SanRex Power Source For Welding

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‘Sansha Electric Manufacturing had 75 years of histories in machanical and electrical products. New technologies were ‘developed and promoted under the brand, SanRRex SanRex products supports power electronics in various industrial fields, which are now widely used as indispensible pats in equipments and electric home appliances. In 1994, SanRex company was set up in Foshan Shunde, China, for cstrbution to the China's market and became ‘worlds fourth production base in 2007, SanRex company was set up in Shanghai on 1st November 2007, to oversee sales service and servicing of welding products in China ‘As a pioneer in the power electronics, SanRex wishes to continue fo create the new techniques and advanced applied ‘products required by people and society in the 21st century by making full use of our experience and expertise ‘accumulated over the past three quarters ofa century. SanRex. e rong Source for Wi @SD-2002CY @SD-5002CY @SD-3502CY @1A-2001TP @1A-3001TP @1D-2001TP. @1D-4001TP. @10-3001TP @1A-3001TPH @SD-301TP @SD-S00TP-5 @SA-300TP-3 SanRex. ‘SanFex C02 semi Automate Welding machine has ways been most fnoued among leading manutactues, wth its excellentperfrmance and ‘ually sinc tw start sales, SanRexhas conned itsresearh and development, based on user's needs, in search of igh prtemanceand high ‘ually wedng machine. Theresia hese excellent COz sem automated weldets, SANAUTO SD seis * Ths equipment ha various fetus which enables ay perro perm high-quality welsing operations que easily +The tach slight andeasy to use reliable even afer long hous ofoperaton, * Tube is minimized and maintenance is ealy access + Thismew SANAUTO SD series empoys the soldat conte system by fhysto, which includes vous featues- good a str, sup wotage compensate, sabiizedar, ec. This machine can saistactory help toreduce manpower fr wong wakin he factory. a, aa Excotent Thy uit Incorporated The ew Sars COs semi aoa welng schine “Anoxic ewe Sash et nae Be ne ‘roporee Sere Een omgnal re san empty {nhc ayum resigns pers Soran ear ear Ecler ne semi pSaFom enererg ere onl scr sree aru an rege ath ect ihe wre end ater corpnone be wlan opener, neers ine tis ay aceobelormarararcsnaspeion thang ate aspera SEE ‘The whe eri engaged gait nent cary The teres eyed alae cabe apuchg cw s pomaaptnders potesto sneer sede Conan rey ao ene ese etry rpc oes. eg sn caret ech Sipps tyr ebyes tbe mane Sachs ese smi nace pen tan eangts asaran pore soe ‘Ts coe prevets at and dt fom tng we, us marian wee nan puma conan ih eg mc cin cra ti ‘Mo wsrgwh era cnt oop sao adopt ee i Weide Woe MO-200207_ MOSSO2CY Mb-50026¥ MD-600TCY Wilder Power Source 'SD-200207 '30-350207 'SD-s002CY ‘SD-6001C¥ Wire Feeder Type ‘SWF-20026¥ ‘SWF-250267 ‘SWF-50026Y 'SWF-00016Y Welding Torch Type Sanfiex200A Sanfiex350A Sanfiex500A Sanfiex600A {C02 Gas Fiow Replat 3980-25L-110 pe ooo ‘SOSaEDCY, SoeaoICY EROTAT “Phase © EO 2 ‘3Phase Double Star Conmulaon by Thyislor Forced AC ( ‘Waar Power Soa ‘So-ewoIcY, Wilding Torh Type Sennen Sanna Sanerso0A SenPexs00K ated Curent x 200 350 S00 0 Rated Duly Cuan = 22 32 60 30 Wie Dia —| avn wea T2i8 25 iy Sylar Tau Aco “Toth Shape ‘Swan Nook Typo Cable Length = 2 Torn Weight ie 2a I oa I is i 7 SSIs ‘SOaaORCY, ‘SOSCY, SOsOOECY, SOemoICY, eas Maman Presse 250 Hw.19500 BCEIC OF i 1-35 Standard Aooessores ‘SOSEDRCY, SO-eaOICY, ion ao se z = 7 Sano San rs 7 soa0-zeL-110 INVERTER CONTROLLED, TIG WELDING EQUI Compile gta ype “IGE conaled — Lightandduable + User erdy —«inkrference roof + Pulse width is acute Method ofelana ‘AGADG TIG/5bck Ing Vatage TAGa20V Bone (AGW Bone Rated reat ‘ara TeOWA Tig 5~200 (00) Tig 5=300 (00) ate 1o~200 (AG) 10-200 (AG) ‘OuputVatiage ov ev Duty Ole 20% 0% Memory ‘valbiein S memos Raed Cosing| Fae Air Colina Cooling Wate ‘Welder Toh pis “4p. 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