Community Engagement Project (Mpu4) Semester May 2020 Project Proposal Science Made Easy Group: Science Heroes
Community Engagement Project (Mpu4) Semester May 2020 Project Proposal Science Made Easy Group: Science Heroes
Community Engagement Project (Mpu4) Semester May 2020 Project Proposal Science Made Easy Group: Science Heroes
under the National requirement prescribed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. This
course is a project-based activity, categorized under MPU4, to complement MPU1, MPU2
and MPU3 courses that are based on knowledge, skills, morals, value and patriotism
respectively. The course is designed to ensure that students will acquire some of those basic
elements to be applied in CEP to support students’ development. The social and value
emphasis on this community-based project is in line with the UTP mission to produce well-
rounded graduates with a broad-minded, balanced and holistic views. In this course, students
are required to form a group to plan and execute any CEP with the approval of the UTP MPU
‘Science Made Easy’ is part of the MPU4 project. The project will be held for standard
six primary school students of Sekolah Kebangsaan Rawang, for two weeks. This team has a
combination of members from Civil Engineering, Petroleum Engineering and Petroleum
Geoscience Undergraduate Student from September 2018 who enrolled in the CEP course.
As well, this team is supervised by lecturers namely, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ting Ding Hooi and
Assoc. Prof Dr Zahiraniza binti Mustaffa.
Today, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the style of education and resulted in schools
shut across the world including Malaysia. As a result, education has changed dramatically,
with the distinctive rise of e-learning, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital
platforms. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to help teachers who are teaching
standard six primary school students, to ensure effective learning can be conducted as the
students will have a curricular assessment in exchange of UPSR. Besides, our project also
focuses on helping the students to keep on track with their studies as well as to expose them
with the new norms of learning via an online platform. Since children broadly use their
senses to study, making learning fun and effective using technology is crucial. Therefore, this
project is the solution to this matter.
The Covid-19 pandemic has interrupted the livelihoods of every Malaysian, although
unevenly. Many hopes that life will go back to the norms before the pandemic soonest and
for parents, this includes resuming their children’s schooling. School closures since mid-
March have put off formal classroom learning for around 4.9 million students in pre-school,
primary and secondary schools nationwide. With physical distancing becomes a necessity,
teachers have generally been shifting their education activities from traditional classroom
meetings to online learning, utilizing electronic equipment (e-learning).
Nevertheless, the reality is quite different from the typical daily school routine, and
students, parents as well as teachers are still dealing with e-learning. Insufficient equipment
and unconducive environments make the adoption of home-based e-learning even tougher for
both teachers and students. Working from home during the Movement Control Order (MCO)
entails its difficulties for parents as well as teachers since many teachers are also parents
themselves. Many are caught in challenging situations that need striking a balance between
work, household chores and care work, as well as enabling and supervising their confined
children’s learning at home.
Thus, proceeding with education through elective learning pathways, as quickly as time
permits, should likewise be the top need at this moment. This is to guarantee the interference
to education is as minimal as could be under the circumstances. We urgently need to help
teachers whether through online learning, radio programmes, home-schooling and other
innovative approaches in conducting an easy way for students to learn at home.
This project is conducted to achieve our main mission and aim which is to ease the
learning process particularly of Science subject for standard six primary students. Moreover,
we aim to help teachers teaching the students in a creative and fun way as to expose them
with the new norms of learning via the online platform as well as to help the students to keep
on track with their studies, especially on Science topic.
Education has been hit particularly hard by the COVID-19 pandemic with 184 country-
wide school closures including Malaysia. Teachers will have to learn to be comfortable
with teaching online and to navigate the technical challenges of online classrooms. With
this project, we can help teachers who are teaching standard six students, to ensure
effective learning can be conducted as the students will have a curricular assessment in
exchange of UPSR. In this case, we will provide some creative and fun videos related to
Science subject to make the learning process more interesting and enjoyable.
