2015-4 Issue No 708 $4.00: Index

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Issue No 708

Getting History Straight: Robin Williams: Murder Or Suicide...
Metaphysics & True Christianity (Part Three)—2 Who Is Telling The Truth?—11
Many Governments Seek To Take Away
More On The Reptilian Brain—12
More Personal Freedoms—4
Modern Vaccinations VS Earlier Vaccines—5 The Old Reptilian Mindset: "Greed is Good!"—13
What About The Super Moon?—6 Was the Movie 'They Live!' Based on Reality?—14
Andrew Basiago And His Trips To Mars—7 Special Glasses That Let Us See Aliens?—15
NASA’s Secret Mission And Many Popular Television Shows
True Purpose Of Mars Exploration—9 Have This As A Theme!—16
Positive Extraterrestrials Still What Exactly Happened On Mars When
Manifesting On Earth —9 The Comet 'Siding Spring' Passed By?—16
Believing In Negative Energies:
NASA Is A Big Deceiver—17
Not The Best Thing To Do!—10
Meditations Of The Cosmic Tarot: Temperance—19

© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends,
but no alterations or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.

CAC General Reading 6-16-93, Paul Shockley Interpreter, Of course the Christians would not say the same
previously unreleased; Avaton & Vikki Energizers thing about the Bible, that reality and illusion can
GETTING HISTORY STRAIGHT become confused and not easily separated. But an
entity that does not buy the premise that life and death
Metaphysics & True Christianity Part III on an eternal level is a war being waged for one’s soul
There is Nothing Rational About The Bible! based on the choosing or rejecting of the biblical
process; they do not believe that this process will
COSMIC AWARENESS: determine forever one’s future in terms of heaven and
The most powerful appeal in Biblical material is hell.
the mystery, the irrationality of the messages.
Everything in the New Testament in particular is
irrational. It speaks of a Virgin Birth. It speaks of a
resurrection after death. The Book of Revelation is
completely irrational. It cannot be rationally
understood to where it makes any sense. It always
remains a mystery, requiring interpretation, and
guesswork, and uncertainty.
This has a powerful appeal to the human mind that
wants to solve every riddle it comes across. The other
aspect of this material is that it promotes the concept
that the consequences and stakes are enormous. If you
do not make the right choice out of all this uncertainty
and mystery, it says you will spend your life in hell for
all eternity. If you do make the right choice, you will
then go to heaven and have all good things for all
Coupled with such enormous stakes and so much The one who has bought into the mystery and
uncertainty with explicit directions as to what to do to claims of the Bible will see it as absolute truth, and the
get away from the problem that faces you, many one who does not buy into it will be viewed as a fool
entities find themselves becoming trapped by the who will lose his soul. The power of the biblical
material; the more they study it, the more entrapped writings remains strong, especially for those who have
they become. It is not much different in psychology uncertainty in regard to their understanding of who
from the Dungeons & Dragons game, wherein you get they are, what their reality is and how the world
into scenarios and find yourself having to work your functions. They will look at this and perhaps not
way out and having to make decisions that are life and question deeply or not be able to question deeply and
death situations, even though in the game it is all will say, “I’d rather be wrong and be saved than be
recognized as play, and you can pull yourself out and right and go to hell!” So they prefer to accept the
say, “I don’t want to play any more!” biblical approach, seeing it as being relatively
Very few people have the same attitude toward the harmless anyway, so long as they abide by the rules of
New Testament where they can simply say, “This is all the game.
a game and I do not want to play any more!” Rather At some point however, an entity might ask the
they see this as possibly having the key to Life question, “Why would a deity capable of creating a
Everlasting or possibly having the warning of eternal universe as great, as vast, as extensive and complex as
damnation and it does not ever imply that it is simply a this, let the prize part of Its creation go into eternal
game. It implies that it is absolute truth. Therefore, the flames to suffer forever because he or she did not
entity takes it much more seriously than one who is know what to do, or did not get convinced that they
playing Dungeons & Dragons, and many entities, had to worship this deity without wavering or they
especially of the Christian faith, consider Dungeons & would burn forever in flames of hell? Why would a
Dragons as being extremely dangerous. They consider deity create a hell for punishment or disobedience and
it as being the tool of the devil. It is easy to become never let the entity know of its existence until too late?
obsessed with Dungeons & Dragons to the point where Is not such a deity sadistic? Is not such a deity unfair?
reality and illusion are confused and cannot easily be If I say this deity is unjust, will I then myself burn
separated. forever in his hell?”
These are difficult questions for entities to ask. It
is much easier to simply say, “I’m not taking any
chances. I would rather accept this than face the
consequences in case it is right!” Therefore, many
entities buy into this premise and are hooked on the
story completely, and because they are good people,
they worry about others, and they seek to save them
also from this fate worse than death and therefore, they
go forth and preach and persuade, and try to bring
others around to their way of thinking.
They look at others as though they are inferior,
thus they are called sinners. They themselves are
saved, and therefore are better, and they look down on
the rest of humanity as sinners and those who are lost,
and they try to bring them around to their way of
thinking, to accept their belief system, for fear they
will end up in eternal hell.

In other words, the mystery presented in the New philosophers and alleged deities, can have a greater
Testament creates questions that cannot be solved. It perspective and be more discerning and can make
also creates fears and these fears are painful to entities. more precise and educated discernments about What
The more they study, the more they are told of the Is.
Christian story, the more they are told of hell, the more The more experience an entity has, the more he or
painful they feel and the more uncertain they are about she is able to write their view of things, and others can
their eventual fate, and therefore, they become more have an opportunity to read and participate in that
and more anxious and frustrated with themselves. view, and thereby broaden their own awareness. Thus,
Once they reach a point of what many in the entities by sharing each other’s wisdom, create a
church would call “deep guilt” over being such a greater wisdom of their own, and spread the wisdom
sinner, they go forth and give themselves over to they have gained to still others. Gradually, the human
become a Christian, even though they do not logically then is capable of experiencing things on such a grand
understand what it means. Then the church and the scale that the jackal and wolf that runs around the
people are all happy for them, and they no longer have forest saying “I am king of the forest!” may be met
the feeling of guilt or high anxiety. They feel relaxed with skepticism when meeting the human who has a
and relieved, and they have a light heart, and a feeling more broad and greater understanding.
of joy that they are no longer on the outside. They are The entity who confronts a being who has the
part of something, and God accepts them, and they can illusion of thinking he is God, when the entity knows
relax and enjoy life again. These entities now, light- there are others who think they are God, and who
hearted and joyous, believe this to be the most believes from his or her vast studies of various
significant thing that has ever happened to them, and philosophies, religions and so forth, that God is
they go forth and tell others of their experience as they something quite different from a fellow running
feel it is important for others to experience the same around in a loincloth in the forest, they are not so
thing. easily fooled. They are not so easily persuaded to bow
They are hooked on salvation, even as a drug-user to this entity, just because he has long hair, a beard and
might become hooked on a drug and goes forth to push a loincloth.
his drug on others. They try to give others the same The more educated you are, the more you want to
salvation; the same joy, the same bliss, and try to question what is meant by the terms used when
persuade them to accept this as the way to greater joy speaking to someone about things that are difficult to
and happiness. This is a kind of Zen event wherein one understand. Concerning the concept of God, you may
has guilt heaped upon them or has confusion and start to find that you believe in a God that is not in the
anxiety put upon them, and then it is taken off and form of a human, not in the form of a physical body,
they are told they are now free, and it feels good. It is and you may find that you believe in a God that is
joyous. It is a great experience. For many entities it everywhere present, is alive throughout the universe as
becomes the way by which they can totally reverse a creative force, as a living being, as an all-
their lifestyle and become a different person. They can encompassing consciousness.
let go of unwanted habits and ways of behavior. For
many entities it is essential and necessary and without Defining your terms, your words, your beliefs, by
it they might otherwise have a tragic life. looking at the reality behind them; this is the way of a
more educated person. Otherwise, words are simply
The one area that creates much disappointment to buckets carrying different things that may have
this Awareness is wherein these Christians become different values and different meanings to different
judges of each other, wherein they begin to judge individuals. When you pick up the bucket and carry it
others with condemning fingers, pointing at them as to another entity, they might look inside and see
being agents of the devil, as being evil, as being something totally different from what you originally
worthless and bad. This happens far too frequently. If brought them. They may not even bother to look
they could simply enjoy their blissful experience, and inside. They might say, “Oh, I know this word! It
show by example their own joy as a Christian, they means this or that!”
would be much better for it and there would be more
entities rushing to get involved. And you say, “That is not what I meant by the
word! You and I mean different things. You have
There are many ways of viewing the world and the taken my bucket and my word and cheapened it!” It is
more abstract one becomes in describing the world, the important to use your words carefully, with
more it is viewed as a philosophy or religion. If an understanding that the listener to your words may not
entity views the world from the eyeball of an ant, it is understand what you are saying in the same way you
not very abstract. It is very localized. It would hardly mean it to be understood. It is important to realize that
be considered a philosophy or a religion to describe if the entity understood exactly what you meant, you
the ant’s view of the world. If an entity, flying might be in total agreement, rather than in
overhead as an eagle viewed the world, they would be disagreement.
more philosophical. They would see a much broader
view of life. They would see the ocean over there, the
mountains over there, the foothills in between, and
could deduce certain information about traffic moving
from one place to another and this would be more
accurate than the ant in its view of the world.
The eagle however, may not have an understanding
of history. It cannot see backward in time or forward
in time. It can only see in terms of distance and space.
Humans, capable of seeing forward and backward in
time, and also space, or symbolically looking at maps
and systems and patterns of ancient and modern

