Comparitive Benefits of Beekeeping Enterprise in Chitwan, Nepal
Comparitive Benefits of Beekeeping Enterprise in Chitwan, Nepal
Comparitive Benefits of Beekeeping Enterprise in Chitwan, Nepal
Based on the survey cunducted in 2004, beekeepers in Chitwan had small and fragmented land
holdings with lower rate of return from subsistence crop farming. They are keeping Apis mellifera Langstroth hive in Terai and A. cerana Fab. in improved, traditional-log and wall hives in hills,
for honey production purpose. The honey productivity in Terai was 3.54 folds higher (28.7 vs 8.1
kg/yr/hive) than in hills with highest average annual income in Bharatpur area followed by East and
West Chitwan. Moreover, the income of the beekeepers in Chitwan from honey production was 3.62
folds higher than crop farming (NRs 83,996.88 vs NRs 23,214.22 /house hold/year). It clearly
showed that beekeeping with A. mellifera in the Terai is potential enterprise for higher income
compared to crop production.
Key words: annual income, apiculture, crop production, honey productivity, land holding.
Bee Keeping Section (2004) reported 1,27,501 honeybee colonies including 1,01,684
traditional (log and wall hives) and 25,200 improved (A. cerana 17,744 and A. mellifera
7,456) hives kept in Nepal. The annual honey production is estimated 529.3 mt and it is
one of the exporting, high value cash earning commodities in Nepal. Honey export in the
year 2003 was equivalent to Rs 4,41,985 and was 4439.2 folds higher than that of 2002
(Bee Keeping Section, 2003). However, the role of bees as crop pollinators has been
largely ignored and a vast potential, in using bees to augment national income through
increased crop production has been forgotten. Honey production and crop pollination have
to be exploited for the agriculture development and poverty reduction in Nepal. The
Asiatic honeybee, A. cerana is adopting by the hill caste community and A. mellifera in
Terai of Chitwan (DADO, 2004; DADO, 2005). The total estimated honeybee colony in
Chitwan is 7500 (A. mellifera 5500 and A. cerana 2000) (Neupane, 2002). Chitwan seems
to be the potential district enriched with apicultural raw materials, labor, and market.
However, increasing use of agrochemicals specially the pesticide use on crop protection is
a emerzing threat. Nectar and pollen as raw materials are available from both forest and
cultivated areas. Development of road infrastructure provides easy bee migration in all
the seasons (DADO, 2004; DADO, 2005). More over, the services, institutional
development, honey productivity and market development are not satisfactory.
Beekeepers in Chitwan are in hurdele from different managerial, technical, ecological,
behavioral and socio-economical problems and policy issues hindering the beekeeping
industry. Beekeepers in Chitwan are mostly the medium class economic category, growing
different crops and majority engazed in other occupation too. Thus, it was necessary to
compare the income from beekeeping to crop production and study the market situation
of honey in Chitwan. The objective of the study was to compare the income from
beekeeping and crop production, to investigate the situation of honey market and make
subsequent recommendation for the beekeepers in Chitwan.
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
The survey was conducted in Chitwan district (Inner Terai and the peripheral Mahabharata
hills) at central Nepal. The survey sites of A. cerana beekeepers were Chandibhanjyang,
Shaktikhor, Korak and Siddhi VDCs. Similarly, survey of A. mellifera colonies was carried
out in the Terai areas: East Chitwan (Pithuwa, Jutepani, Shaktikhor, Chainpur and
Padampur VDCs and Ratnanagar Municipality), west Chitwan (Dibyanagar, Sukranagar and
Parbatipur VDCs) and Bharatpur municipality during September-October 2004. Thse were
the emerzing beekeeping pockets of Chitwan valley where number of beeflora are avilable
and thousands of bee colonies in migrated during the honey flow season.
A questionnaire was developed, pre-tested, revised and the final version of which was
duplicated and used for collecting necessary information from the beekeepers (65
households randomly selected out of the list prepared by Nepal Beekeepers Associatiopn)
to see the income of beekeepers (from crop cultivation and honey production) and honey
market situation in Chitwan. The information collected from the survey was verified with
available literature.
