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Lmg1210 200-V, 1.5-A, 3-A Half-Bridge Mosfet and Gan Fet Driver With Adjustable Dead Time For Applications Up To 50 MHZ

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LMG1210 200-V, 1.5-A, 3-A half-bridge MOSFET and GaN FET driver with adjustable dead
time for applications up to 50 MHz
1 Features 3 Description

1 Up to 50-MHz operation The LMG1210 is a 200-V, half-bridge MOSFET and
Gallium Nitride Field Effect Transistor (GaN FET)
• 10-ns typical propagation delay driver designed for ultra-high frequency, high-
• 3.4-ns high-side to low-side matching efficiency applications that features adjustable
• Minimum pulse width of 4 ns deadtime capability, very small propagation delay,
• Two control input options and 3.4-ns high-side low-side matching to optimize
system efficiency. This part also features an internal
– Single PWM input with adjustable dead time LDO which ensures a gate-drive voltage of 5-V
– Independent input mode regardless of supply voltage.
• 1.5-A peak source and 3-A peak sink currents To enable best performance in a variety of
• External bootstrap diode for flexibility applications, the LMG1210 allows the designer to
• Internal LDO for adaptability to voltage rails choose the optimal bootstrap diode to charge the
high-side bootstrap capacitor. An internal switch turns
• High 300-V/ns CMTI the bootstrap diode off when the low side is off,
• HO to LO capacitance less than 1 pF effectively preventing the high-side bootstrap from
• UVLO and overtemperature protection overcharging and minimizing the reverse recovery
charge. Additional parasitic capacitance across the
• Low-inductance WQFN package GaN FET is minimized to less than 1 pF to reduce
additional switching losses.
2 Applications
The LMG1210 features two control input modes:
• High-speed DC-DC converters Independent Input Mode (IIM) and PWM mode. In IIM
• RF envelope tracking each of the outputs is independently controlled by a
• Class-D audio amplifiers dedicated input. In PWM mode the two
complementary output signals are generated from a
• Class-E wireless charging
single input and the user can adjust the dead time
• High-precision motor control from 0 to 20 ns for each edge. The LMG1210
operates over a wide temperature range from –40°C
to 125°C and is offered in a low-inductance WQFN

Device Information(1)
LMG1210 WQFN (19) 3.00 mm × 4.00 mm
(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at
the end of the data sheet.

Simplified Typical Application


200 V
6 ± 18 V

PWM Time
Match VSS


An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications,
intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA.
SNOSD12D – NOVEMBER 2018 – REVISED JANUARY 2019 www.ti.com

Table of Contents
1 Features .................................................................. 1 7.4 Device Functional Modes........................................ 15
2 Applications ........................................................... 1 8 Application and Implementation ........................ 16
3 Description ............................................................. 1 8.1 Application Information............................................ 16
4 Revision History..................................................... 2 8.2 Typical Application ................................................. 16
8.3 Do's and Don'ts ...................................................... 20
5 Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... 3
6 Specifications......................................................... 4 9 Power Supply Recommendations...................... 20
6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 4 10 Layout................................................................... 21
6.2 ESD Ratings ............................................................ 4 10.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 21
6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 4 10.2 Layout Example .................................................... 21
6.4 Thermal Information ................................................. 5 11 Device and Documentation Support ................. 22
6.5 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 5 11.1 Documentation Support ....................................... 22
6.6 Switching Characteristics .......................................... 7 11.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates 22
6.7 Typical Characteristics .............................................. 8 11.3 Community Resources.......................................... 22
6.8 Timing Diagrams ..................................................... 10 11.4 Trademarks ........................................................... 22
7 Detailed Description ............................................ 11 11.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ 22
7.1 Overview ................................................................. 11 11.6 Glossary ................................................................ 22
7.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 11 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable
7.3 Feature Description................................................. 11 Information ........................................................... 22

4 Revision History
Changes from Revision C (December 2018) to Revision D Page

• Changed Maximum High-side dynamic current from 0.61mA/MHz to 0.7mA/MHz .............................................................. 5

Changes from Revision B (November 2018) to Revision C Page

• Changed mismatch from 2.5 ns to 3.4 ns ............................................................................................................................. 1

• Changed minimum pulse width from 3 ns to 4 ns ................................................................................................................. 1
• Changed Reordered Pin Functions table in alphabetical order.............................................................................................. 3
• Added Figure 14 IIM Timing Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 10
• Added CMTI performance reference app note..................................................................................................................... 13
• Added charge per cycle removed from the bootstrap due to dynamic high side current .................................................... 17
• Added Power Consumption Calculation reference app note ............................................................................................... 19

Changes from Revision A (May 2018) to Revision B Page

• Changed marketing status from Product Preview to final. Initial release. .............................................................................. 1

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5 Pin Configuration and Functions

