Government Incentives For Entrepreneurship

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Research Briefs


August 12, 2020 | Number 227

Government Incentives for


By Josh Lerner, Harvard Business School
n the dozen years since the global financial cri- regard, the most notable was a commitment of $45 billion by
sis of 2007–2008, there has been a surge of in- the Saudi Public Investment Fund—a Saudi sovereign wealth
terest on the part of governments in promoting fund whose stated mission is to be “the engine behind eco-
entrepreneurial activity, largely by providing financ- nomic diversity in the KSA”—to the SoftBank Vision Fund.
ing. I explore these policies, focusing on financial Yet the level of venture capital in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
incentives to entrepreneurs and the intermediaries who has remained very modest. Only $50 million of venture capital
fund them. The motivation for these efforts is clear: there was raised in 2018 by Saudi firms and in 2019 it was on a similar
are well-documented relationships between economic pace. The 2018 value represented 0.006 percent of gross do-
growth, innovation, entrepreneurship, and venture capital. mestic product, a level one-sixtieth of that of Israel and equal
Yet despite good intentions, many of these public initia- to that of the lowest nations tracked on this measure by the
tives have ended in disappointment. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
For example, the U.S. Department of Energy’s clean energy Finally, the Chinese government, after a series of adept
initiative was intended to provide loan guarantees and direct moves to promote venture capital over two decades, also
grants to risky but potentially rewarding energy projects that made a major commitment in the middle part of the 2010s to
may have otherwise been too risky to attract private invest- continue promoting venture capital. Under the government
ment. Starting in 2009, more than $34 billion was spent in less guidance fund program, more than $231 billion was invested
than four years, which was almost $2 billion more than the to- in government-sponsored venture funds in 2015 alone, largely
tal private venture capitalist investment in the field. The enor- by Chinese government bodies and state-owned enterprises.
mous scale of the public investment appears to have crowded By way of context, this amount was more than five times the
out and replaced most private spending in this area, as ven- total amount committed to venture funds worldwide by all
ture capitalists waited on the sideline to see where the public other investors in 2015. The government claimed it had raised
funds would go. Rather than being stimulated, cleantech has $1.8 trillion for these funds by the end of 2018. The result
fallen from 14.9 percent of venture investments in 2009 to appears to have been a massive bubble, followed by a quick
1.5 percent of capital deployed in the first nine months of 2019. collapse and slowdown. Between the fourth quarter of 2016
The Saudi government has also spent many tens of bil- and the fourth quarter of 2018, fundraising dropped by nearly
lions of dollars seeking to promote venture capital activity in 90 percent, a trend that has continued into 2019. As a result,
the kingdom. These efforts have included a wide variety of Chinese companies have fallen from a peak of 45 percent of
regulatory reforms, the establishment of venture funds and re- venture capital invested worldwide to 15 percent in the sec-
gional hubs, and global venture capital investments. In the last ond quarter of 2019.

Editor, Jeffrey Miron, Harvard University and Cato Institute


I argue that these failures have not simply been a mat- The final disengagement reflects the nature of people who
ter of bad luck. Instead, the unfortunate outcomes have are often associated with the greatest entrepreneurial suc-
reflected the fundamental structural issues that make it cess. Government officials may have many valuable talents
difficult for governments to launch sustained, successful ef- and play incredibly important roles; but the skill sets associ-
forts to promote entrepreneurship over sustained periods. ated with successfully identifying and funding entrepreneur-
In particular, I propose two solutions to address geograph- ial businesses are very different from those encountered in
ic, timing, and human challenges to government promotion their typical daily work.
of entrepreneurship. But beyond public incompetence, much of economists’
The first challenge is the tight geographic focus of entre- attention has been focused on a darker problem that affects
preneurial businesses. Economists Richard Florida and Ian these and similar programs: the theory of regulatory cap-
Hathaway conclude that, between 2015 and 2017, the top ten ture. This hypothesis suggests that entities, whether part
urban areas for venture financing (six in the United States, of government or industry, will organize to capture the di-
two in China, one in London, and one in Bangalore) account- rect and indirect subsidies that the public sector hands out.
ed for 62 percent of venture disbursements worldwide, while Yet public subsidies are often prone to political-capture
the top twenty-five urban areas accounted for 75 percent of problems, where well-connected individuals end up with
all disbursements. This distribution is not accidental but the bulk of the benefits, and those geared toward entrepre-
rather reflects the nature of investment performance. For neurial firms are no exception.
example, there is a substantial discrepancy of the gross re- How can these apparent disconnects be addressed? One
turns from venture capital investments between Silicon way is for policymakers to emulate central bankers and seek
Valley and other U.S. regions. Between 1980 and 2019, north- to insulate entrepreneurial policymaking from day-to-day
ern California transactions reported an annualized return of political pressures. Many economists have extolled the need
25.6 percent, substantially more than other regions including to separate monetary policy from political pressures, lest
New England (14.3 percent), the mid-Atlantic (15.4 percent), the temptation to “do the wrong thing” prior to an election
and Pacific states outside California (13.5 percent). be too strong. Establishing an organization to implement
Yet many efforts to boost high-potential entrepreneur- new venture policies where the leadership has indepen-
ship end up directing far too much funding to unpromising dence from day-to-day political pressures can similarly lead
areas in an effort to “share the wealth.” Much of the impact is to longer-term decisions that can address some of the chal-
diluted, as funds that could be very helpful in a core area end lenges delineated above. Such a step may also make it easier
up where they are not useful. to terminate a program when it is no longer needed.
An additional challenge stems from the boom-bust cy- Similar independent governance has been successfully
cles that frequently characterize entrepreneurial markets. implemented in other investment arenas. For instance,
In some periods, far too many firms can get access to financ- the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) was established in 1966
ing, while in others worthy companies languish unfunded. as a layer of retirement savings sitting between the Old Age
Funds operating in periods with little competition eventu- Security system and individual savings. For the first 30 years
ally experience very good returns, a pattern that may reflect of the CPP’s existence, expenses rose as benefits like infla-
the fact that the funds operating during these years can in- tion indexing were added, funds were invested in nonnego-
vest in the most promising firms at relatively modest valu- tiable fixed-income bonds from the Canadian government
ations. Over time, however, these high returns attract the and loaned to the provinces at submarket interest rates for
interest of institutional investors. What starts as a trickle projects such as building schools and roads, and the CPP
of funds ends as a torrent. The competition for deals rises, faced an aging population. The government realized that
as does the pricing of these transactions. Ultimately, the ex- the CPP faced either drastic cuts in benefits or sharp in-
pansion proves to be unsustainable and returns fall. Then creases in contribution rates.
the cycle repeats itself all over again. The CPP Investment Board (CPPIB) was established
In many cases, however, political leaders interpret these in 1997 in response to these challenges. One crucial part of
surges in activity as signals that it is appropriate to intervene the reforms adopted by the Canadian government was a dra-
with new subsidies, even as the marginal returns from public matic restructuring of the plan’s governance. In order to
money declines. The public funds can have the effect of add- limit political influence, the CPPIB governance was set up
ing fuel to the fire in an overheated market. as a 12-member board notionally appointed by the federal and

