An Investigation of The Structures and Molecular Dynamics of Natural Waxes
An Investigation of The Structures and Molecular Dynamics of Natural Waxes
An Investigation of The Structures and Molecular Dynamics of Natural Waxes
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natural waxes, has attracted relatively little attention. signal is entirely due to the relaxation of the liquid
The naturalwaxes can be divided into three subgroups, component.Ateachtemperaturethe average of 50
namelyanimalwaxes,vegetable waxes andmineral signals was obtained with a repetition period of 10Tl.
waxes. The amplitude of the free induction decay above the
Witha view toobtaininginformationaboutthe melting point of the wax was assumed to correspond to
structures and moleculardynamics of the naturalwaxes 100% liquid. The percentage liquid at a temperature
and tocomparethese waxes with synthetic Fisher- below the melting point was obtained by expressing the
Tropsch waxes, a detailed investigation employing wide-amplitude of the FID at the temperatureas a percentage
line and high-resolution NMR in the solid state, x-ray of the amplitudeof the liquid signal at the sameposition
powderdiffraction,differentialscanningcalorimetry on the timescale. It was not necessary to make a cor-
(DSc) and ebullioscopy, was initiated. One wax from rection for the effect of the change of the Boltzmann
each of the subgroups was selected. In this paper the factor on thesignal with changing temperature over this
results of the investigation of beeswax are discussed limited temperature range.
while the results of similar studies on carnaxha wax and Thehigh-resolution I3C solid-statespectrum was
montan wax will be presented in parts I1 and 111 of this obtained at room temperature by employing the com-
series of papers. binedtechniques of magic anglespinning,proton
was operating with a proton decoupling field of 15 G
2. Experimental details and a sample spinning frequency of 2.2 kHz. The FID
was accumulated 82990 times with acontacttime of
A sample of combwax of the African bee Apis mellifera 1 ms and a repetition period of 4 S .
adansonii was supplied by Sasol Technology, Sasolburg, The ebullioscopicexperimententailed thedeter-
South Africa. mination of the boiling point elevation constant K , of
The DSC thermogram was obtained with a DuPont the solvent toluene, calibrating the apparatus with the
1090 instrument. Cooling
heatingrates were n-alkane C36and measuring the boiling point elevation
0.17 K S-'. A T as a function of the mass of beeswax present as a
X-raypowderdiffractogramswererecordedona solute in a known mass of toluene.
Seifert MZ IV diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation and
a nickel filter. An accelerating potential of 40 kV and a
filament current of 35 mA were used. The width of 3. Results
the slits was 0.02 mm. The low-temperature equipment
consisted of a PAAR variable-temperaturecamera 3.1. DSC
cooled by a regulated stream of liquid nitrogen. The
Thethermogramfor beeswax,shown in figure 1,
camera was evacuatedandthetemperatureatthe
exhibitsawidemeltingtransition consisting of two
sample regulated by a PAAR TTK temperature
partially resolved peaks. The melting process starts at
regulator.Spectrafor beeswaxand Fischer-Tropsch
approximately 300 K and the two peaks occur at 329
medium wax were recorded at room temperaturein the
and 337 K.
range 55" 3 2 8 2 18". The 28 positions of the (110),
(020) and (200) reflections of the orthorhombicunit cell
were determined as a function of temperature in the
3.2. X-ray diffraction
range 340 K 3 T 3 80 K.
All NMR measurementsweremade on aBruker Figure2showsthepowderx-raydiffractogramsfor
CXP 200 high-power spectrometer. The temperature beeswaxand Fischer-Tropsch medium wax atroom
dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation times T , and
T I P ,the spin-spin relaxationtime T 2 andthe liquid
content of the wax was determined in the temperature 8 )I) 1
range 333 K 3 T 3 110 K. A saturating comb pulse
sequence, followed by a solid echo, was used to measure
T1. T,, values were obtained from the t-dependence of
the free induction decay (FID) following a spin-locking
pulse of magnitude H 1 = 24.2 G and duration t. T 2was
measured by employing the solid echo technique. Inall
the relaxation time experiments information about the
magnetisationcomponent associated with the solid
phase of the wax was emphasised by applying a linear
apodisation to the tail of the free induction decay.
The liquid content of the wax was determined as a 1
function of temperature in the range 290 to 380 K by
employing a single90" pulse and measuring theintensity
of the free induction decay at -100 p , i.e. when the Figure 1. A DSC thermogram for beeswax.
NMR of beeswax
, . . . l . . l l . i l l . l . . 1 . . I I . . L
80 120 160 zoo 240 zao 320
J 200 160 120 90
60 30 0 - 40
T (K)
Figure 4. A I3C high-resolution spectrum of solid beeswax.