RVR Package
19-Pin WQFN
Top View



15 14 13 12 11

HS 16 10 HO
Thermal Pad

9 HS

BST 17 8 LO

EN/HI 18 7 VSS
Thermal Pad

1 2 3 4 5



Pin Functions
BST 17 O Bootstrap diode anode connection point.
DHL Sets the dead time for a high-to-low transition in PWM mode by connecting a resistor to VSS. If
5 I
using IIM this pin can be left floating, tied to GND, tied to VDD.
DLH Sets the dead time for a low-to-high transition in PWM mode by connecting a resistor to VSS. Tie
6 I
to VDD to select IIM.
EN/HI Enable input or high-side driver control. In PWM mode this is the EN pin. In IIM mode this is the
18 I
HI pin.
PWM/LI PWM input or low-side driver control. In PWM mode this is the PWM pin. In IIM mode this is the
19 I
LI pin.
HB 12 I High-side driver supply. Bootstrap diode cathode connection point.
HO 10 O High-side driver output.
HS 9,13,16 I Switch node and high-side driver ground. These pins are internally connected.
LO 8 O Low-side driver output.
NC 1,11,15 — Not internally connected.
NC1 14 I For proper operation, this pin should be either unconnected or tied to HS.
Thermal Pad Connected to HS.
21 I
Thermal Pad Connected to VSS.
20 I
VDD 4 O Low-side driver supply and LDO output. 5 V
VIN 2 I 6 V to 18 V input to LDO. If LDO is not required, connect to VDD.
VSS 3,7 — Low-side ground return: all low-side signals are referenced to this ground.

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6 Specifications
6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) (1)
VIN Input Supply Voltage -0.5 20 V
VDD 5V Supply Voltage -0.5 5.5 V
VHS High Side Voltage Without Bootstrap Diode -300 300 V
VHB-VHS Bootstrap supply voltage, continuous -0.5 5.5 V
VLI/PWM, VHI/EN Input Pin Voltage on LI or HI -0.5 10 V
VDHL, VDHL Voltage on DLH and DHL pins -0.5 VDD + 0.5 V
VLO Low-side gate driver output -0.5 VDD + 0.5 V
VHO High-side gate driver output VHS-0.5 VHB+ 0.5 V
VBST Bootstrap pin voltage -0.5 VDD + 0.5 V
TJ Operating Junction Temperature Range -40 150 °C
TSTG Storage Temperature -55 150 °C

(1) Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings
only, which do not imply functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under Recommended
Operating Conditions. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.

6.2 ESD Ratings

Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 (1) ±2000
V(ESD) Electrostatic discharge Charged-device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22- V
C101 (2)

(1) JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500-V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. Manufacturing with
less than 500-V HBM is possible with the necessary precautions. Pins listed as ±XXX V may actually have higher performance.
(2) JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250-V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. Manufacturing with
less than 250-V CDM is possible with the necessary precautions. Pins listed as ±YYY V may actually have higher performance.

6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions

over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
VIN Input Supply Voltage (if using internal LDO) 6 18 V
VDD 5V Supply Voltage (if bypassing internal LDO) 4.75 5.00 5.25 V
VHS-VSS High-Side Voltage Without Bootstrap diode -200 200 V
VHB-VHS Bootstrap Supply Voltage 3.80 5.25 V
VLI,VHI Input Pin Voltage -0.3 10 V
TJ Operating Junction Temperature Range -40 125 °C
CMTI High Side Slew Rate 300 V/ns
RDHL, RDLH Dead Time Adjustment External Resistance 20 1800 kΩ
VDT Dead Time Voltage Range 0.8 1.8 V

(1) If using a bootstrap diode, actual negative HS pin voltage may be more limited, see Section 7.3.6 for details.

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6.4 Thermal Information

RθJA Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance 40.5 °C/W
RθJC(top) Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance 40 °C/W
RθJB Junction-to-board thermal resistance 16.2 °C/W
ψJT Junction-to-top characterization parameter 2.9 °C/W
ψJB Junction-to-board characterization parameter 16.4 °C/W

