Mil HDBK 783
Mil HDBK 783
Mil HDBK 783
15 October 1990
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and is available for use by all Departments and Agen- 3. This handbook was developed under the auspices
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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i i
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
LIST OF ABBREV1ATIONS AND ACRONYMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
2-1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-
. . .1
2-2 CHEMICAL AGENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 ....
2-2.1 CLASSIFICATION OF AGENTS BY MODE OF ACTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2 .
2-2.1.1 Blister Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 .
2-2.1.2 Nerve Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 ..
2-2.1.3 Blood Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4 ...
2-2.1.4 Choking Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
2-2.1.5 Incapacitating Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 ...
2-2.2 CLASSIFICATION OF AGENTS BY PERSISTENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
2-2.2.1 Persistent Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-2.2.2 Nonpersistent Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-3 BIOLOGICAL AGENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-3.1 MICROORGANISMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-3.1.1 Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-3.1.2 Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-3.1.3 Rickettsias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-3.1.4 Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-3.2 TOXINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-4 THREAT OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-10
2-4.1 DELIVERY AND DISSEMINATION SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 ..
2-4.2 RESULTANT HAZARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 .
2-4.2.1 Chemical Agent Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2- Liquid Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2- Vapor Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-4.2.2 Biological Agent Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 . ..
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4- STB and HTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- B l e a c h e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Mask-Sanitizing Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Chloramine-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Iodine Water Purification Tablets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Formalin (Formaldehyde) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Detrochlorite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Peracetic Acid (PAA) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Ethylene Oxide (ETO) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Carboxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- H y a m i n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Sodium Hydroxide, Barium Hydroxide, and Potassium Hydroxide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4- Activated Solution of Hypochlorite (ASH) or Self-Limiting Activated Solutions
of Hypochlorite (SLASH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4- C8 Emulsion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Chlorine Dioxide Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-3.2.2 Oxidation by Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4 PHYSICAL METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.1 AQUEOUS APPROACHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.1.1 Hot Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.1.2 Steam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.2 NONAQUEOUS APPROACHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.2.1 Organic Solvents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.2.2 Dry Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.2.3 Weathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-4.2.4 Dry Sorbents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-5 LEVELS OF DECONTAM1NATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-5.1 PARTIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-5.2 COMPLETE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
4-6.1 INDIVIDUAL (SKIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.1.1 For Chemical Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.1.2 For Biological Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.2 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.2.1 Protective Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.2.2 Protective Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.2.3 Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.2.4 Individually Carried Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.3 VEHICLES . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.3.1 Individual Decontamination . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.3.2 Unit Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.3.3 Field Decontamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.4 AIRCRAFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.5 OTHER EQUIPME NT (SUPPI.IES AND AM MUNITION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4-6.5.1 Food and Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Group I (Exposure Limited to Chemical Vapor Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4- Group II (Exposure to Liquid Chemical Agents or to Biological Agents) . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4- Group III (Unsealed Foods or Foods in Nonprotective Packaging) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
4-6.5.2 Ammunition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.5.3 Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Optics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4- Canvas Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.6 TERRAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4-6.6.1 Weathering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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6-2.3 DELIBERATE DECONTAM1NATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6-2.3.1 Emulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
6-2.3.2 Microemulsions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6-2.3.3 Catalysis . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
6-2.3.4 Fluorocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
6-2.3.5 Foams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8
GLOSSARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1
INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Figure No. Title Page
l-l The Interrelationship of US Army CB Defense Program Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
3-1 Protective Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-2 Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3-3 M43 CB Protective Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 .
3-4 Standardized MOPP Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-5 Ventilated Facepiece System (M13A1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-6 M51 Shelter System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3-7 Simplified Collective Protection Equipment (SCPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
3-8 AN /TSQ73 Shelter With MCPE Installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-9 Hybrid Collective Protection Equipment (HCPE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-10 Total System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
3-11 Agent-Coating Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3-12 M256 Detector Kit. Chemical Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 .
3-13 M43A1 Detector Unit, Chemical Agent Automatic Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
3-14 Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
4-1 Evaporation Time for 90% of Original Agent Mass ( l-mm Droplet) as a Function of
Temperature and Wind Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4-2 ABC-M11, Decontamination Apparatus, Portable, DS2, 1½ Qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
4-3 M12A1, Decontaminating Apparatus, Power-Driven, Skid-Mounted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
4-4 M13, Decontaminating Apparatus, Portable 14-Liter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Table No. Title Page
2-1 Properties of Chemical Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-2 Toxicity of Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-3 Persistence of Chemical Agents on Soil Under Different Weather Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-4 Biological Contamination - Mortality Rates and Incubation Periods of Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-5 Biological Contamination– Mortality Rates of Toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
3-1 US Army Fielded Individual Protective Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-2 Types of Collective Protection for Vehicles and Fixed Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-3 The CARC System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
3-4 CDIW Systems Fielded by US Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
3-5 M256A1 Sensitivity Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
3-6 M43A1 Sensitivity Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
4-1 Chemical and Physical Methods for Decontaminating CB Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-2 Application Rate of STB Slurry for Selected Surfaces and Terrains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4-3 Thermal Effects Data for Selected Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4-4 US Army-Fielded Decontamination Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
5-1 Effects of DS2 and STB on Selected Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5-2 Effects of Agents and Decontaminants on Selected Polymeric Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
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This chapter discusses historical events significant to an appreciation of chemical and biological (CB)
warfare. It also out lines the scope of this handbook and describes the general content of each chapter.
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current and future CB agent threats. Several decontami- June 1925, the Geneva Protocol. considered the first
nation concepts and their application feasibility are step toward totally eliminating chemical warfare, was
discussed. adopted by the League of Nations.
Between World War I and World War II, with the
1-3 HISTORY exception of’ the development of chemical weapons
delivery systems (both bombs and spray tank systems)
1-3.1 CB WARFARE for aircraft delivery, no significant advances in CB
The use of chemical weapons in warfare is not a offense were made until the discovery of the nerve gases
modern tactic. Warriors in ancient India used incendiary in Germany shortly before World War II. The basic
devices against their enemies. Byzantine soldiers used a research that culminated in the development of nerve
compound that, when burned, created toxic fumes. agents had begun in Germany in 1934 with the dis-
Smoke was said to have been used against the armies of’ covery, during research seeking new types of insecti-
the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages the Christians cides, that fluorine compounds tended to be toxic.
defeated the Turks with toxic fumes created by burning “The first nerve agent developed was called tabun
rags soaked in chemicals. (GA) and the other G-series agents followed rapidly.
Modern chemical weapons were conceived during Tabun was first prepared on 23 December 1936, and by
World War 1 and were used widely by Allied and 1939 a pilot plant had been set up to provide quantities
Central Power forces. Harassing agents and, later, lethal for field testing. Later, a full-scale production plant was
agents were developed and used. The first lethal agent built. which operated between April 1942 and the begin-
employed was chlorine, which was released from high- ning of 1945, and produced some 12,000 tons of tabun
-pressure tanks by the Germans against the French and during that period. Sarin (GB), one of the most potent
British forces at Ypres in April 1915. At least 5000 of the currently known nerve agents. was discovered in
troops were killed by that attack and 10,000 additional 1939. Although there were considerable difficulties in
troops became casualties. The greatest losses inflicted developing a manufacturing process for that agent, a
by chemical weapons occurred in Russia; the number of’ potential satisfactory process was worked out and a
casualties was estimated to have been 500,000, of which production plant was begun in 1943. The plant, how-
50,000 were fatalities. The reason for the heavy Russian ever, was overrun by the Soviets before it was finished.
losses was probably the lack of effective protection In 1944 soman (GD) was also discolored by the
aggravated by poor training ( Ret. I). Germans. but it was too late in the war for the necessary
The use of chlorine gas and, later, phosgene (both development work to proceed very far.
respiratory agents) generated tremendous efforts on Another class of potent nerve gases derived from
both sides to develop protective equipment. Various organophosphate compounds was developed between
types of crude gas masks (respirators) were developed 1952 to 1954. These new lethal compounds were called
and used first by the Canadians and the British until an V-series agents. By 1958 the United States had selected
early version of the carbon canister filters that are used one of the V-series compounds. named VX, for large-
today came into widespread use. scale manufacture. In 1959 construction work on the
The United States began preparations for war with factory began, and in 1961 production of VX com-
neither a policy nor a capability for chemical warfare, menced. This continued until 1968 when the plant was
and it took a considerable amount of time for the shut down.
United States to catch up. US Forces were not provided Although the Geneva Protocol has prohibited the use
with gas masks until late 1917, and US chemical of CB weapons since 1925, it has not prevented the use
munitions were not sent to the front until late 1918. of these weapons. There have been several adequately
At the end of World War I, the military establishment substantiated and additional alleged but unsub-
in most of the participating countries was unconvinced stantiated instances of the use of chemical warfare on a
about the value of chemical weapons for their own relatively large scale since 1925.
forces. However, the people in the participating coun- The Italians used mustard gas (H) against Abyssinia
tries were horrified by, and openly and loudly protested. in 1936 and 1937. It is believed that the use of CB
the results of chemical weapons use, and efforts to weapons against the entirely unprepared Abyssinians
prohibit repetition were initiated. had a decisive influence on the outcome of the war
The Versailles Treaty of 1919 included a prohibition (Ref. 1).
on the use of poisonous gases, and the Washington Although the Germans manufactured CB agents dur-
Disarmament Conference of 1922 considered a similar ing World War II, the agents were never used during
provision, but it never was enacted. At American and that war. Most likely this was due to the German fear
French initiatives, the Geneva Conference of 1925 of’ reprisal because the Germans were convinced that
addressed the subject of chemical warfare, and on 17 the Allies also had supplies of’ nerve agents.
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In more recent years claims of use of CB agents in systems and equipment items. These effects can reduce
various regions of the world have been made. During the capability of the system to perform its functions.
the Yemen War of 1963-1967. mustard gas, among The corrosive nature of mustard gas was exhibited in
others, was used in some inaccessible areas, but this fact World War I when ammunition exposed for long
was not internationally known until long after the war periods to its vapors caused weapons to jam frequently
(Ref. l). By the end of the 1970s, an increasing number and to require constant cleaning.
of press and intelligence reports had suggested that CB When examining the effects of CB agents and de-
agents were being used in limited wars being conducted contaminants upon materials, it is important to focus
around the world. Claims were made that CB agents upon the function of that material or the component
had been used by the Laotian government with and or subsystem that the material is used to construct.
Vietnamese and Soviet assistance since 1975 against the Once a function has been established, the properties of
H’mong, a mountain people living in the central part of the material critical to performing that function can be
the country. In Kampuchea, Vietnamese forces were determined. Testing can then be performed to determine
said to have used CB agents against resistance fighters. the effects of exposure to CB agents and decontaminants
Allegations of the use of CB agents by the Soviet and upon critical properties.
Afghan armies against the Mujahideens, who were fight- Testing in more recent years on alkyd paints exposed
ing the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, have been to mustard droplets has shown that even after decontami-
made by the United States (Ref. l). nation enough mustard remains in the paint to blister
In 1983 and 1986 a team of scientists sponsored by bare skin coming in close contact with the surface (Ref.
the United Nations was sent to Iran to investigate 4). In permeability tests of flexible barrier materials for
claims of use of CB agents by the Iraqi troops against collective protection equipment, mustard poses a most
Iranian troops. Based on the evidence gathered during stringent challenge. In such tests, when mustard droplets
the second trip to Iran. the UN Mission unanimously are placed on a film of commercial low-density
concluded that CB agents had been used against Iranian polyethylene 10-mm thick, mustard vapor emanates
troops by Iraqi forces (Ref. 2). from the opposite side in under 10 min.
It is clear that potential adversaries of the United In most of the tests conducted prior to 1980 to collect
States currently possess the capability and willingness information describing the effects of agents and de-
to wage chemical warfare. To develop systems that can contaminants on materials, the effects on critical
survive in this environment a strong understanding of properties were not measured. In addition, standard
the CB threat agents and their interactions is essential. exposure conditions and test methods were not em-
ployed. As a result, the data base of agent and or
1-3.2 CB AGENTS AND decontaminant effects on materials could not be reliably
DECONTAMINANTS employed to predict the survivability of system com-
The two primary goals of the deployment of CB ponents. To remedy the problem, the US Army has
agents are to (1) kill or incapacitate as many of the conducted or sponsored programs in which standardized
enemy as possible and (2) force the survivors into a methods were employed to collect data describing effects
chemically protected posture, which decreases their ef- on critical performance-related properties. Selected
fectiveness. results from these programs are presented in more
The effects of CB agents on personnel are well docu- detail in Chapter 5.
mented as a result of World War 1. The US Expedi-
tionary Force suffered approximate> 37,000 known gas
casualties during World War I, of which approximately 1-3.3 CB DEFENSE PROGRAMS
27,000 were due to mustard gas (Ref. 3). The remaining As mentioned previously, the LJS Expeditionary Forces
casualties were a result of phosgene gas and unknown in World War I were not prepared for chemical warfare.
agents. It has been estimated that these CB casualties The United States was forced to develop protective mask
required 1.3 million man-days of lost effort for care and technologies and offensive production capabilities to
that the average casualty was confined to a hospital for respond to the CB agent threats. After World War 1
six weeks (Ref. 4). Only 600 of the 126,000 American chemical warfare research and development decreased to
deaths could be attributed to mustard gas (Ref. 4). This a low point. In the early 1920s, what is now called the US
indicates that earlier CB agents were much more ef- Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering
fective in reducing war-fighting capability than inflicting Center (CRDEC) was organized at Edgewood Arsenal,
fatal casualties. MD, the site of munitions filling plants during the war. In
In recent years much attention has been given to the the shadow of the Geneva Protocol of 1925, this facility
effects of CB contaminants and their associated de- conducted limited research in chemical warfare through
contaminants on materials used to construct military the beginning of World War 11.
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The Congressional appropriation for chemical warfare ment, and collective protection systems. By 1980, the
research jumped from two million dollars in 1940 to more Department of Defense had initiated a modernization
than sixty million dollars in 1941. This increased level of program to reduce the gaps in chemical warfare defensive
spending lead to an expansion of facilities at Edgewood and retaliatory capabilities of the U.S.
Arsenal and other facilities around the country. During Currently the major defensive areas for chemical
World War II work was conducted in gas mask warfare established by the services are
technology, collective protection, protective clothing, 1. Detection, warning, and identification
protective ointments, and medical kits. This work was 2. Individual protective equipment
conducted in response to the German discovery of the 3. Collective protection
G-series nerve agents in the late 1930s. As was the case at 4. Contamination control (contamination avoidance
the end of World War I, research in chemical warfare and decontamination).
slowed at the end of World War 11. During the 1950s The CB defense program of the US Army currently
military research programs in chemical warfare em- involves the development of systems in the four defense
phasized the development of offensive systems; this areas that will enable the soldier to fight effectively in a
emphasis resulted in the development of the V-series CB environment. Fig. 1-1 illustrates the intricate interrela-
agent VX in 1958. tionships among the four CB defense areas. Overlapping
In the late 1960s and early 1970s the US chemical areas in the Venn diagram represent the integration of the
warfare capabilities went into a forced decline. By the four key countermeasure technologies. For example, the
mid- 1970s an effort to disband the Army Chemical Corps overlapping of individual protection and contamination
had been attempted and was almost successful, and the control results in solutions to problems of personnel
ability of US forces to conduct operations in a CB- decontamination. The overlapping of collective protection
contaminated environment decreased dramatically. The and monitoring systems results in the development of
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, commenting on the warning and detection capabilities inside shelters.
CB preparedness of the U. S., declared that US forces With the establishment of AR 70-71 in 1984, the US
were not prepared to operate in a CB environment (Ref. Army declared that CB survivability of weapon systems
5). must be addressed. This regulation has broadened research
After several analyses of captured Soviet equipment in activities from the four key defense areas previously
the 1973 Middle East war, the U.S. discovered large gaps described to areas including CB agent and’ or de-
in its chemical warfare defense posture (Ref. 5). Improve- contaminant interactions with materials of construction
ment programs slowly began in the Army in the late 1970s and design of systems for survivability in a CB agent
that resulted in the development of manual chemical environment.
agent detection kits, portable decontamination equip-
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Research, Development, and Engineering Center, H. L. Stringer and T. J. Welch, “Deterring Chemica]
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, September 1985. Warfare: The Next Step”, NBC Defense and Technology
Soviet Chemical Weapons Threat, Report No. DST- International 1. No. 2, 18-25 ( 1986).
1620F-051-85, Directorate for Scientific and Technical Threat / Hazard Summary Report, Volume I – The NBC
Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Washing- Contamination Threat, McDonnell Aircraft Co., St.
ton, DC, 1985. Louis. MO. September 1985.
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Chemical and biological (CB) warfare agents represent a very significant threat to the effective performance
of military operations. CB agents can kill or incapacitate the soldier or seriously degrade his performance.
Unprotected or inadequately protected personnel who are exposed to CB agents can suffer a range effects
including skin irritation, sickness, disorientation, and death. Chemical agents can also contaminate and affect
the performance of equipment that the soldier must rely on to function effectively. The agents and effects are
described in pars. 2-2 and 2-3. A threat overview, given in par. 2-4, discusses agent delivery and dissemination
systems and techniques. The chemical and biological hazards associated with agent delivery are also described.
CB agents have a range of effects on unprotected criteria used to select suitable agents are
personnel. Some agents cause mild irritation, sickness, 1. Toxicity in extremely small concentrations
and physical and mental degradation that diminish a 2. Toxicity through various routes of entry into the
soldier’s willingness to fight or impair his fighting skills. body
Other, more lethal, agents can have rapid and devastating 3. Time required for onset of symptoms and duration
effects. The severity of the effect of a CB agent on exposed of effect
personnel depends upon the entry route into the body as 4. Long-term storage stability
well as the dosage and type of agent. CB agents can enter 5. Ease of dissemination in practical munitions
the body through a number of routes: the respirator 6. Low cost (Ref. 1).
tract, the eyes, lesions on the skin, ingestion, and direct Chemical agents may be classified according to their
absorption through the skin. chemical structure, physical and chemical properties, and
CB agents can be dispersed by bombs, artillery rounds. mode of action. They also may be classified as persistent
rockets. grenades, land mines, and missiles. Additionally, or nonpersistent depending on the length of time they
CB agents can be sprayed from land vehicles, fixed-wing remain on surfaces. Generally. the effects of chemical
aircraft, and helicopters. The agents are disseminated in agents are acute, that is, the poisoning symptoms appear
vapor, aerosol, or liquid droplet form. Vapor and aerosol within minutes to hours.
forms can be readily and rapidly dispersed. They can There are two categories of biological agents: micro-
easily penetrate buildings and vehicles through crevices, organisms and toxins. Microorganisms include bacteria,
cracks, and small openings. Because of this insidious rickettsias, viruses, and fungi. Because of the incubation
penetration. protection of personnel becomes a formidable period required for the particular disease to spread
task. Even if the personnel are fully protected by wearing throughout the body and for the onset of symptoms,
protective gear, many gaseous, i.e.. vapor and aerosol, microorganisms are considered delayed incapacitating or
agents can saturate the filters of respiratory devices and lethal agents. However, the delay period will be shortened
render them useless. Liquid agents can gradually penetrate and the symptoms can be much more severe than those of
through protective gear to reach the skin and cause a normal infection by the same species of microorganism if
contact hazard. Furthermore, continuous wearing of the a very large dose of agent has entered the body. A mixture
protective overgarment and other protective gear will of two or more microorganisms can produce complex
degrade mission performance due to the cumbersome pathological effects. Furthermore, if agents that cause
nature of the gear and the thermal burden it imposes on contagious diseases are employed, a disease can spread to
the body. The use of CB agents before launching an attack cause an epidemic.
with traditional weapons can be a decisive factor in the Toxins, the secretions or metabolic products of living
battle because defensive forces are likely to be so weakened organisms, i.e., animals, plants, and microorganisms, can
that that are unable to defend their positions or to be isolated and stored in munitions. Similar to chemical
counterattack. agents, toxins can produce immediate and acute toxic
Chemical agents are synthesized chemicals. Although effects. The extent of the effects depends on the dosage
thousands of chemical agent candidates have been and type of toxin. Some toxins have a cumulative effect,
designed and tested for military use, only a few have been i.e., prolonged low-level exposure can result in the same
found to be of practical military value. Some of the toxic effect as short exposure at a higher level.
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2-2 CHEMICAL AGENTS Table 2-2. The table also lists the rates at which the body
detoxifies agents.
Chemical agents can be classified according to their 2-2.1.1 Blister Agents
modes of action as blister, nerve, blood, choking, and Examples of important blister agents are distilled
incapacitating. Threat agents within each type, along with mustard (HD), lewisite (L), HD and L mixture. and
the common name, symbol, and selected properties, are phosgene oxime (CX). The toxic effects of these agents
summarized in Table 2-1. The toxicity of a particular result from their ability to react chemically with biological
chemical agent depends upon the route of assimilation of materials in tissues, including enzymes, proteins, and
that agent into the human body. On the battlefield typical nucleic acids. The agents act first as cell irritants and
routes of entry include inhalation and or absorption finally as a cell poison on all tissue surfaces. Blister agents
through the eyes and or skin. The toxicities of various attack mainly the skin and eyes through absorption and
agents are provided as a function of route of exposure in the respiratory system through inhalation. Blister agents
Nerve Sarin (GB) Colorless –56 385 @ 25° C 22,000 Almost none when pure
liquid @ 25° C
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can also enter the body by ingestion of contaminated food Nerve agents inhibit or inactivate the enzyme acetyl-
or water. HD has delayed effects–i. e., victims may not cholinesterase that hydrolyzes acetylcholine released dur-
notice any effects until 3 to 24 h after exposure. However, ing neurotransmission. The resultant accumulation of
delayed action may be shortened if exposure to a large acetylcholine interferes with the normal function of the
dosage has occurred. In contrast, the effects of exposure central nervous system and muscles.
to L, HL, and CX are acute and immediately felt as an Nerve agents in vapor or aerosol form can be inhaled,
intense burning sensation. Depending on the degree of and in liquid form they can enter the body through the
exposure, the effects of blister agents on skin range from eyes or by skin absorption. Poisoning can also occur by
itching, inflammation, and burning to the formation of ingesting food or water contaminated with nerve agents.
large, water-filled blisters (ulceration). Blister agents The route of entry is important with regard to the time
cause conjunctivitis (inflammation) and swelling when required for the onset of symptoms. Onset is most rapid
absorbed into the eyes. In severe exposure, victims may when nerve agents are inhaled. The degree of poisoning is
suffer permanent loss of sight. Blister agents affect the dependent on the concentration of the agent inhaled. For
respiratory system by causing nasal catarrh (inflammation large doses symptoms can appear minutes alter inhalation
of the mucous membrane), hoarseness, sore throat, and of agent-contaminated air and death can soon follow.
coughing. In severe cases chemically triggered bronchitis Toxic symptoms usually do not appear for a half hour or
and pulmonary edema (abnormal accumulation of liquid so when the nerve agent enters the body through the skin.
in the lung tissues) may develop. After poisoning there is a This delayed appearance of symptoms is dangerous
risk of infection that may lead to death. because the victim may have received a lethal dose of the
agent without realizing it. Consequently, the victim takes
2-2.1.2 Nerve Agents no countermeasures such as removing the remaining
The most toxic nerve agents are tabun (GA), sarin agent droplets from the skin.
(GB), soman (CD), and the V-series agents including VX. The route of entry is also significant with regard to the
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degree of toxicity of the nerve agent. For example, GA is not be taken immediately. The symptoms of choking
about five times more toxic if it enters the body via agent poisoning include coughing (sometimes with bloody
ingestion than if it penetrates through the skin. In this phlegm), choking. tightness of the chest, shallow breath-
case GA absorbed through the skin is partially degraded ing, and pulmonary edema.
by enzymes to form less toxic or nontoxic products.
The initial symptoms of nerve agent poisoning include 2-2.1.5 Incapacitating Agents
irritation of the eyes. contraction of the pupils, and The most common example of incapacitating agents is
deterioration of vision, i.e., the victim feels pain when quinuclindinyl benzilate ( BZ). The pharmacological action
attempting to focus on nearby objects. The follow-on of BZ is the same as that of other anticholinergic drugs.
symptoms are headache, increased production of saliva, a e.g., atropine. BZ mimics and competes with acetylcholine
runny nose, tightness of the chest, and difficulty in and therefore interferes with the normal function of the
breathing. In the case of severe poisoning the symptoms nervous system. The effects of BZ persist for 3 to 5 days,
described become intensified, and additional symptoms and during this period victims are not fit for combat.
may develop such as excessive salivation, nausea, vomit- Victims must also be closely supervised, which further
ing, involuntary urination and defecation, general muscular reduces personnel resources.
weakness, convulsions, and respiratory paralysis. BZ enters the body via ingestion or inhalation. The
initial symptoms for BZ poisoning usually appear 2 to 4 h
2-2.1.3 Blood Agents after exposure. Symptoms include deterioration of close-
range vision, dryness of the mouth, and palpitation of the
The most commonly encountered blood agents are heart. The skin becomes dry, the face shovs a marked
hydrogen cyanide (AC) and cyanogcn chloride (CK). reddish hue. and body and skin temperatures rise. The
Blood agents are toxic because they react with and victim starts to feel sick and vomits.
inactivate cytochrome oxidase, the vital enzyme respon- After 3 to 6 h the central nervous system is affected. and
sible for the exchange of oxygen from hemoglobin in the the victim experiences a loss of balance and difficult~
blood to the tissues. Blood agents attack victims via the coordinating various muscular movements. The im-
respiratory system. Because blood agents must be inhaled mediate memory deteriorates considerably and the victim
to be effective, they are delivered typically in vapor or becomes confused as to time and space. Optical illusions
aerosol form. may follow and are succeeded by hallucinations that
Inhalation of a low dose of blood agents causes a affect both sight and hearing. Sometimes a victim’s
feeling of weakness, giddiness, headache, confusion, behavior may become abnormal, i.e., there may be a
nausea, and sometimes, vomiting and rapid breathing. feeling of persecution and great anxiety or a desire to
These symptoms can be followed either by a decrease in withdraw from the environment. One of the greatest risks
respiration frequency (apnea) or by panting and finally by involted in BZ poisoning is death due to an elevated
coma or death. Inhalation of a large dose of blood agents temperature, especially in hot climates. In his degraded
causes a rapid onset of the same sequence of symptoms. mental state the victim can injure himself or others.
The victims can suddenly collapse and die within minutes. Although BZ affects mental functions for a relatively long
A remarkable feature of acute poisoning is that the skin duration, it usually produces no permanent effect.
has a faint pale red hue because of oxygen deficiency in
the tissues.
2-2.1.4 Choking Agents The length of time an agent remains in the environment
is called persistence. Persistence is dependent upon
The most notorious example of a choking agent is
several factors: agent volatility, agent droplet sizes (if
phosgene (CG), which is thought to be responsible for
liquid), meteorological conditions, and the types of
80% of the deaths by . chemical poisoning that occurred surfaces and materials onto which the agent is deposited.
during World War I. Chlorine gas is also classified as a persistence generally increases as agent volatility decreases
choking agent. Choking agents irritate the eyes and attack or as agent droplet size increases. Wind speed, air
the respiratory system including the throat, respiratory temperature, and atmospheric stability greatly affect
tract, and lungs. There have been no reports of poisoning agent persistence. High wind speeds and high tempera-
resulting from choking agents introduced via skin ab- tures cause relatively rapid evaporation of an agent and
sorption or by ingestion. Because choking agents affect thereby reduce persistence. Stable atmospheric conditions
mainly the respiratory system, they are delivered in either and cold temperature, however, increase persistence. The
vapor or aerosol form. material onto which an agent is deposited has a significant
The full effects of poisoning by choking agents are not effect on persistence. Persistence decreases if the surface is
apparent until several hours after exposure. This delayed composed of impermeable materials that allow exposure
action is highly dangerous because exposed victims may of the agent to weathering. In the case of permeable
be unaware of their exposure; thus a medical remedy may surfaces, the agent
. can be absorbed into the material
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matrix. This absorption reduces exposure to weathering the use of critical terrain, channel the attacking force. and
and increases persistence. prolong the contamination of military equipment and
Based on volatility, chemical agents can be classified as systems (Ref. 5). Persistent agents can be used to ac-
persistent and nonpersistent. Persistent agents have a low complish the following tactical tasks (Ref. 5):
volatility and evaporate slowly and thus are both a direct 1. Contaminate rear area depots
contact hazard and an indirect vapor hazard. Surfaces 2. Defend avenues of approach
that have been exposed to a persistent agent can remain 3. Neutralize personnel defending a strong point
contaminated for hours, days, or even weeks after the 4. Protect flanks.
initial chemical attack. Nonpersistent agents, however, Generally, VX, HD, thickened HD (THD), and HL are
are released in a gaseous form or as a liquid that
considered persistent agents:
evaporates rapidly. For this reason nonpersistent agents
1. VX. At room temperature, VX is a colorless and
do not present as great a contact hazard as persistent
odorless liquid with low volatility. VX does not evaporate
agents. The classification of chemical agents on the basis
rapidly and may last for days to weeks at moderate
of their persistence is an important tactical consideration
because it enables military commanders, to predict the temperatures.
duration of the contamination and thus choose the proper 2. HD and THD. HD and THD are persistent under
offensive or defensive actions. which include the need for temperate conditions. However, because of the relatively
decontamination. Table 2-3 lists the persistence of several small droplet size produced when they are disseminated,
agents on soil under different enironmental conditions. neat HD evaporates fairly rapidly at higher temperatures
and thus is less persistent in hot climates than THD.
TABLE 2-3. PERSISTENCE OF 3. HL. This is a variable mixture of HD and L that
CHEMICAL AGENTS ON SOIL tJNDER has a low freezing point which allows its use in cold
DIFFERENT WEATHER CONDITIONS weather operations or as a high-altitude spray. A eutectic
mixture is prepared by mixing 63% L and 37% HD by
(Ref. 4)
weight. Other mixtures may be prepared to meet predicted
Sunshine, Sunshine weather conditions. The duration of its effectiveness
Slight Wind, Rainfall, on Snow, depends on the type of munition used and the environ-
Agent 15° C 10°C –10°C mental conditions. Persistence may be for 1 to 2 days
GB 0.5-4 hours 0.25-1 hours l-2 days under normal weather conditions and a week or less in a
GD 2.5-5 days 3-36 hours 1-6 weeks ~er~r cold environment.
HD 2-7 days 12-48 hours 2-8 weeks
VX 3-21 days 1-12 hours 1-16 weeks 2-2.2.2 Nonpersistent Agents
From The Detoxification and Natural Degradation of Chemical Nonpersistent agents can be disseminated in vapor,
Warfare Agents, Volume 3, R. Trapp. Published by Taylor & aerosol. or liquid form. Once disseminated, liquid non-
Francis, Bristol, PA. Copyright @ 1985 by SIPRI (Stockholm persistent agents evaporate rapidly and, consequently.
International Peace Research institute).
pose an immediate vapor hazard. If the attacker wants a
short contamination period to facilitate a follow-on
To facilitate dispersion. prolong persistence, and, if
possible, hinder decontamination operations, persistence operation. nonpersistent agents are most suitable. Non-
of an agent can be increased significantly by adding persistent agents cause immediate casualties and thereby
polymeric thickeners that retard the evaporation rate. degrade the fighting capability of enemy forces (Ref. 5).
When the thickened agent is disseminated, the formation The principal advantages are to
of larger droplets retards the evaporation rate. Larger 1. Induce casualties prior to an assault
droplets require more time to evaporate than the smaller 2. Degrade the performance of troops by forcing
droplets produced when a “neat” agent, i.e., unthickened them into a higher mission-oriented protective posture
agent, is disseminated. A neat agent differs from its (MOPP) level
thickened version primarily in viscosity. The use of a 3. Allow occupation without decontamination.
thickener increases the viscosity by one to two orders of A disadvantage in the use of nonpersistent agents in the
magnitude. Most other physical properties are not affected vapor form is that their persistence and the direction of
because only 2 to 5% of the thickened agent is polymer. drift is greatly affected by environrnental factors such as
air temperature. wind speed and direction, and atmo-
2-2.2.1 Persistent Agents spheric stability. Thus tactical use may be limited to a
As previously noted, persistent agents pose both direct narrow range of environmental conditions.
contact and indirect vapor hazards. When an attack is Nonpersistent agents include nerve agents GA, GB,
intended to obstruct and delay enemy activities in critical CD. and thickened GD (TGD); the choking agent CG;
areas, a persistent agent can be employed. Persistent blood agents AC and CK; and the incapacitating agent
agents are used to contaminate ground surfaces, impair BZ.
