2020 HCB 6192
2020 HCB 6192
2020 HCB 6192
1 in another jurisdiction.
2 (5) Except as otherwise provided in this act, the secretary of
3 state may waive the requirement of a driving skills test, knowledge
4 test, or road sign test of an applicant for an original operator's
5 or chauffeur's license without a vehicle group designation or
6 indorsement who at the time of the application is the holder of a
7 valid, unrevoked operator's or chauffeur's license issued by
8 another state or country.
9 (6) A driving skills test conducted under this section must
10 include a behind-the-wheel road test. Before conducting a behind-
11 the-wheel road test for an applicant seeking a vehicle group
12 designation, including any upgrade to a vehicle group designation,
13 or for any indorsement required to operate a commercial motor
14 vehicle, the examiner shall determine that the applicant was issued
15 his or her commercial learner's permit not less than 14 days before
16 the date of that test and that he or she has that permit in his or
17 her possession.
18 (7) A person who corrupts or attempts to corrupt a designated
19 examining officer appointed or designated by the secretary of state
20 under this section or section 310e by giving, offering, or
21 promising any gift or gratuity with the intent to influence the
22 opinion or decision of the examining officer conducting the test is
23 guilty of a felony.
24 (8) A designated examining officer appointed or designated by
25 the secretary of state who conducts a driving skills test under an
26 agreement entered into under this section or section 310e and who
27 varies from, shortens, or in any other way changes the method or
28 examination criteria prescribed in that agreement in conducting a
29 driving skills test is guilty of a felony.
1 state receives the copy, the secretary of state shall cancel all
2 vehicle group designations on the person's individual's operator's
3 or chauffeur's license.
4 (9) The secretary of state shall cancel all vehicle group
5 designations on a person's an individual's operator's or
6 chauffeur's license upon receiving notice from the United States
7 Secretary of Transportation, the national driver register, the
8 commercial driver's license information system, or another state or
9 jurisdiction that 1 or more of the conditions described in
10 subsection (5) existed at the time of the person's individual's
11 application in this state.
12 (10) The secretary of state shall cancel all vehicle group
13 designations on the person's individual's operator's or chauffeur's
14 license upon receiving proper notice that the person individual no
15 longer meets the federal driver qualification requirements under 49
16 CFR parts 383 and 391 to operate a commercial motor vehicle in
17 interstate or intrastate commerce, or the person individual no
18 longer meets the driver qualification requirements to operate a
19 commercial motor vehicle in intrastate commerce under the motor
20 carrier safety act of 1963, 1963 PA 181, MCL 480.11 to 480.25.
21 (11) Subsection (5)(a), (b), (d), and (f) does not apply to an
22 applicant for an original vehicle group designation who at the time
23 of application has a valid license to operate a commercial motor
24 vehicle issued by any state in compliance with 49 USC 31301 to
25 31317.
26 (12) As used in this section, "farm related service industry"
27 means custom harvesters, farm retail outlets and suppliers, agri-
28 chemical business, or livestock feeders.
29 Sec. 312k. (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions in this
Final Page
OOI H07191'20 (S-1) s_06334_10132020