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Department of Civil Engineering

(B.Tech 4th Semester)

Faculty Name : ATUL RANJAN


CHAPTER 1 Analysis of Perfect Frames

Types of frame - Perfect, Imperfect and Redundant pin jointed

frames Analysis of determinate pin jointed frames using
  method of joint for vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads
  method of sections for vertical loads, horizontal loads and inclined loads
 tension co-effective method for vertical loads, horizontal loads and
inclined loads

CHAPTER 2 Energy Theorem - Three Hinged Arches


Strain energy in linear elastic system

Expression of strain energy due axial load, bending moment and shear forces

Castiglione’s first theorem – Unit Load Method

Deflections of simple beams and pin - jointed plain trusses

Deflections of statically determinate bent frames.


Types of arches

Comparison between three hinged arches and two hinged arches

Linear Arch

Eddy's theorem

Analysis three hinged arches

Normal Thrust and radial shear in an arch

Geometrical properties of parabolic and circular arch

Three Hinged circular arch at Different levels

Absolute maximum bending moment diagram for a three hinged arch

CHAPTER 3 Propped Cantilever and Fixed beams

Analysis of Propped Cantilever and Fixed beams

  including the beams with varying moments of inertia
  subjected to uniformly distributed load
  central point load
  eccentric point load
  number of point loads
  uniformly varying load
 couple and combination of loads
shear force and bending moment diagrams for Propped cantilever and Fixed beams
effect of sinking of support
effect of rotation of a support.

CHAPTER 4 Slope - Deflection Method and Moment Distribution Method


Continuous beams

Clapeyron's theorem of three moments

Analysis of continuous beams with constant variable moments of inertia with one or
both ends fixed- continuous beams with overhang

Effects of sinking of supports

Derivation of slope- Deflection Equation

Application to continuous beams with and without settlement of supports

Analysis of continuous beams with and without settlement of supports using Moment
Distribution Method

Shear force and bending moment diagrams

Elastic curve.

CHAPTER 5 Moving Loads and Influence Lines

Introduction maximum SF and BM at a given section and absolute maximum S.F. and
B.M. due to

 single concentrated load U.D. load longer than the span

 U.D load shorter than the span, two point loads with fixed distance between

 several point loads

Equivalent uniformly distributed load

Focal length

Definition of influence line for SF

Influence line for BM- load position for maximum SF at a

section load position for maximum BM at a section

 Point load

 UDL longer than the span

 UDL shorter than the span

Influence line for forces in members of Pratt and Warren trusses

Analysis of
Perfect Frames

Unlike the previous chapter in this unit we will be dealing with equilibrium of supporting structure.
The structures may consist of several sections. They form the supporting structures of bridges,
pillars, roofs etc. It is important to have a basic knowledge of this topic as it concerns with the
safety and stability of a several important structures. We will be studying about the various internal
forces responsible for keeping the structures together.

Following figure gives a basic idea of what we are going to study. The given figure is a normal diagram of a
book shelf. The second figure shows the role of internal forces in maintaining the system equilibrium. Free
body diagram of various components are shown. It is clear from the diagram that the forces of action and
reaction between various parts are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Am truss is a network of straight slender members connected at the joints. Members are essentially
connected at joints. The every member has force only at extremities. Further for equilibrium the forces in a
member reduce to two force member. Thus no moments only two force member. In general trusses are
designed to support. Trusses are designed to support weight only in its plane. Therefore trusses in general
can be assumed to be 2-dimensional structures. Further in case weight of individual member is to be taken
into consideration, half of them are to be distributed at each of the pinned ends.
Figure below shows a sample truss. There are nine individual members namely DE, DF, DC, BC,
BF, BA, CF, EF, FA. Structure is 2-dimensional structure, supported by pin joints at A and E.

Sometime a member may be given of a shape like:

In such a case take the line the line joining their ends as the line of action of force.

A truss needs to be stable in all ways for security reasons. Simplest stable truss ABC is shown in figure.
The second diagram depicts that how instable the truss structure is. The truss ABCD can easily be
deformed by application of the force F. Trusses constructed by adding triangles such as arms AC and
CD to the above stable truss ABC are called simple trusses. No doubt simple trusses are rigid(stable).
Further it is not always necessary that rigid trusses will necessary be simple.
Let m be no. of members and n be number of joints. For a truss
m<2n-3 deficiency of members, unstable ,fewer unknowns than equation.
m= 2n-3 uses all the members,
statically determinate m>2n-3 excess member , statically indeterminate, more unknown than

In the following section we will consider about the various aspects of trusses. Distribution
of forces, reactions forces at pins, tension and compression etc.
Step 1. Find the reaction at supporting pins using the force and the moment equations.
Step 2. Start with a pin, most preferably roller pin,wher there are 2 or less than two unknowns.

Step 3. Proceed in a similar way and try to find out force in different members one by one.

Step 4. Take care of while labelling forces on the members. Indicate compression and tension
clearly. Step 5. Finally produce a completely labelled diagram.
Step 6.Try to identify the zero force members. It makes the problem simple.

Compression Tension

Above shown are the conditions of compression or tension, deceided as per the direction of force
applied by the pin joints to the members.

Example: Find the forces in the members AF, AB , CD, DE, EC and the reactin forces at A and D. CD = 3m.

As per the type of joint the reaction forcces are shown below.
Clearly Ax = O (balancing forces horizontally)
Ay + Dy
= 10 KN(balancing forces vertically)
moment about D.

MD = 10*3 – Ay *9 = 0 (zero for equlibrium) , therefore Ay = 10/3 KN , and Dy = 20/3 KN(10-10/3)

Now we have drawn the free body diagram of the pin A. We have assumed force at pin A due to the
members in some direction.

From the given data we can conclude tanɵ= 4/3 , sinɵ= 4/5 , cosɵ = 3/5.

Balancing forces vertically. FAF sin = 10/3 . FAF = 25/6 kN .

Balancig forces horizontally,FAB = FAF cos = 2.5 kN .

Note the direction of the indicated forces are those applied be members to the pin. Force applied
by pin onto the members will have the same magnitude but in opposite direction. Therefore we can
easily state that member AF is in compression and member AB is in tension. Further each member is
a two force member implying that it will exert the same amount of force to the pin on the other end
but will be opposite in direction.

Now considering the joint D.

Balancing forces vertically. FDE sin = 20/3 . FA F = 25/3 kN .

Balancig forces horizontally,FCD = FDE cos = 5 kN .

Therefore we can easily state that member DE is in compression and member CD is in tension.

Now considering the joint C.

Balancing forces vertically. FEC = 10kN .

Balancing forces horizontally. FBC = 5kN .

Therefore we can easily state both the members EC and BC are in tension.

In case in the above given problem 10kN was placed some where else, then ae per the FBD at joint C there
would be no vertical force to balance FEC. Hence force in EC would be zero. It is good to analyse the problem
before hand and eliminate the zero force members, as they contribute nothing to the system.

As the name suggests we need to consider an entire section instead of joints. When we need to find
the force in all the members, method of joint is preferrable. For finding forces in few of the specific
members method of joints is preferrable. Let us consider the same diagram as before.
We had been provided with the given system. We draw a axis aa’.

The axis should at max intersect three members. Then we separate the two sections apart. We can
select any one of the part. We have just assumed he member to be in tension. We can find the
reaction at supports. Now what we have done is divided the whole structure into two parts and
taking into consideration various external reactions and member forces acting of one part.
Suppose we have to find FEF. It is sufficient to write the equation =0 (for equilibrium). To find F it is

MB sufficient to write the equation of ME =0. Similarly we can also the equations F =0 ,F =0 , for the
x y

use equilibrium of the section under consideration.

1. Following is a simple truss. Find the forces in the all the members by method of joints.

Sol: we have the following given setup. By applying simple geometry we get AD=2m and CD=4m.
We also assume a cetrtain reaction forces at the bottom. At C we have rollers, therefore we have
reaction only in vertical direction.
Clearly Ax=0 (balancing forces horizontally)
ing MA =0 we get : 10*2=Cy*6,implies Cy= 10/3 kN
Therefore Ay = 10-10/3 = 20/3 kN
Considering joint A

clearly tan ɵ = 1.5 therefore sin ɵ =0.83, cosɵ =0.554

Balancing forces vertically FAB sinɵ = 20/3 , FAB = 8.032
kN,compression Balancing forces horizontally
FAC=FAC cosɵ = 4.44kN , tension. Considering joint

clearly tan α = 0.75 therefore sin α =0.6, cosα =0.8 Balancing forces vertically FBC sinα = 10/3 , FBC
= 5.55 kN,compression
Balancing forces horizontally FAC=-FAC cosɵ = 4.44kN
, tension(correctly verified).
FAB = 8.032kN(compression), FBC = 5.55 kN,(compression )
FA= 4.44kN , (tension)

2. Find the reaction components at A and B. Also find the forces in each individual
member, specify compression or tension.
sol: let us assume
the reacton forces as:

Ax = -10kN(towards the left), Ay + By = 20kN .

MA = 0 gives : 10*8 = (By-20)*6 , By
= 33.33kN , therefore Ay = -13.33kN (actualy downwards).
Taking point A:

cos α = 0.6,sin α = 0.8 .

FAC sinα = 13.33 ,FAC = 16.66kN.(tension) and FAB= 10+FACcos α =20kN(tension).

cos ɵ = 0.83,sin ɵ = 0.55 .