Collected data were tabulated using MS-EXCEL software and necessary tables, graphs
figures were prepared and means were calculated to draw the results regarding the size of
land holdings, croped areas, food sufficiency, crop productivity, apiary sizes, labour use
and house hold incomes from crop cultivation and honey production.
Land holding
The hill and Terai respondents had an average land holding of 0.70 ha (irrigated 0.12 ha)
and 0.57 ha (irrigated 0.34 ha), respectively (Table 1). The beekeepers in West Chitwan
had the highest land holding of 0.67 ha (irrigated 0.42 ha), followed by Bharatpur 0.57 ha
(irrigated 0.24 ha) and the least 0.53 ha (irrigated 0.38 ha) in East Chitwan.
Crop cultivated
Crops cultivated in Terai were diversified than in hills. Most of the respondents (82.8%) in
Terai and nearly half of the respondents (44.4%) in hills had lowlands. They grew rice,
Oryza sativa L in their lowland in rainy season. In the upland maize, Zea mays L. (91.7%,
N=33 in hills and 72.4%, N=21 in Terai) and finger millet, Eleusine coracana Gaertn (77.7%,
N=28 in hills) were the major crops grew during the rainy season. While, mustard, Brassica
campestris L. var dichotoma (Roxb.) Kitam. in Terai (58.6%, N=17) and buckwheat,
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (36.1%, N=13) and mustard, B. campestris (33.3%, N=12) in
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
hills were the major crops grew during winter. The respondents also grew sesame,
Sesamum orientale L. (17.2%, N=5); buckwheat, F. esculentum (17.2%, N=5) and nizer,
Guizotia abyssinica (L.) Cass. to some extent in Terai. Other minor crops included
vegetable; wheat, Triticum aestivum L.; lentil, Lens esculenta Moench; blackgram,
Phaseolus mungo L.; potato, Solanum tuberosum L.; cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp;
sunflowers, Helianthus annuus L.; litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonner; mandarin orange, Citrus
reticulata Balanco and greengram, Phaseolus aureus Roech (Table 2).
Rice, Oryza sativa L. 44.4 (16) 100 (8) 92.3(12) 50.0 (4) 82.8 (24) 61.5 (40)
Mustard, Brassica campestris L. var 33.3 (12) 100 (8) 46.2 (6) 37.5 (3) 58.6 (17) 44.6 (29)
dichotoma (Roxb.) Kitam.
Maize, Zea mays L. 91.7 (33) 75.0 (6) 92.3 (12) 37.5 (3) 72.4 (21) 83.0 (54)
Sesame, Sesamum orientale L. - 37.5 (3) - 25.0 (2) 17.2 (5) 7.7 (5)
Buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum36.1 (13) 62.5 (5) - - 17.2 (5) 27.7 (18)
Vegetables 11.1 (4) - 7.7 (1) 37.5 (3) 13.8 (4) 12.3 (8)
Wheat, Triticum aestivum L. 5.5 (2) - - 12.5 (1) 3.4 (1) 4.6 (3)
Lentil, Lens esculenta Moench. - - 7.7 (1) - 3.4 (1) 1.5 (1)
Blackgram, Phaseolus mungo L. 2.8 (1) - - - - 1.5 (1)
Potato, Solanum tuberosum L. - - - 25.0 (2) 6.8 (2) 3.1 (2)
Finger millet, Eleusine coracana 77.7 (28) - - - - 43.0 (28)
Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. 5.5 (2) - - - - 3.1 (2)
Greengram, Phaseolus aureus Roech 5.5 (3) - - - - 4.6 (3)
Nizer, Guizotia abyssinica (L.) Cass. 5.5 (2) 25.0 (2) - 37.5 (3) 17.2 (5) 10.8 (7)
Sunflowers, Helianthus annuus L. - - 25.0 (3) - 103 (3) 4.6 (3)
Litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonner 2.8 (1) 37.5 (3) 16.7 (2) 37.5 (3) 27.6 (8) 13.8 (9)
Mandarin orange, Citrus reticulata 19.4 (7) - - - - 10.8 (7)
Figures in parentheses show the respondent numbers.
