Elias Manyama-Dissertation - 11-10-2018
Elias Manyama-Dissertation - 11-10-2018
Elias Manyama-Dissertation - 11-10-2018
The undersigned certifies that he has read and hereby recommends for the acceptance
well drilling project at Itezi ward, a new residential area situated in Mbeya City for a
Convection, the copy right Act 1999 and other International and National
written permission of the Directorate of Post Graduate studies, on behalf of both the
project report is my own original work and that it has not been presented and will not
be presented to any other university for similar or any other degree award.
This work is dedicated to Frida George Mwasulama (my wife), Sarah Elias, Evan
Elias and Elvis Elias (my children) for the love and tolerance they showed to me all
the time I was on studying, they really missed my care and support especially when I
was travelling.
Accomplishment of this work is the result of many people whom I cannot afford to
mention them in this piece of paper, let them know that their invaluable contribution
has finally come up with this work. I appreciate the Open University leadership to
launch this wonderful course which is more practical in the current world. The
course is more practical than theory and based on understanding rather than creaming
for tests and examinations. It is my pleasure to thank very much my close supervisor
Dr. Felcian Mutasa for his unexplainable spirit and sympathy he had to encourage
Even when I felt tired of working he used to activate and motivated me to struggle
even over weekend and sometimes at mid night to ensure that I accomplish the task
before the deadline. His invaluable contribution and advice has ultimately come up
with this work. It is my pleasure to thank very much all lecturers in all modules I
studied for their materials provided has in one way or another contributed in
accomplishing this work. I would like not to forget my sincere thanks to MHRP
procuring the cables and paying electrician for the installation of Water Drilling
pumps. God bless them. Finally, warmly thanks are forwarded to my colleague for
their close cooperation all the time we were together in studying by mentioning them
Village, Itezi Ward, Mbeya City council, Mbeya. The conceptual framework was
Isyesye area at Itezi ward Mbeya City Mbeya. The survey methodologies used were
both theoretical and empirical literature review, site visit, physical observation,
meetings and discussions. Questionnaire survey and interview were also conducted.
Results revealed that all the respondents were facing water shortage problem and all
of them were willing to contribute in cash and in kind. Various social economic
problem associated with water shortage which were revealed through survey were
water related diseases, high work load and burden of water to women, poor hygiene
at primary schools and disturbance of carrying water from home to school and low
income due to high water expenditure. The study recommends capacity building to
community leaders so as to gain the skills and resources, which will enable them to
mobilize the community for their own economic development. The results indicated
that almost all the recourses are available at the community but the main problem is
lack of mobilization among the community leaders and local government leaders.
The proposal prepared as a result of this study will enable the government village
community members and therefore reduce poverty and diseases in the community.
CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... iv
DEDICATION ............................................................................................................ v
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................ vi
1.0.1 Findings from Quantity of Water Required Versus the Available Water ...... 20
1.8.7 Findings from Clinical diagnosis for nearby health Centre ........................... 22
6 Introduction .................................................................................................... 93
The Participatory needs assessment is also an integral part of the Higher Ground
will ensure local needs are met, An integrated comprehensive needs assessment is
recognize best practices, and identify possible opportunities for improvement. When
Community assessments can and should be more than just a gathering and analyzing
of data, they can also be a basis for creating change. A community based needs
families in the service area and their economic well-being, educational status, health
and welfare. Agencies can begin to create change either by setting a framework for
programs and plans that work toward ending poverty (or helping individuals and
families to move up and out) or family stabilization (helping individuals and families
may be working on issues and where gaps in community services lie. It provides an
the area.
programs or projects may have become obsolete and what programs or projects may
In carrying out this activity, the researcher decided to work with the residents of
Isyesye to determine its needs. These were chosen because of a new residential area
to know their needs and come up with an activity which can bring socio-economic
Secondly, after discussing with Itezi LGA officials and other stakeholders within the
district, it appears that this is the group that lives in area with an area with
availability of abundant resources such as land for cultivation of Irish Potatoes, hills,
Therefore, in carrying out the needs assessment exercise, the researcher applied
various methods to gather data from the community, such as Focus Group
reports and physical observations of events and situations. The data and information
the 2012 census, the ward has a total population of 18,445 people.
Mbeya City is a district of Mbeya Region, Tanzania and comprises the area
of Mbeya town. It is bordered to the north by Mbeya Rural District, to the east
by Rungwe District, to the south by Ileje District and to the west by Mbozi District.
According to the 2012 Tanzania National Census, the population of Mbeya City was
Mbeya is the capital of the surrounding rural Mbeya region with a population of 2
Mbeya is the first large urban settlement encountered when travelling overland from
Mbeya is situated at an altitude of 1,700 meters (5,500 ft), and sprawls through a
narrow highland valley surrounded by a bowl of high mountains. The main language
is colloquial Swahili, and the English language is extensively taught in schools and
the native languages are Nyakyusa, Wasafwa and Wandali. Local government is
Mbeya City depends its water source from MBEYA WSSA. Mbeya WSSA is a fully
autonomous public water utility responsible for the overall operation and
management of water supply and sewerage services in the Mbeya City. Mbeya
WSSA is classified as a Class A water utility and its area of operation has a total
utility draws water from surface (River - 31%) and groundwater sources (spring -
69%) with a production capacity of 51,446m3 per day. Total Length of Water
Network is 702.1km. The Utility has a sewerage system with a sewer line length of
From the above table the required quantity of water for survival is 30Litres/day
which is equivalent to 0.03metres cubic per person per day. The city has a total
population of 2millions which requires 60,000meter cubic per day. Looking at the
discharge capacity for Mbeya WSSA is of 51,446m3 per day which is equivalent to
85.7%, therefore 14.3% are not getting safe Water. The indigenous is most likely to
In 2000 Isyesye Village in Itezi ward area was under the Indigenous people where
they used to cultivate Irish Potatoes, Maize and beans and livestock keeping.
Due the increase of population and Immigrants from other region of Tanzania, in
2002 the Municipal decided to allocate plots for human settlements, most of the
Government workers and some indigenous were obtained plots for settlement.
The area was not having social service like electricity, water supply and fielder
roads, therefore new residents were suffering from getting social services such as
getting clean and safe water for human consumption as well as getting transport from
town to the village. But the major issue was unavailability of safe water for human
consumption. Other issues such as electricity people use generators and solar power
Most of the household in Mbeya City depends water supply from only one source
The sewer has recently expanded through Mbeya water supply and sanitation Project
The new sewerage network system has been expanded to 100 km old laid pipes with
sewerage treatment facility comprises of seven waste water stabilization ponds. Out
of these ponds, two are anaerobic, four are maturation and one is facultative ponds.
Both they have a volume of 129,233 cubic meter and their discharge capacity is
14,360 cubic meter per day) but as the population grows up the capacity of MBEYA
UWSA becomes insufficient to fulfill the needs of their customers , therefore some
areas have no enough water and Isyesye Village in Itezi ward is among of the area.
assist to help the residents to obtain clean water hence improving their income
Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward has weather with enough rainfall and fertile soil which
enable it to be the largest producer of maize, beans, potatoes (Irish & sweet). It is
located in near to the highest peak (Mbeya Peak) the highest pick to all trunk roads
across the country with an average of altitude 2961m , Longitude 33,25’ and latitude
of 08’35’. The peak produces waterfalls which are used for cultivation of food crops,
The Ward has a free market in agricultural produce around Isyesye, and Firewood is
collected by women and girls, from the wooded valleys of Mbeya Peak and
mountainsides. Bamboo is naturally abundant in the forests, and there are plans to
teach local people about this versatile plant and its many uses.
1.2.4 Ethnicity
Ethnicity wise, the village comprises of Safwa, Wandali and Wanyakusya. The most
dominant tribe in the ward is Safwa who are the native of the area. Other tribes are
immigrant from neighboring wards and all over the country especially workers who
work in Government and Private Companies ,For the case of religious, the area is
The people at Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward engage in different economic activities
including; farming, Livestock keeping, petty business and some residents are
In arable farming food crops are cultivated by in the Ward. Food crops which are
cultivated are; Maize, Sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes and beans. The Isyesye
are produced. Irish Potatoes currently have been encouraged to be cultivated with
majority. Apart from food crops the Village community engages in production of
cash crops. Few people are engaged in livestock keeping and petty business.
The community members at Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward are composed of youth,
men women, children, widow, widower and the children living in danger
environment due to the use of unsafe water, There are 2 Primary Schools and 1
Secondary schools in which all the pupils and students respectively have no clean
water for usage, they depend water from the ponds/streams for cleaning of their
school uniforms.
