S.5 S.6 Modern Physics PDF
S.5 S.6 Modern Physics PDF
S.5 S.6 Modern Physics PDF
Cathode rays are highly energetic electrons moving from the cathode to the
anode. They are produced in a cathode ray tube.
Production of cathode rays
Cathode Anode
Cathode rays
The electrons are produced at the cathode by thermionic emission and are
accelerated towards the screen by the anode which is connected to the
terminal of the extra high tension battery. The thermionic emission is the
process whereby metal surfaces emit electrons when heated.
The tube is evacuated to avoid electrons interacting with any particle before
they reach the screen. When the cathode rays hit the florescent screen, the
screen glows. This shows that electrons posses momentum and therefore
have mass.
Properties of cathode rays
i. They are negatively charged
ii. They travel in a straight line
iii. They are deflected by both magnetic and electric fields (this proves
that they carry a charge)
iv. They cause fluorescence in certain materials.
v. When cathode rays are stopped by heavy metals, x-rays are emitted.
vi. They are electrons moving with high speeds.
Verification that electrons travel in a straight line
E.H.T Maltase cross
Consider an electron of speed uo entering mid way between metal plates P1
and P2 separated by a distance d and across which a pd V is applied. The
electric force has no component in the horizontal direction. Hence, the
horizontal component of the electron velocity stays constant at the values
uo. The vertical component of the electrons velocity at a time t, after the
electron has entered the region of electric field is Vy = ayt
But electric force in the vertical direction
F Ee
ma y Ee
Vy t (1)
Horizontal displacement
X uot
t (3)
The motion of the electron in the field is parabolic
The vertical component of velocity as the electron emerges out of the field
Eet Eel
V y1
m mu 0
The angle θ, the electron makes with the horizontal as it emerges out of the
field is given by
V y1 Eel 1
tan 1
V x Mu o u o
mu o2
But tan θ = Y
D 1 l
Hence Eel
mu o
D 1 l
The vertical displacement on the screen,
D 12l Eel
muo 2
D 1 Eel
1.92 10
9.11 10 19
tan 64.6
1. An electron operating at 3 x 103 V is used to project electron into the
space between two oppositely charged parallel plates of length 10cm and
reparation 5cm. calculate the deflection of the electron as they emerge from
the region between charged plated when the p.d is 1 x 103V.
2. An electron of energy 10KeV enter midway between two horizontal metal
plates each of length 5.0cm separated by a distance of 2cm. A p.d of 20V is
applied across the plates. A fluorescent screen is placed 20cm beyond the
Calculate the vertical deflection on the screen.
F v
The magnetic force on the electron is F = Be and using Flemings left hand
rule it is at right angles to both u and B.
The rate of change of kinetic energy of the electron is equal to the force x
F . Where k= kinetic energy
But since F is perpendicular to
Then F . 0
2 2m
The period T =
+ + +
- - -
Thomson’s method used to measure the charge to mass ration ( e )
But E
where d is the separation of plates P1 and P2
In the figure, p1 and p2 are metal plates each of length 2cm and separated
by 0.5cm in a uniform magnetic field of flux density 4.7 x 10-3T.
An electron beam incident midway between the plates is deflected by the
magnetic field by a distance of 10cm on a screen placed a distance of 24cm
from the ends of the plates. When a p.d of 103V is applied between P1 and
P2, the electron spot on the screen is restored to the undeflected path O,
calculate the e m of the electron.
e YE
m B l D 1 l
V 10 3
d 0.5 10 2
e 10 10 2 2.0 10 5
m 4.7 10 3 2 2 10 2 0.24 0.01
2 10 4
1.1045 10 7
1.81 1011 Ckg 1
Measurement of electric charge using Milkan’s oil drop experiment
Constant temperature enclosure
Oil spray
X-ray tube
B -
F 6av o
4a 3
W g
4a 3
U g
where ρ and σ are the drop and air densities respectively and a is radius of
W U F ...................(1)
At terminal velocity, 4 3 4
a g a 3g 6avo
3 3
Hence a2
2 g
Therefore determining terminal velocity of fee fall, the radius a can be got.
Case 1 When the p.d is applied such that the oil drop rises steadily,
Fe(electric force)
F’(viscous drag)
At terminal velocity , v1
Fe U W F ' .............(2)
But E
where d is separation of plates
Case2 When the p.d V is applied such that the drop falls steadily with a
speed v2.
F’e(electric force)
F’’(viscous drag) U(upthrust)
At terminal velocity,
Fe' F F '
Case3 When the p.d is applied such that the drop remains stationary
Fe(electric force)
W U Fe ...................(4)
After repeating the experiment for different oil drops, Milkan found out that
the charges on the drop were integer multiples of the value 1.6x10 -19C. This
value was taken to be the basic charge and is the charge on the drop.
1. An oil drop carrying a charge of 3e falls under gravity in air with a
velocity 4.6x10-4 ms-1 between two parallel plates mm apart. When a p.d of
4.6x103V is applied between the plates, the drop rises steadily assuming the
effect of the air buoyancy on the drop is negligible. Calculate
(i) the radius of the drop (2.06x10-6m)
(ii) the velocity with which the oil drop rises
( density of oil =900kgm-3, viscosity of air = 1.8x10-5Nsm-2)
2. A charged oil drop of radius 7.26x10-7m and density 880kgm-3 is held
stationary in an electric field of intensity 1.72x104Vm-1. How many charges
on the drop (density of air = 1.29kgm-3)
Positive rays
At low pressures, in a discharge tube, electrons from the perforated
cathode ionise gas atoms in the tube. The positive ions produced and
accelerated to high energies are called positive rays.
The positive rays are related to the gas atoms initially in the discharge tube
To vacuum pump
unlike cathode rays.
Measurement of specific charge of ions using Bain Bridge Mass
Momentum selector
(Evacuated chamber)
S2 x
Photographic plate
- B1 +
Velocity selector
Ions from
Ions from the source enter the velocity selector through collimating slit s 1.
