The Changing Coastline of The Cedros Peninsula, Trinidad: Julian S. Kenny
The Changing Coastline of The Cedros Peninsula, Trinidad: Julian S. Kenny
The Changing Coastline of The Cedros Peninsula, Trinidad: Julian S. Kenny
Peninsula, Trinidad
Julian S. Kenny
Kenny, J.S. 2002. The Changing Coastline of the Cedros Peninsula, Trinidad. Living World,
Journal of The Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club, 2002, 01-07.
The Changing Coastline of the Cedros Peninsula, Trinidad.
Julian S. Kenny
1 Pineapple Place, Haleland Park, Maraval, Trinidad and Tobago.
E-mail: [email protected]
The extreme tip of south-western Trinidad at Icacos has been the site of aggressive shoreline erosion and accretion over the
past several decades. The effects of erosion are particularly noticeable at Coral Point, Constance Estate and accretion at
Punta del Arenal. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the rate of erosion at Coral Point has accelerated over the past three
decades. There are few readily identified landmarks of known age making it difficult to measure recession or progradation of
the shoreline. The most prominent are the estate buildings at Constance Estate and the base of the navigational beacon
beside the beach road leading to Punta del Arenal. Nevertheless, using details of the earliest comprehensive coastal survey
map of 1797, the Mallet Map, the Cazabon painting of Columbus Bay dated 1857 showing the Los Gallos rocks, and aerial
photography of Icacos Point in 1957 and 1994, it has been possible to estimate rates of erosion and accretion. At Coral Point
the rate of recession is approximately 4.3m per year while that of progradation at Punta del Arenal is about 3m per year.
Evidence from the Mallet Map, the Cazabon painting and aerial photography indicates extreme change in the Los Gallos
rocks over the past 200 years. It is suggested that the apparent acceleration at Constance Estate may be caused by contin-
ued natural erosion of the Los Gallos rocks permitting more violent longshore currents in Columbus Bay.
INTRODUCTION and east coasts of Trinidad and the windward and lee-
The interaction of the sea with landmasses causes ward coasts of Tobago are moderately stable, the south
erosion and the rate of erosion of this process is deter- coast of Trinidad is visibly unstable and eroding. This
mined partly by the local geology and partly by energy is obviously so because the sediments making up the
levels of the sea impacting on shore. On rocky shore- coast are young and unconsolidated while the waters of
lines the rate of erosion will be determined by the na- the Columbus Channel flow continuously to the west,
ture of the rock. Igneous rocks are generally more re- parallel with the shore Iine. Moreover, the southem an-
sistant than metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and these ticline (Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries 1998)
more so than unconsolidated sediments. Wave trains at extends from about Erin Point and undersea through to
right angles to beaches tend to build while oblique wave Galfa Point to the west on the Cedros peninsula. The
trains tend to induce longshore transport of sand and anticline has been the scene of numerous eruptions of
thus erosion. Other factors including landform, vegeta- bouffes or mud volcanoes, both on land and undersea.
tion cover, rivers and bioerosion also influence erosion Short-lived offshore islands have been a feature of lo-
to one degree or another. Shoreline can also grow where cal conditions with two being recorded in the twentieth
sediments are deposited as in deltas or on beaches where century (Weeks 1929; Higgins and Saunders 1967) and
longshore currents decelerate abruptly. one at the birth of the twenty-first.
Energy applied to a coastline will be mainly in the Although there is visible erosion and accretion off-
form of wave action and nearshore currents. In some shore in many parts of Trinidad and Tobago, the effects
circumstances wind action may also determine move- are particularly striking at the tip of the Cedros penin-
ments of particulate material. Inflow of rivers will also sula at Coral Point and Punta del Arenal. At the former,
cause local erosion and accretion near the river mouth, the shoreline is receding while at the latter, it is grow-
especially where the outflow changes course. The geo- ing. Kenny (1995) and de Verteuil (2000), have sug-
logical nature of the shore and orientation to prevailing gested that the severe erosion at Coral Point has been
wave action and current flow will impart local charac- caused by longshore currents in Columbus Bay flow-
teristics, which are short-term equilibria. Finally, it must ing to the south-west with the sediments being depos-
be noted that the net effect of interaction of ocean and ited at Punta del Arenal. Bawan Singh (1997) on the
land in most cases must be erosion of the shore. other hand suggests that the phenomenon may have been
The coastline of Trinidad and Tobago is as varied caused possibly by sea level rise, an effect of global
as may be found anywhere in the world. While the north warming, and possibly by seabed subsidence, an effect
2 Living World, J. Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club, 2002
of petroleum extraction from deeper strata in the gen- action. The effect of this is severe erosion and westerly
eral area, both on land and at sea. transport of materials along the beach. Indeed, material
Circulation patterns in offshore waters around shed from Red Cliff to the east of Chatham can be traced
Trinidad and Tobago are well documented in the scien- on the beach to as far west as Islote Point.
