Modern Bio-Analytical Techniques (MPA 202T)

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(MPA 202T)
This subject is designed to provide detailed knowledge about the importance of
analysis of drugs in biological matrices.

Upon completion of the course, the student shall be able to understand
 Extraction of drugs from biological samples
 Separation of drugs from biological samples using different techniques
 Guidelines for BA/BE studies.

1. Extraction of drugs and metabolites from biological matrices: 12
General need, principle and procedure involved in the Hrs
Bioanalytical methods such as Protein precipitation, Liquid -
Liquid extraction and Solid phase extraction and other novel
sample preparation approach.
Bioanalytical method validation: USFDA and EMEA guidelines.

2 Biopharmaceutical Consideration: 12
Introduction, Biopharmaceutical Factors Affecting Drug Hrs
Bioavailability, In Vitro: Dissolution and Drug Release Testing,
Alternative Methods of Dissolution Testing Transport models,
Biopharmaceutics Classification System. Solubility: Experimental
methods. Permeability: In-vitro, in-situ and In-vivo methods.

3 Pharmacokinetics and Toxicokinetics: 12

Basic consideration, Drug interaction (PK-PD interactions), The Hrs
effect of protein-binding interactions, The effect of tissue-binding
interactions, Cytochrome P450-based drug interactions, Drug
interactions linked to transporters. Microsomal assays
Toxicokinetics-Toxicokinetic evaluation in preclinical studies,
Importance and applications of toxicokinetic studies. LC-MS in
bioactivity screening and proteomics.

4 Cell culture techniques 12

Basic equipments used in cell culture lab. Cell culture media, Hrs
various types of cell culture, general procedure for cell cultures;
isolation of cells, subculture, cryopreservation, characterization of
cells and their applications. Principles and applications of cell
viability assays (MTT assays), Principles and applications of flow

5 Metabolite identification: 12
In-vitro / in-vivo approaches, protocols and sample preparation. Hrs
Microsomal approaches (Rat liver microsomes (RLM) and Human
liver microsomes (HLM) in Met –ID. Regulatory perspectives.
In-vitro assay of drug metabolites & drug metabolizing enzymes.

Drug Product Performance, In Vivo: Bioavailability and

Drug Product Performance, Purpose of Bioavailability Studies,
Relative and Absolute Availability. Methods for Assessing
Bioavailability, Bioequivalence Studies, Design and Evaluation of
Bioequivalence Studies, Study Designs, Crossover Study
Designs, Generic Biologics (Biosimilar Drug Products), Clinical
Significance of Bioequivalence Studies.

1. Analysis of drugs in Biological fluids - Joseph Chamberlain, 2nd Edition.
CRC Press, Newyork. 1995.
2. Principles of Instrumental Analysis - Doglas A Skoog, F. James Holler,
Timothy A. Nieman, 5th edition, Eastern press, Bangalore, 1998.
3. Pharmaceutical Analysis - Higuchi, Brochmman and Hassen, 2nd Edition,
Wiley – Interscience Publications, 1961.
4. Pharmaceutical Analysis- Modern methods – Part B - J W Munson,
Volume 11, Marcel Dekker Series
5. Practical HPLC method Development – Snyder, Kirkland, Glaich, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New Jercy. USA.
6. Chromatographic Analysis of Pharmaceuticals – John A Adamovics, 2nd
Edition, Marcel Dekker, Newyork, USA. 1997.
7. Chromatographic methods in clinical chemistry & Toxicology – Roger L
Bertholf, Ruth E Winecker, John Wiley & Sons, New Jercy, USA. 2007.
8. Good Laboratory Practice Regulations, 2nd Edition, Sandy Weinberg Vol.
69, Marcel Dekker Series, 1995.
9. Good laboratory Practice Regulations – Allen F. Hirsch, Volume 38,
Marcel Dekker Series, 1989.
10. ICH, USFDA & CDSCO Guidelines.
11. Palmer

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