The ions enter the velocity selector and only ions with velocity v
Hence q
, But r
m B2 r 2
Hence q
m B1 B2 x
In a mass spectrum, two ions of mass 26,28 with charges +10e and +30e
respectively. Both enter magnetic fields B2 with the same velocity. The
radius of a circular path described by a heavier ion 0.28m, find the
separation of two images formed on a photographic plate by these ions.
From q
m B1 B2 x
Hence q
x , since 2E
is constant
m B1 B2
q1 q2
But kx1 , kx2
m1 m2
q1 m2 x1
q 2 m1 x 2
10e 28 0.56
30e 26 x2
x 2 1.56 m
separation x 2 x1 1.56 0.56 1.00 m
1. Ionised gas atoms produce in a discharge tube. They enter slits S1 of
the Bain Bridge spectrometer. The charges pass through B1 of 0.5T applied
at 90 to the electric fields (3V, 5cm). The ions then pass through
undeviated. The beam next passes through B2 of 0.8T and moves along the
two circular path. The radius of the small path is 18cm. The separation on
the plates is 6cm. If the charge on the ions is 10C, identify the ions (
m1=12g, m2 = 14g, hence ion is carbon).
2. A stream of singly ionised magnesium atoms is accelerated through a
p.d of 50V, and then enters a region of uniform magnetic field of flux
density 2.08x10-2T. calculate the atomic mass of the ions. (24U or
3. The mass of the singly charged neon isotope 20
10 Ne is 3.3x10-26kg. A
beam of these ions enters a uniform transverse magnetic field of mass
0.3T, and describes a circular orbit of radius 0.22m. What is (i) the velocity
of the ions
(ii) the p.d which has been used to accelerate them to this velocity?
When some metals held at a negative potential are illuminated by
electromagnetic radiations, electrons are emitted. This process is called
photoelectric emission.
Demonstration of photoelectric effect
Cathode(alkali metal)
Evacuated tube
Photocurrent, I
3. The maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons increases linearly with
the frequency of the incident radiation but is independent of the intensity of
the radiation.
4. For each metal surface, there is a minimum frequency, f0 of the incident
radiation below which no electrons are emitted however high is the
intensity. This frequency is called Threshold frequency of the metal surface.
f0 Frequency
The quantum theory of photoelectric effect
Einstein postulated that light is emitted and absorbed in discrete amounts of
packets called quanta or photons. The energy of each photon is hf, where f
is frequency of light and h is Planck’s constant.
When light on a metal surface, each photon of light interacts with one and
only one electron in the surface of the metal giving it all its energy or none
at all.
If the photon energy, hf, is greater than the work function of the metal, 0,
electrons are dislodged from the attraction of the nucleus of the metal.
Work function is the minimum energy required to overcome the attraction
of electrons by the nuclei of the metal surface. Different metals have
different work functions. Work functions can be expressed in electron volt
Note: Electron volt is the kinetic energy gained by an electron when it is
accelerated by a p.d of 1V.
Hence kinetic energy = ½mv2= eV = 1.6x10-19x1 = 1.6x10-19J
1eV = 1.6x10-19J
Electron emission occurs only if hf > 0
The difference hf - 0 is available to the emitted electrons as kinetic energy
. The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is given by
1 2
mv max hf 0
1 2
hf mv max 0 .....(1)
1 1
mv max h f f 0 hc
1 2
2 0
mA a
c V
Evacuated tube
-Vs 0 V
Hence eVs hf 0
Evacuated tube
Slope, s = h/e
f0 f
For different metal surfaces we obtain,
Metal 1
Vs Metal 2
f01 f02 f
1. the minimum frequency of light that would cause photoelectric
emission from Potassium surface is 5.37x1014Hz. When the surface is
illuminated by another radiation, photoelectrons are emitted with a
speed of 7.9x105ms-1. calculate the:
(i) work function of Potassium metal
(ii) maximum kinetic energy of the photo electrons.
(iii) Frequency of the second source
(h = 6.625x10-34Js, mass of the electrons = 9.11x10-31kg)
(i) 0 hf0 6.625 10 34 5.37 1014 3.558 10 19 J
1 2
hf mv 0 2.84 10 19 3.56 10 19 6.4 10 19 J
(iii) 2
6.4 10 19
f 9.66 1014 Hz
6.625 10 34
(iv) Calculate the kinetic energy of each photoelectron if the work
function of caesium is 2.15eV.
(i) power = nx( energy of a photon) = n hf n
, where n is number of
3 10 8
(iii) Kinetic energy = hf 0 6.625 10 34
2.15 1.6 10 19 3.46 10 20 J
4 10
1. The work function of a cleaned metal surface is 4.5eV . calculate
(i) the minimum frequency of the radiation that will cause
emission of electrons from the metal surface. (1.09x1015Hz)
(ii) The maximum energy of the electrons emitted when the
surface is illuminated by radiation of frequency 1.2x1015Hz.
Application of photo electricity
A photoemmisive cell consists of two electrodes enclosed in a glass tube
which may be evacuated or containing an inert gas at low pressure.
The cathode is curved metal plate having an emissive surface facing the
anode. When electromagnetic radiation fall on the cathode, photoelectrons
are emitted and are attracted to the anode if it is a suitable positive
potential. A current of few microamperes flows and increases with the
intensity of the incident radiation.
This photocell can be used to detect intruders. The intruder intercepts the
infra red falling on the photocell. Hence current is cut off. The interruption
therefore sets off the alarm.
Atomic Nucleus
Rutherford’s model of the atom
All the positive charge of the atom is concentrated in a small region called
the nucleus of diameter less than 10-15m. The negative charge surrounds
the positive charge.
This was verified by Rutherfold and his team. The experiment involved the
scattering of thin Gold foil.