tific literature. Nearshore circulation is not as well The south coast of Trinidad consists mainly of geo-
known. The islands are under the influence of the South logically young unconsolidated sediments and is under
Equatorial Current which runs to the north-west along severe erosional pressure, while the sea floor in the west-
the north-eastern shoulder of South America. This mas- ern part of the Columbus Channel is scoured down to
sive oceanic stream deflects the South American rivers mudstone and rock. To these influences must be added
in the same direction. The effects of this are most marked those of tidal currents and wave action.
where the inner band of this current, the Guiana Cur- Perhaps the most important single influence on the
rent, meets south-eastern Trinidad where it parts into shoreline of Trinidad is the Orinoco discharge, for not
two streams, one flowing through the Columbus Chan- only does it erode the south coast, but it also delivers
nel and into the Gulf of Pari a, the other flowing to the sediments to the Gulf of Paria (van Andel and Postma
north and passing through the Galleon's Passage and 1954; van Andel and Sachs 1964), and produces a
around the north of Tobago. There is a permanent clock- marked annual cycle offailing and rising salinities (Gade
wise gyre in the Gulf of Pari a with a residence time 1961). It must be emphasized that the bulk of the dis-
estimated to be from seven to ten days. Nearshore cur- charge ofthe Orinoco river is to the east and that it has
rents in the Columbus Channel may be in excess of 2 to swing through almost 180 degrees to enter the Gulf
knots to the west (Admiralty 1965), and this may be of Paria, in which the outer arc of its flow impacts on
enhanced at the ebb tide as well as by wind and wave the south coast of Trinidad.
The Icacos peninsula is of low elevation, mostly
below the 25 foot contour, and much of its area is inun-
dated with open herbaceous swamp and mangroves
(Figure I - Lands and Surveys 1974). The higher eleva-
tions are generally devoted to coconut cultivation. Many
of the coconut estates are measured in hundreds ofhect-
ares. Permanent free standing freshwater is generally
1 km absent in the area but boreholes do yield freshwater. Of
particular interest is the fact that on the western extrem-
ity primary freshwater fish are absent, and there are few
amphibian species. Since the end of the last glaciation,
sea level has been rising. Given a sea level of about
130m below present levels at the height of the last gla-
Coral Point
cial period and the bathymetry of the Gulf of Paria,
Constance Trinidad, and Tobago must have been linked to South
HI-,-- Estate
America by a land bridge in the south-west and the flow
ICACOS POINT of the Orinoco must have been around the east of
Trinidad, and Tobago. Rising sea level would have
swamped these bridges, with the Tobago-Trinidad
Punta bridge disappearing before the Trinidad-South America
bridge. There is now much circumstantial evidence,
from oceanic palaeo-reefs in the Gulf of Paria that the
Base Trinidad-South America bridge persisted up to about
500 AD, (Kenny 1995; Chen, Bonair and Kenny [un-
Beacon published observations] 1994).
There has been no extended monitoring of coastal
Fig, 1 changes in the area, the only conventional data being
Topography Icaces Point. that generated by the Institute of Marine Affairs in the
Changing coastline of Cedros 3
Fig. 2. Fig.2b
Tracing of Maliet Map - 1797. Columbus Bay: Cazabon 1857 - Los Gallas in background.
past 20 years. Moreover, unlike many other parts of Sylvestre Devenish, the Surveyor General ofthe island.