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1. G-series Agents. These agents are liquid under duction. but no practical process is expected for at least 10
ordinary atmospheric conditions. They are relatively years.
volatile and thus evaporate rapidly. The persistence of The severity of the effects of microorganisms depends
G-series agents ranges from several minutes to days, on the characteristics of the specific agent, the route of
depending on the individual agent, the form in which it is entry into the body, the natural defense systems of the
disseminated, and weather conditions. TGD can persist body against the specific agent, and the speed of medical
for several days under cold weather conditions. treatment. Because microorganisms require a
2. CG. This choking agent is a gas at temperatures comparatively long incubation period, symptoms and
above 7.6°C. CG is extremely volatile even at low effects generally do not appear for several days after
temperatures. For example, the volatility of CG is exposure. However, massive doses may shorten the
422,000 mg/m 3 at –40 0C. Therefore, CG is always incubation period and greatly accelerate the progress of
disseminated in the vapor form. Inhalation causes severe the disease. Furthermore. the use of a mixture of more
damage to the respiratory system that may lead to death. than one agent can produce such a complexity of
The persistence of CG is short; however, in low places symptoms that even the most experienced physicians fail
with still air or light winds and stable atmospheric to recognize the causal agent.
conditions, persistence increases. Biological agents may enter the body through the
3. AC and CK. These two blood agents are highly respiratory tract. lesions on the skin. or by ingestion of
volatile. Because AC and CK are gases that are lighter contaminated foodstuffs or liquids. Biological agents
than air. their persistence in a normal environment is very may also be introduced through a skin wound or by a bite
short. However, they can persist for longer times in from a vector (flea, tick, mite, etc.).
Jungles and forests under stable atmospheric conditions. The ability of microorganisms to survive in the environ-
4. BZ. This incapacitating agent is very stable in the ment is influenced by such factors as light. temperature,
natural environment, and because of its low volatility, it is and humidity. Most microbial agents are destroyed by
disseminated as an aerosol rather than a vapor. Even prolonged exposure to sunlight. They also tend to die
though BZ can be deposited on surfaces. it is not readily more rapidly at high temperatures and low humidity.
reaerosolized. Therefore, its persistence as a hazard is Therefore. the most favorable conditions for their employ-
short. ment normally exist at night from about one hour before
sunset to about one hour after sunrise.
Two categories of biological agents are microorganisms The military applications of microbiology concern only
and toxins. Microorganisms are small. usually single-cell, those microorganisms that may be employed in weapon
life forms that infect the host and cause sickness and death systems designed to cause disease or death in humans. As
by attacking a critical organ. Microorganisms applicable stated earlier, microbial agents include bacteria, viruses.
to biological warfare include bacteria, viruses, rickettsias, rickettsias, and fungi. Although some protozoa and algae
and fungi. Microorganisms often cause damage by the are also pathogenic microorganisms, at present they have
release of substances into the body. These substances, little military value.
which may be digestive enzymes, intermediate metab- Almost any disease-causing microorganism is a candi-
olites, or waste products, are referred to as toxins the date for use as a biological weapon. Consequently, the
other category of biological contaminants. Micro- number and types of’ potential agents are boundless. A
organisms, plants, and animals can produce lethal toxins. representative list of biological agents is given in Table
Toxins are complex natural chemical products produced 2-4. Mortality rate, incubation periods. and general
by living organisms including microorganisms, animals, symptoms are also presented in the table.
and plants. Toxins are chemicals in the sense that they do
not reproduce themselves and have no infective properties, 2-3.1.1 Bacteria
but because of their biological origin, they are classified as Bacteria are unicellular, microscopic, plant-like
biological agents. organisms. They outnumber all other forms of micro-
A toxin is generally extracted either from the organism organisms. It is estimated that bacteria comprise approxi-
that produces it or from a growth medium. Microbial mately 60 to 65% of the different species of micro-
toxins are the most likely candidates for large-scale organisms. In most cases bacteria are in the active growth
production of biological agents because they can be form, i.e., vegetative cells. Some bacterial vegetative cells
produced by fermentation. Organic chemical synthesis of are capable of sporulation, i.e., they hate the ability to
a toxin molecule is possible but not considered practical form spores, when environmental conditions become
due to the intricacies of the processes involved. Re- unfavorable. During sporulation vegetative cells lose
combinant genetic methods using living organisms are water, shrink somewhat, thicken their cell walls, and
becoming increasingly feasible for large-scale toxin pro- finally, transform into spores.
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Type Mortality, % Period, days Symptoms
Anthrax (pulmonary) 100 1-5 For inhalation, onset is mild; resembles upper
( Bacillus anthracis) respiratory infection. For skin, a painless
pustule forms on exposed surface and causes
mild fever, headache, and malaise followed by
cyanosis, dyspnea, mediastinitis, and
Brucellosis 2-5 5-21 Low-grade fever, chills, headaches, weakness,
(Brucella) insomnia, sweating. anorexia. pain over the
spine, and malaise. Other complications
include orchitis, subacute bacterial
endocarditis, and ocular disorders
Cholera 10-80 1-5 Sudden onset of diarrhea. vomiting, muscular
(Vibrio cholerae) cramps, and collapse. Dehydration leads to
cyanosis, pinched facies, loss of skin turgor,
and thready peripheral pulses
Glanders 100 1-5 Acute localizcd supportive infection, acute
(Actinobacillus mallei) pulmonary infection, acute septicemia, and
mucous membrane discharge
Plague (pneumonic) 100 2-5 Severe lymph node infection with very tender
(Yersini pestis or and sometimes necrotic lymph nodes; also,
Pasteurella pestis) prostration, cough, dyspnea, and cyanosis
Tulermia usually low 1-10 Sudden onset with high fever, chills, and
(Pasteurella tularensis prostration. Enlarged lymph nodes
or Francisella tularensis)
Dysentery or Shigellosis <l0 1-4 Fever, crampy lowerl abdominal pain, and
(Shigella species) diarrhea that may be bloody
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Type Mortality % Period, days Symptoms
It should be noted that not all bacteria can form spores, Approximately 60% of all infectious diseases in humans
and sporulation does not alway’s occur in response to are caused by viruses. Examples of virus-induced diseases
unfavorable conditions. Furthermore, bacteria sporula- are rabies, smallpox, yellow fever, encephalitis. mumps,
tion is not a reproductive process; it is a mechanism for measles, chickenpox, influenza, and the common cold.
survival in unfavorable conditions. One vegetative cell Unfortunately, most diseases of viral origin do not
can transform into only one spore. and the spore can respond to antibiotic treatment.
eventually transform back into one vegetative cell.
2-3.1.3 Rickettsias
Bacterial spores are more resistant than their growth cell
forms to unfavorable environments such as those char- Rickettsias are considered intermediate in sizc between
acterized by nutrient depletion, extreme temperatures, bacteria and viruses. They usually range from 0.3 to 0.5
dry weather. sunlight exposure, and oxidation. Because in length and about 0.3 pm in diameter. Rickettsias
spores can remain quiescent for years without requiring resemble bacteria in shape and resemble viruses in their
nutrients and water, they pose a prolonged threat in a strict reproduction requirements for living host cells.
contaminated area. Spores can also be carried by animals Most rickettsias choose lower rank animals is their
and wind to spread far beyond the originally contaminated primary hosts. but they can be transmitted to human
area. It is relatively difficult to destroy spores, so affected beings by vectors such as ticks. fleas, and mites. Examples
areas are difficult to decontaminate. of rickettsia-induced human diseases are typhus fever,
Bacteria in the growth form can be classified according spotted fever, scrub typhus, and Q fever.
to shape into three main groups: bacilli (rod shaped),
cocci (round or spherical shaped), and spirilla (comma or 2-3.1.4 Fungi
spiral shaped). They cause many common diseases in Fungi are unicellular or multicellular members of the
man, animals, and plants. Of approximately 2 0 0 0 plant kingdom ranging in size from 3 to 50 They are
identified species, however, only about 100 are known to usually rod-shaped and arranged end to end in strands or
be pathogenic and less than 10 are suitable as biological filaments. Fungi include molds, mildews, smuts, rusts,
agents. Examples of bacteria-induced diseases include mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, and yeasts. Examples
anthrax, tularemia, tuberculosis, typhoid fever. dysentery, of fungal diseases include ringworm, athlete’s foot, coc-
plague, brucellosis, glanders, cholera, gonorrhea, and cidioidomycosis, favus, and thrush.
syphilis. Unlike the requirement for bacteria, sporulation is an
essential part of the reproductive process in the life cycle
2-3.1.2 Viruses of fungi. One fungus vegetative cell can reproduce to form
Viruses are the smallest of the microorganisms; they several to hundreds of spores. As with bacterial spores,
range in size from about 0.01 to 0.27 pm across their fungous spores are resistant to unfavorable environmental
greatest dimension. Viruses are so small that they can pass conditions and are difficult to destroy. Therefore, they
through filters that trap other microorganisms. Unlike also pose prolonged threats.
bacteria, viruses must live in a living host cell in order to
reproduce. Also viruses do not have the capability of 2-3.2 TOXINS
sporulation, but because they have a protective protein Toxins are complex natural chemical products produced
coating, viruses are resistant to unfavorable environ- by living organisms including microorganisms, animals,
mental conditions. and plants. Toxins are chemicals in the sense that they do
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not reproduce themselves and have no infective The extent of the effects depends upon the dosage, and
properties. Because of their biological origins, however, some toxins may have a cumulative effect.
toxins are classified as biological agents. Although there are hundreds of different types of
A toxin is generally extracted either from the organism toxins. only a few toxins are used as examples. The
that produces it or from a growth medium. Microbial mortality rate and a brief description of poisoning
toxins are the most likely candidates for large-scale symptoms for these toxins are given in Table 2-5.
production of biological agents because they can be Botulinus toxin, often mentioned in the discussion of
produced by fermentation. Organic chemical synthesis of biological weapons, is a highly lethal agent (1 billion times
a toxin molecule is possible but not considered practical more lethal than VX on a molar basis). The mode of
because the processes involved are very complex. Re- action and clinical manifestations of botulinus toxin
combinant genetic methods using living organisms are poisoning are used as an example of toxin activity.
becoming increasingly feasible for large-scale toxin pro- Botulinus toxin, the causative agent in certain cases of
duction, but no practical process is expected for at least severe food poisoning, has been shown to prevent the
10 years. release of the neurotransmitters in the synaptic areas of
The toxins are so varied that classification by structure, the nervous system and thus blocks the normal conduction
symptoms. or effects is difficult. Toxins generally have of nerve impulses. This can result in respiratory paralysis
low vapor pressures and volatilities: they are stable and ultimately death.
components that persist for long periods, i.e., years, in the The symptoms of botulinus toxin poisoning may vary
environment. Toxins are either solids or liquids in their from a mild to a fulminant disease ending in death within
pure state but may be dissolved or suspended in solution 24 h. Symptoms usually begin 23 to 36 h after ingestion of
when present in a biological system. Toxins can be the toxin. although extremes of 3 to 14 days have been
dispersed as liquid aerosols or powders. recorded. In general, the earlier the symptoms appear, the
As with chemical agents. toxins can enter the body more serious the outcome. Symptoms first appearing in
through the respiratory tract, lesions on the skin. by the ocular area include diplopia (double vision of a single
ingestion, or even by absorption directly through the skin. object), blurred vision, and photophobia (intolerance of
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light). Constipation, urine retention, and reduced saliva- also identifies the phase of the agent hazard, vapor or
tion may follow. Finally, muscular and respiratory liquid, that is expected to result from the various combi-
paralysis may occur, which lead to death. nations of agents and fuzing mechanisms. Nonpersistent
agents delivered as vapors or aerosols produce an im-
2-4 THREAT OVERVIEW mediate, short-term, and severe hazard. Unprotected
personnel will quickly become casualties. The persistent
The capability for conducting CB warfare has proli-
agents are generally delivered as liquid droplets or “rain”.
ferated beyond the U.S. and Union of Soviet Socialist
The intent is to deny the enemy access to various assets
Republics (U.S.S.R.). A recent Department of Defense
and areas or force him to employ protective measures for
(DoD) publication estimated that 15 nations are currently
extended periods of time.
known to possess stocks of chemical agents (Ref. 1l).
Under a hypothetical attack scenario, CB agents of all
Because these chemical agents can be so readily produced
three persistency types persistent (lasting for days),
or purchased, this number could easily increase. Any
semipersistent (lasting for hours), and nonpersistent
nation with an industrial chemical base is capable of
(lasting for minutes) could be delivered at the forward
producing chemical agents.
line of own troops (FLOT). In this case a cloud of
Specific details of biological warfare (BW) capabilities
nonpersistent agent is used at the point of attack and
are difficult to gather and nearly impossible to verify. Part
immediately decimates the unprotected troops. Because
of the problem is the ease with which the production and
the cloud rapidly dissipates, the offensive troops have a
dissemination of biological agents can be disguised.
clear path for advance. A persistent agent is laid down on
Facilities that are normally used to produce phar-
the flanks so that the effectiveness of the defending force
maceutical products can produce BW agents. Deliberate
will be decreased and any attempt to counter attack will be
dissemination of BW agents might be labeled a natural
hampered. Semipersistent and nonpersistent agents are
occurrence. For instance, an apparently accidental release
employed immediately behind the FLOT to impair
of anthrax (an identified Soviet BW agent) from a
operations. Nonpersistent agents kill any unprotected
probable Soviet BW facility in Sverdlovsk was believed to
soldier, and semipersistent agents force the surviving
have infected over 3000 Soviet citizens. The Soviet
troops into their individual protective equipment. These
government blamed the anthrax outbreak on the illegal
agents also force the mobile units and semimobile units to
sale of contaminated meat in the black market. Although
abandon contaminated positions. Semipersistent agents
not easily proven, the available evidence strongly indicates
insure that these areas will be free of contamination when
that biological weapons are a viable threat and may be
the attacking forces arrive. The rear-echelon elements are
available to several nations. The Soviet Union is known
attacked with long-range missiles and tactical bombers
to have an active biological weapons research and
using nonpersistent and persistent agents. Again the
developmcnt program. In addition, the Soviet Union and
unprotected troops are killed immediately with a cloud of
its allied nations have been accused of employing toxins
nonpersistent agent, and surviving troops are threatened
in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia.
with the residual persistent agents and are forced to
operate in protective equipment, which severly decreases
their fighting effectiveness. The most likely targets for this
type of attack include points of debarkation, supply
Because the Soviet Union is believed to be the best- centers. command and control centers, and air bases.
prepared nation in the world for waging CB warfare, the Microencapsulation, the technique of encasing ex-
paragraphs that follow will focus on currcntly fielded tremely small liquid droplets or solid particles of CB
Soviet delivery and dissemination systems and the threats agents in a protective and functional coating, is possibly a
they pose. new method for chemical agent delivery. The technique
Almost all Soviet conventional weapon systems are can also be used to control agent volatility, stability, and
believed to have compatible chemical munitions or durability and to provide a controlled mechanism for
warheads. The various delivery and dissemination systems timely release of chemical agents. This use would aid in
include the tactical use of agents to achieve a desired goal. Most of
1. Tactical rockets and missiles the information regarding microencapsulation for this
2. Aerial bombs application is classified, and detailed discussion can be
3. Multiple rocket launchers found in Refs. 13 and 14.
4. Artillery and mortars
5. Fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters equipped with 2-4.2 RESULTANT HAZARDS
spray tanks (Ref. 1l).
The probable agent fills, as well as the fuzing
2-4.2.1 Chemical Agent Hazards
mechanisms associated with each of the major delivery The hazards that result from chemical attack are
systems, are described in Ref. 12. This classified document usually categorized as being liquid, vapor, or aerosol.
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Liquid hazards result primarily from persistent agents 2-4.2.2 Biological Agent Hazards
disseminated by aerial techniques. These techniques,
Biological agents disseminated in aerosol, liquid, or
sometimes called “rain” dissemination techniques, may
solid form can enter the body through inhalation, lesions
include the use of spray tanks or missiles and bombs that
on the skin, and ingestion. Such agents generally affect
release their chemical payloads before impact. The liquid
only living organisms and do not damage or degrade
droplets formed upon release fall to earth with little
materiel quality. Delayed casualties result if microbial
vaporization and persist for an extended time. The most
agents contact the body, and immediate and acute effects
severe vapor and aerosol hazards result from the employ-
result if toxins enter the body. When microbial agent-
ment of nonpersistent agents because these agents vaporize
affected victims are not properly treated or isolated, the
rapidly upon dissemination.
agents may spread and reach epidemic proportions. Even
if the proper countervailing actions––such as isolation,
2- Liquid Hazards
immunization, and sanitation— are taken, available man-
Liquid droplets are more persistent than vapors or power and other resources can be exhausted quickly.
aerosols. Depending on the type of agent and the Furthermore. bacterial and fungous spores are very
atmospheric conditions, liquid agents may persist for persistent in virtually all environments. They may survive
days or weeks. Liquid droplets produce both secondary for years in a harsh environment without nutrients and
vapor, i.e., vaporization after falling to the earth. and water. Then when conditions become favorable, spores
contact hazards. In liquid form agents can penetrate the may transform into vegetative cells to produce casualties
individual protective gear and reach the skin where they in the area several years after the original contamination.
can be directly absorbed. Even a small droplet on the
skin––for example, about 1 mg of VX —can be lethal.
Some liquid agents damage and degrade equipment REFERENCES
and systems. In severe cases the agents may deteriorate 1 . M. Grayson, Exec. Ed., Encyclopedia O f Chemical
systems to a level of malfunction. Liquid agents. if Technology (Kirk-Othmer), 5, John Wiley and Sons,
deposited onto porous material surfaces. can be absorbed Inc., New York, NY, 1979, pp. 393-4.
into the material matrix, and decontamination becomes 2. FM 3-9/AFR 355-7, Military Chemistry a n d
difficult. In this case the contaminated equipment and Chemical Compounds, Department of the Army De-
systems not only become difficult to handle due to partment of the Air Force, October 1975.
potential contact hazards, but also may later desorb
3 . Chemical Agent Data Sheets, Volume I, EO-SR-
agents, which would cause a vapor hazard for an extended
74001, Edgewood Arsenal,. Aberdeen Proving
time period. A vapor hazard is particularly a threat in a
Ground, MD, December 1974.
warm environment. Furthermore. the contaminated
vehicles, tanks, and other equipment may spread contami- 4. R. Trapp, The Detoxification and Natural Degrada-
nation to other areas if not properly decontaminated. tion of Chemical Warfare Agents, Volume 3, Taylor
and Francis, London, England, and Philadelphia,
2- Vapor Hazards PA, 1985, p. 24.
5. FM 3-3, NBC Contamination Avoidance, Depart-
Nonpersistent agents in vapor or aerosol form rapidly
ment of the Army, July 1984.
disperse over large areas. Unprotected personnel, even
within an enclosed building, can be affected because 6. General Appendices in Support of Threat Environ-
gaseous agents diffuse through small holes, crevices, and rnent Description— Appendix XVI Chemical—
cracks in the structure or through windows and doors that Biological Warfare (U), Report No. FTD-2660F-
are not tightly sealed. inhalation of agent vapors can 637-84-App. XVI, Threat Integration Branch,
cause either immediate or delayed casualties. Exposure of Foreign Technology Division, Air Force Systems
an hour or more may be required to develop cumulative Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH,
dosage effects. Concentrated agent vapors can be absorbed January 1984 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSI-
through the skin. Agent vapors, especially if in a high FIED SECRET/ NOFORN/ WNINTEL.)
concentration, can also be absorbed into material 7 . D. T. Parker, et al., Defenses Against Biological
matrices. Resorption of absorbed agents may later pro- Attack, A General Assessment (U), US Army Dugway
duce prolonged residual vapor hazards, and the desorbed Proving Ground, Dugway, UT, May 1975 (THIS
agents may be more hazardous to personnel than tradi- DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED SECRET.)
tionally believed because after several hours of combat, 8. F. Barnaby, The Problem of Chemical and Biological
soldiers unaware of agent resorption may doff cumber- Warfare, Volume II, CB Weapons Today, Humanities
some protective gear and thus expose themselves directly Press Inc., Nev York, NY, 1973, pp. 59-72.
to the toxic vapors. 9. J. H. Rothschild, Tomorrow's Weapons, Chemical
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The USA Army has established chemical and biological (CB) defense programs to reduce the threat posed by
CB agent contamination. The programs focus on (1) protection (individual, collective, and equipment and
supplies), (2) detection (identification, monitoring, and warning), and (3) contamination control (contamina-
tion avoidance and decontamination). A description of these CB defense areas, with the exception of
decontamination, is given in this chapter. Current and future decontamination concepts are discussed in
Chapters 4 and 6, respectively.
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3- M25-Series Masks The M25 is a modified M14A2 tank mask; the M25A1 is
nearly indistinguishable from the M25 mask except for a
The M25 and M25A1 tank protective masks are used to
slight difference in the head harness latches (Refs. 2 and 3).
provide respiratory protection against CB agents to the
wearer either in a combat vehicle or dismounted. The 3- M5 Tank Mask Hood
M25-series masks, shown in Fig. 3-1, consist of a The M5 tank mask hood is used in conjunction with the
facepiece group, a hose, an M10A1 canister, a carrier, and M25-series masks to protect the wearer’s head, neck, and
an M1 antifogging kit (antidim set). An adapter on the shoulders against CB agents.
canister connects to the tank filter unit. A microphone The M5 hood is made of butyl rubber-coated nylon
assembly in the mask facepiece permits the wearer to cloth. The hood has an opening that fits around the eye
communicate with other crew members through the lens of the mask. The hood is secured in position by an
AN/VRC-12 and AN/PRC-25 radios in a combat vehicle. adjustable neck cord and two underarm straps (Ref. 4).
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3- M40 and M42 CB Protective Masks The front voicemitter, used for face-to-face communica-
tion, consists of aluminum baffles and a speech
The M40 and M42 CB protective masks will replace
diaphragm. The side voicernitter is similar to the front
current issue masks. The M40 mask will replace the M17
voicemitter and is used for telephone communication.
mask and will serve as the basic field protective mask. A
variation of the M40. the special-purpose mask (SPM), The M42 mask has a microphone adaptor and an adaptor
for connection to the on-board collective protection filter
will replace the M9A1 mask and will be used with the
TAP ensemble. The M42 mask will replace the M25A1 systems.
mask and will be used by combat vehicle crewmen in 3- M43 AH-64 Helicopter Mask
collective protected vehicles. The M43 mask, shown in Fig. 3-3. was initially
The M40 and M42 CB protective masks are designed to designed for use in the AH-64 helicopter. This mask is
provide the soldier with increased respiratory protection now being considered for general aviation applications
from field concentration of all chemical and biological and is designed to replace the M24 mask.
agents in vapor or aerosol form and from inhalation of The M43 mask consists of a form-fitting facepiece with
radioactive fallout particles. The M40 and M42 masks lenses fitted close to the eyes; an integrally attached hood
retain the two nonflexible, fixed eye lenses of the M17 and skull-type suspension system; an inhalation air
series mask, the inturned periphery in the faceblank, and distribution assembly for regulating the flow of air to the
the changeable check-mounted canister. A front voice- mouth and nose, lenses, and hood assembly; an electronic
mittcr, side voicemitter, exhalation valve assembly, drink microphone; a standard C-15-type exhalation valve
tube. nose cup assembly, inlet valve assembly, head assembly; and a portable motor blower filter assembly
harness, and lens outserts arc also attached to the for maintaining overpressure in the mask hood at all
facepiece. The canister, the air-filtering medium for the times. The mask provides the required CB protection and
mask, can be mounted on either be left or right side of the is compatible with the Integrated Helmet and Display
facepiece to accommodate the wearer’s preference or an Sighting System and the Optical Relay Tube of the AH-
operational requirement. These protective canisters are 64. The mask provides AH-64 crewmembers the required
interchangeable with the protective canisters used by respiratory and skin protection from CB agents and
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries. radioactive fallout.
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3-2.1.2 Suit And Overgarments The battledress overgarment provides better protection
against CB hazards than the chemical protection overgar-
3- Chemical Protection Overgarment
ment because it provides at least 24-h protection against
The chemical protection overgarment is designed to CB agents in all forms after 22 days of field wear. The
protect the individual’s torso, arms, legs, and body battledress overgarment is designed for infantry troops,
against gaseous and liquid chemical agents and biological pilots, and vehicle crews.
agents and affords at least 6 h of protection against liquid The features of the battledress overgarment are similar
agent penetration. The overgarment is used by all per- to those of the chemical protection overgarment, except
sonnel who are not assigned any other type of protective that the outer layer of the battledress overgarment is of
suit. higher density of nylon-cotton twill (239 mg/m2) with a
The overgarment is a permeable protective clothing woodland camouflage pattern.
system that permits the passage of air and moisture The battledress overgarment is a two-piece overgarment
through the fabric to reduce the physiological burden consisting of coat and trousers. The hip-length coat has a
and increase comfort and performance effectiveness in a stand-up collar and full-length sleeves with hook and pile
CB environment. adjustable tab, and each sleeve has an outside bellows
The chemical protection overgarment is a two-piece pocket with flap. The coat has two side-opening chest
suit designed to be worn over normal mission attire. The pockets, a slide fastener front closure with snap fasteners,
maximum assemblage of clothing to be worn under the and an elasticized drawcord in the hem. The trousers have
overgarment should not exceed heavy winter waffle a slide fastener front opening with a protective flap, two
weave underwear and the standard fatigue uniform. bellows pockets with flaps located at thigh side, two hip
Heavy winter Jackets, parkas, and foul weather clothing pockets with flaps. waist adjustment buckles and straps,
items and accessories are to be worn over the chemical and suspender and belt loops. Each leg has a slide fastener
protection overgarment when necessary. The Jacket has a at the outside to control the adjustment opening and a
short, stand-up collar, elastic sleeve closures. two outer drawcord in the hem. The battledress overgarment is
butyl-lined pockets positioned at chest level, and a full- manufactured in eight sizes: XXX-small. XX-small, X-
length, front zipper covered by a double protective flap small, small, medium. large, extra-large, and double
secured by snap fasteners. The trousers have a zipper fly extra-large.
front, adjustable waist take-up straps, suspender loops,
belt loops, an outer pocket on each thigh, and zipper 3- M3 TAP Suit
closures on the outside lower section of each leg with
The M3 TAP suit is used by Army special teams.
double protective flaps secured by Velcro® fasteners.
Because of the bulkiness of this suit, a preferred item for
The back tail of the jacket and the back edge of the
specialized applications is the M2 TAP apron used over
waistband are fitted with three, snap fasteners to prevent
the standard ground support personnel ensemble. The
Jacket-trouser separation during bending or stooping.
M3 TAP suit is used in conjunction with the IPE items
The overgarment is made of a two-layer, permeable
that follow (Refs. 2 and 3):
fabric. The outer layer is a nylon-cotton twill (171 mg/m 2)
1. Mask, Field Protective, M9A1 (par. 3-
dyed olive drab and treated with a water-repellent
2. Mask Hood, TAP, M3 (par. 3-
chemical. The outer layer of the suit material serves as a
3. Coveralls, TAP, M3 (par. 3-
chemical agent wicking system that spreads the con-
4. M2 TAP Apron (par. 3-
tamination along the surface of the garment to reduce the
5. Gloves, TAP (par. .3-
liquid contamination density. The inner layer is a charcoal-
6. Boots, TAP, M2A1 (par. 3-
impregnated polyurethane foam laminated to a nylon
7. Boot Covers. TAP (par. 3-
tricot substrate. The inner layer adsorbs chemical agent
vapors or liquids that penetrate the outer layer (Refs. 2
and 3).
3- Coveralls, TAP, M3
The overgarment comes in six sizes and is designed to The olive drab M3 impermeable protective coveralls
fit over the complete range of combat clothing. The fitting are made of nylon cloth coated on both sides with butyl
criteria are based on waist circumference. The overgar- rubber. They have a 152.4-mm-wide gusset extending
ment is to be used by both male and female ground from collar to crotch with an inner zipper and outer
support personnel in a CB environrnent. button flap. Other features include an adjustable collar,
double sleeve cuffs, trouser cuffs with elastic snap bands,
3- Battledress Overgarment and an adjustable belt. When properly adjusted, the
The battledress overgarment. shown in Fig. 3-2, is the coveralls provide liquid agent protection for the portion
newest fielded IPE of the Army. and is designed to protect of the body covered. To be effective, the coveralls must be
the individual’s torso. arms, legs, and body against closed securely, i.e., zippers must be closed completely
gaseous and liquid chemical agents and biological agents. and buttons must be fastened (Refs. 2 and 3).
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3- M2 TAP Apron 3-2.1.4 Footwear, Covers, and Overboots
The M2 TAP apron is a wraparound style apron 3- Chemical Protection Overboots
(similar to a surgeon’s gown) that covers the arms and The overboots are designed to protect the wearer’s feet
body from boot to neck. The material is essentially the and ankles against CB agents and to provide at least 6 h of
same as that of the TAP M3 coveralls suit. The apron is protection against liquid agent penetration. The butyl
worn in conjunction with other chemical defense IPE, rubber sole and upper portion of the footwear provide an
such as the ground support personnel ensembles. The M2 impermeable barrier that protects the wearer from
TAP apron is available in five sizes ranging from extra- splashes and direct contact with liquid agents while he is
small to extra-large (Refs. 2 and 3). walking through heavily contaminated areas. The over-
boots are used by all Army personnel who are not issued
3-2.1.3 Gloves any special type of boot.
3- Chemical Protection Glove Set The chemical protection overboot, shown in Fig. 3-2, is
a rectangular butyl rubber sheet with reinforced eyelets
The chemical protection glove set, shown in Fig. 3-2, is
located on the sides, front, and rear. The boot is now
designed to protect the wearer’s hands and wrists against
produced in a fishtail design with two eyelets in the heel
CB agents and affords a minimum of 6 h of protection
end. The thickness of the upper is 0.6 mm, and the sole has
against liquid agent penetration. The chemical protection
a minimum thickness of 2.9 mm with raised, disc-shaped
glove set is used by all troops and personnel who are not
protrusions to 4.7 mm. The discs on the sole of the
issued any special type of glove.
overboot are provided to improve traction and durability.
The hand forms are designed to maximize dexterity
The overboot is produced in one size only and may be
and tactility and to lessen hand fatigue by reducing the
used on either foot. It is designed to fit over the entire
“rubber band” effect across the back of the hand during
range of US Army boots and combat footwear. Laces are
grasping movements. When the wearer must handle
threaded through the eyelets, around the ankle, and over
extremely rough or sharp objects, it is recommended that
the arch of the foot to secure the footwear cover in place
the standard leather hand wear be worn over the chemical
(Refs. 2 and 3).
protection glove set.
The chemical protection glove set is a five-finger,
3- Boots, TAP, M2A1
gauntlet type made of black, impermeable, unsupported
butyl rubber. The glove is designed to form a shape like a The M2A1 knee boots are made of butyl rubber. They
human hand in a relaxed position. The chemical protection have a safety toe with a yellow overlay compound applied
glove is 368.3 mm long and 0.6 mm thick, and it is worn to the outside and a hobnail tread design on the sole and
over a very thin white cotton glove that serves to absorb heel. The boots are normally worn with the M3 TAP suit
perspiration. (Refs. 2 and 3).
The butyl rubber protective glove is manufactured in
four sizes: small, medium, large. and extra-large. The 3- Boot Covers, TAP
cotton inner glove is produced in only two sizes: small and The boot covers are designed to protect the M2A1
medium. One pair of cotton inner gloves is packaged with rubber boots from gross liquid agent contamination and
each pair of rubber chemical protection gloves. The provide a rapid means of removing the contamination.
small-sized cotton glove is packed with the small-sized The boot covers are made of nylon cloth coated with
rubber glove. Medium-sized cotton gloves are packaged buty1 rubber. The outer sole is made of alternating layers
with the medium. large, and extra-large rubber gloves of cotton duck and butyl rubber. Tie tapes are located at
(Refs. 2 and 3). the top and bottom of the covers. There are no differences
between the left and right boot covers; they are made from
3- Gloves, TAP the same pattern and may be worn on either foot. Boot
The TAP glove is designed for the Army special teams. covers may be decontaminated if they have not been torn.