Figure 3. The length of the a axis (upper curve) and the b The lower trace is equivalent to the upper trace but with a
axis (lower curve) as a function of temperature. reduction in gain.
l Basson and E C Reynhardt
Table 1. Chemical shifts and relative intensities of the peaks in the high-resolution spectrum
of beeswax. The results for oxidised Fischer-Topsch hard wax are also included.
function of temperature in figure 5. Between approxi- Figure 6. The proton spin-lattice relaxation time as a
mately 290 and 320 K, the percentage liquid increases function of 1OOO/T.
slowly,but abovethelattertemperature it increases
dramatically and reaches 100% at approximately 340 K.
The corresponding T1, results are shown as a func-
tion of in figure 7, which exhibitsaminimum of
4.4 ? 0.3 ms at p = 3.7 K”. Thephasetransition
revealed by the T , results is also observed in this case
* 20
, l 0
l, h
T (K)
Figure 5. The percentage liquid in beeswax as a function
of temperature.
3.13 K” ( T = 320 K) where T , decreasesdiscon- Figure 7. The proton spin-lattice relaxation time in the
tinuously from 0.36 to 0.28 S . rotating frame as a function of 100OiT.
NMR Of beeswax
at p = 3.13 K" where T I , changes discontinuously from except that it has oxygen-containing groups scattered at
9.6 to 200 ms with increasing temperature. random along the chains.
The temperature dependenceof T , is shown in figure
8. T 2decreases with decreasing temperature and reaches 4.1.2. X-ray diffraction and DSC. From figure 2 it is clear
a constant value of 10.5 f 0.5 ps below fi = 5 K". that the diffractogramsof beeswax and Fischer-Tropsch
wax are identical. i t therefore follows that beeswax also
forms orthorhombic crystals with the chains parallel to
the c axis (Reynhardt 1986).
The linear dependence on temperature of the a and
b cell dimensions between 80 and 240 K indicates that
theexpansion is dueto small anharmonicthermal
vibrations. The NMR results, which will be discussed in
8 4.2.1, show that the chains are stationary on the NMR
timescale in this temperature region and that only the
methyl groups execute threefold reorientations. Only
arelativeshortsection of thechain,located in the
amorphous zone of the wax, is involved in this motion
and should not influence the length of the cell dimen-
L 5 6 7 a sions noticeably. Above room temperature the motions
l:? i10-3 K"]
of thechainsandthemeltingprocess influence the
Figure 8. The spin-spin relaxation time as a function of temperaturedependence of thelength of the crys-
1OOOi T. tallographic axes. The temperature dependence of the
lengths of the a and b axes of beeswax is similar to that
of hard wax and oxidised hard wax (Reynhardt 1986).
3.4. Ebullioscopy In all cases da/d T is smaller above room temperature
than at lower temperatures. However, in the case of
The boiling pointelevationconstant of toluene was
beeswax da/d T becomes negative above 230 K. Reyn-
found to be 3.61K kg mol". From the slopeof a graph
hardt (1986) showed that on accountof potential energy
of A T versus g, the mass of beeswaxdissolvedina
calculations and knowledge of the arrangement of the
constant mass of toluene, an average molecularmass of
chains in the unit cell, reorientationsof the chains should
0.591 kg mol" was obtained. It was further assumed
result in db/d T > da/d T , as observedaboveroom
that monoesters(CNHZNOZ) constitute themain fraction
temperature. From a discussion of the NMR results it
of beeswax, resulting in an average chain length of40
will be seen that these motions become fast above room
carbon atoms.
temperature. Both peaksin the thermogramof beeswax
wereattributed by Craig et a1 (1968) asmelting
transitions. However, the T1 and T1, results show con-
4. Discussion
vincingly thataphasetransition occursat thetem-
perature of the first transition. It seems therefore more
4.1. Structure
likely that the DSC peak at 323 K is associated with this
4.1.1. Composition. Extensivestudies of beeswax of solid-solid phase transition and not with the melting
comb origin produced by the European bee Apis mel- process.
lifera have shown thatit has thefollowing composition.
hydrocarbons (14%), monoesters (35%),
diesters 4.1.3. High-resolution 13C NMR. The peaks of the 13C
(14%),triesters(3%), hydroxy monoesters(4%), spectrum were assigned to specific functional groups by
hydroxy polyesters (8%), free acids (12%), acid mono- comparingthemeasuredchemical shiftswithknown
esters (l%),acid polyesters (2%), free alcohols (1%) ones (Johnson and Jankowski 1972). The groups thus
and unidentified material (6%) (Tulloch 1972a, b, 1980, identified are listed in table 1. Although the intensities
Stransky and Streibll971).Gas-liquid chromatographic of individual peaks could not be measured accurately
analyses of combwax of the European and African bees due to overlapping of peaks, it follows from the results
(Tulloch 1980) have shown that their compositions do listed in table 1 that approximately 92% of the carbon
not differ drastically. atomsarepresentasmethylandmethylenegroups.