Isyesye Village in Itezi ward community is dominated by safwa tribe, few are
nyakusya. The main language of the community is “safa” native language but
The Chief is the main leader of safa tribe; the chief is the one who manage the tribe
and has a power of providing displinary action for any person who is against the tribe
1.2.8 Education
Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward has two Primary school, one was built by the
Government and the other was built through contributions from the community
members. It has one secondary school which is built at a ward level (Itezi Secondary
School). Primary school and Secondary school education is emphasized in the ward
is owned by the Government. The village has kindergarten and pre-primary school
which helps to keep and preparing their children before entering standard one
Community needs assessment for Isyesye village was conducted in order to examine
the level of development in the community, to identify and assess needs and gaps in
real needs of the community and thereafter made interventions to the critical
problem. The assessment was done based on the appropriate use of research design,
research methods in order to obtain relevant data. That assessment will help to plan
A straight forward way to estimate the needs of the community was to simply ask
residents their opinions about the development of services within the community,
their satisfaction with services and what particular services are needed. Their
opinions can be used in building their agendas aimed at community change that can
build the capacity of community based organizations that are designed to provide
The needs assessment process begins planning and organizing phase, data collection,
summarizing and disseminating the needs assessment survey results and sharing
This study aimed at collecting information and data with regards to causes and
useful for decision making process. On the other hand the study focused on helping
the community members to acquire skills and knowledge in order to be able to use
Determining the intervention that can greatly contribute to the improvement of living
standards of households.
i) Identify the essential resources are already available within the community.
iii) To assess whether the identified project can have an impact to the improvement
ii) What challenges do you think you may encounter in implementing the proposed
iii) Does the community have reliable resources and opportunities for implementing
the project?
iv) What kind of business do you think are potentially, sustainable and economically
v) To what extent do the people at Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward community are
During the selection of research method, the researcher considered the situation and
conditions of subjects or respondents, time available, the quickest way to obtain data,
and resources available for the study on bore hole drilling project. Therefore, a cross-
section research design was chosen to compute data obtained from data collection
methods and tools were then developed. The research design was opted because data
from different respondents were collected at a single point in time (households). The
methods, tools and instruments had to be systematic, valid, reliable neutral and
Provided the nature of the study was explanatory study, therefore, the cross sectional
design was adapted as the ideal design because this type of study uses different
groups of people who differ in the variable of interest but who share other
characteristics such as economic status. The reason behind this selection was that, the
design allow and helped the researcher to collect various data at single point in time
and data collected at once from various respondents (Jamal, 2008). In order to
measure people’s water accessibility and the establishing of the new project under
their supervision. Both qualitative and quantitative data collected in which both
secondary and primary data collected from relevant sources. Primary data collected
And get their complain from the meetings, by viewing the agendas of the meetings
the major complain was unavailability of safe water. Therefore key indigenous
people were conducted with new immigrant’s people in the village, the total number
of people who were engaging in this study was 65 who attend the regular meetings.
Therefore, the sampling frame under this study was 79 households. The sampling
unit in this study was the individual head of household. Key informants included
were, WEO (1) and VEO (1) and Mbeya WSSA Team (3people). The sample size
The survey took place in Isyesye Village in Itezi Ward. The sample size was chosen
was used to get the chance of any given individual being selected was known and
these individuals were sampled independently of each other for quantitative and
qualitative study. This was also known as random sampling. A researcher was
included. Researchers break their target population into strata, and then apply these
techniques within each stratum to ensure that they were getting enough participants
A total of 60 household respondents were randomly sampled from the village which
comprises of 79 house hold and other (influential person and three representatives
from Mbeya WSSA) using simple random sampling. The sample size used for
technique was used to select potential respondents who were conversant to the topic,
who comprised of WEO(1), VEO(1) and 3 experts from Mbeya WSSA making a
Total of 65. The Number of household around Isyesye Village is 79 based on the
Ward report on August 2017; the census was taken during the meeting with Mbeya
WWSA to determine the number of house hold which is in the need of obtaining
clean water. Therefore the sampling technique used was roundly sampling to look at
the number of household, the selected household were asked some questions and
Methodology of data collection was used to acquire information from different levels
being primary and secondary information, primary data was collected from the
community through various data collection tools such as focus group discussion,
Department, Ward Office, Village Office, National farm, Research institute, Journals
The researcher observed a particular issues, such as the number and location of water
sources, their condition and intensity of use, what parents do when their children
A sanitary survey to assess the likely risk of contamination of a water source and
measures needed to reduce that risk. This was perhaps the most useful in carrying out
Also a researcher passed through a household and observe if have MBEYA WSSA
water by observing pipes connections, and also schools children where they clean
Interviews were used to collect detailed information about specific issues, which
hygiene were not easy to observe, as they are carried out in private when possible.
and how it was to be interpreted and presented. Interviews were held with:
regarding defecation. There was always a risk that the information was unreliable
because of the possible personal interests or perspective of the informant, and their
information should be verified. Key informants were often people who speak the
language of the field worker or who were easy to approach for other reasons, and
not representative of the general population and was not have the population‘s
General Groups: - Helps to gather general information about how the disaster had
affected people and what their intentions and ideas regarding the availability of water
in Isyesye Village.
Focus Groups: - These were groups of people with a particular interest in the topic
on which information was sought, or whose views was otherwise not be noticed in
the collection of information on a more general level. For instance they were a group
Households and individuals: - Helps to ask about access to water supply and
sanitation services and resources and hygiene issues at the household and individual
level. Household interviews were used to gather detailed information by the use of a
checklist with in-depth discussions, or were the basis of household surveys, where a
large number of households were visited. Household visits were also an opportunity
for visual inspection of toilets, water storage and use, food hygiene.
The findings from the CNA in Isyesye village are presented below based on the
method and type of data collection. Gathering of information using the questionnaire
the researcher prepared fifty questionnaires but managed to collect only forty. The
findings from the questionnaire show the respondents sex, age, level of education,
The findings which are discussed under this chapter have based on the respondents
from the 79 household in the Village and 5 key informative from VEO, WEOs office
and 3 Key informative from Mbeya WWSA which is 82% of the entire
Table 1.2 indicates that 67.7% of the respondents are female and the remaining
percent is the male which is 32.3% , This imply that majority of the respondents who
engage in fetching water or seeking for water are female. On the other hand, male’s
participation in fetching water is very low (32.5%) which imply that the activity is
(Hs===Number of household)
Water Required
The interest of knowing average number of the people at one household is to know
amount of water is needed for caring the member of the household. This then helps
to plan on how the depth of the bore hole will be, because as it goes down it
people at the household (2 Children and 2 parents) therefore the average was 2
people. The household with only one member is 24.6% (single ) and 9.2% (widow
and divorced ) The number of respondents revealed the need for safe water to
suffice the needs of all members in the household and 13.8% business man needs
water for their income generating activities, For the daily total quantity of water
required for the 4 hamlet which are Northern Gombe, Southern Gombe , Ulambya,
Majanta are 2958Litres, 2142 Litres ,1938Litres and 1020 Liters respectively.
Gathering the level of education of respondents as table 1.4 above indicates, only
46.9% of respondents had primary education and 30.7% managed to have secondary
achieved a higher education. This gives picture that while creating awareness to
community members, the researcher should look for alternatives to make sure those
Table 1.5 indicates that 66.2% of the respondents are married, 24.6% are single,
widow is 4.6% and divorced are 4.6%. This implies that majority of the respondents
who engage in fetching water are married women. On the other hand, female’s
participation in fetching water is very high 66.2% which imply that the activity is
mostly done by females. This shows that most of the head of households of the
intended population were females. Looking for safe water activity includes both
married, widowed, divorced and widow although it has low percentage compared to
Table 1.6 shows occupations of the respondents, whereas the majorities were
employed and peasant people this is due to the fact that the village is in the township
which has a mixture of farmers, livestock keepers, business people and employees.
whereas farmers of agricultural cash crops like Irish potato are faced with a problem
of a reliable water source whereby many of them engage in petty business in order to
supplement their income. Livestock keepers constitute 20% followed by 15% being
1.0.1 Findings from Quantity of Water Required Versus the Available Water
Looking at table 1.7 which shows the number of household against the number the
quantity of water needed per household Likewise table 1.3 shows the quantity of
water obtained from other sources that is shallow wells it is evidenced that the
quantity of water received by Isyesye Village from shallow wells dug by indigenous
are not adequate, without considering the quality of water and other contamination.