CAC General Reading, February 5, 2015; Will Berlinghof Interpreter; When one accepts that the Draconian measures that
V. Sharp Energizer & Questioner are used in the name of security and safety are all right
MANY GOVERNMENTS SEEK TO TAKE and acceptable, when one makes it so for themselves
and their families, holds it to be so that the
AWAY MORE PERSONAL FREEDOMS governments are only doing this to keep people safe,
Mandatory Vaccinations Are One Way of Undermining then this establishes a framework that those in power
the Health and Well-Being of the Masses are seeking to establish, the framework of
acceptability of the denial and loss of freedom, liberty
QUESTIONER: and even the pursuit of happiness as guaranteed in
Does Awareness have an opening message? your Constitution.
These times are especially critical, when those in
COSMIC AWARENESS: power will be pushing harder and harder, and thus this
This Awareness does have an opening message. It is Awareness warns against events that will be used in
now the second month into 2015. The first month had such a manner whether in America, or in any other
of course the wild beginning and the false flag event nation around the world, for it is truly becoming a
that was the Paris shootings, and since that time there situation where an alleged terrorist attack somewhere
have been actions around the world of governments, else in the world is used in one’s own country to
such as the government of Belgium, that have been promote the premise that it is a dangerous world and
gearing up to the energies that are being put out, that one must be willing to give up one’s freedoms and
are, even though they themselves have not yet perhaps rights.
experienced a false flag events, nonetheless are using
such events as the Paris shootings for justifications of
their own actions against alleged terrorists in their own
In the United States of America, this too has been
gearing up, and for those who are observing these
events from that position of neutrality, it may
becoming more obvious that events are used to initiate
actions, actions that usually are designed to remove
personal freedoms under the guise of national security.
Many feel that it is all right to forfeit their own
freedoms so that security can be established. Recently
there was the event of the Super Bowl in the United
States and it was put out in advance that there would
be heightened security, and even the establishment of a
drone free zone over the stadium and in the area
around the stadium. This is a situation that this Awareness is highlighting
Many simply accept this as that which ensures their here so that one who sees these events clearly can
own freedom and safety during such an event and feel understand that the loss of freedom is the strongest
that it is quite all right to forfeit some freedom so that when one accepts it, when one accepts that this is truly
the crowd can be safe. On one level this Awareness all right. When one does not accept it and one holds
does say that on such limited occasions, such one-off one’s own sense of freedom, one’s own rights, this
events, that for one to enjoy the event, it may be will help hold the line. It may come to a point that
necessary to forfeit one’s own freedom for a few those who believe in personal freedom must be willing
hours, but what is actually happening is that this is to put their life on the line, or at the very least to stand
conditioning. It is the conditioning and indoctrination up and not allow the bullying of government and
process that the Powers That Be have long used and corporations to take away their freedoms.
are most certainly becoming even more inclined One such case is that of vaccination. There is a push
toward, more putting out that this is a normal way of on at this time to present the situation of great danger,
life, and herein lies the greater danger. for instance the alleged 100 plus cases of measles at
Disneyland and how this has been so focused upon and
certain states such as California are voicing their
concerns and are suggesting that they may mandate
vaccinations in their state and that those who are not
vaccinated will not be allowed to send their children to
the schools.
This is a time when one must decide for oneself if
this is a principle that is strong enough to stand up
against, to stand up for one’s rights and freedoms. The
problem for most is that they are afraid that to do so
would make their lives more difficult, or that there is
simply no way that they can stand up against the
government, and in this type of response, governments
push their agendas more and more, for they know that
the majority will not stand up, and therefore they use
the tyranny of democracy to pressure many into
accepting what they say the majority holds to be right
and correct.

But the majority is often uninformed and This Awareness will say that sometimes it is of an
unenlightened about the truth behind vaccinations. For extreme and great importance to be willing to voice
example, this argument is a type of legal bullying and one’s objections, even though this may mark them,
people who do not feel they can stand up subside into this may draw displeasure toward them, and may even
that which is the acceptance of such an action, for they cause friends and family to disagree with them, but to
do not think, they do not believe that they can stand up not do so would have a greater consequence in the
to the government or the corporations or the Powers achieving one one’s own personal freedom. This
That Be who present such choices, often without Awareness is complete at this time.
This Awareness is speaking on this matter at this MODERN VACCINATIONS VERSUS
time to prepare those who will be experiencing such EARLIER VACCINES
events where they will have to make a choice: to In the 50’s & 60’s People Believed in
forfeit their own freedom, or to stand up and speak
loudly for their rights as a citizen of the United States Modern Medicine More Than Today
of America, as a human being with natural rights not QUESTIONER:
to be forced into having injections that are not safe, no
matter how loudly the government claims them to be Thank you Awareness. I have one question about the
so, or how vocal the doctors are when they insist that vaccines that were given in the Fifties for the measles,
the vaccinations are safe. the smallpox—the early vaccines. Were these as
dangerous and as manipulative as the ones produced
In the end it is a personal choice of course, but be now, such as for the flu and for Ebola?
aware that actions are being planned that will push the
envelope, that will draw the line in the sand, and it COSMIC AWARENESS:
may be time for some to just say “No!” to those who This Awareness could say yes, indeed they were as
would enslave them, force them, bully them into bad and as dangerous, but what was different then is
accepting the tyranny of democracy simply because that even the medical profession at that time truly
that is how it is done. Many think that democracy is believed that this was good medicine, and that the
the best system of them all, but it is fraught with vaccinations given largely were accepted as modern
danger; it is fraught with the abdication of one’s medicine at its best. Therefore, a different attitude
personal rights. existed at that time. However, many still suffered
when they had vaccinations. But it was accepted that
this might occur.
There was a degree of trust that the people had. The
irony is that trust still exists amongst the masses that
simply accept the word of the experts, but what has
changed since then is that much more is known about
vaccinations and many more have begun to understand
the purpose and plan for vaccinations, and it is done
now with an intent to harm people, to introduce within
them certain agents that are included in the injections
that were not included in the 1950’s.
In some ways, this Awareness would say that the
injections given in the 50’s and 60’s were more pure,
were better then the vaccinations given at this time,
but it was already the plan of those in power to
introduce vaccination as a way of combating and
eliminating illness and disease. For example, many
hold that the polio vaccination eradicated polio, when
in truth there were other factors that also saw the
decline in polio.
At this time, as more and more rights are being Since then, polio, the virus, has been reintroduced
taken away, as the actions of the tyrant become into the populace in hidden ways, in chemtrails and
stronger, it may become a time when one has to walk other ways. It is now being looked at once again.
their talk, wherein one has to stand up and be counted. There are many things that are being deliberately
In the end it may be that one is still forced into a released such as the measles virus that is making the
situation, but knowing that you have resisted, that you news now, but the difference is that whereas in the
have vocalized your objection is a true blow for one’s 50’s and 60’s people often allowed their children to
own personal rights and freedoms. come down with the measles for it was well known
During these challenging times, one must always see that if the measles were experienced once, it would
that there sometimes is a greater loss of one’s freedom give the child a natural immunity toward the virus.
when one simply accepts and does not object, does not The introduction of vaccination over the last decade
stand up, than if one has objected and still is forced has eliminated the measles, and people do not
into an action they do not agree with. This Awareness remember how it once was, and it is certainly not
will leave it at that. It simply wished to state that these favored now to introduce your child to such an illness,
times may be critical times for each individual in their and the stipulation now is that if you do not have a
decision of what they can tolerate and what they measles vaccination, you are an irresponsible citizen,
cannot tolerate, in choosing one’s own battles and in and your child may make another child sick, and as a
being prepared to truly stand up for oneself, and for result, there may even be the death of another child
one’s family and friends. because your child did not get vaccinated.

But to say this to one who holds that taking an

annual flu shot keeps them healthy and well is a
challenge, for many will argue vehemently that the flu
shot is a good thing. It is simply that they have not yet
begun to question this, or the merit of having a flu
shot, and are still followers of the official proclamation
that vaccinations are safe. If one truly wished to look
into such things, another story will begin to emerge
and there are many, many personal stories now of
one’s who have had vaccinations only to see their
children suffering for it.
Many who allowed their children to have early
vaccinations only to have their child become autistic
certainly know the danger of the early child
vaccinations they insist are only for the child’s benefit.
Doctors hold that this does not have a harmful effect,
even though there have been recent disclosures of the
fudging of evidence, the misdirection of results, to
suggest that autism is not connected to vaccinations,
This argument is often presented, as is the argument and there are many medical experts and authorities
that not to have vaccinations is irresponsible. In the that insist that to hold it otherwise is a dangerous
50’s and 60’s, when there was greater trust in the attitude.
medical profession and what they were trying to It is so that many became autistic because of the
achieve, and when there was also greater ignorance to vaccination, yet a young mother, a young family
the harm that vaccinations could produce, more went facing such a dilemma of choice will often make the
along with it for it was truly the golden age of choice to have the child vaccinated more because of
medicine and the trust and belief in the medical the pressure that is put on them, not even by the
profession in some ways protected those who got authorities, but by friends and families who hold that
vaccinations and those who were harmed because of vaccination is good. The government and the doctors
these vaccinations, their cases were not publicized and after all have told you this is so!
there was no way of knowing at that time that This is why in this opening message this Awareness
vaccinations could also be harmful. has spoken of vaccination as one of those areas that
In this naïve and trusting state, this time of truly many may have to stand up to and stand against those
good intentions by the medical profession to help who do not believe that vaccination is a good thing for
eradicate diseases, the energy around vaccinations in their family or their children, but this is a personal
the 50’s and 60’s and the results therefore, were quite issue. This Awareness will leave it at that.
different. Since then, more and more have become
aware of the harmful effects of vaccination. Even WHAT ABOUT THE SUPER MOON?
though the authorities still deny and even paint those
who are objectors as being irresponsible, even almost
criminal, the truth of the matters is that many now
understand that the vaccination process and programs
in place are not necessarily what will achieve
beneficial results, and in fact, may even cause harmful
Therefore, when an agency pushes such a thing and
is willing to take away personal freedoms and force
people to be objective, then certainly the red flags
should go up and more questions should come forth,
but generally speaking, in regard to your question, the
vaccination program of the 50’s and 60’s was a
different thing altogether than what it is now.