* Bharatpur
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
Per capita income from crop cultivation in hills (Rs 16122.20/household) was lower by
49.6% than in Terai (Rs 32,018.00/household). It was comparatively higher in East Chitwan
(NRs 34691.63) than in West Chitwan (NRs 31321.14) and Bharatpur (NRs 28370.50
/hh/year) in Terai (Table 3). Food from their farm production was only
Table 3. Beekeeper’s land holdings, annual gross income from the crops and food
sufficiency in Chitwan, 2004
Geographical Land hold. Income from Food suffi. Way to meet the deficiency
area crop (NRs)
(ha/hh) (months/yr) Source Respondents (%)
Hills 0.70 16122.20 6.6 Wage labor, 41.7 (15)
Shop keeping 5.6 (2)
West Chitwan 0.67 31321.14 9.9 Apiculture 25.0 (2)
East Chitwan 0.53 34691.63 9.3 Grocery 37.5 (3)
Apiculture 37.5 (3)
Metal-workshop 37.5 (3)
Bharatpur 0.57 28370.50 5.1 Civil service 37.5 (3)
House renting 12.5 (1)
Terai average 0.57 32018.10 8.3 - -
District mean 0.41 23214.20 7.36 - -
sufficient for 6.6 months in the hills and for 8.3 months in the Terai. It was highest in West
Chitwan (9.9 months) followed by East Chitwan (9.3 months) and Bharatpur (5.1 months).
The hill beekeepers fulfilled their additional requirements from wage labor while in the
Terai, they derived their income sources from apiculture (37.5%, N=3), grocery (37.5%,
N=3), metal workshop (37.5%, N=3), civil services, etc.
Purpose of beekeeping
The purpose of beekeeping in Chitwan was mainly for income generation from honey
production and selling. However, 27.8% hill and 86.0% Terai beekeepers also realized the
role of honeybee on crop pollination and thereby crop diversification (Table 4). All
beekeepers in Terai also produced wax from A. mellifera combs while it was insignificant
in the hills.
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
Among the respondent beekeepers, 27.8% (N=10) in hill and 86.0 % (N=25) in Terai were
aware about the role of honeybees on pollination. The beekeepers in hills reported that
the yield of mustard, B. campestris; citrus, C. reticulata; and buckwheat, F. esculentum
rose by 10.0-25.0% from honeybee pollination. However, the Terai beekeepers realized the
crop yield of cross-pollinated crops i.e. mustard, B. campestris; buckwheat, F. esculentum
and litchi, L. chinensis rose up to 40.0% (Table 5).
Species of honeybees
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
Colony handling
The range of the bee colonies per household ranges 4-250. The colony holding of A. cerana
was found 4.4 /household, ranging from 4-12. The human resource involved to manage
these colonies was 1.6/household and the range was 1-3. However, human resource
engaged in keeping with A. mellifera in Terai ranged from 1-9 persons (Average
2.9/household). It was lower in West Chitwan (1.9 person/household) than in Bharatpur
area (3 person/household) and in East Chitwan (3.5 person/household). Moreover, the per
capita holding of A. mellifera colonies in Terai was significantly higher (50.0 colonies per
household), among
the respondents.
Where, it was
extremely higher
in Bharatpur followed
by East Chitwan (43.3
and least in West
Chitwan (23.3
(Table 7).