Alpha particles emitted by a radioactive source were directed towards a thin
gold foil. The scattered alpha particles were observed on a fluorescent
screen on the focal plane of the microscope. Scintillations were observed on
the screen whenever the alpha particles struck the Zinc Sulphide scintillation
detector. The microscope was moved to different positions in order to
detect the alpha particles.
1. The majority of the alpha particles passed through undeflected.
2. A few of the alpha particles were scattered through small angles.
3. Very few alpha particles were deflected through angles greater than 90º.
Alpha particles
Gold atom
1. The alpha particles being positively charged, their scattering must be
due to the positive charge in the gold atom.
2. Since the majority of the alpha particles passed through undeflected,
most of the space inside the atom is empty.
3. Large angle scattering occurred whenever an alpha particle was
incident almost head on to the nucleus.
4. Since very few alpha particles were scattered through large angles, it
follows that the probability of a head on collision with the nucleus is
small and it follows that the nucleus occupies only small proportion of
the available space inside an atom.
Alpha particle
1 2 Ze 2
mu 2
2 4 0 b
1 Ze 2
2 2 0 b
Ze 2
0 mu 2
A beam of alpha particles of energy 4.2MeV is incident normal to a gold foil.
What is the closest distance of approach by the particles to the nucleus of
the gold atom?
( Atomic number of gold = 79)
1 Ze 2
mu 2
2 2 0 b
79 1.6 10 19
4.2 1.6 10
2 8.85 10 12 b
b 5.412 10 14 m
Summary, the atom consists of the following main particle: (i) the protons
which are positively charged, (ii) the neutrons which carry no charge and
the electrons which are found in orbits around the nucleus. The neutrons
and protons make up the nucleus of the atom.
Rutherford’s model successes
i) It accounts for the observations of Alpha particle scattering by a
metal foil.
ii) The radius of an atom can be estimated using the model.
Rutherford’s model failed to explain the existence of a stable atom with
orbiting electron.
An orbiting electron is constantly changing its direction of motion and is
therefore accelerating. This means that it would constantly emit
electromagnetic radiation and its radius of the orbit would constantly reduce
until it would spiral (spin) into the nucleus. If this happens for all electrons,
the atom would cease to exist.
NB: Emission of e-m radiation by electrons implies the reduction in their
energy which makes them fall into an orbit of a smaller radius and this
would have continued until the electron enters the nucleus.
i.e. mvr
, where n = 1, 2, 3 ……….
The orbit with the lowest energy is called the ground state. All physical
systems are in physical equilibrium in the lowest energy state. Other high
energy levels are called excited state.
The minimum energy required to remove an electron completely from the
ground state (nucleus of an a tom or K-shell) is called ionisation
Bohr’s atom simply means an atom with a small central positive nucleus
with electrons moving around it only in certain allowed orbits and while in
these orbits they don’t emit radiations.
+ -
4 0 r
Hence kinetic energy, T
1 2
mv ..................(i )
2 8 0 r
The electric potential energy of the electron, V r e
................(ii )
4 0 r 4 0 r
e2 e2 e2
Total energy, E = T + V(r) = ................(iii )
8 0 r 4 0 r 8 0 r
Hence v2 .................(iv)
4 2 m 2 r 2
n 2 h 2 0
Hence r ..............(v)
me 2
Hence the allowed electron energies can be obtained from the equation
me 4
En , where n is the principal quantum number,; n – 1, 2, 3, ……..
8 02 n 2 h 2
Note: (i) The energy of the electron is always negative. This means that
work has to be done to move the electron to infinity where it is considered
to have zero energy. The electron is therefore bound to the nucleus.
(ii) Whenever an electron makes a transition from a higher energy level, ni,
to a lower energy level, nf, the energy of the quantum of radiation emitted
me 4 me 4 me 4 1 1
hf Ei E f
8 02 ni2 h 2 8 02 n 2f h 2 8 02 h 2 n2 n2
f i
me 4
Energy of the ground state:- E0 , since n = 1
8 02 h 2
But m 9.11 10 31 , 0 8.85 10 12 , h 6.6 10 34
E0 2.18 10 18 J
E0 13.6eV
Hence En eV
me 4 1 1
E hf 2
8 02 h 2 n 2
f ni
me 4 1 1
f 2 3
8 0 h n2 n2
f i
me 4 1 1
The wave number of the radiation emitted is
2 2 2 2
c 8 0 h c n f ni
me 4
The term RH Rydberg constant
8 02 h 3 c
1 1
n2 n2
f i
Where ni = 2, 3, 4…….
Transitions from other high energy levels to the L- shell ( n = 2), emits
spectra of wavelengths referred to as Balmer series. Balmer series lie in the
visible spectrum.
1 1
2 2 ni2
, ni = 3, 4, 5…
Transition from other high energy levels to the M – shell ( n = 3 ), emits
spectra referred to as Paschen series which lie in the infra red region.
1 1
3 2 ni2
, ni = 4, 5, 6……..
n = 6 (P shell)
n = 5(O shell)
n = 4 (N shell)
n = 3 (M shell)
n=3 -5.55eV
n=2 -5.77eV
n=1 -10.44eV
(iii) Determine which energy levels in the mercury atom are involved in
the emission of a line whose wavelength is 546nm.
2. The figure below shows some of the energy levels of a neon atom. In
what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does the radiation emit in the
transition E3 to E2 lie?
n=∞ 0
n=4 -0.81eV
n=2 -4.83eV
X – Rays
X- rays are short wavelength electromagnetic waves which are produced
when cathode rays are stopped by heavy metals.
Production of X – rays
Cathode Vacuum
Target ( tungsten or Molybdenum)
X- rays
E.H.T Voltage
Cathode rays
Copper anode
Mode of operation
A low voltage is applied across the filament and heats the filament.
Electrons are emitted by the filament by thermionic emission. The concave
focussing cathode focuses the electrons from the filament onto the target. A
very high alternating voltage is applied between the filament and the
anode. During the half cycles when the anode is at a positive potential
relative to the cathode, electrons are accelerated across the tube. No
electrons flow to the anode when the anode is at a negative potential
relative to the cathode.