It is made of 0.64-mm thick butyl rubber that provides damaged, or grossly contaminated. If damage or gross
protection against CB agents and is worn over cotton knit contamination occurs, the boot covers must be removed
chemical protective gloves. The cotton knit gloves are a and replaced. Covers are available in three sizes: small
work-type glove with seamless palms and knit cuffs and (for shoe sizes up to 6-½), medium (for sizes 7 to 11½),
are impregnated with the standard XXCC3 impregnite and large (for sizes 12 and above) (Refs. 2 and 3).
emulsion, an oxidant. The impregnated knit gloves are
not necessary unless the mission requires them, such as 3-2.1.5 Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
for the handling of agent-filled rounds (Ref. 3). The (MOPP) Levels
gloves are available in four sizes: small, medium, large, Although IPE provides protection for the individual
and extra-large. against CB hazards, it degrades the wearer’s mission
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performance due to its cumbersome nature. For example, hot weather the overgarment and hood to the protective
wearing the protective mask may restrict vision, reduce mask may be left open for ventilation.
mobility, and increase thermal burden. Tasks that depend
hcavily upon vision, such as flying aircraft, cannot be 3- MOPP Level 4
performed as efficiently as they can be without protective At MOPP Level 4, shown in Fig. 3-4, a pair of rubbcr
gear. In addition, wearing the protective overgarmcnt is gloves with cotton liners are worn to protect the hands.
known to impose a thermal burden on personnel. The The overgarment is then closed, and the hood is pulled
problem becomes severe for personnel in warm climates down and adjusted. This makes protection complete.
and for individuals performing physically strenuous tasks
for extended periods of time in mild climates. For these 3- Mask Only
reasons the degree of individual protection must be
In addition to MOPP Levels 0 through 4, there is a
optimize to correspond to the status and degree of CB
“mask only” command that may be given when there is a
contamination, i.e., personnel in different levels of a CB-
low level of vapor agent in the environment. Personnel
contaminated environment should be given different
within tanks, vans, buildings, and shelters arc likey to
levels of protection. Therefore, the MOPP concept with
encounter only low-level vapor CB hazards; therefore,
various levels of protection was developed.
“mask only” posture provides sufficient protection for
Currently there are five standard levels of MOPP:
them. It should be noted that “mask only” posture is not
Levels 0 (minimum protection) through 4 (maximum
appropriate when blister agent vapors are present.
protection). In addition to the five MOPP levels, there is a
“mask only” posture. The standard MOPP Level I
through 4 are shown in Fig. 3-4 (Ref. I). 3-2.2 COI.LECTIVE PROTECTION
Collective protection provides an agent-free environ-
3- MOPP Level 0 ment in which a group of personnel can carry out tactical
At MOPP Level 0 the protective mask is carried on the missions without the burden of wearing IPE. Collective
individual with other load-bearing equipment. The protec- protection also provides a clean area in which personnel
tive overgarment, overboots, and gloves are carried in a can rest, eat, drink, and sleep until they must exit to
rucksack on the individual’s back. This allows personnel perform essential tasks outside the protection enclosure.
to hate protective gear readily available when needed. Some of the areas requiring collective protection in a CB
The overgarment should not be removed from the vrapor environment are (Ref. 1):
barrier bag until needed. When issued, the M258A1 1. Command posts
decontamination kit, M8/M9 detector paper, and the 2. Communication centers
nerve agent antidote hit are also carried by the soldier. 3. Fire direction centers
Approximately 8 min are required for an individual to 4. Missile control complexes
upgrade his protection from MOPP Level 0 to Level 4. 5. Combat vehicles
6. First-aid stations
3- MOPP Level 1 7. Hospitals
8. Rest and relief stations
At MOPP Level 1, shown in Fig. 3-4, the overgarment 9. Fixed maintenance facilities.
is worn. In hot weather the overgarment may be worn Although collective protection equipment (CPE) pro-
directly over the underwear, and the coat may be left open
vides long-term collective protection for personnel in a
for ventilation. The M9 detector paper is attached to the
CB environment without the necessity for donning IPE,
overgarment. It takes approximately 4 min for tin in-
the entry and exit procedures must be carefully performed
dividual to upgrade his protection from MOPP Level 1 to by personnel to avoid spreading CB agents inside agent-
Level 4.
free areas of the shelters. Detailed information on CPE
entry and exit procedures is given in FM 3-4 (Ref. 1 ).
3- MOPP Level 2 CPE can be divided into four types: the ventilated
MOPP Level 2, shown in Fig. 3-4, is the same as MOPP facepiece, overpressure, hybrid, and total. The descrip-
1, with the exception that overboots are worn. It takes tion. conditions justifying the use of the equipment, and
about 3 to 4 min to put on the overboots. Once at MOPP examples of each type are surnmarized in Table 3-2 (Ref.
2, an individual can upgrade his protection to the higher l).
MOPP levels (Levels 3 and 4) in seconds. In hot weather
the overgarrnent may be left open for ventilation. 3-2.2.1 Ventilated Facepiece System (VFS)
3- MOPP I.evel 3 In the VFS a filter unit (such as the M13A1, M8A3,
At MOPP Level 3, shown in Fig. 3-4. the protective M7A1, or M14) supplies filtered air through hoses to the
mask and hood are added to MOPP Level 2 posture. In facepieces (masks) of individuals in the area. An example
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of the VFS is shown in Fig. 3-5. Combined use of MOPP headwound version of the system is also a standard Army
gear with the M25A1 protective mask and the VFS item. These systems hate been fielded since approximately
provides complete protection to personnel in a CB 1960 (Refs. 1, 3, and 5).
environment. The VFS extends the capabilities of the Advantages and disadvantages of the VFS are (Ref. 1)
MOPP gear by supplying filtered and pressurized air to
the individual. This pressurized air reduces the breathing 1. Reduces stress from breathing
resistance through the mask and aids in the evaporation 2. Reduces eye lens fogging
of sweat. The VFS can also provide warm air to the 3. Allows open-hatch operation
facepiece during cold weather (Refs. 1, 3, and 5). 4. lncrcases protection level of the mask
The VFS consists of a motor blower, a dust separator,
and a gas and particulate filter system that provides Disadvantages:
filtered air under slight pressure at 0.34/m3 min (M8) or 1. MOPP gear must be worn.
0.56 m 3/min (M13). The VFS maintains a positive 2. Attached by umbilical cord
pressure within a mask, and the resistance to breathing is 3. Does not protect vehicle interior from vapor
overcome through the use of a standard mask canister. A contamination.
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3-2.2.2 Overpressure System 3- M51 Shelter System
In an overpressure system the air inside an enclosure is The M51 shelter system is a trailer-mounted over-
purified by forcing it through particulate and gas filters. pressure collective protection system with environmental
Pressurizing the air presents the penetration of gaseous control. It is currently used by battalion aid stations and
agents from outside through leakage. When individuals other medical units (Ref. l).
exit and enter an overpressure system in a CB environ- The M51 shelter system consists of a dual-wall, inflat-
ment, a protective entrance or air lock prevents CB agents able structure with a protective entrance, an environ-
from entering the enclosure. Protective entrances are mental control system (ECS) to provide heating and
discussed under associated equipment in FM 3-4 (Ref. 1). cooling, a power generation unit, collective protection
The M51 shelter, shown in Fig. 3-6, is an example of an components that provide filtered air for overpressure
overpressure system. Simplified CPE and modular CPE protection, and a high-volume recirculation filters system.
also use the overpressure method to provide collective The entire system is loaded on a 1.5-ton trailer and is
protection to fixed and mobile assets, respectively). air-droppable.
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3- Modular Collective Protection entrance shelter door, and an integrated filter unit/en-
Equipment (MCPE) vironmental control unit, as well as logistical support,
including manuals and support hardware (Refs. 1, 3, and
Modular collective protection equipment (MCPE)
provides collective protection capabilities to mobile wea-
Advantages and disadvantages of the MCPE
pon systems, such as the AN/TSQ73 Air Defense Com- l)
mand and Control System shown in Fig. 3-8. The basic
components may include a gas and particulate filter unit, Advantages:
a protective entrance, and an installation kit. 1. Allows reduction of MOPP operations level
The MCPE offers collective protection against CB 2. Reduces vapor contamination procedures
hazards for a variety of vans, vehicles, and shelters by 3. Provides relief from continuous wearing of
providing filtered, ventilated air and maintaining positive MOPP gear
pressure within the collectively protected enclosure. MCPE
systems are currently available in three standard sizes: Disadvantages
5.60, 11.20, and 16.80 m3/ min. Three different protective 1. Requires closed-mode operations to unmask
entrances and a static frequency converter (the XM5) are safely
available. Current efforts on MCPE include development 2. Requires entry and exit inside vehicle
of a 2.80-m 3 /min system, an integrated protective 3. Increases logistical support rcquirerncnts.
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3-2.2.3 Hybrid System Disadvantages:
Hybrid collective protection equipment (HCPE), shown 1. Does not protect vehicle interior from contamination
in Fig. 3-9, combines the overpressure and ventilated 2. MOPP gear must be worn
facepiece methods of collective protection. In a hybrid 3. Needs to be attached by umbilical cord
system the gas and particulate filter unit is capable of
filtering and pressurizing air within the vehicle. The OVERPRESSURE MODE
ventilated facepiece mode is activated when the tactical
situation requires the hatches to remain open or whenever Advantages:
the interior becomes contaminated. If the hybrid mode is 1. Reduces vapor contamination inside the vehicle
used during open-hatch operations, the positive pressure 2. Can provide relief from continuous wearing of MOPP
prevents gaseous agents from entering the vehicle or gear
reduces the amount entering. If contamination does occur 3. Allows reduction of MOPP level
inside the vehicle, the overpressure system can purge the Disadvantages:
CB agents from the vehicle. The hybrid system provides 1. Requires entry and exit procedures
the advantages of both the overpressure collective pro- 2. Increases logistical support requirements
tection and the ventilated facepiece system and thereby 3. Requires closed-mode operations to unmask safely.
gives the commander greater flexibility (Ref. l).
The basic components of an HCPE system include a
centrifugal dust separator, a blower, a gas and particulate 3-2.2.4 Total System
filter (XM48) assembly. a control module, a pressure A total system, shown in Fig. 3-10, combines hybrid
measurement assembly, and a fan system. The fan system collective protection and some form of environmental
is comprised of inverter-driven motor-fan combinations control (Refs. 1, 3, and 5). An example of a total system is
capable of either 2.80-m3/min operation or 5.60- to 8.40- that used in the M1A1 tank.
m 3/min operation (Refs. 1, 3. and 5). The advantages and disadvantages of using a total
The advantages and disadvantages for the two modes system are (Ref. 1)
o! a hybrid system are ( Ref. l):
VENTILATED FACEPIECE MODE 1. Same as hybrid system
2. Reduction of heat-stress casualties
1. Reduces breathing resistance of the mask Disadvantages:
2. Reduces eye lens fogging 1. Same as hybrid system
3. Increases the protection level of the mask 2. Increases logistical burden, primarily mainte-
4. Allows open-hatch operations nance.
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assumed to be permeable to agents; thus precautions is strongly recommended that agent-contaminated CACs
should be exercised. be quickly removed for disposal after a CB attack.
Polyethylene is a common polymer that is extensively Several types of materials that may be fabricated into
used for commercial purposes, such as garbage bags and CACs are (Refs. 7 and 8)
food containers. Chemical agents permeate polyethylene 1. Mylar® (polyethylene terephthalate)
slowly; therefore, polyethylene garbage bags or sheets 2. Epichlorohydrine
cannot be used alone to wrap food or utensils for agent 3. Polyethylene
protection, but they may be used as part of a multiple 4. Rubberized materials
layer. 5. Saran® (vinylidine chloride and acrylonitrile)
In contrast, Saran® wrap, a food wrap made from 6. EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer)
vinylidine chloride and acrylonitrile, provides good pro- plasticized paper bag material.
tection for food. Food containers enclosed in Saran®
wrap may be considered clean if there are no holes (not 3-2.3.3 Chemical-Agent-Resistant Coatings
even very small ones) or tears in the wrapping and if the (CARCs)
edges adhere together. Traditionally, the military has used lacquers, alkyd
A good means of protecting equipment and supplies is polymeric materials, or modified alkyd polymeric
to wrap the items first in Saran® wrap and then store the materials as the bases for paint formulations. Unfortu-
wrapped pieces in a garbage bag. This approach applies nately, all of these paints readily sorb chemical warfare
particularly to cutlery, small appliances, arts of dis- agents. Once sorbed, the agents do not readily desorb
assembled equipment, and food within permeable from these paints. Resorption rates are much slower than
packages. sorption rates. As a result, surfaces coated with these
paints pose residual contact and respiratory hazards long
3- Paper and Fiberboard alter being contaminated by chemical agents and even
Paper, cardboard, waxed cardboard, and fiberboard after decontamination. Timely elimination of the hazard
have porous surfaces and are permeable to both vapor can be achieved only by removing the paint or by heating
and liquid agents. These materials cannot give reliable the surface for extended periods.
protection for food and equipment. Items packed within Chemical-agent-resistant-coatings (CARCs) have been
cartons made of these materials can be used only if they developed to be much more resistant to agent sorption.
have been protected in a sale room or package. Instead of penetrating the CARC, agents will remain on
the surface until they evaporate or until the) can be
3-2.3.2 Contamination Avoidance Covers actively) removed or decontaminated by a variety of
(CACs) physical or chemical means. Fig. 3-11 depicts how agents
Contamination avoidance covers (CACs) provide an penetrate into the polymeric matrix of standard alkyd
easy and simple method by which to prevent equipment paints but not into CARC. CARC is also relatively
and supplies from agent contamination during CB resistant to the corrosive effects of decontaminating
attacks. CACs not only provide a quick and effective solution No. 2 (DS2), the standard decontaminant.
means of protecting equipment and supplies from CB The application of CARC involves four distinct steps:
contamination, but also they are inexpensive and com- cleaning, pretreating, priming. and applying the topcoat.
mercially available. Although standard CACs have not The specifications for these steps, called out in military
been fielded by the US Army, many field-expedient cover specification MIL-C-53072(ME) (Ref. 9), are listed in
materials are available. These materials include tar- Table 3-3. Although care must be taken to insure that the
paulins, pallets, canvas, cardboard, dunnage, plastic wash primer drying or reacting is completed so that
sheets and bags, and drop cloths. These field-expedient CARC adhesion is not affected, the cleaning and pretreat-
CACs can be quickly placed over equipment and supplies ing steps are standard methods that are required in most
before agent attacks. If properly used, CACs will not only finishing processes. The anticorrosive primers are epoxies.
protect equipment and supplies from agent contamination The topcoats for exterior surfaces are polyurethancs and
but also will eliminate or greatly reduce subsequent for interior surfaces, epoxies.
complicated decontamination procedures with associated
requirements for manpower, time, and resources. 3-3 DETECTION AND MONITORING
It is important to know that even though CACs provide CDIW is vital to an integrated CB defense program and
good protection for equipment and supplies against CB provides the necessary information on types and levels of
agents, a delayed vapor hazard may exist that is caused by agents in a CB environment. This information is im-
the resorption of agents from contaminated CACs. Also, portant forcommanders and personnel in the area so that
if CACs are heavily contaminated by CB liquid agents, the proper countermeasures can be taken to prevent or
CAC materials maybe penetrated by agents. Therefore, it minimize CB hazards.
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TABLE 3-3. THE CARC SYSTEM CDIW serves many purposes for an integrated CB
defense program, depending on the situation. These
Process Ferrous Metal Nonferrous Metal purposes are
1. To providc early warning to individuals and units
Cleaning TT-C-490 TT-C-490
MIL-T-704 if CB agents are being employed by the enemy. This
warning allows individuals and units to prepare fully a
Pretreating TT-C-490. I DOD-P-15328 series of precautionary measures. such as which MOPP
(Zn phosphate) (wash primer) level is needed and whether nearby transportable medical
MIL-C-85I4 facilities should be relocated, before encountering CB
(wash primer) hazards.
TT-C-490, 1 I MIL-C-5541 2. To measure and evaluate the levels and type of
(Fe phosphate) (chromate contamination. Individuals are able to estimate the
conversion) degree of the agent threat and determine the type of
TT-C-490, III MIL-A-8625 decontamination actions required and can also use this
(wash primer) (anodilc)
information to determine whether a filter should be
MIL-P-23377 changed due to saturation. Medical personnel can deter-
Priming MI L-P-52192
MIL-P-53022 MIL-P-53022 mine the degree of a victim’s poisoning and thus the
MIL-P-53030 MIL-P-53030 necessary medical treatment.
3. To monitor levcls of CB contaminants in a post-
Applying MIL-C-22750 MIL-C-22750 CB attack environment. Commanders are able to give
Topcoat (interior only) (interior only) proper instructions such as whether personnel can remove
MIL-C-46168 MIL-C-46168 individual protective gear, whether equipment and sup-
MIL-C-53039 MIL-C-53039 plies can be safely used, the need for decontamination,
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and where an uncontaminated proximity area exists for 3-3.1.1 ABC-M8 VGH Paper Chemical Agent
personnel to go for long-term rest and refurbishment. Detector
4. To measure agent residue on decontaminated M8 chemical agent detector paper is designed speci-
equipment to determine whether CB agent concentrations fically for liquid agent detection. The M8 paper, tan in
have been reduced to an acceptable level. color, is contained in a booklet of 25 sheets (0. I mm
Ideally, CDIW systems must be versatile enough to thick), which are perforated for easy removal, and each
meet the requirements of all typcs of CB contamination booklet is heat-sealed in a polyethylene envelope. There
situations. The information gathered by CDIW systems are three sensitive dyes suspended within the paper
should include matrix. The paper is blotted, not rubbed, on the suspected
1. The nature of the agents, i.e., chemical or liquid agent. and a distinctive color is produced depending
biological upon the type of agent present. A color chart on the inside
2. The specific agent types, e.g., VX, GA, T-2 cover of the M8 booklet enables direct comparison for
toxin, anthrax bacterium agent identification. The M8 paper detects and dif-
3. The concentrations of the agents ferentiates between nerve and blister agents in a liquid
4. The distance of agent clouds from CDIW systetns state (Refs. 3 and 10).
(remote sensing) Problems are encountered in night operations because
5. The estimated agent arrival time according to the M8 paper must be read under white light. Therefore,
existing meteorological conditions. during night reconnaissance operations, the monitoring
CDIW systems should also have high sensitivity to and personnel may take several marked samples to suspected
specificity for all agents in any enviroment and should be areas and then take them back to the vehicle for reading
capable of continuous monitoring for a relatively long (Ref. 1l).
period without complicated maintenance procedures or
attendance. 3-3.1.2 M9 Paper Chemical Agent Detector
The M9 paper is also designed for the detection of
3-3.1 MONITORING EQUIPMENT liquid chemical agents. But unlike the M8 paper, it has no
The rapid and accurate identification of CB agents used agent specificity, i.e., it does not differentiate among
by enemy forces is essential for initiation of effective agents. It contains a suspension of an agent-sensitive dye
countermeasures. The US Army has fielded a number of in a paper matrix. The paper is colored green by the use of
CDIW systems. These are listed in Table 3-4 ( Refs. 3 and insoluble camouflage pigments but will turn red or
l0). reddish-brown in those places exposed to liquid agent. It
is issued as a single roll of Mylar®-laminated paper with
an adhesive backing and comes in a cardboard dispenser
TABLE 3-4. CDIW SYSTEMS FIELDED with a serrated metal edge for cutting. The M9 paper is
BY US ARMY (Refs. 3 and 10) designed to be attached to clothing or equipment (Refs. 4
and 11). When attached to equiprnent, it must be placed in
1. ABC-M8 VGH Paper Chemical Agent Detector an area free from dirt, grease. and oil. This is especially
2. M9 Paper Chemical Agent Detector important because petroleum products and DS2 (a
3. M256 and M256A1 Detector Kits, Chemical Agent standard decontaminant cause the paper to change color
4. M18A2 Detector Kit, Chemical Agent and thereby cause a false reading ( Ref. 10).
5. M272 Water Testing Kit, Chemical Agents
M9 paper is useful for detecting on-target attacks and
6. M43A1 Detector Unit, Chemical Agent Automatic
Alarm thus keeps soldiers from entering contaminated areas.
7. Chemical Agent Monitor Whenever pink, red, reddish brown. or purple colors
appear on the paper, the presence of chemical agents is
In contrast to the CDIW equipment for chemical As with the M8 paper, night operations present some
agents, there is a void of equivalent equipment for problems because color changes show up only under
detecting and monitoring biological agents. This is white light (Ref. 11).
especially true for forward units. Although laboratory
facilities are available at a number of battalion levels, the
detection and identification procedures for biological 3-3.1.3 M256 and M256A1 Detector Kits,
agents are difficult and time-consuming. The procedures Chemical Agent
involve sampling, microscopic examination, culturing, The M256 chemical agent detector kit, shown in Fig.
testing, and identification. Therefore, efforts are needed 3-12, is a portable and expendable item capable of
to focus on development of monitoring equipment for all detecting both liquid and vapor concentrations of chemi-
known biological agents. cal agents.
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Each M256 detector kit consists of 12 disposable plastic 3-3.1.4 M18A2 Detector Kit, Chemical Agent
sampler-detectors, one booklet of M8 paper, and a set of The M18A2 chemical agent detector kit is a portable
instruction cards attached by a lanyard to a plastic case. and expendable item capable of surface and vapor
The case is made of high-impact plastic and has a nylon analyses. The M18A2 consists of an aspirator bulb
carrying strap and a nylon belt attachment. The sampler- assembly, detector sampling tubes, detector tickets,
detector in this kit will detect and identify low vapor reagent packets, substrate solutions, a booklet of M8
concentrations of nerve, blister, and blood agents follow- detector paper, and an instruction booklet. Air is sampled
ing a 10-min static exposure. by drawing it through a detector tube or detector ticket
The M256A1 detector kit is a new version of the M256. treated with an enzyme-substrate solution. The presence
Although the M256A1 kit is nearly indistinguishable of agent is identified by a color change in the tube or on
from the M256 kit. it has higher sensitivity to nerve the ticket. The intensity of color development and the
agents. The sensitivity of the M256A1 detector kit to a time required for color change provide a qualitative
variety of agent vapors is given in Table 3-5 (Refs. 6 measure of agent concentration (Refs. 3 and 10). The
and 1l). M18A2 kit is only used by technical escort and explosive
ordnance disposal teams and other special Army units.
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3-3.1.6 M43A1 Detector Unit, Chemical Agent ions and then pass through a baffle to a detector element.
Automatic Alarm The electronic module monitors the current produced at
the ionization detector and triggers the alarm, which has a
The M43A1, shown in Fig. 3-13, is an ionization-type variable pitch and a maximum volume of 70 dB. A service
detector in which the agent molecules, ionized by the check is required every 24 h, and periodic replacement of
radiation source, combine with water molecules to form the filter and battery is required.
Figure 3-13. M43A1 Detector Unit, Chemical Agent Automatic Alarm (Ref. 11)
The M43A1 detects nerve agents at low concentrations and equipment. Its operation is based on the conncept 01
in less than one minute (Ref. 11). The threshold concentra- ion mobility spectrometry. Chemical agent vapors are
tions of various nerve agents that are detectable by the detected by sensing molecular ions of spccific mobilities
M43A1 are given in Table 3-6. (time of flight) and using timing and microprocessor
techniques to reject interferences. The CAM detects and
TABLE 3-6. M43A1 SENSITIVITY LEVELS discriminates between vapors of nerve and mustard
(Refs. 11 and 12) agents. A strap allows personnel to carry the CAM with
both hands free. With integral accessories the CAM is
101.6 mmX177.8 mmX381.0 mm and weighs 2.27 kg
Minimum Concentration
Agent Detectable. mg/m3 (Refs. 3 and 10).
The CAM, shown in Fig. 3-14, has been demonstrated
GA 0.4
to meet and exceed its required operational capability
GB 0.2
GD 0.4 (ROC) to detect a concentration of 0.1 mg/m3 of any of
VX 0.4 the chemical agents (G agents, VX, and HD) within one
minute. In laboratory conditions (room temperature and
50% relative humidity), the CAM has detected concentra-
3-3.1.7 Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM) tions as low as 0.03 mg/m3of the G agents and 0.05
The CAM is a hand-held, man-operated device for mg/m 3 of VX. The VX concentration was detected within
monitoring chemical agent contamination of personnel 30 s.
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2. Warning and Reporting. Once a CB attack has
been detected, personnel within the potentially affected
areas must be warned immediately. Warning and reporting
of CB contamination is done by using standardized,
simple messages from the nuclear, biological, and chemi-
cal (NBC) warning and reporting system.
3. Locating and Identifying CB Hazards. Types and
levels of CB contaminants within the attack area should
be monitored and evaluated. The collected information
allows commanders to determine what type of counter-
measures or actions should be taken.
4. Limiting Exposure to CB Contaminants. Exposure
to CB contaminants should be limited as much as
possible. This limited exposure can be accomplished by
moving personnel and equipment away from CB con-
taminated areas or, if the mission makes moving im-
possible, by employing individual and/or collective protec-
tion measures.
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9. MIL-C-53072(ME), Military Specification, Chemical- cal and Biological Protection Handbook for Field
Resistant Coating (CARC) System Application Pro- Personnel, Final Report on Task No. R-P1016 (R) /
cedures and Quality Control Inspection, 20 July 64708F / 2674, US Air Force Electronic Systems
1987. Division, Hanscom AFB, MA, March 1984.
10. T. P.Karpetsky, et al., Reconnaissance, Detection 12. USAF Master Plan for a Chemical Warfare
and Identification Master Plan (U), Report No. Detection, Identification, and Warning (CDIW)
CRDC-CR-85032, US Army Chemical Research, System, Volume I, Final Report on Contract No.
Delevopment, and Engineering Center, Aberdeen DAAG29-81-D-0100, Aeromedical Systems Di\i-
Providing Ground, MD, August 1985. (THIS DOCU- sion, Brooks AFB, TX, .June 1983.
13. FM 3-3, NBC Contamination Avoidance , Depart-
11. B.B. Saunders and R. M. Price, Chemical Defense ment of the Army, .July 1984.
Handbook for Tactical Shelters—Volume 1, Chemi-
Assessment of Chemical and Biological Sensor ing Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, February
Technologies, Contract No. DAAG29-82-C-0012, 1983.
National Research Council, Washington, DC 1984. M. H. Eddy, New Developments in Chemical-
B.B. Saunders and R. M. Price, Proposed Entry/Exit Biological Material, Report No. CRDEC-SP-88014,
Procedures for CPE-Protected Shelters and Vans (US Arm) Chemical Research, Development, and
Operated in an NBC Environment, Report No. Engineering Center, Aberdeen Pro\ing Ground, MD,
ARSCL-SP-83004, Computer Sciences Corporation April 1988.
National Space Technology Laboratories, Bay St.
Reconnaissance, Detection, and Identification Users'
Louis, MS, October 1982. Meeting, 19-21 June 1984. CRDC-SP-85001, US
W. K. Blewett, Testing of Entry/Exit Procedures for Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineer-
Mobile NBC Shelters: Processing Contaminated Litter ing Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, Novem-
Patients, Report No. ARCSL-TR-82073, US Army ber 1985.
Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering Shelter Technology for Chemical Defense, Microsensor
Center, Aberdeen Providing Ground, MD, January Systems, Inc., Fairfax, VA, September 1985.
1983. Summary Study of Biological Detection and Warning,
W.K. Blewett, Testing of Entry/Exit Procedures for Final Report on Contract No. DAAK11-81-C-0034,
Vans and Vehicle Mounted C3 Shelters in an NBC US Army Chemical Research, Development. and
Environment, Report No. ARCSL-TR-82082, US Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
Army Chemical Research, Development, and Engineer- April 1984.
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This chapter describes the methods and equipment currently available for decontamination. The reasons
for decontamination are presented in par. 4-2. Chemical decontamination methods are described in par.
4-3, and physical methods are given in par. 4-4. Decontamination equipment is detailed in par. 4-7.
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Effect of Decontaminant on CB Agent*
Method Decontaminant H Series Lewisite G Series V Series Toxins Spores Organisms
Chemical Decontaminating Solution
No. 2 (DS2) (STD)
Household Bleach
High-Test Hypochlorite
Activated Solution of
Hypochlorite (ASH) and
Self-Limiting Activated
Solutions of Hyprochlorite
Mask-Sanitizing Solution
Sodium Hydroxide
Sodium Carbonate
Ammonium Hydroxide
Chloramine-B or -T
Dichloramine-B or -T
C8 Emulsion (STD)
Perborate Solution
Soap Solution
Petacetic Acid (PAA)
Ethylene Oxide (ETO)
Chlorine Dioxide Solution
Physical Hot Water
Organic Solvents
Dry Heat
Dry Sorbents
*KEY: • = has some decontamination effect; o = not effective: ? = effective not known.
4-2.2 PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION physically strenuous tasks in warm climates for ex-
tended periods or to perform bodily functions such as
Protective measures can protect personnel and equip-
eating, drinking, urinating, defecating, resting, and sleep-
ment from the adverse effects of CB agents, but the use
ing. For these reasons, decontamination is a defense
of these protective measures can also result in mission-
measure essential to maintaining combat mission ef-
degrading, man-equipment incompatibilities. For ex-
fectiveness in a CB-agent-contaminated environment.
ample, currently available individual protective equip-
ment (IPE) reduces the wearer’s mission effectiveness
because of its cumbersome nature. IPE may restrict the
wearer’s vision, reduce his tool-handling dexterity, and IPE has certain limitations in the protection afforded
impose on him a mission degrading thermal burden. It to the individual. For example, an agent might ulti-
is very difficult for an individual in IPE to perform mately saturate the protective filter of respiratory de-
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vices and render the filter useless. Liquid agents might cal and agent. The hydrolysis rate, however, has more
gradually penetrate through IPE material to reach the variables involved and is dependent upon the chemical
wearer’s skin and cause a contact hazard. In addition, structures of the decontaminant and agent and on
the protective quality of IPE might be degraded if it is reaction conditions such as pH, temperature, solvent,
contaminated by ordinary materials such as water, fuels, and catalysis. The hydrolysis rate increases sharply at a
greases, and oils. Therefore, CB agents should be re- pH above 8. Under alkaline conditions the reaction rate
moved from contaminated IPE to minimize delayed is proportional to the concentration of hydroxide ion.
adverse effects. in general. the reaction rate increases tenfold with each
additional pH unit. Temperature also influences these
4-2.4 SPREAD rates. It has been estimated that the rate increases about
Contaminated personnel or equipment may pose a fourfold for every 10-deg C temperature rise (Ref. 4).
potential CB agent threat due to the prospect of spread- The type of solvent used can also affect the hydrolysis
ing the contamination to otherwise uncontaminated rate.
areas. For example, contaminated personnel climbing Three tyrpes of chemical methods have been studied
into a combat vehicle. such as a tank, could spread CB extensively for application to chemical agent decontami-
agents inside the crew compartment. Contaminated equip- nation. These methods are chemical reactions, in-
ment evacuated for repair could spread agent along the cineration, and weathering. Incineration involves both
passing route. Contaminated supplies and ammunition, the physical process of heating the agent to induce a
if delivered to forward units, could spread CB agents to change of state and the chemical process of oxidation.
uncontaminated units receiving the supplies. Therefore, Therefore, it is discussed with other chemical methods.
contaminated personnel or items should be decontami- Weathering also involves both chemical and physical
nated before they are moved to uncontaminated areas. processes, and is discussed in par, 4-3.1.3 under chemi-
Spread of contamination can thus be avoided. cal methods and in par. 4-4.2.3 under physical methods.
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formed between 0.25 and 1 h after the agent was TABLE 4-2. APPLICATION RATE
applied. When the agent was weathered for a longer
period (2 to 12 h) prior to decontamination, 99.99%,
97.47%. and 95.11% of of the agent was removed from the SURFACES AND TERRAINS
polyurethane-painted, bare, and alkyd-painted surfaces, (DATA EXTRACTED FROM
respectively (Ref. 5). REFS. 7 AND 8)
DS2, applied with scrubbing, removed 100%, 98.7%,
98%, and 88.2% of the initial THD deposited on bare Application
metal, alkyd-painted metal, polyurethane-painted metal, Surface/Terrain 1.0 X 10-3 m3/ m2
and canvas, respectively. DS2, applied with no scrub- Concrete 2.8
bing, removed 93.5%, 87.3%, 97%, and 59% of the Gravel 2.1
initial THD from the same surfaces. respectively (Ref. Short Grass 3.1
5). Long Grass 4.5
DS2 is considered to be logistically burdensome be- Porous Surface 0.57
cause it is not water based and must be stored and Smooth Surface 2.3
transported. DS2 has been reported to remain stable in
storage for up to six months at an elevated temperature from the respective surfaces following a weathering
of 77°C and for several years or more at lower tem- period of between 0.25 and 1 h. For longer weathering
peratures. This shelf life is considered acceptable for periods (2 to 12 h), comparable removals were achieved
military purposes (Ref. 6). for both heated and cold STB slurry (Ref. 5).
DS2 is caustic to the skin and eyes and poses an Hot STB slurry applied with scrubbing removed 100%
inhalation hazard to personnel; therefore, when han- of the initial THD from metal surfaces that were bare,
dling DS2, personnel must wear protective masks, toxic alkyd-painted, or polyurethane-painted and 95.9% of
agent protective (TAP) aprons, and rubber gloves. DS2 the initial THD from canvas. Hot STB slurry applied
is flammable and has a low flash point (75.5°C), so it without scrubbing removed 90.7%, 98.l%, 99.4%, and
should not be used on hot surfaces. Furthermore, DS2 91.9% of the initial THD from the respective surfaces
should not be mixed with STB or other strong oxidizers (Ref. 5).
because the mixing of the two solutions results in a Unheated STB slurry applied with scrubbing was less
violent reaction (Ref. 3). efficient than hot STB applied with scrubbing but more
efficient than hot STB applied without scrubbing. Un-
4- Supertropical Bleach heated STB applied without scrubbing was the least
effective of the four methods. Unheated STB applied
Supertropical bleach is effective against blister and
with scrubbing removed 100%, 98.9%, 100%. and 95.8%
nerve agents; therefore, it is considered to be an all-
of the initial THD from bare metal, alkyd-painted
purpose decontaminating agent. STB, a mixture of
metal, polyurethane-painted metal, and canvas, respec-
chlorinated lime and calcium oxide, contains at least
tively. Unheated STB applied without scrubbing re-
30% available chlorine. It is a standard military decon-
moved 99.4%, 97.5%, 99.4%, and 60.8% of the initial
taminant recommended for applications on contami-
THD from the respective materials (Ref. 5).
nated roads and terrain or metals and fabrics (Ref. 3).