FBC sinɵ =
13.33 ,FBC = 24.23kN.(compression) and FAB= FBCcos α =20kN(tension).(hence verified).

3. Find the reaction components at A and C. Also find the forces in each individual
member, specify compression or tension. Given AD=10in ,DC=7in , BD=8in.

Sol: let us assume the reacton forces as:

Cx = 500lb(towards the left), Ay + Cy = 0 .or, Ay = -Cy
MA = 0 gives : Cy*17 = 500*8 , Cy =
235.3lb , therefore Ay = -235.3kN (actualy downwards). Taking
point A:

cos α = 0.78,sin α = 0.62 .

FAB sinα = 235.3 ,FAB
= 380lb.(tension) and FAD= FABcos α
=296lb(compression). Taking point D:

FCD = 296lb(compression), FBD =0 lb (zero force member, should have

been removed in the beginning itself)
Taking point C:

cos ɵ = 0.65,sin ɵ = 0.75 .

FBC sinɵ = -
253.3,FBC = -337.73lb.(compression). FCD = 500+FBC cos ɵ = 296lb (compression).

4. Find the forces in the members and the reaction forces. All relevent details are provided below.
Sol: From the given figure we can conclude that triangle BCD is equilateral and triangle ABD is isoceles.

clearly Cy =
100N(balancing forces horizontally)

MC = 0 gives , T * = 100 * 12 or T = 230.9 N , and Cx = -T = -230.9 N(towards the left).

Considering point A :
cos α = 0.86,sin α= 0.5 .
FAB sinα =
100,FAB = 200N(tension). FAD =FAB cos α = 172N (compression).

Considering point D :

ɵ = 60°
FBD sinɵ = 0,FBD
= 0 N(zero force member). FCD =FAD = 172N (compression).

Considering point C :

α = 0.5,sin α= 0.86 .
FBC sinβ =-
100, FBC = -116.27N (compression). FCD =230.9 +FBC cos β = 172N (compression)(verified).

5. Find the forces in all the members of the of the following structure. Let the tension in the string be
250lb. would it be possible to find the to solve the problem if the tension in the string was unknown.

Balancing forces horizontally we get : Ax + 250 cos60 = 200 or Ax = 75lb.

Balancing forces vertically we get : Dy-Ay= 250 sin 60 =

216.50 , MD =0, gives Ay * 12 = 200 *

or Ay = 173.2 lb and Dy = 389.7 lb
Lets consider the point A:

cos 60 = 0.5,sin 60= 0.86 .

FAB sin60 =
173.2,FAB = 201.39lb(compression). FAD =FAB cos 60-75 = 25.69lb(tension).

Lets consider the point D:

we just found out that FAD = 25.69lb

balancing forces vertically we get:( FBD+FCD )sin60 =
398.7 ,or, FBD+FCD = 450 balancing forces horizontally we get:( FBD-FCD )cos60 = -25.69 ,or, FBD -FCD= -
51.38 or FBD= 199.31lb(tension) and FCD= 250.69lb(tension).

At joint C we will find that FCD and T are almost equal and will cancel off. Therefore BC becomes
a zero force member.
NO. The problem cannot be solved if the tension wasn’t given, as it would introduce four unknowns in the
systems. More than three unknowns will become difficulat to handel with just three equations.

6. Using method of sections find forces in the members BC,EF .

Sol : let us first figure out the reaction force at D. Let the reaction force at D be Dy in vertically
upward direction.
Now we write the equation of MA =0, Dy *17 = 10*8 + 20*13 .

Or Dy = 20Nm

To proceed by the method of sections we need to deceide an axis. Let’s take an axis aa’ as
shown in the figure below.

After splitting into two sections we get:

We will take the right part into consideration. We have just assumed the direction of
forces, they can turn out to be opposite.
ME = 0 , gives FBC * 6 = - 20*4 , or FBC = -13.33N (member is in compression)

MC = 0 , gives FEF * 6 = 20*4 , or FEF = 13.33N (member is in tension as assumed).

7. Using method of sections find forces in the member JI,CD,CI. All triangles are congruent.
Sol: We draw a section aa’.

After splliting the section we have:(we take the left part into consideration)
tanα = 6.66 , sin α = 0.98 , cos α = 0.148

MC =0,50*3–110*6-FJI *10=0,FJI =-51N.

MI = 0, 50 * 4.5 – 110 *7.5 – 70*1.5 + FCD * 10 = 0 , FCD = 70.5N.

Balancing forces horizontally: FCI cosα = -FCD - FJI = -70.5 + 51 = 19.5 N, or, FJI = 131.75N

8. Find the force in members CG, FG, BG,BC. Use method of section to compute the
result. Indicate the zero force member. BH = 4m , AH=HG=GF=FE = 3m,
Sol: As clearly visible DF is a zero force member.

Ay + Ey = ( 20 -10 )kN = 10 kN.

Ax=0(balancing forces horizontally) .

MA = 0; Ey * 12 = 10*3 + 20 *6 ;
Ey = 12.5
N , therefore Ay = - 2.5kN.
We draw the section aa’
and split the diagram into two parts.
taking the left part into consideration.
MB= 0 ; FH G * 4 = - 2.5 * 3 , FH G = -1.875 kN
MG=0;FBC *4=10*3,
FBC = 7.5 kN.
ncing forces horizontally : - 1.875 + 7.5 + FBG cos α =0 , or , FBG = - 9.375N.
Considering point C: 20kN clearly FG = 20kN , since there are no vertical components of other


9. Find the forces in members AD,DC,EF,CF,BD,BCof the following given truss.

Sol: Members AE and AB are zero force members therefore they can be eliminated from the system.

Ex=0 N

Ey+Fy = - 50N ; ME = 0 = 150* 2 + Fy* 6 = 100 *4 : Fy = 50/3 N ,and also ,Ey = -200/3 N .

Considering pin E:
tan α = 1.5 , cos α =0.55 ,sinα = 0.83 ;

FDE = 200/(3sin α) = 80.32N(compression) , FEF = FD E cosα = 44.17 N(tension).

Considering pin B:

due to the symmetrical setup : FBD = FBC and 2FBDcos 30=2FBCcos 30

= 100 FBD= FBC = 57.73 N (both compression)

Considering pin F:

cos ɵ = 0.8 , sin ɵ = 0.6

FDF =44.17 / cos ɵ = 55.21 N(tension) , FCF = 50/3 - FD F sinɵ = - 16.46N(compression) 10.

Find the reaction forces and force in CD,CE and EF using method of sections
Sol: We have the following diagram.

Ax = 250 N , By-Ay = 100 N, MA = 0 = By * 12 = 250 * 10 + 100*12 ; or By = 308 N and Ay =208N.

We divide the section as beloW

Considering the lower part MC = 0 ; (FEF+308)* 12 = 250 *10 , FEF = - 100 N(compression)

Considering the upper section : ME = 0 ; FCD=0

At the joint E there is no horizontal force to counter balance the horizontal component of F CE.
Therefore FCE = 0;


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Energy Theorems and
Three Hinged Arches


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When an elastic body is deformed, work is done. The energy used up is stored in the
body as strain energy and it may be regained by allowing the body to relax. The best
example of this is a clockwork device which stores strain energy and then gives it up.

We will examine strain energy associated with the most common forms of stress
encountered in structures and use it to calculate the deflection of structures. Strain
energy is usually given the symbol U.


Consider a bar of length L and cross sectional area A. If a tensile force is applied it
stretches and the graph of force v extension is usually a straight line as shown. When the
force reaches a value of F and corresponding extension x, the work done (W) is the area
under the graph. Hence W = Fx/2. (The same as the average force x extension).

Figure 1

Since the work done is the energy used up, this is now stored in the material
as strain energy hence U = Fx/2

The stress in the bar is = F/A hence F = A

The strain in the bar is = x/δ hence x

For an elastic material up to the limit of proportionality, / = E (The modulus of

elasticity) hence = /E 2
Substituting we find ← = A δ/2 = AL/2E
The volume of the bar is A L so U=( /2E ) x volume of the bar

EX: A steel rod has a square cross section 10 mm x 10 mm and a length of 2 m. Calculate
the strain energy when a stress of 400 MPa is produced by stretching it. Take E = 200 GPa



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2 -6 2 -6 -6 3
A = 10 x 10 = 100 mm or 100 x 10 m . V = AL = 100 x 10 x 2 = 200 x 10 m .
6 2 2
= 400 x 10 N/m and E = 200 x 109 N/m

(400 x 10 6 ) 2
U = 2E x Volume = 2 x 200 x 10 x200x10 = 80 Joules


Consider a rectangular element subjected to pure shear so that it deforms as shown.

The height is h and plan area A. It is distorted a distance x by a shear force F. The
graph of Force plotted against x is normally a straight line so long as the material
remains elastic. The work done is the area under the F - x graph so W = Fx/2

Figure 2

The work done is the strain energy stored hence U = Fx/2

The shear stress is = F/A hence F = A

The shear strain is γ = x/h hence x = γh

Note that since x is very small it is the same length as an arc of radius h and angle
γ. It follows that the shear strain is the angle through which the element is distorted.

For an elastic material /γ = G (The modulus of Rigidity) hence γ= /G

Substituting we find U = Aγh/2 = Ah/2G
The volume of the element is A h so ← = ( /2G ) x volume

Pure shear does not often occur in structures and the numerical values are very small
compared to that due to other forms of loading so it is often (but not always) ignored.

