Statistics Application (Module 2)

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Sources of Data

1. Primary Source – first hand or original idea. Data was collected

by the researcher.
2. Secondary Source – information taken from published or
unpublished materials previously gathered by other researchers or
agencies such as books, newspapers, magazines, journals or
unpublished thesis and dissertations.

Measurement – the process by which numbers are assigned to variables

of individual population units. It may entail asking a consumer to rate the
taste of a product from 1 to 10 or simply asking a teacher how old she is.

Scale of Measurements

1. Nominal Scale – uses numbers for the purpose of

identifying membership in a group or category. The data
cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme. It cannot be
used for calculations. Numbers are assigned to different
categories especially when the data are processed using
 Movies are listed according to their genre, such as
comedy, adventure, and romance
 Gender (male or female)
 Type of disease
 Blood groups (A, B, AB, or O)

2. Ordinal Scale – it incorporates the classifying and labeling

function of the nominal scale, but in addition brings to it a
sense of order. Ordinal numbers are used to indicate a rank
order, but nothing more. The ordinal scale is used to arrange
(or rank) individuals into a sequence ranging from the
highest to the lowest, according to the variable measured.
 Categories of patient age may be the basis of
ordinal scale:
Child 1
Teen 2
Adult 3
Older Adult 4
Elderly 5
Older Elderly 6
Frail Elderly 7

 Good, Better, Best

 On movies:
Star Wars 4 stars
Godzilla 3 stars

3. Interval Scale – as the term implies, in addition to rank

ordering data, the interval scale allows the recognition of
precisely how far apart ae the units on the scale. Interval
scales permit certain mathematical procedure untenable at
the nominal and ordinal level of measurements. A
characteristic of interval scale is that it has no absolute zero

 Room temperature

4. Ratio Scale – is the highest level of measurement, which

incorporates the properties of the interval, ordinal, and
nominal scales. A ratio scale includes an absolute zero, it
gives a rank ordering, and it can be simply applied for
labeling purposes. Because there is an absolute zero, all the
mathematical procedures of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division are possible.
 Measurement of scores, weight, and height fall on
ratio scales

Derived Variables:
Sometimes observations are processed in order to
generate a derived number.

Examples of derived variables are:

1. Ratio – simple relationship between two numbers

measured on the same unit.
If the mid-arm circumference of a new-born is 8.7
cm and the chest circumstance is 29.8 cm, then the
arm : chest circumstance is 29.8 : 8.7

2. Proportion – is the ratio of a part to a whole. When

multiplied by 100, a proportion I converted to
In an eight-hour shift, a worker spends two hours
engaged upon paper work; the proportion of the time
spent on the paper work is 2 : 8 or 0.25.

If a proportion is based upon counts of things, it

may be referred to as proportional frequency, that is,
the ratio of the number of individuals in a particular
category to the total number of categories.

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