STB is more stable in storage than ordinary laundry
STB, prepared as a paste by mixing the solid STB
bleach; it has a shelf life of six weeks when stored at
with water (approximately 70% STB by weight), is
70°C and a shelf life of several years or more at lower
useful as a decontaminant for surfaces and terrain.
temperatures. STB causes fewer logistical burdens than
Sample application rates for STB slurry on selected
DS2 does because STB requires less storage space. For
surfaces are given in Table 4-2. Slurries of 13% and
example, STB slurry can be prepared locally by mixing
40% STB in water (by weight) are recommended for
with water prior to use.
horizontal and vertical surfaces, respectively (Ref. 7).
Because STB is caustic to the skin and eyes and
In tests performed at Dugway Proving Ground, STB
presents a vapor hazard to personnel, personnel must
slurry was applied both hot and cold and with and
wear protective masks and rubber gloves when using
without scrubbing to various surfaces contaminated
STB. STB should not be mixed with DS2 because the
with TGD and THD. Hot STB slurry applied with
mixing of the two chemical formulations results in a
scrubbing removed 99.64%, 98.33%, and 99.98% of the
violent reaction (Ref. 3).
initial TGD from unpainted, alkyd-painted, and
polyurethane-painted surfaces, respectively. Decontami-
nation was performed between 0.25 and 1 h after con- 4- Mask-Sanitizing Solution
tamination. Unheated STB applied with scrubbing re- Mask-sanitizing solution is used on previously decon-
moved 97.8% 95.75% and 100% of the initial TGD taminated masks with the filter elements removed. The
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solution is prepared either by adding a 0.5-g tablet of tective masks and rubber gloves. HTH should not be
calcium hypochlorite into a standard plastic canteen mixed with DS2 because a violent reaction results (Ref.
filled with water or by adding 2.0 g of calcium hypo-
chlorite to one gallon of water. One gallon of solution
is sufficient to clean approximately 10 masks (Ref. 3). 4- Activated Solution of Hypochlorite
(ASH) and Self-Limiting Activated
4- C8 Emulsion (Intermediate Chemical Solutions of Hypochlorite (SLASH)
and Biological Agent Decontaminant Activated solution of hypochlorite (ASH) and self-
(ICBAD)) limiting activated solution of hypochlorite (SLASH)
CB emulsion (also known as “German emulsion”) is a are both formed by the addition of small amounts of
mixture of 7.5% calcium hypochlorite, 15% tetrachloro- calcium hypochlorite to water. They behave similarly to
ethylene, 76.5% water, and 1% emulsifier. It has been the other hypochlorite solutions, e.g., STB, HTH, house-
reported to be effective against all known nerve agents. hold bleach; however, ASH and SLASH are not as
Two applications of 15 min each are recommended for strongly alkaline as are the other hypochlorite solu-
effective decontamination (Ref. 9). tions.
CB is water based, which reduces storage require- ASH is comprised of 0.5% calcium hypochlorite,
ments, and it can be prepared up to two days before 0.5% sodium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.05% detergent,
use. CB is normally white in color, but dyes can be and 98.85% water. SLASH is comprised of 0.5% cal-
added to the emulsion for camouflage purposes. Because cium hypochlorite, 1.0% sodium citrate dihydrate, 0.2%
CB contains available chlorine, it can be corrosive to citric acid monohydrate, 0.05% detergent, and 98.25%
the skin and caution should be exercised when applying water (Ref. 13).
it. Both ASH and SLASH contain additives that neu-
tralize the solution by balancing the alkaline hypo-
4- Sodium Hypochlorite Solution chlorite ion concentration with the hypochlorous acid
(Household Bleach) concentration. ASH is neutralized by the addition of
Sodium hypochlorite solution, also known as or- the weak acid sodium dihydrogen phosphate, and
dinary household bleach, is a solution of sodium hypo- SLASH is neutralized by the addition of sodium citrate,
chlorite in water. Depending upon the producer, the which shifts the equilibrium by constant consumption
percentage of chlorine varies somewhat, however, house- of the hypochlorous acid (Ref. 14). ASH and SLASH
hold bleach usually contains 5% sodium hypochlorite. have been used as decontaminating agents for buildings,
It can be used for chemical agent decontamination floors, the ground, and other large areas.
without additional preparation and is effective against Hypochlorites have been demonstrated to be effective
blister and nerve agents. The reaction time is rapid decontaminants for G, V, and mustard agents. A hot
(within 5 min) (Refs. 10, 11, and 12). Because bleach solution of ASH is approximately as effective as either
solutions are harmful to skin and eyes, precaution a hot solution of STB or a hot solution of soap and
should be exercised when applying bleach solutions as water in the removal of TGD from surfaces. ASH is
decontaminants (Ref. 3). approximately as effective as hot soapy water and less
effective than DS2 and STB in the removal of THD
4- High-Test Hypochlorite (HTH) from surfaces (Ref. 6). Although SLASH was not
tested, it may be slightly less effective than ASH due to
High-test hypochlorite (HTH) is a powder of calcium the continuous reduction of the hypochlorite ion con-
hypochlorite containing approximately 70% available
centration in SLASH (self-limiting).
chlorine. HTH is effective in destroying blister and V-
Both ASH and SLASH are much less corrosive than
series agents. The reaction time is rapid (within 5 min)
STB. However, larger quantities of these solutions are
(Refs. 10, 11, and 12).
required to achieve decontamination comparable to
HTH can be used for agent decontamination without
that achievable with STB.
additional preparation. It can also be mixed with water
to form a slurry in much the same manner that STB
slurry is formed. Specific information related to quan- 4- Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda or
tities of HTH required for effective decontamination is Lye) and Potassium Hydroxide
described in detail in FM 3-5 (Ref. 3). (Caustic Potash)
Because it is a strong oxidant, HTH is very corrosive. An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic
Chemical reactions involving HTH in solid form are soda or lye) or potassium hydroxide (caustic potash)
frequently very violent and exothermic. When applying effectively hydrolyzes Lewisite and all nerve agents
HTH as a decontaminant, personnel must wear pro- (Ref. 3). The hydrolysis rate is dependent upon the
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chemical structures and reaction conditions such as pH, ammonia as a decontaminant, precautions should be
temperature, solvent, and catalysis (Ref. 4). taken to avoid these hazards (Refs. 3 and 10).
Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide solutions
have been suggested for hydrolyzing HD, although 4- Chloramine-B and Chloramine-T
effectiveness is uncertain because of contradictory ex- Chloramine-B (sodium benzenesulfochloramide) and
perimental results (Refs. 6 and 15). Aqueous sodium chloramine-T (sodium para-toluenesulfochloramine) are
hydroxide has been used as a standard decontaminant water-soluble powders containing between 11.5 and 13%
for bulk G-series agents in munitions and occasionally available chlorine (Ref. 20). Although relatively ex-
for VX (Ref. 16). Sodium hydroxide or potassium pensive, chloramine-B has been incorporated into the
hydroxide solutions have been used for large-scale equip- M258 M258A1 and the M280 Decontamination Kits
ment and terrain decontamination. Sodium hydroxide (described in pars. 4-7.3 and 4-7.7) to destroy HD and
is a component of the M258A1 personal Decontamina- V-series agents (Ref. 3).
tion Kit to neutralize nerve agents and a component of Chloramine-B and chloramine-T are more stable and
DS2. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide solu- less corrosive to the skin than other available chlorine-
tions are highly corrosive to the skin and eyes. The mist containing materials, such as HTH. and they are rela-
or dust of these two chemicals can severely damage the tively easy to handle, store, and apply.
respiratory system when inhaled. Therefore, personnel
are required to wear masks, protective clothing, TAP 4- Dichloramine-B and Dichloramine-T
aprons, and rubber gloves when applying these decon- Dichloramine-B (benzenesulfodichloramide) and di-
taminants (Ref. 3). chloramine-T (para-toluenesulfochloramine) are water-
insoluble powders containing approximately 30% avail-
4- Sodium Carbonate (Washing Soda, able chlorine (Ref. 20). They are readily soluble in
Soda Ash, or Laundry Soda) many organic solvents in which blister and V-series
Sodium carbonate (also referred to as washing soda, agents are also soluble, and hence they have been used
soda ash, or laundry soda) when mixed with water to decontaminate these agents (Ref. 1l). These powders
(10% sodium carbonate by weight) will rapidly hy- are often prepared as a 10% solution in dichloroethane,
drolyze sarin (GB) (Refs. 12 and 17). Sodium carbonate but this solution is not effective in decontaminating G-
imposes less logistical and storage burdens than, for series agents ( Ref. 6).
example, DS2 and poses a negligible hazard to per- Although dichloramine-B and dichloramine-T have
sonnel who use the solution as a decontaminant. less potential for harm to the skin and respiratory
system than do chloramine-B and chloramine-T, users
4- Hexachloromelamine should wear a protective mask and rubber gloves when
Hexachloromelamine is a strong oxidant and is \ery applying these two chemicals as decontaminants (Ref.
effective against HD. It can be used either as a powder 3).
or in solution with an organic solvent such as gasoline,
kerosene, and paint thinner. Hexachloromelamine 4- XXCC3
causes damage to skin, eyes, and the respiratory system. XXCC3 is a combination of CC2[bis-(2,4,6-trichloro-
Personnel must wear masks and rubber gloves when phenyl) dichlorourea], 10% zinc oxide (a stabilizer). and
using hexachloromelarnine as a decontaminant (Ref. 3). a solvent binder. XXCC3 has been incorporated into
the ABC-M13 Decontamination Kit, which is described
4- Ammonia and Ammonium Hydroxide in par. 4-7.5, and has been impregnated into clothing
(Household Ammonia) materials for agent protection. especially against HD
Nonaqueous ammonia and aqueous ammonia (as a and V-series agents ( Ref. 21). Its principal use has been
solution of ammonium hydroxide) promote the hy- to impregnate projectile clothing and garments.
drolysis of nerve agents and HD. Gaseous ammonia XXCC3 has not been used for large-scale decontamina-
can react easily with GB and V.X but less rapidly with tion operations. most likely because of its high cost.
HD (Ref. 18). Currently. ammonia and ammonium
hydroxide are recommended field-expedient decontami- 4- CD-1 (also known as APD)
nants (Ref. 19). CD-1 (also known as all-purpose decontaminant
Ammonium hydroxide is less corrosive than many (APD)) consists of 55% by volume monoethanolamine.
other bases; therefore, it is easier to handle, store. and 45% by . volume 2-hydroxyl-propylamine, and 25% by
apply. However. personnel using ammonia must be weight-to-volume lithium hydroxide monohydrate. CD-
protected. Furthermore, a moderate to high concentra- 1 has been found to destroy blister and nerve agents
tion of ammonia in air can be explosive. When using effectively (Refs. 10. 11. and 22).
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In comparison to DS2 under the same laboratory agents (Ref. 26). Sodium chlorite and sodium chlorate
conditions, CD-1 is less desirable for decontamination were tested for their ability to decontaminate HD but
not only because CD-1 destroys HD more slowly than were no more effective than bleaching powder (Ref. 21).
DS2 but also because the end product of the CD-1 and Polyacrylamidoxime and an unknown product
HD mixture is toxic (Refs. 10, 22, and 23). formed by reaction of chloroacetylhydroxylamines with
CD-1 is corrosive to the skin. Furthermore, vinyl alkyldimethylamines showed very good reactivity with
chloroethyl sulfide and divinyl sulfide are produced difluorophosphate (DFP) and paraoxon (agent stim-
from the reaction between CD-1 and HD, and these are ulants), but no detailed data were given (Ref. 27). Potas-
toxic. Personnel who use CD-1 as a decontaminant sium permanganate in acetone is an effective decontami-
must wear a mask and rubber gloves. nant for HD (Ref. 28).
Many oxidants (such as chlorine dioxide, ozonated
4- Perborate Solution air, perchloryl fluoride, and dinitrogen tetroxide) can
Sodium perborate and perborate-containing cleaning be grouped generically into reactive gases and or aero-
compounds when applied in excess (for example, sols, which have the ability to flush through the interiors
2.0X10 -3 m 3 of a 20% perborate solution per gram of of aircraft, vehicles, and shelters for agent decontami-
nerve agent) achieved greater than 99% removal of G- nation.
type nerve agents in 1 to 2 min at temperatures at or
above 0°C (Ref. 24). 98% removal of VX was obtained 4-3.1.2 Incineration
in 15 min at 60°C and in 2 h at 25°C by using the Incineration is a process of thermal oxidation, i.e.,
excess perborate solution treatment. However, the cor- burning or combustion of materials in an excess of air
rosive nature and relatively slow reaction rates of per- and at very high temperature (400° to 1200°C) under
borate solutions when compared to analogous active tightly controlled gas flow conditions. Toxic agents can
chlorine compounds reduce their use as a field decon- be thermally decomposed by incineration with no fore-
taminant. seeable toxic end products (Ref. 29). The relationship
between incineration conditions and agent destruction
4- Monoethanolamine (MEA) is presented in Table 4-3.
Monoethanolamine (MEA) is an effective decontami-
nant for HD. MEA was used to decontaminate several 4-3.1.3 Weathering
one-ton containers of HD at Fort McClellan, AL (Ref. Weathering is an important decontamination pro-
25). MEA was selected for decontamination because it cedure and may be the method of choice if time limita-
is noncorrosive, nontoxic, inexpensive, and relatively tions are not a factor. Both chemical and physical
nonflammable. The reaction of MEA with HD is rela- decontamination processes are at work during weather-
tively fast (half-life of 16 min at 52°C and 321 min at ing. The chemical processes of weathering cause degrada-
25°C, both at a 10 to 1 molar ratio of MEA to HD). tion of chemical agents by hydrolysis, oxidation, and
HD and the nontoxic products formed from reaction of photodecomposition; these are discussed in this para-
HD with MEA are miscible in MEA. MEA is an graph. Physical weathering includes thermal evapora-
effective decontaminant for GB but less effective for tion and aeration; these processes are discussed in par.
VX. 99.8% of GB was decomposed by MEA after one 4-4.2.3.
min at 25°C, whereas only 46.0% of VX was de- Chemical agents can be decomposed gradually
composed by MEA after 1440 min at 25°C (Ref. 18). through chemical reactions in a natural environment.
Decomposition rate depends on several factors, includ-
4- Chemical Agent Decontaminant ing
(CAD) 1. Meteorological conditions (temperature, hu-
Chemical agent decontaminant (CAD) is an aqueous- midity, rain, windspeed, stability, and amount of sun-
based Fichlor solution developed and used by the shine)
British as a standard decontaminant. It is a mixture of 2. Type of surfaces and materials onto which agents
5.0% sodium dichloroisocyanurate (Fichlor 60S), 2.5% are deposited (soil, concrete, water).
sodium hydroxide, 0.5% boric anhydride, 0.01% San- High air temperature and high moisture content pro-
tomers detergent, and water (remainder). mote agent hydrolysis. Although rain and melting snow
also enhance agent hydrolysis, the rates of agent volu-
4- Miscellaneous Oxidants bility and hydrolysis in water are generally slow. Water
Perchloryl fluoride (C1O3F) and dinitrogen tetroxide dissolves and hydrolyzes agents at different rates, de-
(N 2O 4) were tested as decontaminants, and the results pending on agent types and water pH values. Generally,
indicated that neither can effectively decontaminate seawater degrades chemical agents more rapidly than
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Thermal Effects Test Data
Temperature, Residence Destruction
Agent °C Time, s Atmosphere Efficiency Ref.
GB 395 0.65 Nitrogcn 86.1% 30
650 2.7 Nitrogen “Complete” 31
1,000 0.3 Oxidizing 99.996% 31
VX 700-750 0.14-0.20 Direct 99.91 to 32
fired 99.99997%
1000-1100 0.25 Oxidizing 99.995% 32
HD 220 7200 Nitrogen 86% 33
400 0-4 Oxidizing 98.8% 30
600 2.0 Oxidizing 99.999% 34
800 0.14-2.22 Oxidizing 99.9994% 29
fresh water because of its higher pH value and its many 4. Soil Porosity
metal ions that catalyze agent hydrolysis reactions. a. Mass flow (liquid agent may leach into soil)
Water also plays an important role in diluting and b. Diffusion (agent vapor may diffuse into
transporting chemical agents (Ref. 29). porous soils).
Sunlight enhances agent decomposition rates through Generally, clay soils have a higher capacity and a
ultraviolet light oxidation, ring fusion, condensation, faster rate of hydrolysis in agent destruction than soils
chemical structure rearrangement. reduction, and func- of sand and silt.
tional group replacement. Agent photodecomposition
takes place much faster on nonpermeable surfaces than 4-3.2 FOR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS
on porous surfaces. Most microorganisms can be destroyed by sunlight
If concrete is contaminated by chemical agents, (i.e., ultraviolet radiation), heat, cold, desiccation,
natural weathering is sufficient for agent decontami- osmosis, and chemicals. However, there are spores pro-
nation. Concrete absorbs and degrades most chemical duced by cells of a number of infectious bacterial
agents rather rapidly due to its porous surface, high pH species that are not easily killed and can remain viable
(12 to 13), ionic chemical constitution, and ability to for years. Spores are produced when the environment
retain occluded water within the matrix. Thus, concrete becomes too unfavorable for existence of the vegetative
provides a microenvironment that is conducive to agent forms. The great resistance they exhibit is due to their
degradation (Ref. 18). high lipoid content, which is largely responsible for
Soils are complex mixtures of inorganic minerals, their increased impermeability to substances. Toxins,
organic matter, water, and living organisms. Soils may which are classified as biological agents, are potent
absorb, retain, and degrade chemical agents, depending poisons produced from a variety of biological sources.
on the type of soil. The factors that follow affect the They vary in their response to conditions for destruction
destruction of agents in soil (Ref. 35): due to variation in their chemical structure. Toxins,
1. Soil Properties and Constituents such as aflatoxins and botulinum toxin, generally can
a. Soil type be destroyed by several means including heat, oxidation,
b. Inorganic constituents (selected inorganic ma- and hydrolysis. Staphylococcus enterotoxin, Type B, is
terials can adsorb agent and or catalyze agent decom- stable in the environment and is more resistant to
position by hydrolysis) physical and chemical inactivation than the chemical
c. Organic matter (may absorb and or react with nerve agents such as GB and V agents.
agent) Bleaching powder, a chlorine-containing compound,
d. Water content (necessary for hydrolysis) is one of the most effective germicides because of its
e. pH (affects rate of agent decomposition by ability to produce vigorous oxidations. It will ef-
hydrolysis) fectively destroy most toxins, whereas moderate heat,
2. Microorganisms (may metabolize agents to such as boiling water. will destroy only a few types of
innocuous products) toxins. Although microorganisms and toxins can be
3. Soil Temperature (affects hydrolysis, adsorption, removed from a surface or individual by washing with a
and evaporation) detergent-water solution, these agents usually are not
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destroyed by the solution. After washing, water contain- must wear a protective mask, TAP aprons, and rubber
ing biological agents will have to be collected for dis- gloves when applying it (Ref. 3).
posal and must be handled carefully to avoid spreading
the biological contamination, 4- STB and HTH
Ideally, biological decontaminants should be readily
STB and HTH are strong oxidants, and they are
available, fast acting, effective against most agents, and
effective against biological agents including spores. STB
inexpensive. Two types of biological decontaminants
and HTH are more effective when prepared in slurry
generally used are discussed in pars. 4-3.2.1 and 4-3.2.2.
than they are in dry form to decontaminate wood,
terrain, concrete, and other porous surfaces that are not
4-3.2.1 Chemical Reactants
damaged by chlorine. When bleaches are applied, safety
Although a variety of biological agent decontami- precautions are recommended. STB and HTH are
nation mechanisms is available, the chemical reaction usually formulated into a 7% by weight slurry with
of oxidation is the most effective. Therefore, oxidants water and applied to contaminated surfaces for 30 min
used for chemical agent decontamination (such as (Ref. 3). An STB slurry neutralized 96.8% of T-2 toxin
bleaches, chloramine, and perborate solution) may also after 0.5 h and 99.79% after 4 h as determined by
be used for biological agent destruction. Bleaches con- cytotoxicity assay (Ref. 36).
taining hypochlorite are currently favored over other
reactants for biological agent decontamination. Other
chemical oxidants specifically designed for biological 4- Bleaches
agent decontamination are summarized in FM 3-5 (Ref. Commercial brands of household bleach (aqueous
3). The paragraphs that follow discuss chemical re- sodium hypochlorite solutions) are effective for de-
actants used for biological agent decontamination. stroying microorganisms including spores (Ref. 3). To
avoid unnecessary damage to fabrics, bleaches should
be diluted before use (for example, M cup of bleach to
4- Soap and Detergent Solutions
3.8 X10 -3 m 3 of water for decontaminating cotton
Soaps and detergents are comprised of wetting agents clothing). The clothing should be immersed in the solu-
or surfactants and emulsifiers. When dissolved in water, tion for 30 min (Ref. 3). The hypochlorous acid (HC1O)
these components lower surface tension, form colloidal then breaks down to hydrogen chloride and releases
solutions, cause water to wet surfaces more rapidly, and oxygen during oxidation. The germicidal activity is
disperse insoluble substances to be removed in solution, directly proportional to the extent to which reactions of
and thus are able to cleanse. Soaps and detergents, hydrolysis proceed in solution.
therefore, primarily act to remove biological agents; Sodium hypochlorite bleach (2.57% NaOCl in water
some hydrolysis does take place over a period of time (weight to volume)) neutralized more than 95.8% of T-2
(dependent on the activity of the solution). toxin after 10 min. The degree of neutralization de-
At present, soap and detergent solutions are preferred creased to 77.7% and 47.7% for the same period for
decontaminants for removal of biological agents from NaOCl concentrations of 1.0% and 0.25%, respectively
contaminated personnel (Ref. 3). Rapid removal of (Ref. 36).
toxins from the skin is highly encouraged, and if avail- Two drops of sodium hypochlorite (as common house-
able, soap and water or the M258A1 towellettes should hold bleach) are recommended for decontamination of
be used. Soap and water removed 87% to 88% of T-2 1.0X10 -3 m 3 of potable water in 30 min. The germicidal
toxin applied at room temperature to the shaved skin of activity of hypochlorite solution is dependent upon pH,
rats (Ref. 36). temperature, available chlorine content, and the pres-
ence of other organic matter. Acidifying hypochlorite
4- DS2 converts the germicidally inactive hypochlorous ion
DS2 is currently a standard decontaminant for chemi- (OC1 -) to the germicidally active hypochlorous acid
cal agents; however, it also destroys biological agents, (HCIO). As in chemical reactions, an increase in tem-
with the exception of spores (Ref. 3). Ten percent DS2 perature increases the rate of hypochlorite reaction with
in water neutralized 91% T-2 toxin after 0.5 h (as biological agents. The decontamination rate of biologi-
determined by cytotoxicity assay). No further neutraliza- cal agents is approximately proportional to the avail-
tion of T-2 toxin was observed after 4 h exposure to the able chlorine content. A doubling of available chlorine
10% DS2 in water solution (Ref. 36). (DS2 is to be used content reduces the time required to destroy Bacillus
as packaged, i.e., undiluted). If other, less corrosive, subtilis (BG) and anthrax spores by about 50%. The
decontaminants are not available, DS2 may be used presence of organic matter other than biological agents
carefully to decontaminate biological agents. Because would reduce the decontamination effectiveness of hypo-
DS2 is a strong irritant to the eyes and skin, personnel chlorite as a result of consumption of hypochlorite by
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the organic matter (Ref. 37). The organic matter in- nation inside buildings. The ideal temperature for its
activates the HC1O by combining with the chlorine use is between 21° and 26°C with a relative humidity of
which reduces the ionic concentration. 85%, and the vapor should be allowed to remain within
a closed structure for 16 h. Formalin vapor is harmful
4- Mask-Sanitizing Solution to personnel: thus when personnel remain in a formalin-
Mask-sanitizing solution is used on previously decon- filled building, they should wear a self-contained res-
taminated masks with the filter elements removed. It is piratory protection device.
effective for destroying microorganisms except spores.
The solution is prepared either by adding a O. S-g tablet
4- Detrochlorite
of calcium hypochlorite to a standard plastic canteen
filled with water or by adding 2.0 g of calcium hypo- Detrochlorite is a mixture of calcium hypochlorite,
chlorite to 3.8X10 -3 m 3 of water. This amount of solu- diatomaceous earth, and wetting agent. The diatoma-
tion is sufficient to clean approximately 10 masks (Ref. ceous earth (a fine, white siliceous powder) acts as a
3). binder for the calcium hypochlorite, and this combina-
tion acts as a germicidal and absorbing component of
4- Chloramine-B the solution as biological agents are released from
surfaces by the wetting agent. It can be used for bio-
Chloramine compounds containing active chlorine
logical decontamination of vertical surfaces to which
attached to a nitrogen atom are also strongly germi-
the application of corrosive material is permissible.
cidal. Their activity is directly proportional to the extent
After a contact period of 30 min. the mixture should be
of hydrolysis in solution. They have been incorporated
removed by washing the surface with a stream of water.
into the M258/M258A1 kit for chemical agent decon-
Procedures for use of detrochlorite are detailed in FM
tamination. If soap and detergent solutions are not
3-5 (Ref. 3).
available, however, M258A1 towelettes soaked with
chloramine-B are recommended to wipe biological
agents from the skin. The M258A1 kit (described in
4- Peracetic Acid (PAA)
par. 4-7.3) decontaminated 99.9% of T-2 toxin applied Peracetic acid (PAA) is a strong oxidant and is
at room temperature to the shaved skin of rats. The effective against all microorganisms including spores. It
results indicated no chemical detoxification of T-2; is obtained as a 40% solution and should be diluted to
rather physical removal was responsible for the decon- 2% with water by volume before use (Ref. 3). The toxic
tamination (Ref. 36). Chloramine-B kills micro- effect that the acetic acid produces on microorganisms
organisms, but it may not destroy toxins and spores. may be due to the amount of dissociated hydrogen in
the acetic acid or to the additional effect of undis-
4- Iodine Water Purification Tablets sociated molecules or both.
Iodine is an oxidant and is effective against most The 40% PAA solution is highly flammable, and it
microorganisms found in drinking water. In comparison should be used carefully and kept away from fire.
with chlorine and bromine, iodine is not appreciably Contaminated small items can be decontaminated by
hydrolyzed in acid solution; hence it acts as molecular immersing them into 2% PAA for 10 min. Contami-
12 or in the form of ion. These forms seem to be nated surfaces can be swabbed with 2% PAA (Ref. 3).
equally effective. The mechanism of action of iodine is
apparently different from that of HC1O. If boiling of 4- Ethylene Oxide (ETO)
water is impracticable, two iodine tablets can be added ETO is effective against all microorganisms including
to a canteen of water for microorganism destruction spores (Ref. 3). It is usually formulated into an aerosol-
(Ref. 3). type mixture (12% ETO and 88% fluorinated hydro-
carbons). Vapors of this ETO and fluorinated hydro-
4- Formalin (Formaldehyde) carbon mixture are used to decontaminate clothing and
Formalin (formaldehyde) produces a germicidal small items in an airtight plastic bag. The vapors can
action by its power of reduction. It is a very efficient also be used to decontaminate large equipment, such as
germicide it is effective against both vegetative cells vehicles, under a tarpaulin.
and spores. A 5% solution of formaldehyde (Commer- Although the ETO vapor mixture is not corrosive, its
cial Formalin is a 40% solution of formaldehyde gas in condensed liquid form may damage skin, other human
water. ) destroys anthrax spores in 1 to 2 h. It is tissues, and some materials. “Therefore. a respiratory
recommended as an interior decontaminant for rela- device and rubber gloves should be worn when using
tively closed areas (Ref. 3). Formalin is available in a the ETO mixture. The recommended decontamination
solution or gaseous form for biological agent decontami- temperature is 21°C or above for several hours ( Ref. 3).
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4- Carboxide ing, masks, foods, equipment, skin, and small areas of
Carboxide is a mixture of ethylene oxide and carbon terrain. The ASH solution should have a minimum of
400 ppm available chlorine and a pH of 6 ( Ref. 37).
dioxide that is effective against all microorganisms and
spores. It is nonflammable and is recommended for A solution of ASH acidified to pH 5.5 with acetic
decontaminating the interior of items or buildings. De- acid neutralized 86.7% of T-2 toxin after 0.5 h as
contamination of an enclosure is accomplished by filling determined by cytotoxicity assay. A 99.9% neutraliza-
the enclosure with the gas for 12 h (Ref. 3). tion of T-2 toxin was achieved after 4 h. Under similar
test conditions SLASH was ineffective in neutralizing
4- Hyamines T-2 toxin (Ref. 36).
Hyamines are the trivial name given to quaternary 4- C8 Emulsion
ammonium-type (for instance, benzethonium chloride)
bactericide (Ref. 20). These compounds are effective C8 emulsion neutralized 58.6% of T-2 toxin, as de-
against all bacteria. but they may not destroy other termined by cytotoxicity assay, after an exposure time
of 0.5 h. 95.2% of T-2 toxin was neutralized by C8 after
microorganisms and spores. Hyamines are used as a 0.1
to l% solution. When applying hyamine for biological 6 h (Ref. 36).
agent decontamination, caution should be taken to
4- Chlorine Dioxide Solution
avoid inhalation of hyamine powder (Ref. 3).
A 97.1% reduction in BG spores was achieved by
4- Sodium Hydroxide, Barium spraying a solution (0.8% by weight) of chlorine dioxide
Hydroxide, and Potassium Hydroxide in water on polyurethane-painted steel, with an ex-
posure time of 5 min. Reduction increased to 99.9%
A 10% sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
after an exposure time of 10 min and to nearly 100%
(KOH) solution is ef!ectiie against all microorganisms
after 20 min (Ref. 39). The action of chlorine dioxide is
and spores ( Ref. 3). of these, potassium hydroxide
due principally to the slight increase in hydrogen ion
shores the greatest germicidal action because of its
concentration induced in the liquid surrounding the
greater degree of dissociation, but there are some ex-
spores. The fact that chlorine directly attacks the protein
ceptions to the ionization rule. Barium hydroxide,
molecule and replaces the hydrogen in the amino groups
Ba(OH) 2, for example. is less dissociated than KOH,
also contributes.
yet it is considerably more effective. This is due to the
high toxicity of the barium ion. The combined action of 4-3.2.2 Oxidation by Ultraviolet (UV) Radiation
the barium and hydroxyl ions produces a greater germic-
Nucleic acids are found in all living cells. There are
idal action than that exhibited by the action of either
two types of nucleic acids: ribose nucleic acid (RNA)
ion alone. Barium hydroxide is used mainly to decon-
taminate agent-contaminated surfaces, and the contact and deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA). RNA is found
predominantly in the cytoplasm, although a small
time should be no less than 15 min.
Caution should be taken when using sodium hy- amount is also found in the nucleus, whereas DNA
droxide solution as a decontarninant because the solu- carries genetic properties and is located exclusively
tion is quite corrosive and can damage the skin and within the nucleus. Nucleic acids absorb a significant
eyes. amount of ultraviolet (UV) light; maximum absorption
occurs at a wavelength of 260 pm. This energy ab-
sorption during irradiation in the presence of atmos-
4- Activated Solution of Hypochlorite pheric oxygen induces oxidation of the nucleic acid
(ASH) or Self-Limiting Activated chemical structure to produce hydrogen peroxide. Both
Solutions of Hypochlorite (SLASH) the ozone and the hydrogen peroxide formed during
Activated solution of hypochlorite has slightly more irradiation are powerful factors in the destruction of
germicidal power toward Bacillus subtilis spores than microorganisms. Light exposure causes DNA mutation,
does dilute bleach. A 99.6% reduction of spores from whereas excess exposure damages DNA structures
polyurethane-painted steel strips contaminated at an severely and hence kills the living cells. Spores of
average density of 1.96X106 spores/strip was achieved Bacillus anthrax required approximately twice the ex-
with ASH sprayed from an M13 Decontaminating Ap- posure as vegetative cells to produce the same per-
paratus compared with a 98% reduction achieved with centage of reduction. Many hospital rooms are ir-
bleach. ASH significantly reduced secondary aerosol radiated to sterilize or greatly decrease the number of
hazard when sprayed as compared with water and organisms in the air. Therefore, UV radiation can be
rapidly decontaminated contaminated runoff (Ref. 38). used to destroy microorganisms including bacterial
ASH was recommended for use as a field-expedient spores, and sunlight is the best source of large-scale UV
decontaminant for biological-agent-contaminated cloth- radiation.