EX: Calculate the strain energy due to the shear strain

in the structure shown. Take G = 90GPa

2 2 -3 2
A = πd /4 = π x 0.12 /4 = 11.31 x 10 m
= F/A = 5000/ 11.31 x 10 = 56.55
2 -3
Volume = A h = 11.31 x 10 x 0.5

-3 3N/m

← = ( /2G ) x volume
2 m15 Volume=5.65x10
2 9
U = {(56.55) /(2 x 90 x 10 )} x 5.65 x

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-3 -12
10 U = 100.5 x 10 Joules


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Note that the structure is also subject to

bending. The strain energy due to bending
is covered later.

Figure 3


Consider a round bar being twisted by a torque T. A line along the length rotates through
angle γ and the corresponding radial line on the face rotates angle θ. γ is the shear strain on
the surface at radius R.

Figure 4

The relationship between torque T and angle of twist θ is normally a straight line. The work
done is the area under the torque-angle graph. For a given pair of values → = Tθ/2

The strain energy stored is equal to the work done hence ← =

Tθ/2 from the theory of torsion (not covered here) θ = Tδ/GJ

G is the modulus of rigidity and J is the polar second moment of area. J = πR /2 for a solid
Substitute θ = Tδ/GJ and we get ← = T L/2GJ

Also from torsion theory T = J/R where is maximum shear stress on the surface.

Substituting for T we get the following.

2 2 2 4
← = ( J/R) /2GJ = JL/2GR Substitute J = πR /2
2 4 2 2 2
← = πR L/4GR = πR L/4G
The volume of the bar is Aδ = πR L so it follows that:
U = ( /4G) x volume of the bar. ( is the maximum shear stress on the surface)

EX: A solid bar is 20 mm diameter and 0.8 m long. It is subjected to a torque of 30 Nm.
Calculate the maximum shear stress and the strain energy stored. Take G = 90GPa

R = 10 mm = 0.01 m L = 0.8 m
2 2 -6 2 17
A = πR = π x 0.01 = 314.16 x 10 m

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-6 -6 3
Volume of bar = AL = 314.16 x 10 x 0.8 = 251.3 x 10 m


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4 4 -9 4
J = πR /2 = π (0.01) /2 = 15.7 x 10 m
-9 6 2
= TR/J = 30 x 0.01/15.7 x 10 = 19.1 x 10 N/m
2 62 9 -6
U = ( /4G) x volume of the bar = {(19.1 x 10 )/(4 x 90 x 10 )} x 251.3 x 10
U = 0.255 Joules

A helical spring is constructed by taking a wire of diameter d and length L and coiling it
into a helix of mean diameter D with n coils. Show that the stiffness of the helical spring
shown below is given by the formula F/y = Gd/8nD

Figure 5

When a force F is applied to the end it deflects down by a distance y. Looking at

the bottom coil, it can be seen that a torque T = FD/2 is twisting the cross section
of the wire. This torsion is transmitted throughout the entire length of the wire.
Starting with the strain energy due to torsion we have:
U = ( /4G) x volume of the bar
And substituting V = AL and = Td/2J
Td 2 4
2 2 T2 T πd
x AL = Td
x AL = d
πd 2 x L = U =
2 2 x 2 xL
4G 16GJ 16GJ 4 64GJ
4 2
Since J = πd this reduces to U = T xL
32 2GJ
The work done by a force F is ½ Fy. Equating to U we get:
2 2 2
Fy T F (D/2)2 F D

2 2GJ x L = 2GJ 8GJ x L

F 4GJ 32 Gd
= 2 = 2 = 2
= Gπd and substitute L = nπD
y 8(nπD)D 2
F = Gd
y 8nD 19
This is the well known equation for the stiffness of a helical spring and the same

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formula may be derived by other methods.


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This is the well known equation for the stiffness of a helical spring and
the same formula may be derived by other methods.


The strain energy produced by bending is usually large in comparison to the other
forms. When a beam bends, layers on one side of the neutral axis are stretched and
on the other side they are compressed. In both cases, this represents stored strain
energy. Consider a point on a beam where the bending moment is M.

Figure 6

Now consider an elementary layer within the material of length ∆x and thickness dy
at distance y from the neutral axis. The cross sectional area of the strip is dA.

The bending stress is zero on the neutral axis and increases with distance y. This is
tensile on one side and compressive on the other. If the beam has a uniform section
the stress distribution is as shown.

Figure 7

Each elementary layer has a direct stress ( ) on it and the strain energy stored has been
shown to be U = ( /2E ) x volume (in section 2)
The volume of the strip is ∆x dA
The strain energy in the strip is part of the total so du = ( /2E )∆x dA
From bending theory (not covered here) we have = My/I where I is the second moment of

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Substituting for we get

(My/I) 2
du = 2E ∆x MdA and in the limit as ∆x dx
(My/I)2 2
du = 2
dx dA = 2
y dA 2E 2EI
du = {(My/I) /2E }∆x dA
The strain energy stored in an element of length dx is then
M2 2 2
u= 2 dx y dA and by definition I = y dA so this
2EI ∫ ∫
simplifies to

In order to solve the strain energy stored in a finite length, we must integrate with
respect to x.
1 ∫M2dx
For a length of beam the total strain energy is U = 2EI

The problem however, is that M varies with x and M as a function of x

has to be substituted.

EX: Determine the strain energy in the cantilever beam shown. The flexural stiffness EI
is 200 kNm .

Figure 8
1 M2dx
This is a bending problem so U = 2EI ∫
The beam is a simple cantilever so the bending moment at any distance x
from the end is simply M = -800 x (The minus sign for hogging makes no
difference since it will be squared)
4 4 4
1 2 1 2 1 2
U = 2EI ∫M dx = 2EI ∫(-800x) dx = 2EI ∫640000 x dx
0 0 0
640000 4 2 640000 4x
U= x dx =

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5 5
2 x 2 x 10 2 x 2 x 10 3

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0 0 0
640000 43
U= −0 = 34.13 Joules
2 x 2 x 10 3

The deflection of simple structures may be found by equating the strain energy to
the work done. This is covered in detail later but for the simple cantilever beam it
can be demonstrated easily as follows.

EX: Calculate the deflection for the cantilever beam in W.E. No.4.


The deflection of the beam y is directly proportional to the force F so the

work done by the force is W = Fy/2 (the aea under the F – y graph).

Equate the strain energy to the work done and Fy/2 = 34.13
y = 34.13 x 2/F
y = 34.13 x 2 /800 = 0.085 m

We can check the answer with the standard formula for the deflection of a
cantilever (covered in the beams tutorials).
3 3
FL 800 x 4
y = 3EI = 3 x 200 x 10 = 0.085 m


When the bending moment function is more complex, integrating becomes more
difficult and a maths package is advisable for solving them outside of an
examination. In an examination you will need to do it the hard way. For example,
the bending moment function changes at every load on a simply supported beam
so it should be divided up into sections and the strain energy solved for each
section. The next example is typical of a solvable problem.

EX: Calculate the strain energy in the beam shown and determine the deflection under
the load. The flexural stiffness is 25 MNm .
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Figure 9


First calculate the reactions by taking moments about the ends.

RB x 4 = 50 x 3 RB = 37.5 kN
RA x 4 = 50 x 1 RA = 12.5 kN
Check that they add up to 50 kN.

The bending moment equation is different for section AB and section BC so the
solution must be done in 2 parts. The origin for x is the left end. First section AB

M=R A x = 12 500 x
3 3
1 2 1 2
U = 2EI ∫M dx = 2EI ∫(12500x) dx
0 0
2 3 2 3 3
(12500) 2 (12500) x
U = 2 x 25 x 10 ∫x 0
dx = 2 x 25 x 10 3

2 3 0
(12500) 3

U= 2 x 25 x 10 6 3 −0 = 28.125 Joules

Next solve for section BC. To make this easier, let the origin for x be
the right hand end.

Figure 10
M = RB x = 37 500 x
1 1
1 2 1 2
U = 2EI ∫M dx = 2EI ∫(37500x) dx
0 0
2 1 2 3 1
(37500) 2 (37500) x
U = 2 x 25 x 10 6 ∫ x dx = 2 x 25 x 10 6 3
20 0

(37500) 1 3
U = 2 x 25 x 10 3 −0 = 9.375 Joules

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The total strain energy is U = 37.5 J

The work done by the application of the load is Fy/2 = 50 000y/2

Equating y = 0.0015 m or 1.5 mm.

EX: The diagram shows a torsion bar held rigidly at one end and with a lever
arm on the other end. Solve the strain energy in the system and determine
the deflection at the end of the lever arm. The force is 5000 N applied
vertically. The following are the relevant stiffnesses.
Lever EI = 5 Nm .
Bar EI = 60 kNm .
Bar GJ = 50 kNm .

Figure 12

The stresses to be considered are Bending in the lever.

Bending in the bar.
Torsion in the bar.
Make the origin for x as shown.
The bending moment is M = Fx

Figure 13
1 0.2 1 0.2 F2 0.2 F x 3 0.2
2 2 2
U = 2EI ∫M dx = 2EI ∫(Fx) dx = 2EI ∫x dx = 2EI 3
0 0 0 0

2 3 -9 2
U= F [0.2 ]
−0 = 266.7 x 10 F (numeric value 6.67 J)

Viewed as shown we can see that the force F acts at the end of the
bar as it is transmitted all along the length of the lever to the bar.