Thank you Awareness. I would think it is very hard QUESTIONER:
for a new mother now to say ‘no’ to getting Thank you Awareness. We’ll go to the questions
vaccinations, for instance ones like the flu. now. The first one is from VT, in Olympia,
Washington, and it concerns the March 20th, 2015
Equinox and solar eclipse. On the same day as the
COSMIC AWARENESS: Vernal Equinox, the moon turns new, only 14 hours
It is indeed, and yet it has now been admitted that after reaching lunar perigee. Because of this there will
this year’s flu shot will not touch the actual flu virus be a super moon, which we will not see, but it will also
that is going around. In the end, the main reason flu cause a solar eclipse.
shots are given is because it makes the pharmaceutical VT’s question is, “What do you think of the
companies a great deal of money every year to put out coincidence of the solar eclipse and the vernal
the flu shot so that people will not get the flu, and yet equinox, and the idea of the love meditation that was
the very virus that people are being injected with, the given by Awareness in Its opening message, April 21st,
flu shot virus, is not the virus that is actually making 1978, in Issue #82-2 of the Revelations of Awareness
the rounds. from CAC?”

This Awareness would first of all say it is not a
coincidence. There are many planetary alignments, HIS TRIPS TO MARS
many solar and lunar eclipses that are happening on QUESTIONER:
auspicious dates. When the Ascension event of
December 21st, 2012 occurred, there were many Thank you Awareness. The second question is from
planetary alignments that opened a corridor to the DJ, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. “My instincts tell
energies of the central sun itself. This corridor allowed me that Andrew Basiago, the man who says he has
an energetic flow to pass through the tunnel or corridor time traveled and been to Mars via various methods, is
and come onto the planet, and imbue the planet with totally creditable. Hours of research on the web
the energies of Spirit and the central sun itself. suggest that the Mars pictures seem to support his
There have been other events since then: super
moons, eclipses that have also served similar purposes First question: Is Basiago telling the truth, the
of opening up channels, gateways and portals, and complete truth?
there is a flowing of the Divine Energies through these COSMIC AWARENESS:
events that occur now on a regular basis, and this too
is such a base event, such a circumstance that there is It is seen that this individual is telling the truth,
more involved. The eclipse, the Vernal Equinox although it is not the complete truth. There is more to
coming together under the energies of the new moon, a this story than even he suggests or puts out. But
time for putting out one’s intent, opening up to new basically, he is telling the truth.
experiences and new energies is not coincidental, but
is part of that which could be understood as Divine QUESTIONER:
Plan. The second question is: Is NASA making it easier to
discern what is in the photos? For instance, not
blatantly covering up everything?
The first thing that you must understand about
NASA is that they have two agendas. One is to present
to the public certain evidence, certain ways of looking
at things and accepting things to be a certain way, that
are not truthful, not honest, and that are deception.
Their second agenda is to promote a secret space
program, the one that is really occurring.
As to the question regarding the message put out by Therefore, there is that space program that is
this Awareness so many years ago, this Awareness presented to the public that involves what could be
would still say that this meditation would have merit to understood by many as ancient technology: using
those who wish to become more attuned to the rockets and shuttles to move about in space, when they
energies of that time and to respond to them by putting have much more advanced technology. They have
out a strong message, a positive message and therefore spacecraft, UFO’s that regularly fly to the moon.
positive energies about love, compassion, There is a program that involves teleportation to Mars,
comprehension of higher forces and higher principles and there are many humans who live on Mars, and
both being received due to the unique alignment and also on the moon itself, and there is a grand deception
event, but also because one is energizing this and going on primarily by NASA to keep the public
projecting this into the great domain of the planet and misinformed and ignorant of the truth.
of humanity itself.
Therefore, this Awareness does support this action
for those who are so inclined. Even if one did not have
a specific message or specific words, one can still be
open to the event and still project one’s own loving
wishes and hopes and can put out one’s own will to
have the energy of Divine Love and Compassion flood
the planet at this most powerful and unique date and
So it would even work stronger during this time?
It would be intensified during this time, for as this
Awareness has said, there have been many events Hence, the first program gives them certain evidence
since December 21st, 2012, where gateways are or knowledge based on what they wish the public to
opening, portals are emerging, and the energies of think and believe, and then there is the secret space
Divine Spirit are flooding the planet and growing program. This is the real purpose for NASA, not a
stronger and stronger, and when one is aware of such promotion of space travel. This is simply a way to
opportunities and chooses to focus on them, to be open keep the masses ignorant and dumb so that they cannot
to them and to take the opportunity to project positive object or cannot insist that they too be included, or that
energies of love and compassion, this will have a very they be told more.
positive effect.

QUESTIONER: Still, there is still great merit to put out information,

The third question is: Is there any risk to putting on for one never knows who may respond. One should
line what is discovered in the photos, no matter what it use discernment and even common sense in doing so,
is? but if one feels passionate about sharing such
information for one sees, “Here is a truth that people
COSMIC AWARENESS: must start seeing!” then in putting such information
out, one is being of service even if many will reject
This Awareness could not say there is no risk, for this information or accuse one of being a conspiracy
there could be risk if sufficient attention is drawn to nut.
these photos and to the website. But what this
Awareness will say that should help this matter, is that It is personal of course, but many more are
these photos and this information have already been becoming at least acquainted with these extreme ideas
put out on other sites, and therefore, putting these because someone they know believes it. They may
photos or this information out that have already been discount this individual, but nonetheless they have
released should not draw undue attention to the one been exposed to such radical thought, and it may be
putting them out, if they are not the first ones to put that another will come along who also expresses a
them out. similar thought or has similar information and then
another, so that even though the majority do not wish
Much information is being exchanged on the to know for it would simply disrupt their lives, even
Internet that the Powers That Be would like to control, these ones are beginning to see things quite differently.
for they understand there is danger here for them as to
the amount of information ordinary citizens are putting In the United States at this time there are many who
out. This does not put the life of an ordinary citizen at believe in UFO’s. In fact, it is over half the populace
risk necessarily, but if one was even more cutting edge of the United States of America who do believe in
and brought out other truths or information that has not UFO’s, ET’s and aliens. They simply do not quite
been released, then this could draw attention, but understand the truth of it, and they certainly do not
again, in accordance to the opening message from this understand that their own governments may be
Awareness today, it may be time for entities to stand complicit with these extraterrestrial aliens in taking
up and to speak their truth or put out information they actions against their own people. For most, this would
feel is relevant and of great importance. simply be too much.
It is a personal choice. In this case, in response to For one such as yourself, who is willing to put
the personal question, no great harm is seen from the information out because of a desire to share important
result of this individual putting out these pictures, for information, then you must do what is right. Each and
they have been issued already and shared on the every individual must do what is right for themselves,
Internet, and it may be for her, the way to do and as long as one is not forcing others to accept this,
something positive, to help inform a greater audience, or angry at others if they do not, as long as one
a greater mass, that things are not always what they understands that the majority of people are not willing
seem to be. Is this clear? to look more deeply into these matters and to ask
questions about such things; if one is simply willing to
put information out and allow others to accept it or not
QUESTIONER: accept it, then one will be doing one’s work, one will
Yes. She also asks, “Finally, is the average person be of service, but will not necessarily be hostile in how
ready for this information? I’ve done so much research they do it, or ridiculing of ones who do not get it or
that I have accepted Mars like it is just another country who do not wish to get it.
on earth.” That would be the stipulation this Awareness adds to
one’s intent of putting out information: that one is not
doing it to force others to accept it. One is simply
COSMIC AWARENESS: doing so to put out information.
The unfortunate answer this Awareness must give is
that the majority of people are not ready for this
information. This Awareness will qualify this. They
are not ready because they are still too entangled in the
deception and the lies that are force-fed them every
day of their lives. Furthermore, most do not wish to
disrupt their comfort zone; do not wish themselves to
dig deeply into matters to discover the truth. You have
dug deep and have spent much time researching and
looking deeper down the rabbit hole, but most,
unfortunately, do not have your drive, vigor or courage
to do so. It is simply too much for them to do so.
It is much easier for them to watch their football
game, to drink their beer, to go shopping at Wal-Mart
—to do normal things. There is a general fear that
many hold that when they do things that others
consider not normal, that they will be criticized or
even ostracized by others. This very much involves
what is often called conspiracy theories. They do not
wish to be called ‘conspiracy nutters’ or nutcases.
They do not wish to draw such attention to themselves,
especially if it disrupts their normal routine and lives.

NASA’s Secret Mission and True Purpose

of Mars Exploration
Thank you Awareness. Do you wish to comment
more about NASA’s true mission and purpose of the
Mars exploration?
As this Awareness has said, there is what is known
as the secret space program, one that employs very
advanced alien technology and has been doing so for a
very long time. This program is to serve an elite that
would benefit, and it is to serve a military that is
involved, and a government that is involved in
extraterrestrial interactions and exchanges.
There are several now who have served on Mars,
and have been part of military organizations that serve The main thing that this Awareness wishes to state
on Mars. There is what is known as the Jump Room, is that the higher dimensional beings have not been
where they enter on planet earth through the vortex shut down. Whatever source indicated that this is so,
and are teleported directly to Mars where they serve and that the negative dimensional beings are still
their country secretly. There is a hidden agenda for allowed and able to cross through dimensional barriers
this. This Awareness will not go deeply into this now, to come to this earth is inaccurate and deceiving. This
but there is much information on the Internet about Awareness assures one and all that the higher extra-
these matters. dimensional beings that have committed themselves to
Project Avalon is one such source of information, humanity’s evolution are very much still involved,
but there are many other sources as well. This even more so than they have ever been.
Awareness will leave it up to individuals who are Therefore, one does not need to worry that they
interested enough in such matters to pursue this more have been ousted and shut down, that they have been
deeply. There is also the radio program Coast To blocked from entering, for there is a Divine Spiritual
Coast that occasionally speaks of such matters and for Plan for the evolution of humanity to occur at this time
those who are interested in this information, this might and it is fully underway with the participation of many
also be a good source to go to, to obtain more high dimensional beings who are on the planet at this
information on the secret Mars project, the secret time. There are many who have incarnated, who have
moon project, and NASA’s secret role in all of this. entered physical human bodies so that they can be on
Ed’s Note: There could be a confusion here between Project Avalon at the planet at this time as human beings, even though
projectavalon.net & Project Camelot at projectcamelotportal.com. they are from high dimensional source, or from star
source, other planetary systems.
They have every right to be involved with what is
happening at this time. Further to this, those
extraterrestrial ones who have not chosen to be born
into physical bodies are there assisting these ones and
are involved in matters of support and teaching and
inspiration. In fact, this Awareness can even say now
that the situation has been reached where there is even
intervention in the events of humanity that were
designed by those negative ones to compromise
humanity, or put it even deeper into enslavement.
One such event is the Hadron Collider of
Switzerland. This event occurred on December 21st,
2012. For the negative Powers That Be certainly knew
that a gateway would be opened on that day, and there
is a hidden agenda behind the collider that is not what
is given to the public. On that occasion it was to
POSITIVE EXTRATERRESTRIALS severely restrict the opening and prevent the leap
STILL MANIFESTING ON EARTH through of humanity at that time.
This does mean that the event was one that many
QUESTIONER: expected or one where some profound instantaneous
Thank you Awareness. I have two questions from change occurred and the planet became something
MC, in England. The first question is, “The higher else. This was not the true intent of the Ascension
dimensional positive ET’s have been able to manifest event. It was to open the portal, the gateway to the
on earth in the past, but something happened in 2010 higher energies of Spirit as they interacted with
which prevented them from doing so since then. humanity at the most personal and individual level as
However, this does not apply to the negative aliens well as the collective level. The Hadron Collider that
who continue to manifest here at will. I understand was meant to retard this, to restrict this, even to block
that a lot of the negative aliens’ technology has been this itself was blocked. Intervention occurred, and on
closed down recently. Can Cosmic Awareness please the day that the Hadron Collider was to be used
tell us what more needs to be done to rectify the against humanity, it did not work.