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4-4 PHYSICAL METHODS There are, however, certain disadvantages to the use of
hot water for physical decontamination. For example,
Various physical methods have been used to de- HD is sparingly soluble in water, even with the addition
contaminate CB agents. These methods include thermal of surfactant (Refs. 40 and 41), and VX has greater
decomposition, separation by osmotic pressure, and volubility in cold water than in hot water (Ref. 10).
sorption processes. Because physical methods involve a
change of physical state rather than any chemical 4-4.1.2 Steam
changes, physical decontamination alone generally does
not destroy CB agents. The agent hazard may be re- Steam can be employed to remove and to hydrolyze
moved from the contaminated surface, but the chemical CB agents and has been reported effective in decontami-
nature of the CB agent remains unchanged. However, nating HD, which is the most difficult agent to remove
some physical methods also promote chemical reactions due to its low volubility in water (Refs. 10 and 42).
that destroy the agent. The effectiveness of steam as a decontaminant can be
In pars. 4-4.1 and 4-4.2 physical decontamination further improved with the addition of soaps, detergents,
methods are divided into aqueous and nonaqueous organic solvents, and reactants such as ammonia, CD-
approaches. This division was made because most mili- 1. and sodium hydroxide (Ref. 10).
tary equipment can be grouped into two categories: Steam may volatilize agents before they are effectively
water-sensitive and water-resistant equipment. destroyed. Therefore, decontamination of CB agents
with steam should be accomplished in an open space so
4-4.1 AQUEOUS APPROACHES that volatilized agents can be dispersed into the air.
Aqueous approaches to physical decontamination of 4-4.2 NONAQUEOUS APPROACHES
CB agents involve the use of equipment and water to Nonaqueous approaches to physical decontamination,
remove CB agents by both mechanical force (where i.e., physical processes that use no water, can be
pressurized aqueous solutions are used) and solubili- grouped in four principal categories:
zation. Aqueous approaches have the added benefit of 1. Organic solvents
including chemical decontamination processes for those 2. Dry heat
CB agents that are subject to hydrolysis. 3. Weathering
The two fielded aqueous decontamination methods— 4. Dry sorbents.
described in pars. 4-4.1.1 and 4-4.1.2—are hot water These categories are described in subpars. 4-4.2.1
and steam. through 4-4.2.4.
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additional steps in order to destroy the toxic agents CD, TGD, HD, and EA1699 from both canvas and
completely before solvent disposal. Other disadvantages painted steel surfaces within 1 min (Ref. 44). Hot air
are the flammability and toxicity of many organic flowing through a conventional oven was effective in
solvents. removing GD, THD, GB, and VX from the fielded
Many organic solvents may both solubilize and de- protective gloves, boots, and butyl-rubber-coated cloth.
stroy microorganisms. These solvents can denature pro- It was, however, ineffective in removing these agents from
tein and damage cell membrane structures. Perchloro- the protective overgarment: Greater than 25% of the
methane, various alcohols, acetone, and formalin have agent remained after the forced hot air treatment (Ref.
been used successfully for destruction of micro- 45).
organisms. Forced hot air was evaluated for use on both the
4-4.2.2 Dry Heat interior and exterior of several military vehicles, namely,
B-29 bomber, 5-ton truck, M60A1 tank, and M113A1
Heat can volatilize, pyrolyze, or oxidize chemical
armored personnel carrier. Samples of agent-con-
agents. The effects that heat will have on agents depend
taminated materials were placed in various locations
greatly on the temperature and the availability of oxy-
within the equipment and subjected to a flow of hot air
gen. Volatilization of chemical agents usually occurs a
(66°C) for as long as 4 h. Test results indicated that some
little above the boiling temperature of the agent. Be-
of the tested materials remained contaminated at
cause agents are not thermally decomposed during vola-
potentially hazardous levels (Refs. 6 and 46).
tilization, adequate and forced ventilation become es-
Although forced hot air may be effective in removing
sential if a thorough decontamination is required. Py-
CB agent contamination, this process may have adverse
rolysis of an agent occurs at high temperatures in an
effects on the substrate such that the material or item is no
inert atmosphere. However, potentially hazardous and
longer usable. For example. testing of forced hot air for
toxic end products may be produced during HD pyroly-
decontamination of IPE demonstrated that all items were
sis; these products include ethyl mercaptan, diethyl
severely damaged when heated to 260°C for 1 h ( Ref. 47).
sulfide, and vinyl chloride. Consequently, adequate venti-
lation is essential to safeguard personnel. Complete
4-4.2.3 Weathering
oxidation or combustion of agents occurs in an excess
of air and at very high temperatures; few, if any, toxic The principal physical mechanisms of decontamination
end products should be expected (Refs. 10, 18 and 35). by weathering are evaporation and transportation of the
Dry heat may kill some biological agents because agent from the contaminated surface. Weathering pro-
microorganisms tend to die rapidly at high temperature vides an inexpensive and effective method for large-scale
and low humidity, However, microorganisms in spore agent decontamination. The rate of agent decontamina-
forms and some toxins may not be destroyed by dry tion is governed by several factors:
heat (Ref. 43). Dry heat techniques often mentioned for 1. Agent Volatility. The more volatile an agent is. the
agent decontamination include forced hot air heat and faster it will evaporate. For example, GB is more volatile
radiant (infrared) heat. than VX. Consequently, GB is more readily decontami-
Forced hot air can be used to volatilize agents and thus nated by weathering than VX.
remove them from contaminated surfaces. Use of hot air 2. Wind Speed. Wind speed significantly influences
closely resembles the weathering process, i.e., hot air the agent evaporation rate. High wind speed hastens
accelerates the natural volatilization and, as a result, dispersion of the agent in the air and minimizes diffusional
decontaminates the agent-contaminated surface. limitations. As a result, agents on contaminated surfaces
The effectiveness of the hot air for physical removal of become less persistent.
an agent depends in part on interactions between the 3. Temperature. Temperature has pronounced affects
agent and the surface on which it resides (the substrate) on the agent evaporation rate. High ambient temperature
and on the thermal resistance of this substrate. For accelerates the agent evaporation rate and thus reduces
example, polymers are generally more susceptible to agent persistence on contaminated surfaces. The com-
agent penetration and less heat resistant than metals are. bined effect of temperature and wind speed on agent
As a result, agents would be more easily removed from persistence is depicted in Fig. 4-1.
uncoated metal panels than they would be from alkyd- 4. Rain and Snow. Rain and melting snow may wash
painted surfaces. An added dimension must be considered agents away from contaminated surfaces, but they may
in evaluating the effectiveness of forced hot air for cause the contamination to spread to other areas, es-
physical removal of thickened agents because hot air will pecially into drainage and other lowland areas.
likely leave behind a residue of the thickening substance, Physical weathering processes may be effective decontami-
which may contain lOW levels of agent. nation for microorganisms. Sunlight, elevated tempera-
A hot-air stream with a nozzle temperature in the range ture, high wind speed, and low humidity can cause
of 200% to 245°C was very effective in removing agents dehydration of microorganisms and consequently kill
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somewhat lower results were obtained in field studies
(Ref. 49). Fuller’s earth may permit some agent re-
sorption, but use of an excess amount of fuller’s earth
should be effective in retaining the absorbed agents.
Although silica gel has a low sorptive capacity, it can be a
good sorbent powder if purified and activated. For this
reason, Warsaw Pact nations have used powdered silica
gel in their individual medical protection kit (Ref. 49).
When silica gel is combined with clay powder and
formulated into a pressurized aerosol spray system, up to
80% of an agent can be removed from clothing without
additional rubbing (Ref. 30).
Alumina powder has the highest sorption rate among
the dry sorbents that have been measured, but its sorption
capacity is less than that of tuner’s earth (Ref. 30).
Therefore, alumina powder may be the dry sorbent of
choice if speed of sorption, rather than capacity. is
Phenolic-type resins are known to hold G-series agents
effectively by hydrogen bonding and are considered to be
possible sorbent material for agents. Testing of nitro- and
fluoro-phenol resin-impregnated clothes indicated that
these phenol derivatives effectively held G-series agents
and VX but were inadequate against HD (Ref. 30).
Sawdust, soil, silicone, coal dust, amine- and sulfonic-
acid-containing polymers, organic and inorganic ion-
Figure 4-1. Evaporation Time for 90% of
exchangc materials, and metal oxides have been sug-
Original Agent Mass (1-mm Droplet) as a gested as absorbing agents (Ref. 33) but have not proved
Function of Temperature and Wind Speed practical. Testing of several household products for CB
(Ref. 48) agent removal has shown that flour, followed by treatment
with water (wet tissue paper), can effectively remove till
agents from freshly contaminated skin (Ref. l).
them. Rain and melting snow may wash microorganisms Three novel types of high-surface-area polymeric resins
away from contaminated surfaces. However, the effective- for application in agent decontamination are carbona-
ness of weathering for microorganism decontamination ceous adsorbents, polymeric absorbents, and reactive
varies widely. resins. A brief description of each type of adsorbent
follows (Ref. 16):
4-4.2.4 Dry Sorbents 1. Carbonaceous Resin Adsorbents. This material
Dry sorbents are solid powders that are used to absorb has higher gas-phase dynamic capacities for simulants
agents. Traditional dry sorbents used by the military for and agents (HD, GD, and cyanogen chloride) than does
physical decontamination include activated carbon (acti- granular actitvatcd carbon. The dynamic capacity of this
vated charcoal) and fuller’s earth. Other dry sorbents adsorbent is not reduced when the relative humidity is
include silica gel, alumina powder, and phenolic resins. increased, even to 100%. Carbonaceous adsorbent activity
Activated carbon is one of the best sorbents for gases can be regenerated under mild conditions, such as being
because of its nonspecific nature, high sorptive capacity. purged with low-pressure steam, hot air, or an organic
and fast sorption rates. For this reason, ASC whetlerite (a solvent. Under normal opreating conditions these resins
steam-activated bituminous coal impregnated with reportly retain the agents more tenaciously than granu-
various metals) is currently used as filter material in many lar, activated carbon. The individual resin beads are very
masks and collective protection devices; activated char- strong and resistant to attrition.
coal is impregnated into clothing. 2. Polymeric Adsorbents. This material has high
Fuller’s earth is a highly sorptive clay-type material capacities for- simulants. Capacities are more than twice
consisting primarily of montrnorillonite and having a those of granular, activated carbon. These polymeric
high (50 to 80%) silica content. The physical removal adsorbents function well at high humidity and can be
efficiency of fuller’s earth for VX and G-series agents regenerated under mild conditions.
from rabbit and human skin has been reported to be as 3. Reactive Resins. These resins are highly func-
high as 85 to 95% in laboratory studies, although tionalized forms of the polymeric absorbents. They
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combine the high capacity of the polymeric absorbents are not constantly touching lethal contaminants and they
with a wide range of active chemical groups. These are less Iikely to spread contamination to uncontaminated
chemical groups include the groups normally used in ion areas
exchange resins and groups prepared specifically for 2. Allowing personnel to enter collective protection
decontamination applications. The rates of reaction of shelters without risk of spreading CB agents inside shelter
functional groups attached to polymeric resins can exceed 3. Reducing the total amount of CB agents on
the rates of reaction of these same groups when attached equipment surfaces. This reduction expedites the weather-
to small molecules. Incorporating reactive groups into a ing process and facilitates follow-on complete decontami-
larger, polymeric molecule has the added benefit of nation (Ref. 3).
making these groups less corrosive toward such substrates
as metal, paint, and skin than these groups would be if 4-5.2 COMPLETE
attached to smaller molecules. The term “complete decontamination” describes the
No explicit data on hazards are available for these process of extensive removal or neutralization of CB
sorbent powders. In general. agent-laden dry sorbents agents on contaminated equipment surfaces. Decontamina-
may be desorbed to be residual vapor hazards to per- tion is complete from an operational perspective when
sonnel. Therefore, personnel who use dry sorbents as contamination is reduced to a level that permits personnel
decontaminants may need to wear protective masks to to operate for extended periods without wearing a
protect their respiratory system from residual vapor protective mask or protective gloves ( Ref. 3).
hazards. If an item is designed for NBC survivability, complete
decontamination should reduce contamination levels to
4-5 LEVELS OF DECONTAMINATION negligible risk values. These CB agent negligible risk
Under ideal conditions personnel using protective gear values are defined in AR 70-71 (Ref. 2) to be those levels
should be thoroughly decontaminated immediately follow- of CB agents that will cause no more than 5% mild
ing exposure to any CB agent. This desire for immediate incapacitation among unprotected personnel working
decontamination applies equally to any equipment that inside, on. or within 1 m of agent-contaminated items.
should become contaminated. However, immediate decon- Even at this stage of decontamination, residual contami-
tamination may be unrealistic in a combat environment nation may exist. Therefore, equipment surfaces and
for various reasons. For example. thorough decontamina- areas should be monitored periodically for at least 12 h,
tion requires considerable time and may call for resources, and personnel should be examined for symptoms of agent
including equipment and personnel, that are unavailable poisoning.
in the combat area. Furthermore, contaminated personnel
may still need to complete their assigned combat mission. 4-6 MATERIAL TO BE
In recognition of these constraints the US Army DECONTAMINATED
specifies two levels of decontamination—partial and Agents can be transferred to the surface of the skin,
complete—to respond to the CB battlefield situation. protective gear, and equipment by contact. Once skin and
material surfaces are contaminated, agents (especially
4-5.1 PARTIAL liquid agents) begin to penetrate into the inner layers of
The term “partial decontamination” pertains to the the contaminated skin and materiel. The rate of penetra-
process of removing or neutralizing a portion of the total tion is dependent on several factors, including
CB agent contamination from affected protective gear or 1. Concentration and quantity of CB agent initially
military equipment. The portion that is decontaminated transferred to the person or equipment
must be sufficient to allow operations to be sustained. 2. Physical and chemical nature of the agent, includ-
Partial decontamination may be accomplished by ing presence of additives to the agent, particularly
reducing the total amount of contamination or by thickener
completing decontamination of a small area on a piece of 3. Agent form (vapor, liquid. or solid)
equipment. Examples of the latter case include thorough 4. Characteristics of the person or equipment contami-
decontamination of small areas such as the operator’s nated
controls on a generator, the firing controls on a weapon, 5. Weather factors.
and the exit and entry paths from a contaminated vehicle. The higher the initial CBagent concentration or the larger
Partial decontamination slows the spread of contami- the initial agent droplet size that appears on the surface of
nants and thus sustains the combat capability of a a contaminated area. the faster the penetration rate. The
contaminated force. Partial decontamination benefits penetration rate of an agent is also dependent upon its
combat operations by physical characteristics. Thickened agent droplets remain
1. Reducing the risk to personnel using mission- beaded upon most surfaces and penetrate slowly into the
oriented protective posture (MOPP) gear because they inner layer of the material. With respect to the agent form,
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neat liquid agent can be absorbed by or penetrate into removing biological agents from the skin. A 1.5% sodium
permeable materials very quickly, i.e., almost immediately hypochlorite (household bleach) solution is also an
upon contact with the material. effective biological decontaminant. Showering and bath-
The whole process of agent penetration, absorption, ing diminish the occurrence of infection and disease by
and resorption continues in persons and materials, removing chemical or biological hazards from skin
especially clothing, until all agent phases reach an equilib- surfaces.
rium. This equilibrium is determined by the material
absorption isotherm and the ambient meteorological 4-6.2 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT
conditions. It is generally agreed that decontamination Personal equipment includes individual protective equip-
processes become inefficient once agents have penetrated ment (such as the mask and protective clothing), weapons,
into the skin or inner layer of the material. Therefore, for and individually carried items (such as ammunition and
skin or material decontamination, the sooner the decon- field pack). CB agent contamination of personal equip-
tamination action is performed, the better the results will ment may be both a contact hazard and a delayed vapor
be. The rate of agent resorption and evaporation depends hazard. To reduce the risks from both types of hazards.
partly on weather factors such as wind speed, tempera- contaminated personal equipment should be decontami-
ture, humidity, and sunlight. nated as soon as the combat mission allows. Procedures
for the decontamination of personal equipment are
4-6.1 INDIVIDUAL (SKIN) detailed in pars. 4-6.2.1 through 4-6.2.4.
If the skin is contaminated by a CB agent, steps should
be taken immediately to decontaminate in order to 4-6.2.1 Protective Mask
prevent agent absorption through the skin. Immediate Contamination can be removed from the external parts
action should reduce both the prospect that adverse of the protective mask by use of the M280 Decontami-
toxicological effects will occur and the severity of the nation Kit, Individual Equipment or by washing with
effects that do occur. warm, soapy water.
The M280 kit provides the capability to decontaminate
4-6.1.1 For Chemical Agents G-series, V-series, H, and biological agents from a
The M258/M258A1 kits (described in par. 4-7.3) are soldier’s personal equipment. i.e., mask, gloves, hood,
intended for use in decontaminating chemical agents overboots, and weapon. The towelette containing Solu-
including blister and nerve agents from the skin. It tion 1 from the M280 kit is used to wipe off any liquid
M2581 M258A1 kits are not available, detergent soap agent from the lenses and mask while decontaminating
and water or an aqueous bleach solution maybe used as a the G-series agents. Application of Towelette 2 im-
field-expedient decontaminant. If detergent, soap or mediately following application of Towelette 1 completes
bleach is used, the skin should be neutralized with water the decontamination procedure with the decontamination
or dilute acid, such as vinegar (acetic acid). After of the H and V-series agents. If the M280 kit is unavail-
decontamination, the exposed individual should be able, the M258A1 kit should be used. It employs the same
treated by medical personnel. technology, except for a smaller sized towelette, and is
If decontamination kits, detergent/soap, and bleach applied in the same manner as the M280 kit.
are not available, the contaminated skin area may be When decontaminating the mask by washing, it is
pinch blotted with cloth and then flushed with water. important to avoid getting water into the filter element. If
Pinch blotting is superior to rubbing because blotting the time required for decontamination is not a limitation,
prevents spreading of the agent. masks can be decontaminated by weathering. Additional
details for decontaminating the protective masks are
4-6.1.2 For Biological Agents provided in the operator-level maintenance technical
manual for each mask.
Currently there are no decontamination kits fielded for
biological agents. However, the M258A1 kit has ef-
fectively removed T-2 toxins from the skin (Ref. 36). 4-6.2.2 Protective Clothing
These toxins enter the body by absorption through the The protective overgarment, also known as the battle
skin. Most biological agents, except certain toxins, pose dress overgarment (BDO), is not designed to be decontami-
their primary threat through inhalation of aerosols or nated. It has been designed to wick agent through the
ingestion of contaminated food or water. Biological fabric into the charcoal inner layer and remain there until
agents are generally solids; consequently, skin is an the garment is removed and disposed of properly. Re-
effective barrier against many biological agents if there cycling of the overgarment through the use of a launder-
are no open sores or cuts on the skin. Decontamination by ing facility has been one approach considered to alleviate
washing with soap and water is usually effective for the logistic burden of resupply of overgarments.
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battle damage repair (Ref. 6). Spot decontamination may sumption, the external surfaces must be checked by a
be carried out by either aircrew or ground crew personnel detection as the M256A1 Chemical Agent
by using the procedures and equipment discussed in par. Detection Kit (See also par. 3-3.1.3 for a discussion of
4-6.2 for personal equipment, DS2 and STB slurry are not applicable detection equipment.) to insure the absence of
used for aircraft decontamination. contamination.
Aircraft washdown is similar to the vehicle decontamina-
tion discussed in par. 4-6.3. Detailed aircraft decon- 4- Group II (Exposure to Liquid Chemical
tamination involves complete decontamination of both Agents or to Biological Agents)
the exterior and the interior of a contaminated aircraft. Group II consists of food or water sealed in protective
As with aircraft washdown, specific techniques will have packaging that has been contaminated with either liquid
to be developed for each kind of aircraft. Aircraft chemical agents or biological agents. For example, food
decontamination of some kind must be performed before in a can contaminated by liquid blister agent would be in
an aircraft can be overhauled or made available for Group II. If the can had been stored in a cardboard box,
cannibalization. the can might be classed in Group I if the liquid
contamination on the box had not spread to the can. The
4-6.5 OTHER EQUIPMENT (SUPPLIES AND selection of an appropriate decontaminant for Group II
AMMUNITION) items depends largely on the type of material used for
Military supplies, particularly food and water, ammuni- packaging. In general, STB slurry or DS2 can be used for
tion, and hardware items present special challenges for decontamination of Group II items.
effective decontamination. When decontamination of 4- Group III (Unsealed Foods or Foods in
these materials is required, four general principles aid in Nonprotective Packaging)
establishing decontamination procedures (Ref. 3). These
Group III consists of food itself, food in unsealed
principles are to decontaminate
containers, and food in nonprotective packaging that has
1. As soon as possible
been exposed to CB agents. Decontamination of Group
2. Only what is absolutely essential for sustaining
III items is difficult or impossible to achieve, and general
combat operations
guidance on appropriate decontamination methods for
3. As far forward as possible
these items is lacking. Heavily contaminated food stuffs
4. By priority.
should be isolated immediately until they can be disposed
Pars. 4-6.5.1 through 4-6.5.3 provide guidance on how to
of or decontaminated.
decontaminate vital mission materials.
4-6.5.2 Ammunition
4-6.5.1 Food and Water Decontamination of ammunition should be performed
Contaminated food and water can be segregated into by applying cool, soapy water with brushes, mops, rags,
groups based on the extent of contamination, type of or brooms. Use of DS2 and STB should be avoided. DS2
packaging material, and method used to seal the con- may removed critical markings from the ammunition
tainers. Distinct decontamination procedures exist for crate, casing, or container. Dry STB may cause a fire if it
each group, as detailed in pars. 4- through 4- comes in contact with blister agent or DS2, and any fire
(Ref. 3). around ammunition would have devastating conse-
quences. In general, decontamination of ammunition
4- Group I (Exposure Limited to should be carried out by using mild decontaminants,
Chemical Vapor Only) particularly water and weathering, to avoid removing
critical markings from the ammunition.
Packaged food and packaged water exposed only to
chemical vapors make up Group I, and the packaging 4-6.5.3 Hardware
materials must be impermeable to CB agents. Glass Corrosive decontaminants should be avoided for cer-
bottles, metal cans, aluminum foil, heavy waxed paper, tain hardware materials. DS2 and STB have adverse
and plastic used to seal food and water and to exclude air effects on hardware and therefore may be unsuitable for
afford excellent protection against vapor and liquid use in decontamination. Electronics and optical equip-
contamination. Subsistence items stored inside re- ment are especially vulnerable. Some components, such
frigerators could also be classed in Group I. Cans stored as canvas and rubber, tend to absorb chemical agents. As
in a cardboard box might be classified in Group I as long a result. absorbent surfaces are extremely difficult, if not
asany liquid contamination on the box failed to spread to impossible, to decontaminate.
the cans. In this paragraph military hardware is grouped into the
Group I items may be decontarninated by aeration for 1 three categories of electronics, optics, and canvas. Decon-
h or more. Before these items are opened for con- tamination methods for each type are described.
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4-7 DECONTAMINATION EQUIPMENT several items of equipment that are routinely used for
purposes other than decontamination might be used as
The US Army has fielded several items of decontami- field-expedient decontamination equipment. These items
nation equipment. These items are listed in Table 4-4 and are discussed in par. 4-7.8.
are described in pars. 4-7.1 through 4-7.7. In addition,
Technical Data
Item Description and Use Dimensions Reference
ABC-M11. A fire extinguisher-like device 330 mm height TM 3-4230-204-12&P
Decontaminating used to spray DS2. Comes with 102 mm diameter TM 43-0001-26-1
Apparatus, Portable, mounting bracket for attaching 2.7 kg (full)
DS2, 1 1/2 Quart to vehiclcs. Used to spray DS2 1.4 kg (empty)
NSN 4230-00-720-1618 on vehicles and equipment.
Comes with spare nitrogen
M258, Decontamination Kit consists of’ pads. scrapers. 110X80X60 mm (plastic TM 3-4230-213-10
Kit, Skin and decontamination solutions case) TM 43-0001-26-1
NSN 4230-00-123-3180 in plastic carrying case. Used 0.35 kg (full)
for skin decontamination
NOTE: This item is being replaced by the M258A1 Kit and may not be available.
NOTE: This item is being replaced by the M258A1 Kit and may not be available.
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TABLE 4-4. (cont’d)
Technical Data
Item Description and Use Dimensions Reference
M17, Transportable, Designed to draw water from 1.02X0.59X0.86 m TM 3-4230-218-14&P
Lightweight any source and deliver it at 163 kg (basic unit)
Decontamination System pressures up to 689 kPa and
[Same item as Air Force temperatures up to 120°C. 1.06X0.52X0.39 m
A/E32U-8 LDS] Includes accessory kit with 65 kg (accessory kit)
NSN 4230-01-153-8660 hoses, cleaning jets, and
personnel shower. Includes 32 kg (empty)
collapsible, rubberized fabric (5500-dm tank)
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(A) Tank Unit Assembly (B) M2 Water Heater (C) Pump Unit Assembly
4-7.3 M258 DECONTAMINATION KIT AND metal strap hook for easy attachment to clothing or
M258A1 DECONTAMINATION KIT equipment. The kit contains two types of towelettes,
INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT (DKIE) labeled “decon 1” and “decon 2” respectively. The
towelettes are sealed in tearaway, impermeable foil
The M258 and M258A1 are issued as individual
packets. The “decon 1” packet contains a pad pretreated
decontamination kits. The M258 kit is being phased out
with ethanol, phenol, sodium hydroxide, ammonia. and
in favor of the M258A1 kit. Detailed technical informa-
water and is intended for use against G-series agents. The
tion is contained in the technical manuals for these items,
“decon 2” packet contains a pad impregnated with chlora-
as noted in Table 4-4.
mine B and has sealed glass ampoules filled with a
The M258 kit consists of a plastic container having two
solution of ethanol, zinc chloride, and water. The glass
capsules that contain decontamination solutions, two flat
ampoules are enclosed in a plastic mesh bag to prevent
wooden scraping sticks, and four gauze pads. The two
injury to fingers or hand when crushing the ampoules.
capsules are labeled “Solution 1” and “Solution 11”.
Both packets have distinctive tabs for immediate identifica-
Solution I consists of sodium hydroxide, ethanol, and
tion at night.
phenol and is used to destroy G-series agents. Solution II
contains chloramine-B (discussed in par. 4- and
zinc chloride in a water-ethanol solution and is used to
decontaminate HD and V-series agents. Additional guid- 4-7.4 M13, DECONTAMINATING
ance on the use of this kit is printed on the kit itself. One of APPARATUS, PORTABLE, 14 LITER
the gauze pads is to be used to soak up as much liquid The M13 apparatus, as depicted in Fig. 4-4, is intended
agent from the contaminated skin as possible. A second for dispensing DS2 solution. The M13 consists of a
gauze pad wetted with Solution 1 is then rubbed over the prefilled decontaminating agent container, a manual
contaminated area. A third pad should then be used to pump. a hose, two wand sections, and an attachable
apply decontamination Solution II. The scraping sticks brush. Dimensions and other data are provided in Table
are to be used to help remove thickened agent. 4-4. It can be vehicle mounted and is man portable,
Because the components in Solution 11 are temperature manually operated, and easily maintained. It is issued for
sensitive, this kit should not be stored in the places where operator-and crew-level decontamination operations and
the temperature exceeds 44” C. In addition, these solu- may be used on wheeled and tracked vehicles. combat
tions are caustic and potentially poisonous; therefore, construction equipment, towed and self-propelled ar-
care must be taken to keep them out of eyes, mouth, and tillery, and crew-served weapons larger than 20 mm to
wounds. On skin, Solution 1 should always be followed by decontaminate those areas of the vehicles to which access
Solution II. is required for normal operations and maintenance (hasty
The M258A1 kit is an improved version of the M258 decontamination). Selected surfaces of the vehicles will be
kit. The decontaminants have been sorbed onto towelettes covered with decontaminant and scrubbed with the
in the M258A1 kit and thus reduce some of the difficulties brush, after which the crew will continue the mission.
experienced with the M258. The M258A1 is housed in a Detailed technical information is contained in the tech-
plastic case (identical in size to that of the M258) with a nical manuals for this item, as noted in Table 4-4.
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4-7.7 M280, DECONTAMINATION KIT 4. M. Eto, Organophosphorus Pesticide: Organic and
INDIVIDUAL EQUIPMENT (DKIE) Biological Chemistry, CRC Press, Inc., Cleveland,
The M280 Decontamination Kit Individual Equipment OH, 1984.
(DKIE) consists of 20 individual containers packaged in a 5. D. L. Welch. Maintenance Operation in a Chemi-
container that is intended to be issued to a squad-sized cally Contaminated Environment (U), Report No.
unit, Each individual container has sufficient decontami- DPG-S-82-502, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, Feb-
nating capacity to service an individual’s protective mask, ruary 1983 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED
hood, gloves, boots, and weapon. The individual con- SECRET.).
tainer holds two foil packets, which are used in sequence. 6 . J. J. McNeely. et al., Contamination Control Analy
Packet 1 contains a prewetted towelette. Packet 2 contains sis, Report No. ASD-TR-85-5006. Aeronautical Sys-
a chemically impregnated towelette and glass ampoules, tems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, August
which are broken to wet the towelette. These two 1984.
towelettes contain the same chemicals as those used in the 7 . D. Schneck, et al., Corrosion/Compatibility Data on
M258A1 kit. The principal distinction between the M280 Chemical Agents, Their Decomposition Products
DKIE and the M258A1 kit is the size of the towelettes, and Decontaminants With Materials (U), Report
i.e., the M280 towelettes are 10 times larger. Detailed No. ARCSL-TM-80003, US Army Chemical Sys-
technical information is contained in the technical tems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
manuals for this item, as noted in Table 4-4. May 1980 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED
4-7.8 FIELD-EXPEDIENT 8 . FM 3-87, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC)
DECONTAMINATION EQUIPMENT Reconnaissance and Decontamination Operations,
In addition to standard decontamination equipment, Department of the Army, February 1980.
there are many equipment items readily available to 9. R. E. Wyant, et al., Conceptual Design Studies of
military units that have excellent potential for use as Special Applications Decontamination System
field-expedient decontamination equipment. A prime (SADS), Report No. ARCSL-CR-81OO2, US Army
example of this would be fire-fighting equipment. If fire- Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving
fighting equipment on a military post were not required Ground, MD, December 1980.
for its primary duty of pumping water and foam for 10. H. M. Grotta, et al., Development of Novel Decon-
putting out fires, this equipment might be used to pump tamination Techniques for Chemical Agents (GB,
water and other decontaminants to aid in decontami- VX, HD), Report No. DRXTH-TE-CR-83208, US
nation. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency, Aber-
General types of equipment available include, but are deen Proving Ground, MD, February 1983.
not limited to, items such as flight line heaters; cleaning
equipment (steam cleaners, degreasers, wash carts, and 11. H. W. Yurow, Decontamination Methods for HD,
foam generators); deicing equipment; and fire-fighting GB, and VX—A Literature Survey, Report No.
ARCS L-SP-80032, US Army Chemical Systems
equipment. A few commercially available equipment
items are also described, but the majority of commercially Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, April
available items that appear to be applicable for decon-
tamination are currently available within the military 12. H. W. Yurow and G. T. David, Decontamination
inventory. and Disposal Methods for Chemical Agents—A
Literature Survey. Report No. ARCSL-TR-81080,
US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD, November 1982.
REFERENCES 13. H. Hoffman, Airfield Decontamination Study (Selec-
1. Proceedings of the International Symposium on tion of Decontaminant Chemicals), Report No.
Protection Against Chemical Warfare Agents Held ASD-TR-79-5020, Aeronautical Systems Division,
at Stockholm, Sweden on June 6-9, 1983, A B C Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, August 1979.
Research Department, National Defense Research 14. G. H. Fielding, et al., Disinfection With Hypo-
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, June 1983. chlorite: Application to Clothed Men and Construc-
2. AR 70-71, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Con- tion Materials, Report No. NRL-7067, Naval Re-
tamination Survivability of Army Materiel, Depart- search Laboratory, Washington, DC, June 1970.
ment of the Army, May 1984. 15. F. H. Meyer, Compatibility of Chemical Warfare
3. FM 3-5, NBC Decontamination, Department of the Decontaminants With Materials of Construction,
Army, June 1985. Report No. AFML/MX-78-34, Aeronautical Sys-
Downloaded from
terns Division, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, May Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Char-
1978, lottesville, VA, July 1978.
