Becg TCS
Becg TCS
Becg TCS
A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of degree of Masters of Business Administration
2019 – 2021
Submitted by Guided by
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)
Institute of Management & Research, New Delhi
Re-Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
Recipient of B-school leadership award from Star News
A-4, Paschim Vihar, New-Delhi,Ph:011-25286442 Fax 011- 25286442
Certificate of Originality
This is to certify that the project report entitled “CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
(TCS) ” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
MBA is an original work carried out by AAKRITI DHAWAN under the guidance of
MS.SUNITA KAUL. The authenticity of the project work will be examined by the viva examiner
which includes data verification, checking duplicity of information etc. and it may be rejected due
to non-fulfillment of quality standards set by the Institute.
With the kind help of my project guide, MS. SUNITA KAUL .I have been able to complete my
project on “CSR IN TCS”. I express my sincere thanks to my project guide MS.SUNITA KAUL
who helped me in the completion of my project, without whose help the project wouldn’t have
been completed. I acknowledge my indebtedness to all those who generously helped me by sharing
Table of contents
History of TCS
TATA Consultancy Administrations was built up in the year 1968. TCS is viewed as a pioneer in
the Indian IT industry. In spite of negative government guidelines, similar to the Permit Raj, the
organization prevailing in building up the Indian IT Industry.It started as the "TATA COMPUTER
Center", a division of the TATA Gathering, whose fundamental business was to give PC
administrations to other gathering organizations. F C Kohli was its first Senior supervisor. The
amazing JRD TATA was its first Director and was trailed by illuminating presences, for example,
Nani Palkhivala.
One of TCS' first assignments was to give punch card administrations to a sister concern, TATA
Steel (at that point TISCO). It later packed away the nation's first programming venture, the
Between Branch Compromise Framework (IBRS) for the National Bank of India. It additionally
gave department administrations to Unit Trust of India, in this manner getting one of the main
organizations to offer BPO administrations.
In the mid 1970s, TATA Consultancy Administrations began sending out its administrations.
TCS's first worldwide request originated from Burroughs, one of the main business PC makers.
TCS was doled out to compose code for the Burroughs machines for a few US-based customers .
This experience additionally helped TCS sack its first on location venture - the Institutional
Gathering and Data Organization (IGIC), a server farm for ten banks, which took into account
2,000,000 clients in the US, doled out TCS the assignment of keeping up and overhauling its PC
In 1981, TCS set up India's first programming innovative work place, the TATA Exploration
Advancement and Configuration Center (TRDDC). The primary customer committed seaward
improvement community was set up for Compaq (at that point Couple) in 1985.
In 1989, TCS conveyed an electronic store and exchanging framework called SECOM for Sister
SegaInter Settle, Switzerland. It was by a wide margin the most mind boggling venture attempted
by an Indian IT organization. TCS followed this up with Framework X for the Canadian Safe
Framework and furthermore computerized the Johannesburg Stock Trade (JSE)¬¬. TCS related
with a Swiss accomplice, TKS Teknosoft, which it later obtained.
In the mid 1990s, the Indian IT re-appropriating industry became enormously because of the Y2K
bug and the dispatch of a bound together European cash, Euro. TCS spearheaded the production
line model for Y2K transformation and created programming devices which robotized the change
procedure and empowered outsider engineers furthermore, customers to utilize it. In 1999, TCS
saw re-appropriating opportunity in Web based business and related arrangements and set up its E-
Business division with ten individuals. By 2004, E-Business was contributing a large portion of a
billion dollars (US) to TCS.On 9th August 2004, TCS became a publicly listed company, much
later than its rivals, Infosys, Wipro and Satyam. During 2004, TCS ventured into a new area for an
Indian IT services company - Bioinformatics.
During the recent couple of years TCS has been on the growth of progress. Both nationally and
internationally TCS is recognised as the highly respected IT company and has surely put India on
the world’s IT map large and clear.
Tata Consultancy Services Fact File
Key people
● TCS Bancs,
● Digital Certification Products,
● Healthcare Management Systems
● Information Technology Consulting,
● IT Services,
● Outsourcing,
● BPO,
● Software
Set up in 1968, TATA Consultancy Administrations has developed to its present situation as the
biggest IT administrations firm in Asia dependent on its record of extraordinary help, community
oriented organizations, advancement, and corporate obligation.
