LESSON 3 Activity - ED TECH
LESSON 3 Activity - ED TECH
LESSON 3 Activity - ED TECH
Technology simply provides a better life on both the students and teacher. For example,
new technologies enabled a person with a computer and a phone line or cable in the
remotest part of any state to connect to the equivalent of a million libraries worldwide.
The use of an Internet browser and search engine allowed people to acquire, within
seconds, the exact information they needed. Those same tools allowed people to
organize and analyze huge quantities of acquired information to solve problems and
create new opportunities. It reduces massive time instead of writing on your own or
going to library.
During my school days, as far as I remember, the information on the internet are
minimal. You need to walk a mile to go to a computer shop, just to get some information
on your assignment. But now, it has been the primary source of information wherein just
a few click you are accessible in many information and computers are everywhere. I am
amazed how transformation of technology are very different during my time. I remember
bringing diskette in order to save my files and it’s a bit harder to use. I remember
computers are prone to different viruses and now they created antivirus technology.
Transformation of technology worldwide is quickly innovating, so does education here in
the Philippines. I wander if teachers today still use manila paper as their visual aids
rather than PowerPoint presentation which are much easier to present and much easier
to preserve. I asked my wife who teaches elementary school about the differences of
teaching last decade and now. She said its more convenient and easier to engage the
21st century students by presenting videos, using Kidblog as journal entries and using
Canva to create graphic organizer etc. The widespread availability of technology and
devices has become an inevitable part on transformation of education. Using
technology is the tools for today’s young generation, and many schools have already
adopted the use of personal devices as a teaching tool. From improving student
achievement and bridging equity divides, to increasing student engagement and
aligning skills with workforce needs, these goals are the beginning of global
Philippines is not yet competent in terms of readiness on implementation of technology
in schools due to unstable internet connection & availability of materials. The best
example is our current situation due to pandemic that tested the readiness of our
country in case of emergency. There are a lot of concerns and consideration in
implementing pure online class to k1-K12. Some parents cannot afford laptop or mobile
phone for their child. PLDT, Converge and other internet provider struggling to provide
quality internet. How about the people in remote area with poor connection, the ethnic
groups and other cultural diversity that are not knowledgeable in using technology? And
I think in order to implement online class to whole country, government must spend