Inadvertently, the students will be negatively affected too. To reiterate, the value of
teaching will be compromised as students can no longer enjoy the interaction in the
classrooms. In an online setting, it is harder for students to keep on track with their
studies. By conducting this project, we will help students to learn smartly to ensure that
no one was left behind. Moreover, this will help the students to stay in touch with
teachers and providing a platform for them to ask questions and get more guidance.
3. To expose the students with the efficiency of learning via an online platform.
The efficiency of online learning differs amongst age groups. The consensus on children,
particularly younger ones, is that a structured setting is required because they are more
easily distracted. With this project, we will be replicating a physical class through video
capabilities to get the full benefit of online learning. Since children extensively use their
senses to learn, making learning fun and effective through the use of technology is
1. High committees
The key purpose of high committees is to create strategic planning and decision-making
for the project according to the mission and vision of the course. Besides, the high
committees have ultimate responsibility for directing the activity of the project, ensuring
it is well run and delivering the outcomes for which it has been set up. The high
committees also have a responsibility to present regular reports or information of the
project’s work to other members as for regular updates on the status of the project.
2. Public Relations
Media and Technical department involve in designing and preparing any kind of digital
material such as logo and poster in promoting the project to the public. This department
will also monitor the videos production in making this project successful. Other than that,
this department is in charge to create an applicable tentative and flow of event of the
project with the use of an online learning platform.
Ahmad Ammar
Project Director
Muhammad Izzat
Project Director
Search and approach the school – Our team has successfully found a school and a
teacher by a connection with one of our team members. Then, we sent a formal letter to
the principal to request for collaboration of our project with the school. The participants
are standard six students and this program is mainly to teach and encourage them to learn
Science subject.
Contact the teacher – The high committees and head for each of the department conduct
a first meeting with the teacher to collect some important information regarding syllabus
and to decide the number of classes to be used for conducting this project.
Approach the Science teacher – Discussion was made with the Science teacher to
confirm about topics that suitable and can be easily taught via an online platform. The
assessment given for the students will be based on learning outcomes for every topic
which have been specified by the school.
Conducting a survey – Survey is conducted by spreading the Google Form link to
students’ guardian to gain information regarding Internet accessibility. Besides, this
survey is to get information about a suitable time to conduct online learning. This is
important to get all the students’ availability.
Execution of the program
1 hour per session - Session will be conducted three times a week. We will submit the
pre-recorded videos to the Science teacher several days before the session as for the
preparation. The students will use one hour during Science class to learn the topics
through the videos and they will be given some time to answer quizzes. Moreover, there
will be another one hour of another day for them to learn new experiments (based on
Science textbook) through a video demonstration.
Teaching and learning online session – This group will prepare pre-recorded videos for
a topic that has been highlighted by their teacher (Constellation ad Microorganism topic).
All the information is based on the course learning outcome of standard 6 Science
textbook. Our video length will be 5-10 minutes and we will combine with other videos
related to the topics that are more interesting (‘Wow’ factor to attract students).
Demonstration of experiments – Our team members will demonstrate through pre-
recorded video and there will be only 2 experiments as what we have been discussed with
the Science teacher (experiments based on Constellation and Microorganism topic). The
instructions will be given to the students earlier as they will conduct the experiments at
home and must obtain results through their observation.
Quizzes – All students will do their quiz together in a computer lab and we will only use
Google Form and Kahoot platform for them to answer the quizzes.
Submission of assessments – The submission of videos are necessary for students to
record their observation for those experiments. Submission will be done through Google
Classroom (using their teacher’s account)
After program
Progress of students – This is the key element to achieve our objective in this program.
Hence, all the students’ progress will be observed and evaluate through the quizzes and
experiments videos that they had done successfully. Our team will frequently check on
the progress of the students in answering the prepared set of questions for every topic in
the time allocated. It will indicate the students’ comprehension of online teaching that
will be conducted by our team. Moreover, the students will conduct their own
experiments and they need to submit their work through videos or pictures.
Rewards for students – The rewards are mainly to encourage students to enjoy the
learning process and to make them feel motivated in becoming the top three best
experiment videos.