Amodelforthestructure of aFischer-Tropsch Carbons attached to hydroxyl groups constitute approxi-
wax has been described by Le Roux et a1 (1976). The mately 1.2%. Asmallpercentage of carbonatoms
amorphous zone contains the chain ends in which the (0.6%) form triple bonds with adjacent carbon atoms,
chains form a staggered pattern due to the wide distri- while 2.5% form double bonds. Of the remaining carbon
bution in chain lengthsin this zone. Therigid amorphous atoms, 2.7% occur in esters and acid groups and 1.0%
zone is caused by branching of the long chains. The in carbonyl groups. Also listed in table l are the cor-
crystalline zone resembles an n-alkanewhile the mobile responding I3C results foroxidised hard wax. The results
amorphous zone contains the liquid component of the are very similar except that oxidised hard wax contains
wax. i t is assumed that beeswax has a similar structure, about twice thepercentage(approximately4.3%) of
I Basson and E C Reynhardt
Table 2. Parameters associated with motions of methyl groups and chains in beeswax.
double-bonded carbons and about half the percentage roc asvariableparameters, yielded the full curve in
of ester and acid carbons compared with beeswax. figure 6 and the values listed in table 2. The activation
energy for methyl reorientations is 7.4 "+ 0.5 kJ mol"
which is approximately the same as the corresponding
4.2. Molecular dynamics activationenergies in Fischer-Tropschmedium wax
4.2.1. Laboratory frame spin-lattice relaxation. Since (8.4 "+ 0.4 kJ mol-') and hard wax (7.9 & 0.4 kJ mol")
about 70% of beeswax consists of alkanes and esters,it (Reynhardt 1985a).
environments of
is assumed that on average the ratio of methyl protons methyl groups in the low-temperature solid phases of
to the total number of protons is approximately 3x/2N waxes seems to differ only slightly. Most probably the
where x is the average number of methyl groups per height of thebarriertoreorientation is determined
chain of averagelength N carbonatoms.The spin- largely by intra-molecular contributions. The depth of
lattice relaxation rate due to the modulation of intra- the T I minimum yields a value of 3.5 methyl groups per
molecular methyl dipolar interactions caused by three- chain of average length 40 carbon atoms. If on average
fold reorientations of methyl groups is given by two of these groups are positioned at chain ends, the
(O'Reilly and Tsang 1967) remaining 1.5 methyl groups are distributed at random
along the interior of the chain. This result implies that
beeswax is branchedtoamuchhigherdegreethan
Fischer-Tropsch waxes or oxidisedFischer-Tropsch
(1) waxes (Reynhardt 1985a, b). In these cases branching
where r is the inter-proton distance (1.78A) in a methyl is limited to less than 0.5% of the carbon atoms while
group and in the case of beeswax it is approximately 3.8%. Due
tothe limited temperature region in which the RET
t, = tom (2) motion of the chainsinfluences the T 1results noticeably,
Similarly, a motion of the chains results in a relaxation the activation energy associated with this motion could
rate given by
steepest sectionof the In T Iversus /3 curve it is estimated
tobe of the order of 30 kJ mol". Like in Fischer-
Tropsch waxes (Lourens and Reynhardt 1979. Reyn-
hardt 1985a, b) and n-alkanes (Ewenet a1 1974) the RET
whereAMz is thereduction in theprotonsecond motion triggers the transition to the high-temperature
moment due to this motion. The subscripts m and c in phase, which is most likely dominated by the melting
equations (1) to (3) refer to methyl and chain motions process. Unfortunately the temperature region of this
respectively. phase is very limited and reliable motional parameters
The observed TI minimum at p = 6.4 K" occurs at could not be determined.
approximately the same temperature asminima associ-
ated with threefold reorientations of methyl groups in 4.2.2. Spin-spin relaxation time. If the T z plateau value
Fischer-Tropsch waxes (Lourens and Reynhardt 1979, of 10.5 ,us is substituted into
Slichter1965). The decrease in T I athigher tem-
peratures is associated with the motion of chains. In which is valid for a Gaussian line, a second moment of
Fischer-Tropschmedium wax thismotionhasbeen 25.4 t 1.3 G?is obtained. Thecalculated proton second
as the reorientational-translational (RET) moments for a rigid lattice and a lattice in which only
motion.Thechain-like molecules performthermally threefold methyl reorientations are present were cal-
activated rotational jumps through 180" between two culatedtobe29.1 G'and26.5 G' respectively. The
equilibrium positions, each jump being accompaniedby latter value is in reasonable agreement with the value
a simultaneous translation along the chain axis by one obtained from the T I plateau.