TCS is glad for their legacy as a major aspect of the TATA Gathering, established by Jamsetji
TATA in 1868 and one of India's most regarded foundations today. Their strategic the TATA
Gathering's longstanding promise to giving greatness:
To assist clients with accomplishing their business goals by giving inventive, top tier counseling,
IT arrangements and administrations, and to effectively connect all partners in a beneficial,
community, and commonly advantageous relationship.
Their vision is to be one of the main 10 worldwide organizations continuously 2010.
Their qualities – honesty, driving change, greatness, regard for the individual, and cultivating a
condition of learning and sharing.
TCS' capacity to convey top notch administrations and arrangements is unparalleled. They are the
world's first association to accomplish an undertaking wide Development Level 5 on both CMMI®
and P-CMM®, utilizing the most thorough appraisal strategy - SCAMPISM. Furthermore, TCS'
Incorporated Quality Administration
TCS keeps on exhibiting the robustness of its plan of action with a solid yearly presentation for the
year 2008-09. During this period, the Organization's combined incomes developed by 23 percent to
Rs.27813 crore, subsequently helping TATA Consultancy Administrations cross the $ six billion
income achievement. TCS merged working benefits developed by 26 percent to Rs.7170 crore and
its working edges improved by 109 premise focuses to 23.73 percent. The net benefit was Rs.5256
crore, a development of 5 percent over 2007-08, because of outer components like outrageous cash
The Organization's Governing body has suggested a last profit of Rs 5 for each offer subject to
investor's endorsement. This brings the absolute profit payout in the money related year to Rs.14
per share. The Governing body has additionally prescribed an issue of extra offers in the
proportion of 1:1 – the second reward issue since your Organization opened up to the world in
2004. This shows the trust in the capacity to perform and the adequacy of the plan of action of the
Organization. Toward the year's end 2008-09, TCS' worldwide impression stretched out to more
than 42 nations through its 140 workplaces all inclusive. TCS stayed concentrated on helping
clients experience conviction while at the same time including new clients and developing the
business in new market fragments and rising verticals. The Organization finalized 28 enormous
negotiations and included 163 new clients all around in the previous one year. There was an
expansion in the quantity of clients over all income groups of $1 million, $5million, $ 10 million,
$20million also, $ 50 million. TCS' greatest market North America crossed the $3 billion income
achievement and developed by 26 percent in 2008-09 notwithstanding the downturn in the district,
while Europe developed by 38.5 percent during the year.
The developing nearness in different markets is significant for the Organization to guarantee
enhancement of its income base and continue its development energy. The immense talent,
professionalism, dedication and support of over 143,000 TCR’s continues to be the Company's
greatest asset. This includes 10,000 international associates from 67 nationalities. TCS inducted
48,000 professionals including more than 22,000 campus graduates over the past year. More than
1.6 million learning days have been invested in developing new competencies during 2008-09 and
around 23,000 TCS’s gained additional technology certifications. The policies to recruit and retain
women professionals continue to be a rfruit and the number of women in the Company has risen
from 28% to 30% of the total employee count last year. TCS continued to drive new growth
opportunities as demonstrated by the strategic, $ 505 million acquisition of Citigroup's captive
BPO in India.
This acquisition, which has since been renamed TCS e-Serve Limited, has enabled the Company to
add a vital new aspect to its banking and financial services business. The acquisition came with
12,500 talented professionals and a contract from Citigroup worth $2.5 billion over nine years.
This move will help expand the Company's leadership in the Banking Financial Services domain
and has already made TCS BPO among the top two BPO players in India in terms of the size of
operations. TCS has also increased its focus on a sustained efficiency program across the
TCS' growth has occurred within a challenging economic climate. The Company has demonstrated
leadership, remained disciplined in execution and faced a volatile market with a positive 'can do'
attitude. The recession which began as a client-specific US instance expanded to an industry-
generic malady and affected global businesses. While there has been some impact on the short-
term growth rates of the Indian IT industry in this financial year, TCS' value proposition to global
business remains strong. Looking towards the future, the Company will remain focused on agility,
innovation and operational excellence.
TCS has always adapted quickly to changing circumstances by its responsive and creative
thinking. For customers, TCS presents an enviable value proposition enabled by four decades of
experience, domain knowledge, technology excellence and offerings of full services play. TCS is
well poised to gain advantage from newer areas such as Healthcare, Energy, Utilities and
Telecommunication including the impact of new technologies such as Broadband, 3G, WIMAX,
LTE and others.
