Design and Development of "Crop Cutter": September 2018

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Design and Development of "Crop Cutter"

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Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3

Design and Development of “Crop Cutter”

Mahesh Kadam1, Shankar Thombare2, Sunil Aswale3, Ajit Kamble4, Pratik Agale5, Shriram More6
Assistant Professor1, Students2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sanjay Ghodawat Group of Institutions, Kolhapur, India
Corresponding Authors’ E-mail: [email protected]

India is an agriculture based country which takes various types of crops.
Similarly in Maharashtra millet, jowar, wheat, paddy and maize are the
main crops. Now days various agricultural machines are available which
are very costly .due to this it is not suitable for poor farmers. And all
farmers remove crops by hands which has very effort is fully and time
consuming process. Some times while cutting or removing crops by hand
results into damage due to blisters on hands. Because of this the labours
are not available for work, in order to overcome this situation we introduce
a new simple but more efficient machine for a farmers.

This machine targets the small scale farmers who have land area of less
than 2or3 acres. This machine is compact and can cut up to two rows of
wheat, millet, jowar crops. It has cutting blades which cut the crop in a
scissoring type of motion. It runs on petrol engine, this power from engine,
is provided through shaft, pulley and belt drive arrangement to the cutting
blades. This compact crop cutter is manufactured using locally available
spare parts and thus, it is easily maintainable. This crop cutter might be the
solution to the problems faced by a small scale farmer regarding cost and
labour implementation.

Keywords: Crop cutter, Maize, Jowar, Millet, Blister, Harvesting,


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Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3

INTRODUCTION meat, with one of the fastest growth rates,

The history of agriculture in India dates as of 2011.and these process of harvesting
back to the Rig-Veda, written about 1100 is conventional that consumes mote efforts
BC. Today India ranks second worldwide and cost of crop cutting.
in farm output. Agriculture and allied
structures like forestry and fisheries METHODOLOGY
accounted for 13.7% of the GDP (Gross Need of low cost crop cutter for a farmers
Domestic Product) in 2013, about 50% of Most of the Indian farmers facing the
the total workforce. The economic problem of lack of labours, higher cost
contribution of agriculture to India’s GDP consumed for a harvesting, manpower and
is steadily declining with the country’s time in harvesting system. Some of the
broad-based economic growth. Still, conventional methods require more cost
agriculture is demographically the for cutting crops due to its heavy
broadest economic sector and plays a construction as well as more advanced
significant role in overall socio-economic features, and it is have a prices in lakhs
fabric of India. which is not suitable for small land owners
in India, and due to small area of land
As Per the 2010 FAO world agriculture farmers are moved towards a conventional
statistics, India is the world's largest method that is more time and cost
producer of many fresh fruits and consuming method
vegetables, milk, major spices, select fresh
meats, select fibrous crops such as jute, In order to solve the problems of cost of
several staples such as millets and castor harvesting, time for harvesting should be
oil seed. minimized by using a new machine that
increase the profit of the farmers (reducing
India is the second largest producer of the cost of harvesting), also overcome the
wheat and rice, the world's major food situation of lack of labours. Conventional
staples. India ranked within the world's method result into back pain and blisters
five largest producers of over 80% of on hand. Our aim is to provide the low
agricultural produce items, including many cost machine that solves these problems.
cash crops such as coffee and cotton, in
2010. India is also one of the world's five
largest producers of livestock and poultry

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Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3