Figure 14
2 2 3
1 0.4 1 0.4 F0.4 Fx 0.4
U= 2
∫M dx =
∫(Fx) dx = ∫x
dx =

2EI 2EI 2EI 2EI 3

0 0 0 0
U= F [0.4 ]
−0 = 177.7 x 10 F (numeric value 4.44 J)
2 x 60 x 10 x 3

Figure 15
The torque in the bar is T = F x 0.2

For torsion
2 2 2 −9 2
U =T L = 0.04F =0.04F x 0.4 =160 x 10 F (numeric value 4 J)
2GJ 2GJ 2 x 50000
2 2 2 -9
The total strain energy is then (266.7F + 177.7 F + 160 F ) x 10
-9 2
U = 605 x 10 F
The work done is Fy/2 so equating
y = 2 x 6.05 F x 10
y = 12.1 x 5000 x 10 = 0.00605 m or 6.05 mm


When a load is suddenly applied to a structure (e.g. by dropping a weight on it),

the stress and deflection resulting is larger than when a static load is applied.
Consider a mass falling onto a collar at the end of a bar as shown. The bar
has a length L and a cross sectional area A. The mass falls a distance z.

At the moment the bar is stretched to its maximum

the force in the bar is F and the extension is x.
The corresponding stress is =
F/A The strain is = x/L.
The relationship between stress
and strain is E = / hence x = L/E

The strain energy in the bar is U = AL/2E
The potential energy given up by the falling mass is
P.E. = mg(z + x)

Figure 19


If the extension x is small compared to the distance z then we may say P.E. = mgz
Equating the energy lost to the strain energy gained we have mgz =AL/2E
Hence = 2mgzE


A suddenly applied load occur when z =0. This is not the same as a static
load. Putting z = 0 yields the result:
x = 2 xs

It also follows that the instantaneous stress is double the static stress.

This theory also applies to loads dropped on beams where the appropriate
solution for the static deflection must be used.

EX: A mass of 5 kg is dropped from a height of 0.3 m onto a collar at the end of a bar 20
mm diameter and 1.5 m long. Determine the extension and the maximum stress induced.
E = 205 GPa.
2 -6 2
A = π x 0.02 /4 = 314.159 x 10 m.

9 -6
xs = MgL/AE = 5 x 9.81 x 1.5 /(205 x 10 x 314.159 x 10 ) = 1.142x
-6 ½
10 x = xs + - 6 xs{1 + 2z/xs}-6 -6 ½
x = 1.142 x 10 + 1.142 x 10 {1 + 2 x 0.3/1.142 x 10 } x
= 828.9 x 10 m
-6 9
= x E/L = 828.9 x 10 x 205 x 10 /1.5 = 113.28 MPa


Castigliano takes the work so far covered and extends it to more complex
structures. This enables us to solve the deflection of structures which are
subjected to several loads. Consider the structure shown.

The structure has three loads applied to it.

Consider the first point load. If the force

was gradually increased from zero to F1,
the deflection would increase from zero to
y1 and the relationship would be linear
as shown. The same would be true for
the other two points as well.

Figure 20

Figure 21

The work done by each load is the area under the graph. The total work is
the sum of the three and this is equal to the strain energy hence:
W = U = ½ F1y1 + ½ F2y2 + ½ F3y3 ............................ (A) Next
consider that F1 is further increased by F1 but F2 and F3 remain unchanged. The
deflection at all three points will change and for simplicity let us suppose
that they increase as shown by y1, y2 and y3 respectively.

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Figure 22
The increase in the work done and hence the strain energy U is represented by the
shaded areas (the increase in the areas) under the graphs. Note the first one is a tall
rectangle with a small triangle on top and the other two are just tall rectangles.

U=F 1 y1 + F1 y1/2+ F2 y2 + F3 y3
The second term (the area of the small triangle) is very small and is ignored.

U=F 1 y1 + F2 y2 + F3 y3 ............................(B)
Now suppose that the same final points were arrived at by the gradual
application of all three loads as shown.

Figure 23

The work done and hence the strain energy is the area under the graphs.

U = ½ (F 1 + F1)(y1 + y1) + ½ (F2)(y2 + y2) + ½ (F3)(y3 + y3) .........(C)

The change in strain energy is found this time by subtracting (A) from (C). This may
be equated to (B). This is a major piece of algebra that you might attempt yourself.

Neglecting small terms and simplifying we get the simple result y = U/ F1 1

Since this was found by keeping the other forces constant, we may express the equation
in the form of partial differentiation since this is the definition of partial differentiation.

y 1 =∂U/∂F1
If we repeated the process making F 2 change and keeping F1 and F3 constant we get:

y2 =∂U/∂F2
If we repeated the process making F 3 change and keeping F1 and F2 constant we get:
y3 =∂U/∂F3
This is Castigiano’s theorem – the deflection at a point load is the partial
differentiation of the rain energy with respect to that load.

Applying this is not so easy as you must determine the complete equation for the
strain energy in the structure with all the forces left as unknowns until the end.

If the deflection is required at a point where there is no load, an imaginary force

is placed there and then made zero at the last stage.

EX: The diagram shows a simple frame with two loads. Determine the deflection at both.
The flexural stiffness of both sections is 2 MNm .

Figure 24

It is important to note from the start that section AB bends and the bending moment
at B turns the corner and section BC bends along its length due to both forces. Also,
section BC is stretched but we will ignore this as the strain energy will be tiny
compared to that produced by bending. Consider each section separately.

SECTION AB Measure the moment arm x from the free end.

Figure 25

M=F 1x (x measured from the free end)
1 0.32 1 0.3 2 2 0.3
U= M dx = (F x ) dx = F1 x dx

2EI ∫ 2EI ∫ 1 2EI ∫

0 0 0
2 2 2
Fx3 0.3 F 0.3
1 1
U = 2EI 3 0 = 2 x 2 x 10 3 −0
9 2
U = 2.25 x 10 F Joules

The bending moment at point B is 0.3 F . This is carried along the section BC as a 1
constant value. The moment am x is measured from point B. The second force produces

additional bending moment of F 2 x. Both bending moments are in the same direction so
they add. It is important to decide in these cases whether they add or subtract as
deciding whether they are hogging (minus) or sagging (plus) is no longer relevant.

Figure 26
M = 0.3 F1 + F2 x
0.5 0.5 0.5
1 2 1 2 1 2 22
U = 2EI ∫M
dx = 2EI ∫(0.3F1
+ F2x) dx = 2EI ∫{(0.3F1
) +(F 2 x ) +(0.6F1F2x)}dx
0.5 2 3 2 0.5
2 2
1 ∫{ 1
2 x
2 x +0.6F F
}dx =
1 0.09F
1 x+
F2 x

2EI 2EI 3 2
0 3 2 2 0
U= 1 0.09F + 0.5 F + 0.6F F 2 12 x 0.5
2 x 2 x 10 6 1 3 2

2 -9 2 -9 -9
U = 11.25F x 10 + 10.417F 1 2 x 10 + 18.75 F F x 10 12
The total strain energy is
2 -9 2 -9 -9 -9 2
U = 11.25F 1 x10 + 10.417F 2 x10 + 18.75 F F x10 12 + 2.25 x10F 1
2 -9 2 -9 -9
U = 13.5F 1 x10 + 10.417F 2 x 10 + 18.75 F F 1 2 x 10

To find y 1 carry out partial differentiation with respect to F1.

-9 -9
y 1 = U/ F1 = 27F1 x 10 + 0 + 18.75 F 2 x 10
Insert the values of F 1 and F2 and y1 = 7.8 x 10 m
To find y2 carry out partial differentiation with respect to F2.
-9 -9
y2 = U/ F2 = 0 + 20.834F2 x 10 + 18.75 F1 x 10Insert the values of F1 and F2
and y 2 = 7 x 10 m
Three Hinged Arches
32.1 Introduction

In case of beams supporting uniformly distributed load, the maximum bending moment
increases with the square of the span and hence they become uneconomical for long
span structures. In such situations arches could be advantageously employed, as they
would develop horizontal reactions, which in turn reduce the design bending moment.

For example, in the case 3PLofa simply supported beam shown in Fig. 32.1, the bending moment
below the load is 16 . Now consider a two hinged symmetrical arch of the same span and
subjected to similar loading as that of simply supported beam. The vertical
reaction could be calculated by equations of statics. The horizontal reaction is3PLdetermined by the
method of least work. Now the bending moment below the load is 16 Hy . It is clear that the
bending moment below the load is reduced in the case of an arch as compared to a simply
supported beam. It is observed in the last lesson that, the cable takes the shape of the loading
and this shape is termed as funicular shape. If an arch were constructed in an inverted funicular
shape then it would be subjected to only compression for those loadings for which its shape is
inverted funicular.

Since in practice, the actual shape of the arch differs from the inverted funicular
shape or the loading differs from the one for which the arch is an inverted funicular,
arches are also subjected to bending moment in addition to compression. As arches
are subjected to compression, it must be designed to resist buckling.
Until the beginning of the 20 century, arches and vaults were commonly used to span
between walls, piers or other supports. Now, arches are mainly used in bridge
construction and doorways. In earlier days arches were constructed using stones and
bricks. In modern times they are being constructed of reinforced concrete and steel.