16. G. T. Davis, et al., Fundamental Studies Related to 28. J. Mankowich, et al., History of Research and
the Decontamination and Disposal of GB-Filled Development of the Chemical Warfare Service
HONEST JOHN Warhead Components. Report Through 1945: Decontamination of Chemical Agents
No. EC-TR-76101, Edgewood Arsenal, MD, March Part I, Report No. EASP 300-5, Edgewood Arsenal,
1977. MD, June 1970.
17. M. H. Chang, et al., “Chemical Warfare: Part I— 29. R. Trapp, The Detoxification and Natural Degra-
Chemical Decontamination”, NBC Defense and Tech- dation of Chemical Warfare Agents, Stockholm
nology International 1, No. 4, 59-65 (1986). International Peace Research Institute, Taylor &
18. E. R. Zamejc, et al., Development of Novel Decon- Francis, Philadelphia, PA, 1985.
tamination Techniques for Chemical Agents (GB, 30. G. L. Braude, Research and Feasibility Studies on
VX, HD) Contaminated Facilities, Report No. Clothing and Decontamination, Contract No. DA-
AMXTH-TE-TR-85012, US Army Toxic and Hazard- 18-035-AMC-287(A), Physical Research Laboratory,
ous Materials Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood Arsenal, MD, September 1970.
MD, June 1985. 31. F. J. Cheselske, et al., Study of Catalytic and
19. M. R. Walter, et al., Decontamination Field Expedi- Thermal Decomposition of Toxic Agents, Book 1.
ents (U), Report No. DPG-FR-C192A. Dugway Unclassified Data, Report No. CB-67-2378-10.1,
Proving Ground, UT, February 1980 (THIS DOCU- Edgewood Arsenal, MD, October 1970.
MENT IS CLASSIFIED SECRET.) 32. D. L. Pugh, et al., Incineration of GB and Contain-
20. G. G. Hawley, Ed., The Condensed Chemical Dic- ment of Gaseous Products, Report No. EATR 4463,
tionary (10th Edition), Van Nostrand Reinhold Com- US Army Chemical Research Laboratory, Edgewood
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21. D. H. Lewis, et al., Study of Reactive Materials for 33. D. P. Parks, et al., Compound Techniques for
Development of Newt Protective Clothing Concepts, Absorbent Decontaminants, Report No. EA-CR-
Report No. ARCSL-CR-81032, US Army Chemical 1310-3, Edgewood Arsenal, Aberdeen Proving
Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Ground, MD, January 1982.
MD, March 1981. 34. T. M. Prociv, B. C. Garrett, and G. G. Outterson,
22. G. T. Davis, et al., Studies on the Destruction of Field Characterization of the NBC SANATOR,
Toxic Agent VX and HD by the All-Purpose Decon- Report by Battelle Columbus Laboratories, Colum-
taminants DS2 and CD-1, Report No. EC-TR- bus, OH, to Engineered Air Systems, Inc., St. Louis,
75024, Edgewood Arsenal, Aberdeen Proving MO, May 1982.
Ground, MD, May 1975. 35. E. Zamejc, et al., Chemical Agent Decontamination
23. G. D. Sides, et al., Evaluation of Decontamination Technology Assessment, Contract No. DAAH01-84-
Formula/ions, Report No. ARCSL-CR-81050, US D-0005, D.O. No. 0055, Naval Civil Engineering
Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Prov- Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, October 1986.
ing Ground, MD, July 1981. 36. P. L. Berry, et al., An Analysis of Available Methods
24. M. Kowalska, et al., Decontamination of Nerve and Material for Physical Defense Against T-2 Toxin
Gases With Cleaning Agents Containing Perborate, (U), Report No. CRDC-TR-84088. US Army Chemi-
Report No. FSTC-HT-134-78, US Army Foreign cal Research and Development Center, Aberdeen
Science and Technology Center, Charlottesville, VA, Proving Ground, MD, July 1985 (THIS DOCU-
25. W. R. Brankowitz, Demilitarization of Mustard
Agent (HD) at Fort McClellan, Alabama, Report 37. J. B. Harstad, et al., Field-Expedient Biological
No. ARCSL-TR-77051, US Army Chemical Systems Decontamination, Report No. CRDC-TR-84064,
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, April US Army Chemical Research and Development
1978. Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, January
26. I. C. Popoff and R. Helitzer, New Oxidants and 1985.
Mechanisms of Oxidation, Contract No. DA-18-035- 38. W. K. Wong, Decontamination of Biologically Con-
AMC-380, Physical Research Laboratory, Edgewood taminated Surface With Decontaminating Appa-
Arsenal, MD, June 1967. ratus, Portable, M13, Report No. CRDC-TR-84045,
27. Decontamination of Surfaces Contaminated With Chemical Research and Development Center, Aber-
Chemical Agents, Report No. FSTC-HT-188-78, US deen Proving Ground. MD, November 1984.
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39. R. F. Knisely, et al., Biological Decontamination 49. T. B. Stanford, Sorbent Powder for Chemical War-
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86027, US Army Chemical Research, Development, 5010, Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-
and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Patterson AFB, OH. April 1982.
MD, April 1986.
40. W. E. Jones, et al., Engineering and Development
Support of General Decon Technology for the US
Army's Installation Restoration Program. Task 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Facility Decontamination, Contract No. DAAK11- R. Abrishamian, G. Mills, and R. P. deFillippi, Super-
80-C-0027, US Army Toxic and Hazardous Ma- critical Fluid Decontamination and Cleaning Applied
terials Agency. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, July to US Army Needs, Volume 2, Report No. CRDC-
1982. CR-84094, US Army Chemical Research and Develop-
41. F. Block and G. T. Davis, Survey and Decon- ment Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
tamination Methods Related to Field Decontami- February 1985.
nation of Vehicles and Material (U), Report No. J. M. Albizo, Evaluation of Gases as Potenial De-
ARCSL-TR-78025, (US Army Chemical Systems contaminants for Building Decontamination (U).
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, July Report No. ARCSL-TR-81102, US Army Chemical
1978 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
42. H. R. Davis, et al.. Laboratory Studies of Mustard CONFIDENTIAL.)
Decontamination by Steam, I, Effect of Tempera- D. Amos and S. McLeish, The Effectiveness of Low
tures, Report No. NRL-3590, Naval Research Labora- Surface Tension Decontaminants Against Chemical
tory, Washington, DC. January 1950. Agents GD, HD, and VX (U), Report No. MRL-R-
43. R. F. Knisely, Decontamination of Biological Simu- 678, Materials Research Laboratories, Ascot Vale,
lants With the XM15 Interior Surface Decontamina- Australia, March 1983 (THIS DOCUMENT IS
tion Apparatus, Report No. CRDC-TR-84065, US CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
Army Chemical Research and Development Center, D. Amos and S. McLeish, The Removal of CW Agent
Aberdeen, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March Contamination by Simulated Sun and Wind (U).
1985. Report No. MRL-R-853, Materials Research Labor-
44. J. F. Mank, et al., Advanced Development of an atories, Ascot Vale, Australia, April 1982 (THIS
Interior Surface Decontamination System, Report DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
No. ARCSL-CR-83042, US Army Chemical Systems N. R. Atyunin, Utilization of Domestically Manufactured
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June Equipment for Decontamination Purposes, Report
1983. No. FSTC-HT-1367-82, US Army Foreign Science
and Technology Center, Charlottesville, VA, April
45. J. V. Friel, Evaluation of Techniques for a Clothing 1983.
Decontamination System, Report No. ARCSL-CR-
81048. US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, A. Bovallius and E. Brannkarr, Testing of DS2 as a
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. July 1981. Biological Decontamination Agent, Report No.
FSTC-HT-138-78, US Army Foreign Science and
46. T. B. Stanford and R. L. Brunel, Evaluation of Hot- Technololgy Center, Charlottesville, VA, August 1978.
Air Interior Surface Decontamination System
(ISDS), Report No. ARCSL-CR-81033. US Army A. Bovallius, Lethal Effect of DS2 Decontaminant Agent
Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving and Aqueous Solutions Derived from DS2 Upon
Ground, MD, February 1981. Desiccated Bacteria, Report No. FSTC-HT-133-78
US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center,
47. K. J. Williams, et al., Investigation of Techniques for
Charlottesville, VA, July 1977.
Decontaminating Personnel Protection Items, Re-
port No. ARCSL-CR-81029, US Army Chemical J. W. Bovenkamp, B. V. Lacroix, and R. A. B. Bannard
Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, The Synthesis of Reactive Nucleophiles for Use in the
MD, December 1982. Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents (U),
48. S. K. Chinn, A Simple Method for Predicting Report No. DREO-894, Defense Research Establish-
Chemical Agent Evaporation, Report No. DPG-TR- ment, Ottawa, (Ontario), Canada, November 1983
401, Dugway Proving Ground, UT, September,
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J. A. Byrne, Evaluation of a Prototype Decontamination Laboratory. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, April
Solution Design, Report No. NSWC-TR-83-383, Naval 1980.
Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, VA, October R. Flippin, Effectiveness of Chemicals in Decontaminat-
1983. ing Laboratory Aerosolized Biologicals, Report No.
A. A. Casselman, R. A. B. Bannard, J. G. Purdon, and J. ARCSL-CR-78047, US Army Chemical Systems
W. Bovenkamp, An Examination of Macrocyclic Laboratory. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, April
Ether-Alkali, Metal Complexes and Quaternary Am- 1978.
monium Salts as Decontaminants for Chemical War- R. Flippin and G. Nichols, Biological Aerosol De-
fare Agents in Nonaqueous Solvents. Part 2 (U). contamination Investigation, Report No. ARCSL-
Report No. DREO-888, Defence Research Establish- CR-77049, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory,
ment, Ottawa, (Ontario), Canada, November 1983 Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, December 1977.
(THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED CON- M. Giometti, Decontaminating Apparatus: Truck-
FIDENTIAL.) Mounted, Jet Exhaust, XM16, Report No. ARCSL-
K. S. K. Chinn, Decontamination Digest Part I: De- CR-83063, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory,
contaminants and Decontamination Effectiveness, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, October 1983.
Report No. 2-CO-210-049-038, Dugway Proving P. Grasso and W. Sayler, Experimental Temperature
Ground, UT, September 1984. Measurements for Laboratory-Scale Jet Engine De-
D. R. Coleman, T. R. Tice, and R. Lindsay, Application contamination Program, Report No. ARCSL-TR-
of Reactive Microcapsules for Deactivation of Toxic 81027. US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory,
Agents, Report No. ARCSL-CR-83006, US Army Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, November 1981.
Chemical Systems Laboratory), Aberdeen Proving P. Grasso, W. M. Sayler, A. K. Stuempfle, and C. R.
Ground, MD, February 1983. Allan. Jet Engine Decontamination: Decontamination
S. J. Coldiron, T. L. Hayes, and G. G. Outterson, Use of of Bacillus Subtilis Var. Niger Spores (BG), Report
Aerosols to Remove Toxic Vapors from Airlocks, No. ARCSL-TR-81028, US Army Chemical Systems
Report No. CRDC-CR-85009, US Army Chemical Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, August
Research and Development Center, Aberdeen Proving 1981.
Ground, MD, March 1985. J. B. Harstad, O. Bowersox, L. A. Zeper, R. C. Albert, C.
E. Davis and D. J. L. Forgie, Removal and Detoxification B. Matthews, and R. O. Hagy, Decontamination of
of T-2 Toxin in Distilled Water Treatment Biologically Contaminated Combat Vehicles by an
Methods: A Screening Study, Department of Civil XD Feasibility Model of the Decontaminating Ap-
Engineering, Saskatchewan University, Saskatoon. paratus, Truck-Mounted Jet Exhaust XM16, Report
Canada, October 1983. No. ARCSL-TR-82009, US Army Chemical Systems
S. E. Day, C. H. Keck, M. Schwartz, and P. Gendason, Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March
Laboratory Comparison of the Requirements for and 1982.
Effects of Decontamination on Alkyd Paint (TT-E- G. A. Hill and M. G. Dudley, Electrostatic Spraying of
527) and Urethane Paint (MIL-C-461689(MR)) (U), Liquids(U), Report No. DRES-Memo-54/75, Defence
Report No. ED-SP-74028, Edgewood Arsenal, MD, Research Establishment, Suffield, Ralston, (Alberta),
R. Disalvo, K. D. Kok, L. M. Lowry, and J. P. Pfau, S. A. Hoenig and R. L. Dean, Use of Corona Discharge
Destruction and/or Immobilization of Chemical Phenomena for Detoxification and Contamination
Agents by High-Level Gamma Fields, Report No. Avoidance, Report No. CRDC-CR-85005, US Army
DRXTH-TE-CR-83220, US Army Toxic and Hazard- Chemical Research and Development Center,
ous Materials Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March 1985.
MD, July 1983. G. C. Hoist, D. H. Anderson, and C. A. Dinerman, A
A. C. Duckworth, Biological Aerosol Decontamination Novel Device for Disseminating Powders, Report No.
With Electrostatically Charged Acidified Hypochlorite ARCSL-SP-80029, US Army Chemical Systems
Aerosols, Report No. CRDC-TR-84002, US Army Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, Septem-
Chemical Research and Development Center, Aber- ber 1980.
deen Proving Ground, MD, June 1984. M. J. Houle, G. K. Ricks, E. Yen, J. P. Pfau, and C.
A. C. Duckworth, Streening of Chemicals for New Vapor Dawson, The Effectiveness of Sacrificial Coating for
Phase Biological Decontaminating Agents, Report Removing C W Agents From Painted and Unpainted
No. ARCSL-TR-79047, US Army Chemical Systems
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Metal Surfaces, Report No. DPG-FR-83-329, Dugway S. Novkovic, Chemical Decontamination Using Modern
Proving Ground, UT, July 1983. Decontamination Agents, Report No. FSTC-HT-595-84,
B. J. Jody, G. Chettur, R. J. Dihu, M. Schurger, and R. US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center,
H. Snow, Development of Chemical Processes for Charlottesville, VA, September 1984.
Chemical Demilitarization, Report No. DRXTH-TE- D. C. O’Connell, E. E. Howlett, and F. W. Stevenson,
CR-83029, (US Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Decontamination of Outdoor Concrete and Asphalt
Agency. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, May 1983. Surfaces Contaminated With Microorganism (U), Re-
Keyes, Steam/Hot Water/Chemical Solution De- port No. DRES-TP-457, Defence Research Establish-
contamination System, Report No. ARCSL-CR-80019. ment Suffield, Ralston, (Alberta), Canada, July 1977
US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED CON-
Proving Ground, MD, February 1980. FIDENTIAL)
J. M. Klein, Contact Hazard. A Review of the Literature G. G. Outterson. T. B. Stanford, R. C. Davis, and S. J.
(U), Report No. ARCSL-SP-82031, US Army Chemi- Coldiron, Investigation of Gaseous/Volatile Decon-
cal Systems Laboratory. Aberdeen Proving Ground, taminants for an Alternative Interior Surface Decon-
MD, January 1983 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSI- tamination System (ISDS) (U), Report No. ARCSL-
FIED CONFIDENTIAL.) CR-83034, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory,
A. E. Th. Kuiper, The Decontamination of Sarin on Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1983 (THIS
Gamma-Alumina. I. Hydrolysis, Report No. CL- DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
1973-13, US Army Chemical Laboratory, RVO-TNO,
R. Reiner and K. Rossman, Nucleophilic Substances for
Rijswijk, The Netherlands, May 1973.
Detoxication of Phosphorus Esters, Report No.
R. W. Link and D. L. Griffin, Evaluation of a Prototype FSTC-HT-109-83, US Army Foreign Science and Technology
Infrared (IR) Heater Detoxification System, Report No. Center. Charlottesville, VA. September 1983.
83-27, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington, DC,
R. C. Rudolph and J. J. Reidy, Feasibility Evaluation of
November 1983.
an On-Bourd External Surface Decontamining System
R. C. Little, Evaporative Decontamination, Part I— for Combat Vehicles, Report No.CRDC-CR-84110, US
Concepts and Preliminary Relations, NRL Memorandum Army Chemical Research and Development Center,
Report No. 4881, Naval Research Laboratory, Washing- Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, October 1984.
ton, DC, August 1982.
K. Lohs and D. Martinetz, Decontamination and Dis- S. W. Schramm, D. M. Craig, and J. D. Stockham,
posal of Chemical Agent, Report No. FSTC-HT-947-84, Chemical Systems Mechanisms and Procedures. Task 5.
US Army Foreign Science and Technology Center, Liquid Spray Vehicle Decontamination Procedures,
Charlottesville, VA, January 1985. Report No. CRDC-CR-84041, US Army Chemical Re-
search and Development Center, Aberdeen Proving
D. W. Mason and G.D. Sides, The Role of Alumina in
Ground. MD. December 1984.
Agent Decontamination, Report No. CRDC-CR-84055,
US Army Chemical Research and Development Center, W. M. Shannon and T. R. Tice, Exploratory Develop-
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, October 1984. ment of Self-Decontaminating Surfaces (SDS) and Self-
Decontaminating Clothing (SDC), Report No. CRDC-
S. R. McBride, International, Material Evaluation/Tech-
CR-84008. US Army Chemical Research and Develop-
nical Feasibility, Test of XM17 Lightweigh Decontamina-
ment Center. Aberdeen Pro\ing Ground, MD, May
tion System (SANATOR), Report No. USATTC-820603,
US Army Tropic Test Center, Panama Canal Zone, June
1982. T. B. Stanford, D. C. Newman, and W. A. lvancic,
A. E. Meyer, et al., SADS Optimization Project (Surface- Evaluation of Concepts for Decontamination via the use
Active Displacement Solution), Report No. ARCSL- of Heated Forced Air, Report No. CRDC-CR-84014, US
CR-81052, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Army Chemical Research and Development Center,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March 1982. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, July 1984.
E. B. Mills, C. O. Eckard, W. T. Taylor, and C. W. A. K. Stuempfle, Fuller's Earth, Simulants, and De-
McIntyre, Field Evaluation Decontamination Cap- contamination in Don-Doff Opera tions—An Overview
abilities Chemical Units and Teams. (DECAPCHUTE), (U), Report No. ARCSL-SP-82008, US Army Chemical
Volume I (U), Report No. DPG-FR-C140A, Dugway Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
Proving Ground, UT, June 1977 (THIS DOCUMENT September 1982 (TH1S DOCLIMENT IS CLASSIFIED
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D. A. Summers, Decontamination Nozzle Optimization J. R. Vig and J. W. LeBus, UV/Ozone Cleaning of
Study, Report No. ARCSL-CR-81080, US Army Chemi- Surfaces, Report No. ECOM-4397, US Army Electronics
cal Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ, April 1976.
MD, January 1982. J. S. Winterle, R. A. Kenley, and G. C. Lee, Evaluation of
R. P. Tytus, W. D. Wasel, and W. A. Cooper, Field- Sodium Perborate as a Decontarninant for Organ-
Expedient Removal of Liquid Contamination From the ophosphorus and Organosulfur Compounds. Report No.
Overgarment and Butyl Rubber Material Using Dirt and ARCSL-CR-83061, US Army Chemical Systems Labora-
Sand, Report No. ARCSL-TR-83065, US Army Chemi- tory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1983.
cal Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
MD, June 1983.
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This chapter acquaints US Army equipment developers with certain material and design considerations that
may enhance system survivability. These considerations affect the ability of a system and, consequently, its
credit to accomplish the assigned mission in a chemical and biological (CB) contaminated environment.
Requirements associated with CB agent survivability are presented in par. 5-1. The effects of these agents and
their attendant decontaminants are discussed in par. 5-2, and selected design considerations and guidelines are
provided in par. 5-3.
Army Regulation (AR) 70-71, entitled Nuclear, materiel to insure its survivability and sustainability on
Biological, and Chemical Contamination Survivability of the NBC-contaminated battlefield. This focus leads to the
Army Materiel (Ref. 1), establishes Army policy and three characteristics of NBC contamination survivability:
procedures for the development and acquisition of decontaminability, hardness, and compatibility.
mission-essential materiel to insure its survivability on the
nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) battlefield. AR 5-1.1 DECONTAMINABILITY
70-71 states that mission-essential materiel is that Decontaminability is the capability of being rapidly
necessary to accomplish the primary or secondary func- decontaminated to a negligible risk level for unprotected
tions of the unit or organization. NBC contamination persons who operate, maintain, and resupply the materiel
survivability is the capability of a system and its crew to (equipment). The developer must consider materials,
withstand an NBC-contaminated environment, including design, contamination control measures, and use of NBC
decontamination, without losing the ability to accomplish detection equipment.
the assigned mission (Ref. 1). Some of the major require- The decontaminability criteria state that the exterior
ments of AR 70-71 are and interior of materiel should be developed such that
1. If an item is designated as mission essential or is a contamination remaining on, or desorbed or reaerosolized
critical component of one or more mission-essential end- from, the surface following decontamination shall not
items, it must be NBC-contamination survivable. result in more than a negligible risk to unprotected
2. Requirements for NBC contamination survivability personnel working inside, on, or 1 m from the item. The
are to be considered early in the acquisition process. following worst case conditions apply
3. Analyses, tests, and evaluations are to be planned 1. Exterior surfaces initially are uniformly contami-
and conducted, before the production and deployment nated with 10 g/m 2 of thickened droplets of distilled
phase, to determine the levels of survivability achieved. mustard (HD) or soman (GD) having a mass median
4. Criteria for NBC contamination survivability, diameter of 2 to 5 mm, or 10 g/m2 of unthickened VX, or
applied during research and development, are to be with 105 spores/1 m2 of biological agent 1 to 5 in size.
maintained throughout production and deployment of Suitable simulants may be used.
the selected equipment. 2. Initial contamination levels on interior surfaces
5. Possible tradeoffs are to be identified among subject to contamination are a factor of 10 lower than on
achievable survivability levels; operational characteristics; exterior surfaces.
developmental parameters; reliability, availability. and 3. Decontamination begins 1 h after contamination
maintainability (RAM); and user-system interface char- using standard field decontaminants, equipment and
acteristics ( Ref. 2). procedures, and the decontamination process, excluding
The importance of materiel developers in lessening the monitoring, lasts no longer than 75 min.
operational and logistical burdens imposed by NBC 4. Exposure of unprotected personnel to the de-
contamination is emphasized in AR 70-71. The require- contaminated materiel is based on the mission profile
ment in this regulation that possible tradeoffs be identified determined by the combat developer but is not to exceed
is significant. Because it may be impossible to completely 12 h (Ref. 3).
achieve NBC contamination survivability for any equip- The negligible risk values for CB chemical contami-
ment item within the constraints of cost and other system nants are currently classified. These values correspond to
requirements, careful analysis of the tradeoffs involved is agent (contaminant) concentration levels that cause 5%
needed (Ref. 2). mild incapacitation to unprotected personnel.
The focal point of this regulation is the acquisition of
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Hardness refers to the ability to withstand materiel- The significant military value of CB agents, in the
damaging effects of both CB contamination and de- historical sense, has been their adverse effects on per-
contaminants (procedures and chemicals). Decontamin- sonnel. However, military systems and equipment are
ability and hardness are distinct qualities. Decontamin- also adversely affected by chemical contaminants. This
ability standards concern the residual hazard to personnel, fact makes it necessary to choose materials of construc-
whereas hardness standards concern damage to materiel. tion. particularly those used in critical components. that
The hardness criterion states that materiel developed to have the proper degree of hardness in order to assure that
perform mission-essential functions shall be hardened to the entire system will have adequate hardness. Biological
insure that over a 30-day period degradation does not agents have little or no degrading interactions with
exceed 5% in selected quantifiable essential char- standard materials and, therefore, have been excluded
acteristics, to be tested by 5 cycles of exposure to CB from consideration during development and imlplementa-
contaminants, decontaminants, and decontaminating pro- tion of the hardness requirements.
cedures encountered in the field (Ref. 3).
5-1.3 COMPATIBILITY Contamination may result from a direct attack with CB
Compatibility is the capability of being operated. weapons, from exposure to wind-carried agents from
maintained and resupplied by persons wearing the full another area, or from moving ovcr ground or vegetation
NBC protection ensemble (MOPP 4)* or individual that has been contaminated. Regardless of the cause, the
protective equipment (IPE) in all climatic categories for result is the same, i.e., equipment or vehiclcs are con-
which the item is designed and for a period specified in the taminated and, in turn, become potential sources of
requirements document. Collective protection equipment contamination to personnel (Ref. 4).
(CPE) does not require compatibility in that the personnel
using CPE are not wearing any IPE. ** For some systems, 5-2.1.1 Sorption And Resorption
however, the combat developers may elect to substitute Sorption of chemical agents takes place by two main
CPE for compatibility. In doing so, they accept the routes, namely, absorption and adsorption. Absorption
possibility of crew degradation if contamination enters occurs when the contaminant is taken in and made part of
the CPE, because it would force the crew to don the item. Adsorption refers to the adhesion of an ex-
individual protective ensembles. tremely thin layer of molecules to the surface of solid
The compatibility criterion states that design of materiel bodies or liquids with which they are in contact. Contami-
developed to perform mission-essential functions shall nants may be absorbed by paints, lubricants, fabrics, and
take into consideration the combination of equipment a wide variety of materials. They may be adsorbed on
and anticipated CB protection. This combination shall exposed surfaces and retained in pores, crevices, seams,
permit performance not to exceed 12 h of mission- concavities, and on horizontal surfaces. Agents may also
essential operations. communication, maintenance, re- be absorbed or adsorbed by dust, soil, mud, or vegetation,
supply. and decontamination tasks by trained and accli- which may adhere to equipment surfaces (Ref. 4).
matized troops over a typical mission profile in a Once an agent has been sorbed, there is also the
contaminated environment. This profile must also reflect possibility that the contaminant may be desorbed from
the meteorological conditions of the areas of intended the material back into the environment and thus present a
use. There can be no degradation, excluding heat stress. new threat to personnel and equipment. This occurs, for
of crew performance of mission-essential tasks greater example, when a chemical agent is absorbed by a silicone
than 5% below levels specified for these tasks when rubber seal and the contaminant outgases, i.e., vaporizes,
accomplished in a non-CB environment (Ref. 3). when the environmental conditions, such as temperature,
Heat stress is not a factor for this criterion because the humidity, and vapor pressure, are appropriate.
main concern is the man-in-MOPP equipment interface
and what designs can be incorporated to increase effective- 5-2.1.2 Deterioration
ness. Heat stress is a serious problem and is included in Once an item has been contaminated, through
the discussion of designing better IPE. absorption, adsorption, or surface contamination, chemi-
cal reactions begin to take pace because the agents are
reactive species. In particular, the nerve agents and
mustard react with many materials—metals, plastics, and
elastomers, to name a few—and dissolve in other organic-
*mission-oriented protective posture Level 4 (See Chapter 3 for based polymers. The concentration of agents on materials
a full description.) is not anticipated to be very large or in discrete droplets;
**(See Chapter 3 for more detail on IPE and CPE.) therefore, the amount of agent reacting with a material
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will be very small. Generally, this small extent of interac- or by using chemical decontaminants. After partial
tion will not be sufficient to cause equipment damage or decontamination, agent that has penetrated into the
to affect the structural integrity of the equipment. The materiel will continue to evolve from the surface and
problem of equipment failure occurs when either the present a vapor and, to some extent, a contact hazard. In
nature of the chemical-material interaction is extensive or general. the effectiveness of partial decontamination is
the item being attacked is a critical component of the significantly superior to the alternative of simple weather-
system. This is especially true with electronic equipment ing (Ref. 5).
(Ref. 5). Complete decontamination is the total removal of CB
If unfiltered, contaminated air is forced into electronic agents, including those absorbed into materiel. After
equipment for cooling, the agents will be brought into complete decontamination, all agent has been removed,
direct contact with the electronics and at concentrations so the item no longer presents a hazard. Complete
much higher than those normally anticipated. In addition, decontamination can be difficult, time-consuming, and
some of the electronics will be sensitite to possible surface perhaps impossible to accomplish; furthermore, it may
corrosion. HD and the G- and V-series agents are known prove impracticable for most field conditions.
to corrode some of the metals used in electronic com- Chemical decontaminants are, in general, corrosive
ponents and circuitry. These agents also react with many and either acidic or caustic. Because of their reactive
of the plastics and coatings used for insulation and nature, they can deteriorate and adversely affect the
protection of circuits. When used on electronics, the equipment or surfaces that they are intended to clean. For
coatings will protect the circuitry from corrosion or at example, decontaminating solution No. 2 (DS2) has
least retard chemical agent corrosion. If the agent reacts adverse effects on sevreral polymeric materials such as
with the coating, however, some long-term (weeks or elastomers, adhesives, plastics, and coatings. Metals, in
months) corrosion may occur ( Ref. 5). general, are not adversely affected by DS2.
Uncoated electronics tire more vulnerable and will be Decontamination of electronics, except by weathering,
subject to both short-and long-term effects. In the short is often impossible. Sometimes the effects of the de-
term, even small surface effects and surface layer corrosion contaminant may be more damaging to the equipment
may affect the conductivity and degrade the circuit than the agent is. Various systems are under development
performance. This is especially true for high impedance to decontaminate effectively electronic systems. One such
circuits, which are affected by small changes in con- approach dissolves and removes chemical agents by using
ductivity. Long-term effects may be more extensive fluorocarbon solvents. Ultrasonic baths hate also been
corrosion and may include structural damage and short considered for the decontamination of electronic equip-
circuits (Ref. 5). ment, especially when the items are encapsulated with
epoxy or parylene coatings ( Rcf. 6).
5-2.2 DECONTAMINANT EFFECTS Table 5-1 presents representative information concern-
Decontaminants are substances that remote. absorb. ing the effects of the two standard decontaminants—DS2
or detoxify CB agents. They include liquids, slurries, and and supertropical bleach (STB) on selected metals.
powders. No one decontaminant is entirely effective Table 5-2 summarizes data regarding the effects of both
against all CB agents, and some decontaminants are more agents and decontaminants on polymeric materials. More
effective against some agents than against others. Because comprehensive listings of the effects of agents and
of this lack of a universal decontaminant and because it is decontarninants are available in assorted summary publica-
impossible to predict the type or category of agent that tions such as Refs. 2 and 3.
will be encountered, equipment and vehicle design cannot
be based upon the probable use of any single de-
contaminant. Designers must be aware of the nature and The length of time that contaminated equipment is a
properties of the range of decontaminants that may have threat to personnel depends on the amount of agent
to be used, and they should take these factors into remaining on the equipment. Primary among the determin-
consideration whenever practical and especially when ing factors are the
selecting materials of fabrication (Ref. 2). Decontamina- 1. Properties of the agent
tion can be accomplished in many ways, as described in 2. Initial contamination density of the agent on the
Chapter 4. In general, however, there are two levels of equipment
decontamination partial and complete. 3. Duration of exposure of the equipment to the
Partial decontamination is the limited removal of CB agent prior to decontamination
agents from equipment. In this chapter partial decontamina- 4. Environmental conditions
tion specifically refers to the surface removal of liquid 5. Sorptive properties of the equipment components
agent that has not penetrated into the materiel. This and surfaces
hazard-eliminating process can be accomplished by wiping 6. Physical features of the equipment.
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TABLE 5-1. EFFECTS OF DS2 or that can create a vapor hazard to personnel.
AND STB ON SELECTED METALS Secondarily, designing to minimize contamination and
aid in decontamination is a matter of providing adequate
air circulation and exposure to sunlight to items that
cannot be shielded from contaminants (Ref. 4).
Decontaminant Effects
Unfortunately, the two concepts described in this
Material DS2 STB paragraph may lead to extremes in designing to minimize
Aluminum Alloy 1100-0-Bare NT c contamination. One concept presumes that any agent
absorbed, adsorbed, or otherwise retained on or in
Chemical Conversion Coat NT, P c exterior items will dissipate or will naturally become
detoxified before it can affect any one coming into contact
5052-0 Aluminum Alloy with the equipment and that any agent gaining access to
Anodized A, P NT interior areas will be rendered ineffective by the use of
Aluminum Alloy Anodized NT, P B personnel protective gear. These beliefs can result in few,
if any, countermeasures in design to prevent or to
7075-T6 Aluminum Alloy—Hard
minimize contamination. A second concept presumes
Anodized NT, P B
that any degree of exposure of the equipment will be
Cast Aluminum Alloy 356-T6- severe, that the agent will be the most harmful and longest
Bare A, P NT lasting, and that the contaminant will be absorbed,
Key to Ratings: adsorbed, and retained and will penetrate into interior
A -= Minor/no material, property degradation spaces unless every conceivable area of retention or
B = Moderate material/ property degradation possible entrance is eliminated or shielded. This view can
C = Major material/ property degration
NT = Not tested
result in considerable overdesign with potentially adverse
P = Preferred decontaminant effects on the primary function of the equipment (Ref. 4).
