Third Grade - Creating Mental Images
Third Grade - Creating Mental Images
Third Grade - Creating Mental Images
Lesson Overview
Grade Level 3rd Grade ELAR
Estimated Time Needed 55-60 minutes
This lesson focuses on creating mental images while reading, which is a
strategy students may use to deepen their understanding of different texts.
Students should be able to read texts and visualize what they are reading
Lesson Description
without looking at pictures. By visualizing what they read, the students’
reading comprehension skills may increase, allowing them to become better
3.6 D
Terms/Vocabulary Mental image, imagine
Technology Resources Promethean Board, Laptop, Monitor, Hover Cam, Schoology
My Neighbor’s Dog is Purple, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Lion and the
Other Resources
Mouse, Notebook Paper, Pencil, Sticky Notes, Chart Paper, Art Bag
Lesson Procedures
A step-by-step description of the scope
and sequence of lesson activities, with
estimated time on task noted in
parentheses for each step. In other
Cite specifically what
words, completely describe the flow of Describe how each stage of the
resources for this activity
the lesson-the content to be presented, lesson will be managed, including
will be used, and describe
This template is built on the and the strategies to be used. Include role of teacher and learners (who is
in detail how they will be
actual words you will use and questions doing what at each point), location
traditional “Madeline you will ask students. Consider items (e.g., classroom, computer lab,
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
such as: parts of the lesson that might outside), and any special
tool and in what ways. Note
be difficult, and how you will know considerations, such as for
any safety considerations
whether you can go on; how to ensure differentiated instruction.
that students completely understand
directions before releasing them to
work independently; and what students
will do if they finish their work early.
Focus/Anticipatory Set ● The teacher will tell ● The in-person ● My
(motivational hook) the in-person students students will Neighbor’s
to leave their art bag follow the Dog is
5-10 minutes on their desk and directions the Purple Link
come to the carpet teacher has given. ● Promethean
quietly with their ● The students will Board
reading notebook and listen to the ● Laptop
a pencil. (To follow teacher quietly as ● Monitor
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
social distancing she goes over the ● Art Bag
protocols, only objective and ● Reading
students with agenda. Notebook
specified ● The students will ● Pencil
accommodations will raise their hands to
be on the carpet.) answer the
● The teacher will tell teacher’s
the students to leave questions.
their belongings near ● The students will
them on the floor. share their answer
● The teacher will go after being called
over the objective and on by the teacher.
agenda. ● The students will
● The teacher will ask listen to the
questions to activate teacher quietly as
the students’ prior she goes over
knowledge about directions and
creating mental expectations.
images. ● The students will
○ What do you listen to the read
think aloud and imagine
“imagine” mental images.
○ What do you
think of when
you hear the
○ The teacher
will talk about
the pre-
and refer to
her example.
○ The teacher
will ask if
there should
be people at
the beach right
now during
the pandemic
to show that
mental images
may not
always be
● The teacher will call
on 1-2 students to
answer the questions.
● The teacher will go
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
over directions and
expectations for the
read aloud. (I will go
over the directions
and expectations for
virtual students and
in-person students.)
● The teacher will begin
performing the read
○ Poem for Read
Aloud: My
Dog is Purple
by Jack
● The students will
raise their hand if
● While reading the
they want to share
poem, the teacher will
their answers.
stop and ask the
● The students will
students about the
answer the
mental images they
questions that are
asked after the
● The teacher will call
teacher calls on
on two students to
share what they
● The students will
imagined. ● My
watch the teacher
● The teacher will Neighbor’s
Content-input silently while she
model creating mental Dog is
(Could include content models and
images and perform a Purple Link
outline, presentation, performs a think-
think-aloud by ● Promethean
questioning, modeling, aloud.
sketching and Board
examples) ● The students will
coloring what she ● Laptop
Modeling: Should include listen silently as
imagined. ● Monitor
both Tier 1 (examples) and the teacher finishes
● The teacher will ● Notebook
Tier 2 (think aloud) reading the poem.
continue reading the Paper
● The students will
poem until the end. ● Pencil
15 minutes raise their hands to
● The teacher will call ● Art Bag
share what they
on 2 students to share ● Hover Cam
what they imagined.
● After being called
● The teacher will
on, the students
model and perform a
will share their
think-aloud by
sketching and
● The students will
coloring what she
watch the teacher
imagined towards the
silently while she
end of the poem.
models and
performs a think-
Guided Practice ● The teacher will begin ● The students will ● The Hare
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Include Check for reading The Hare and listen to the and the
Understanding Questions the Tortoise. teacher read The Tortoise
● After finishing the Hare and the Link
15 minutes short story, the Tortoise. ● Promethean
teacher will instruct ● The students will Board
the students to open open their reading ● Laptop
their reading notebook to the ● Monitor
notebook to the next next blank page ● Notebook
blank page. and sketch a Paper
● The teacher will picture with the ● Reading
sketch a picture with teacher for 5 Notebook
the students for 5 minutes. ● Pencil
minutes. ● The students will ● Art Bag
○ Now, we will answer the guiding ● Hover Cam
create mental questions the
images teacher asks.
together. ● The students will
● The teacher will ask retrieve their art
guiding questions bag and return to
while sketching with the carpet. (This
the students. only applies to
○ What do you students with
think we special
should sketch accommodations.)
from the ● The students will
story? What color their picture.
did you ● The students will
imagine? listen to the
○ _____, Why teacher explain the
do you think next activity.