Problem Definition CONSTRUCTION

India is an agriculture based country which
takes various types of crops. Similarly in
Maharashtra millet, jowar, wheat, paddy
and maize are the main crops. Now days
various agricultural machines are available
which are very costly .due to this it is not
suitable for poor farmers. And all farmers
are remove crops by hand which very
effortful and time consuming process is.
Some times while cutting or removing Fig.01 Constructional Details of CROP
crops by hand results into damage due to CUTTER
blisters on hands. Because of this the
labors are not available for work. MANUFACTURING & ASSEMBLY
Solution  Firstly the frame of crop cutter
In order to overcome this problem we manufactured as per the designed
introduce a new innovative concept mainly load by square tubes.
used in agricultural field which is design
and fabrication of crop cutter. In our  Wheels are attached to that frame
project we fabricate the crop cutting by means of shaft and pedestal
machine for the use of agricultural field, to bearings.
cut the crops in the field. This is a new
innovative concept mainly used in  Engine base is formed on frame by
agricultural field. It is simple in welding square tubes. and engine
construction and its working is easy. mounted on it.
Maintenance should be less due to
availability of the components. This  Smaller and Large pulleys are
machine operates on petrol engine having mounted on the engine shaft and
1.5 HP power. This is very sufficient for transmission shaft respectively. and
Indian farmers. both pulleys connected by v-belt.

3 Page 1-6 © MANTECH PUBLICATIONS 2018. All Rights Reserved

Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3

 The transmission shaft is supported Smaller pulley transmits power to larger

by using bearings with frame. pulley through v-belt. Larger pulley
transmits power to eccentric disc through
 The scotch yoke mechanism is transmission shaft. Then scotch yoke
manufactured by using thick metal mechanism used to transmit rotary motion
sheet to transmit power to moving of disc to reciprocating motion of movable
blades. blades. Blades are slides over each other in
definite way to cut crops .and additional
 The blades are manufactured by attachment is that the dome of metallic
using High carbon steel plate and sheet that divide the cut crop into besides
teeth profile is formed by using of crop cutter. When cutter move forward
cutter. And cutter sharp edges are the crop fall on the dome of sheet that
produced by grinder. collected besides of crop cutter.

 Additional attachment is that the CONCLUSIONS AND RESULTS

dome of metallic sheet that divide The purpose of crop cutter is to reduce the

the cut crop into besides of crop cost of labours for harvesting and also to

cutter. eliminate the situations that faced because

of the lack of labours. Due to back pain

 Finally all the components are and blisters on hand labours are not work

assembled together from base in harvesting field. In order to overcome

frame, wheels, engine, pulleys, this situation, it gives out following

belt, shaft, eccentric disc, fixed benefits

blade and movable blades. 1. This system reduces the cost of

harvesting upto 60-70 % as that of

Working conventional method.

It works on principle of scissoring motion

of fixed and movable blades. Also like 2. It is suitable for small scale farmers

trimmer that used for shaving purpose in having 2-5 acres of land area.

daily life.
3. It is also reduces the 50-60 %

The petrol engine is used as prime movers timing of harvesting as that of

that transmit power to a smaller pulley. conventional method

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Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3

4. Ease of maintenance, ease of the different crops as per the loads

operation. (Just we have to change the power and
blade size).
5. Particularly economical operation
as it eliminates extra man power. 2. By providing the curved collectors at
sides of crop cutter to collect the
6. High degree of operational safety. cutting crops and also the bunch of
crops is get tying together by using
FUTURE SCOPE automation. And throw at backside of
“The crop cutter machine” provides wide cutter.
range for future advancements. Some of
these are as follows: 3. In case to use the machine in case of
sugarcane application we can provide
1. By just changing the teeth size we can more power at prime mover one spring
use the crop cutter as lawn mover. We in parallel, let us say 4 parallel springs
can make the crop cutter to work under can be used to increase the capacity.


Results taken for the one acre of land of jowar crop in farm

Parameter For conventional method For crop cutter

for 6 labours

Time required
12 hours 6 hours

1.5 days of working

Petrol required 8 litres
Cost spend to 400 salary per day
harvesting 8*85=680+2labours 400*2=800
6*600=3600 Rs.

Total cost spending 3600 Rs 1480 Rs

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Journal of Product Design, Quality Engineering and Technology
Volume 3 Issue 3


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