The village has 2 primary schools (Gombe A and Gombe B), which was initially one
school but later it was divided into two (A and B).Pupils and Teachers were
interviewed through group discussion, the intention of asking the pupils and teachers
was to know where they get water for daily school activities and the impact of using
According to table 1.8, 100 pupils and 20 teachers were interviewed, 72.5%
indicates that they get water from shallow wells which was dug by indigenous people
and the remaining percent indicates their sources of water is Mbeya Water and
sanitation Authority , Although the 27.5% gets water from Mbeya Urban and
Sanitation authority , the water supply was inconsistent. This helps the researcher to
The researcher went deeper to ask the respondents (pupils) regarding the health
status in terms of abdominal pain as they use water wells for drinking, about 50% of
the 72.5% agree positively of abdominal pain experienced for drinking unsafe water.
Getting the clinical status is to know how much people are affected for using unsafe
The community in Isyesye Village through focus group discussion, key informative
and individual interviews had a list of IGA identified during CNA. Table 1.9 below
show the way ranking the bore hole drilling became the first proposed project
whereas the second followed by Movement of domestic animals within the village.
After the prioritization exercise the researcher realized that, the three activities (1,
2&3) are interdependent. Meaning that establishing the bore hole drilling project
should go hand in hand with other actions being to minimize movement of animals
by providing safe water for animals at home and creates some employment for young
1 In adequate supply of clean and safe water for 1st ranked Contributions from each household for installation of
human consumption system to enable them get access to safe and clean
- Mbeya Water and Urban Authority not water for daily consumption
managed to supply water due to low pressure of
2 Movement of domestic animals within the 2nd Ranked Isyesye Village leaders to develop a team of young
village. people to catch and send them to village office for
- Domestic animals includes (Goats, Cows and paying a penalty.
3 Employment 3rd Ranked Publicity of job opportunities, training programs,
- Employment includes available resources for industry expansion, and other resources available to
the unemployed and under-employed, career the unemployed and underemployed through –
training and job opportunities, barriers to Presentations or distribution of information to civic
gainful employment, and recommended clubs, churches, fairs, etc. can increase the availability
suggestions. of all employment services.
4 Transportation 4th Ranked Due to a new residential site , Daladala in Mbeya
- Public transportation services that are currently does not reach in this place, One suggestion is whether
available in Isyesye Village their benefits and it would be possible for transportation Council to
limitations, and made several recommendations expand their services and make them accessible to
for providing additional public transportation low-income and elderly people who are not DSFC
services. clients
1.10 Conclusion
Chapter one has dealt upon participatory assessment which is an ideal and effective
way of involving the community to identify their own problems, causes of the
problem and existing opportunities. The findings have been useful in enabling the
community to identify top ranking problem and planning for the interventions that
adequate water supply as well as unsafe water is the major concern in the
community. From this study the community members came to agree that bore hole
equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030” (UN, 2015).
With its emphasis on universality, the SDG target is a momentous shift from the
the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water” (UN, 2015a; JMP,
In 20 out of 44 countries in the West, Central, East and South of Africa, less than
60% of rural dwellers use an improved water supply (JMP, 2015). Achieving
universal access in countries with such a low baseline is a tremendous challenge for
crisis in many of these places raise the level of difficulty (Danert et al, 2016).
Support agencies may need to work differently than in the past and reposition
Margat and Vander Gun (2013) estimate that 45% of the global population depends
estimated at over 75% (ECA et al, 2000). Sparsely populated areas within the
continent are particularly reliant on groundwater, with hand dug wells historically
playing a major role in rural and peri-urban areas. There is also considerable
UN-Water (2013) states that there is no doubt that groundwater supplies and
boreholes in particular will play a tremendous role in achieving the SDGs in Africa.
In rural areas, as countries gradually improve supply coverage, new sources are
the risks of drilling a dry borehole are high. Managing this uncertainty is one of the
challenges of meeting the SDG drinking water target. Groundwater use for irrigation
A borehole that lasts for its intended 25-50-year life span is a prerequisite for the
sustainability of water systems that rely on groundwater. If boreholes are not well
sited, designed, contracted and installed in the first place, the water supplies will fail,
and investments are wasted. High quality boreholes are essential to ensure that the
If the SDG targets for drinking water are to be met, drilling practice and groundwater
In order to meet the SDG drinking water target, every country that uses groundwater
needs a professional drilling sector. All professions, including manual and machine
Water quality, service reliability and sustainability require proper borehole sitting,
design, construction (or rehabilitation) and pump installation. Arguably, the drive for
numbers of users over the last 15 years has led to a fall in the quality of project
countries have expressed concerns to the authors about working for government and,
more widely, the lack of capacity in-country to oversee drilling program and follow
Uganda and Zambia) are witnessing initiatives by the private sector, governments,
Efforts to promote and professionalize manual drilling are also taking place in at
least 20 countries in Africa (Danert, 2015b). Many of these endeavors have been
supported by UNICEF.
Establishment of water well drilling project in Isyesye Village at Itezi ward, a new
Isyesye Village located in Itezi ward at Mbeya City. Prior to project intervention, the
CNA exercise was conducted which came up with the community needs and
problems. The main problem unveiled with CNA exercise which faces majority
domestic use as well as for other economic activities like livestock keeping,
gardening etc.
Needs Assessment approach. This has been the useful tool which in turn resulted into
identification of problems there after plan for their immediate solutions to rescue the
prevailing situation which has been an impediment and hindrance to the community
striving for getting safe water and pooling themselves out of poverty wheel (income
The study revealed that the Isyesye Village Communities still getting unsafe water
for human consumption from indigenous people. Isyesye village communities have
been engaging into various activities in striving pooling out from the abject poverty,
The water supply in Isyesye area is inadequate and it is unlikely to satisfy the present
population. This has resulted in the local community looking for the drilling of the
borehole as the best alternative water supply mostly for domestic and animal keeping
purposes. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study has been found
The current study came up with the detailed study which unveils the opportunities for
viable and reliable safe water and other activity which needs water with the focus of
therefore, is there to bridge the gap to ensure reliable, sustainable and quality water
The assessment carried out by the experts examined the potential impacts of the
and safety conditions at the site and its environs during drilling. The study was based
on laid down scientific qualitative procedures with the most recent methodologies
and analysis required in EIA and, strictly adheres to the relevant legislative
The targeted community in the project is Isyesye Village community which is one
among Villages in Itezi Ward which is one of 36 administrative wards in Mbeya City
of the Mbeya Region of Tanzania. According to the 2012 census, the ward has a total
The bore hole drilling project is located in Isyesye Village at Mshikamano hamlet
nearby mafanikio Primary school, The project was executed by the small group of
household who contributed during meetings under the general supervision of the
(WEO). To ensure efficiency the group have internal Leaders who is the leader head
of the hamlet. Project activities arranged to start on May 2018 but the Host
organization which is Mbeya Urban and Water Supply Authority (Mbeya WSSA)
accepted to come and invest the project at the start of the project.
VEO and WEO as the great stakeholders have promised to support the project by
The target community is residential household in Isyesye village. The study has
revealed that for the project to succeed the household members should contribute and
other stakeholders including pupils and teachers around Isyesye Village, others
include people who keep petty animals and keeping household animals.
Fortunately the bore hole drilling at Isyesye has come at the right time because
Isyesye Village is embarking on building new more houses around Isyesye the
project will enable the new house hold to get safe water for human consumption, as
also the new primary is built called Mafanikio. Apart from the getting safe water
from household consumption the project will sell water to the nearest villages like
Gombe A and B and the money obtained will be used for other village purpose such
as buying tents, utensils and chairs which will be used by the community during
2.3.2 Stakeholders
Different stakeholders will contribute in the implementation of the project. The main
processing machine, packaging tools and the necessary training to operate the
project, Mbeya Urban and Water Supply Authority who will provide the technical
support including finding area for a better drilling of a project, Nyasa Drilling
Company who will execute the project and Health Officer who will oversee the
Other stakeholders include; Isyesye Village Council who is the owner and the
executer of the borehole drilling project. Itezi Secondary School, Mafanikio Primary
school and Isyesye Village Community who will be the consumer of water products
from this projects not only that but also Itezi ward communities as the consumer of
the project products. Assemblies of God Church which is around Isyesye village will
also benefit to get safe water from this project, not only that but also livestock around
The project goal is to ensure availability of safe water of the community members by
household in Isyesye Village community and income poverty reduction among the
petty keepers (Chicken, Pigs) for their decent life. Establishment of Bore hole
drilling at Isyesye Village will help to reduce the burden of epidemic diseases among
the household in Isyesye village community members as well as school children who
safer for unsafe water which makes them to acquire diseases like cholera and other
epidemic diseases Reliable market and good price of apples products will in turn
To develop a community borehole water supply project for water supply in Isyesye
Village, Itezi Ward, Mbeya City Council from the community initiative phase, to the
planning, design, construction and the operation and maintenance phases by June
i. With the assistance of the community members to determine and establish the
coverage of public or private water supply in the case study area by June
ii. Through community involvement to determine socio economic problems that
are contributed or associated with the water shortage or poor water supply in
Isyesye Village, Itezi ward.
