Business Beyond Profit Motivation Role of Employees As Decision-Makers in The Business Enterprise
Business Beyond Profit Motivation Role of Employees As Decision-Makers in The Business Enterprise
Business Beyond Profit Motivation Role of Employees As Decision-Makers in The Business Enterprise
Business Beyond Profit Motivation Role of Employees as Decision-Makers in
the Business Enterprise
Module 016
Business Beyond Profit Motivation
Role of Employees as Decision-Makers in the Business
In many businesses and companies, the entrepreneur or top management are
the one's involved in decision making. What if employees are given
opportunities to share insights in decision making?
What is an employee?
An employee is an individual who was hired by an employer to do a specific task,
assignment or a job. The employee is hired by the employer after an application and
interview process results in his or her selection as an employee. This selection occurs after
the applicant is found by the employer to be the most qualified applicant to do the job.
The solid foundation of any successful company is its people. Employees represent a
source of knowledge and ideas, but oftentimes that resource remains untapped.
Involving employees in the decision-making process not only empowers them to
contribute to the success of an organization, but also saves the company time and
money, in increased productivity and reduced outsourcing.
Course Module
Involving Employees in Decision Making is a Key to Employee Engagement. Some of
business organizations refer to their employees as “employees”; but there are other
business organizations that refer to their employees as “associates,” “staff
members,” or “team members.”
There are businesses who exercise this simply because there is a direct connection
between how involved employees are in the decision making in their department or
team and their overall morale, motivation, and satisfaction with their jobs.
1. The associates feel they are a valued, appreciated, respected and an important
part of the team, of the business enterprise. When associates are involved in the
decision making, they feel that people in ownership and management positions
value them as a significant contributor to the team’s success. When people feel
valued, they will usually raise their level of effort and commitment to ensure the
department’s or company’s success.
2. The associates are able to make daily decisions because they have precise
information regarding the direction of the company or department. Managers
and supervisors who do not share information or involve associates in the
decision making are usually the same people who complain that associates are
unable to make good decisions.
3. The associates feel a command of responsibility for making the decision. When a
person is responsible for making a decision, and the decision turns out to be a
erroneous, the person will do whatever to correct the decision and make things
right. When associates are involved in making the decision, the chances of the
decision being a success increase since all members of the team are dedicated to
correcting and improving the parts of the decision that are not in position with
the department’s or company’s vision and values.
4. The associates will focus on future-oriented problem solving rather than create
reasons to blame their current problems on the administration. Associates who
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Business Beyond Profit Motivation Role of Employees as Decision-Makers in
the Business Enterprise
have not been involved in making the decision have co-authored some great
comments such as, “This wasn’t my decision,” “Whose brilliant idea was this?” or
“This will never work.” All of these comments demonstrate two things: First, the
employee is not in harmony with the decision and second, when the decision
goes wrong, and it will because the associate is not committed to the decision’s
accomplishment, the employee has someone else to blame.
Course Module
insightful knowledge of the company needs, and understand the policies of the
company overall.
Involving associates may sound easy. But there are some basic philosophical
challenges every manager or supervisor must overcome.
Distribution of Responsibility
Less Efficiency
Group decisions can also be less efficient and less organize than those made by a
single person, a manager or a specific individual. Group decisions can take
additional time because there is the requirement of participation, discussion, and
coordination among group members.
Group think
Group think is the practice of thinking or making decisions as a group in a way that
discourages creativity or individual responsibility. Groupthink is a psychological
phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony
or conformity results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. By
isolating themselves from outside influences and actively suppressing dissenting
viewpoints in the interest of minimizing conflict, group members reach a consensus
decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints.
The manager’s role in group decision making is to create a supportive context for the group.
Course Module
Associate: a partner or colleague in business or at work.
Decision Making: the action or process of making decisions, especially important ones
Motivation: the general desire or willingness of someone to do something
Laura P. Hartman and Joe DesJardine; 2011; Business Ethics Decision Making for Personal
Integrity; Philippines; McGraw Hill