Trinidad there are no prominent features that could be Fig. 2a is a tracing of part ofa copy of the original map
used as baselines for measurement of recession and showing the tip of the Cedros peninsula. The picture
progradation of shoreline. It is possible however, on the conveyed of the landform at Los Gallos Point is of a
basis of certain archival records dating back some 200 narrow extended peninsula broken by narrow passages
years and some relatively recent aerial photography, to into five or six islands.
record the changes and make an approximate measure
of the rate of processes. This paper employs the Mallet The Cazabon Painting
Map of the coast of Trinidad dated 1797, the Cazabon The Cazabon painting, (MacLean 1986), (Fig. 2b)
painting of Columbus Bay dated 1857 and aerial pho- done some 60 years after the Mallet map reveals a dis-
tography dated 1957 and 1994. In addition, certain land- tinctly different picture. There are seven or possibly
marks in the area are also employed, namely the build- eight different islets or sea stacks with the central one
ings at Constance Estate, the base of the navigational being an elongated islet with a prominent sea arch. Of
beacon at the comer of the lcacos Beach Road at Punta interest too in the painting on the right is an erect, partly
del Arenal Road, and the Los Gallos Rocks. dead tree with sparse foliage and exposed buttress roots
standing on the beach. While Cazabon may have taken
METHODS artistic liberties, this latter detail indicates features not
Two sets of aerial photographs each covering the unlike that which may be seen today in Columbus Bay
Los Gallos area and the tip of Icacos, dated 1957 and suggesting continuous erosion. It must also be noted
1994, were obtained from the Lands and Surveys De- that the outlines of the two outer islets are comparable
partment. For purposes of comparison aerial photogra- with those in contemporary photography.
phy was simply copied to the same scale, reduced to
the scale ofthe topographical sheet, converted to trans- Aerial Photography
parencies and overlaid on the existing topographical Los Gallas.
sheet. (Lands and Surveys 1974), of the area based on 1957 aerial photography of the Los Gallos forma-
1967 aerial photography. tion (Fig. 3a) shows that while there are six islets, the
prominent central one with the sea arch figured by
CONCLUSIONS Cazabon in 1857 has disappeared. The 1994 aerial pho-
The Mallet Map tography (Fig. 3b) shows three notable features. Firstly,
On the conquest of Trinidad in 1797, Sir Ralph two of the islets in the center of the formation have dis-
Abercromby commissioned a charting of the coastline appeared. Secondly, the extensive sand deposits to the
and known hinterland. This was done by Captain F. south of the fonnation have been considerably reduced
Mallet, Captain ofthe Surveying Engineers, Faden 1797, in extent, perhaps to about one-eighth that in 1957.
in the same year and subsequently modified in 1872 by Thirdly, the beach to the south of the formation visible
4 Living World, J. Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club, 2002
Fig,3a Fig,3b
Los Gallas 1957 - Note extent of sand deposits to Los Gallas 1994 - Note the reduction in size of sand depOSits.
south of the islets.
in the lower half of the 1957 photograph has disap- southern part of Columbus Bay has been extensively
peared. eroded (see also Fig. 5b). Third, and most prominently
visible, there has been extensive progradation of the
!cacos, shore at Punta del Arenal (see also Fig. Sa).
The 1957 aerial photography ofIcacos (Fig. 4a) cov- A general feature seen in both photographs is the
ers Columbus Bay, Coral Point where the Constance alternate and irregular bands of coconut vegetation and
Estate Buildings are visible and the sweep down around lagoons, This suggests that the area has been growing
Punta del Arenal to the southern shore of the peninsula, outward to the west through a series of sand spits formed
Apart from the extensive clearing of lands on the pen- by westward transport of sediments in the Columbus
insula, three other noteworthy features are obvious in Channel, enclosing lagoons formed of open sea, These
the 1994 aerial photography (Fig, 4b), Firstly, much of in tum became ponded by beaches in Columbus Bay,
Coral Point and the Constance buildings have disap- Other differently formed, but similar, sand spits may be
peared into the sea, including the Icacos Light House, seen at Nariva and Erin.
figured in de Verteuil 2000, which for many years stood In the absence of well documented land marks it is
at the end of the beach road, Secondly, the beach in the difficult to determine measures of the actual erosion and
accretion rates obtaining. It is possible nevertheless that
Fig,4a Icacos 1994 : Note progradation of Punta del Arenal and
Icacos 1957. recession of Coral Point.