The host organization is Isyesye Village Council. The Village is in Itezi Ward in
Mbeya City Council. The Village is led by Balozi and the Village Chairman In
order to run the project, the Village selected 5 members in which 3 are males and 2
are females among the 79 households to run the project. The group is working under
the leadership of Balozi. However, for effectiveness and efficiency of work the group
5 has its own leaders, which are; chair person, Secretary and the treasury (the one
who collects money during the hamlet meetings). The steering committee is made up
with the group leaders with the three selected members to make five members of the
steering committee.
The leaders of the host organization are; Ambassador of the Hamlet ,Village
Under the Village leaders there are group leaders who are working in collaboration
with Village leaders, specifically for the project, these are; Group chair person,
Secretary and the treasurer (who has been elected by the members of the community)
from their regular meetings. Therefore the steering committee has a sum of 5 persons
To make sure that members are facilitated to get accessible, Quality and Quality
for health services to the community members so as to ensure decent life to her
At the Village level, the Village has been vested the day to day tasks of Village
included in this structure. The Village Organization structure is shown on Figure 2.1
on the available opportunities which can help in the intervention of the project. It
also focuses to determine strength, weaknesses, and the challenges facing the
The main role of CED student’s is to ensure that the planned interventions are
drilling project.
ii. To consult different stakeholders to access resources needed for the project
implementation in this case include assist in getting drilling permit and water
quality Check
iii. To facilitate the purchase of project tools and equipments for project
iv. To facilitate training to Isyesye Village and group leaders on managing and
v. To facilitate market reliability incase the village will be selling water to the
the project.
iv. To ensure safe guard of all the project tools and equipments by ensuring are
fund to run the project especially during rewashing of the bore hole.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter review authors who wrote on issues related to borehole drilling as a
project to support getting safe water for human consumption, reports the findings
from various projects related to bore hole drilling / water wells , and the policy that
guides the operation of the bore hole drilling in Tanzania. The chapter is divided
into four parts: theoretical literature, empirical literature, policy reviews and the
theory behind bore hole drilling /water wells. The empirical review, the objective is
to narrate on work done by others, with the special interest on the approach used,
outcomes, experiences and lessons learnt and their similarity and relevance to the
intended. Lastly it ends by analyzing policy issues as they impact the project.
3.2.1 Groundwater
The demand for water is increasing at an exponential rate relative to the world’s
population growth rate and poverty is the most significant factor that interferes with
meeting that demand,” as relayed by officials at the 3rd World Water Forum. Clean
water has become increasingly inaccessible to a vast majority of people in our world.
According to the World Health Organization, there are 2.2 million diarrheal deaths
related to unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene every year. The great majority of
deaths are children in developing countries. The Environment News Service also
in water.
Tanzania, Mbeya is no exception to this predicament. For this reason, our proposal
climate variability. However, the quantities that can be abstracted are unevenly
Over the past two decades, Africa has witnessed a significant increase in drilled
as investments by water users and local businesses. Not only do boreholes supply
hand pump water, but they also play a substantial role in small as well as larger piped
Water aquifers are large in extent (1-10km) yet have variations in physical and
transport from a potential leakage source to the receptor (Sirila et al., 2010).
Problem for different flow scales, from the fractured rocks to large underground
The rate, residence time and direction of groundwater flow, the movement of micro-
organisms, pathogenic bacteria and viruses depends on the size of the pores on
reactions within media, on the amount of food available and on their life span which
affects its quality (Vladimir, 2003; Sanden, 1986). Deep, consolidated formations are
opportunity for dissolution of minerals and therefore often poor natural water quality.
These formations are confines under thick sequences of low permeability clays and
The quality of water is of vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with
human welfare. According to Ranjana (2010), the quality of public health depends to
to be quiet good compared to surface water, its quality is the sum of natural: geology
of the environment and anthropogenic influences: withdrawal, land use change, and
solid waste dumping (Chapman, 1996). Water quality parameters reflect the level of
contamination in water resources and show whether water is suitable for human
Odor and Taste are the most important Physico-chemical properties of groundwater
groundwater is due to the presence of organic acids in the soil as well as those of
atmospheric origin infiltrated to the water (Chapman and Kimstach, 1996). Acid rain
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) or Sulphur dioxide (SO2) often yields an elevated Hydrogen
ion (H+) ion concentration and Carbonic acid (HCO) and may cause serious threat to
(Krauskopf and Bird, 1994). Increase in acidity is also attributed to the oxidation of
reduced Sulphur compounds in the soils of the areas (Efe et al., 2005). The pH
important constituents. Other acids such as HNO3, HNO2 and humic acid are formed
produced when minerals such as pyrite (FeS2) breakdown. High pH levels make
acids by accepting Hydrogen ions (H+) and preventing sudden changes in the acidity
levels of water. Alkalinity is due to the presence of two forms of the Carbonate
anions (HCO3-), (CO32-) and (OH-) that act as buffer system (Chris, 2012). Borates,
groundwater. Inorganic ligands (anions) form complexes with metals (cations), this
removes free divalent toxic metal ions such as Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ or methyl-
metal complexes. Metal complexes are not biologically available and hence not
for other uses such as irrigation, or mixing with pesticides and when treating
dissolved CO2 (aq) reacts with water molecules to form Carbonic acid (H2CO3) as
shown by equation 2 and Carbonic acid is very unstable and quickly dissociates into
At pH 6.3, the amount of CO2 dissolved in water equals the amount of bicarbonate
ion (HCO3-). Dissolved carbon dioxide is dominant when pH is <6.3. At higher pH,
basic water, HCO3- dissociates to yield H+ and a Carbonate ion (CO32-) as per
equation 4.
CO2(aq) + H2O(l)↔H2CO3(aq)…………………………………………….........(2)
At pH 10.3, the bicarbonate ion concentration equals the carbonate ion concentration.
CO32- is dominant at pH >10.3 and HCO3- dominates between pH 6.3 and 10.3. The
concentration of all dissolved minerals in the water. Natural waters contain a variety
of both ionic and uncharged species in various amounts and proportions that
constitute the Total Dissolved Solids (Agbaire and Oyibo, 2009). TDS in
(Atekwanna et al., 2004). High TDS, greater than 1000 mg/L, is commonly
groundwater dissolves more minerals. Sources of ion TDS include hard water ions
(Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3- and CO32-), fertilizer in agricultural runoff (NH4+, NO3-,
PO43-, and SO42-), urban runoff / salinity from tidal mixing, minerals or irrigation
water (Na+, Cl- and K-) and Acidic rainfall (H+, NO3-, SO32- and SO42-).
Poor chemical quality of water is a health risk in the long term for consumers. Urban
waste waters are often high in nutrients concentrations (macronutrients Na, Ca, P, K,
Mg and micronutrients Fe, Zn, Cu,) and other chemicals which can stress the
septic tank leachate, unsewered sanitation, pit latrines, animal waste or human waste
organisms (Beauchamp, 2003; Spalding and Exner, 1993; Suthra et al., 2009).
Organisms to degrade are also another source of groundwater nitrate (Singh, 2012).
Nitrate can readily be transported beneath the soil zone because it is relatively
soluble and not prone to ion exchange (Stumm and Morgan, 1996). Nitrate can be
endogenously reduced to nitrite, which can then undergo nitrosation reaction in the
compounds are carcinogens, thereby causing health hazards like impairing the ability
lymphoma and hypertrophy of thyroid (Suthra, 2009) and (Macdonald and Kay,
1986). In Aarlborg Denmark, water had a relatively high nitrate content of about
30mg/l and there was a slightly greater frequency of stomach cancer (Hamil and
Viraraghavan, 1997).
Calcium carbonate: Hardness refers to the ability of water to form suds with soap.
Hard water leaves a ring in the bathtub, forms soap curds in clothing, and builds up
scale in boilers and kettles (Wittmann et al., 1998). Hardness is divided into two:
Sulphate (MgSO4) and Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) (APHA, 1998; Burton and
Pitt, 2002; Chris 2012). Any hardness greater than the alkalinity represents non-
as soft, moderately hard, hard and very hard (EPA, 1986). Areas with limestone
calcium is supplied by the feldspars, pyroxenes and amphiboles and the less common
Iron: Iron is not toxic, but imparts objectionable taste to water and may leave brown
stains on porcelain and in clothing. Objectionable taste is due to reduced form (Fe2+
and HS), on exposure to air, water becomes reddish brown due to Ferric Hydroxide
and prolonged consumption of such water may lead to liver disease (Ranjana, 2010).
underlying bedrock, soil and sand, the most common is Ferrous Iron and borehole,
limestone, shale and coal which often contain the Iron rich mineral Pyrite, acidic rain
also releases Iron into groundwater (BGS, 2003; Lenntech, 2009). Iron content
The empirical review looked at the situation of bore hole drilling in Tanzania.