(1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics application

6.5 Electrical Characteristics

VDD=5V, HB-HS=4.6V, outputs unloaded over operating junction temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
Quiescent Current for Low-Side LI, HI=0V, Independent Mode 300 475 μA
IDD Circuits Only, Vin=6V, powered EN=0V, PWM=X, PWM Input Mode,
through LDO 380 550 μA
RDHL and RDLH = 1.78MΩ
IHB HB Quiescent Current HI=0V, Independent Mode 520 850 μA
IHBS HB to VSS Quiescent Current VHS=100V 1 nA
IHBSO HB to VSS Operating Current VHS=100V, FSW=1MHz 1 nA
ILSDyn Low-side dynamic current Unloaded, PWM Mode 1 1.25 mA/MHz
IHSDyn High-side dynamic current Unloaded 0.5 0.7 mA/MHz
Low Side Pins Shorted Together,
CISO Capacitance from High to Low Side 0.25 pF
High Side Pins Shorted Together
V5V LDO Output VIN=10V 4.75 5.00 5.25 V
VDO Dropout Voltage IO=100mA 400 750 mV
ILDOM Maximum Current VIN=12V 100 mA
ISC Short Circuit Current VIN=12V 105 250 mA
Minimum Required Output Effective Capacitance at Bias
COUT 0.3 µF
Capacitance (1) Voltage
VIR Input Rising Edge Threshold 1.70 2.45 V
VIF Input Falling Edge Threshold 0.70 1.30 V
VIHYS Input Hysteresis 1 V
RIPD Input Pull-Down Resistance VLI, VHI=1V 100 200 300 kΩ
VDDR VDD Rising Threshold 4.00 4.25 4.50 V
VDDF VDD Falling Threshold 3.8 4.05 4.3 V
VDDH VDD Hysteresis 200 mV
VHBR HB-HS Rising Threshold 3.40 3.55 3.8 V
VHBF HB-HS Falling Threshold 3.30 3.45 3.65 V
VHBH HB-HS Hysteresis 130 mV
RSW Diode Switch On Resistance ID=100mA 0.4 Ω
VOL Low-Level Output Voltage IOL=100mA 0.16 V

(1) Ensured by design

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Electrical Characteristics (continued)

VDD=5V, HB-HS=4.6V, outputs unloaded over operating junction temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
VDD-VOH High-Level Output Voltage IOH= -100mA 0.30 V
IOL Peak Sink Current VLO,VHO=5V 2.0 3.1 4.3 A
IOH Peak Source Current VLO,VHO=0V 0.85 1.58 2.4 A
VDD, VHB Floating, 1 mA pull-up
VCLAMP Unpowered Gate Clamp Voltage 0.55 0.8 V
applied to LO/HO
Thermal Shutdown Switching, Rising
TSD 150 °C
Edge (2)
Thermal Shut Down LDO, Rising
TSD_LDO 160 °C
Edge (2)
Thermal Hysteresis, LDO &
THYS_SD 3 10 °C
Switching (2)
Thermal Shutdown for High-Side,
TSD_HS 160 °C
Rising Edge (2)
RPU Internal Pullup Resistor 23.5 25 27 kΩ

(2) Ensured by design

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6.6 Switching Characteristics

VDD=5V, VHB-HS=4.6V, outputs unloaded over operating junction temperature range (unless otherwise noted)
tPHL Turn-Off Delay 10 18 ns
tPLH Turn-On Delay 10 18 ns
High-Off to Low-On and Low-Off to
tMTCH Over temperature, TjHI=TjLO 1 3.4 ns
High-On Delay Mismatch
PWM rising to LO falling and PWM
tPHL Turn-Off Delay 11 21 ns
falling to HO falling
tDEAD_MIN Minimum Dead Time Rext=1.78 MΩ -0.55 0.8 3.1 ns
tDEAD_MAX Maximum Dead Time Rext=20 kΩ 16 20 26 ns
tEN Enable Propagation Time 11 20 ns
tOR Output Rise Time, Unloaded 10%-90% 0.5 ns
tOF Output Fall Time, Unloaded 90%-10% 0.5 ns
tORL Output Rise Time, Loaded CO=1nF, 10%-90% 3.5 5.6 ns
tOFL Output Fall Time, Loaded CO=1nF, 90%-10% 2.3 3.3 ns
(1) Minimum input pulse width which
tPW Minimum Input Pulse Width 1.8 4.0 ns
changes the output
tPW,ext H-L-H Pulse extender width Unloaded (2) 4.5 10 ns
Start-Up Time of low side after VDD- Independent Control Mode 25 60 µs
GND goes over UVLO threshold. PWM Control Mode 100 150 µs
Start-Up Time of High-Side After
tSTHS 16 28 µs
tPWD Pulse-Width Distortion |tPLH-tPHL|, Independent Input Mode 1 3 ns

(1) Ensured by design

(2) Pulses longer than tPW, but shorter than tPW,ext get extended to tPW,ext

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6.7 Typical Characteristics

1.75 4

1.5 3.5

Current (A)

Current (A)

0.25 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
LO, HO (V) D001
LO, HO (V) D002

Figure 1. Peak Source Current vs Output Voltage Figure 2. Peak Sink Current vs Output Voltage
50 30
-40 qC -40 qC
25 qC 25 qC
40 125 qC 24 125 qC

30 18
IDD (mA)

20 12

10 6

0 0
0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 67 10 20 30 50 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 67 10 20 30 50
Frequency (MHz) D003
Frequency (MHz) D004
Figure 3. IDD vs Frequency, Unloaded Figure 4. IHBO vs Frequency, Unloaded
315 700
305 650
295 600


