English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Module 4 - Quarter 1
English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Module 4 - Quarter 1
English For Academic and Professional Purposes: Module 4 - Quarter 1
Department of Education
Catarman, Northern Samar
Name: Grade:
Date: Teacher: Mark Cesar R. Villanueva
Reference: Valdez, P. (2016) English for the Globalized Classroom Series: English for
Academic and Professional Purposes. The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Teaching Guide
1. Summarizing the content of an academic text
2. Paraphrasing/explaining a text using one’s own words
1. Summarizing
2. Paraphrasing
Direct Quotation
This is employed for statements that are so
closely associated that altering the words may
lose its rhetorical impact. For instance, the
statement of Ninoy Aquino, “The Filipino is
worth dying for” is too short to be summarized
and the rhetorical impact is lessened if the
statement is paraphrased.
2. If the text is too long, you may omit certain parts and replace them with an ellipsis
(three dots). If the words omitted are at the end of the statement, another dot is added,
making it four.
“Smartphones resulted from global innovations in technology…and therefore,
consumers need to be updated on the latest trends if they want to maximize
opportunities….” (De Claro, 2010, p. 7).
3. Interpolation may be done to insert notes within the directly quoted passage to help
readers understand the context of the statement. Interpolation is marked by open and
closed brackets.
“De Quiros, Zabala, Uy, and Lee believe that the education sector should address the
material conditions of schools to improve teaching and learning.” (Danao, 2011, p. 7).
“[Educators] believe that the education sector should address the material conditions of
schools to improve teaching and learning.” (Danao, 2011, p. 7).
4. Twenty percent of the total length of a work may employ direct quotations. For
instance, if the essay needs to be at least 1,000 words, only a total of 200 words is
allotted for direct quotation.
It is a short statement of the main idea of a text. Ideally, it is a
third of the original text of your paper:
This is a restatement in your own words of the main idea and
supporting details of a text. A paraphrase may match the length of
the original work. Consider the following tips in crafting your
Consider the following text and the corresponding paraphrase and summary:
Summary Paraphrase
Subia and Tatel (2014) view technology Subia and Tatel (2014) points out that
as something that may affect the social through technology may have a
lives of children in a negative and negative impact in children's ability to
positive way. socialize since it minimizes chances of
real life interaction with others, they
believe that through interactive features
of technology such as sharing apps and
varying platforms for exchange,
technology can enhance social skills
among its oung users.
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