When the cathode rays (electrons) strike the target, 99% of the kinetic
energy of electrons is dissipated into heat while 1% is turned into X-rays.
The heat generated at the target is cooled by means of the copper cooling
fins mounted on the copper anode. Heat is conducted from the target away
from the tube by conduction and radiation.
The electron current, I in an X-ray tube in operation is given by I = ne,
where n is the number of electrons per second and e is the electronic
Intensity of X-rays (Quantity)
The intensity of X- rays in an X – ray tube is proportional to the number of
electrons colliding with the target. The number of electrons produced at the
cathode depend on the filament supply. The greater the heating current,
the greater the number of electrons produced and hence more x- rays are
produced. Therefore the intensity of X- rays is controlled by the filament
Penetration of X – rays ( quality)
Penetration power of X-rays depends on the kinetic energy of the electrons
striking the target. The higher the accelerating voltage, the faster the
electrons produced. Faster electrons posses higher kinetic energy and
shorter wavelength x-rays of greater penetration power are produced.
Hence penetrating power of X-rays is determined by the accelerating
Voltage across the tube.
Hard and soft X- rays
Hard x-rays have a high penetrating power. This because they have very
short wavelengths. They are produced when a high p.d is applied across the
Soft X-rays are produced by electrons moving at relatively lower velocities
than those produced by hard x –rays. They have less energy, longer
wavelengths, hence less penetration power compared to hard x-rays.
Hard x-rays can penetrate flesh but are absorbed by bones. Soft x-rays are
used to show malignant growths since they only penetrate soft flesh. They
are absorbed by such growths.
Properties of X –rays
o They travel in a straight line at a speed of light
o They are not deflected by both magnetic and electric fields. This
indicate that they carry no charge.
o They penetrate all matter to some extent. Penetration is least in
materials with high density and atomic number e.g. lead.
o They ionise gases through which they pass.
o They affect photographic plates just like light does.
o They cause fluorescence in some materials.
o They cause photoelectric effect when they are illuminated on certain
metal surfaces.
o They are diffracted by crystals leading to an interference pattern.
In an x-ray tube 99% of the electrical power supplied to the tube is
dissipated as heat. If the accelerating voltage is 75kV and power of
742.5W is dissipated as heat, find the number of electrons arriving at the
target per second.
power 742.5W
742.5 100
Hence power supplied = 750W
But power = VI
Hence 75000I = 750
I = 0.01A
But I = ne
1.01 = 1.6x10-19n
Therefore n = 6.25x1016 per second
1. In an x-ray tube operated at 5x105V, the target is made of material of
specific heat capacity 2.5x102Jkg-1K-1 and has a mass of 0.25kg. 1% of the
electrical power is converted into x-rays and the rest is dissipated as heat in
the target. If the temperature of the target rises at 8Ks-1, find the number
of electrons which strike the target every second.
2. The current in a water- cooled x-ray tube operating at 60KV is 30mA.
99% of the energy supplied to the tube is converted into heat at the target
and is removed by water flowing at a rate of 0.060kgs-1. Calculate: (i) the
rate at which energy is being supplied to the tube. (1800Js-1)
(ii) the increase in temperature of the cooling water, assume specific heat
capacity of water = 4200Jkg-1K-1. (7.1°C)
Diffraction of X-rays by crystals
Consider a beam of X- rays incident on the crystal.
Photographic plate
A d
The path difference between x-rays scattered by atoms in two consecutive
planes = AB + BC.
But AB = BC = dsinθ
For constructive interference path difference AB + BC = nλ,
where n = 1, 2, 3, ….. is called the order of diffraction and θ is the glancing
2dsinθ = nλ ……. For n = 1, 2, 3... .This is Bragg’s law
X-rays of wavelength 10-10m are diffracted from a set of planes of rubidium
Chloride. The first diffraction maxima occurs at 8.8°. calculate the
interplanar spacing.
2d sin n ,
n 1, 10 10
2d sin 8.8 10 10
d 3.27 10 10 m
One molecule of NaCl has two atoms, hence volume associated with one
atom = M
2N a
A beam of x-rays of wavelength 1.0x10-10m is incident on a set of cubic
planes of NaCl crystal (Molecular mass = 58.8). First order diffraction is
obtained for a glancing angle of 10.2°. find
(i) the spacing between consecutive planes
(ii) the density of NaCl.
2d sin n
(i) n 1, 10 10 , 10.2
10 10
d 2.82 10 10 m
2 sin 10.2
2N a
58.8 10 3
2.16 10 3 kgm 3
2 2.82 10
10 3
6.02 10 23
A monochromatic beam of x-rays of wavelength 2x10-10m is incident on a
set of cubic planes in a KCl crystal. First order diffraction maxima are
observed at a glancing angle of 18.5°. Find the density of KCl if its
molecular weight is 74.55g. (1.97x103kgm-3)
X-ray spectra in an x-ray tube
There are two spectra; continuous and line/prominent/ characteristic
The intensity of x-rays plotted as a function of wavelength has the features
shown below. The line spectrum is superimposed on the continuous
Continuous spectrum
This arises from multiple collisions of electrons with target atoms. Different
amounts of energy are lost during these collisions. The x-rays given off
when the electrons are decelerated will have wavelengths varying from a
certain minimum value λmin to infinity.
Line spectrum
λmin Wavelength
When an electron loses all its energy in a single collision with an atom of
the target, a most energetic x-ray photon is given off. The kinetic energy of
the electrons equal to eV, where V is the accelerating voltage between a
filament and the anode. It is converted into electromagnetic radiation of
energy, hf max
Hence min
Equation (1) is called the Hunt- Duane equation . λmin represents the
minimum wavelength of the X-ray produced for a given accelerating voltage
V. It is also called-cut off wavelength.
Line spectrum
Uses of X-rays
1. Structural analysis, stresses, fractures in solids, castings and welded
joints can be analysed by examining X-ray photograph.
