The Role of Religion in Ethics
The Role of Religion in Ethics
The Role of Religion in Ethics
Ethics is a general idea or belief that influences people's behavior and attitudes as
well as their views about what is right or wrong. Religion is driven by the various belief systems
and this commands what an individual does the mirror of his judgement-Ethics. Thus, my
assertion is right because many individuals and communities have been and continue to be led or
influenced by the statutes and precepts of their religious groups to act in a certain way, decision or
course of life.Some people, especially religious people, say that there can be no morality without
religion. They say that without God, ethics is impossible. In my religion, Christian, a revealed
religion, ethics or morality is the attempt to arrive at a view of the nature of human values, of how
we ought to live and of what constitutes right conduct. In order to arrive at a view, it sets goals and
assesses actions by the extent to which they further these goals, Example if happiness is a goal
then the action which produces most happiness to all affected is the right one.
So in this case the role of religion in ethics are by being an instrument on how they
know the concept of ethics. By using the Religion ethics can be apply in our daily life. For me that
is the role of ethics.