The development of a local capacity for cost-effective borehole drilling in the private
sector is a critical factor for large-scale progress in rural water supply. If Tanzania
wants to meet the millennium development goals (MDG), it needs to drill 14,000
boreholes with hand pumps and 1,500 boreholes for motorized small-piped systems.
Cost for boreholes in Tanzania are rather high, USD 6,000 for hand pumps and USD
As an input activity towards the World Bank, Water Sector Support Project the
review team carried out an analytical study on the drilling industry in Tanzania. This
industry represents one of the supply-side bottlenecks (lack of drilling capacity) for
accelerated rural water supply services in Tanzania. The study aims at gaining a
better understanding of the problems associated with the industry, assessing options,
Many inter-related factors affected the emergence of local drilling capacity. In the
past, drilling was done by the government through the regional offices of MWLD.
This approach created a government owned drilling fleet. The rigs were typically
purchased under projects and often used by foreign contractors. At the end of the
To centralize the regional drilling capacity, a public agency - Drilling and Dam
organization, DDCA suffers from the inefficiencies inherent to the public sector; low
utilization of equipment due to disrepair and lack of supplies. Despite these setbacks
Lately, under the drive for structural reform and re-focus of the public sector DDCA
was excluded from competing for World Bank financed drilling contracts. The
National Water Policy (NAWAPO) states that in future the provision of services has
been complicated by the small size of the market relying mostly on public contracts.
Private operators were reluctant to reach out to isolated rural areas where risks and
SWAP, decentralization, and community driven principles have been adopted in the
NAWAPO. These approaches bring the risk of fragmenting the market with inherent
higher cost. They need to be reconciled with the requirement to plan drilling
Drilling costs account typically for 80 % of the hardware investment costs for
boreholes, the rest consisting of the hand pump and the apron. The potential for cost
reduction of more than 10% is easily realistic, which, if realized, would result in
create a favorable environment for the private sector drilling industry to grow and
invest in equipment and human skills. The public sector needs to be structured to
make use of the opportunities the emerging market offers. Factors like productivity
and costs for obtaining contracts have a bigger impact on drilling cost than diameter
of wells and yield criteria. The young emerging drilling industry needs a steady
stream of smaller contracts and mechanisms are required to help local drillers
However, that does not mean that the saving potential lying in technology should be
criteria help to bring cost down for well development and sitting. Low-cost drilling
technologies provide a significant potential for helping the local drilling industry
being established. The investment costs are clearly less and the price per borehole
can be reduced. The issue is not to develop new technologies but to transfer and
Boreholes have been constructed in Tanzania since at least 1930 up until the present
Resources in Dodoma lists 9,242 boreholes. The data entry is not consistent; many
boreholes have no data recorded and for others the data are incomplete. It is therefore
difficult to establish how many of these boreholes are actually used to provide water.
It appears that the shallow boreholes drilled by hand drilling methods were not
There are few other Companies that have been and are currently drilling the bore
hole in Tanzania, from among them are; KADET Drilling , Nyasa Drilling, Jiangsu
Geology and Engineering Co. Ltd. (Chinese Contractors) and Onesmo Karumba, to
some extent they have opened Tanzanian mind on the importance of borehole
Below is some the drilling situation of borehole in some cities in Tanzania: Many
water supply projects in Tanzania have failed to satisfy the demand due to rapid
expanding cities. Low and lower middle-income countries have experienced poor
service coverage and inadequate water supplies and sanitation services due to many
reasons ranging from lack of proper operation, poor revenue collection to simple
MBEYA WSSA) will be relevant to poor communities only if it will bring them
easier access to taps and will clean their communities. Putting it another way, it
issue only to those who had connections. For the unconnected urban poor, what
happens in the debates (on who gets to own the system, makes decisions, regulates
prices, and so on) is less of a concern. "Get us connections now!" they seem to be
saying, "Then we can talk about all the other issues that follow" - ownership,
Dominick de Waal,(2000) reported in his Survey that 17.6% of the two and a half
million people in Mbeya live below the basic needs poverty line. People living below
the basic needs poverty line are those classified as living on less than 9203Tsh a
month or 329Tsh a day. Though water prices in the city vary according to factors
such as location, type of supply, season and MBEYA WSSA) breakdowns, research
done by Water Aid and its partners show that households in low income areas buy
around 30 litres of water per person per day at a cost of around 1Tsh a litre. For
people living on 329 Tsh this represents just fewer than 10% of their daily
While a 100% price rise in water only a mounts to 30 Tshs a day, it has the potential
to prevent a further 4% of the population from affording these basic needs. In other
substitute a proportion of bought water with water from other often unprotected
sources such as open 'tire' wells or polluted streams with the inevitable consequences
prevailing problems water price and security is a challenge to water supply in the
city. Appropriate approach to adopt such action requires commitments of both parties
water supply and sanitation can work if the government will have the responsibility
water uses association. Community play major role in the water sector because the
y are the primary uses, guardians, and managers of water sources. Participation of
Participatory approaches are often termed as "bottom- up" approaches .In this regard
beneficiaries in planning and management are often not properly operated and
well may result into lack of commitment to maintenance of the facilities by the users.
Including water wells is neither perceived to be, nor legally vested in uses
ii) Roles, responsibilities, rights, and limits of authority of water user entities
communities fully responsible for operation and maintenance of their water supply
communities will be required to pay full for operation and maintenance and costs of
In order to make communities responsible for the operation and maintenance of their
water supply and sanitation services the following will be carried out.
Communities will be educated and facilitated to enable them manage operations and
meet operation costs including that of the scheme improvements. The communities
also will be trained to acquire skills in the letting and supervision of operation
ii) Involvement of Isyesye community in selecting the area were the borehole will
be installed.
The government of Tanzania has placed Water and Environmental sanitation as a key
pillar in its poverty reduction strategy. Tanzania has also actively participated in the
sustainable development. The goals aims at targets on water and sanitation, that is, to
reduce by at least half the country’s population that is without access to safe and
adequate water and sanitation by 2015. This implies that the sector needs to adopt
urgent and well-coordinated strategies and actions to ensure that coverage of both
Understanding the link between Poverty water and sanitation is very necessary.
Water is essential to life and is part of every cell furthermore is necessary for most
basic functions like respiration and digestion. Access to clean and safe water is a
major requisite for poverty reduction, improving human health conditions promoting
sustainable development.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter contain information’s on how the project was planned, action taken at
each step of project implementation. It analyses products and output from the project,
and time frame to accomplish the project. It also analyses tentative budget for
installation and purchase of tools including sub merged pump and electrical cables
and other installation cost, including drilling permit and Water quality Check. The
Bore hole drilling Project (BHDP) had been planned to start operation by mid of
June 2018 after accomplished all activities except the mid and annual evaluation that
will be carried after the project take off. The (BHDP) was officially opened in
Isyesye Village on June 2018 during the opening of the bore hole, the Villagers
fetches water freely then later will be charged at a cost of 150 shillings per bucket.
The anticipated goal of the project is construction of bore hole project at Isyesye
sustainability for the household will then contribute in poverty alleviation as a whole.
One borehole is expected to provide 6000 liters per day. Each bucket of twenty litres
will be sold for 20 shillings. The amount of money expected to be obtained daily and
The community will contribution hundred percent of the total cost for 3 months in
Revenue Side
For the first month the Net Profit will be 8,968,000/= and the following month the
Women loan: In order to generate more income 50% of the money, which is
4,650,000.00/= each month will be borrowed to needy women for business activities.
They will be required to pay after two months with the interest rate of 5% only.
Total cost: According to the Drilling Company which is Nyasa Drilling Company
the cost of the drilling and construction of the borehole will produce 1000 litres of
Contribution criteria: Mbeya Urban and Water Supply Authority are currently
Mbeya WWSA conducted a Meeting with Sub ward leaders informing them on the
project and suggested that they will requires at least 97.5% of the total cost to be
contributed by the community members, while the rest 2. 5% will be taken care of by
the Mbeya WSSA (This includes the water quality Check). In this regard the
community will be able to get a borehole of the cost of 10,000,000/=. Meanwhile the
WSA and VEO which will reduce the cost again by 10%.