2. Crystallography; Orientation and identification of minerals by analysis of
diffraction patterns using Bragg’s law.
3. Medical uses;
(i) Analytical uses. These include location of fractures, cancer and
tumour/defective tissue absorbs x-rays differently from normal tissue.
(ii) Therapeutics use for destroying cancerous cells and tumours.
5. detection of fire arms at international airports.
Nuclear physics
The nuclei of atoms contain protons and neutrons. The collection of protons
and neutrons together is called the nucleon.
A species of atoms with a specified number of protons and neutrons is
called a nuclide. There are forces which bind the nucleons together. In
some nuclides, the forces make the nucleons stay together permanently;
however in some, the energy forces binding the nucleus affect some to the
nucleons, this happens when the ration of neutrons to protons is big. When
ration is big, the nucleus release excess energy to become stable.
-The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atomic number
-The number of protons and neutrons is the mass number (Atomic
An atom X, with atomic number Z and mass number A can be symbolised
by ZA X
A = Z+N, where N = number of neutrons
This is the spontaneous disintegration of unstable nuclei emitting alpha, α,
beta, β particles and gamma, γ radiation
Alpha particles
An α-particle is a Helium atom that has two protons and two neutrons.
When a nuclei decays by release of an α particles, it loses two protons and
two neutrons i.e. mass number decreases by 4 and atomic number by 2.
Alpha particle symbol is 4
2 He
A 4
z Z 206
82 He z 2Y
84 Po 206
82 Pb 2 He
Properties of α particles
-They cause fluorescent in some materials
-They blacken photographic plates
-They readily ionise gases
-They are easily absorbed by matter.
-The penetration of matter by α particles is unique in that the α particles
can not be detected beyond their range.
-They are deflected by electric and magnetic fields to a less extent than
particles. This means that they are heavier than particles. In both
magnetic and electric fields they are deflected in a direction opposite to
that of the particles. This indicates that they are positively charged.
-They are emitted with speeds of the order 10 7 ms 1
( particle) which is emitted and a proton which increases the atomic
Properties of particles
They have a much smaller fluorescent effect than particles
27 Co 2860 Ni 01
-Affect photographic plates
-They are not deflected by magnetic and electric fields. This implies that
they carry no charge
-They travel in a vacuum with the speed of light
-They have the highest penetrating power because of their light mass
and due to this they can be stopped or absorbed by a lead metal or
shield which has the highest density.
-They cause photoelectric effect i.e. they eject electrons when they fall
on certain metals.
-They can also cause ionisation of a gas by knocking off electrons from
the neutral atoms but this is by small amounts.
-They have the highest possible range in air.
(i) Range of radiation is the maximum distance covered by a radiation
in air before it is totally absorbed.
(ii) Ionisation is the process of changing the neutral atoms of a gas into
positive and negative ions.
Decay constant, , is defined as the fraction of the radioactive nuclei which
decays per second.
InN t c
Half life T
The half life of a radioactive source is the time taken for half the number of
radioactive nuclei present in the source to disintegrate.
Consider the decay curve of a radioactive source
2T½ t
Relationship between and T 1 2
When t = T½ , N =
N Noe t
No T 1
N 0e 2
1 T 1
e 2
T 1
In 1 2 Ine 2
In 1 2 T 1
0.693 T 1
0.693 ln 2
T1 T1
2 2
3.70 1010 Bq 1Ci
Activity, A N
N Noe t
A Noe t
but A 0 - N 0 initial activity
when t 0
A A0 e t
Hence Half-life can also be defined as the time taken for the activity of the
source to decrease to half the original value.
1. The half life of a radio isotope is 5.27 years, calculate
i. Its decay constant
ii. The number of years it will take 75% of a given mass of isotope to
0.693 ln 2 ln 2
4 10 9 s 1
T1 T1 5.27 365 24 3600
2 2
N Noe t
N 0.25 No
0.25 No Noe t
In0.25 t 4 10 9 t
t 3.31 10 8 s
t 10.5 years
2. The radio isotope Co decays by emission of a particle and a ray. Its
half life is 5.3 years. Find the activity of the source containing 0.10 gm of
In 12
but , 4.15 10 9
5.3 365 24 3600
NA 6.02 10 0.10
0.10 gm contain 0.10 atoms
60 60
N 1.003 10 21 atoms
A 115 10 9 1.003 10 21 4.16 1012 disntegrat ion s 1
A silver isotope 108
47 Ag has a half life of 2.4mins. Initially, a sample contain
2.0 x 106 nuclei of silver. Find the number of radioactive nuclei left after 1.2
minutes. (ans:1.412x106)
2.Aradioactive source contains 1.0µg of plutonium of mass number 239. If
the source emits 2300 α-particles per second, calculate the half-life of
plutonium. (assume the decay law N = N0e-λt ) Ans; 24073.99years
3. The mass of 1.0µg of 25
11𝑁𝑎 decays by emission of beta particles. If its
half life is 60s, find the;
(a) initial activity of the sample
(b) number of atoms present after 10minutes.
Ao =2.782E14; N = 2.285E13
4. 44
19 K has a half life of 20minutes. Find;
(a) the activity of the sample whose mass is 10mg. Ans;7.903E16
(b) the activity of the sample after 1hour
Ans;A = 9.6288E17
The unstable isotope C produced during nuclear reactions in the
atmosphere as a result of cosmic ray bombardment give a small portion of
C in CO2 in the atmosphere.
Plants take in CO2 for photosynthesis. When a plant dies it stops taking in
14 14
CO2 and its Cdecays to N by particle emission.
By measuring the activity A of C in the remains, and the activity of the
living or fresh sample Ao ,the time when the plant died can be estimated
The activity of a sample of dead wood is 10 counts per minute, while for a
living plant is 19 counts per minute. If the half life of C is 5500 years, find
the age of the wood sample.