285 550
275 500
265 450
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Temperature (qC) D005
Temperature (qC) D006
Figure 5. IDD vs Temperature Figure 6. IHB vs Temperature

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Typical Characteristics (continued)

13 1.1

Minimum Dead Time (ns)

Propagation Delay (ns)



10 Low Side TPLH
Low Side TPHL
High Side TPLH 0.5
High Side TPHL
9 0.4
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (qC) D007
Temperature (qC) D008

Figure 7. Propagation Delay vs Temperature Figure 8. Minimum Dead Time vs Temperature

0.8 12
50 V/ns
0.7 100 V/ns
Propagation Delay Change (ns)

0.6 300 V/ns

Propagation Delay (ns)

0.5 11.2

0.4 10.8
0.1 10
-0.2 9.2
3.5 3.75 4 4.25 4.5 4.75 5 5.25 5.5 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Bootstrap Voltage (V) Phase of CMTI Relative to Signal (ns) D010

Figure 9. Propagation Delay Change vs Bootstrap voltage Figure 10. Propagation Delay vs relative phase of CMTI
4.5 4.5
LO Sink HO Rise Time
4 LO Source LO Rise Time
HO Sink 4 LO Fall Time
HO Source HO Fall Time
Rise/Fall Time (ns)
Ouput Current (A)




1 2
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Temperature (qC) D011
Temperature (qC) D012

Figure 11. LO and HO Output Current vs Temperature Figure 12. 1 nF Loaded Rise and Fall Time vs Temperature

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6.8 Timing Diagrams







Figure 13. Timing diagram of LMG1210 in PWM mode under no load condition




tPWD = |tPLH t tPHL|

Figure 14. Timing diagram of LMG1210 in IIM mode under no load condition

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7 Detailed Description

7.1 Overview
The LMG1210 is a high-speed half-bridge driver specifically designed to work with enhancement mode GaN
FETs. Designed to operate up to 50 MHz, the LMG1210 is optimized for maximum performance and highly
efficient operation. This includes reducing additional capacitance at the switch node (HS) to less than 1 pF and
increased dV/dt noise immunity up to 300 V/ns on the HS pin to minimize additional switching losses. By having
a 21 ns maximum propagation delay with 3.4 ns maximum mismatch, excessive dead times can be greatly
Auxiliary input voltages applied above 5 V enables an internal LDO to precisely regulate the output voltage at 5-
V, preventing damage on the gate. An external bootstrap diode allows the designer to select an optimal diode.
An integrated switch in series with the bootstrap diode stops overcharging of the bootstrap capacitor and
decreases Qrr losses in the diode.
The LMG1210 comes in a low-inductance WQFN package designed for small gate drive loops with minimal
voltage overshoot.

7.2 Functional Block Diagram






Dead Time Delay



1.8 V 1.8 V



7.3 Feature Description

The LMG1210 provides numerous features optimized for driving external GaN FETs.

7.3.1 Bootstrap Diode Operation

An internal low impedance switch enables the bootstrap only when the low-side GaN FET is on. If used in a
converter where the low-side FET operates in third quadrant conduction during the dead times, this provides two
main benefits. First, it stops the bootstrap diode from overcharging the high-side bootstrap rail. Second, if using a
p-n junction diode with Qrr as the bootstrap diode, it decreases the Qrr losses of the diode. There is a 1 kΩ
resistor connected between the drain and source of this internal bootstrap switch to allow the bootstrap capacitor
to slowly charge at start-up before the low-side FET is turned on.

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Feature Description (continued)

The part does not have an actual clamp on the high-side bootstrap supply. The bootstrap switch disables
conduction during the dead times, and the actual bootstrap capacitor voltage is set by the operating conditions of
the circuit during the low-side on-time. The bootstrap voltage can be approximately calculated in Equation 1
through Equation 3.
The bootstrap voltage is given by Equation 1:
• VF is the forward voltage drop of the bootstrap diode and series bootstrap switch. (1)
VHS is calculated in Equation 2:
• IL is the inductor current defined as flowing out of the half-bridge
• and RDSON is the FET on resistance. (2)
Substituting (2) into (1) gives the expression for the bootstrap voltage as Equation 3:
VBST = VDD – VF + IL × RDSON (3)
From (3) one can determine that in an application where the current flows out of the half-bridge (IL is positive) the
bootstrap voltage can be charged up to a voltage higher than VDD if IL × RDSON is greater than VF. Take care not
to overcharge the bootstrap too much in this application by choosing a diode with a larger VF or limiting the IL ×
RDSON product.
In an application where IL is negative, the IL × RDSON product subtracts from the available bootstrap cap voltage.
In this case using a smaller VF diode is recommended if IL × RDSON is large.