Project planning is the major component in the project development process. The
In order to ensure smooth implementation of the project, a work plan was prepared
indicating different activities to be carried out, the required resources, time frame and
person responsible for each project objective. The project implementation of the
project involved different stakeholders physically and others were consulted at their
working places to get their views especially on technical aspects. The Isyesye Village
leaders was fully engaged from the beginning this as they are key implementers of
the project. The implementation follows the project implementation plan as shown
on Table 4.4. Among the major activities in project implementation are securing
implementation of the project involves household, VEO and WEO members, and
extension staff with deferent professions from Mbeya Urban and Water Supply.
leaders, and officers from Mbeya WSA with their expertise relevant to the project
mainly from Mbeya City. The main activities under the implementation were
smooth implementation of the project and that activities are done as per plan.
Evaluation process has been ensuring whether or not the planned interventions are
carried out under the right track. In general the plan helped at large in realizing the
set objectives and built the cohesion among the project implementers and other
Project implementation should ensure that activities are carried out according to the
prepared plan without many diversions. Following the plan stipulated under Logical
Frame work in Table 4.5, project budget in Table 4.6 and the Gant chart which is
shown in Table 4.7 among the major activities in project implementation plan in
Household (VEO, WEO and Individuals. Apart from materials resources, Mbeya
council provided project professional for training and follow ups on the project
4.0 Regulations 4.1 Drilling permit 4.1.1Meeting with Human , Host Organizer
obtained stakeholders Stationary Mbeya WSSA
4.1.2 Apply for drilling Stationary, Fund, Host Organizer
permit Human
4.1.3 Submission of Transport , Host Organizer
required documents Human
4.2 Certificate of 4.2.1 Meeting with Human, Host Organizer
Quality check Stakeholders Stationary
4.2.2 Apply for certificate Fund Host Organizer
Logical Framework is an analytical tool which is used to plan, monitor, and evaluate
projects. Its name have been derived its logical linkages/relationship set by the
planner in order to bring about connection between project means and its ends. The
Logical Framework which has been used here is a logic Matrix. A logical
Framework as a Matrix has a standard form in its representation. The format which
has been used in this framework is sometimes known as a four by four Matrix. It
starts with Goal followed by objective, then Outputs and activities. The matrix allow
the planner to arrange objectives in logical order by asking simple questions such as;
What output are expected to realize objectives? And then what activities should be
done to realize the outputs? After the question on output the last variable which not
necessarily to be within the matrix is what inputs are needed to undergo the planned
activities? The horizontal logic shows the progress against each objective. It clearly
shows indicators and its means of verification as well as external factors which might
hinder the fulfillment of the concerned objectives (Assumptions). In planning for the
assumptions to show that the objective can be achieved. It is advisable that once
there is killer assumptions nullify or change the project before committing resources.
Under this project Goal, Objectives, Output and activities and Assumptions have
Objective 1: To sensitize 79 House Hold members in Isyesye Village on bore hole drilling project by July 2018
Output 1.1: Meeting A meeting conducted Meeting report Positive response from the
conducted every month Village
Community members
Output 1.2: 50 community members sensitized Project progress reports Community members
50 Household community on bore hole Project positively respond to the
members attended the meeting
1.1 Advocacy meeting 50 Community members attended Project progressive report Readiness of community
done to Isyesye the meeting members to support the
Household members Project.
4.3.2 Inputs
resources inputs from, financial resources inputs and materials input. Human
resources were Isyesye members, Officers from Mbeya Water and Sanitation
Authority, staff from Nyasa Drilling Company, sector expert from Irrigation Unit in
Mbeya Training institute, and other development partners from VEO and WEO.
Financial resource is the major component in the implementation which was used for
expenses such as consultation cost, water and electrical bills, bore drilling permit,
The project has one attendant who will be responsible for water check and collection
hence the project premise is within the Household where the borehole is located.
However, the implementation to a great extent was and will be assisted by Isyesye
The project budget was TZS.10, 760, 200/= Out of the total budget 9,000,000 cash
was a contribution from Isyesye Household members and VEO and WEO
contributed TZS.1, 760,200. The rest was a contribution in terms of electrical works
from BEROYA Company and Nyasa Company contributed the work force and
drilling. All resources and inputs are in place water filtration machines which will
filter water when comes with mad. Costing of items and for project equipments was
done in collaboration with Isyesye Village leaders, sector institutions and Nyasa
professions. The procurement was done by Isyesye Village leaders and technical
personnel from the Mbeya Water and Sanitation Authority. The project budget was
1. To sensitize 79 1.1 meeting 1.1.1 To have a meeting Consultant allowance 1 20,000 20,000
House hold members conducted every Pen 10 1000 10000
in Isyesye Village month ½ Rim Paper 1 5000 5000
On bore hole drilling 1.1.2 To organize a Allowance for VEO 1 20000 20000
project by June 2018 day to discuss with VEO Allowance for VEO 1 20000 20000
&WEO Bites (Crisps) 50 700 35000
Drinking water 50 700 35000
1.2 At least 1.2.1 Conduct Bites (Crisps) 50 700 35000
fifty household sensitization meeting with house Drinking water 50 700 35000
members attended hold
the meeting 1.2.2 meet with Mbeya Water New print 2 500 1000
and Sanitation Authority Fare for 2 people 2 10000 20000
2. Site selection, 2.1 Having a viable 2.1 Select of the consultant to Surveyor 1 180000 180000
Surveys drilling site. evaluate the site. Transport cost 2 20000 40000
2.2 Deployment of hydro Electrical cables 100 4500 450000
geological tools (100m)Hamad Cable
DPC switch 1 200000 200000
Switch Socket 1 10000 10000
2.2One 2.2.1 Listing of professionals Allowance for professionals 2 20000 40000
professional 2.2.2 stakeholders meeting for Drinking water 50 700 35000
selected selection Bites (Crisps) 50 700 35000
3.0 Borehole 3.1 Completed bore 3.1.1 Selection of pump Submerged Pump 1 750000 750000
Specifications hole with required Drilling cost per metre 100 80000 8000000
specs 3.1.2 Hiring consultant for Consultant allowance 1 50000 50000
selection of pump
The proposed project will entail the drilling and equipping of one borehole,
construction of pump house, laying 50mm diameter pipe GI class “B” and 63mm
diameter uPVC pipe class “D” and a 1000Litres storage tank on a concrete tower.
The design period will be 7 months, with the initial year (when the new system is
expected to be commissioned) taken as 2018, future year 2019 and ultimate year as
The design of the water supply system was carried out on the basis of the following
i) WHO Report No. 4 - Selection and Design Criteria for Community Water Supply
ii) Ministry of Water and Irrigation – Practice Manual for Water Supply Services in
Kenya, 2006.
two or more codes or standards are found to conflict, the more stringent of them was
Borehole Drilling: The borehole will be drilled to a depth 100m. The borehole yield
is estimated at 5m3/hr for the purpose of design. Assuming that borehole will safely
yield 70% the production will 5.0x0.7 = 3.5m3/hr. Assuming that the borehole will
Thus daily yield is 3.5x8 = 28m3/day. It is however apparent that the borehole yield
will not be able to meet the demand even at the initial stage. The initial demand is
Once the borehole has been drilled, testing is done in order to:
iii) Assess whether abstraction can be sustained in terms of yield and quality;
and storage.
preliminary stages of the project as it is well elaborated in Table 4.4 which is the
project implementation plan and Gantt chart which is Table 4.7 under these guides
the activities were executed sequentially which facilitated the effective realization of
the set objectives. The responsible persons for the smooth implementation of the
project were the CED student, host organization leaders, and selected members from
stakeholders in order to successful implements the project. This approach was useful
for it gave the way for the participants to get experience from one another on how to
ensures project sustainability on the side of management and creativity. These concur
with Liftin (2001) who revealed that, local people starts as clients of the project as
they go on they become clients of the Project, ultimately they become owners of the
project. This means that as they participate thoroughly throughout the project
implementation they become experts on how to handle the project. The main areas in
which villagers were involved include; identification of the place for construction of
borehole sensitization of the community on bore hole drilling project, training on the
use of different tools which are used in construction and installation of bore hole.
Other crucial activity was to ensure accessibility of funds for the project equipments.
The task was successful achieved in collaboration with different stakeholders who
were and are interested with the project which are VEO and WEO. In order for the
conducted by CED student in collaboration with the Village leaders. The CED
student had to participate in the monitoring exercise in collaboration with the group
monitoring team from the starting days to familiarize the group members on the
detect the project feasibility and viability, intermediate evaluation to see whether the
so as to realize the predetermined objectives and goal. Mid and annual evaluation is
The task for searching the simple machine by the CED student in collaboration with
the Consultant from Mbeya WSA and Nyasa Drilling Company in January , 2018. It
was the time when we got a real price of the machine and procurement process
started. Though the request to village leaders during the meeting on funds to
Distinct with the expectation, the constituency fund from VEO and WEO Released in
Gaunt Chart has been prepare to simply the intervention process and to indicate
implemented as planned, gaunt chart was prepared showing activities and their
The gaunt chart shows the Objective, expected Output and the concerned activity.