A A0 e t
10 19e t
t ln
ln 2 ln 2
yr 1
T1 5500
ln 2 10
t ln
5500 19
t 5093 years
Wood from a buried ship has a specific activity of 1.2x102Bqkg-1 due to 14C,
whereas comparable living wood has an activity of 2x102Bqkg-1. What is the
age of the ship? ( half life of 14C = 5,7x103years).
Radio isotopes
Radioisotopes are nuclides which are unstable and undergo radioactive
decay emitting or particles or γ- rays during return to a stable form.
238 226 230
U, Ra and Th are examples of natural radioactive.
A greater number of radio isotopes are produced artificially by bombarding
stable nucleus with high energetic particles such as protons, α-particles,
deuterons and neutrons.
Artificial radioisotopes behave the same way as the natural radioactive
materials in that each will emit its characteristic particle or radiation and
each has a characteristic half-life.
1. By bombarding 27
Al with particles, one gets 30P which decaysby emission of a positron 10 e
13 Al 24He1530 P 01n
15 P1430 Si 10 e
2. Bombarding of boron 11
5 B with particles to get 14
6 C which decays by
emission of particles.
5 B 24He146 C 11H
then 14
6 C 147 N 10 e with half life 5730 years.
-Neutrons are ideal for bombardment of stable nuclei to produce
radioisotope because they carry no charge and are therefore not
deflected by either atomic electrons or nuclear charge.
They will penetrate the nucleus even when their energies are
comparatively low.
Some uses of radioisotope
1. Biological uses
i. Radiotherapy
-Radio cobalt 60
27 Co decays with emission of particles together with very
high energy γ-rays. The γ -rays have greater energy than is available
with standard X- rays machines when properly shielded, the γ -rays are
employed in the treatment of cancer.
-The iodine isotope 131
I (half life 8 days) decays by γ -ray emission. This
is injected into the blood stream of a patient having cancer of the thyroid
and the γ -rays given off are concentrated right where they are needed.
The speed with which the iodine isotope becomes concentrated in the
thyroid provides a measure of the thyroid function.
ii. Tracers
Small qualities of low activity radioisotope are administered by injection
into patients and their passage through the body and absorption by
diseased tissue studied.
The radioisotope Fe is administered into a patient’s blood stream.
Measurement of the activity of blood sample from the patient and
comparing it with initial activity of the radioisotope. The volume of blood
in the patient can be determined. (In blood assessment, total volume in
the sample, VT where VT –total volume of blood the patient has, V-
food products. The method is safe as no radioactivity is induced in the
material irradiated by γ- rays.
Radiation has also been used to eliminate agricultural pests by sterilizing
them and therefore breaking the reproduction chains.
v. Carbon dating
By measuring the activity of carbon-14 in the dead sample and
comparing it with the activity of carbon-14 in a living sample, we can
determine how long ago the organism died.
2. Industrial uses
(i) Tracers
a) For investigation of flow of liquids in chemical plants or in underground
water and sewerage pipelines. In the latter cases, a little radioactive
solution is added to the liquid being pumped. Temporary high activity
around a leak is detected from the ground above. The rate of flow of
liquids can also be measured.
b) For study of wear in machinery such as of piston rings in motor
engine. Before the piston is put in place, it is irradiated with neutrons
to form the radioisotope
Fe. As the piston rings wear out, it accumulates in the oil and by
measuring the activity of Fe in the oil and comparing it with the initial
activity, the rate of wear of the piston is determined.(example; Steel
piston rings contains 15g of a radioactive iron 26 Fe of activity
3.7x105dis/s. After 40 days of continuous use, the tank case oil was
found to have a total activity of 1.2x103dis/s.
(i) Find the half-life of 26 Fe (3.122x1017sec)
(ii) The average mass of iron worn off the ring per day assuming
that all the metal removed accumulates in the oil.(1.25x10-3
3. Diagnostic uses
Cobalt 60 and other γ- rays’ emitters are used as alternatives to X rays set
ups which are more elaborate to produce radiographs for examination of
welded beams and metal castings.
Ionisation chamber
Metal case (Cathode)
Thin metal rod (anode)
Ionising radiation
To amplifier
Is A B
have a high chance of recombining since their velocities are low. The
current produced is proportional to the voltage.
Region AB (Saturation region): All ions pairs produced per second travel
and reach the respective electrodes. This results in constant current or
saturation current Is = ne.
n=Eα/EI where Eα –Energy of 1-alpha particle ,EI -Energy required to
produce an iron pair, n-number of electrons produced.
In this region, the energy lost by the incoming particles is proportional to I s.
This is the region in which the ionisation chamber is normally operated.
Region BC (Gas amplification): because of the high voltage, the electrons
produced by ionisation of the neutral gas atoms, acquire sufficient energy
to cause ionisation themselves (secondary ionisation). This results in rapid
multiplication of ions in the chamber, and hence the rise in ionisation
The Geiger Muller tube or counter
Thin metal rod (Anode)
Mica window
Cylindrical cathode
Partially evacuated tube containing
argon and bromine vapours
When the radiation enters the tube, it causes ionisation of the gas atoms.
The electrons produced are accelerated to such a high energy that they
also cause more ion pairs by repeated collisions. When the electrons reach
the anode, the pulse is produced which is amplified and detected by a rate
meter? The positive ions in the chamber are accelerated towards the
cathode and if these ions reach the cathode, they will cause secondary
discharge, which will give a false impression of an arrival in the chamber
of another ionising particle. This is prevented by using a quenching agent
like bromine.
During the quenching process, molecules of a quenching agent absorb the
energy of the positive ions on collision.
In a G.M tube the time taken by the positive ions to travel to the cathode is
known as the dead time. The number of pulses per unit time (counter rate)
corresponds to the activity of the source of radiation
A graph of counter rate against applied voltage
Counter rate D
Between B and C, the plateau region, the counter rate is almost constant.
This is the region when the tube is said to be normally operated
Beyond C, the counter rate increases rapidly with voltage due to incomplete
quenching one incident particle may start a whole chain of pulses.