7.3.2 LDO Operation

An internal LDO allows the driver to run off higher voltages from 6 V to 18 V and regulates the supply to 5 V, so
the LMG1210 can run off of higher input voltages with wide tolerances. To maintain stability of the internal LDO,
care must be taken to make sure a capacitor of at least 0.3 µF from VDD to VSS with an ESR below 500 mΩ is
used. A high-quality ceramic capacitor with an X7R dielectric is recommended. There is no maximum limit on the
capacitance allowed on the output of the LDO.
If the input supply is already 5 V ±5%, then the LDO can be bypassed. This is achieved by connecting the 5 V
supply directly to the VDD pin. The VIN pin should be tied to the VDD pin, and the capacitor on the VIN pin can be
removed. Do not ground the VIN pin.

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Feature Description (continued)

7.3.3 Dead Time Selection
In PWM mode the dead time can be set with a resistor placed between DHL/DLH and VSS. For a desired dead
time (tdt), the corresponding required resistance can be calculated in Equation 4 with tdt in ns and Rext in kΩ.
Rext = (900/tdt ) – 25 (4)
The maximum dead time is 20 ns, which gives a minimum resistor value of 20 kΩ. The minimum dead time is
0.5ns, which gives a maximum resistor value of 1.8 MΩ. There is an internal pull-up resistor at DHL/DLH pin,
which forms a voltage divider with the external resistor. This voltage decides the final dead time. The calculation
between dead time tDT in ns and VDT is shown in Equation 5.
tdt = (1.8-VDT ) x20 (5)
Before being used to generate the dead times, the voltages on the DHL and DLH pins are first filtered through an
internal RC filter with a nominal corner frequency of 10 kHz to attenuate switching noise.
The pulse widths of the HO and LO outputs are decreased from the PWM input by the chosen dead-times. The
timing diagram under no load condition is shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14. PWM mode and Independent mode
configurations can be found in Figure 16 .

7.3.4 Overtemperature Protection

The LMG1210 has three separate overtemperature thresholds: two on the low-side and one on the high-side.
The lowest overtemperature threshold is the low-side switching threshold at 150 degrees minimum. When
exceeded, this disables switching on both the low and high sides. However, the 5 V LDO continues to operate.
If the low-side temperature continues to rise, due to a short or external load on the 5 V LDO, then at 10 degrees
higher, the low-side shuts down the 5 V LDO.
The high-side has an independent overtemperature threshold at 160 minimum. When triggered, it only shuts off
the high-side while the low-side may continue to operate.
If it is undesirable in an application to have only the high side shut off and not the low side, TI recommends
designing the thermal cooling of the board in a way to make the low-side die hotter. This can be achieved by
controlling the size of the thermal planes connected to each thermal pad.

7.3.5 High-Performance Level Shifter

The LMG1210 uses a high-performance level shifter to translate the signal from the low side to the high side.
The level shifter is built using TI's proprietary high-voltage capacitor technology, which showcases best-in-class
CMTI (common-mode transient immunity), or dV/dt on the HS pin. The level shifter can handle very high CMT
(common-mode transient) rates while simultaneously providing low propagation time which does not vary
depending on CMT rate. For more information on LMG1210 CMTI performance refer to section 2.4 from Design
Considerations for LMG1205 Advanced GaN FET Driver During High-Frequency Operation.

7.3.6 Negative HS Voltage Handling

The LMG1210 by itself can operate with -200V on the HS pin as stated in the recommended operating conditions
table. However, if using a bootstrap diode, the system will be more limited based on the potential of high-currents
flowing through the bootstrap diode.
HS goes most negative during the dead times when the low-side FET is off. This also means the bootstrap
switch is off so the BST pin is relatively high impedance. Therefore as HS goes negative, the bootstrap diode
becomes forward biased and pulls the voltage at BST down with it. Because the bootstrap switch is off, very little
current will flow until the bootstrap diode attempts to pull the BST pin below ground at which point the ESD diode
on the BST pin will clamp the voltage at a diode drop below ground. The point where significant current begins to
flow through the bootstrap diode is given in Equation 6
VHS = – VBST – VESD – (VHB – VHS) (6)
Where VBST is the forward voltage drop of the selected bootstrap diode and VESD is the forward voltage drop of
the ESD diode of the BST pin which is typically 0.7V at room temp. Figure 15 shows a schematic of this current

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Feature Description (continued)


Bootstrap Bootstrap
Switch (open) BST Diode


Current Path

Figure 15. Current Path Across Bootstrap Diode

Once this negative voltage is exceeded, large currents will begin to flow out of the BST pin and through the
bootstrap diode. The currents may be limited by the following: resistance of the BST ESD diode, resistance of
the bootstrap diode, inductance of the bootstrap loop, or additional resistance purposely added in series with the
bootstrap diode. If this current is too high, damage to the bootstrap diode or the LMG1210 can result. If this
current delivers significant enough total charge, this can over-charge the bootstrap rail as well.
The BST pin ESD diode has been specifically designed to be robust to carry up to a couple amps surge current
without damage.