Conducting a survey – This survey is mainly for the teacher to evaluate how this project
can give impact to the school and students. A different survey will be sent to students’
guardian for some feedback regarding the performance of their children during this
Committee details:
6 Cemerlang
No. Name
1. Aidil Wafiq Bin Mohd Iswardy
2. Karthi A/L Selvarajoo
3. Muhammad Adnan Hakimi Bin Mohd Ehwan
4. Muhammad Harith Bin Mohd Yusuf Mustapa
5. Muhammad Iqbal Irfan Bin Mohd Zaki
6. Muhammad Mu’iz Bin Ahmad Sabri
7. Muhammad Rafiuddin Bin Mohd Rujhan
8. Muhammad Zafreen Syakil Bin Mohd Redzuan
9. Yuzi Haziq Daniel Bin Yuzi Mustaqimi
10. Zayeed Khan Bin Feroz Khan
11. Akma Rasdiana Binti Abdul Rashid
12. Emylia Fatrisya Binti Fariz Azraq
13. Intan Nurmaisarah Binti Mohamad Shahapuddin
14. Keerthika A/P Neelavannan
15. Maizatul Alia Husna Binti Ahmad Muzakkir
16. Nor Amylia Izati Binti Shahrizal
17. Nur Dinah Safiyah Binti Rohaizat
18. Nur Dini Izzati Binti Mohd Zawawi
19. Nur Najwa Zafirah Binti Mohamad Razali
20. Nur Rafaezatul Binti Razali
21. Nur Ridwana Balqis Binti Mohd Roslan
22. Nur Syifaa Binti Mohamad Ali
23. Nurfarizatul Athirah Binti Rosidi
24. Nurul Iman Binti Azman
Project registration
Submission of marks
- Tutorial video of Microorganism experiment (student will
conduct the experiment at home)
3 14th August 2020 - Introduction video of topic 2 (Constellation)
- Quiz based on the introduction video
- Tutorial video of Constellation experiment (student will
conduct the experiment at home)
4 17th August 2020 - Presentation of students’ video compilation for
Microorganism experiment
- Quiz on Microorganism experiment
5 19th August 2020 - History of Constellation video presentation
- Presentation of students’ video compilation for
Constellation experiment
- Quiz on Constellation experiment
6 21st August 2020 - Prize giving video presentation
- ‘Thank You and Goodbye’ video presentation
1) All the quizzes will be conducted simultaneously in a computer lab and students
need to submit through Google Classroom.
2) Students need to submit two videos of the experiment through Google Classroom.
3) The online platform that will be used:
i. Google Form/ Kahoot (for quizzes)
ii. Google Classroom (for submission of videos/quizzes)
4) Every student should submit the videos as per time allocated.
Activities/ Months May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Election of HICOM
HICOM meeting
Mass meeting
Finalize committee list
Formation of
Database preparation
Supervisors confirmation
Finalize project
MPU4 briefing
Online registration
MPU4 project
Proposal presentation
Appointment of
Final draft project
proposal submission via
Approval of the project
Planning of project
Project implementation
and monitoring
Registration of MPU4
course via UCampus
Add-Drop weeks and
confirmation of online
registration via UCampus
Submission of Final
Submission of group
project implementation
form via ULearn
Submission individual
reflections report and
individual project
implementation form via
Oral & Video
Submission of marks by
Submission of peer
review marks
Compilation of marks
2. Gantt Chart of High Committee
Activities/ Months April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Conduct meeting
Follow up with
Project proposal
Presentation of proposal
Final draft project
proposal submission
Report preparation
Final report submission
3. Gantt Chart of Public Relations
4. Gantt Chart of Media & Technical
Activities/ Months Apri May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
l e
Conduct meeting
Budget allocation
Seeking necessary
project materials
Letterhead template
Project logo
Tentative program and
details of each program
Outline of storyboard for
teaching videos
Teaching videos
Project video preparation
Social media account
Interact with the students via online platform (e.g Google
Note that all these items are materials and tools to be used during the experimental
demonstration that will be pre-recorded as a source for students to follow instructions for this
segment. There are no other items since this program will be only conducted via online learning.