TCS continues to invest for the future. Sustainability, Green IT and Cloud Computing are areas of
opportunity and your Company is leveraging these. The Cloud Computing based IT services model
for small and medium enterprises, currently being piloted in India, is an example of a business
model innovation that will set a new precedence in the IT industry. Such initiatives can be
replicated, once they are mature, into multiple global markets. TCS' platform-based BPO
initiatives in areas like Human
Resources and Finance and Accounting will also contribute to future growth.
TCS has been continuously making investments to open up new markets and services. The
investments the Company has made in new growth markets like Asia-Pacific, Latin America and
now in Middle East and Africa are attaining scale, size and a meaningful presence. In 2008-09, the
new growth markets grew
at a rate of 16%. The Company's vast pool of human capital is helping chart the Company's future
progress not only in terms of its business but also by its impact on the community. Over 50,000
hours of volunteering effort was expended by TCS’s, in the past year. One area where considerable
progress was made has been in the area of corporate sustainability. The increased environmental
consciousness across the organisation has resulted in reduction in air travel, 8% drop in electricity
consumption, lower paper and printer cartridge utilisation. This coupled with 'green' buildings and
'green' technologies has helped reduce carbon footprint this year.
TCS continues to be an engine of growth because of its proven ability to reinvent the organisation
and the business. The Company is positioned to work in collaborative mode, learning constantly,
critically evaluating all that it does and demonstrate the leadership it is known for. Thanks to the
employees and their extended families, the many shareholders and the community at large, the
future holds new promise for TCS as a top technology company globally.
• TCS Bio-Informatics Solution
• Business Process Outsourcing
• TCS Certificate Validation Server Business Intelligence
• TCS File Authentication Solution Engineering &Industrial Services
• TCS eLearning Effectiveness
• Measurement Solution
• Small & Medium Enterprises
• TCS Code Generator Framework
The twenty first century is characterized by way of unheard of challenges and
opportunities, springing up from globalization, the wish for inclusive development and the
imperatives of climate change. Indian business, which is nowadays considered globally as
a responsible element of the ascendancy of India, is poised now to take on a leadership function in
the challenges of our times. It is identified the world over that integrating social, environmental
and moral obligations into the governance of agencies ensures their long time period success,
competitiveness and sustainability.
stakeholders. These sound and all-encompassing values are even more applicable in cutting-
edge times, as businesses grapple with the challenges of modern- day enterprise, the aspirations of
stakeholders and of residents keen to be lively members in financial growth and development.
Corporate Social Responsibility (Definition):
Ethical behavior of enterprise or business towards society, promotion activities like enticing wi
thout delay with neighborhood communities, figuring out their fundamental needs, and
integrating their wants with commercial enterprise goals and strategic intent.
Basically, it is about how business considers the monetary, social and natural effect of the
manner by which it works.
Fundamental Principle:
Every business element ought to figure a CSR arrangement to direct its vital arranging and give
a guide to its CSR activities, which ought to be a vital piece of by and large business strategy
and lined up with its business objectives. The arrangement ought to be encircled with the
cooperation of different level administrators and ought to be endorsed by the Board.
● Core Elements:
The organizations should regard the interests of, and be responsive towards all partners,
including investors, workers, clients, providers, venture influenced individuals, society
everywhere and so on and make an incentive for every one of them. They ought to create
component to effectively draw in with all partners, advise them regarding characteristic
dangers and alleviate them where they happen.
2. Ethical functioning:
Organizations ought to give a work environment condition that is protected, sterile and
compassionate and which maintains the pride of representatives. They ought to give all
representatives access to preparing and improvement of fundamental abilities for
professional success, on an equivalent and non-unfair premise. They ought to maintain the
opportunity of affiliation and the viable acknowledgment of the privilege to aggregate
haggling of work, have a viable complaint redressal framework, ought not utilize youngster
or constrained work and give and keep up equity of chances with no separation on any
grounds in enlistment and during business.
Organizations should regard human rights for all and stay away from complicity with
human rights maltreatment by them or by third party4.
Organizations should take measures to check and forestall contamination; reuse, oversee
and lessen squander, ought to oversee characteristic assets in a feasible way and guarantee
ideal utilization of assets like land and water, ought to proactively react to the difficulties of
environmental change by receiving cleaner creation strategies, advancing proficient
utilization of vitality and condition inviting advances.