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7.4 Device Functional Modes

The mode of operation is determined by the state of DHL and DLH pins during power up. The state of the pins is
sampled at power up and cannot be changed during operation. There are two different modes: independent
operation where separate HI and LI signals are required, and PWM mode where one PWM input signal is
required and the LMG1210 generates the complementary HI and LI signals. For PWM input, the dead time for
the low-to-high and high-to-low switch-node transition is independently set by an external resistor at DHL and
DLH. For independent input mode, DLH is tied to VDD and DHL is internally set to high-impedance and can be
tied to VDD, tied to ground or left floating.



Independent VDD
Floating or
Input Mode
Tie to VSS

Figure 16. Operation Mode Selection

Table 1 lists the functional modes for the LMG1210.

Table 1. LMG1210 Truth Table

0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 1 1 0 1 1

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8 Application and Implementation

Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component
specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are
responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should
validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality.

8.1 Application Information

The LMG1210 is designed to optimally drive GaN FETs in half-bridge configurations, such as synchronous buck
and boost converters, as well as more complex topologies. By integrating the level shifting and bootstrap
operation the complexities of driving the high-side device are solved for the designer.
The list below shows some sample values for a typical 48 V to 12 V application synchronous buck.
• Input Voltage: 48 V
• Output Voltage: 12 V
• Output Current: 10 A
• Bias Voltage: 6 V
• Duty Cycle: 25 %
• Switching Frequency: 1 MHz
• Inductor: 4.7 µH

8.2 Typical Application

BST 0 ± 200 V

6 ± 18 V

Dead LO



Figure 17. Simplified LMG1210 Configured as Synchronous Buck Converter

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Typical Application (continued)

8.2.1 Design Requirements
When designing a multi-MHz application that incorporates the LMG1210 gate driver and GaN power FETs, some
design considerations must be evaluated first to make the most appropriate selection. Among these
considerations are layout optimization, circuit voltages, passive components, operating frequency, and controller

8.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure Bypass Capacitor

To properly drive the GaN FETs, TI recommends placing high-quality ceramic bypass capacitors as close as
possible between the HB to HS and VDD to VSS. If using the LDO, the VDD-VSS capacitor is required to be at least
0.3 µF at bias for stability. However, a larger capacitor may be required for many applications.
The bootstrap capacitor must be large enough to support charging the high-side FET and supplying the high-side
quiescent current when the high-side FET is on. The required capacitance can be calculated as Equation 7:
(0.5 nC + Qrr + QgH + IHB × ton)/ΔV = CBST,min
• QgH is the gate charge of the high-side GaN FET,
• IHB is the quiescent current of the high-side driver,
• tON is the maximum on time period of the high side,
• Qrr is the reverse recovery of the bootstrap diode,
• 0.5 nC is the additional charge per cycle removed from the bootstrap due to high side dynamic current,
• and ΔV is the acceptable droop on the bootstrap capacitor voltage. (7)
When using larger bootstrap capacitors, TI recommends that the VDD-VSS capacitor also be increased to keep
the ratio at least 5 to 1. If this is not maintained, the charging of the bootstrap capacitor can pull the VDD-VSS rail
down sufficiently to cause UVLO conditions and potentially unwanted behavior. Bootstrap Diode Selection

The bootstrap diode blocks the high voltage from the gate drive circuitry when the switch node swings high, with
the rated blocking voltage equal to the maximum Vds of the GaN FET. For low or moderate frequency operation
ultra-fast recovery diodes (<50 ns) are recommended. The internal low voltage switch in the LMG1210 acts to
reduce the reverse recovery. For high-frequency operation a Schottky diode is recommended. To minimize
switching losses and improve performance, it is important to select a diode with low capacitance.
For extreme cases, where the low-side FET on time is less than 20 ns, TI recommends using a small GaN FET
as synchronous bootstrap instead of a diode. In this case, TI recommends leaving the BST pin floating or
connected to VDD, and to connect the source of the synchronous bootstrap directly to VDD. Handling Ground Bounce

For the best switching performance, it is important to connect the VSS gate return to the source of the low-side
FET with a very low-inductance path.
However, doing so can cause the ground of the LMG1210 to bounce relative to the system or controller ground
and cause erroneous switching transitions on the inputs. Multiple strategies can be employed to eliminate these
undesired transitions.
The LMG1210 has input hysteresis built into the input buffers to help counteract this effect, but this alone may
not be sufficient in all applications. The simplest option is to tie the system ground together and the power
ground only at the LMG1210 (single-point connection). This gives the cleanest solution but may not always be
possible depending on system grounding requirements.
For moderate ground-bounce cases, a simple R-C filter can be built with a simple resistor in series with the
inputs. The resistor should be close to the inputs of the LMG1210. The input capacitance of the LMG1210
produces an RC filter which can help decrease ringing at the inputs. The addition of a small C on the inputs to
supplement the LMG1210 input capacitance can also be helpful. This solution is acceptable for moderate cases
in applications where the extra delay is acceptable.
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Typical Application (continued)

For more extreme cases or where no delay is tolerable, using a common-mode choke provides the best results.
One example application where the ground bounce is particularly challenging is when using a current sense
resistor. In this application, the LMG1210 ground is connected to the GaN source, while the controller ground is
connected to the other side of the current sense resistor as shown in Figure 18.