Honey production
The productivity of A. mellifera was 254.3% higher (28.7 kg vs 8.1 kg/colony/yr) than A.
cerana (improved hive 8.6 kg, log hive 7.7 kg and wall hive 7.4 kg/yr) (Table 8). The
beekeepers harvested honey 2-7 (mean 3.2) times from A. cerana in autumn and spring in
the hills and 3-7 times (mean 4.8) from A. mellifera in the Terai in winter and spring. East
Chitwan farmers had the highest honey harvesting frequencies (5.3 times/year) with the
highest productivity of 34.8 kg per colony per year followed by (Bharatpur 4.6 times with
25.1 kg /colony /year) and West Chitwan (4.2 times with 22.2 kg /colony /year) (Table
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
Honey price
Honey price was found decreasing annually by 4.7% in Terai and by 3.9% in hills and was
ranging from Rs 100-150/kg in 2004. The average price of honey in the hills was 9.2% lower
(Rs 104.7 vs 115.4/kg) than in Terai, and was highest in Bharatpur (Rs 132.5 vs 108.9 and
109.9) than in East and West Chitwan (Table 9, Fig. 2).
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
Honey marketing
The hill beekeepers in Chitwan sold A. cerana honeycombs or hand squeezed honey in
Terai. The small and medium beekeepers (72.4%) in Terai supplied honey to the local
market after wire/muslin cloth filtering. Some beekeepers also sold raw honey to the
bigger farmers and or to Nepal Bee Keepers Association. Big farmers (27.6%) were involved
in home processing, packing and marketing of honey or sold it to bee association, and thus,
had access to market with all sorts of consumers i.e. with in district, inter-district and even
at the international level. Honey marketing channel in Chitwan is shown in Fig. 3.
A total of 17.2% of A. mellifera honey sold was seal packed and rest (82.8%) was sold after
wire/cloth filtered (Table 10).
Medium farmers Consumers
Big farmers Consumers
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
The average annual gross income from beekeeping was Rs 3794.4 /household (Rs. 862.36
/colony/year) in hills and Rs 1,84,474.3 (Rs 3,689.49/colony/year) in Terai. The range of
the annual income from A. cerana beekeeping in hills was Rs 1,200-7,200 per household
per year, which was several folds less than that of A. mellifera beekeepers in Terai (Rs
12,000-11,50,000) (Table 11). The average annual income of A. mellifera beekeeping in
Bharatpur area was Rs 3,29,893 and was 475% higher than that of West Chitwan and 90.2%
higher than East Chitwan because of high number of the colonies kept by the beekeepers
in Bharatpur.
Table 11. Honey production and household gross income in Chitwan, 2004
Colony number Productivity Honey price Income
Site/hive /hh (Rs) (Rs/year)
Range/h Total Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
Hills 4-12 4.40(36) 2-15 8.1 100-150 104.7 1200-7200 3794.4
Improved 2-12 4.12 (17) 2-14 8.6 100-150
Log hive 1-6 3.41( 17) 5-15 7.7 100-150
Wall hive 1-5 2.80(15) 3-15 7.4 100-150
Terai 10-250 53.66(29) 10-60 28.7 100-150 115.4 12000- 184474.3
West 10-65 23.13 (8) 10-35 22.2 100-130 109.0 12000- 57047.5
East 10-95 43.31(13) 10-60 34.8 100-120 108.9 13800- 173401.9
Bharatpur 10-250 88.50(8) 10-40 25.1 115-150 132.5 15000- 329893.8
District 4-250 25.01(65) 2-60 26.5 100-150 114.3 1200- 83996.8
total 1150000
The mean per capita gross agricultural income of the beekeepers in Chitwan was NRs
107211.10 per household per annnum. It was several folds higher in Terai than in hills (NRs
216492.40 vs NRs 19916.60). The per capita income was highest in Bharatpur (NRS
358264.30) followed by East Chitwan (NRs 208073.50) and West Chitwan (NRs 88357.60
/hh/year). The per capita income was higher by 261.83 % from apiculture than crop
cultivation (NRs 83996.88 vs NRs 23214.22 /hh/year). Out of the total income, 78.35% was
from beekeeping and rest from crop production. Income from apiculture was highest in
Bharatpur (92.08%), followed by East Chitwan (83.33) and West Chitwan (64.56%).