There have been other interventions in recent times

as well, and these interventions are increasing, because BELIEVING IN NEGATIVE ENERGIES:
the intent and purpose of Spirit supersedes the intent NOT THE BEST THING TO DO!
and purpose of those negative ones, those ones who
have for so long manipulated humanity and have
themselves interfered with humanity’s development.
This was all part of a grander plan, an allowed
experiment, but that experiment in consciousness is
coming to an end, and there are many from the higher
extradimensional levels, there are many Star Beings
born on this earth, there are many ET’s in orbit around
the planet that are becoming more engaged in the
spiritual unfolding of humanity and its evolution, and
they will not be shut out any longer by those who have
held power for so long. Many of those plans that the
Powers That Be seek to carry out will not happen, for
they will not be allowed. This includes the plans to
create high tension, to provoke war, even a Third
World War. This includes certain economic events and
certain natural physical events. There is seen to be a
much stronger energy now of the higher planes
involved in the evolutionary process of humanity and QUESTIONER:
of each and every individual. Thank you Awareness, that was most encouraging.
It is still important to realize that each individual Her second question, “Negative energies have been
has a choice and can choose various timelines. Many attacking a friend of mine. They keep taking her soul
are now becoming focused on a positive unfolding, a parts and are sucking her spinal fluid every night. She
positive coming together of intent and desire to has implants, probably physical as well as etheric,
achieve a new reality. But there are still those negative which may be allowing them access. Has Cosmic
timelines that the Powers That Be are trying to push Awareness any advice as to what she can do to stop
through. They will not be as successful, and they are these attacks? Thank you.”
starting to see this more and more. This Awareness
can actually state that they are becoming more COSMIC AWARENESS:
concerned every day that things are not going This is difficult for this one is having experiences,
according to their plan, and there is intervention now but what is being sensed here is that there is a support
when once there was no such intervention. of the power over her by these negative ones, and she
They are not getting their way any longer as they cannot fight them, resist them or deny them. In her
once did, and even what they could see because of belief that this is happening, it cannot be denied that
their 4th dimensional connections as future timelines she is having results that seem to prove this, and this
they could manipulate, are not being shown to them. reinforces a belief that these ones are so powerful that
They are not able to access the future any longer as they can have such effects upon her.
they once did. This is greatly concerning them, but What is crucial here is not denying the experience,
they nonetheless are still pushing their agenda, for they but denying those who are attacking her, those who
know no other way. This refers to the very negative have an agenda. She is unfortunately participating in
ones the questioner spoke of as her commentary went; this because of her very strong belief in the power and
that they are being blocked now somewhat. This will capacity of these negative ones. If one adds to this a
increase more in the times ahead, and it is much more belief that the positive ones are not available to her, or
favorable to recognize that other forces are now even if such positive high dimensional beings exist,
engaged: high dimensional beings, highly placed that they are impotent against the greater force and
volunteers in the physical, ET’s that are committed to might and power of these negative ones, this
helping humanity and Mother Earth shift. These ones unfortunately ties her into the actions that are
are now starting to be effective more and more and to occurring to her, because she does not yet fully believe
have positive hopeful results. that she has the capacity to end this, to throw this out,
to disengage the implants, especially etheric implants,
and that she can shut down physical implants.
In fact, it is felt by this Awareness that if one were
to even suggest this to this individual that is having
these most horrendous experiences, she would
probably reject this and not believe this, for she has
never had positive results when she has asked for help.
This is why this is a very difficult situation, for as this
Awareness has said, it cannot be denied that she is
having these experiences.
What is important for the individual having these
experiences is to start looking, not to the negative ones
as being all powerful, but to the higher dimensional
beings that are there to be worked with, to dig deep
into the negative belief systems that are held that
maintain the belief that the negative ones are more
powerful than the higher spiritual dimensional beings
that are here at this time.

It is also seen that there are those available in COSMIC AWARENESS:

England that work with such implants, etheric or
physical, that have certain procedures that can be used Whoever you wish to choose as telling the truth.
to help remove and disable implants. To find such This Awareness is not here to justify what It has given
ones might be of great merit to counteracting these previously. It has given information, but you or any
experiences as they can assist, but no one can do are free to accept this information or to reject this
anything if the belief is maintained that one cannot information. In this case, you present this Awareness
stand against these negative forces, and that they will with the information that the one known as Matthew
take and take and take and there is nothing one can do presents through his mother. This Awareness has
about it. To hold such a belief will unfortunately opposed Matthew on several occasions. One notable
continue this horrendous experience. opposition to what Matthew holds is in relation to
There are also personal issues that need to be looked President Barack Obama.
deeply into: past life contracts that have been made, This Awareness has long maintained that what the
karma that needs to be paid out. Again, if there is a one known as President Obama says is quite different
willingness to look at these matters, the results can to what he does, and one should look at his actions in
occur. If there is an unwillingness to look at these regard to what the truth is about this individual and his
internal matters and issues, then there will be a plans and his purpose. Yet Matthew has long stated
continuance of the experience. It is important to realize that president Obama is a spiritual avatar that has
that you are more powerful than those who say they come to help America and Americans; that he is a
have power over you, but if one abdicates their own messiah type that will lead them forward to bigger and
power and accepts the authority of other negative ones, greater things.
then one will experience negative things and have Who is right? Who is wrong? This Awareness
negative experiences. again stipulates and states that It is not here to justify
This Awareness says to both here: Trust in your Itself or to claim that It is correct and another is
own Higher Source; call to that Source. Pray to that wrong. It simply presents information, advice, and
Source. Ask for help and intervention from that High hopefully inspiration, but it is up to each individual to
Source and from ones on this physical plane and hold draw from this what they will, to make up their own
that it will be so. Do not give in. Do not give up your minds, and to make their own choices based on what
power. Hold that this is an important opportunity, as feels right for them.
dreadful as it has been, for self-growth and For many, Matthew feels right, for it is such
development, for breaking free of the chains of uplifting information on the whole that does not
enslavement that currently bind, and to find the require deep introspection or effort on one’s behalf, in
Highest Truth of your being. fact according to Matthew, one need do nothing and
they are still guaranteed to spiritually advance,
ROBIN WILLIAMS: MURDER OR whereas this Awareness has stated time and time again
SUICIDE…WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH? that it is the responsibility of each and every individual
to do their own work, their own healing, and to take
QUESTIONER: responsibility for themselves and their choices, to see
Thank you Awareness. The final question today is things deeply and to determine for themselves what is
from SP, from Charleston, West Virginia. His question right for themselves, what works for themselves.
is about something that he has asked before. It is about This Awareness does not require a following. It
the contradictional statement made by what Awareness does not require people to say that this Awareness is
says is true, and what the article in the Matthew books marvelous and correct and right. It simply presents to
says is true; the latest being that of the death of the each individual the information It has to present and
comedian Robin Williams. allows each individual their freedom to choose what
“Cosmic Awareness states he did not die from feels right, what resonates with them, not because this
suicide as reported, but he was murdered. Matthew Awareness has spoken it, but because it triggers
books indicate he committed suicide and when he something, invokes something in an individual that
entered Nirvana had to have special care given to him either works for them or does not.
due to his traumatic psyche. Who is telling the truth?” If that which this Awareness presents challenges
Would Awareness please comment? one, this is also something that can have great merit,
for it may initiate a process of deeper analysis and
examination of deeper questions, even a question such
as this: Which is right? Which is wrong? Even seeing
that one can choose between these two alternatives,
that which feels right for oneself may give the
individual even greater strength and resolve and may
help one become even more focused in their life and to
open up to even greater revelations that they
themselves start to find because they are willing to ask
questions, because they are not willing to simply
accept this or that.
This Awareness holds that it is important to always
question what is given by this one or that one, this
Awareness included. In this case, this Awareness again
presents this as the option that must be pursued: the
questioning of both sources and the sensing of which
one feels right, which answers works for one, and
when one finds their own answer, then it is not

because this one or that one has said it, but because CAC General Reading January 6, 2015; Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
they have found a truth, a resonance, a feeling, an V. Sharp Energizer & Questioner
intuition within themselves that helps them understand MORE ON THE REPTILIAN BRAIN
for themselves their own greater picture and the
greater picture of reality itself.

Thank you Awareness. There was a good lesson in
that answer; that we really, really need to listen to
what is in our own heart.

