manual 5-point
calibration. With the exception of when a tool has a negative x component
(robot is overhead and the tool is pointing down). In this case using the manual
method, the x-axis will come out 180 degrees opposite of the bullseye method.

501 071-502 33
BullsEye II
User’s Guide

Always define the tool using the bullseye or use the 6-point method when the
robot is mounted overhead.
Description of the 5 and 6 point method
- 5-point TCP&Z
Four approach points are used to define the TCP and one elongator point is
used to define the z direction of the tool. The x and y directions will be as
close as possible to the corresponding axes in the wrist coordinate system.
Using the 5-point method, the TCP and the tool’s z direction are defined. The
x and y directions are set automatically by the robot.

- 6-point TCP&ZX
Four approach points are used to define the TCP, one elongator point is used
to define the z direction and one elongator point is used to define the x
direction of the tool.

34 501 071-502
BullsEye II

8 Maintenance
The BullsEye ® is shipped complete and requires very little maintenance aside from
keeping the unit clean. Refer to Section 4.2 for wiring information. Replacements
parts may be obtained from Customer Service at +46 584 81666. Be prepared to
provide complete information on the part(s) you need.

501 071-502 35
BullsEye II

36 501 071-502
BullsEye II
Reservdelsförteckning/Spare parts list

9 Reservdelsförteckning/Spare parts list

Reservdelar beställs genom ABB Flexible Automation AB. Vid beställning var vän-
lig uppge typ och tillverkningsnummer samt benämningar och beställningsnummer
enligt reservdelsförteckningen.

Rätt till ändring av specifikationer utan avisering förbehålles.

Spare parts are to be ordered from ABB Flexible Automation AB. Kindly indicate
type of unit, serial number, denominations and ordering number according to the
spare parts list.

Rights to reserved to alter specifikations without notice.

501 071-502 37
BullsEye II
Reservdelsförteckning/Spare parts list

Reservdelslistan innehåller all information som behövs för beställning av speciella

delar till modulen för mätning av TCP. Var vänlig kontrollera att de uppgifter som
lämnas är korrekta och motsvarar den önskade reservdelen. En specialtång är abso-
lut nödvändig för montering av den fiberoptiska ledaren.

The spare parts list contains all information required for ordering special parts of the
TCP gauging unit. Please ensure that you give us the precise description of the part
which you require. A pair of special-purpose pliers is absolutely essential for fitting
the fibre-optic cable (Item 2).

nummer Antal Beställningsnummer Anmärkningar
Benämning Denomination
Position Qty. Ordering number Remarks

0.746.346.000 TCP-mätning, kompl. TCP gauging unit, compl.

1 1 0.746.335.025+6 Mätspets med hylsa Gauging prod with sleeve

2 1 0.746.346.011 Ljusledare, inkl. special- Fibre-optic, incl. special
verktyg tool
3 1 0.746.346-010 Optoelektronisk sensor Optoelectronic sensor

Figure 9.

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