Design is important because proper design can reduce The first concept is unacceptable under current Army
the amount of agent remaining on the equipment, and it doctrine, and the second is impractical. Therefore, the
can affect the interaction of the environment with the designer must elect some less extreme view that results in
agent. Thus designing to minimize contamination and aid the best protection against contamination and facilitates
in decontamination is. primarily. a matter of eliminating. decontamination of the equipment. Three design considera-
restructuring, or shielding items that may trap or retain tions will be investigated in order to reach a practical and
contaminants in areas that can be contacted by personnel safe compromise. These considerations are material and
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coating selection, design configuration, and contamination eliminated where possible, especially lock washers, and
avoidance (Ref. 4). replaced with washers that are integral to the bolt head so
no crack is present between them. Lock washers should be
5-3.1 MATERIALS AND COATINGS replaced with self-locking bolts. The spaces between
Decontaminability of equipment can be improved by components should be small enough so they can be sealed
selecting the correct materials and coatings. Some or large enough to allow decontamination between them
(Ref. 2).
materials, such as many polymers and plastics, will
absorb chemical agents, and these materials can be
difficult or even impossible to decontaminate. Thus the 5.3.3 CONTAMINATION AVOIDANCE
designer should increase the ease of decontamination by
Many components of military equipment cannot be (1)
selecting a material that does not absorb these con- designed to eliminate areas in which contaminants can
taminants. The decontamination process will then be collect, (2) made of nonsensitive materials, or (3) coated
much easier because the contaminants will remain on the to enhance decontamination efficiency. If possible, such
surface where they can be washed off or easily broken items should be enclosed by a protective structure,
down into nontoxic components (Ref. 2). whether of permanent or temporary design, to eliminate
the threat of hazard and subsequent decontamination. In
The selection of a suitable coating should also be used addition, such items might be protected by contamination
to ease decontamination. Parts that must be made of avoidance covers (CACs).*
materials that absorb and trap contaminants should be
coated with a nonabsorbing material to make them easy
to decontaminate. Coatings should also be used to seal 5-3.4 SUMMARY OF THE DESIGN
the cracks and crevices that occur between mating parts at GUIDELINES
assembly. Painting these cracks after assembly will seal
them and prevent contaminants from entering and becom- In general, any feature that can trap or retain a solid,
ing difficult to decontaminate (Ref. 2). liquid, or gaseous material indicated poor design with
The materials used to fabricate the equipment must be respect to contamination and decontamination. Such
features not only tend to hold contaminants—and thus
capable of withstanding specific exposures to the con-
represent potential hazards to personnel—but also are
taminants, decontaminants, and decontamination pro- difficult to clean adequately. Crevices where hatches meet
cedures. These decontaminants and procedures are deck plates, exposed springs connected to hatch covers,
described in FM 3-5 (Ref. 8). Many materials will be and restricted areas under tie-downs are representative of
damaged through corrosion or by chemical reaction with entrapment and hard-to-clean features. Anything that
contaminants and or decontaminants. By selecting a can be done to eliminate or to reduce the number of such
more resistant material, the hardness criterion can be met. features will improve the overall NBC survivability of the
In addition, those components that must be made from a equipment (Ref. 2).
material that is damaged by exposure to contaminants Present designs frequently incorporate canvas,
and or decontaminants should be coated with a resistant elastomeric materials, and paints that absorb con-
material to meet the hardness criterion. taminants. If canvas must be used, the item should be
designed so that the canvas is easily removable with a
5-3.2 CONFIGURATION DESIGN minimum of handling. If absorbent elastomers must be
It is essential that an equipment item be as easy to used, they should be shielded to the greatest extent
decontaminate as possible. Configuration design tech- possible from contaminants; alternatively, they should be
niques should be used to assist in accomplishing this goal. incorporated as easily replaceable items that can be
First. the design should be selected to reduce the acces- removed and discardedwith a minimum of contact by
sibility of contaminants to the components. personnel. If surfaces must be painted chemical-agent-
Second, each component that is accessible to con- resistant paints should be used. Such paints can also be
taminants should be made as smooth and uniform as used to seal small crevices and capillaries under fasteners.
possible. Rough surfaces on castings and similar com- In short, materials that absorb contaminants should not
ponents should be eliminated. Braided wire, chain, and be used. If they must be used, they should be designed as
bundled electrical cables should be replaced with solid. disposable items and made easily removable. If they
smooth components such as rods or single cables. cannot be made disposable, they should be shielded to the
Third, the interfaces between parts should be designed greatest extent possible (Ref. 2).
to eliminate cracks, crevices, and any other traps for Use of nonabsorbing seals and sheaths, metal covers
contaminants. Fasteners, such as slotted, Phillips head, and wider spacing between adjacent parts improves the
and socket head screws, should not be used. Hex head overall NBC survivability of equipment, but these features
bolts and similar fasteners without depressions or cavities
in the heads are better. Individual washers should be *See par. 3-2.3.2 for a more comprehensive discussion of CACs.
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must be used with care to insure that the intended effect is BIBLIOGRAPHY
realized without introducing a contamination or function R. L. Dunn, T. E. Lawler, C.D. Kwong, and H. H. Hill
problem of equal or greater magnitude. For example, Analytical Methodology and Testing: Task 2—
eliminating a concave surface may eliminate a con- Development and Conduct of Material/Agent Test
taminant trap, but if the function of the concavity is to Streams, Report No. CRDC-CR-84095, US Army
deflect bullets or shrapnel, elimination is not feasible. In Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering
other words, the surface must be designed for its Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, November
functional purpose, and its configuration should be 1984.
adjusted to the greatest extent possible for ease of
R. L. Dunn, T. E. Lawler, C. D. Kwong, H. H. Hill, and
decontamination and minimal trapping contaminants
R. B. Spafford, III, Analytical Methodology and
(Ref. 2).
Testing: Task 4—Effects of Chemical Agents on
Aircraft Materials (U), US Army Chemical Research,
REFERENCES Development, and Engineering Center, Aberdeen
1. AR 70-71, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Con- Proving Ground, MD, April 1986 (THIS DOCUMENT
tamination Suvivability of Army Materiel, May IS CLASSIFIFD CONFIDENTIAL.)
R. L. Dunn, T. E. Lawler, C. D. Kwong, G. G. Rice, and
2. P. E. Bailey, T. E. Hill, J.J. McNeely, T. Pettenski, H. H. Hill, Analytical Methodology and Testing II:
G. L. Robinson, and S. M. Tauschek, Nuclear, Task I—Development and Conduct of Material/
Biological, and Chemical Contamination Sur- Chemical Agent Test Streams (U), Report No,
vivability Methodology: A Manual for Equipment CRDEC-CR-86022, US Army Chemical Research,
Development Contractors and Government Combat Development, and Engineering Center, Aberdeen
and Materials Developer, Report No. CRDEC-CR- Proving Ground, MD, April 1986 (THIS DOCUMENT
87033, US Army Chemical Research, Development, IS CLASSIFIED CONFIDFNTIAL.)
and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
M. D. Howard, G. D. Sides, and R. B. Spafford,
MD, December 1986.
Analytical Methodology and Testing: Task III—
3. NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) Contamination Text Absorption/Desorption and Permeation Tests of
Survivability: A Handbook for Development/ Materials With Chemical Agents (U), Report No.
Management of Material Programs, Final Report on CRDC-CR-85054, US Army Chemical Research,
Contract No. DAAG-81-D-0100, US Army Chemical Development, and Engineering Center, Aberdeen
Research, Development, and Engineering Center, Proving Ground, MD, February 19856 (THIS DOCU-
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, September 1985. MENT IS CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
4. T. E. Hill, C.V. Robinson, J. M. Tierney, and J. W. T. E. Lawler, Analytical Methodology and Testing: Task
Thompson, Guidelines Design to Minimize Con- I—Development and Conduct of Material/De-
tamination and to Facilitate Decontamination of contaminant Test Streams, Report No. CRDC-CR-
Military Vehicles and Other Equipment: Interiors 84006, US Army Chemical Research, Development,
and Exteriors, Report No. CRDC-SP-84023, US and Enigneering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Army Chemical Research, Development, and MD, September 1984.
Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, J.P. Pfau, Sharpe, S. K. Jervett, R. L. Huggins, and
August 1984. R. J. Dick, Interaction of Chemical Warfare Agent
5. B.B. Saunders and R. M. Price, Chemical Defense With Polymers of Military Interest, Battelle Columbus
Handbook for Tactical Shelters—Volume I, Chemi- Laboratories, Columbus, OH, September 1982.
cal and Biological Protection Handbook for Field M. C. Ponder, R. B. Spafford, G. G. Rice, G. S.
Personnel, Final Report on Task No. R-1016 (R) / Dagenhart, Testing of Agents and Decontaminants
647008F / 2674, US Air Force Electronic Systems With Composite Materials and Electronic-Associated
Division, Hanscom AFB, MA, March 1984.
Materials, Report No. CRDEC-CR-87114, US Army
6. E.E. Koslow, “Decontamination”, NBC Defense & Chcmical Research, Development, and Engineering
Technology International 2, No. 1, 26-30 (1987). Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, September
7. Threat/Hazard Summary Report, Volume I—The 1987.
NBC Contamination Threat, Task No. 965-P-5943 ROLAND: NBC Materials Handbook: NBC Com-
(Z50081R), McDonnell Aircraft Company, St. Louis, patibility Materials Investigation, Revision A, Report
MO, September 1985. No. ROL-6109-l-REV-A, US Army Tank-Automotive
8. FM 3-5, NBC Decontamination, Department of the Command, Warren, MI, January 1983.
Army, June 1985. R. F. Sharpe, M. A. H. Talukder, and R. J. Dick,
Development of a Prototype Handbook and Matrix
Downloaded from
for Compatibility of Materials With Chemical Agents
and Decontaminants, Battelle Columbus Laboratories,
Columbus, OH, June 1980.
J. H. Thompson. Guidelines, Design to Minimize Con-
tamination and to Facilitate Decontamination of
Military Vehicles and Equipment, Interiors—Volume
I, Exteriors—Volume II, Report Nos. ARCSL-SR-
81004 and ARCSL-SR-81005, US Army Chemical
Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
October 1980.
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This chapter describes current US Army development activities and technologies for future decontamina-
tion concepts. The criteria used in evaluating decontamination concepts are presented in par. 6-1. These
criteria led to selection of the concepts deemed most promising for future research and development. The
selected concepts have been categorized in accordance with their potential applicability to the three types of
decontamination defined infield manual (FM) 3-5: basic soldier skills, hasty, and deliberate. Descriptions of
these concepts are provided in par. 6-2.
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the surfaces the individual soldier must contact to perform 6- Reactive Clays
a mission. This type of decontamination is the least The US Army has developed and tested modified clays
complex and the least complete of the three types. There in an attempt to find replacements for the solutions used
are three types of basic soldier decontamination skills: in the M258A1 Decontamination Kit. Although the work
skin decontamination, personal wipedown, and operator’s on reactive clays is currently not as advanced as the work
spray down. on reactive resins, the following types of clay modifica-
In the DCCMP sorbents and reactive solids were tions have been investigated:
identified as the most promising technologies for basic 1. Clays with amines bound to the surface
soldier skills decontamination. 2. Beneficiated clay materials
6-2.1.1 Sorbents and Reactive Solids 3. High surface area, large-pore materials
The US Army has been investigating the potential of 4. Clays with intercalated metal ions
various sorbents and reactive solids as replacements for 5. Acid-activated clay materials
the solutions currently used in the M258A1 Decontamina- 6. Oxidative clay materials.
tion Kit. These solutions may irritate and damage eyes Most of these clays have shown a high capacity for
and skin structure. In turn, damage to the skin structure adsorbing and decomposing simulants. Beneficiated clays
reduces its agent barrier properties. In addition to and copper clays have significantly higher sorptive capa-
overcoming these problems, it is hoped that in the future bilities than fuller’s earth (Ref. 3).
the new sorbents or reactive solids can be employed to Potentially, clays may be used in any or all of the
provide prophylactic protection (Ref. 2). The current following modes:
M258A1 solutions do not provide any prophylactic 1. As powders to dust on contaminated areas
protection. 2. As a component of an agent barrier salve or film
3. In a pad or mitt for removing contamination from
6- Reactive Resins skin (Ref. 3).
Reactive resins are currently being developed as replace-
ments for the M258A1 Decontamination Kit. As 6-2.1.2 Other Reactive Compounds
mentioned in par. 4-4.2.4, these resins are highly Although reactive resins and clays are currently receiv-
functionalized forms of the polymeric absorbents. They ing the most attention. particularly for skin decontamina-
combine the high capacity of the polymeric absorbents tion. other reactive compounds have been investigated
with a wide range of active chemical groups. These and may have potential as improved decontaminants for
functional groups are immobilized on a polymeric support basic soldier skills decontamination.
within a porous network. Agents diffuse into the network,
react with the functional groups, and are detoxified. 6- Microencapsulated Reactive
These systems are attractive as a passive type of Decontaminants
Microencapsulation is defined as the encapsulation of
Reactive groups within polymeric networks are far less
reactive decontaminants within an agent-permeable
corrosive than similar free functional groups toward such
polymeric capsule. Agents permeate the polymeric coating
substrates as metal, paint. and skin. In addition, many
and are subsequently destroyed by the encapsulated
functional groups that are normally incompatible with
decontaminant. The technology has been demonstrated
each other can be mixed once they have been immobilized
to decontaminate agents; however, additional work is
within polymeric structures. Therefore, mixtures that are
required to further develop the technology. Candidate
reactive toward a wide range of agents can be developed.
polymeric coatings that have been tested include
and such mixtures can be easily stored and delivered as
cellulosics, polyamides, and polyureas. Decontaminants
that have been evaluated as potential core materials for
The US Army Medical Research and Development
microencapsulation include nucleophilic reagents for the
Center (MRDC) has done an extensive amount o!
destruction of G and V agents and oxidizing reagents for
research and development on reactive resins for use in
the destruction of H and V agents. Nucleophiles considered
skin decontamination. This work has resulted in the
include aqueous NaOH, monoethanamine diethylenetri-
development of a new decontaminant that is much safer
amine, hexamediamine, polyethylenimine, dimethyla-
than the solutions used in the M258A1 Decontamination
minopyridine, imidazole. and catechol. Oxidants con-
Kit. This new decontarninant is actually a blend of two
sidered include XXCC3, RH195, calcium hypochlorite,
functionalized resins and a sorptive resin. One of the
5% aqueous sodium hypochlorite, chloramine T, chlora-
functional groups is a strong acid (sulfonic acid) and the
mine B, sodium dichloroisocyanurate, trichlorotri-
other is a strong base (hydroxide). The third resin is a
azinetrione, and bromodimethyl oxazolidone.
finely ground sorptive carbonaceous resin. Current plans
are to field a new skin decontamination kit (XM291).
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6- Crown Ethers The dissolvable coating is a noncorrosive, watcr-
These organic complexes ha~e been examined for their soluble, polymeric solution. The coating is spraycd onto a
decontamination capability at near room temperature in contaminated surface, allowed to form a film while
nonaqueous solvents (Ref. 4). Of the five macrocyclic absorbing contamination, and stripped from the surface
ethers investigated, cryptand (2,2,2) and 18-crown-6 were with a weak detergent solution.
most effective in facilitating agent destruction. in absolute The self-stripping coating is a commercially available,
ethanol, with a 1:1 equivalent concentration ratio of water-based solution containing a copolymer. The
crown ether and agent, the crown salt with potassium material is usually brushed on a contaminated surface
hydroxide complex destroyed 98. 99, and 100% of and allowed to dry. As the coating polymetrics and flakes
distilled mustard (HD), VX, and cyclohexyl methyl from the surface, contamination is trapped within its
phosphorofluoridate (GF), a sarin (GB) analog, re- matrix.
spectively, in 5 min (Ref. 4). Because alkali metal The peelable coating is a commercially available solu-
hydroxides are too corrosive for use on skin, a salt of this tion of a copolymer in a hydrocarbon solvent. The
reagent (the potassium-acetate-crown complex in benzene) coating is applied to a contaminated surface, allowed to
has been tested for its decontaminating capability against dry, and then peeled from the surface.
agents. The results showed that 54% of GF, 82% of VX Of the three coatings described, the self-stripping
and 99% of HD can be destroyed within 2 min (Ref. 4). coating has been determined to be the one that shows the
Although the preliminary study on agent decontamination most promise for meeting the short-term needs of hasty
by macrocyclic ether-alkali metal salt complexes is quite decontamination. In the analysis to determine the most
promising. the relatively high toxicity of these compounds promising coating, the assumptions that follow were
has limited their decontamination application (Ref. 5). made: the coating will be used for hasty vehicle de-
contamination by individual Army field units without the
6-2.2 HASTY DECONTAMINATION support of a chemical company, and it will be used to
reduce or eliminate the spread the of contamination and
The objective of hasty decontamination is to sustain the
to speed the reduction in MOPP. As a result of this
combat potential of a contaminated force by limiting the
analysis, development of a self-stripping coating has been
spread of contamination and potentially allowing for
quicker reduction in mission-oriented protective posture
A potential variation of the technology may be the
(MOPP). Hasty decontamination consists of two tech-
development of sacrificial coatings that have the capability
niques: MOPP gear exchange and vehicle washdown.
to destroy agents. The long-term plans of the US Army
both of which typically are squad-sized operations. Until
call for the development of a coating containing catalysts
recently. the emphasis in decontamination developrnent
that promote agent decomposition in the presence of
has been placed on finding new techniques for deliberate
elements such as light, oxygen (air), or moisture.
decontamination. These techniques have tended to be
labor intensive. logistically unmanageable, and tactically
impractical. Unfortunately. attempts to develop hasty 6-2.2.2 Hot Air
decontamination techniques that overcorne these limita- Hot air can be used effectively to volatilize chemical
tions have not been as successful as anticipated. Therefore, warfare agents which results in their removal from a
new decontamination systems that provide rnore efficient contaminated surface. Hot air most closely resembles the
hasty decontamination capabilities are needed. In the weathering process that naturally takes place with agents
DCCMP the development of new coatings was identified over a period of time. Hot air accelerates the natural
as the best approach for improving upon and replacing volatilization and, as a result, decontaminates the agent-
the vehicle washdown system currently used for hasty contaminated surface.
decontamination. Hot air decontamination has undergone significant
development activity during the mid-1980s. lt has been
6-2.2.1 Coatings demonstrated for applications such as electronics and
To fulfill hasty decontamination requirements, effort other sensitive systems that tire susceptible to corrosion or
has focused upon developing a type of coating called a damage from more standardized water- or solvent-based
sacrificial coating. A sacrificial coating is one that can be or gaseous decontaminants. For example, hot air has
applied as a liquid in a thin wet layer on a contaminated been considered as a potential decontaminant for vehicle
surface. will entrap contamination as it dries and hardens, interiors, aircraft cockpits, aircraft avionics, and personal
and can then be removed from the surface along with protective clothing items (both during and after processing
entrapped contamination. Three different types of sacri- into a shelter).
ficial coatings have been investigated: dissolvable, peel- Substrate/agent interactions and thermal properties of
able, and self-stripping. These coatings vary in composi- the substrate have a great deal to do with the effectiveness
tion, method of application, and method of removal. of the hot air agent removal technique. Materials that are
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good candidates for hot air decontamination are those The XM15 was an oil-fired, one-man-portable, hot-air-
that resist agent sorption, do not degrade at elevated gcnerating apparatus intended to decontaminate crew
temperatures, and whose temperatures can be elevated compartments and interior surfaces of combat vehicles,
easily, i.e., materials with low heat capacities and high wheeled vehicles, shelters, electronic equipment, command
thermal conductivities. For example, most unpainted and control vans, aircraft interiors, watercraft, and other
metals can be effectively decontaminated because they do enclosures sensitive to aqueous-based solvents. The XM15
not sorb agents and they can be heated quickly to high was small enough to be stored close to the area to be
temperatures without being deformed. Many polymeric decontaminated, so that it would be available for im-
materials, on the other hand, cannot be decontaminated mediate use. This system progressed into the advanced
by using hot air techniques because they will sorb agents development stage but was terminated because it was too
and they will stress or warp when exposed to too much slow and a logistic burden (one unit required per vehicle
heat (sheet acrylics, for example). Aircrafts canopies and or shelter).
faceplates on gages have been deformed when exposed to The XM16, which had achieved the engineering develop-
too much heat during hot air decontamination tests. ment stage, was designed to provide large-scale, rapid
The type of agent to be decontaminated and the decontamination of combat vehicles. aircraft. and other
potential for condensation after decontamination will major equipment items in order to permit user personnel
also have an impact upon how effective decontamination to operate at lower MOPP levels. The prototype XM16
with hot air will be. Thickened agents are formed by consisted of a jet engine, operator cab, and main control
adding polymeric substances to agents in ordeer to reduce
unit mounted side by side on a turntable at the rear of a
their volatility and thus increase their persistency. These
six-wheeled drive, five-ton truck. The apparatus also in-
thickened agents are much more difficult to remove
completely and, when treated with hot air, will likely leave cluded tanks for fuel and decontaminating liquid or
behind a residue of the thickener, which may contain low smoke-producing liquid. The advantages of using high
levels of agents. Once agents have been removed from a velocity to decontaminate vehicles include (1) elimination
surface by using hot air, there is the potential danger that of the requirement for water resources results in a reduced
these agents may condense on a nearby surface that has logistic burden and (2) reduced manpower requirements
not been heated. Because of this danger, areas other than because personnel are not directly involved in the de-
the initially contaminated area may need to be heated contamination process.
Thc US Army is currently developing a system, the
before decontamination can be completed. Taking such a
XM56 Dual-Purpose Smoke and Decontamination
precautionary measure may take more time than is
System, that may be used for generating smoke for
available during hasty decontamination.
obscuration purposes as well as high-pressure hot water
A 1985 study examined the optimum temperature and
and hot air for decontamination. The system will also
flow regimes required to achieve peak contaminant
have an interior decontamination module that will be a
removal efficiency (Ref. 6). This study determined that
preplanned product improvement.
heated forced air is a potentially effective and versatile
means of removing agents from metal surfaces. Results
indicate that high removal efficiencis can be achieved in 6-2.3 DELIBERATE DECONTAMINATION
30 s at relatively low air temperatures of 37.7°C and air Deliberate decontamination is the most complex and
velocities of 1036 m/s and 1951 m/s. complete of the three types of decontamination. The
In tests that were performed to measure the effectiveness objective of deliberate decontamination is to lower con-
of various techniques in the decontamination of personal tamination to levels that will allow soldiers to operate
protective equipment (Ref. 7), hot air flowing through a equipment at reduced MOPP levels for extended periods
conventional oven was effective in removing GB, HD, of time.
soman (GD), and VX from gloves, boots, and butyl
In the DCCMP, aqueous-based decontaminants were
rubber cloth but was not effective in removing those
evaluatcd as being the most promising technologies for
agents from the protective overgarment. Over 25% of the deliberate decontamination.
agents initially deposited on the protective suit remained
after decontamination. The clothing items had been 6-2.3.1 Emulsions
placed in a conventional oven for 45 min and exposed to a An emulsion, by definition, is a colloidal suspension of
1 - d m3 /m flow of air at approximately 150°C. small globules of one liquid in a second liquid. Examples
The US Army has developed and tested experimental are oil or fat particles in water. The intimate and uniform
hot air decontamination equipment. Although the develop- mixture of naturally immiscible liquids is made possible
ment programs were cancelled before production, the by the action of emulsifying agents, commonly fatty acids
XM15 and the XM16 remain viable concepts for special- or long-chain alcohols. in water oil interface solutions.
purpose decontamination of vehicle systems. A potential decontamination problem can result from
low agent volubility in water. This is especially true for
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HD. If the agent low volubility problem could be solved, Perchloroethylene is being used because it is the only
the resulting decontaminant would be much more capable one of the commercially available solvents that has the
of covering the entire agent spectrum. Emulsifying agents characteristics that make it attractive as a decontaminant—
decrease the surface tension between two immiscible it dissolves agents and thickeners, it is not flammable, and
liquids, such as HD and water, and this decrease results in it has a high boiling point. Fichlor (sodium N, N-
increased surface area interaction, which allows for dichloroisocyanurate) is being considered as the oxidant
increased volubility. Thus an emulsion-based decon- because it offers advantages over the high-test hypo-
taminant would allow aqueous decontamination of HD chlorite (HTH) used in the ICBAD/C8 emulsion. The
and other agents that exhibit low volubility in water. An chlorine in Fichlor does not become available for reaction
all-purpose C8 emulsion decontaminant has been at the same time the Fichlor dissolves. Rather, the
developed by the Germans for vehicle and equipment amount of available chlorine is regulated by an equilibrium
decontamination. Tests indicate that this formulation is process in the microemulsion. As a result, the micro-
capable of H, G, V, and biological agent decontamination. emulsion is less corrosive and the oxidation process may
C8 emulsion maybe selected as the US Army’s Improved be more efficient. Currently, 5-nitro-2-iodoxybenzoic
Chemical and Biological Agent Decontarninant ( ICBAD). acid (IBX) is being investigated as a potential G-agent
The emulsion is a mixture of 7.5% to 8.0% calcium catalyst.
hypochlorite, 15% perchloroethylene, 1% emulsifier, and The composition of the microemulsion being in-
76.5% water. (All percentages are by weight.) Once vestigated is as follows (in percentages by weight): 64.3%
mixed, the emulsion is a thick, white substance that water, 8.2% perchloroethylene, 23.3% emulsifier, and
adheres to surfaces. It can be dyed to a camouflage green 4.2% reactive materials (Fichlor and lBX).
color to decrease its signature. Current plans are to mix Because the current microemulsion-based de-
and apply the emulsion using the M12A1 Power Driven contaminants do not meet all of the current or future
Decontamination Apparatus (PDDA) (Ref. 8). requirements, long-range concepts will use catalytic
reagents to increase the decontamination efficacy. An
6-2.3.2 Microemulsions aqueous microemulsion with partial catalytic reactivity is
A microemulsion is a specific type of emulsion. Because scheduled for fielding in the early 1990s. A fully catalytic
it is an emulsion, it also is a uniform mixture of naturally aqueous microemulsion system capable of full reactivity
immiscible liquids formed by the suspension of globules with all known threats is scheduled for fielding in the late
of one liquid in another. Again, this suspension is made 1990s. The fielding of this aqueous microemulsion
possible by the use of emulsifying agents. As its name decontaminant will provide the capability for deliberate
implies. however. the globules are much smaller and are decontamination (Ref. 1).
actually not visible to the naked eye. More surfactant is
required to form a microemulsion than is required to 6-2.3.3 Catalysis
form an emulsion. Catalysis involves the modification and increase in the
Microemulsions offer several advantages over emul- rate of a chemical reaction and is brought about by a
sions. Most importantly, microemulsions are thermo- substance or substances that are themselves chemically
dynamically stable solutions. Because they are stable, unchanged by this reaction. Thus one part by volume of a
once they have been formed, microemulsions will not catalyst can activate thousands of parts of reactants.
phase separate as emulsions have a tendency to do. Thus Though the mechanism of their action is not completely
microemulsions will have longer shelf lives than emul- known, the electronic configuration of the surface mole-
sions. Thermodynamic stability also means that the final cules of the catalyst is often the critical factor ( Ref. 9). The
properties of the microemulsion are not dependent upon surface irregularities give rise to so-called “active points”,
the mixing process used to form the solution. (If the at which intermediate compounds can form. Most in-
components are all present in the appropriate propor- dustrial catalysis is performed by finely divided transition
tions, microemulsions will actually form spontaneously metals or their oxides (Ref. 9).
over time without any mixing.) As a result, the production The use of catalytic compounds to neutralize chemical
of microemulsions will not pose the inconsistency and warfare agents has been looked at with interest in recent
quality control problems associated with the production years. Because there are a large number of potential
of emulsions. catalytic compounds whose chemistry is well understood,
The US Army is currently investigating the potential of the chances of developing a catalytic-based de-
various microemulsion formulations as candidates for the contaminant are good. lnvestigations have concentrated
Multipurpose Chemical and Biological Decontarninant on identifying compounds that catalyze the air-oxidation,
(MCBD). The formulations being considered consist of a auto-oxidation, or hydrolysis of agents and are active
micro emulsion of perchloroethylene in water with cationic with all agents of interest. At present. most work effectively
surfactants and co-surfactants, a catalyst. and an oxidant. with only G agents (Ref. 10).
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A number of metal ions. especially those of copper(II), ture range (–35°C to +48°C) and its inertness. Its major
uranium (VII), zirconium (IV), thorium (IV), a n d value as a cleaning agent is that, when pure, it evaporates
molybdenum (VI). have been observed to increase the rapidly and leaves no residue. It is dense enough to
hydrolysis rate of agents in water. Some metallic salt remove small metal chips mechanically, is inert with
solutions. which are less corrosive, have been experi- respect to most engineering materials, and dissolves most
mentally tested for their feasibility in decontamination of greases, including both preservative coatings and the
agents, e.g., uranyl nitrate with tetramethylethylene- potentially corrosive greases from fingerprints. It is also
diamine, and uranium-dioxy-bis-(5-sulfo-8-hydroxyquino- relatively safe because it is noncorrosive, nonflammable,
line). However, preliminary test results indicate that these and under most circumstances, it has relatively low
chemicals are too slow for agent decontamination (Ref. toxicity. Because it is heavier than air, FC-113 poses no
11). harm to the ozone layer of the earth.
Enzymes have also been investigated as potential Other solvent cleaning concepts are possible but have
catalysts for decontamination reactions. Enzymes are not been investigated in detail. These concepts are chiefly
protein molecules that have catalytic properties due to variations on vapor degreasing techniques used in industry
specific activation in the biological system. In an equi- and would pass solvent vapor through the aircraft or in a
valent biological condition, a typical enzymatically controlled stream across contaminated surfaces. The
driven chemical reaction is 108 to 1012 times faster than the vapor application equipment would be more complex
same reaction without enzymes. The chemical reaction than that needed for solvent washing, but these concepts
rate can be further accelerated be optimizing the reaction would have the advantage of applying very highly purity
conditions, such as temperature, pressure. and pH. Due vapors. The use of vapor rather than liquid would be less
to the advanced state-of-the-art genetic engineering likely to stir up particulate that could physically con-
technologies, the development of new enzymes to degrade taminate sensitive avionics equipment.
agents becomes feasible. Examples include new species of An experimental program resulted in the removal of
bacteria that degrade petroleum hydrocarbons resulting 95% of the HD and GD from polyester-cotton, rubber,
from spills and bacteria to degrade kepone, a highly and Nomex cloth (Ref. 12). The effectiveness of FC-l13 in
persistent chlorinated pesticide pollutant discovered in removing agents from clothing materials has been denlon-
the James River in Virginia. Enzyme degradation offers strated, and the solubilities of the liquid agents of interest
two important advantages. It is noncorrosive and it poses (nerve and mustard components) in FC-113 have been
minimum logistic burden (The enzyme is never determined. HD, GD, and VX are infinitely soluble in
consumed.). FC-113.