BST 0 ± 200 V

6 ± 18 V
RC filter

Dead LO
VSS Vsense

LMG1210 Rsense


CM choke


Figure 18. LMG1210 Configured With Current Sense Resistor Using a CMC as Filter

The combination of high dI/dt experienced through the sense resistor inductance will cause severe ground noise
that could cause false triggering or even damage the part. To prevent this, a common-mode choke (CMC) can be
used. Each signal requires its own CMC. Also, to provide additional RC filtering, a 100 Ω resistor should be
added to the signal output line before the LMG1210. Independent Input Mode

In independent input mode, the signals LI and HI will propagate to the outputs LO and HO maintaining the same
phase shift, varied only by the timing mismatch.
In this mode, the dead time-generating circuit will be inoperative, and the correct dead time value would have to
be generated by the controller.
LI and HI cannot be high at the same time. The controller is responsible for assuring that the LI and HI on-times
do not overlap and cause shoot-through. Computing Power Dissipation

The power dissipation of the LMG1210 can be divided up into three parts. One is the quiescent current which is
defined in the Electrical Characteristics table. This is the current consumed when no switching is taking place.
The second is the dynamic power consumed in the internal circuits of the driver at each switching transition
regardless of the load on the output. This can be measured by switching the driver with no output load.
The third component is the power used to switch the load capacitance presented by the external FET.

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Typical Application (continued)

If operating in PWM mode, there is an additional quiescent current consumed in the dead time resistors. The
additional current consumed in each dead time pin can be calculated as Equation 8.
Iqdxx = 1.8/(25k + Rext) (8)
The first component, the quiescent power, is given in the Electrical Characteristics table. The second component,
the dynamic power dissipation can be calculated as Equation 9.
• IDYN is the dynamic current consumption found in the Electrical Characteristics table
• and Fsw is the switching frequency in MHz. (9)
The third component of the power dissipation is the gate driver power. The current associated to this loss can be
calculated given the Qg of the FET as Equation 10:
I FET,g= Qg × Fsw (10)
or alternatively in terms of Ciss as Equation 11:
IFET,g = Ciss × Vsup × Fsw (11)
These current consumption numbers should be calculated for both the high side and low side separately and
added together. When a total current consumption is computed, multiplying it by the input supply voltage gives a
worst-case approximation for the total power dissipation of the LMG1210. If using a non-zero external gate
resistor of value Rg,ext, some of this power will be dissipated in this external resistor, and can be subtracted from
the power consumed inside the IC. For further details when calculating total driver power loss see section 2 from
Design Considerations for LMG1205 Advanced GaN FET Driver During High-Frequency Operation.

The WQFN package has two thermal pads: one for the low-side die and another for the high-side die. Though
there is good thermal coupling between the die and the associated thermal pad, there is very limited thermal
coupling between a die and the opposite thermal pad. This means that if power dissipation calculations indicate a
die needs improved cooling, the cooling must be focused on cooling the correct thermal pad.

8.2.3 Application Curves

Figure 19. 1-MHz, 80-V Operation Figure 20. 10-MHz Operation, No Bus Voltage

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8.3 Do's and Don'ts

When using the LMG1210, DO:
1. Read and fully understand the data sheet, including the application notes and layout recommendations.
2. Use a four-layer board and place the return power path on an inner layer to minimize power-loop inductance.
3. Use small, surface-mount bypass and bus capacitors to minimize parasitic inductance.
4. Use the proper size decoupling capacitors and place them close to the IC as described in the Layout
Guidelines section.
5. Use common-mode chokes for the input signals to reduce ground bounce noise. If not, ensure the signal
source is connected to the signal VSS plane which is tied to the power source only at the LMG1210 IC.
To avoid issues in your system when using the LMG1210, DON'T:
1. Use a single-layer or two-layer PCB for the LMG1210 as the power-loop and bypass capacitor inductances
will be excessive and prevent proper operation of the IC.
2. Reduce the bypass capacitor values below the recommended values.
3. Allow the device to experience pin transients above 200 V as they may damage the device.
4. Drive the IC from a controller with a separate ground connection than the VSS pin of the IC, unless
connecting though a CMC.