Changing coastline of Cedros 5
Ag.~ ~.~
Beach accretion - Punta del Arena11997. Constance Estate. Coral Point 1997.
the rate of recession at one point where there is a good and where it would be suitable for landing.
land mark may be measured. Overlaying transparen-
cies of aerial photography at Coral Point and the con- DISCUSSION
stancy of the remaining buildings was used as a base to In Trinidad and Tobago the largest coastal influences
obtain an estimate of shoreline recession at that point. are the combined South Equatorial/Guiana/Orinoco
This measures approximately 160m. As the interval be- River discharge currents meeting Trinidad in the south-
tween the photography is thirty-seven years the reces- east and splitting into the two streams. The southern
sion rate is about 4.3m per year. The only other mark- stream passing into the Columbus Channel must change
ers of note include the beach road leading to Coral Point course while being confined to the narrowing channel.
and the base of a navigational beacon employed for land- Erosion and long shore transport of sediments on the
ing at Punta del Arenal. Unfortunately, the aerial pho- outer side of the bend, the south coast of Trinidad, is
tography does not help with the beach road owing to inevitable, while deposition on the inner side of the bend,
vegetation cover. the Venezuelan coast, will take place. To these can be
The base of the beacon (Fig. Sa) and the anchors added the local effects of ocean swell and wind driven
for the pole survive and may be seen at the junction of wave action. These forces have been in operation for
the Beach Road and the Punta del Arenal Road, a few several millennia.
metres diagonally to the north ofthe junction, amongst Several factors may influence coastal form in and
the vegetation. From this junction to the edge of the sea around Trinidad and Tobago. These include tectonic ac-
is estimated at about 300m (Fig. Sb). Unfortunately it tivity, local geology, oceanographic currents, tidal cur-
is impossible to date the construction of the beacon. rents, swell and waves, riverine discharge, historical
Bearing in mind however that the beacon was used to post-glacial sea level rise, and just possibly sea level
indicate the landing area amongst a featureless tree line rise resulting from increased levels of greenhouse gases
at a time when access to Icacos was by sea, and making and consequent accelerated global warming or subsid-
a crude estimate of this at late 19th century, and assum- ence from petroleum and natural gas extraction.
ing that the beacon was on the shoreline above high One undisputed fact is that there have been profound
water, the accretion rate would work out at approxi- changes to the Los Gallos formation with the records
mately three metres per year. This is comparable with of the past 200 years showing a pronounced change in
the measured erosion rate at Coral Point. That the pro- physical appearance. Aerial photography confirms that
cess of accretion at Punta del Arenal is a longstanding six islets have now been reduced to four. The conclu-
one is attested to in the name given it by Columbus in sion is inevitable that these are a product of erosion of
1498. Accretion takes place where current slows and the formation. Another inevitable question arises: is the
the sand is deposited and Punta del Arenal would be the erosion of Coral Point in any way related to changes at
only place in the area where there would be slack water Los Gallos? As a working hypothesis it is suggested
6 living World. J. Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club. 2002
Fig.6a Fig.6b
Base of the Navigational Beacon. Road to Punta del Arenal - the base of the Navigational Beacon is
a few metres to the right of the car. Photograph is taken from the
junction of the road to Constance and the road to Punta del Arenal.
The sea is more than 300 metres away.
that the Los Gallos fonnation may in fact have served sion. If one wishes to study the causes of coastal ero-
in the past few centuries as an extended groyne, rather sion, beach profiles are simply not enough and it is
like the man-made groynes employed to control mandatory that energy levels being applied be consid-
longshore erosion of beaches. The Los Gallos fonna- ered. Sea level rise will not add any energy; merely ap-
tion is sandstone, which in time fractured and was pen- ply energy at a different level.
etrated by the sea in several places. The prevailing south-
westerly currents would have eroded these fractures REFERENCES
creating the islets recorded by Cazabon, and depositing
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sion of the groyne continued, its protective effects weak- palaeo-coral reefs of the north-western peninsula,
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