A disadvantage of enzyme-based decontaminants is In addition to the solubility of agents in FC-113, the
that a highly reliable knowledge of the threat is required low surface tension and high density of FC-113 add to its
due to the specificity of the enzyme reaction. Currently, attractiveness as a decontaminant. Both properties en-
only basic research has been conducted in the development hance the capability of the solvent to displace organic
of enzymes that attack and destroy chemical agents residues from surfaces (Ref. 12). These enhanced displace-
through catalytic action. ment capabilities will be important for the displacement
Results of basic research programs in catalyis being of thickened agents and VX that have high affinities for
conducted by CRDEC will advance developments in metal surfaces.
aqueous micro emulsion systems, self-decontaminating FC-113 is a very nonpolar solvent and at temperatures
coatings. and solid sorbcnts as defined in DCCMP (Ref. below 100°C does not attack (dissolve or react with) most
1). materials common to the manufacture of aircraft com-
ponents. Temperature of application would have to be
6-2.3.4 Fluorocarbons below 48°C, the boiling point of FC-113. FC-113 is
Fluorocarbons arc compounds containing carbon, one compatible with most metals, paints, ceramics, and most
or more halogens, and sometimes hydrogen. The lower common plastics except elastomers. FC-113 dissolves
members of the various homologous series are used as petroleum greases and causes elastomers to swell when
refrigerants, propellant gases, fire extinguishing agents, they are soaked or drenched. Some common elastomers
and blowing agents for urethane foams ( Ref. 9). Fluoro- used in aircraft or personnel protective equipment are
carbons are organic solvents that can be employed to n;itur:il rubber and silicone rubber. In the case of
dissolve and remove agents from surfaces but do not elastomcr,. the FC-113 diffuses into the structure and
detoxify the agents. causes the entire elastomeric structure to swell uniformly
Fluorocarbon-113 (FC-113) is a product designation but does not cause the structure to dissolve. Such swelling
for 1,1,2 trichloro-1,2,2 trifluoroethane. It is a widely is largely reversible when the fluorocarbon evaporates.
used nonpolar solvent and cleaning agent in aerospace Accordingly, if FC-113 is spilled briefly washed across
application and is preferred because of its liquid tempera- an elastomer surface, only a small amount penetrates the
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surface. The amount of swelling upon thorough soaking ing alkyd-painted metal samples contaminated with GD.
varies considerably with the specific fluorocarbon and HD, VX, thickened soman (TGD), and thickened distilled
with the elastomer. The major concern when using FC- mustard (THD). Further more, the foams had less
113 around equipment and some gas masks is the effect on deleterious effects than the DS2 upon the alkyd paint. In
silicone rubber. Based on some very preliminary tests addition, the teams were reasonably compatible with the
with FC-113 on silicone sealant and silicone rubber gas following military materials: butyl, silicone, and
mask material, it appears that swelling is a problem that epichlorohydrin rubbers; acrylic and cellulose acetate
can be tolerated, especially if operational personnel butyrate (CAB) plastics; and silicone and polysulfide
understand and are trained to wash, rather than soak, the sealants.
equipment. It is expected that any petroleum grease in the
equipment would be removed by fluorocarbon washing
and new greases would have to be reapplied. However, REFERENCES
the removed greases might contain dissolved agents, so 1. S. M. Kenney-Garrett. et al., Decontamination/
removal would probably be necessary anyway.. Contamination Control Master Plan, CRDEC-CR-
FC-113 is the decontaminant chosen for use vith the 88021, US Army Chemical Research, Development,
XM19 Nonaqueous Decontamination System (NAEDS). and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
The NAEDS is similar to a commercial decreasing MD, January 1988.
chamber. The system consists of a glove box (spray
2. P. S. Hammond, et al., “Evaluation of’ Polymeric
chamber) and an FC-113 regeneration and agent
Resins for Decontamination Prophylactic Applica-
neutralization system. Equipment items to be decon-
tions: Recent Developments and Directions”, Proceed-
taminated are passed into the spray chamber through
ings of the Fifth Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience
access doors on either end of the system. In the chambers
Review. US Army Medical Research lnstitute of
spray gun sprays FC-113 on the equipment item. Two
Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
operators can participate in the decontamination process
by using the four butyl rubber sleeves that project into the
3. R. E. Lyle, et al., “Modified Clays as Potential
chamber from the window in the front of the unit. Both a
fixed-site and a mobile version of the NAEDS have been Decontamination Agents for Skin”. Proceedings of
developed (Ref. 8). the Fifth Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience
Review. US Army Medical Research Institute of
6-2.3.5 Foams Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
In many applications foam-based decontaminants are
4. A. A. Casselman, et al., Examination of Macrocyclic
more attractive than their liquid-based counterparts.
Ether-Alkali Metal Salt Complexes as Decon-
Foams hale thicker decontaminant layers that act to
taminants for Chemical Warfare Agents in, Non-
retard agent resorption while they enable the reactive
aqueous Solvents, Report No. DREO-R-810, Defence
component of the foam to detoxify the agent. Foams can
Research Establishment, Ottawa (Ontario), Canada,
also be developed to adhere to surfaces for time periods
October 1979.
that exceed those expected for liquid decontaminants.
This adherence, particularly on vertical surfaces, in- 5. R. A. B. Banard and A. A. Casselman, A Brief
creases the length of time that the reactive component of Review of the Chemistry of Crown Ethers. Report
the foam remains in contact with agents. As the contact No. DREO-R-737, Defence Research Establishment
time increases, the decontamination efficiency increases. Ottawa (Ontario), Canada, 1976.
In a recent study performed for CRDEC, over 250 6. T. B. Stanford, et al., Evaluation of De-
foams were formulated and evaluated as potential decon- contamination via the Use of Heated Forced Air,
taminants for military aircraft. Foams developed with Report No. CRDC-CR-85024, US Army Chemical
materials already available Within the military supply Research, Development, and Engineering Center,
inventory, aircraft deicing fluid (ADF) and the fire- Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1985.
fighting foam, aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF), 7. J. V. Friel, Evaluation of Techniques for a Clothing
showed the most promise. The three most promising Decontamination System, Report No. ARCSL-CR-
ADF foams were formulated using sodium dichloroi- 81048, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory,
socyanurate (SD), 3-bromo-4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, July 1981.
(BDO), or o-iodosobenzoic acid (IBA) as the reactive 8. M. H. Eddy, New Developments in Chemical-
component. Four promising AFFF foams were for- Biological Materiel, Report No. CRDEC-SP-88014,
mulated using SD, BDO, IBA, or HTH as the reactive US Army Chemical Research. Development, and
component. Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
These foams were comparable to DS2 in decontaminat- April 1988.
Downloaded from
Downloaded from
ing Laboratory Aerosolized Biological, Report No. G. C. Hoist, D. H. Anderson, and C. A. Dinerman, A
ARCSL-CR-78047, US Army Chemical Systems Novel Device for Disseminating Powders, Report No.
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, April ARCSL-SP-80029, US Army Chemical Systems
1978. Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
R. Flippin and G. Nichols, Biological Aerosol Decon- September 1980.
tamination Investigation, Report No. ARCSL-CR- M. J. Houle, G. K. Ricks, E. Yen, J. P. Pfau, and C.
77049, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Dawson, The Effectiveness of Sacrificial Coating for-
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, December 1977. Removing CW Agents from Painted and Unpainted
N. W. Gabel, S. F. Robinson, P. T. White, M. Buchanan, Metal Surfaces, Report No. DPG-FR-83-329, Dugway
and R. Maxfield, Use of Modified Clays for Decon- Proving Ground, UT, July 1983.
tamination of Chemical Agents, Report No. ARCSL- B. J. Jody, G. Chettur, R. J. Dihu, M. Schurger, and R.
CR-83031, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, H. Snow, Development of Chemical Processes fbr
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1983. Chemical Demilitarization. Report No. DRXTH-TE-
M. Giometti, Decontaminating Apparutus: Truck CR-83029, US Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials
Mounted, Jet Exhaust, XM116, Report No. ARCSL- Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, May 1983.
CR-83063, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, R. Keyes, Stream/ Hot Water/ Chemical Solution Decon-
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, October 1983. tamination System, Report No. ARCSL-CR-80019,
P. Grasso and W. Sayler, Experimental Temperature US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen
Measurements for Laboratory Scale Jet Engine Decon- Proving Ground, MD, February 1980.
tamination Program, Report No. ARCSL-TR-81027, J. M. Klein, Contact Hazard, A Review of the Literature
US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen (U), Report No. ARCSL-SP-82031, US Army Chemi-
Proving Ground, MD, November 1981. cal Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
P. Grasso, W. M. Sayler, A. K. Stuempfle, and C. R. MD, January 1983 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSI-
Allan, Jet Engine Decontamination: Decontamination FIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
of Batillus Subtilis Var. Niger Spores (B G), Report A. E. Th. Kuiper, The Decomposition of Sarin On
No. ARCSL-TR-81028, US Army Chemical Systems Gamma-Alumina, I, Hydrolysis, Report No. CL-
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, August 1973-13, Chemical Laboratory, RVO-TNO, Rijswijk,
1981. The Netherlands, May 1973.
P. S. Hammond, et al., “Evaluation of Polymeric Resins R. W. Link and D. L. Griffin, Evaluation of a Prototype
for Decontamination, Prophylactic Applications: Infrared (IR) Heater Detoxification System, Report
Recent Developments and Directions”, Proceedings of No. 83-27, Naval Sea Systems Command. Washington,
the Fifth Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience Review, DC, November 1983.
US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical R. C. Little, Evaporative Decontamination, Part I—
Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 1986. Concepts and Preliminary Relations, NRL Mem-
orandum Report No. 4881, Naval Research Labora-
J. B. Harstad, O. Bowersox, L. A. Zeper, R. C. Albert. C. tory, Washington, DC, August 1982.
B. Matthews, and R. O. Hagy, Decontamination of R. E. Lyle, et al., “Modified Clays as Potential De-
Bioloigically Contaminated Combat Vehicles by an contamination Agents for Skin”, Proceedings of the
XD Feasibility Model of the Decontaminating Ap- F~fth Annual Chemical Defense Bioscience Review,
paratus, Truck-Mounted Jet Exhaust XM16, Report US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
No. ARCSL-TR-82009, US Army Chemical Systems Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, 1986.
Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March
1982. K. Lobs and D. Martinetz, Decontamination and Dis-
G. A. Hill and M. G. Dudley, Electrostatic Spraying of posal Chemical Agents, Report No. FSTC-HT-947-
Liquids(U), Report No. DRES-Memo-54/75, Defence 84, Foreign Science and Technology Center, Charlottes-
Research Establishment-Suffield, Ralston, (Alberta), ville. VA, January 1985.
Canada. April 1976 (THIS DOCUMENTIS CLASSI- D. W. Mason and G. D. Sides. The Role of Alumina in
FIED CONFIDENTIAL). Agent Decontamination, Report No. CRDC-CR-
S. A. Hoenig and R. L. Dean. Use of Corona Discharge 84055, US Army Chemical Research, Development,
Phenomena for Detoxification and Contamination and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Avoidance, Report No. CRDC-CR-85005, US Army MD, October 1984.
Chemical Research, Development, and Engineering A. E. Meyer, et al., SADS Optimization Project (Surface-
Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, March 1985. Active Displacement Solution), Report No. ARCSL-
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CR-81052, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory. Evaluation of Concepts for Decontamination via the
Use of Heated Forced Air, Report No. CRDC-CR-
E. B. Mills, C. O. Eckard, W. T. Taylor, and C. W. 84014, US Army Chemical Research, Development,
McIntyre, Field Evaluation Decontamination and Engineering Center. Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Capabilities Chemical Units and Teams (DECAP MD, July 1984.
CHUTE), Volume I(U), Report No. DPG-FR-C140A, A. K. Stuempfle, Fuller's Earth, Simulants, and De-
Dugway Proving Ground, UT, June 1977 (THIS contamination in Don-Doff Operations—An Overview
Novkovic, Chemical Decontamination Using Modern Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving
Decontamination Agents, Report No. FSTC-HT-595- Ground, MD, September 1982 (THIS DOCUMENT
84, Foreign Science and Technology Center, Charlottes- IS CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL.)
ville, VA, September 1984. D. A. Summers, Decontamination Nozzle Optimization
C. O’Connell, E. E. Hewlett, and F. W. Stevenson, Study, Report No. ARCSL-CR-81080, US Army
Decontamination of Outdoor Concrete and Asphalt Chemical Systems Laboratory. Aberdeen Proving
Surfaces Contaminated With Microorganisms (U), Ground, MD. January 1982.
Report No. DRES-TP-457, Defence Research R. Trapp, The Detoxication and Natural Degraduation
Establishment-Suffield, Ralston, (Alberta), Canada, of Chemical Warfare Agents, Volume 3, SIPPRI Chemi-
July 1977 (THIS DOCUMENT IS CLASSIFIED cal and Biological Warfare Studies, Stockholm
CONFIDENTIAL.) lnternational Peace Research Institute, Taylor and
G. G. Outterson, T. B. Stanford, R. C. Davis, and S. J. Francis Publishing, London, England, 1985.
Coldiron, Investigation of Gaseous/Volatile De- R. P. Tytus, W. D. Wasel, and W. A. Cooper, Field-
contaminants for an Alternative Interior Surface De- Expedient Removal of Liquid Contamination From
contamination System (ISDS), (U), Report No. ARCSL- the Overgarment and Butyl Rubber Material Using
CR-83034, US Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Dirt and Sand, Report No. ARCSL-TR-83O65. US
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1983 (THIS Army Chemical Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Prov-
R. Reiner and K. Rossmann, Nucleophilic Substances for J. R. Vig and J. W. LeBus. UV/Ozone Cleaning of
Detoxifcation of Phosphorus Esters, Report No. Surfaces, Report No. ECOM-4397, US Army Elec-
FSTC-HT-109-83, Foreign Science and Technology tronics Command, Fort Monmouth, NJ. April 1976.
Center, Charlottesville, VA, September 1983. S. Winterle, R. A. Kenley, and G. C. Lee, Evaluation of
R. C. Rudolph and J. J. Reidy, Feasibility Evaluation of Sodium Perborate as a Decontaminant for
on On-Board External Surface Decontaminating Organophosphorus and Organosulfur Compounds
System for Combat Vehicles, Report No. CRDC-CR- Report No. ARCSL-CR-83O61, US Army Chemical
84110, US Army Chemical Research, Development. Systems Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, June 1983.
MD, October 1984. E. R. Zamejc, et al., Development of Nove/ Decontamina-
s W. Schramm, D. M. Craig, and J. D. Stockham, tion Techniques for Chemical Agents (GB, VX, HD)
Chemcial Systems , Mechanisms and Procedures, Task Contaminated Facilities, Report No. AMXTH-TE-
5, Liquid Spray Vehicle Decontamination TR-85012, US Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials
Report No. CRDC-CR-84041, US Army Chemical Agency, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, June 1985.
Research. Development. and Engineering Center, E. R. Zamejc, et al., Nonaqueous Equipment Decontami-
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, December 1984. tion System (NAEDS) Compatibility, Availability,
W. M. Shannon and T. R. Tice, Exploratory Develop- and Cost, US Army Chemical Research Development,
ment of Self-Decontaminating Surfaces (SDS) and and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Self-Decontaminating Clothing (SDC), Report No. MD, April 1986.
CRDC-CR-84008, US Army Chemical Research, E. R. Zamejc, et al., Chemical Agent Decontamination
Development, and Engineering Center, Aberdeen Technology Assessment, Naval Civil Engineering
Proving Ground, MD, May 1984. Laboratory, Port Hueneme, CA, October 1986
T. B. Stanford, D. C. Newman, and W. A. Ivancic,
Downloaded from
ABC-M13. An individual decontaminating and reimpreg- Bacilli. Rod-shaped bacteria
nating kit designed to be used for decontamination
of droplets of all chemical agents on skin, clothing, Bacteria. Microorganisms otten composed of a single
and personal equipment. This kit has been replaced cell
by the M258A21 skin decontamination kit.
Biological Agent. Either microorganisms or toxins that
Acidic Hydrolysis. Reaction during which water reacts cause casualties and havc military applications
with a substance under acidic conditions
Blister Agents. Agents that affect the eyes, lungs, and
Activated Solution of Hypochlorite (ASH). Decontami- skin. In liquid or vapor form these agents can burn
nant effective for G-series, V-series, H, and biological or blister any part of the body they may contact,
agents. It has been used for decontaminating build- either internal or external. They are effective in small
ings, floors. the ground, and other large areas. quantities and cause delayed casualties.
Aeration. The process of supplying or impregnating Blood Agents. Agents that are usually disseminatcd as
with air or oxygen vapors or gases and are taken into the body by
breathing. They affect the circulatory and respiratory
Aerosol. Gaseous suspension of liquid or solid chemical systems by preventing the use by cells of the oxygen
particulate; examples are mist and fog. carried by the blood. They can act very quickly and
cause symtoms ranging from convulsions to coma
Af/atoxins. Any of several carcinogenic mycotoxins and death.
that are produced in stored agricultural crops by
molds Botulinum Toxin. A toxin produced by a spore-forming
bacterium that causes acute food poisoning
Agent. Threat warfare material referring to either a
chemical, biological, or toxic substance Bronchitis. Inflammation of the respiratory tract
Air Oxidation. oxidation reaction in air Brucellosis. A disease characterized by remittent freer
Anthrax. An infectious, often fatal disease, charac- Carboxide. Decontaminant that is a mixture of ethyl-
terized by ulceration of the skin, enlargement of ene oxide and carbon dioxide and is effective against
spleen, and general collapse all microorganisms to include spores
Auto-Oxidation. Oxidation reaction that takes place in Chemical-Agent-Resistant Coating (CARC). A poly-
the presence of air meric coating system that is resistant to liquid agent
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Chemical Agent. A chemical compound that produces contamination of items or surfaces by CB agents.
lethal or deleterious effects in man and has charac- Two types of contamination avoidance are protection
teristics suitable for rnilitary use and isolation.
Chikungunga Fever. A disease characterized by high Contamination Avoidance Covers. Any cover used to
fever, headache, and pain in the large joints prevent contamination of items or surfaces by CB
Chlorination. To treat or cause to combine with
chlorine or a chlorine compound Contamination Control. Decent amination. contamina-
tion avoidance, and the knowledge to implement
Choking Agents. Agents that are usually disseminated them
as gases and are taken into the body by inhalation.
They affect the respiratory system by damaging the Cumulative Effects. The effects that are additive for
nose, throat, and lungs. In extreme cases membranes separate exposures over a finite time frame
swell, lungs become filled with liquid. and death
results from lack of oxygen. Cyanosis. Blueness of the skin due to insufficient oxy-
gen in the blood
Cholera. An acute, infectious, and often fatal disease
characterized by profuse diarrhea, vomiting, cramps,
and dehydration
Decontaminability. The capability of being rapidly de-
Cocci. Round or spherical bacteria contaminated to a negligible risk level for un-
protected persons who operate, maintain. and re-
Coccidioidomycosis. A disease, mainly affecting the supply the materiel.
lungs and skin. characterized by the production of
excessive sputum and the development of nodules Decontaminants. The substances used to remove or
detoxify a chemical or biological hazard
Collective Protection Equipment (CPE). Equipment
that provides protection of an enclosure against hazard- Decontaminating Solution No. 2. The standard decon-
ous concentrations taminant for chemical agents; however, it also
destroys biological agents, with the exception of
Compatible. The capability of being operated, main- spores.
tained. and resupplied by persons wearing the full
Decontamination. The process of removing, neutraliz-
NBC protection ensemble (MOPP 4) or individual
ing, containing, and detoxifying a chemical or bio-
protective equipment (IPE) in all climatic categories
logical hazard
for which the item is designed and for a period
specified in the requirements document
Deliberate Decontamination. Method of extensive de-
contamination performed at equipment decontamina-
Complete Decontamination. The reduction of contamina-
tion sites and intended to allov MOPP reduction
tion to a level at which combat units can function
normally without wearing individual protective gear
Delirium. A temporary disorder of mental properties,
such as excitement, delusions, and hallucinations
Conjunctival Suffusion. A disease symptom charac-
terized by overspreading liquid around the mucous
Detection. Measures taken to determine the presence of
membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids
CB agents
Conjunctivitis. Inflammation of the eyes
Detrochlorite. A thickened bleach used for biological
decontamination of vertical surfaces to which the
Contact Hazard. Any contaminated surface from which
application of corrosive material is permissible
contamination can be transferred upon contact,
usually skin contact
Dichloramine B and Dichloramine T. Decontaminants
effective against mustard and V agents
Contaminants. Chemical or biological agents
Diplopia. Double vision of a single object
Contamination Avoidance. Measures taken to prevent
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G-Series Agents. Chemical warfare agents that di-
Edema. Abnormal accumulation of liquid in the lung rectly affect the nervous system of man and are
tissues highly toxic in both liquid and vapor forms. These
agents can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled
Emulsifier. A surface-active agent, such as soap, that and quickly act to cause casualties and death. Essen-
promotes the formation and stabilization of a mixture tially, these agents cause an increase of the chemical
of two or more immiscible liquids acetylcholine in the body by their interference with
the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and thus affect the
Emulsion. A stable mixture of two or more immisci- transmission of nerve impulses. The main G-series
ble liquids held in suspension by small percentages of agents are GA, GB, and (GD)
substances called emulsifiers
Gaseous Agent. An agent in its vapor or aerosol
Encephalitis. Inflammation of the brain form
Endocarditis. Inflammation of the serous membrane Glanders. A disease with the characteristics of swel-
that lines the cavities of the heart lings beneath the jaw and a and a mucous discharge from
the nostrils
Enzymatic. Being produced by any of numerous,
complex proteins that catalyze specific reactions at Gonorrhea. A venereal inflammation of the urethra
mild temperatures or vagina
Ethylene Oxide. Decontaminant effective against all Hasty Decontamination. Method of rapid decontam-
microorganisms to include spores ination using primarily soap and water
Eutectic. A mixture whose melting point is lower Hemoglobin. The oxygen-carrying protein in the
than that of any other mixture of the same in- blood
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Hemoptysis. Expectoration of blood, usually due to materials by combustion at temperatures from 1200°
hemorrhage from the lungs to 1500°C
Hexachloromelamine. Decontarninant effective Incubation Period. Time interval between the intro-
against mustard agents duction into the body of an infectious microorganism
and the appearance of the first symptoms of disease
High-Test Hypochlorite (HTH). Decontaminant ef-
fective against all threat agents Individual Protective Gear. The aggregate of all clothing
and equipment worn to prevent contact with CB
Host. Any animal or plant that nourishes another hazards
Individual Protective Equipment (IPE). See Individual
Hyamines (Benzethonium Chloride). Decontaminant Protective Gear.
effective against all bacteria
Inflammation. Reaction of tissue to injury that is charac-
Hybrid Collective Protection. A combination of posi- terized by pain, heat, redness, and or swelling of the
tive pressure and ventilated facepiece systems affected areas
Hydrated Metal Ions. Ions formed when metallic ions Isolation. The containment of contaminated areas,
react with molecules of water and the H-OH bond is materials, or persons to prevent the spread of con-
not split tamination
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Mask Sanitizing Solution. Standard solution effective fying a chemical or biological hazard with a
for destroying microorganisms except spores and nonwater-based solvent or by physical means
used to decontaminate previously cleaned masks
Nonpolar. Molecule in which the centers of positive
Mediastinitis. Inflammation of median septa or par- and negative charges coincide so no permanent di-
titions between two organs poles are produced
Microencapsulation. A technique of encasing extremely Nucleophilic. A reaction during which an ion or mole-
small droplets or particles cule donates a pair of electrons to form a covalent
Mission-Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP). The level
of protective equipment to be worn by individuals O
that is determined by a command decision based on
detected threat levels Ocular Disorder. Pathological problems around the
Monitoring. The continuous or periodic checking for
the presence of a CB agent Orchitis. Inflammation of the testicles
MOPP Gear. Combination of all individual protective Organometallic Compound. An organic compound con-
equipment including protective overgarment, boots, taining a metal
gloves, and mask with hood
Overpressure. Difference in the higher pressure inside a
Mya/gia. Pain in the muscles vehicle or shelter relative to that of the ambient air
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Plague. An infectious and epidemic disease characterized Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. A disease charac-
by fever, chills, and prostration terized by high fever; pain in the joints, bones, and
muscles; and a cutaneous eruption
Polyamide. A high-molecular-weight polymer in which
amide linkages occur along the molecular chain s
Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash). Decontaminant Sacrificial Coating. Coating that crosslinks after applica-
effective against G agents, lewisite, and all biological tion to form a hard coating that entraps agents and
materials including bacterial spores is then stripped off by either chemical or mechanical
methods. See also Prophylactic Mode and Thera-
Power-Driven Decontamination Apparatus. Equipment peutic
intended for field use to spray hot water. STB slurry,
HTH slurry, caustic solutions, alkaline scrubbing Self-Limiting Solutions of Hypochlorite (SLASH).
soap, detergent solutions, and other water-based de- Decontaminant containing dilute HTH. It has been
contaminants. (The M12A1 is the current standard used for decontaminating buildings. floors. the
decontamination equipment issued to Army battalion ground, and other large areas. SLASH is less cor-
level and chemical company level.) rosive and less effective than ASH.
Prophylactic Mode. Application of a sacrificial coating Septicemia. The invasion and persistence of pathogenic
prior to decontamination of a surface. See also Sacri- bacteria in the blood stream
ficial Coatings and Therapeutic
Shelter. A place of protection from CB hazards
Prostration. Extreme exhaustion
Slurry. Various mixtures of STB or HTH and water
Protection. Action taken to prevent contamination of a
clean item or surface, for example, a covering Smallpox. An acute and highly contagious disease
characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves
Pulmonary. Pertaining to the lungs permanent pits or scars on the skin
Reduction. Any reaction during which electrons are Solvent. A liquid substance capable of dissolving one or
consumed more other substances
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Spores. Resistant, dormant cells of some bacteria; primi- Typhus. An acute, infectious disease characterized by
tive reproductive bodies of fungi prostration, severe nervous symptoms, and a peculiar
eruption of reddish spots on the body
Sporulation. Formation of spores
Spotted Fever. Any of several fevers characterized by
spots on the skin Ulceration. Formation of large, water-filled blisters
Stoichiornetric Reaction. A reaction that involves sub- Ultraviolet (UV) Light Oxidation. An oxidation re-
stances that are in the exact proportions required for action initiated by UV light
a given reaction
Uncontaminated. The state of not having made any
Substrate. Underlying structure of a surface contact with a biological or chemical hazard or of
being completely decontaminated
Surfactant. A surface-active substance, such as a deter-
gent Unicellular. Made up of a single cell
Thickener. A high-molecular-weight polymer that, when Vector. Organism, usually an insect or tick that carries
mixed with agent, increases the droplet size upon disease-producing microorganisms and transmits
dispersion disease from one host to another
Thrush. A disease characterized by whitish spots and Vegetative Cells. Bacteria or fungi in their active growth
ulcers on the membrane of the mouth, fauces, etc. phase
Total Collective Protection. A combination of hybrid Ventilated Facepiece. Series of individual respiratory
or overpressure collective protection plus an environ- systems (or masks) serviced by a common filter
mental control system blower
Toxin. Any poisonous secretion product from a micro-
organism. animal. or plant. It may also be produced Weathering. A form of passive decontamination
by organic synthesis. X
Tuberculosis. An infectious disease that may affect XXCC3. Chlorine decontaminant effective against HD
almost any tissue of the body, especially the lungs and V agents. Its principal use has been for impreg-
nation of protective clothing and garments.
Tularernia. A disease resembling the plague charac-
terized by an irregular fever that lasts several weeks Y
Typhoid Fever. An infectious, often fatal disease, charac- Yellow Fever. An acute, often fatal disease charac-
terized by intestinal inflammation and ulceration terized by vomiting and and hemorrhages
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ABC-M11, 4-21. See also Decontamination C8 emulsion (ICBAD), 4-5, 4-11, 6-5. See also
ABC-M13, 4-23. See also Decontamination Chemical decontamination and Deliberate
AC. See Hydrogen cyanide decontamination
All-Purpose Decontaminant (APD), 4-6—4-7, 4-11. See CAD. See Chemical Agent Decontaminant
also Chemical decontamination and Physical Carboxide, 4-11
decontamination Catalysis, 6-5—6-6. See also Deliberate
Ammonia, 4-6, 4-12 decontamination
Ammonium hydroxide, 4-6 Caustic potash. See Potassium hydroxide
AR 70-71, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Caustic soda. See Sodium hydroxide
Contamination Survivability of Army Materiel, 1-1, 1- CD-1. See All-Purpose Decontaminant
4, 4-1, 4-15, 5-1 CG. See Phosgene
ASH. See Hypochlorite Chemical Agent Decontaminant (CAD). 4-7
Fichlor, 4-7, 6-5
B Chemical agent detection. identification, and warning
(CDIW), 3-1, 3-15, 3-17
Barium hydroxide, 4-11 Chemical-agent-resistant coatings (CARCs), 3-15
Basic soldier skills decontamination Chemical agents. 2-1—2-6, 4-3—4-8
objective, 6-1—6-2 classification, 2-1
sorbents and reactive solids, 6-2 mode of action, 2-1, 2-2—2-4
reactive resins, 6-2 persistence, 2-4—2-6, 2-10
reactive clays, 6-2 nonpersistent. See Nonpersistent agents
other reactive compounds, 6-2—6-3 persistent. See Persistent agents
microencapsulated, 6-2. See also properties, 2-2
Microencapsulation chemical, 2-1
crown ethers, 6-3 physical, 2-1
Biological agents, 2-6—2-10, 4-8—4-11, 5-2 structure, 2-1
decontamination of. See Chemical decontamination decontamination of. See Chemical decontamination
entrance to body, 2-1, 2-9, 2-11 detection. See Detection and monitoring
microorganisms, 2-1, 2-6—2-8. See also entrance to body, 2-1, 2-11
Microorganisms Chemical and biological (CB) agents, Chap 2
mortality, 2-7—2-9 biological agents. See Biological agents
toxins, 2-1, 2-8—2-10. See also Toxins chemical agents. See Chemical agents
Blister agents, 2-2—2-3 criteria, 2-1
distilled mustard (HD), 2-2—2-3, 2-5. See also entrance to body, 2-1. 2-9, 2-11
Distilled mustard Chemical and biological (CB) warfare, Chap 1
distilled mustard and lewisite (HL). 2-2—2-3. 2-5. See agent threat effects, 1-1, Chap 2
also Distilled mustard and Lewisite materiel, 1-1, 1-3, 4-3—4-3, 5-2—5-6, 6-1
lewisite (L), 2-2—2-3, 2-5. See also Lewisite personnel, 1-1, 1-3, 2-10—2-11, 4-1—4-3, 5-2—5-6,
phosgene oxime (CX), 2-2—2-3. See also Phosgene 6-1
Blood agents, 2-4 countermeasures, 1-1, 1-3—1-4. See also Chemical
cyanogen chloride (CK), 2-4, 2-5—2-6. See a/so decontamination and Decontamination and
Cyanogen chloride Physical decontamination
hydrogen cyanide (AC), 2-4, 2-5—2-6. See a/so history, l-l—1-4
Hydrogen cyanide objective, 1-1, 1-3
BZ. See Quinuclindinyl benzilate threat, 2-10—2-11
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Decontaminating solution No. 2 (DS2), 3-15, 4-3, 4-4, Fluorocarbon-113 (FC-113), 6-6—6-7
4-5, 4-6, 4-7, 4-9, 4-17, 4-18, 4-21, 4-22, 5-3, 6-7 XM19 Nonaqueous Decontamination System
Decontamination Contamination Control Master Plan (NAEDS), 6-7
(DCCMP), 6-1, 6-2, 6-4, 6-6 FM 3-4, 3-1
Deliberate decontamination, 6-4—6-7 Foams, 6-7. See also Deliberate decontamination
catalysis, 6-5—6-6 sodium dichloroisocyanurate (SD), 6-7
emulsions, 6-4—6-5 o-iodosobenzoic acid (IBA), 6-7
fluorocarbons, 6-6—6-7 Formaldehyde. See Formalin
foams, 6-7 Formalin, 4-10
objective, 6-4
Resorption, 5-2. See also Contaminant effects and G
Detection and monitoring, 3-15—3-19 G-series agents, 1-2, 2-6, 4-3, 4-13, 4-16, 4-17, 4-22, 5-3,
chemical agent detection, identification, and warning 6-2, 6-3, 6-5
(CDIW), 3-1, 3-15—3-17 sarin, See Sarin
monitoring equipment, 3-17—3-19 soman, See Soman
fielded systems, 3-17—3-19 tabun, See Tabun
Detrochlorite, 4-10 GA. See Tabun
Dichloramine-B, 4-6 GB. See Sarin
Dichloramine-T, 4-6 GD. See Soman
Dinitrogen tetroxide, 4-7 GF. See Phosphorofluoridate
Distilled mustard (HD), 2-2—2-3, 2-5, 4-3, 4-6, 4-7, 4-
12, 4-13, 4-14, 4-22, 5-1, 5-3, 6-3, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 H
Distilled mustard and lewisite (HL), 2-2—2-3, 2-5
DKIE. See M258 and M258A1 and M280 H. See Mustard gas
DOD Instruction No. 4245.13, 1-1 Hasty decontamination, 6-3—6-4
DS2. See Decontaminating solution No. 2 coatings
Dual-Purpose Smoke and Decontamination System, dissolvable, 6-3
XM56, 6-4 peelable, 6-3
self-stripping, 6-3
E hot air, 6-3—6-4
XM15, 6-4
Emulsions. See also Deliberate decontamination XM16, 6-4
definition of, 6-4 XM56, 6-4
ICBAD, 6-5. See also C8 emulsion objective, 6-3
M12A1, Decontaminating Apparatus, Power-Driven, techniques
Skid-Mounted (PDDA), 6-5. See also M12A1, MOPP gear exchange, 6-3. See also mission-
Decontaminating Apparatus, Power-Driven. oriented protective posture
Skid-Mounted vehicle washdown, 6-3
microemulsions, 6-5 HD. See Distilled mustard
multipurpose chemical and biological Hexachloromelamine, 4-6
decontamination (MCBD), 6-5 HL. See Distilled mustard and lewisite
Ethylene oxide (ETO), 4-10 HTH. See Hypochlorite
ETO. See also Ethylene oxide Hyamines, 4-11
Hydrogen cyanide (AC), 2-4, 2-5—2-6
F Hypochlorite. See also Chemical decontamination
activated solution of (ASH), 4-5, 4-11
FC-113. See Fluorocarbon-113 high-test ( HTH), 4-5, 4-9, 4-21, 6-5, 6-7
Fluorocarbon-l13 (FC-113), 6-6—6-7 self-limiting activated solutions of (SLASH), 4-5,
Fluorocarbons, 6-6—6-7. See also Deliberate 4-11
decontamination sodium, 4-5, 4-9, 6-2
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