Oktaviana (201921037) Video 1 Dan 2

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Name : Okta viana

NPM : 201921037

Study Program : S1 Nursing Semester 3

Courses : English 3

Supporting Lecturer : Dr. Muhamad Taridi

Conclusion of The Explanation from The First Video

1. The first video discusses about important discussion in English for reading
comprehension skills,
2. The first video discusses 3 critical areas for reading comprehension,
3. The first video gives the tricks to improve reading comprehension and ger the main
idea of paragraphs between them with high concentration (For high concentration
can use finger or pen as a tool to develop reading concentration) is for reading
comprehension can use slow reading tricks at the beginning and increase the next
speed gradually, to get the main idea of the text at the beginning is to read slowly at
the beginning, highlight the important sentences of the paragraph, pay attention to
sentences to get the main idea of the paragraph, to collect the entire theme of the text
is to read the first paragraph and the last paragraph,
4. The first video provides how to answer reading comprehension questions on a exam
as knowing a lot of vocabulary can help you understand text more efficiently and
read text faster, focus on increasing vocabulary, find the required vocabulary, and
giving tricks, namely by finding answer with the first trick namely for WH questions
such as who, what, where, when, and why, the second trick is try to visualize the
passage, the third trick is to organize the key information in the passage in acronym,
the fourth trick is a focus on the question asked to test your comprehension skill, and
the fifth trick is if you have a weak memory then there is no need to panic because it
is not the entire passage which you need to remember,
5. As has been explained that the first video discusses 3 critical areas where the 3 areas
are the ability to focus on reading (And look for the main idea of paragraphs), the
ability to answer tests with increased vocabulary, and how to read quickly all of
them can be done well if we practice regularly.

No English Indonesia

√ Broken Arm √ Patah lengan
√ Sprain √ Keseleo
√ Sore Finger √ Sakit Jari/Nyeri Jari
√ Stomachache √ sakit Perut
√ Toothache √ Sakit Gigi
√ Fever √ Demam
√ Diabetes √ Diabetes
√ High Blood Pressure √ Tekanan Darah Tinggi
√ Injury √ Cedera/Luka

√ Pressure Measuring √ Tekanan Pengukur
√ X-Ray √ Sinar-X
√ Diet √ Diet
√ Blood Tests √ Tes Darah
√ Shot (U.S)/Jab (U.K) √ Suntikan
√ Infusion √ Infus
√ Examination √ Pemeriksaan
√ Bed Rest √ Istirahat di Tempat Tidur
√ Massage √ Pijat
√ Eye Exam √ Tes Mata
√ Exercise √ Olahraga
√ Physical Therapy √ Terapi Fisik
√ Surgery √ Operasi


√ Stomachache √ Sakit Perut
√ Fever √ Demam
√ Sunburn √ Kulit Terbakar Matahari
√ Backache √ Sakit Punggung
√ Broken Bone √ Patah Tulang
√ Snakebite √ Tergigit Ular/Gigitan Ular
√ Bruise √ Memar
√ Cough √ Batuk
√ Runny Nose √ Pilek
√ Chills √ Menggigil
√ Dizziness √ Pusing
√ Flu √ Flu
√ Nausea √ Mual


√ Ambulance √ Ambulans
√ First Aid Kit √ Pertolongan Pertama
√ Rubber Gloves √ Sarung Tangan Karet
√ Surgical Mask √ Masker Operasi
√ Face Mask √ Masker (Masker Wajah)
√ Saline Bag √ Kantong Garam
√ Blood Bag √ Kantong Darah
√ Bandage √ Perban
√ Tape √ Plester
√ Glasses √ Kacamata
√ Sunglasses √ Kacamata Hitam
√ Dumbbells √ Barbel
√ Thermometer √ Termometer
√ Pipette √ Pipet
√ Syringe √ Jarum Suntik
√ Scalpel √ Pisau Bedah
√ Scissors √ Gunting
√ Microscope √ Mikroskop
√ Walker √ Alat Bantu Jalan
√ Wheelchair √ Kursi Roda
√ Stretcher √ Tandu
√ Cane √ Tongkat
√ Crutches √ Tongkat Berjalan
√ Dental Pick √ Pencabut Gigi
√ Tooth Brush √ Sikat Gigi
√ Braces √ Kawat Gigi
√ Stethoscope √ Stetoskop


√ ENT Doctor √ Dokter THT
√ Nurse √ Perawat
√ Dentist √ Dokter Gigi
√ Veterinarian √ Dokter Hewan
√ Psychologist √ Psikolog
√ Consulting Doctor √ Dokter Konsultan
√ Paramedic √ Paramedis
√ Pharmacist √ Farmasi
√ Attending Doctor √ Dokter Mandiri
√ Duty Doctor √ Dokter Jaga
√ Surgeon √ Ahli Bedah
√ Family Doctor √ Dokter Keluarga

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