9 Power Supply Recommendations

The power to the LMG1210 can be supplied either through the LDO or the LDO can be bypassed and 5 V can
be supplied directly. The maximum input voltage to the LDO of the LMG1210 is specified in the electrical
characteristics table. The minimum input voltage of the LDO is set by the minimum drop-out of the LDO at the
operational current. The dropout at max current is specified in the electrical characteristics table, but a lower
dropout can be used in a lower-current application. A local bypass capacitor must be placed between the VIN and
VSS pins, and the VDD and VSS pins. This capacitor must be placed as close as possible to the device. TI
recommends a low-ESR, ceramic, surface-mount capacitor. TI also recommends using 2 capacitors across VDD
and VSS pin: a 100 nF ceramic surface-mount capacitor for high frequency filtering placed very close to VDD and
VSS pin, and another surface-mount capacitor, 220 nF to 10 μF, for IC bias requirement. The VIN and VSS
capacitor can be removed if the LDO is bypassed.

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10 Layout

10.1 Layout Guidelines

The layout of the LMG1210 is critical for performance and functionality. The low inductance WQFN package
helps mitigate many of the problems associated with board level parasitics, but take care with layout and
placement with components to ensure proper operation. The following design rules are recommended.
• Place LMG1210 as close to the GaN FETs as possible to minimize the length of high-current traces between
the HO/LO and the Gate of the GaN FETs
• Place bootstrap diode as close as possible to the LMG1210 to minimize the inductance of the BST to HB
• Place the bypass capacitors across VIN to VSS, VDD to VSS, and HB to HS as close to the LMG1210 pins as
possible. The VDD to VSS cap is a higher priority than the VIN to VSS cap.
• Separate power traces and signal traces, such as output and input signals, and minimize any overlaps
between layers
• Minimize capacitance from the high-side pins to the input pins to minimize noise injection.

10.2 Layout Example

Figure 21. LMG1210 Layout Example

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11 Device and Documentation Support

11.1 Documentation Support

11.1.1 Related Documentation
For related documentation see the following:
• Dead Time Optimization for the LMG1210 Half-Bridge GaN Driver (SNVA815)
• Design Considerations for LMG1205 Advanced GaN FET Driver During High-Frequency Operation
• LMG1210 TINA-TI Reference Design (SNOM617)
• LMG1210 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model (SNOM616)
• LMG1210 PSpice Transient Model (SNOM615)

11.2 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates

To receive notification of documentation updates, navigate to the device product folder on ti.com. In the upper
right corner, click on Alert me to register and receive a weekly digest of any product information that has
changed. For change details, review the revision history included in any revised document.

11.3 Community Resources

The following links connect to TI community resources. Linked contents are provided "AS IS" by the respective
contributors. They do not constitute TI specifications and do not necessarily reflect TI's views; see TI's Terms of
TI E2E™ Online Community TI's Engineer-to-Engineer (E2E) Community. Created to foster collaboration
among engineers. At e2e.ti.com, you can ask questions, share knowledge, explore ideas and help
solve problems with fellow engineers.
Design Support TI's Design Support Quickly find helpful E2E forums along with design support tools and
contact information for technical support.

11.4 Trademarks
E2E is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
11.5 Electrostatic Discharge Caution
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with
appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more
susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.

11.6 Glossary
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.

12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information

The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most
current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of
this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation.
LMG1210 is released as MSL3. Products that exceed their floor life can be re-worked with a bake to drive out
residual moisture. IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033C provides guidance about the baking procedure and where you
should take care to ensure that the plastic housing (trays, tape and reel or tubes) can withstand the temperatures
being considered.

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Orderable Device Status Package Type Package Pins Package Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking Samples
(1) Drawing Qty (2) (6) (3) (4/5)

LMG1210RVRR ACTIVE WQFN RVR 19 3000 Green (RoHS SN Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 LMG1210
& no Sb/Br)
LMG1210RVRT ACTIVE WQFN RVR 19 250 Green (RoHS SN Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 125 LMG1210
& no Sb/Br)

The marketing status values are defined as follows:
ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.
LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.
NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.
PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.
OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.

RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance
do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may
reference these types of products as "Pb-Free".
RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption.
Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of <=1000ppm threshold. Antimony trioxide based
flame retardants must also meet the <=1000ppm threshold requirement.

MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.

There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.

Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation
of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.

Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish
value exceeds the maximum column width.

Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information
provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and
continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.
TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.

In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.

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*All dimensions are nominal

Device Package Package Pins SPQ Reel Reel A0 B0 K0 P1 W Pin1
Type Drawing Diameter Width (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Quadrant
(mm) W1 (mm)
LMG1210RVRR WQFN RVR 19 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 4.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2
LMG1210RVRT WQFN RVR 19 250 180.0 12.4 3.3 4.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2

Pack Materials-Page 1

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*All dimensions are nominal

Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)
LMG1210RVRR WQFN RVR 19 3000 370.0 355.0 55.0
LMG1210RVRT WQFN RVR 19 250 195.0 200.0 45.0

Pack Materials-Page 2

These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate
TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable
standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you
permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other
reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third
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TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on
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warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products.

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