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A structure is classified as an arch not based on its shape but the way it supports
the lateral load. Arches support load primarily in compression. For example in Fig
32.3b, no horizontal reaction is developed. Consequently bending moment is not
reduced. It is important to appreciate the point that the definition of an arch is a
structural one, not geometrical.

32.2 Type of arches

There are mainly three types of arches that are commonly used in practice: three hinged
arch, two-hinged arch and fixed-fixed arch. Three-hinged arch is statically determinate
structure and its reactions / internal forces are evaluated by static equations of
equilibrium. Two-hinged arch and fixed-fixed arch are statically indeterminate structures.
The indeterminate reactions are determined by the method of least work or by the
flexibility matrix method. In this lesson three-hinged arch is discussed.

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32.3 Analysis of three-hinged arch

In the case of three-hinged arch, we have three hinges: two at the support and
one at the crown thus making it statically determinate structure. Consider a three
hinged arch subjected to a concentrated force P as shown in Fig 32.5.

There are four reaction components in the three-hinged arch. One more equation
is required in addition to three equations of static equilibrium for evaluating the
four reaction components. Taking moment about the hinge of all the forces acting
on either side of the hinge can set up the required equation. Taking moment of all
the forces about hinge A , yields

Rby == (32.1)
4L 4
R =
∑Fy = 0 ay (32.2)
⇒ 4
Taking moment of all forces right of hinge C about hinge C leads to

Rby L
Hb ×h =
⇒ Rby L PL

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Hb = 2h = 8h (32.3)

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Applying ∑Fx = 0 to the whole structure gives Ha =

Now moment below the load is given by ,

Ray L
MD = −Hab

16 −
MD = (32.4)

b 1 3PL PL
If = then MD = − = 0.125PL (32.5)
h 2 16 16

For a simply supported beam of the same span and loading, moment under
the loading is given by,

MD = = 0.375PL (32.6)

For the particular case considered here, the arch construction has
reduced the moment by 66.66 %.

Example 32.1
A three-hinged parabolic arch of uniform cross section has a span of 60 m and a rise
of 10 m. It is subjected to uniformly distributed load of intensity 10 kN/m as shown in
Fig. 32.6 Show that the bending moment is zero at any cross section of the arch.


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Taking moment of all the forces about hinge A , yields
10 ×60

R =R= = 300 kN
ay by
Taking moment of forces left of hinge C about C , one gets


Ray ×30 − H a ×10 −10 ×30 × 2=0

a 10 = 450 kN
From ∑Fx = 0 one could write, Hb = 450 kN .
The shear force at the mid span is zero.
Bending moment
The bending moment at any section x from the
left end
is, x
M x = Ray x − H a y −10 2

The equation of the three-hinged parabolic arch is

2 10 2
y = 3 x − 30 x
2 10 2

M x = 300x − x− 2x 450 −5x

3 30
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2 2
= 300x −300x + 5x −5x =0

In other words a three hinged parabolic arch subjected to uniformly distributed

load is not subjected to bending moment at any cross section. It supports the
load in pure compression. Can you explain why the moment is zero at all points
in a three-hinged parabolic arch?

Example 32.2
A three-hinged semicircular arch of uniform cross section is loaded as shown in Fig 32.7.
Calculate the location and magnitude of maximum bending moment in the arch.


Taking moment of all the forces about hinge B leads to,
40 ×22
Ray = = 29.33 kσ ( )

∑Fy = 0 ⇒ Rby =10.67 kσ ( ) (1)

Bending moment
Now making use of the condition that the moment at hinge C of all the
forces left of hinge C is zero gives,

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c = Ray ×15 − H a ×15−40×7=0 (2)
29.33 × 15 −40×7
Ha = =10.66 kN ( )

Considering the horizontal equilibrium of the arch gives,

Hb = 10.66 kN ( )
The maximum positive bending moment occurs below D and it can be
calculated by taking moment of all forces left of D about D .

M D = Ray ×8 − H a ×13.267 (3)

= 29.33 × 8 − 10.66 × 13.267 = 93.213 Kn

Example 32.3
A three-hinged parabolic arch is loaded as shown in Fig 32.8a. Calculate the location and
magnitude of maximum bending moment in the arch. Draw bending moment diagram.


Taking A as the origin, the equation of the three-hinged parabolic arch is
given by,

8 8 2
y = 10 x − 400 x (1)

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Taking moment of all the forces about hinge B leads to,

R (
= 40×30+10×20× 20 )= 80 kN ( )
ay 40

∑Fy = 0 ⇒ Rby =160 kN ( ) (2)

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Now making use of the condition that, the moment at hinge C of all the
forces left of hinge C is zero gives,

M c = Ray ×20 − H a ×8 − 40 ×10 = 0

Ha = =150 kN () (3)

Considering the horizontal equilibrium of the arch gives,

Hb =150 kN () (4)

Location of maximum bending moment

Consider a section x from end B . Moment at section x in part CB of the arch is
given by (please note that B has been taken as the origin for this calculation),

8 8 2 10 2
M x = 160x − x− x 150− x (5)
10 400 2
According to calculus, the necessary condition for extremum (maximum or
∂ x=0.

∂M 8 8 ×2
x = 160 − − x 150 −10x
∂x 10 400 (6)
= 40 − 4 x = 0
minimum) is that
x =10 m.

Substituting the value of x in equation (5), the maximum bending

moment is obtained. Thus,

8 8 2 10 2
M max = 160(10) − (10)− (10) 150− (10)
10 400 2
Mmax = 200 kN.m. (7)

Shear force at D just left of 40 kN load

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The slope of the arch at D is evaluated by,

tanθ = = 8 − 16 x (8)
dx 10 400
Substituting x =10 m. in the above equation, θD = 21.8


S d = H a sin θ − Ray cosθ (9)

Sd =150sin(21.80) −80cos(21.80)
= −18.57 kN.

Example 32.4
A three-hinged parabolic arch of constant cross section is subjected to a
uniformly distributed load over a part of its span and a concentrated load of 50
kN, as shown in Fig. 32.9. The dimensions of the arch are shown in the figure.
Evaluate the horizontal thrust and the maximum bending moment in the arch
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Taking A as the origin, the equation of the parabolic arch may be written as,

y = −0.03 x +0.6 x

Taking moment of all the loads about B leads to,

1 15
Ray = 50 ×20 +10 ×15 × − Ha ×3.75
25 2
= 25 [2125 −3.75 Ha ]
Taking moment of all the forces right of hinge C about the hinge C and setting M c = 0
leads to,

R ×15 −6.75H −10 ×15 × =0
by b
R = 1 [1125 +6.75 H ] (3)
by b
Since there are no horizontal loads acting on the arch,

Ha = Hb = H (say)

Applying ∑Fy = 0 for the whole arch,

Ray + Rby =10 ×15 +50 = 200

1 [2125 −3.75 H ]+ [1125 +6.75 H ]= 200
25 15
85 −0.15 H + 75 + 0.45 H = 200

H = 40 =133.33 kN (4)

From equation (2),

ay = 65.0 kN
by =135.0 kN (5)


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Bending moment
From inspection, the maximum negative bending moment occurs in the region
AD and the maximum positive bending moment occurs in the region CB .

Span AD
Bending moment at any cross section in the span AD is
M = R x − H (−0.03x +0.6 x) 0≤x≤5 (6)
ay a

For, the maximum negative bending moment in this region,

= 0 ⇒ Ray − H a ( − 0.06 x + 0.6) = 0

x =1.8748 m
M = −14.06 kN.m.

For the maximum positive bending moment in this region occurs at D ,

M D = Ray 5 − H a ( −0.03 × 25 + 0.6 ×5)
=+25.0 kN.m

Span CB
Bending moment at any cross section, in this span is calculated by,

2 (x −10)
M = Ray x − H a (−0.03x +0.6x) −50(x −5) −10(x −10) 2

For locating the position of maximum bending moment,

∂M = 0 =R
ay −H a (−0.06x +0.6) −50 − ×2(x −10) = 0
∂x 2
x =17.5 m
2 10 2
M = 65×17.5 −133.33(−0.03(17.5) + 0.6(17.5)) −50(12.5) − (7.5)
M = 56.25 kN.m

Hence, the maximum positive bending moment occurs in span CB.