Not only does one need to listen to what is in one’s
own heart, but also one needs to take responsibility for
one’s choices. The time for blaming another, for
misleading and misdirection is passing, and the
spiritual request at this time of all human beings, is to
start to wake up and see the truth that lies all around
them, to see through deception and lies, to take
responsibility for one’s own actions in one’s own life QUESTIONER:
and not to play victim any longer.
When one presents such a question, that is not Thank you Awareness. I have a question from MSP.
taking responsibility if one is reliant on an answer You may have just answered this, but I’m going to
from one or the other, that they will accept as being read it anyway. “Will Awareness please tell us more
their truth without questioning it. It is too easy to clearly the way the reptilian brain has been defused,
simply say: “This one is right! That one is wrong!” neutralized, disassembled, and dismantled, and clarify
the ramifications on our lives, our ego, and awakening
What is much harder is to present the opportunity to who, in fact, we really are?”
to each and every individual to take responsibility, to
dig deep, to expand one’s consciousness and one’s COSMIC AWARENESS:
emotional fabric, to create a bigger space into which Strictly speaking, the reptilian brain has not been
information that comes can be analyzed, sensed and dismantled, defused, or disassembled. It is still part of
felt out, can be worked with, so that one comes to the mind/brain human being. It is the most ancient part
one’s own answers. perhaps, but it is still there. It is not that it has been
The finding of one’s own inner resources, one’s defused or disengaged. What is more correct is to
own inner connection is truly the purpose for each and understand that it is coming to such a time.
every person as they seek spiritual understanding and This Awareness has said that time is rapidly running
awareness, as they seek expansion, enlightenment and out on these ones, and that Divine Source Itself has a
even Ascension. To simply rely on an answer that new plan, and these Archon ones, these
someone else gives is not taking responsibility, is not Orion/Anunnaki ones, particularly the Reptilians have
working toward greater depth and greater been given the role of being the masters on this planet,
understanding and awareness. but cannot see that the timeline they have been on is
This is a difficult concept for many, for it certainly about to end for humanity, and choices will then be
is part of the indoctrination of humanity to make made as to whether to continue living under the kind
another responsible, and to blindly follow another, and reality that has been happening for some time, or
not to take responsibility for oneself, but in these very whether to move in new directions.
crucial times, it is a prerequisite now to take such The reptilian brain, for ones who do not choose to
personal responsibility, and not to accept anything or wake up, will not be defused. It will continue to be
anyone or any conscious force, even what this operational, and continue to lock down each and every
Awareness offers, without questioning it, without human who chooses to think these ones are the
looking deeper and without being willing to ask powerful ones, the ones in charge. They never
questions. question this, and never choose other than this. In
many ways, the disconnect this Awareness is speaking
of is because with the ending of their dominance, of
their time, new energies will be made available that
can help many to go beyond the reptilian brain and its
influence, and yet it will still survive in a manner to
In the past, this Awareness has stated that the new
Planet A/B will still be a world, a reality of dualism, of
right and wrong, light and dark. Choices will still have
to be made, and there still may be those who choose to
continue playing in the darkness, who choose to be
criminals, who choose to go against the Higher Mind
and the Higher Wisdom. It could be said that these
ones will still have the reptilian brain that is
functional, that is provoking them toward certain

Also, the reptilian brain is quite rigid, has a love of This is a complicated issue, for each individual will
ritual and ceremony, and is inclined toward militaristic be different. Society itself may not immediately
action. There will be those on the new Planet A/B that exhibit across the board the elevation to the higher
will be more rigid, more inclined to formality and states, and many who individually have freed
ritual and ceremony, who may see the need for a themselves may find it frustrating to be involved still
military force and police, et cetera. This may still be with a dualistic form of existence, but as it is an
for many a common ground known to them, but what individual journey, and as each individual can free him
will have changed is that those who once had power or herself to the degree that is right for them, it is also
and control, who came from the corruption and hid in therefore so that simply because the reptilian brain
the darkness as they manipulated and controlled, will may take a while longer for society to dismantle and
no longer be in control, and will no longer be able to break free from, an individual can do so to the degree
further pull the wool over the eyes of humanity. that is right for her or she as an individual.
Furthermore, those who move toward the higher Therefore, the answer to MSP’s question is: Do this
understanding of one’s being, of one’s spirit will gain work for yourself, on yourself. Know that you have it
control, and those who long dictated the action due to within you to break free. Know that you have it within
their inclination to use the reptilian brain and to be in a you to align yourself with the emerging force of
society that was governed by ones who were focused Divine Spirit and that it is all right for others to still
on that also, on the reptilian norm, this will no longer work with or play with the energies of the reptilian
be the case on an individual level. Those who have an brain, but for you, yourself, your choice is to exceed
acute awareness of the reptilian energies, will find that this, to go beyond this and know yourself as a spiritual
the spiritual consciousness that is coming onto the being that is no longer influenced or controlled by the
planet at this time is increasing, and it will make it reptilian brain.
easier for them to move beyond the simple reptilian It is a very individual journey, and although this
energies and make it much more possible to come Awareness can say and can see that humanity itself
from a higher source of cognition, perception, will finally break completely free of this down the
awareness, understanding and knowledge. road, it is not seen as that which will occur this year or
the next. It may take several decades, or even hundreds
of years, but there is the new option for individuals to
no longer be enslaved under the rigidity of societal
control. The individual will free him or herself as they
evolve into higher spiritual awareness and

The Old Reptilian Mindset: “Greed is Good!”

So an individual with a reptilian tendency fairly
soon will have the same opportunity to raise their
vibration toward more spiritual energies because of the
Herein lies the wisdom of Spirit that will elevate upcoming changes. Does that make sense?
those who are moving toward this due to their COSMIC AWARENESS:
commitment, their intent and their desire, their plan
and their purpose. Thus in the end, even though the Perhaps. This Awareness will present this as an
reptilian brain may well still be part of the physical example. Perhaps this will be more useful. There are
brain of a human being, it does not mean it will have many who truly believe that your nation is the highest
the power and control and force that it once had. That of all nations; that the United States is the embodiment
which comes through the reptilian brain, that which is of the best and the highest and that there are no other
the reptilian ego this Awareness has spoken of will be nations that are as good as the United States. They
deflated and will no longer have force and power in fully embrace materialism. They fully embrace
those who have made different choices, and who are competition, of the successful ones being the ones that
breaking free and seeing things from a different angle, will earn the most, that will achieve positions that will
a different source itself. have power, and they are dedicated to this.

This is very much the reptilian brain in action, It is not necessarily the easiest way to do it, but it is
and they may not wish to give this up, and yet it could seen as one way that individuals will be shocked into
not be said that these ones are necessarily ‘bad’ change and the mind opened up and with the higher
individuals. It is simply that they have embraced the spiritual energies flowing in, they may very well
American dream, the American ideal that is present, quickly move into different ways of thinking that no
not that which once was, but what is now present. longer support what was once the mainstream way of
There was a film made several decades ago with thinking and being. Therefore, even though there are
Michael Douglas. The film was 'Wall Street'. This many who hold reptilian views on so many matters, it
character in the film explained that greed is good. In can change very quickly if one’s own personal
the 1980’s there was a strong shift into the reptilian circumstances alter drastically. This is one reason why
mind set, and there are many in the United States who it is known that certain events will occur for
still believe in this principle and are still very strongly individuals that will force them into change or not.
governed by this reptilian mind set. Those who cannot change will hold perhaps to the
old ways, the old patterns of thinking, and the old
modes of behavior and find that they cannot survive.
Others will shift timelines and move into these new
realities, and these new realities become quite different
to whom they were before. It is the comfort zone that
is the biggest entrapment for the majority of people,
for the comfort zones of their lives hold them into
positions they do not wish to change. They do not wish
to question. They do not wish to see what is all around
them and thus they stay stuck in their cocoon of inertia
and the lack of willingness to look into and effect
change in their lives.
Thus, change will be forced quickly and
dramatically and drastically on many who are here to
As this Awareness has said, it is not necessarily experience the new reality, the new way, and for those
that these are bad people, it is simply that they are who do not wish to change and who still hold that the
given to a mind set that is lacking in compassion, old ways are the only ways; these ones are the ones
sensitivity, caring, greatness of spirit toward others, who will follow their Archonic masters into the Planet
and toward the planet. It is truly what is often called B scenarios that this Awareness has already discussed.
the “Me Generation” and it is supported in the United CAC General Reading, February 17, 2015; Will Berlinghof Interpreter;
States as being a valid way to live. Yet with the V. Sharp Energizer & Questioner
energies that are now flowing and are increasing, the
higher spiritual understanding and perceptions, many WAS THE MOVIE 'THEY LIVE!'
are now beginning to question these morals, these BASED ON REALITY?
principles, this way of living and these ones are
starting to move in another direction. QUESTIONER:

As it will still continue to be a dualistic planet Thank you Awareness. This next question is from
for some time, with choice now starting to be LK in Bristol, Indiana. “Can you ask Awareness for
recognized as that which can lead one forward or comment on the claims by Roddy Piper that the movie
hinder one, or even draw one back, the energies he made, 'They Live!' was really a documentary? If it
themselves that are emerging on the planet will make was, are there really glasses that enable aliens to be
it unfavorable to hold the normal attitude, that which is detected?”
held by the majority of entities at this time. It may take
some time for those who have accepted a way of
living, a mindset to see through this, but it is changing,
it is underway.
What will influence this and move this more
quickly forward is the events of these times that are
ready to occur, the events that this Awareness has
spoken of as possibilities, such as economic crash and
the downfall of your financial world, your currency as
the international currency, the loss of even more jobs,
a desperate economic situation; this might bring a
change of attitude as many, many lives will be affected
by an economic collapse.
There is change that may well be initiated due to a
catastrophic event, some natural disaster, some
weather event such as a tornado, or a mass-destruction
event. When great upheaval occurs, when a
catastrophe and great change come upon an individual,
even though one must go through such an event, it has
the capacity to force one to think differently about
everything and it is in that moment when one is forced
into such a situation because of what has just happened
to them and to those around them that the possibility
of a breakthrough relatively quickly can also occur.