CH2 group (Ewen et a1 1974, Lourens and Reynhardt Theproton spin-spin relaxationrate is given by
1979). This motion was also identified in hard wax and (Fukushima and Roeder 1981)
oxidised hard wax (Reynhardt 1985a, b).
Fitting equations (1) and (3) simultaneously to the
experimental data by treating x , tom, E,, AM*, E, and
NMR Of beeswax
The T 2plateau is reached with decreasing temperature should therefore affect the TI results fairly seriously in
when m o t -- 1. Substitutingthisvalue of t and T = theregionjust below the phase transition. The acti-
200 K intoequation ( 5 ) , to= (1.l 5 0.1) X S for vation energy of approximately 18 kJ mol" for the RET
the RET motion of the chains is obtained. motion obtained from the fit to the T I data, excluding
the chain dangling motion, is therefore fairly inaccurate.
4.2.3. Rotating frame spin-lattice relaxation. The Since the activation energy of the dangling motion is
rotatingframe spin-latticerelaxation rateforreori- approximately 26 kJ mol", the activation energy for
entations of the chains is given by (O'Reilley and Tsang the RET motion is expected to be at least 30 kJ mol",
1967) in agreement with the estimate made from the steepest
/ r \ section of the In T1versus p curve just below the phase
if T I PG T1.
A best fit of equation (6) to the TI, data below the
phase transition is shown in a full curve in figure7. The
motional parameters thus obtained are listed in table 2.
Inanattempttoidentifythenature of themotion
characterised by the T,, minimum, the reduction in the
protonsecondmoment A M 2 = 0.55 ? 0.05 G',
obtainedfromthe fit totheexperimentaldata, was
compared with the calculated reductions in the proton
second moment for different motions. Itwas found that
the calculated reduction for any motion involving an
entirechain, is much too largetoaccountforthe
observed reduction. In a further attempt to identify this
motion, T1, measurementswere also madeatroom
temperature for medium wax, hard wax and oxidised
hard wax. All these measured values were found to be
in the range 6 to 24 ms, while a similar measurement
for the pure alkane n-C24 yielded a valueof 1.2 S , which
is between 50 and 200 timeslongerthanthe values
obtained for waxes. It therefore seems that the motion Figure 9. An illustration of the dangling chain-end motion
resulting in the T I , minimuminbeeswax is present in the rigid amorphous zone (A) of waxes. D represents the
in all waxes,butabsent in n-alkanes. The twomost crystalline zone.
prominentaspectsthat distinguisha wax froman n-
alkanearethedistribution of chainlengthsandthe
presence of side chains in waxes. The threefold reori-
entations of sidechainmethylgroupshavealready 5. Conclusions
beenascribedtothelow-temperature T 1 minimum.
However, it is possible that a relatively small number Theaveragechain-like molecule in beeswax closely
of these methyl groups have higher activation energies resembles that of oxidised Fischer-Tropsch hard wax.
associated with this motion, resulting in a shallow T I , The average chain lengths are 40 and 47, respectively.
minimum. However, the measured T1, value at room Beeswax contains half as many C=C bonds and twice
temperature for medium wax,containingonaverage as many carbons involved in ester groups as oxidised
only 2.4 branches per 1000 carbon atoms (Lourens and Fischer-Tropsch wax. Perhaps the most important dif-
Reynhardt 1979), is comparable with the T I , minimum ference is that beeswax is much more branched than
for beeswax. Since one would expect that the T l pmini- oxidised hard wax.
mum would be proportional to the degree of branching, The potential barriers to threefold reorientation of
the T1, minimum for beeswax should have been much methyl groups in all waxes seem to be about the same.
deeper. The possibility that the observed T,, minimum The RET motion of chainsinfluence the T , resultsat
is associatedwiththe
threefoldreorientations of higher temperatures andtriggers the phase transition at
branchedmethylgroupscanthereforebediscarded. approximately 320 K.
The most likely motion associated with this T1, mini- The dangling motion of chainends in the rigid
mum is the dangling or wobbling of the chain ends in amorphous zone has been observed for thefirst time by
the amorphous or chain end zone as illustrated in figure NMR. Thismotionseemsto bepresent in all waxes
9. This type of motion is thermally activated and should and in thepresent casehas an activationenergy of
result in a T I , minimum. It should be noted that this approximately 26 kJ mol".
motion should influence the T1 results in the vicinity of Thethermalexpansionand crystallographic par-
p = 3.5 K-'. The depth of the TI minimum due to this ameters of beeswax and Fischer-Tropsch waxes are
motion is calculated to be approximately 2.2 S and it approximately the same.
I Basson and E C Reynhardt