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Propped Cantilever
and Fixed Beams


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1 Introduction
in this chapter we will analyze the beam in which the number of
reactions exceed the number of independent equations of equilibrium
integration of the differential equation, method of superposition
compatibility equation (consistence of deformation)

10.2 Types of Statically Indeterminate Beams

the number of reactions in excess of the number of equilibrium equations
is called the degree of static indeterminacy


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the excess reactions are called static redundants

the structure that remains when the redundants are released is called
released structure or the primary structure

10.3 Analysis by the Differential Equations of the Deflection Curve

EIv" = M EIv'" = V EIv =-q
the procedure is essentially the same as that for a statically determine
beam and consists of writing the differential equation, integrating to obtain
its general solution, and then applying boundary and other conditions to
evaluate the unknown quantities, the unknowns consist of the redundant
reactions as well as the constants of integration
this method have the computational difficulties that arise when a large
number of constants to be evaluated, it is practical only for relatively simple

Example 10-1
a propped cantilever beam
AB supports a uniform load q
determine the reactions, shear forces,
bending moments, slopes, and deflections

choose RB as the redundant, then


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RA = qL - RB M =CC-RL

and the bending moment of the beam is

M = RA x - MA - CC
2 2
qL qx
= qLx - RBx - CC-RL- B
2 2
2 2
qL qx
EIv" = M = qLx - RBx -CC - RBL - CC
2 2
2 2 2 3
qLx RB x qL x qx
EIv' = CC - CC - CC - RBLx - CC + C1
2 2 2 6
3 3 2 2 2 4
qLx Rbx qL x RBLx qx
EIv = CC - CC - CC - CCC - CC + C1x + C2
6 6 4 2 24
boundary conditions

v(0) = 0 v'(0) = 0 v(L) =0

it is obtained

C1=C2=0 RB = 3qL/8
and RA = 5qL/8
M = qL /8
the shear force and bending moment are

V = A - qx = CC - qx


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M = RA x - MA - CC
2 2
5qLx qL qx
= CC - CC - CC
8 8 2

the maximum shear force is

Vmax = 5qL/8 at the fixed end

the maximum positive and negative moments are

2 2
Mpos = 9qL /128 Mneg = -qL /8
slope and deflection of the beam
qx 2
v' = CC (-6L + 15Lx - 8x )
qx 2
v = - CC (3L - 5Lx + 2x )

to determine the max, set v' = 0

2 2
-6L + 15Lx - 8x =0
we have x1 = 0.5785L
max = - v(x 1) = 0.005416 CC

the point of inflection is located at M = 0, i.e. x = L /4

< 0 and M < 0 for x < L/4

> 0 and M > 0 for x > L/4


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the slope at B is
B = (y ') x=L = CC

Example 10-2
a fixed-end beam ABC supports a
concentrated load P at the midpoint
determine the reactions, shear forces,
bending moments, slopes, and deflections
because the load P in vertical direction and symmetric

HA =HB =0 RA =RB =P/2

MA = MB (1 degree of indeterminacy)
M = C- MA (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2) 2

EIv" = M=C- MA (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2)

after integration, it is obtained

Px C
EIv ' = CC - MA x + 1 (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2)
4 2
Px MAx
EIv = CC - CC + C1x +C2 (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2)
12 2

boundary conditions

v(0) = 0 v'(0) = 0

symmetric condition


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v'(0) = 0

the constants C1, C2and the

moment MA are obtained

C1 = C2 = 0
MA = CC = MB

the shear force and bending moment

diagrams can be plotted
thus the slope and deflection equations are
v' = - CC (L - 2x) (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2) 8EI
v = - CC (3L - 4x) (0 ≦ x ≦ L/2) 48EI

the maximum deflection occurs at the center

max = - v(L/2) = CCC 192EI

the point of inflection occurs at the point where M = 0, i.e. x = L/4, the
deflection at this point is
= - v(L/4) = CCC
which is equal max/2


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10.4 Method of Superposition

1. selecting the reaction redundants
2. establish the force-displacement relations
3. consistence of deformation (compatibility equation)

consider a propped cantilever beam

(i) select RB as the redundant, then
RA = qL - RB M =CC-R L

force-displacement relation
4 3
( B)1 = CC( B)2 = CC

compatibility equation

B = (B)1 - (B)1 =0
4 3
8EI 3EI 2
3qL 5qL qL
RB = CC=> RA = CC MA =CC
8 8 8

(ii) select the moment MA as the redundant

RA = C+C RB = C-C
2 L 2 L


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force-displacement relation
qL M L A

( A) 1 = CC(A)2 = CC
24EI 3EI

compatibility equation
qL M L

A = (A)1 - (A)2 =CC-CC=0

24EI 3EI
thus M = qL /8
and A = 5qL/8 RB = 3qL/8

Example 10-3
a continuous beam ABC supports a
uniform load q
determine the reactions

selectRB as the redundant, then

RA = RC = qL - C

force-displacement relation
4 4
5qL(2L) 5qL
( )
B 1 = CCCC = CC
384EI 24EI
3 3
R (2L) R L
( ) B B

B 2 = CCC = CC
48EI 6EI

compatibility equation


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4 3
5qL R L
B =(B)1 -(B)2 =CC-CC=0
24EI 6EI
thus RB = 5qL/4

and RA = RC = 3qL/8

Example 10-4
a fixed-end beam AB is loaded by a
force P acting at point D
determine reactions at the ends
also determine D

this is a 2-degree of indeterminacy problem

select A and MB as the redundants
Pb A B
RA = C + C - C
RB = C - C + C

force-displacement relations
Pab(L + b) Pab(L + a)
( A)1 = CCCCC ( B)1 = CCCCC
(A)2 = CC(B)2 = CC
(A)3 = CC(B)3 = CC

compatibility equations


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A = (A)1 - (A)2 - (A)3 =0

B = (B)1 - (B)2 - (B)3 =0

i.e. MAL MBL Pab(L + b)
MAL MBL Pab(L + a)

solving these equations, we obtain

2 2
Pab Pa b
L L2
and the reactions are
2 2
Pb Pa
RA = CC (L + 2a) RB = CC (L + 2b)
L3 L3
the deflection D can be expressed as

D = (D)1 - (D)2 - (D)3

2 2
Pa b
(D)1 = CCC
3LEI 2 3
( ) MAab Pa b
D 2 = CCC (L + b) = CCC (L + b)
3 2
MBab Pa b
(D)3 = CCC (L + a) = CCC (L + a)
3 3
Pa b
thus D = CCC
if a = b =L/2



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then MA =MB= CC RA =RB = C
3 8 2
and C = CCC

Example 10-5
a fixed-end beam AB supports a uniform

load q acting over part of the span

determine the reactions of the beam

to obtain the moments caused by qdx,

replace P to qdx, a to x, and b
to L - x
qx(L - x) dx
qx (L - x)dx
integrating over the loaded part
q a qa
MA = ∫dMA = C∫ x(L - x) dx = CC (6L - 8aL + 3a )
2 2
L 0 12L
q a qa
MB = ∫dMB = C∫ x (L - x)dx = CC (4L - 3a)
2 2
L 0 12L



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q(L - x) (L + 2x)dx

2 L3
qx (3L - 2x)dx

integrating over the loaded part

q a qa 3 2 3
RA =∫dRA = C ∫ (L - x) (L + 2x)dx = CC (2L - 2a L + a )
3 3
L 0 2L 3
q a 2
B = ∫dRB= C∫ x (3L - 2x)dx = CC (2L - a)
3 3
L 0 2L
for the uniform acting over the entire length, i.e. a=L

the center point deflections due to uniform load and the end moments are
4 2 2 4
5qL M L (qL /12)L qL

(C)1=CCC (C)2= CC = CCCC = CC

384EI 8EI 8EI 96EI

C = (C)1 - (C)2 = CCC 384EI

Example 10-6
a beam ABC rests on supports A
and B and is supported by a cable at C



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find the force T of the cable

take the cable force T as redundant the

deflection ( C)1 due the uniform
load can be found from example 9.9 with a
(C)1 = CCC
the deflection ( C)2 due to a force T
acting on C is obtained
use conjugate beam method
(C )2 = M = CCCL + CC C C
3EbIb EbIb 2 3

the elongation of the cable is

(C)3 = CC

compatibility equation
( C)1 - (C)2 = (C)3
4 3
qL 2TL Th
CC - CC = CC
4EbIb 3EbIb EcAc
3qL E A
8L EcAc + 12hEbI


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Slope Deflection and
Moment Distribution


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Slope – Deflection Method

As pointed out earlier, there are two distinct methods of analysis for statically
indeterminate structures depending on how equations of equilibrium, load
displacement and compatibility conditions are satisfied: 1) force method of
analysis and (2) displacement method of analysis. In the last module, force
method of analysis was discussed. In this module, the displacement method of
analysis will be discussed. In the force method of analysis, primary unknowns are
forces and compatibility of displacements is written in terms of pre -selected
redundant reactions and flexibility coefficients using force displacement relations.
Solving these equations, the unknown redundant reactions are evaluated. The
remaining reactions are obtained from equations of equilibrium.
As the name itself suggests, in the displacement method of analysis, the primary
unknowns are displacements. Once the structural model is defined for the
problem, the unknowns are automatically chosen unlike the force method. Hence
this method is more suitable for computer implementation. In the displacement
method of analysis, first equilibrium equations are satisfied. The equilibrium of
forces is written by expressing the unknown joint displacements in terms of load
by using load displacement relations. These equilibrium equations are solved for
unknown joint displacements. In the next step, the unknown reactions are
computed from compatibility equations using force displacement relations. In
displacement method, three methods which are closely related to each other will
be discussed.

1) Slope-Deflection Method
2) Moment Distribution Method
3) Direct Stiffness Method

In this module first two methods are discussed and direct stiffness method is
treated in the next module. All displacement methods follow the above general
procedure. The Slope-deflection and moment distribution methods were
extensively used for many years before the compute era. After the revolution
occurred in the field of computing only direct stiffness method is preferred.

Degrees of freedom
In the displacement method of analysis, primary unknowns are joint
displacements which are commonly referred to as the degrees of freedom of the
structure. It is necessary to consider all the independent degrees of freedom
while writing the equilibrium equations.These degrees of freedom are specified at
supports, joints and at the free ends. For example, a propped cantilever beam
(see Fig.14.01a) under the action of load P will undergo only rotation at B if axial
deformation is neglected. In this case kinematic degree of freedom of the beam is
only one i.e. θB as shown in the figure.

