Boost Converter Using The PIC16F753 Analog Features: Performance Specifications
Boost Converter Using The PIC16F753 Analog Features: Performance Specifications
Boost Converter Using The PIC16F753 Analog Features: Performance Specifications
+ - COMP
OA +
92,00 %
90,00 %
88,00 %
86,00 % 4V Input
3V Input
84,00 %
82,00 %
80,00 %
78,00 %
50 mA 100 250 500 750 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Output current limiting is not integrated into the control
loop, thus a second comparator should be used for this
This power supply is a fixed-frequency Peak Current purpose and selected as an auto-shutdown source for
mode converter. The operational amplifier (OPA) is the COG. The error amplifier output is the inductor peak
used as an error amplifier (EA) for the output voltage, current limit, so keeping this value low by a resistor
and a comparator limits the peak inductor current on divider helps with inrush current problems and
each switching cycle, based on the EA feedback. The catastrophic short-circuit conditions. Of course, the
voltage reference for the EA is generated by the DAC downside of this approach is that the system gain is
and can be changed on-the-fly in firmware. The CCP reduced and that it will respond slower to transients.
peripheral generates a fixed frequency, fixed duty cycle The OPA output pin is the same as the slope
control signal for the COG. The peak current compensation module input pin, so the two peripherals
comparator is used to close the loop through by can be used together without any additional external
selecting it as a second falling edge event source connectivity. If a resistor divider is used to limit OPA
(limits duty cycle on each switching pulse based on EA output voltage, it must be routed externally to the FVR
feedback). buffer input pin.
After the peripherals are configured and connected Input voltage is connected to the microcontroller using
together, the control loop runs by itself, requiring 0% a small diode and is bootstrapped to the output. Thus,
processor time. when the output voltage rises, it will power the
Peak current control schemes require slope microcontroller and MOSFET driver. This is more
compensation for duty cycles over 50% to prevent efficient because a higher VGS will improve RDS(ON)
oscillation. For lower duty cycles, slope compensation and the interval below 4.5V is problematic for most
will also help stabilize the control loop, if the current power transistors. This also makes the FVR the only
shunt is small. The internal slope compensation stable reference available, and the circuit requires a
module subtracts a software programmable ramp from few changes to ensure that the loop reference voltage
the error amplifier output before the peak current is always independent from the supply or output
comparator. voltage. Since the control loop reference voltage is
derived from the DAC, this peripheral needs to have a
For the boost topology, the inductor current is equal to
stable reference, too. The FVR of 1.2V is selected as
the input current. The peak inductor current is
the DAC reference, thus fulfilling all the mentioned
measured directly on a resistor placed between the
transistor source and the ground.
+ -
SC ISense
- FB
50,0 %
40,0 %
30,0 % 4V Input
3V Input
20,0 %
10,0 %
0,0 %
50 mA 100 250 500 750 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA
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