However, some of activities. The series of activities is well elaborated in Table 4.7.
5.1 Introduction
Monitoring is the process of looking the implementation of day to day activities and
and evaluation are linked together since monitoring sets benchmarks for evaluation.
Thus monitoring and evaluation help to gather information needed to keep the
Under this part project progress is determined and it provides chance to the project
implementers to see whether the project is in the right track or not. Project flexibility
Stone, Chauhan and Lissi (1994: 57) define Monitoring as the process of routinely
information needed to; analyze current situation, identify problems and find
solutions, discover trends and pattern, keep project activities on schedule, measure
progress objectives and formulate/revise future goals and objectives, make decision
therefore; are extremely important for learning about the achievement/deviation from
involving the respective persons. For the case of bore hole drilling the members fully
in the project. The essence was to determine the progress of the planned activities.
Among the activities which were monitored include; sensitization meeting to the
Isyesye Community members on bore hole drilling funds for project equipments
collection, arrangement for fetching water license, training on how to run fruits
aware of all activities undertaken in the project and it helped them to make their
This is in which project activities are collected and reported according to the agreed
plan, monitor, and undergo evaluation on the intervention of the project. The bore
hole drilling Monitoring Information System to establish data bank collected from
different planned activities implemented in a certain period. The collected and kept
data helped in the smooth run of the project and to find solution of the impediments
occurred in the implementation process. Among the information which was needed
by the project were; Number of apples producers and their respective number of
fruits trees planted. Different information which were required by the project
staffs for project daily running, training requirements, raw materials collected,
market on the products, customers and members of the project. Accessibility of such
information helps managers or leaders to arrange good plan for the project
Under this system, a daily record book/sheet was prepared to enable all information
to be entered for the use of different stakeholders including the group members
themselves. The assigned apples processing project group members were responsible
for recording daily project records for project development and for the preparation of
the reports for different intervals. Normal intervals in fruits processing project was
were well utilized in the participatory monitoring. Under this approach the group
members got chance to encourage one to another and other Isyesye community
members including school children on bore hole drilling so as to get safe and clean
In the implementation of the project some addition information were needed to some
key informants including; Mbeya Urban and Water Supply Authority , and Nyasa
Drilling Company ,District officials ( Health officer), Ward leaders (WEO and
Councillor) Village leaders, and members from nearby Schools. The information
Through these interviews and discussions it was agreed that the supervisors who are
the village leaders should sensitize the house hold on the importance of borehole
drilling. Observation
Observation was another useful way used by Village leaders in collaboration with the
researcher, village leaders, Consultant from Mbeya WSA to see if the planned
equipments procured, premises, how the bore hole will be far from the contaminants
and the sensitization meeting attendants were well observed and justified for fund
collection. Another observation task will include the real project take off and the Documentation
Different document pertaining bore hole drilling project were to be kept in good
order. The documents prepared and kept included; Water Quality Check Certificate,
Drilling Permit and purchase of materials and pumps, important letters from Mbeya
City Council, Different receipt books and payment vouchers, different minutes for
various meetings, daily product records, list of project equipments and list of names
The project funding records was the necessary document to be kept into good
custody for successive implementation of the project. In general all transaction done
chairperson had to ensure that the group secretary and the treasurer keep all
necessary documents for the use of the project members and other project
stakeholders. The CED student assisted the group members on the good way of
writing and keeping different report in good manner. The CED student in
collaboration with district officials, Chairperson of the group designed and prepared
a daily record sheet/book for income received and income generated for the scientific
The Monitoring plan is going to be formulated by the Fund raising committee and it
i) There will be a weekly financial report and these reports will be reported in
and members.
iii) Money Management from fetching water to nearby village community members
project is carrying out its planned activities and it investigate if the project is
through the generation and use of knowledge. It is a process that leads to collective
action by involving all level of stakeholders in shared decision making” From the
ii) Terminal or summative evaluation which in usually done at the end of the plan
i) Evaluation helps to revise the aims objectives and implementation of the plan.
Business plan, contribution from Villagers, monitoring and evaluation plans are very
important parts of this project work. All these activities are a process and so they
Apart from, many other advantages participatory evaluation guides the community
members to see the successes and failures and they give room for discussion among
In course of action while implementing the bore hole drilling project the community
members, livestock keepers, school members, and other stakeholders were involved
in the community needs assessment exercise they found that establishment of bore
hole drilling were worthwhile for getting safe and clean water for domestic use
around the household in Isyesye Village. After they agreed on the project they
discussed and set project goal, objectives and activities that need to be implemented.
Also they discussed when to conduct evaluation how, when and who will be
responsible. With the assistance of CED student they prepared an action plan agreed
Performance indicators of the bore hole drilling project fall in two categories
qualitative and quantitative based on project objective and project goal. To measure
the input indicator members were to examine resources that were utilized in project
implementation that include number of hours, money spent while for output
indicators involves number of village members, livestock keepers and project staff
house hold members . Those village members are expected to improve their standard
of living by fulfilling their basic needs such as ability to have three meals, quality
housing and improved healthy. Project goal and project objectives performance
4.0 Regulations 4.1 Drilling 4.1.1Meeting with stakeholders Allowances Acknowledge of receipt
permit obtained 4.1.2 Apply for drilling permit Application fees Certificate of application
4.1.3 Submission of required Fare Delivery note
documents Envelope
4.2 Certificate of 4.2.1 Meeting with Stakeholders Allowances Water analysis Report
Quality check 4.2.2 Apply for certificate for Quality Fare Application Report
Check Cost for quality Check
Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Learning Action. Both methods were in use
techniques used are Key informant Interview, Focus Group Discussion, Direct
democratic way during the visit, Planning meeting and monthly meetings. The
formations, a check list were prepared to guide the discussion during the meeting,
Key Informant Interview and Focus Group Discussion during the meeting.
For the case of bore hole drilling Project Key informants were village members,
examine the information collected during the meetings. The collected data and
During the meeting, when discussing about poor “Bore hole Drilling” participants
were in a position to give live examples of people who have poor health and how
troublesome is, to their family members for not getting safe and clean water. They
also gave data to those who have diagnosed with typhoid from drinking unsafe water.
Village Executive Officer and Ward Executive Officer since they mobilizes
community members and household members about the project output or outcome.
stakeholders namely Mbeya Water and Sanitation Authority and Mafanikio Primary
School played a great role in the implementation of the project and achievement of
project objective. The procedure (modus operandi) used to establish the project from
CNA, project planning, budgeting, project implementation and evaluation plan are
Table 4.10 indicates the project evaluation summary based on the project goal,
the project goal, objectives and activities planned have been met with exception of
mid and annual evaluation that will be done after three months of project
implementation. Generally the evaluation shows that there are strong commitments
of various stakeholders from the planning stage to the implementation activities. This
indicates that the project is the real need to the direct beneficiaries and community
members at large.
4.0 Regulations 4.1 Drilling 4.1.1Meeting with 4.1.1 Acknowledge 4.1.1 Positive A total of 50
permit obtained stakeholders of receipt responses members attended
4.1.2 Apply for drilling 4.1.2 Certificate of 4.1.2 Certificate 4.1.2 Certificate obtained
permit application
4.1.3 Submission of 4.1.3Delivery note 4.1.3 Documents 4.1.3 Documents accepted
required documents agreed
4.2 Certificate of 4.2.1 Meeting with 4.2.1 Water analysis 4.2.1 Positive 4.2.1 Certificate obtained
Quality check Stakeholders Report responses
4.2.2 Apply for certificate Application Report 4.2.2 Getting 4.2.2 Certificate available
for Quality Check Certificates
by its own resource (human, material and financial) even when external source of
funding have ended. It is commonly known as a state whereby the project functions
will totally depend on its own resources. However, it is very important to the village
The sustainability of bore hole drilling project household members in Isyesye village
livestock keepers, project staff, and Mbeya Water and Sanitation Authority staff and
the materials required as inputs are used by the beneficiaries themselves (water).
Other material input are in place that once depreciate replacement is within the
project’s capacity.
Capacity building done to village house hold members in filtration of water using
sand filters will contribute to increased water capacity in future. Referring to the
information gathered from key informants and focus group discussion during the
CAN exercise, it was revealed that despite little amount of water and low price of
water per bucket still they appreciated that they gains money to access basic needs.
Thus established bore hole Drilling is a liberty since it will enable school children
time saved from going around house to house looking for water. Also training to
village members and project staff on business management will contribute to project
sustainability since they are sure of profit making and employment. The community
evaluation of the project is the key issue that creates sense of ownership that leads to
The bore hole drilling project has started readily with TZS 10,760,000/= as the
starting capital for bore hole drilling. Additional funds will be collected as per
agreement with fetchers by charging a certain percentage per liter of 50tsh per
bucket. As it was proposed by villagers during the meeting that water collector will
form an organization whereby money will be collected from water collection fee.