As indicated by Schedule-VII of Companies Bill, 2012 the accompanying exercises can be
incorporated by organizations in their CSR Policies:-Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty;
i. Promotion of education;
viii. Contribution to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund or some other reserve
set by the Central Government or the State Governments for financial
improvement and help and assets for the government assistance of the Scheduled
Caste, the Scheduled Tribes, other in reverse classes, minorities and ladies.
In a world where the dynamic challenges of climate change, ozone depletion, pollution, population
growth, resource allocation, scarcity of resources and inequality are testing the earth’s capacity and
human well-being,it is crucial for the companies to contribute to the society in a way of giving
back to the mother earth for taking out the natural resources and harming the earth.
Social responsibility and business ethics are concepts that go hand in hand for all companies that
transact business. Business ethics are those moral standards a company applies to make sure that
the employees act within the rules and principles of the company while doing the business
functions. The marriage of the two are used by large organizations and companies to promote
corporate governance, this in turn creates the framework of procedures, policies and the guidelines
for the individual stakeholders, that is, those who are employed and even those who have invested
in the company (Bendixen & Abratt, 2007). Outside stakeholders can also benefit from this
governance. Due to the fact that most companies that command huge portions of the economic
resources receive scrutiny pertaining to the business ethics, it is important for them to provide
some benefit to the locals, and try to win their hearts, and consequently improve the living
standards of the people, making sure that they do no pollute or introduce any pollutant into the
environment. However, at times, governments and individuals demand too much from the
companies (Berenbeim 2006). It is imperative to realize that as much as the companies should
not misuse the natural resources, they cannot pay for every single need and wants of the
communities, this goes contrary to the ethics and may even result to the companies going off the
Business ethics is a kick start of social responsibility. Through it, the society or governments are
able to decide whether the companies will be able to give back to the communities that they are
exploiting or not. Given the ability to utilize these ethics, it is possible to create a social
responsibility, which can transform the leadership, culture and the business ventures so that there
are goods for the society (Bendixen & Abratt, 2007).
From the above review of the existing literature, it is evident that embracing CSR would have
significant impacts on society as a whole as well as on environment. .CSR would enhance
implementation of ethical policies within the company and in relation with its environment, both
internal and external.
Sustainability is responsibility for the impact that the organization exerts on its surroundings and
environment. Sustainability is a PPP approach which means a concern for PEOPLE, PROFIT and
Sustainability is awareness that each entity is surrounded by stakeholders which is the most
important aspect for which organsations strive to work for. Building and cultivating cordial and
good relations with stakeholders is crucial, because it not only affects the possibilities to manage
risks, but also gives organisations a competitive edge over other firms and open up opportunities.
TCS invests Rs. 434 Cr in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs
Corporate Social Duty (CSR) is being bridled to make fundamental arrangements that address
the main drivers of cultural difficulties in India. TATA Consultancy Administrations (TCS), a
worldwide innovator in innovation and consultancy, has exhibited its pledge to the financial
improvement of society. Organization has contributed Rs. 434 crore on different feasible
advancement programs, against its recommended CSR consumption of Rs. 542 Crore,
Organization's yearly report 2018-19 uncovered.
Counting abroad spend, the Organization's absolute pending on CSR is Rs. 527 crore. CSR
programs are centered around instruction and ability building, wellbeing and health, and
condition. The CSR ventures attempted are inside the wide system of Timetable VII of the
Organizations Demonstration, 2013.
As indicated by the report, TCS brought about a measure of Rs. 434 crore and Rs. 400 crore
during the year finished Walk 31, 2019 and 2018, individually, towards CSR use for purposes
other than development/securing of any benefit."
"TCS' CSR activities arrived at more than 1.66 million recipients all inclusive, in FY 2019,
by and by making an extensive cultural effect in the nations in which we work.", report said.
TCS banded together with TATA Trusts, NGOs and different not-revenue driven associations
to scale up social projects.
Key Highlights
▪ Total Turnover: Rs 146,463 crore
● Average net benefit of the organization for last three money related a very long time
with the end goal of calculation of CSR: Rs 27,078 crore.
● Prescribed CSR Consumption (two percent of the sum as in thing 2 above): Rs. 542
● Amount unspent: Rs. 108 crore
● Total Spending on Corporate Social Obligation (CSR) as level of benefit after
expense (%): 1.6 % of normal net benefit for past three yearsList of activities in which
expenditure in 4 above has been incurred:
Environmental Sustainability 3
Disaster Relief 7
Report educated that the Organization additionally spends effectively in different networks
and on social activities in the nations it works in. These consumptions, while in the idea of
CSR spend, don't qualify under Segment 135 of the Organizations Demonstration 2013. The
absolute CSR spend of the Organization for FY 2019 including both the idea of costs is Rs.