However, in hills the per capita income from apiculture was lower (19.05%) than crop
production (80.95%). It was because of the adoption of lower number of colonies by the
beekeepers in hills and the productivity and production of honey were in smaller
quantities. The beekeepers in hills are dependent to crop cultivation and other
alternatives income generating activities although it was also found marginal (Nrs
16122.20/hh). It was highest in East Chitwan (Nrs 34691.63/hh) followed by West Chitwan
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
(N31321.14/hh) and in Bharatpur (Nrs 28370.50/hh) (Table 12). Thus, the total income
from agriculture in hills was several folds smaller than in Terai.
The Journal of Agriculture and Environment Vol:10, Jun.2009 Technical Paper
pollination could significantly improve both yield and seed quality of bee pollinated crops.
Similarly, many crops benefited from bee pollination (Free, 1993, Pokhrel, 2001).
The hill and Terai respondents had an average landholding of 0.70 ha (irrigated 0.12 ha)
and 0.57 ha (irrigated 0.34 ha), respectively which is smaller than national average of
0.727 ha/hh (Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division, 2005). Mean annual income
from crop cultivation in hills (Rs 16,122.20/hh) was lower by 49.6% than in Terai (Rs
32,018.00/hh) and food sufficiency was only for 6.6 months in hills and 8.3 months in
Terai. The per capita GDP is lower in hills and higher in Terai than the national average of
Rs 20821 (Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division, 2005).
The productivity of A. mellifera was 254.3% higher (28.7 kg vs 8.1 kg/colony/yr) than A.
cerana (improved hive 8.6 kg, log hive 7.7 kg and wall hive 7.4 kg/yr). The results was
similar to the previous study (Devkota, 2000). The beekeepers harvested honey 2-7 (mean
3.2) times from A. cerana during autumn and spring in the hills and 3-7 times (mean 4.8)
from A. mellifera in Terai during winter and spring. Where, East Chitwan farmers had
highest honey harvesting frequency (5.3 times/year) with the highest productivity (34.8
kg/colony/year) followed by Bharatpur (4.6 frequency with 25.1 kg/colony/year) and West
Chitwan (4.2 frequency with 22.2 kg/colony/year), respectively. The production,
productivity and harvesting frequencies were highly correlated with flora availability,
management practices adopted and the colony number kept by the beekeepers.
Honey price (wholesale) was found decreasing annually by 4.7% in Terai and by 3.9% in
hills, which ranged from Rs 100-150/kg in the year 2004. The mean honey price decreased
from Rs.125 to 111 per kg in the past five years before 2003 in Chitwan (DADO, 2004). It
was 9.2% lower (Rs 104.7 vs 115.4/kg) in hills than in Terai and was highest in Bharatpur
(Rs 132.5 vs 108.9 and 109.9) than in East and West Chitwan. The reason was increased
volume of honey production and limited domestic market availability with limitation on
honey export due to unavailability of residue monitoring facility in the country (Pokhrel,
2001). The mean per capita income of the beekeepers from beekeeping in Chitwan was
NRs 107211.10 which was several folds higher in Terai than in hills (NRs 216492.40 vs NRs
The per capita income of the beekeepers was higher by 261.83 % from apiculture than
crop cultivation (NRs 83996.88 vs NRs 23214.22 /hh/year) although, it was lower (19.05%
vs 80.95%) in hills because of the lower number of colonies kept by the beekeepers and
lower honey production and productivity. In such cases, beekeeping can play a major role
in poverty reduction and food security enhancement in Terai of Nepal. However, it needs
special apicultural package of practices for the promotion of beekeeping in hills.
The study realized that the hills needed a special package of practices for crop production
that supported promotion of A. cerana beekeeping, which include educational activities,
technical supports and extension of low cost technology to increase the productivity of A.
cerana colonies.. In the Terai, A. mellifera was found promosing in terms of honey
production, harvesting frequency, per capita colony holding and annual income, where
commercialization of beekeeping with A. mellifera can earn higher than crop production.
Hence, the demand of honey in both the domestic and external market is growing and to
meet the demand an advanced apicultural research and extension mechanism including
crop pollination and beekeeping trainings, a secured market for honey and formulation
and implementation of clear beekeeping policy and guidelines by the government are
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