Organization members will get loan that capital investment and pay a reasonable
interest that will be used for development of members and the project.
The borehole drilling project is directly supporting the NAPO, the Nation Strategy
for growth and Reduction of Poverty II. That being a case, the local leaders at village
level, Councilors, Executive Officers at ward level and District Council chairperson
and DED are in favors of the project. Efforts done by various stakeholders,
development partners to support the bore hole drilling project has created good
6.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an over view of bore hole drilling project in Isyesye Village. It
gives the summary of the whole process and steps undertaken since the identification
areas which have been summarized in this chapter include; Community Needs
sustainability of the project. In general, the chapter shows in nutshell what have been
6.2 Conclusion
The government of Tanzania has placed Water and Environmental sanitation as a key
pillar in its poverty reduction strategy. Tanzania has also actively participated in the
sustainable development. The goals aims at targets on water and sanitation, that is, to
reduce by at least half the country’s population that is without access to safe and
adequate water and sanitation by 2015. This implies that the sector needs to adopt
urgent and well-coordinated strategies and actions to ensure that coverage of both
Understanding the link between Poverty water and sanitation is very necessary.
Water is essential to life and is part of every cell furthermore is necessary for most
basic functions like respiration and digestion Access to clean and safe water is a
major requisite for poverty reduction, improving human health conditions promoting
sustainable development .At the same time however, contamination from human
activities are threatening the quality of water and human health. Shortage of water
Resources, Rural water Supply and Urban water Supply and Sewerage activities.
Luhumbika (2000) analyses basic facts of water from the Policy as basic natural
of our environment, a resource with great pressures and demands. Social economical
investment in water supply and sanitation to ensure availability of water supply and
in personal hygiene behaviors and practices are the most difficult challenge but it is
possible to use water education campaigns to reduce and eventually save the
problem at peri- urban areas like Isyesye. A clear choice has to be made between
Water Policy and strategies. The basic question is on what principles community
The study has found out that water shortage contribute to social and economic
problems to human beings. Some of these problems are low income, poverty, low
nutrition, and water related diseases and malnutrition. Apart from those time wastage
by women fetching water and eruption of water related diseases are another outcome
of water shortage. This water related diseases include diarrhea, Typhoid, Dysentery,
deficient, found through the study are poultry and urban agriculture, groundwater
pollution, poor sanitation and drainage services, low rainfall intensity, high water
House hold community members which were the hosts of this study have shown a
suggesting the solutions to solve their problems. The community members have
accepted to contribute in kind and in cash, contributing building materials and simu
tanks. The majority of the people promise to contribute cash and in kind. It is
therefore possible to raise some money as part of the required financial resources for
Inadequate water and sanitation services to poor people increase their living costs,
lower their income, damage their well-being, and even make life more miserable if
not risky. Inappropriate school sanitation or total lack of toilets and latrines serving
the pupils is a factor that prevents girls from continuing with their education causes
low enrolments and lead to low performance academically. Possibly the borehole
construction will reduce the cost of living among Isyesye community members.
Income generating activities available in the community like poultry, bar, local brew,
car wash, horticulture and hotels will be more health and productive.
Women who have been taking the burden of water shortage will have reduced
workload. They will also do activities that are more productive and hence get more
time to care for the families. Malnutrition level will go down due to the availability
of balanced —diet due to rearing of cattle, poultry, eggs and production of green
vegetables .The availability of water will control water related diseases along with
Community Cost Sharing has aroused a Critique with two assumptions. Water
supply needs operating and maintenance cost, also free water supply has not ensured
effective management of the constructed schemes, which has resulted into poor
services to the majority of the rural population. Water is a basic need for human life.
If water will be paged to open market poor people will be denied this right.
Binamungu (2002) possess issues which are willingness and ability to pay, people's
For Water development to match with the current economic growth Tanzania being a
country where service of water was seen as a free sen/ice, education on the
stakeholders will be important so as to march with the current economic growth. The
government alone will not be able to meet the demand of water supply for the
communities from its own resources except by using capital from investors. In order
to trace a source of failure, it is important to follow a certain pattern of the model for
any project operation and Management. The model for public-private partnership
better performance and achievement of the goals set. There is no doubt persistent
sufficient and reliable water supply and sanitation services coupled with the inability
to maintain existing systems and so call for search for alternatives and interventions.
Underground water proposed risks could also be taped with the use of deep wells
with depth of about 50 to 100 meters. Improved drainage and methods of dealing
with wastewater are the most effective ways to stem the spread of cholera, malaria
diarrhea, typhoid, and worms' diseases. Reducing the mosquitoes' breeding sources
and ground water management by the Community Councils will reduce almost all
observations and pictorials will be the main tools in this exercise. All stakeholders of
Towards Village level Operation and maintenance will solve the global problem of
maintenance. In the attempt to solve this problem UNDP recently launched the a
(1984) .This aimed at full responsibility of the community for the operation and
maintenance of its own water supply. They should eventually result in a reduction of
government expenditure.
Readiness of the villagers to pay and take care of the water supply will largely
depend on factors such as the extent to which the community is involved in all
phases of the water supply projects. This will impart a number of benefits including;
sense of ownership of the water supply schemes, availability and means of income
6.3 Recommendations
The income rising for borehole construction will be successful if managerial and
ii) Municipalities should conduct and finance regular seminars and meetings
community initiatives.
the burden of poverty to vulnerable like women and girls. Organizations should
iv) Community workers working at the municipalities in the city are in a position
to assist Village and NGO for technical assistances instead of remaining in the
leaders so that they can be able to meet their ends while working to mobilize
vii) In order to attain Millennium goal of gender equity and equality community
viii) The link between Village leaders will enhance community participation in
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Simbeye, F. (2003). Move to Privatize Water Supply in Tanzania, The East African
UNDP and World Bank, (2003). Socio-Economic Survey 2002 Somalia. Report No.
UNESCO, (1991). Hydrology and water resources of small islands, a practical guide.
UNICEF, (1999). Inventory of Water Sources in Bay and Bakool Regions. Retrieved
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WHO, (1971). International Standards for Drinking Water, 3rd Edition. Geneva,
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APPENDIX 1. Questionnaire
Dear respondent,
You have been selected in the above titled study which is being carried out as part of
operation in filling this questionnaire will lead to the success of the survey.
Responses shall be treated confidentially and apply only for education purposes.
Signature of Respondent:…………………………..
(iv) Widowed
4. Details of respondents
day in
Members of Household
External Family
(iv) Tertiary
5. What are the sources of the water that you consume as a household?
(i) Borehole water (ii) Rain water (iii) River water (iv) Stream
6. What is the overall number of 20 liter jerry cans of water that you use as a
7. How many 20 liter jerry cans of borehole water do you use as a family
8. Is the amount of water you use as a family sufficient for you? (i) Yes
(ii) No
9. Would you consume more amounts of water given the right conditions? If so
10. Is there any variations in amount of water consumed in dry and wet seasons? If
11. What are the major hindrances in use of more water for your household?
12. Do you boil borehole water before drinking? (i) Yes (ii) No
13. What negative things have you found with the water itself/ Quality?
15. State any other thing that you dislike about the water? ...........................................
16. 14. What human activities are being carried out about 30m from the borehole?
17. (i) Toilet establishment (ii) Animal farm (iii) Agricultural practices
20. What challenges have you faced or identified with the use of borehole water
(v) Fees
21. 16. What are your observations about the quality of borehole water, comparing
22. What suggestions do you have for improving borehole water quality and
Husika na somo la kichwa cha habari hapo juu, Sisi wancani wa kijiji cha Isyesye
tuna tatizo kubwa la ukosefu wa maji safi na salama ya kunywa kwani eneo hili ni
makazi mapya na lipo kisheria ,kutokana na khali hiyo tumeamua kuchanga pesa
kupitia kikundi chetu kijulikanacho kama Tupendane na kuweza kupata kiasi cha
shilingi million kumi. Hivyo kutokana na ukosefu wa maji katika kijiji chetu
tumeamua pesa hiyo itumike kwa ajili ya kuchimbia kisima cha kisasa cha maji
ambacho kitahudumia wakazi wote wa kijiji hiki.
Kwa barua hii tunaomba kibali chako kama mhusika mkuu uliyepewa mamlaka ya
kusambaza maji katika manispaa ya mbeya cha kuturuhusu tuweza kuchimba kisima
ili tuondokane na adha hii kwani kama utambuavyo maji ni uhai. Tunatanguliza
shukurani zetu,
Mwenyekiti wa kikundi/Balozi