1. Flashlight 5.77 1 5.77
According to UTP USR, three project themes are being listed out for students to choose
which are Education, Socioeconomic and Environment. This team choose Education as the
theme to be focused before conducting this online learning program. It is also stated this project
falls under the category of Technology and Innovation as this team members are focusing to
improve the online learning process of those students in a primary school in the mid of this
pandemic situation.
The current situation that forces us to deal with is not as much as easy for children to
adapt especially in their studies. Based on UTP mission, one of its states to provide opportunities
for the pursuit of knowledge and expertise for the advancement of engineering, science and
technology to enhance the nation’s competitiveness. As the project is more focusing on Science
subject in primary, this provides us as a student with science and engineering background to
enhance the understanding of these kids along with topics highlighted by their teacher through
online learning. Some of the basics that our team members have are capable enough to help the
kids to explore and make them interested again to learn science subject even through an online
Next, UTP USR highlights the mission for this course is to produce well-rounded
graduates who are creative and innovative with the potential to become leaders of industry and
the nation. As this program will be conducted via an online platform, it challenges us as a student
to practice critical thinking skills and be creative in search various ways to attract those kids to
focus and get back on their track to learn this subject. In the old days, online learning may be
impossible especially for the primary students and for a subject like Science as it needs a
thorough explanation for the kids in standard six to comprehend without the help of their teacher
in class. As the pandemic war is not in the end yet, it forced teachers to use online platform
which gives us an idea to be creative to attract these kids in many ways to learn this subject.
Lastly, it also states to nurture creativity and innovativeness and expand the frontiers of
technology and education for the betterment of society. This is linear with our project as we are
passionate to improve these students’ knowledge about Science and open their mind that our
surroundings mainly use the application of basic science knowledge. Thus, this will upgrade the
understanding level of these students aside to boost up the mind and allow them to grow with the
appropriate education level along their journey.
This program used concept almost similar to E-Learning that every Malaysian student had
already been engaged for the past two months. Standard 6 students would be our targeted
participants as their progress in the current level is crucial for them to enroll in tertiary education
especially for them who interested to pursue in boarding school. It is a responsibility to make
sure these students able to catch up all syllabus that they learn during their primary years.
First, we are focusing on the topic that may be taught by the teacher exactly at the same
time that we want to conduct the lesson. This means we will assist the teacher to teach the topic
that has not been learnt yet by the students so that the teacher can focus more on others topic that
she/he wants to highlight the most. We initiated by discussing with Science subject teacher about
what topics we should teach them and align with the desired outcomes that the students must be
fulfilled. Science Made Easy program is not a platform for us to just teach about based on their
textbooks, but our team are expecting to make sure these students know and understand as well
as can apply the knowledge in their daily life. As the UPSR examination is to be called off this
year, it is very important to encourage them is willing to learn and finish all the syllabus that
already been provided in the guideline by the Ministry of Education. Hence, all the activities and
teaching-learning session (may be done by pre-recording) must be fully based on their learning
objectives and the desired outcomes as a prove the students understand for each of the topics.
Furthermore, the video for teaching and learning session would mostly be done in pre-
recording and will be delivered for not more than 5 minutes. It will be simple but informative as
students especially in primary they would rather be focusing in short period whilst to ensure they
will stay focus. To make it more interesting, the topics that will be delivered through video will
be inserted with animation and a bit fillers so the students will not get too bored and as a catalyst
to attract them to watch it. Besides, they will at least learn something by enjoying the video. The
media team will also create a stop motion video which it is a compilation of pictures and it is just
to add up more excitement for them to learn every topic without having a feeling to be forced. In
this program, this the part that will be very challenging as we need to create the video creatively
in attracting them to keep learning whilst to reach our goals for this project.
