Philosophers Who Have A Great Contribution in Physical Education

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Philosophers who have a great contribution in Physical education

Johann Bernhard Basedow


∗First to recognize the importance of exercise

∗Required a specific uniform for his students to

allow unrestricted movement

∗Offered a camp for 2 months during the

summer for the children

∗Was known as a difficult man to work with

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A Teacher Is Born

Charles Beck


⋆Friend and follower of Jahn

⋆Was hired to teach Latin and Physical

Education in the form of German gymnastics

⋆Became the first official Physical

Education teacher in America

Promoting Physical Education

Diocletian (Dio) Lewis


♣ Did more to promote physical education

than any other single individual

♣ Wanted the feeble, old, fat, frail and

women to have a system they could use

♣ Opened the Normal Institute of Physical

Education in Boston

♣ Invented bean bags and wooden dumbells

♣ Also used music to enhance his exercises

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Dudley Allen Sargent


☺ Invented over 80 machines, using pulleys &


☺ Contributed to anthropometric measurements

- He took these measurements and compared them

with standards at a given age, whereupon a series of
prescribed exercises was given to meet the demands
of each particular case

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