(A) Grading: Lesson 4: Aggregates and Its Properties

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LESSON 4: Aggregates and its Properties

(A) Grading

(A) Grading

(a) Definition and test method

Grading refers to the distribution of particle sizes present in an aggregate. The grading is determined in accordance
with ASTM C 136, “Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.”

(b) Fineness Modulus

The FM is the sum of the total percentages coarser than each of a specified series of sieves, divided by 100. The
specified sieves are 75.0, 37.5, 19.0, and 9.5 mm (3, 1.5, 3/4, and 3/8 in.) and 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 μm,
300 μm, and 150 μm (No. 4, 8, 16, 30, 50, and 100).

(c) Maximum size and nominal maximum size (ASTM definitions)

In specifications for aggregates, the smallest sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is required
to pass is called the maximum size. The smallest sieve opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is
permitted to pass is called the nominal maximum size.

(d) Significance of aggregate grading

There are several reasons for specifying both grading limits and maximum aggregate size.

- Aggregates having a smooth grading curve and neither a deficiency nor excess of any one particle size
generally produce mixtures with fewer voids between particles.

When the surface area increases, more cement paste is needed to coat the additional surface; otherwise, the
concrete would be too stiff. When the aggregate surface area increases, if the cement paste content is left constant,
the thinner layers of paste surrounding the aggregate particles result in a stiffer concrete that is harder to pla ce and
compact. If the paste is made more fluid by adding water, the concrete strength and durability will suffer, while if
more cement and water are added, the cost of the concrete increases.

- The maximum size of coarse aggregate used in concrete also affects surface area and economy. Usually, as
the maximum size of well-graded coarse aggregate increases, the amount of paste required to produce
concrete of a given slump or consistency decreases.

(i) The maximum nominal size of aggregate that can be used is determined by the size and shape of the
concrete member and by the clear spacing between reinforcing bars. nominal maximum size shoulnot be
more than:
- one-fifth of the narrowest dimension between sides of forms
- one-third the depth of slabs
- three-fourths of the minimum clear spacing between reinforcing bars.
Use of the largest possible maximum aggregate size consistent with placing requirements is sometimes
recommended to minimize the amount of cement required and to minimize drying shrinkage of concrete.

(ii) Aggregates of different maximum sizes, however, may give different concrete strengths for the same
water-cementitious material ratio (w/cm). In many instances, at the same w/cm, concrete with smaller
maximum-size aggregate has higher compressive strength.

(e) Permissible variations in grading

Many specifications permit a relatively wide range of grading for both fine and coarse aggregates. ASTM C 33,
for example, states that fine aggregate failing to meet the sieve analysis requirements may be accepted if it is
demonstrated that concrete made with the fine aggregate under consideration will have relevant properties at least
equal to those of similar concrete containing a fine aggregate that conforms to the specification requirements and
that is selected from a source having an acceptable performance record in similar concrete construction.

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For this reason, ASTM C 33 states that, for continuing shipments from a given source, the fineness modulus of fine
aggregate should not vary by more than 0.20 from the value that is typical of the source (base fineness modulus).


 General Characteristics

Fine aggregate shall consist of natural sand, manufactured sand, or a combination thereof.

 Grading
a. Sieve Analysis—Fine aggregate, except as provided in (b) and (c) shall be graded within the following limits:

Sieve (Specification E 11) Percent Passing

9.5-mm (3⁄8-in.) 100
4.75-mm (No. 4) 95 to 100
2.36-mm (No. 8) 80 to 100
1.18-mm (No. 16) 50 to 85
600-μm (No. 30) 25 to 60
300-μm (No. 50) 5 to 30
150-μm (No. 100) 0 to 10

NOTE 1—Concrete with fine aggregate gradings near the minimums for percent passing the 300 μm (No.50) and 150 μm
(No.100) sometimes have difficulties with workability, pumping or excessive bleeding. The addition of entrained air,
additional cement, or the addition of an approved mineral admixture to supply the deficient fines, are methods used to
alleviate such difficulties.

b. The fine aggregate shall have not more than 45 % passing any sieve and retained on the next consecutive sieve of those
shown in (a) and its fineness modulus shall be not less than 2.3 nor more than 3.1.

c. Fine aggregate failing to meet these grading requirements shall meet the requirements of this section provided that the
supplier can demonstrate to the purchaser or specifier that concrete of the class specified, made with fine aggregate
under consideration, will have relevant properties (see Note 3) at least equal to those of concrete made with the same
ingredients, with the exception that the reference fine aggregate shall be selected from a source having an acceptable
performance record in similar concrete construction.

NOTE 2—Fine aggregate that conforms to the grading requirements of a specification, prepared by another organization such
as a state transportation agency, which is in general use in the area, should be considered as having a satisfactory service
record with regard to those concrete properties affected by grading.

NOTE 3—Relevant properties are those properties of the concrete that are important to the particular application being
considered. For continuing shipments of fine aggregate from a given source, the fineness modulus shall not vary more than
0.20 from the base fineness modulus. The base fineness modulus shall be that value that is typical of the source. The purchaser
or specifier has the authority to approve a change in the base fineness modulus.

NOTE 4—The base fineness modulus should be determined from previous tests, or if no previous tests exist, from the average
of the fineness modulus values for the first ten samples (or all preceding samples if less than ten) on the order. The
proportioning of a concrete mixture may be dependent on the base fineness modulus of the fine aggregate to be used.
Therefore, when it appears that the base fineness modulus is considerably different from the value used in the concrete
mixture, a suitable adjustment in the mixture may be necessary.


 General Characteristics

Coarse aggregate shall consist of gravel, crushed gravel, crushed stone, air-cooled blast furnace slag, or crushed hydraulic-
cement concrete (see Note 5), or a combination thereof, conforming to the requirements of this specification.

NOTE 5—Although crushed hydraulic-cement concrete has been used as an aggregate with reported satisfactory results, its
use may require some additional precautions. Mixing water requirements may be increased because of the harshness of the
aggregate. Partially deteriorated concrete, used as aggregate, may reduce freeze-thaw resistance, affect air void properties
or degrade during handling, mixing, or placing. Crushed concrete may have constituents that would be susceptible to alkali-

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aggregate reactivity or sulfate attack in the new concrete or may bring sulfates, chlorides, or organic material to the new
concrete in its pore structure.

 Grading

Coarse aggregates shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 2 (attached in separate sheet) for the size number

NOTE 6—The ranges shown in Table 2 are by necessity very wide in order to accommodate nationwide conditions. For quality
control of any specific operation, a producer should develop an average grading for the particular source and production
facilities, and should control the production grading within reasonable tolerances from this average. Where coarse aggregate
size numbers 357 or 467 are used, the aggregate should be furnished in at least two separate sizes.

 Maximum Density Gradation

The density of the aggregate mix is a function of the size distribution of the aggregates. In 1907, Fuller established the
relationship for determining the distribution of aggregates that provides the maximum density or minimum amount of
voids as:
𝑃𝑖 = 100 ( 𝑖 )
Pi = percent passing a sieve of size di
di = the sieve size in question
D = maximum size of aggregate

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