Book Review A GEN SPEAKS-1-1-2
Book Review A GEN SPEAKS-1-1-2
Book Review A GEN SPEAKS-1-1-2
4. He had held many prestigious comd, staff and instructional posns incl Dir Gen
of Mil Int (DGMI) and GOC, 15 Corps in Srinagar where he successfully handled the
Hazratbal crisis in 1993.
6. His first comd was that of the famous Gazala Mtn Regt, a very old and battle-
tested unit of the arty. He had the unique distinction of having commanded an Arty
Bde and two Inf Bdes in vastly diverse As and trn between Jul 1985 and Feb 1991.
7. A graduate from the Def Services Staff College, Wellington and the National
Def College, Delhi, Gen Padmanabhan took over a frontline Inf Div in the Western
Sect and 15 Corps, GOC in the Kashmir Valley. He has also been a Bde Maj of an
Inf Bde on its raising, Col Gen Staff of a Mtn Div, Instr in Gunnery at the School of
Arty, two tenures as Instr at Indian Mil Academy and Chief of Staff of a Corps in the
Eastern Sect. He has been decorated with the PVSM, AVSM and VSM. He is also
Honorary ADC to the President of India.
9. Genre. The book contains essays on various topics that were topical; of
interest to both mil and non-mil readers and which could be of some service to the
country. The views in the book are the personal views of the author, not of the Armed
Forces or the Govt of India.
11. Layout. The book has been well written and is presented in a logical
manner making it easy to comprehend. There is certain disjointness about the book
as a whole. This is inevitable in any anthology. However, for those who seek
continuity in all that they read, each chapter is thematically designed to contribute to
the growth and betterment of our country, India. The book has been divided into
twelve chapters. Each chapter of the book provides a grasp of the subject.
(a) The New Millennium Army. In the first chapter, the author
examines the geo- strategic scenario which lies ahead in the first 25 yrs of the
21st century. After a look at the world scenario in gen terms, the author
examines the regional and national scenario in relation to one another. The
chapter traces the evolution of modern armies and assesses how well prepared
the Indian Army is to face the challenges ahead.
(b) The First Two Yrs: 2001 and 2002. In the sec chapter, the author
reviews the yrs 2001 and 2002, when he was in comd of the IA, which are of
considerable interest, as India and Pakistan came to the brink of a war in 2002.
From counter insurgency to sports, from terrorist actions to disaster relief, from
corruption in def procurement to trg for war, from higher def org to nuc
safeguards, the two yrs were, however, crammed with activities at every level
and of every kind.
(d) Wars of the Future. In this chapter, the author studies a war by
means of a hypothetical scenario involving two neighbours, both neo – nuc
states, both classifiable as developing countries and both with a history of
having fought a few indecisive wars in the course of last 50 yrs or so. He
presents a scenario of future war and draws some lessons from the plans and
actions of the belligerents.
(e) Int for the 21st Century. In the fifth chapter, we familiarise ourselves
with various types of int org, iden our maj reqmt of int in the 21st century and
suggest mods or improvements in such orgs in India so as to meet the int
reqmts more comprehensively and in a more timely manner.
(l) The Media and the Mil. In this chapter, the author highlights that
media needs to be accepted as an essential feature of modern life. The mil
must learn to interact with the media with confidence and in a transparent
manner. He emphasizes that mil pers need the media and must find ways and
means to work harmoniously with media pers.
(m) Is Peace Breaking Out in South Asia. The chapter, ‘Is peace
breaking out in South Asia?’, has been dealt with balance and candour and will
provide the people of India and Pakistan with some food for thought. The
chapter raises vital questions of war and peace and identifies the key players
who will determine which conditions shall prevail in the 21st century South
12. Language. The author uses very simple language - the language which an
avg reader understands. The language used in the book suitably conveys the
author’s pt of view.
13. Style. The style of writing is also a strong point of the book. Rather than
delivering a theoretical monologue, the author has chosen to put fwd his views with
examples, stating facts and figs. The author has made apt use of sit and examples to
explain the topics.
Production Value
15. The paper quality of the book is of a very high std and is rightly selected for the
enhancement of the overall appeal of the book. The font is Arial and font size 11
makes the book an easy reading. The print is clear and of high quality.
16. The price tag of Rs 495.00 raises the eyebrow at first instance but after reading
the book, I must admit that the book is value for money.
17. The book has 234 pages incl the ack, the preface, the bibliography and the
index. The book has been published in 2005 by Manas Publications, Darya Ganj, New
18. Target Audience. The book is targeted towards the common reader who is
interested in Indian Def Forces. The book is shaped in a manner that it can be of great
help to anyone, be it a civilian or a mil pers, be it a sr offr or a young offr.
19. Final Verdict. The book should go a long way in giving an insight into the def
forces of India and issues related to it. It is a recommended reading for all of us, the
offrs of the Indian Armed Forces and others who are interested in the def forces of
India. The final verdict is that the book is a “must read” for all young offrs to give us a
better understanding of the def forces. It is strongly recommended for Regtl libraries.