___ said we
should sketch
a ____?
○ What else
could we
sketch from
the story?
Were there
any other
from our
● The teacher will
connect the lesson to
○ “Make sure
you include
lots of details
in your
picture. In
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
writing, we
write a lot of
details to show
our thinking,
so let’s add
details in our
pictures like
we do in
● The teacher will
instruct the students to
get their art bag and
come back to the
floor. (This only
applies to students
with special
● The teacher and the
students will add
color to the sketch for
5 minutes.
● The teacher will say,
“For our next activity,
we will continue to
create mental
● The teacher will
adjust the pacing of
the lesson as
necessary. (For
example, if students
understand the
content, the teacher
will have the students
share their pictures
with the class or with
a partner.)
Independent Practice ● The teacher will begin ● The students will ● The Lion
Include Check for reading The Lion and listen silently and the
Understanding Questions the Mouse. while the teacher Mouse Link
● After finishing the reads The Lion ● Promethean
15 minutes story, the teacher will and the Mouse. Board
tell the students that ● The students will ● Laptop
they will not be listen silently as ● Monitor
sharing what they the teacher gives ● Notebook
imagined. directions. Paper
● The teacher will ● The students will ● Reading
instruct the students to go back to their Notebook
go back to their tables tables to sketch ● Pencil
to sketch and color and color their ● Art Bag
their picture silently picture. ● Hover Cam
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
for 8 minutes.
● The teacher will
instruct the students to
come back to the floor
and lead a 5 minute
○ Boys and girls,
today, we have
been learning
about creating
○ Does anyone
want to share
one thing they ● The students will
sketched for come back to the
this story? floor for the
○ ___, why do discussion.
you think ___ ● The students will
sketched a listen as the
___? teacher explains
○ Does anyone the next activity.
else want to
share one
thing they
○ Why did you
sketch that?
○ For our next
activity, we
will think
about what we
learned today
about creating
Closure ● The teacher will ● The students will ● Sticky
instruct the students to listen to the Notes
5 minutes think about what they teacher’s ● Chart Paper
learned from the directions. ● Schoology
lesson and write one ● The students will ● Laptop
sentence on a sticky write one sentence ● Monitor
note. about what they ● Promethean
● The teacher will also learned on a sticky Board
instruct the students to note, write their
put their name on the name on the back,
back of the sticky and stick it to the
note, and stick it on chart paper.
the chart paper. ● The virtual
● The teacher will students will make
instruct the virtual a discussion post
UH COE Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
students to make a
discussion post about
what they learned on
Schoology. (If
Schoology is not
working, the teacher on Schoology
will tell the virtual about what they
students to write learned.
about what they ● If time allows, the
learned in their students will share
reading notebook, so what they learned
they can take a picture from the lesson
of it and submit it on after the teacher
Schoology the next calls on them to
day.) speak.
● If time allows, the
teacher will call on a
few students to share
what they learned
from the lesson.
Plans for Leading a Discussion Following Guided Practice and Independent Practice
Launch Frame
Plan for Leading a 5-10 ● Now, we will create mental images together.
minute Discussion
Eliciting, Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
Following Guided Practice
● What do you think we should sketch from the story? What did you
(I will be doing this
● _____, Why do you think ___ said we should sketch a ____?
throughout Guided Practice
● What else could we sketch from the story? Were there any other
instead of after Guided
important characters from our story?
Practice. Check Guided
Conclusion Frame
Practice for specific details.)
● For our next activity, we will continue to create mental images.
Launch Frame
● Boys and girls, today, we have been learning about creating mental
Eliciting Orienting Questions to ask During the Discussion
Plan for Leading a 5-10 ● Does anyone want to share one thing they sketched for this story?
minute Discussion ● ___, why do you think ___ sketched a ___?
Following Independent ● Does anyone else want to share one thing they sketched?
Practice ● Why did you sketch that?
Conclusion Frame
● For our next activity, we will think about what we learned today about
creating mental images.
Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations
For my Special Education Students, I will provide extended work time during
WIN time, which is a second recess time at my school. Along with that, I will be
Special Education
providing a sentence stem for my closure activity.
(Example: Today, I learned ____________.)
Lesson Resources
1. My Neighbor’s Dog is Purple by Jack Prelutsky
2. The Hare and the Tortoise by Aesop (Aesop’s Fables)
3. The Lion and the Mouse by Aesop (Aesop’s Fables)
4. Classroom Screen for Timer with Bell Sound