527 crore
"Regarding the ventures distinguished by the Organization as a piece of its CSR exercises,
the Organization had a cost of Rs. 1,600 crore against which an aggregate consumption of Rs.
1,483 crore has been caused up to Walk 31, 2019.", report uncovered.
Three gatherings of the CSR Panel were held during the year under audit. Four Executive
gatherings of TCS Establishment, a Segment 8 organization which was joined with sole target
of carrying on Corporate Social Obligation (CSR) exercises of the Organization were held
during the year.
⮚ Governance
Being a piece of the 144-year old Tata gathering, which exemplifies maintainability, the TCS,
have acquired a solid inheritance of reasonable, straightforward and moral administration, as
typified in the Tata Code of Conduct.
This is lined up with the ten standards verbalized in the UN Global Compact to which TCS is
a signatory. The Tata gathering's Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) typifies
maintainability as a key viewpoint for estimating business greatness for bunch organizations,
and the consequences of this are featured at the board level. TCS is on the Steering and
Working Committees of the Climate Change Group inside Tata Quality Management
Services (TQMS), which drives maintainability rules for the gathering.
The CEO administers the organization's manageability technique and reports on the activities
and progress at the executive gatherings. A Sustainability Council has been set up to regulate
the usage of maintainability system. The chamber is driven by the head of corporate
maintainability and reports to the CEO&MD and the Board of Directors. It involves the heads
of inward IT, HSE, Administration, CSR, Infrastructure Planning Department, Eco-
supportability Services and Human Resources.
The objectives are dictated by the senior administration in accordance with the organization's
general supportability destinations and the exhibition against these objectives. The
Company's drives in the network mean to make sway through strengthening with the goal
that the individuals in the network can bring home the bacon and lead a superior personal
satisfaction. The Company has picked four regions to center attempted under these four wide
territories are focused on financially in reverse and other minimized gatherings (like ladies,
youngsters and matured) just as the individuals who are truly or socially distraught.
The Company's people group activities are conveyed utilizing four unique methodologies:
(iii) Building synergistic organizations with customers and different accomplices like NGOs
every one of the 17 modules of Prescription Mantra which were then progressed to a help
2 The CSR Tech Group gives to end consultancy and architected thorough answers for social
associations. The emphasis has been on utilizing innovation as a key empowering agent to
help and resolve business challenges looked by these associations.
4. Activity Grin is a universal NGO which gives free medical procedure to congenital
fissures, congenital fissures and other facial disfigurements to monetarily in reverse kids.
TCS arranged a model for Persistent Consideration Framework for following patients, with
visual securities.
7. Blood gift camps – These camps are sorted out consistently over the conveyance
communities in India and a comparative drive was composed in Singapore in relationship
with Red Cross.
⮚ CSR in the area of Environment
With a solid spotlight on vitality proficiency, green foundation and green IT, TCS endeavor
towards diminishing explicit vitality and carbon impression. TCS keep on keeping up center
around water effectiveness and diminishing interest on new water through wastewater
treatment and shut circle reusing. Powerful waste administration adjusted to the 3R guideline,
TCS try to become zero waste release at all their grounds. These highlights are a fundamental
piece of their green grounds which are planned according to LEED Green Structure Models
Rainwater Harvesting: So as to accomplish water manageability, different endeavors are
made and executed by TCS in its possessed premises and in rented premises any place
achievable. The downpour water reaping structure is a significant element of building plan as
rooftop top assortment framework, reviving to exhaust wells, development of energizes
channels, energizing pits, and water bodies for putting away downpour water.
Waste Management
Being an IT administration and counseling association , there are no huge essential outflows
or procedure squanders . Squanders incorporate electronic and electrical waste (E-squander)
and a little extent of directed squanders like lead-corrosive batteries, squander lube oil, and so
on. The waste administration rehearses try to decrease the ecological effect of waste streams
to the degree conceivable by decrease.
At TCS, natural activities are viewed as a major aspect of the general operational and
framework improvement and the use isn't followed independently. Capital uses like green
structure extends or working uses like checking and estimation costs, interest in vitality
productivity ventures , consistence expenses are incorporated as a piece of the operational
spending plan for the office.