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P1, P2
In Fig.14.01b, we have nodes at A,B,C and D. Under the action of lateral loads
and P3 , this continuous beam deform as shown in the figure. Here axial
deformations are neglected. For this beam we have five degrees of freedom θA ,
θB ,θC , θD and D as indicated in the figure. In Fig.14.02a, a symmetrical plane
frame is loaded symmetrically. In this case we have only two degrees of
freedomθB andθC . Now consider a frame as shown in Fig.14.02b. It has three
degrees of freedom viz. θB ,θC and D as shown. Under the action of horizontal
and vertical load, the frame will be displaced as shown in the figure. It is
observed that nodes at B and C undergo rotation and also get displaced
horizontally by an equal amount.

Hence in plane structures, each node can have at the most one linear
displacement and one rotation. In this module first slope-deflection equations as
applied to beams and rigid frames will be discussed.

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Instructional Objectives
After reading this chapter the student will be able to
1. Calculate kinematic degrees of freedom of continuous beam.
2. Derive slope-deflection equations for the case beam with unyielding supports.
3. Differentiate between force method and displacement method of analyses.
4. State advantages of displacement method of analysis as compared to force
method of analysis.
5. Analyse continuous beam using slope-deflection method.

14.1 Introduction
In this lesson the slope-deflection equations are derived for the case of a beam
with unyielding supports .In this method, the unknown slopes and deflections at
nodes are related to the applied loading on the structure. As introduced earlier,
the slope-deflection method can be used to analyze statically determinate and
indeterminate beams and frames. In this method it is assumed that all
deformations are due to bending only. In other words deformations due to axial
forces are neglected. As discussed earlier in the force method of analysis
compatibility equations are written in terms of unknown reactions. It must be
noted that all the unknown reactions appear in each of the compatibility
equations making it difficult to solve resulting equations. The slope-deflection
equations are not that lengthy in comparison.
The slope-deflection method was originally developed b y Heinrich Manderla and
Otto Mohr for computing secondary stresses in trusses. The method as used
today was presented by G.A.Maney in 1915 for analyzing rigid jointed structures.

14.2 Slope-Deflection Equations

Consider a typical span of a continuous beam AB as shown in Fig.14.1.The beam
has constant flexural rigidity EI and is subjected to uniformly distributed loading
and concentrated loads as shown in the figure. The beam is kinematically
indeterminate to second degree. In this lesson, the slope-deflection equations are
derived for the simplest case i.e. for the case of continuous beams with
unyielding supports. In the next lesson, the support settlements are included in
the slope-deflection equations.

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For this problem, it is required to derive relation between the joint end moments
M AB and M BA in terms of joint rotations θA and θB and loads acting on the
beam .Two subscripts are used to denote end moments. For example, end
moments MAB denote moment acting at joint A of the member AB. Rotations of the
tangent to the elastic curve are denoted by one subscript. Thus, θA denotes
the rotation of the tangent to the elastic curve at A. The following sign
conventions are used in the slope-deflection equations (1) Moments acting at the
ends of the member in counterclockwise direction are taken to be positive. (2)
The rotation of the tangent to the elastic curve is taken to be positive when the
tangent to the elastic curve has rotated in the counterclockwise direction from its
original direction. The slope-deflection equations are derived by superimposing
the end moments developed due to (1) applied loads (2) rotation θA (3)
rotationθB . This is shown in Fig.14.2 (a)-(c). In Fig. 14.2(b) a kinematically
determinate structure is obtained. This condition is obtained by modifying the support
conditions to fixed so that the unknown joint rotations become zero. The structure shown in
Fig.14.2 (b) is known as kinematically determinate structure or restrained structure.
For this case, the end moments are denoted by M AB and M BA .
The fixed end moments are evaluated by force–method of analysis as discussed
in the previous module. For example for fixed- fixed beam subjected to uniformly
distributed load, the fixed-end moments are shown in Fig.14.3.

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The fixed end moments are required for various load cases. For ease of calculations,
fixed end forces for various load cases are given at the end of this lesson. In the
actual structure end A rotates by θA and end B rotates by θB . Now it is required to derive
a relation relating θA and θB with the end moments M ′AB and
M ′BA . Towards this end, now consider a simply supported beam acted by moment
M AB′ at A as shown in Fig. 14.4. The end moment M AB′ deflects the
beam as shown in the figure. The rotations θA′and θB′are calculated from
moment-area theorem.


θA′= 3EI (14.1a)


θB′=− 6EI (14.1b)

Now a similar relation may be derived if only M BA′is acting at end B (see Fig.


θB′′ = 3EI and (14.2a)

θA′′ = − ′ (14.2b)


Now combining these two relations, we could relate end moments acting at A
and B to rotations produced at A and B as (see Fig. 14.2c)

M' L M' L

θA = 3EI − 6EI (14.3a)

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′ ′ (14.3b)
θB = M L
− M L

′ ′
Solving for M A B and in terms of θA and θB ,

M′AB = L (2θA + θB ) (14.4)
′ 2EI

= L (2θB +θA )
BA (14.5)
Now writing the equilibrium equation for joint moment at A (see Fig. 14.2).

MAB=MAB +M′AB (14.6a)
Similarly writing equilibrium equation for joint B

F ′
BA BA BA (14.6b)

Substituting the value of M AB from equation (14.4) in equation (14.6a) one

MAB=MAB + L (2θA +θB ) (14.7a)

Similarly substituting M B A from equation (14.6b) in equation (14.6b) one obtains,
MBA=MBA + L (14.7b)(2θB +θA )
Sometimes one end is referred to as near end and the other end as the far end. In
that case, the above equation may be stated as the internal moment at the near
end of the span is equal to the fixed end moment at the near end due to
2 EI
external loads plus L times the sum of twice the slope at the near end and the
slope at the far end. The above two equations (14.7a) and (14.7b) simply
referred to as slope–deflection equations. The slope-deflection equation is
nothing but a load displacement relationship.

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14.3 Application of Slope-Deflection Equations to

Statically Indeterminate Beams.
The procedure is the same whether it is applied to beams or frames. It
may be summarized as follows:
1. Identify all kinematic degrees of freedom for the given problem. This can
be done by drawing the deflection shape of the structure. All degrees of
freedom are treated as unknowns in slope-deflection method.
2. Determine the fixed end moments at each end of the span to applied load.
The table given at the end of this lesson may be used for this purpose.
3. Express all internal end moments in terms of fixed end moments and near
end, and far end joint rotations by slope-deflection equations.
4. Write down one equilibrium equation for each unknown joint rotation. For
example, at a support in a continuous beam, the sum of all moments
corresponding to an unknown joint rotation at that support must be zero.
Write down as many equilibrium equations as there are unknown joint
5. Solve the above set of equilibrium equations for joint rotations.
6. Now substituting these joint rotations in the slope-deflection equations
evaluate the end moments.
7. Determine all rotations.

Example 14.1

A continuous beam ABC is carrying uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/m in

addition to a concentrated load of 20 kN as shown in Fig.14.5a. Draw bending
moment and shear force diagrams. Assume EI to be constant.

(a). Degrees of freedom

It is observed that the continuous beam is kinematically indeterminate to first
degree as only one joint rotation θB is unknown. The deflected shape /elastic

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curve of the beam is drawn in Fig.14.5b in order to identify degrees of freedom.

By fixing the support or restraining the support B against rotation, the fixed-fixed
beams area obtained as shown in Fig.14.5c.

,M ,M
(b). Fixed end moments M AB BA BC and M CB are calculated referring to the
Fig. 14. and following the sign conventions that counterclockwise moments
are positive.
F 2 2
M = 2 × 6 + 20 × 3 × 3 = 21 kN . m
AB 12 6
BA = −21 kN.m
F 2
MBC = 4 ×4 =5.33 kN.m
MCB = −5.33 kN.m (1)
(c) Slope-deflection equations
Since ends A and C are fixed, the rotation at the fixed supports is zero, θA =θC =
0 . Only one non-zero rotation is to be evaluated for this problem. Now,
write slope-deflection equations for span AB and BC.
M =M
AB AB + l (2θA +θB )

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MAB=21+ θB (2)


MBA=−21+ 4EIθB (3)


M BC = 5.33 + EIθB (4)

MCB = −5.33 + 0.5EIθB (5)

(d) Equilibrium equations

In the above four equations (2-5), the member end moments are expressed in terms
of unknown rotation θB . Now, the required equation to solve for the rotation
θB is the moment equilibrium equation at support B. The free body diagram
of support B along with the support moments acting on it is shown in Fig.
14.5d. For, moment equilibrium at support B , one must have,

∑M B = 0 MBA+MBC=0 (6)

Substituting the values of M B A and M B C in the above equilibrium equation,

− 21 +θB +5.33 + EIθB = 0
⇒1. 667θB EI =15.667

θB = 9.398 ≅ 9.40 (7)

(e) End moments
After evaluatingθB , substitute it in equations (2-5) to evaluate beam end
moments. Thus,

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=21+ θB
M EI 9.398
AB = 21 + × = 24.133kN.m
3 EI

=−21+ 3 (2θB)
M EI 2×9.4
BA =−21+3 EI = −14.733kN.m
M 9. 4

= 5.333 + EI EI =14.733kN.m
M 9. 4 EI
CB = − 5.333 + × = −0.63 kN.m (8)
EI 2
(f) Reactions
Now, reactions at supports are evaluated using equilibrium equations
(vide Fig. 14.5e)

RA ×6 +14.733 −20 ×3 −2 ×6 ×3 −24.133 = 0

RA = 17.567 kN(↑)
RBL = 16 − 1.567 = 14.433 kN(↑)
R=8 + = 11.526 kN(↑ )

RC = 8 + 3.526 = 4.47 kN(↑) (9)

The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in Fig. 14.5f.