COSMIC AWARENESS: There is that which this Awareness can only

This Awareness cannot say it was a documentary, describe as a lack of humanness when one looks into
but It can say it was based on those who had the cold and hard eyes of a Reptilian. Even though
knowledge and information of the alien incursion, of they are in the physical form of a human being, there
extraterrestrial beings amongst humans who were in is something that is not quite right, and again, it is
positions of authority and power. Thus, it could be when one combines what is picked up from an
understood to be somewhat of an exposé of this, but it extrasensory perception, an intuitive feeling, that one
still could not be called a documentary. can certainly recognize Reptilian shape-shifters, and
sometimes other types, but it is primarily the
This film is certainly one that presents the truth of Reptilians that are in disguise that can be picked up.
the situation, how there are many that are in positions
of power that are the Illuminati families, the 13 There is something that is cold and hard about them,
families and the 300 families that are beneath them in and this is the first clue. For those who really wish to
the social hierarchical structure, and how there are know more, there is training that can be taken and
many that serve them who are not outright aliens, but there are some who run programs to deprogram and to
who have sold their souls to ones who often are teach how to see such aliens. This Awareness would
extraterrestrial beings, the Archonic beings, the say however, that unless you are so intrigued that you
Orions. wish to take such courses from ones that must be
researched and found by those interested, that the far
This film, even though it is in some ways now rather simpler way is to feel the energy of that being, to look
amateurish, is a classic in exposé, in presenting in the at them sideways, or in soft-focus, and to trust that
form of fiction, that which has factual overtones and when something makes one’s hairs stand up and that
has truth involved in what is being presented. tingly prickly feeling down the spine when one is
Are There Special Glasses confronted by such a one, this is the easiest way to
That Allow Us to See Aliens? pick up on them.
This also can be used for those who have strong
QUESTIONER: satanic connections, who have committed themselves
So there would not be any special glasses that would to the worship and service of the Dark Ones, and this
enable aliens to be detected? too can be picked up, sometimes in the most
spectacular of ways, when one is introduced to such a
COSMIC AWARENESS: one and feels the hairs sticking out, the spine tingling,
There is indeed technology that could allow the as already mentioned. This ability to see
sighting of extraterrestrial ones who are in human extraterrestrials or satanic ones is something that most
form. This technology is of a nature that it is not people certainly have, a capacity to use and employ in
available as the movie presented in the simple form of the pursuit of recognizing those who are not quite
sunglasses. This is a bit more advanced in technology; human or those who are not of that compassion and
however, there certainly is technology that allows the warmth of a human being.
viewer to see what is below the surface. However, This includes, as already stated, those who are
such technology is not really needed, for many have heavily involved in satanic practice. There is
seen reptilian shape-shifters with their own eyes, not something that is simply not right, that is cold and
eyes that are wearing special sunglasses or any other inhumane and inhuman about them, as well as these
technical viewing devices. Reptilian shape-shifters that this Awareness has
Often the shape-shifting aliens can be seen almost spoken of.
out of the corner of one’s eye, in an offhanded glance QUESTIONER:
that shows something, but this often does not seem to
last which is why the one who saw the alien often Thank you Awareness. This goes with what you’ve
doubts that they saw anything at all and thinks perhaps been telling us all along, that we need to go more by
that it was just the imagination. our feelings in this world.
This is correct, and not simply the feelings of joy
and happiness, but also those feelings where danger is
perceived, even though the one standing in front of
you may seem to be a human being, and yet they have
such an energy field that those who become sensitive
to their feelings and intuition and to that inner BS
detector, can pick up on something that is not quite
right, not quite normal.
The important thing then is not to dismiss it because
the eyes are seeing something that is supposed to be a
normal human being. Whether or not one can truly
Yet for those who are interested in seeing these prove this one standing in front of you is not quite
ones, one can train oneself to be receptive. It involves human, one still must trust one’s own feelings. In this
more than what is simply seen with the eyes. It case, this would be a very good time to put up
involves a deeper sensing of the one you are looking protection around oneself, to erect a cocoon around
at, and often it is the inner senses or even the psychic oneself of White Light and add to this a violet purple
senses that pick up something. Often one can truly see undercoating.
the ones who are extraterrestrial, the ones who are It is as if one, when sensing this, trusts this and puts
Reptilian in how they stand, in how they look when into effect the measures of protection that are of a high
one looks at their face and most particularly when one nature, even though most do not understand how this
looks into the eyes of such an alien. works. It is a way of protecting and shielding oneself,

for those that one might detect can equally often detect
one who has recognized them. This is not shared at WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED ON MARS
this time to create fear or panic. It is simply for those WHEN THE COMET ‘SIDING SPRING’
who might encounter such ones. PASSED BY?
This Awareness can say that the majority will never
have such experiences, but for ones who have such
sensitivity and have in the past had experiences when
they met someone, of their skin crawling and a feeling
of danger, or at the very least a confusion around this
one, trust your instincts, trust your BS detector, or
your extraterrestrial sensor, your non-human sensing
capabilities and engage them in a form of self-
Many Popular Television Shows
Have This As A Theme!
Thank you Awareness. That reminds me of a TV
show that we watch regularly called 'Grimm', where
the 'Grimm' can recognize the other species.
Thank you Awareness. I’m sure we are all very,
COSMIC AWARENESS: very different than we were 20 years ago! The next
This Awareness would say that there have been question is from DJ in Silver Springs, Colorado. This
many TV shows that have had such a theme: the is an explanation of a question asked a few weeks ago.
recognition of non-humans or ones who are dark in The question was: “What happened in the Siding
their nature because of their involvement with Dark Spring Incident?” This question now gives more
Forces. A very early television show back in the 60’s information, and she asks Awareness to provide
that was often viewed by the Interpreter was a program comments.
called 'The Invaders', and the hero could also see She says, “The question that was asked was not
them or sense them and knew that these alien ones related to any other Mars questions. Siding Spring was
walked amongst human beings. another comet that passed close to Mars like Ison. Ison
There are many other shows since that one that have caused Mars to have a coma for a while. Cosmic
this as a theme as well. Therefore, if it is in the pop Awareness might have information about that too, and
culture of humanity, it is stating that many have the effect it had on its inhabitants.
known of such things. One famous series from the But when Siding Spring went by there was a very
80’s was the series 'V' that also involved these strange burst of light. I’ve attached something from
reptilian ones, but for this series they simply wore YouTube so you can see what happened. The question
latex masks. The later series of 'V' produced a few is: What exactly did happen, and again, what effects
years ago, took this theme a bit further, but again dealt did it have on the inhabitants?” Could Awareness
with the same topic: that there were extraterrestrial comment?
ones that were parading around as human beings.
This Awareness confirms that it is definitely so,
these ones are out there, just as the film 'They Live!' The comet was not simply a comet. There were
stated so many years ago. upon this comet alien ones with alien technology and a
hidden agenda from that which is known on this planet
earth that is not being revealed, for to reveal this
information to the masses, to the public, would create
an uproar and tear apart the fabric of deception that
has been woven so tightly over so many years by
NASA and other agencies.
This Awareness must state here that there are
inhabitants upon Mars. There are many inhabitants
upon Mars and this includes human beings as well, but
it also includes reptilian beings as well as an insect
hive being. Humans go to Mars not via a rocket ship,
for NASA and the Powers That Be maintain that it is
technologically too difficult to send human beings via
rocket ships to Mars, yet they are certainly setting up a
public acceptance that soon there will be colonization
of Mars, and most people now believe this and hold it
to be so.
They do not believe there is life on Mars, especially
not human life, reptilian life or insectoid life, for they
believe what they have been told, but what they have
been told is a lie. There have been available certain
wormholes that connect the planet earth to the planet
Mars. These are not modern and/or recent forms of
technology, but rather ancient forms of technology that
were developed and built eons ago.

There was once another large ice comet that came certain purposes. It was not simply to suck off the
close to Mars that had been sent into this solar system atmosphere. This was not the reason. It was to destroy
by those who are now known as the Reptilians. Part of certain underground bases held by certain ones on
the reason it was sent was to destroy what was the Mars, but this is what the beam was, and this is also
planet Maldek that existed between Mars and Jupiter. why, in more recent times, as recent as but a few days
This ice comet destroyed Maldek and what remains is ago, a giant plume of smoke came up from the surface
the debris field of Maldek, what is now known as the of Mars, extended 120 miles into the atmosphere and
asteroid belt. spread out.
Ed’s Note: This seems to conflict with what Awareness said through It was because of certain damage that was done
Paul Shockley concerning Maldek being destroyed by nuclear war. previously underground and this has led to certain
volcanic activities that have impacted some of those
bases underground, setting off explosions and sending
off this plume of smoke and dust high into the
atmosphere in the most amazing display. Therefore it
is seen that the comet Siding Spring that was observed
was not simply a natural comet from the depths of
space, a natural asteroid of ice and dust and mineral
substance, but rather an elaborate ship. Many are used,
as was comet Isis, as was comet Elenin before this,
several years ago. They have contained within them
certain ones, sometimes Reptilian, sometimes Galactic
Forces, and this is seen to have been one that was
occupied by Pleiadian ones who were trying to destroy
the Reptilians, for it is seen that the Pleiadian ones
have been in battle with the Reptilians for countless
eons as well.
This is perhaps to many a story too fantastic, but
many others will resonate with what this Awareness
has spoken for they were part of those wars and part of
those extraterrestrial cultures, and this Awareness says
to those who resonate to simply feel this and to know
it from within. This is the explanation for this recent
event that is a continuation of a war that is millions of
years old in nature.
Along with the destruction of Maldek, this huge ice
comet did pass close enough to Mars to suck off the NASA IS A BIG DECEIVER
atmosphere of Mars. At that time there were Reptilian
ones on Mars, as well as Lyrian human ones and these QUESTIONER:
ones were in battle at that time. The Reptilians were Thank you Awareness. She does a lot of research on
prepared for this event and they went underground and this and she says, “All the pictures that we get back
built cities underground as a way to escape what was from the rovers are manipulated in multiple ways to
coming, that which would destroy the surface of the keep us from seeing what is really there. There are
planet. These underground bases or cities still exist ways to de-manipulate using Photoshop.”
and there is still Reptilian life in these cities, and also
in other underground bases, there is human life— She wants to know if all of these photos are being
modern human beings as well as those who survived manipulated by NASA?
the cataclysm of Mars losing its atmosphere. COSMIC AWARENESS:
This ice comet continued onwards and at that time This Awareness can say that not all of the
collided with the planet in the second orbital position photographs are being manipulated because there is no
round the sun. When this Awareness says ‘collided’ it need to manipulate all of the photos. It must be
must qualify this somewhat, for if it had actually understood that one of the primary purposes that
collided with it, it would have destroyed the planet in NASA serves is to cover up the truth, to Photoshop
the second position as it had done to Maldek. It was an certain photos and other evidence that may come back
ice chunk that was being dragged by the ice comet that from the rovers on Mars and other information
hit the planet, a fragment of the greater ice comet that available on the planet.
destroyed Maldek, but this planet did knock the second
body out of its position, and that planet then went into
the third position and became planet earth.
What was the ice comet was trapped in the orbit that
was formally occupied by the planet that is now
known as earth and this ice comet became that planet
which is now known as Venus, and the ice melted and
formed a vaporous atmosphere around the planet that
is now seen around Venus and there was a core within
this ice comet that was inhabited by Reptilian types.
Moving from a story of most ancient history to this
more modern event that was recently observed, again
this was an inhabited planetoid or comet. This comet
as it passed shot a weapon beam at the surface for