TCS connect with partners making ecological mindfulness and sharpening them towards
nature and monitoring its different assets. The preparation systems utilized range from
enlistment preparing to consistent figuring out how to mindfulness mailers to different
crusades and rivalries on condition. The all out preparing worker hours granted on wellbeing,
security and condition was more than 240,000. We likewise have a biology club under the
representative commitment gathering Maitree, where partners meet up and take part in
different exercises like tidy up drives, mindfulness meetings, street appears, tree estate drives,
sapling appropriation, and so on.
As a major aspect of the TATA culture of being a mindful corporate resident, TCS
persistently endeavor to lessen our natural impression by distinguishing material territories
and concentrating on every one of them deliberately. TCS have characterized procedure and
frameworks so as to recognize, measure and diminish the effects on the earth, including the
carbon, water, vitality and waste impression. The key mainstays of the fruitful condition the
board have been senior administration responsibility and a coordinated administration
frameworks approach guided by the TCS Natural Arrangement. From green structures to
green IT to green store network, their dedication is to develop reasonably and furthermore
assist clients with accomplishing manageable development through green arrangements and
administration contributions.
Both CSR and corporate sustainability focus on helping companies run in a way that
allows them to be ethically profitable—never at the expense of others. Both CSR and
corporate sustainability help companies make a positive impact on those around them.
These two concepts are closely related. After all, corporate sustainability is part of corporate
social responsibility. But, there are some key differences between them.
The contextual analysis of TCS shows that the great administration is comprised by
straightforwardness, reasonableness and responsibility to partners. The administrations of all
around represented associations comprehend that they are negligible trustees dealing with the
undertakings of the organization to the greatest advantage of the 'genuine' proprietors – the
✔ The TATA gathering's TATA Business Greatness Model (TBEM), Directing and
Working Boards of trustees of the Environmental Change Gathering inside TATA
Quality Administration Administrations (TQMS), which drives manageability rules
for the gathering. Clearly, this calls for more prominent evenness of data among them
and their partners.
✔ It coherently follows then that reliably rehearsing the best revelation and detailing
rehearses is essentially a lifestyle in associations with great administration. The
genuine trial of good administration and hazard the executives structures is their
capacity to withstand the changes of monetary and business cycles.
✔ Employees will reconsider before joining organizations which don't have great
administration rehearses.
✔ Customers will avoid organizations which don't keep the principles, society won't
regard organizations which don't follow the accepted procedures. It won't be a
misrepresentation to state that the estimation of an organization in future will be
chosen by the administration arrangement of an organization.
Only those organizations that were based on a foundation of solid corporate administration
will win regard from its partners and appreciate an increasingly manageable development.
Thus TCS has picked the accompanying channels to drive its CSR activities:
● Developing inventive answers for address huge scope cultural issues by using IT
centre capability
● Volunteering for ventures that address the felt need of networks wherein TCS works,
while lining up with the center subjects of TCS' CSR
● Participating in network improvement program advocated by our customers
● Partnering with select non-government and common society associations and other
government bodies
● Supporting enormous scope causes, for example, debacle help or some other reason as
controlled by the Corporate CSR Gathering.
● The maintainability report by TCS is as indicated by the Worldwide Detailing
Activity for manageability announcing which depends on inclusivity, part of
execution. The work is acted in consistence with prerequisite of IPAC code of morals
for proficient records. This shows for instance for the other organization to go for
these benchmarks and GRI rule .Review through KPMG should be possible with the
goal that fairness can be kept up. KPMG has frameworks and procedures set up to
While working for the project, we analyzed the unethical practices of TCS and thus would
recommend certain measures to be taken care for the better future of the company.
Firstly, the company is operated on the ideologies of Ratan Tata. Following the CSR
practices, TCS operates its business activities in a manner that have a positive impact on the
society. Several social initiatives like employment opportunities for the differently abled,
aiding under-privileged children, HIV sensitization camps,etc. So, the management must
ensure that the current CSR practices and the ideologies laid down by Ratan Tata are
continued to be followed in the future as well even if the company is not led by him in the
Further, it is recommended that in the current scenario wherein the entire world is adversely
affected by the corona virus, the company must take decisions in the best of favor of the
employees. Generally, large companies start downsizing their staff in order to battle such
situations and attain economical equilibrium. The company must provide the facility of work
from home to all the employees. Apart from this, the company can also collaborate with the
non-profit organizations and other organizations in their local area to help the society in the
time of crisis.