Background Radiation
-In using the G.M tube the background count rate is first recorded. The
background count rate is due to the cosmic rays in the atmosphere, stray x-
rays from hospitals and gamma rays from industries. The activity in the
presence of the source is then determined and the difference is the actual
activity due to the source at that point.
As = Ar - Ab
-If a G.M tube is placed at a distance R from a radioactive sample and the
count rate As due to the sample is obtained, then
4R 2 As
A Where S - is the surface area of the mica window (A- is the
activity free from errors due to distance R).
A G.M tube is placed 10cm away from 1g of Rn and gives a count rate of
85counts per second, the entry window of the G.M tube has the area of
5cm2 and the background count rate is 10counts/second, calculate;
The activity of the sample and the half life of Ra (ans; A=1.885x104counts/s
T1/2 = 10years)
Cloud Chamber
There two types:
(1) Diffusion type chamber
Felt pad soaked in alcohol
and water
Intense light
Saturated vapour
Mode of operation
Alcohol vaporised in the warm upper part of the chamber. It diffuses
towards the cold part of the chamber. Above the cold metal base, there will
be a layer of air super saturated with alcohol and water vapour.
The shield surrounding the radioactive source is removed. The radiation
from S ionises the air molecules. The ions provide nuclei for condensation
and their paths are seen by means of the intense light directed in the
chamber. The tracks of the ions can be photographed. the chamber is
cleared of ions by supplying a p.d between the top and bottom of the
The type of radiation emitted by the radioactive source can be deducted
from the tracks formed. α particles proceed without deviation except at the
end of their range. They ionise copiously and have well defined range.
Β-particles proceed along tortuous tracks because they are light and are
easily deflected by collision with atoms.
illumination S
S- source of radiation
Dark pad Saturated vapour
(alcohol vapour)
Mode of operation
The air inside the chamber undergoes adiabatic expansion by pumping on
it. The air cools down as a result. After a few adiabatic expansion,
condensation takes on the residual ions (or dust nuclei). The chamber is
cleared of these ions by application of a p.d between the top and bottom of
the chamber.
The gas in the chamber is then subjected to a precise adiabatic expansion
so that the gas becomes super saturated. The shield S is removed,
condensation takes place on the ions formed radiation emitted by S. The
tracks of emissions of S are photographed and emissions identified.
A source of particles has an initial activity of 2 x 105 disintegrations per
second. When the particles enter an ionisation chamber, a saturation
current of 2 x 10-7 A is obtained. If the energy required to produce an ion
pair is 32ev. Find the energy of one -particle
I ne
I 2 10 7
n 19
1.25 1012
e 1.6 10
4 1013
Energy of one α- particle = 2 10 7 eV
2 10 5
Einstein’s mass- energy relation
If the mass of the closed system changes by an amount of m, the energy of
the system changes by an amount, E = mc2, where c is the speed of light in
a vacuum. The above relation is Einstein’s mass- energy relation.
For a given mass, there is energy released.
Recall that 1U = 1.66x10-27kg.
If the mass changes by 1U, then the energy changes is
E mc 2 1.66 10 27 3 10 8 1.494 10 10 J 934 MeV
Binding Energy
The protons and neutrons of an atom are called nucleons. The energy
needed to take all the nucleus a part so that they are completely separated
is called the binding energy of the nucleus.
Hence from Einstein’s mass- energy relation, it follows that the mass of the
individual nucleons is greater than that of the nucleus in which they are
together. The difference in mass is a measure of binding energy.
Find the binding energy of a helium nucleus 4
2 He
Mass of 4
2 He = 4.0015U
Mass of 1
0 n = 1.0087U
Mass of 1
1 p= 1.0073U
2 He 2 01n 211p
But 1U = 931MeV
Hence binding energy = 931x0.0305 = 28.4MeV
Binding energy per nucleons is the ratio of the binding energy to the
atomic mass of the nucleus.
The binding energy per nucleons of elements of the periodic table varies
with mass as shown below.
6 C
2 1 H
Mass number
The higher the binding energy per nucleon, the more stable the nucleus.
Excluding the nuclei lighter than C, the graph indicates that the average
binding energy per nucleon is fairly constant for a great majority of nuclei.
The average value is about 8MeV per nucleon. The pitch occur at
approximately the Fe nucleus which is therefore one of the most stable
In the above example, when the emitted neutrons encounter with other
Uranium nuclides, they bombard the uranium and more splitting occurs with
the release of more energy. The produced neutrons are called fission
neutrons, and when this occurs, the reaction is called a chain reaction. In a
chain reaction, a lot of energy is produced and unless this energy is
controlled, the reactions may cause an explosion. Chain reaction is applied
in making nuclear bombs.
238U disintegrates by emission of an α- particle according to the equation
92 U 234
90 Th 2 He
Calculate the energy released by the reactant of two deuterium fusing to
form helium according to the equation. 212 H 23He 01n
Mass of 2
1 H 2.01421U ,
Mass of 3
1 He 3.0160U ,
Mass of 1
0 n 1.0087U ,
1U = 931MeV
Electronic Devices
1. Cathode ray Oscilliscope
Fluorescent screen
C G A1 A2
X2 Y2
_- + Graphite coating
R1 R2 E.H.T
Uses of the parts
Evacuated Glass tube:- the glass tube evacuated to prevent scattering of
the electron beam when electrons collide with air molecules.
Indirectly heated Cathode, C :-Emits electrons by thermionic emission.
The grid, G:- it consists of a hollow metal cylinder with a small hole at the
end. It is held at variable negative potential relative to the cathode by
means of the potential divider R1, The grid serves two purposes namely: (i)
as a brightness control
(ii) it refocuses the electron beam so that the beam emerges from the hole
as a narrow beam.
Anodes A1 and A2:- These are held at a positive potential relative to the
cathode. The anode accelerates the electron beam along the tube and also
focuses the electron beam by means of the potential divider R2.