This role of deceiver is one that NASA has played As to the humans that are on Mars and the Insectoid
from the very beginning. Even the famous moon Mantid ones, the humans were told not to enter into
landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin has that area for they might be photographed and therefore
controversy around it, and many have maintained that their orders were basically to let the rover take its
this was not actual footage from the moon, and they pictures, and to stay away. The Mantid or insectoid
would also be correct in this, for the cameras that were beings have no interest in this and have not
on the lunar module did not function properly, and investigated it. It simply is not of interest to them.
they were ready for this contingency and did of course Therefore, it is correct that NASA does cover-up
present imagery allegedly from the moon that was not and manipulate the photos when it needs to, but as to
actually from the moon, but very closely simulated the the land rover and the probes on Mars there is no need
lunar landscape. to do so, for it was set up in a way as a bogus mission
They did go to the moon, even though the pictures to prove Mars is uninhabited and very inhospitable.
that were shown were not necessarily from the moon. Yet even so, there is now evidence that is being
Many will not accept this, but this is for one to decide produced and released by NASA that seems to suggest
for oneself. Moving to the situation on Mars, a that there could be water on Mars, there could be
situation that NASA is again covering up, for NASA microscopic life on Mars.
and other agencies do not wish the human collective to It is much more than this, but what NASA is doing,
know that they have bases on Mars, that they send what the Powers That Be wish to create, is the
ones to Mars and have been doing this for many years impression that life could exist elsewhere, even on
now. Mars. It is part of a preparation that has long been
underway, part of a plan to introduce extraterrestrial
life forces into human consciousness, but this is
another matter. This lies down the road; the
introduction of alien beings. This Awareness feels
complete with the answering of this question although
it is open to additional questions the energizer might
have of It.
Will all of this become exposed in the next few
It is already exposed, in that there already are ones
that are speaking of this on certain Internet programs,
on certain websites. Will it be exposed to the masses?
This is another question, and there are certainly many
who wish disclosure from the US government and
other governments and other agencies. This is still
These are what are known as Super Soldiers, and being resisted and at this time, until it suits their
some of these Super Soldiers have spent time on Mars, purpose, the policy is to deny such things and to not
not only days and weeks and months, but years on disclose much information other than what NASA and
Mars, and are speaking out on this. There is one the government intelligence agencies have already
known by the first name of Randy. The surname is not released.
seen. He has recently come forward and has presented It is part of that program of deception and keeping
his story on many sites, on many programs, including the masses ignorant of such things, and yet despite
one of Alfred Lambremont Webre, known as their best efforts, more and more information is
Exopolitics. For those interested in what this entity coming forward now. Ultimately, they cannot keep
Randy has to say about his time on Mars, this would this lid on much longer. There are many leaks in the
be one site to go to, but he is to be found elsewhere as jar and in the can that is being used, so to speak, to
well, as are several others. contain such information.
The point this Awareness is making here is that
there is truth now that is coming out and NASA,
despite perhaps its primary role as deceiver cannot be
forever successful in its deception. However, in the
matter of the Mars rovers, these were particular ones
sent to areas well away from the more controversial
sites such as Cydonia, where there is that which is
known as the Face on Mars, the Man on Mars, and
where there are five-sided pyramids and other
They have been put into areas that are relatively
safe, and thus the pictures they send back are only
pictures of areas that are typical Mars landscapes but
are not places where the inhabitants necessarily live.
Yet there have been pictures taken by the rover of
Reptilian ones who came to investigate, who actually
were photographed. Needless to say, these photos were
quickly deleted so that others could not see Reptilians
on the surface of Mars.

viscosity, and depth. The tempering of anything, of
any image within the universe, is what is giving that
Exactly! Things can’t stay hidden for much longer image, that thing, that entity, that essence, a deeper
because of the energies that are happening to the earth and more individual definition.
and everything is getting more opened. Isn’t that Visualize the clear light in certain areas, as it
correct? begins to become denser. This may be seen and
likened unto a jellyfish in water. This jellyfish takes
on what may be felt, though not always seen. This
This is indeed correct, but this Awareness must also may be likened unto the consciousness that moves
sadly state that many do not want to know. Many do from thin, watery, or airy-like substance into a dense,
not want their little worlds rocked by such shocking deep, viscous-type substance.
revelations. There are many who would be in great This movement takes place in octaves, and this
turmoil if this type of information concerning relates to the seven rays of light. The density moves,
extraterrestrial beings was suddenly exposed. What and with each octave, becomes a deeper level of being.
would happen to the many who have a traditional This movement into a deeper level of being is related
Fundamental Christian belief, where they believe that to the alchemical process. In this manner, this reading
they alone are the benefactors of God’s mercy, love relates unto Key 8, the Strength card.
and indulgence?
In the previous reading there was a reference
As this Awareness has said, this is a matter for made to the work of Ra-Ta in moving and speeding up
future discussion. There are plans that are currently consciousness, in speeding up evolution. In this
being presented and underway for the eventual present reading, this shall be gone into in more depth.
introduction, even First Contact with extraterrestrial
beings, but the agenda of the deceivers is quite The movement of man into matter, which
different than a peaceful meeting with such ones. occurred with the separation of Rhyee from Essence,
Again, this Awareness may have information on this at created an identification with the forms that were
a future time, but in light of the question that was projected from the consciousness of the collective
asked on this matter today, this Awareness is complete mind forces of entities in Essence. This was the
with the answering of that question. beginning of the fall of Lucifer (Rhyee), and all of the
angles or angels of consciousness.
COSMIC TAROT This Awareness indicates that the identification
KEY NUMBER FOURTEEN - TEMPERANCE with the form, rather than with the consciousness
itself, intensified the polarities of the separation.
Following this, life did occur on this plane in physical
form. This life in its identification with the physical
form was of a light substance. Entities at that time
were very airy in nature; there was little substance to
Entities were of a somewhat gaseous nature, and
these entities and the vegetation of that time were not
solid as in present time. These forms and entities were
likened unto images of a dream, and were subject to
the manipulation of the imagination of those who
understood this.
There was not too great an identification with
any one part. Each entity did identify more with the
total. This manner of identification is related to the
Oriental philosophy of Taoism.
Following this, there became a gradual loss of
this type of observation and greater movement into
self-centered observation, subjective observation
wherein entities began to identify themselves more
This Awareness indicates that in this reading on permanently with one form or another. In this manner,
the 15th card, Key 14, Temperance; recall what was entities moved into the forms on this plane, moved
given in the previous reading concerning the Death into animals, trees, and other creatures.
card. The Death card has been removed from the
Tarot in terms of its previous connotations, and the This Awareness indicates that this brought forth
new meaning of Death is change. The Hanged Man is Lemuria. Atlantis came forth when identification
suspended mind, and moves into that state of became so intense and so centered that the
consciousness wherein change occurs, and this is the consciousness identified itself with one kind of form
old card of Death. Now this 13th card is symbolizing for long periods of time. The Atlanteans moved into
change and new direction, and is symbolic of rebirth. this plane from other planets. This followed the
Lemurian action and was an interrelated result of the
Entities who look deep enough into death discover Lemurian action.
life. Entities are dying every moment and being
reborn every moment. Entities are creating themselves This Awareness indicates that as time passed and
from moment to moment, according to what they Atlantis moved into deeper and more dense
visualize and what they identify themselves with. identifications, this set up a polarity between Atlantis
and Lemuria which created those who controlled and
This Awareness indicates that Temperance is those who responded. This became a ruling and
symbolic of that identity, of that essence which one subjected relationship, a sadism and masochistic
calls oneself. The tempering of steel gives density, relationship between these two.