provincial governments, with appointments based entirely promote high-technology entrepreneurship. Foreign exper-
on business acumen, not political connections. The board of tise was seen as key to overcoming this problem.
directors in turn appointed the CEO, with no right of veto Accordingly, Yozma actively discouraged Israeli financiers
from any government. The organization’s mandate was set from participating in its programs. Rather, the focus was on
to invest “solely for the benefit of CPP members” to achieve getting foreign venture investors to commit capital for Israeli
the best long-term risk-weighted returns for the plan’s ben- entrepreneurs. The government provided matching funds
eficiaries, regardless of government policy objectives. To fur- to investors, typically $8 million of a $20 million fund. The
ther insulate CPPIB from political influence, any changes to venture fund was given the right to buy back the government
its charter required approval by an amending process more stake within the first five years for the initial value plus a pre-
stringent than that of the Canadian constitution itself. set interest rate of roughly 5–7 percent. Thus the design of
While independence does not necessarily guarantee ef- Yozma meant that the government provided an added incen-
fective policymaking, it can increase the likelihood that de- tive to the venture fund if the investments proved successful.
cisions avoid political fads, relying instead on rules-based The Yozma program delivered beyond the wildest dreams
approaches and experimental evidence. All too often, in the of the founders. Ten groups took advantage of this offer,
rush to boost entrepreneurship, policymakers make no pro- mostly from the United States, Western Europe, and Japan.
vision for the evaluation of programs. In an ideal world, the Many of the original Yozma funds earned spectacular returns
future of initiatives should be determined by their success and served as precursors to larger follow-on funds. One de-
or failure in meeting their goals rather than considerations cade after the program’s inception, the 10 original Yozma
such as the vehemence with which supporters argue for groups were managing Israeli funds totaling $2.9 billion and
their continuation. Independent governance can facilitate the Israeli venture market had expanded to include 60 groups
better decisions. managing approximately $10 billion. The magnitude of this
An additional solution attempts to address decisions success is also demonstrated by the fact that the ratio of ven-
about fund allocation that are distorted by a lack of under­ ture investment to gross domestic product is consistently
standing of how the market works or by political rather higher in Israel than in any other nation.
than economic considerations. By requiring that matching Many of the same policies that have driven governments to
funds be raised from the private sector, the dangers of unin- promote innovation in general have led to a public policy focus
formed decisions and political interference can be reduced. on entrepreneurship. The bulk of these efforts have been well
If venture funds or entrepreneurial firms need to raise mon- intentioned. But the substantial challenges associated with the
ey from outside sources, organizations that will ultimately promotion of entrepreneurial businesses have meant that the
not be commercially viable will be kept off the playing field. success rate is not as great as many policymakers had hoped or
To ensure that these matching funds send a powerful signal, expected it would be. At the same time, the numerous efforts
the matching should involve a substantial amount of capital around the world suggest some guiding principles for maxi-
(ideally, half the funding or more should be from the private mizing the success of these funds. Rather than distributing the
sector). These stipulations can limit the temptation to im- public funds willy-nilly, a requirement for matching funds can
pose geographic diversity requirements that direct funds ensure market validation for the ideas. And placing the body
into nonviable areas. tasked with this responsibility under the aegis of an indepen-
The power of matching funds was clearly demonstrated dent entity can help buffet these long-term initiatives from
in what has been considered the gold standard of public ven- the ebbs and flows of political fashion.
ture capital initiatives. In June 1992, the Israeli government
established the Yozma Group, a $100 million fund wholly
owned by the public sector. The key goal of Yozma was to NOTE:
bring foreign venture capitalists’ investment expertise and This research brief is based on Josh Lerner, “Government Incen-
contact networks to Israel. The need for this assistance was tives for Entrepreneurship,” NBER Working Paper no. 26884,
highlighted by the failure of the nation’s earlier efforts to March 2020,

The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and should not be attributed to the Cato Institute, its
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