X-plates, X1 and X2:-these are vertical plates but they deflect the beam
horizontally when a p.d is applied across them.
Y-Plates, Y1 and Y2:- These are horizontal pates but deflect the beam
vertically when a p.d is applied across them.
Fluorescent Screen:- This is coated with fluorescent material such as Zns. It
enters light when struck by electron beam.
Graphite Coating:- Enables light to be seen only on the screen as the
graphite coating absorbs the electron’s kinetic energy.
Power supply:-This is a smoothened rectified a.c, fed through a chain of
Operation of the CRO
Suppose the X- plates were shunted and a d.c voltage was applied to the Y-
plates. The electron spot would be deflected vertically.
If the X- plates are shunted and an a.c is applied to Y-plates, the electron
beam is drawn into a vertical line.
To observe the waveform of the a.c signal applied to the Y-plates, a special
voltage called time base connected to the X- plates. The time base has a
saw-tooth waveform and is generated by a special in the CRO. The saw
tooth voltage which sweeps the electron beam from left to right at a
constant speed. Fly back
P.d Sweep A
The time taken for p.d to fall from A to B known as the fly back time, is
extremely small compared to the time taken to rise from O to A. Hence the
time taken by return of the electron beam to the original position at the
other end of the screen is small.
When no signal is applied to the Y- plates, the voltage V, causes the
electron beam to sweep horizontally to and fro on the screen as shown.
To observe the wave form of the applied voltage to Y-plates, the frequency
of the time base is synchronised with the frequency of the signal applied to
Y-plates. For an a.c signal applied across the Y- plates and time base on the
X-plates, one observes the waveform shown below;
Uses of a CRO
a) Displaying of waveforms: the amplitude and frequency of the wave
can be obtained.
b) Measurement of Voltage: An unknown voltage is applied across the Y-
plates. If the time base is switched off, a vertical line is obtained on
the screen. This can be centred and its length measured. This is
proportional to twice to the amplitude or peak voltage, V0.
c) Comparison of frequencies of two waveforms: suppose two waveforms
of frequency f1 and frequency f2 appear on the screen of the CRO
having two Y-inputs or are displayed at a time on the CRO with a
single Y-input. If x1 and x2 are distances occupied by one cycle for two
f1 T2 x 2
waveform, then the ratio , where T1 and T2 are the periodic
f 2 T1 x1
A CRO has its Y- sensitivity set to 10Vcm-1. A sinusoidal input is suitably
applied to give a steady trace with the time base set so that the electron
beam takes 0.01s so traverse the screen. If the trace seen has a total peak
to peak height of 4cm and contains two complete cycles, what is the r.m.s
voltage and frequency of the input? (14.1V, 200Hz)
2. Thermionic Diode
It consists of an anode usually in form of a nickel cylinder which surrounds
the cathode in an evacuated glass bulb. In the indirectly heated cathode
type, the cathode is a nickel tube with a tungsten filament (or heater) inside
it. The heater is insulated electrically from the cathode by packing alumina
inside the nickel tube. The outside of the tube is coated with a mixture of
Barium and Strontium oxides. The mixture has a low work function(about
1.8eV) and emits electrons at relatively low temperatures (about 1100K)
Symbol of a diode
Thermionic Characteristics
H.T 200V
Keeping the filament current If constant, the p.d Va between the cathode
and the anode is varied. The corresponding anode current Ia is measured. A
graph of Ia against Va constitutes the anode – current anode voltage
characteristics. By setting the filament current to other constant values, the
corresponding Ia-Va characteristics can be obtained. These features can be
shown below
For Va = 0, electrons are emitted by the cathode with a range of speeds. A
few of the electrons are emitted with sufficient kinetic energy to be able to
reach the anode. This leads to a small current. If the anode is made
negative relative to the cathode, a reverse current exists for negative
potentials up to about 0.5V and then decreases to zero.
Region AB: Here Va is small. Only those electrons emitted with high speeds
will be able to reach the anode. The majority of the electrons are emitted
with low kinetic energies and are repelled back towards the cathode. The
electron distribution around the cathode constitutes a negative space
charge. The current Ia is small.
Region BC: as Va increases the attraction of the space charge by the anode
increases. This results in a larger anode current. This region is called space
charge limited region.
Region CD: the anode voltage Va is so large that all the electrons emitted
per second by the cathode reach the anode. The space charge is overcome.
A constant current, called saturation current flows. Region CD is also called
the temperature limited region because when the temperature of the
cathode increases, more electrons are emitted per second by the cathode. A
higher saturation current therefore flows.
c A
During the half cycles when A is positive relative to C the diode conducts
and a p.d VR appears across the load RL. During the half cycles when A is
at a negative potential relative to C, the diode does not conduct and no p.d
appears across RL. The a.c is half-wave rectified.
The input and output voltage wave forms are compared in the diagram
(b) Full wave rectification
(i) Using two diodes D1
When P is at negative potential relative to Q, diode D1 conducts whereas D2
When P is at a positive potential relative to Q, diode D2 conducts whereas
D1 does not. Current flows in the same direction through the load RL during
both positive and negative cycles of the input voltage Vi.
VD1 and VD2 is output pd due to conduction of diode D1 and D2 respectively.
VR is the output voltage across load RL.
(ii) Using four diodes
The following rectifier symbols will be used.
Flow of current Flow of current
Forward bias (diode conducts) Reverse bias (diode does not conducts)
D3 C P
The output voltage can be smoothened by using filter circuits of the form
shown below:
V0 R
The back emf induced in the inductor by the fluctuating voltage opposes the
voltage fluctuations. The capacitor acts as a reservoir to steady the
remaining voltage fluctuations.
The voltage across the resistor R has the form shown:
Smoothened p.d
Ripple A
At points such as A, the p.d across the load has just reached its maximum
value. If the capacitor was not present, the p.d would start to fall to zero
along the broken curve. However, as soon as the p.d across the load starts
to fall, it becomes less than that across the capacitor and the capacitor
starts to discharge through the load.