yours, are walking around, and picking up certain

feelings from these mummies. These then are
interpreted as your emotions and finally are put into
The movement from feeling and emotion and
into words then brought about concepts. The concepts
brought about philosophies and these philosophies
brought about conflicts between varying groups of
different philosophies. These varying philosophies
brought about war and these wars brought about
tragedies, suffering, and friction.
This friction and tragedy brought about concepts
of victory and loss and death and gain. These concepts
brought about what became deeper feelings of being or
non-being, and in this manner, the polarity emitted by
the mummies brought greater polarity and division to
mankind. This greater polarity and division brought
about greater pleasure and pain, which in turn brought
about greater viscosity of being and greater fear of
In this manner, the speeding up of evolution
When Ra-Ta studied with Hep-Sut in the latter occurred. Entities of the Western world, through
days of Atlantis, he discovered from Hep-Sut the tragedy and suffering, have developed denser, more
principles involved in polarity and in alchemy, the diamond-like consciousness than would have
alchemy of intensification to bring about a denser, occurred, had this tragedy and suffering and
more viscous consciousness. In this action, Ra-Ta intensified polarity not happened.
discovered from Hep-Sut that polarity came about
through extremes of concepts, through opposition of This Awareness indicates that you are born in sin.
concepts. That sin is that what is other than the Clear Light.
That sin is what is other than balance. That sin is
Ra-Ta discovered that polarity created the polarity. Balance is non-polarity. Sin is necessary to
intensification of being. When there was little bring you into the state wherein your individuality
excitement, little polarity, there was little attention occurs and gives that which cannot be destroyed.
given. In this attention, being grew stronger. Being
created a more viscous type of consciousness. It is only through error that entities can learn. It is
only through error that entities can develop. It is only
This Awareness indicates that the movement of through error that entities can know balance, which is
Ra-Ta into Nubialand brought forth many more harmony. This error, this loss of balance, this loss of
discoveries, as those who went with him pooled their equilibrium tempers the steel, tempers consciousness,
information and researched into this further. In and tempers the individuality, the consciousness which
returning from Nubialand to Egypt, the foundation and makes up one's own psyche, and which creates one's
plans were made for speeding up evolution. soul.
The action of mummification was one in which Consciousness now in the Western world is
the mummy was to be given concepts through likened unto a jellyfish in the ocean of Akasha. Many
symbolism that would affect all humanity for years to entities have developed a firm enough consciousness
come. These symbols pertained to consciousness, to that it cannot be destroyed. In the Eastern world, this
individuality, to the world, and were placed into and has yet to be accomplished. In the present time, the
projected into the mummy while still an entity under actions of Mao and others as helping to bring this
deep hypnotic trance. about. This Awareness indicates the Eastern world
After several sessions of ever-deepening must yet move into levels of desire in order to bring
hypnotic levels, the symbol was so ingrained that the about this density of consciousness which becomes
entity totally identified with that symbol. When that likened unto a diamond. Yoga is that which has helped
symbol and the entity were in complete identification many in this respect.
with each other and the entity was identified with The statement of many Eastern philosophies that
humanity for years to come, at that time the entity was you return to the ocean of Nirvana as a drop of water
given a drug that crystallized and set every cell in his —this is not so for those who have reached the level of
body. When this occurred, that symbol inhabited consciousness which Ra-Ta and others worked to
every cell of the body. bring about in the Western world. You do not return
In this manner, the symbol became likened unto as a drop of water in the ocean of Akasha, but your
a signal placed within the cells of the body of the consciousness shall be likened unto a diamond, or a
mummy. The entity was then wrapped and this jellyfish that cannot be crushed, which cannot be
became the mummy. These early mummies placed in destroyed, and this moves into Akasha.
the Hall of Records were not dead at the time of Even those who have this kind of consciousness
mummification. They were rather in hypnotic trance and move into Akasha may still experience what it is
states. The drug given slowed down the vibration to to be Akasha, for the Clear Light, whether gathered in
such a slow degree as might be called freezing dense levels or thin levels, is still Clear Light.
Entities understanding this action of developing
The consciousness of these entities has been the individuality may understand why this Awareness
frozen for 12,000 years. These entities over these says: Judge not! Deny the existence of evil in the
12,000 years of time, have been slowly releasing these world.
concepts into consciousness. Entities in this plane of

have gone beyond self-realization and are realizing

others; there are many who have gone beyond
realizing others and are realizing the cosmos. This
Awareness indicates that all these entities, wherever or
not they are on the path, are where they are, and need
not be judged. They may be related to according to
where they are and may be helped according to their
present need.
This Awareness indicates that temperance be
understood in all things. Temperance is related to the
degree of understanding that is experienced and can be
given to anyone on any level of development.
Each and every one has been on each and every
level, or in time will be on each and every level, and
all are moving down the same path. Those who are
ahead are no more superior than those who are behind,
and those who are first are no more superior than those
who are last. It is but a matter of time, and time is but
This is related to concepts of comparison and
judgment. Anyone who feels he is superior to another
This Awareness indicates that sin is necessary stumbles and falls backward as soon as he creates that
for many who have not yet developed their judgment of superiority. All are moving down the
individuality. There is sin and error, but these are not path, and the path goes in circles, and all shall
evil, they are a part of the human development. For continue to move through the Tarot, through the
those who have developed their individuality, sin is no wheel, through the experiences, gathering and sharing
longer necessary. these experiences.
This Awareness indicates that wherein entities With each movement around the wheel, the
wish to prove themselves, wish to achieve and identity becomes that much more fixed, the
promote themselves at the expense of others; these individuality becomes that much more dense, that
entities are yet trying to develop their individuality. much more real, and that much more diamond-like.
There are many levels of this action. Remember that Lucifer was the bright and
Those who realize this, those who have moved in shining angel, that diamond-like consciousness, and
actions previously and have tried to prove themselves, even this can fall from grace. You need not glory in
to promote themselves, have tried to climb above the your accomplishments. You simply understand what
actions of others and tried to be superior and is occurring on any level, on all levels. In this
discovered that they cannot and do not enjoy the fruit understanding, you stand under and look with awe and
of this action, and finally realizing this action only look with awareness at that which is.
brings despair and pain, they turn away, likened unto Understanding comes from slowing down the
the initiate who stands before Lucifer and says, "I have looking process so that everything is seen clearly.
followed you all the days of my life. You have Entities moving into the physical plane desire
brought me nothing but pain. You have promised me understanding, and in this physical plane, the slowing
everything. Therefore, I am through with you down process is made more possible. The slowing
forever." down process becomes more possible because of the
This Awareness indicates that at this time when very slow movement of images and forms.
entities turn away from Lucifer, from their own will, Those who rush hurriedly here and there, those
from their own desire, from their own desire to who speed franticly, searching, jumping, looking,
promote themselves—at this moment entities have shouting, desiring one thing after another have little
discovered who, in fact, they really are. Entities have understanding and have much to learn. Entities who
created their own individuality and no longer need to can stop and look and gain understanding may then
pursue this course. move back into levels of faster vibration with that
The development of one's individuality is brought understanding so that they have developed grace of
forth through pain and tragedy, through suffering, movement, wherein they may speed without danger of
desire, greed, and lust. Once this comes about, collision in their relationships with other forms.
individuality is reached. Entities may then release This is a matter of training in any field, whether
themselves from this quest, from this desire, from the this is music, whether this is art, science, social
desire to promote themselves, from the desire to have activity, mechanical, or muscular. Entities in
their own will, from the desire to prove themselves understanding these movements of development of
above others, and may move into levels of response- skills are moving into levels of temperance. Those
ability, may then respond to the needs of others. who can move into polarities and make mistakes and
At this time, the motivation becomes not a goal, learn from these mistakes by gradually adjusting
but a motivation of responding to that which needs to themselves closer and closer to the center, toward the
be responded to, according to urgencies of the reconciliation of the polarities, are those who move
moment, according to urgencies of others. At this into greater and greater levels of skill.
time, entities may then realize they can never die, they As riding a bicycle or walking the tightrope, the
have eternal life, and they can serve others without movement into the extremes is necessary for those
fear of losing themselves. who have not discovered their balance. Gradually the
There are many on the path toward attainment of error lessens and the balance becomes more and more
individuality, of self-realization; there are many who centered, and finally the entity becomes skilled.

This Awareness indicates the same is true in intensification of polarity, conflict, and friction. Just as
developing one's own psyche, in developing any field, the pearl in the oyster is born from the friction of sand,
any art, any action, or any relationship. You only learn a grain of sand working and irritating the flesh, so also
through errors. Entities who are afraid of making the crystal, Christ-like consciousness of entities comes
mistakes seldom develop skills. Entities, who can about from the irritation and friction and conflict of
develop only one skill and fear to develop any other living.
for fear of making mistakes generally glory and pride This Awareness indicates that Ra-Ta speeded up
themselves in their own skill, but feel inferior in many and intensified this conflict, intensified this friction.
other ways. From the time of Virgo, wherein these entities were
This Awareness indicates such entities often placed in the Hall of Records as mummies, humanity
become what is termed a ‘specialist.’ The specialist is in Egypt and throughout the western world, and to a
very limited. The specialist is often incapable of lesser extent in the Orient, has been experiencing
communicating with others outside his or her own greater and greater friction than had been experienced
skill. Those who can develop many skills and try before. This friction and gathering of civilization
many things but do not develop any skill well, become forces is that which, over this long period of time, has
those who are good at everything, but not good enough not allowed man to rest in peace.
to compete with anyone. This leads to the general Understand that when the adrenaline gland and the
view of things wherein entities are capable of seeing other endocrine glands and psychic centers of the body
broad movements and leading a generally well- are constantly stimulated, are constantly irritated over
balanced life. lifetimes, first one lifetime, then the next, then the
This Awareness indicates all this is a matter of next, then the next, that this is bound to have an effect
personal choice, whether you would be generally on the consciousness, on the soul, on the individuality.
developed or specifically developed along certain The glands themselves will have grown from
lines. This development is part of your evolution, is overacting, and the very nature of the body will have
part of the development of your own individuality. changed to adapt itself to the more conflicting
Temperance is synonymous with balance, and if you environment.
can balance your life in all things, you can bring about Those on this physical plane are now moving into
an individuality that can integrate itself in any area of the culmination of these early actions of Ra-Ta and
the universe, in any area of activity. others. This action took place through seven stages.
This Awareness indicates that anything can be This shall be the subject of another chapter.
done if you give attention to what you are doing. This Awareness indicates that these seven stages
Ra-Ta, in mummifying certain entities into states have brought entities to the level wherein revelation is
of polarity, wherein these were likened unto fulfilled, and the second coming of Christ, the coming
transmitting stations in consciousness - wherein the of the Christ Consciousness, wherein all those who
mummies did decay, the concepts were emitted into have moved and wandered in sin and have now come
consciousness for those living on this plane to pick up home, are those who shall move into that which is
as receivers and act out and broadcast. This action of called the New Being.
broadcasting these polarities has directed the courses This Awareness indicates this is a mutation into
of nations in this western world, and to a lesser degree a higher level of being. This being is that which
in the eastern world. moves out of physical form according to his or her
This intensity of polarity has brought about a own will, or into physical form if he or she chooses.
greater viscosity of consciousness. This is likened unto The New Being is one who does not die in the
moving consciousness from airy nature, down to old sense, but transmutes, transcends, and changes.
vapor, down to water, down to oil, down to honey, Those whose consciousness has moved into
down to a jelly-like substance, and down to a Temperance on this level, on the diamond-like level,
diamond-like consciousness for many. the crystal, are those who do not need to hold on to the
This Awareness indicates this crystallization of body in order to be, and those who understand this are
consciousness, this movement from the pure Akasha capable of dissolving and recreating the body at will.
into the crystal, into the Clear Light of Christ, was the
goal of Ra-Ta. This comes about through


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COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed,
Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as
the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has
been communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for those who desire to help in bringing in
the New Age. Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells
us not to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is
the Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'. Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for
anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with
the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and are
not personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters published herein have no connection with, nor control over
the editorial comments and material, including illustrations. This is entirely the responsibility of the editor. Members of
C.A.C. are invited to send in questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication in this newsletter.

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