Changing the Background Visitors can leave their information with you
with the Contact Form feature
Click on the background image and scroll to the bottom
of the image. Click “Edit Background.”
YouTube Videos
*Note: Your theme must stay consistent throughout
your whole website. You can’t change the theme from To avoid your YouTube uploads to be flagged due
page to page to music rights, upload the video as “Unlisted.” An
unlisted video will not be available to the public to
Creating a Subpage see on YouTube, but you can still share the video
privately. Somewhere on your page, post that you
Creating a subpage makes your website seem more do not own the rights to the music for any music
organized. You want to do this when you have similar that you did not produce.
topics for your page. An example of this would be an
“Works” page where you would list the subpages as
“Performances” and “Choreographed Pieces.”
To create a subpage, move the page that you created Other Website Options
under the category that you want, and then indent.
Other free website design options are Wix,
SquareSpace, and Webnode.
Contact Me
Tim Spore
[email protected]
(540) 533 - 6894