The activities like exercises or questions through google form will be posted on Google
Classroom platform or shared link via Whatsapp (for students who have difficulties to access the
Internet). These questions are based on the teacher’s expectation or desired outcome learning that
they want to observe from the students. On the other hand, the most effective ways in teaching
and learning session are to conduct experiments demonstration which will be presented by the
committee members. The students also will be instructed to do the experiments which are
associated with the topics they learnt like building simple hovercrafts model which to investigate
force (in Topic 6 is about force). The students will be given time to do and duration to obtain
results. For example, Topic 3 is about microorganism so the task is they have to keep a piece of
bread more than 7 days and observe the condition of the bread. It is mainly to educate them
Science knowledge applies to every corner of our surrounding in case if they did not notice it.
Thus, it will be aligned with expected learning outcomes as well as to reach our main goal in this
Having Covid-19 pandemic for about 3 months now, everyone still could not estimate when the
pandemic will end, even though the case number is getting reduce day by day. We are very
concern about those kids that have not yet to learn everything and even some of them already
make up their mind to not proceed due to their absence in the real classroom ambience.
This program will give a lot of benefit and chance for those primary learners to catch up
everything in the past lesson and improve their current progress. We believe this program can be
applied for a long term as for the current pandemic is still not in the end yet. Besides, the burden
in afterwards that being hold by the teachers will be reduced if we collaborated with them to
participate in the online classroom and give the best effort to help their students to gain back
their interest to join the online learning session. Instead of live session online learning, we can
create vibrant methods like animation or stop motion videos, play games while answering
quizzes and teach the kids to do a simple experiment. These methods should be practised in
school so they will have fun learning in the classroom.
If the pandemic will be ended soon, we are optimized this way of learning and teaching
session still can be practised in the future. It helps the current generation to improve their skills
in using electronic devices specifically for education which linear with the global development in
technology and science. For example, South Korea is one of the leading countries that
successfully conduct online learning to all their institutions. The key is to make the learning
session interesting and effective even it is virtually, which we believe Malaysian can start to
normalize online learning. Thus, the current situation indicates the government to provide
excellent internet connection in rural and urban areas so online learning can be conducted
The expected outcome is the children can still catch up on their lesson even though it is in a
virtual classroom. It is to ensure these primary students still can be interactive and proactive
whilst to learn through their understanding of simple animation videos. Furthermore, despite
catching up the previous topic that they are incapable to self-learn, it is one of our
responsibilities to make sure they can comprehend the topics been highlighted by the teacher.
This is due to help them eased and prepared for their upcoming examination. It is crucial to
always keep tracking these students and allow them to speak if they are having a problem
with any topics in the subject. Thus, this will eventually make themselves to suit and adapt to
the virtual environment if learning in a real classroom cannot be conducted in the future.
Next, the burden that is currently being held by the teacher could be lessened. Due to
the pandemic situation, teachers’ workloads start to increase as they must prepare material
for online learning and deal with the issue to keep updating their students’ progression since
about three months ago. These students have so many problems like lack of support to
proceed with studies, lost without having own effort to ask their teacher etc. By continuing
this program, our group members could assist the teacher in catching up with students before
making a checklist if there are still students who lost and weak in certain topics.
Lastly, the most important is for our students to improve and polish their soft skills
during this project is conducted. Soft skills like communication skills are somehow cannot be
learnt fully during an academic session but it works when conducting any educational
programs or events. MPU4 course is a suitable platform for all students to build their self-
development as this course encourage us to deal with a community outside of the campus and
apply critical thinking to solve any issues that cannot be found in any reference books. These
skills will be kept learning in every day since day one until the project is fully done. This
shows the program will provide benefits to both sides which are our committees and the
participants (students and teachers).
In conclusion, this program is expected to maximize our support and effort to assist the
teacher and students throughout the whole two weeks. We hope every committee will give full
cooperation in making this program to be fun and impactful. Science Made Easy is a project that
particular in exposing these children about science and its application in our daily life. Plus, it
could be a part of charity as we are providing services to help in reducing teacher’s burden by
conducting this program. Besides, by conducting a project for community service, this is the
chance for us as a student to polish soft skills in process of self-development and as a pre-
preparation to enter the world of our career in the future.
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