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Example 14.2
Draw shear force and bending moment diagram for the continuous beam ABCD
loaded as shown in Fig.14.6a.The relative stiffness of each span of the beam is
also shown in the figure.

For the cantilever beam portion CD, no slope-deflection equation need to be

written as there is no internal moment at end D. First, fixing the supports at B and
C, calculate the fixed end moments for span AB and BC. Thus,
F 3 =16 kN.m
AB =
M BA = −16 kN. m

F 2
M = 10× 3 ×3 = 7.5 kN.m
BC 6
MC B = −7.5 kN.m (1)
In the next step write slope-deflection equation. There are two equations for
each span of the continuous beam.

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MAB=16+ 8 (θB ) =16 + 0.25θB EI
M BA = −16 + 0.5θB EI
2 ×2EI

MBC=7.5+ 6 (2θB + θC ) = 7.5 +1. 334E IθB + 0. 667EI θC

MCB = −7.5 +1.334EIθC +0.667EIθB (2)

Equilibrium equations
The free body diagram of members AB , BC and joints B and C are shown in
Fig.14.6b.One could write one equilibrium equation for each joint B and C.

Support B,

∑MB =0 MBA+MBC=0 (3)

∑MC =0 MCB+MCD=0 (4)

We know that MCD =15 kN.m (5)

⇒ MCB = −15 kN.m (6)

Substituting the values of MCBand MCD in the above equations

for M AB , M B A , M BC and M CB we get,

θ = 24.5
B 3.001 =8.164

θC = 9.704 (7)

Substituting θB ,θC in the slope-deflection equations, we get

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M 8.164
=16+0.25EIθB=16+0.25EI× EI =18.04 kN.m
M 8.164
=−16+0.5EIθB=−16+0.5EI× EI = −11.918 kN.m
BC = 7.5 + 1.334EI × +0.667EI( ) =11.918 kN.m
M 8. 164
CB = −7.5 + 0.667 EI × + 1.334E I(− ) = −15 kN.m (8)
Reactions are obtained from equilibrium equations (ref. Fig. 14.6c)

RA ×8 −18.041−3×8 ×4 +11.918 = 0

RA =12.765 kN

RBR = 5 − 0.514kN = 4.486 kN

RBL =11.235 kN

RC = 5 + 0.514kN =5.514 kN

The shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in Fig. 14.6d.

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For ease of calculations, fixed end forces for various load cases are given in Fig.

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In this lesson the slope-deflection equations are derived for beams with
unyielding supports. The kinematically indeterminate beams are analysed by
slope-deflection equations. The advantages of displacement method of analysis
over force method of analysis are clearly brought out here. A couple of examples
are solved to illustrate the slope-deflection equations.

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Analysis of Statically
Structures by the
Displacement Method

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The Moment-
Distribution Method:

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Instructional Objectives
After reading this chapter the student will be able to
1. Calculate stiffness factors and distribution factors for various members in
a continuous beam.
2. Define unbalanced moment at a rigid joint.
3. Compute distribution moment and carry-over moment.
4. Derive expressions for distribution moment, carry-over moments.
5. Analyse continuous beam by the moment-distribution method.

18.1 Introduction
In the previous lesson we discussed the slope-deflection method. In slope-
deflection analysis, the unknown displacements (rotations and translations) are
related to the applied loading on the structure. The slope -deflection method
results in a set of simultaneous equations of unknown displacements. The
number of simultaneous equations will be equal to the number of unknowns to be
evaluated. Thus one needs to solve these simultaneous equations to obtain
displacements and beam end moments. Today, simultaneous equations could be
solved very easily using a computer. Before the advent of electronic computing,
this really posed a problem as the number of equations in the case of multistory
building is quite large. The moment-distribution method proposed by Hardy Cross
in 1932, actually solves these equations by the method of successive
approximations. In this method, the results may be obtained to any desired
degree of accuracy. Until recently, the moment-distribution method was very
popular among engineers. It is very simple and is being used even today for
preliminary analysis of small structures. It is still being taught in the classroom for
the simplicity and physical insight it gives to the analyst even though stiffness
method is being used more and more. Had the computers not emerged on the
scene, the moment-distribution method could have turned out to be a very
popular method. In this lesson, first moment-distribution method is developed for
continuous beams with unyielding supports.

18.2 Basic Concepts

In moment-distribution method, counterclockwise beam end moments are taken
as positive. The counterclockwise beam end moments produce clockwise
moments on the joint Consider a continuous beam ABCD as shown in Fig.18.1a.
In this beam, ends A and D are fixed and hence,θ A =θD = 0 .Thus, the
deformation of this beam is completely defined by rotations θ B and θ C at joints B
and C respectively. The required equation to evaluate θ B and θC is obtained by
considering equilibrium of joints B and C. Hence,

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∑M B = 0 ⇒MBA+MBC=0 (18.1a)

∑M C = 0 ⇒MCB+MCD=0 (18.1b)
According to slope-deflection equation, the beam end moments are written as

MBA=MBA +L (2θB)
is known as stiffness factor for the beam AB and it is denoted
by k AB . M BA is the fixed end moment at joint B of beam AB when joint B is fixed.
BC θ B +
F +K θ B
M =M CB C +

F+K θ
CD CD (18.2)
In Fig.18.1b, the counterclockwise beam-end moments M BA and M BC produce a
clockwise moment M B on the joint as shown in Fig.18.1b. To start with, in
moment-distribution method, it is assumed that joints are locked i.e. joints are
prevented from rotating. In such a case (vide Fig.18.1b),
θB =θC = 0 , and hence
M =M
M =M
M =M
(18.3) Since joints B and C are artificially held
locked, the resultant moment at joints B
and C will not be equal to zero. This moment is denoted by M B and is known as the
unbalanced moment.

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In reality joints are not locked. Joints B and C do rotate under external loads.
When the joint B is unlocked, it will rotate under the action of unbalanced
moment M B . Let the joint B rotate by an angleθB 1 , under the action of M B.
This will deform the structure as shown in Fig.18.1d and introduces distributed
d d
moment BA , BC in the span BA and BC respectively as shown in the figure.
The unknown distributed moments are assumed to be positive and hence act in
counterclockwise direction. The unbalanced moment is the algebraic sum of the
fixed end moments and act on the joint in the clockwise direction. The
unbalanced moment restores the equilibrium of the joint B. Thus,

d d
∑M B = 0, M BA +M BC +M B=0 (18.4)
The distributed moments are related to the rotation θB1 by the slope-deflection

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M =K θ

M =K θ
BC BC B1 (18.5)
Substituting equation (18.5) in (18.4), yields


θ =− MB

In general,
θ B
=− ∑
where summation is taken over all the members meeting at that particular joint.
Substituting the value of θB1 in equation (18.5), distributed moments are
calculated. Thus,

∑K M B
MB C =− (18.7)
The ratio ∑ K is known as the distribution factor and is represented by DFBA .

M BC = −DFBC. M B (18.8)
The distribution moments developed in a member meeting at B, when the joint B
is unlocked and allowed to rotate under the action of unbalanced moment M B is
equal to a distribution factor times the unbalanced moment with its sign reversed.

As the joint B rotates under the action of the unbalanced moment, beam end
moments are developed at ends of members meeting at that joint and are known
as distributed moments. As the joint B rotates, it bends the beam and beam end
moments at the far ends (i.e. at A and C) are developed. They are known as
carry over moments. Now consider the beam BC of continuous beam ABCD.

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When the joint B is unlocked, joint C is locked .The joint B rotates by θB1 under

the action of unbalanced moment M B (vide Fig. 18.1e). Now from slope-
deflection equations

M d =K θ

M 1K θ
= 2 BC B

M 1
= MBC (18.9)

The carry over moment is one half of the distributed moment and has the same
sign. With the above discussion, we are in a position to apply moment-
distribution method to statically indeterminate beam. Few problems are solved
here to illustrate the procedure. Carefully go through the first problem, wherein
the moment-distribution method is explained in detail.

Example 18.1

A continuous prismatic beam ABC (see Fig.18.2a) of constant moment of inertia

is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/m in addition to a concentrated
load of 10 kN. Draw bending moment diagram. Assume that supports are

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Assuming that supports B and C are locked, calculate fixed end moments
developed in the beam due to externally applied load. Note that counterclockwise
moments are taken as positive.
wL2 2 ×9
MAB = AB = =1.5 kN.m
12 12
F wL A B 2 ×9
BA=− 12 = − 12= −1.5 kN .m
Pab 10×2×4
BC = L2 = 16 = 5 kN.m
Pa b 10× 2 ×4
M 2
CB =− L =− 16 = −5 kN.m (1)

Before we start analyzing the beam by moment-distribution method, it is

required to calculate stiffness and distribution factors.


At B: ∑K = 2.333EI
DF =
BA 2.333EI = 0.571
DF =
BC 2.333EI = 0.429

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At C: ∑K = EI
DFCB =1.0

Note that distribution factor is dimensionless. The sum of distribution factor at a

joint, except when it is fixed is always equal to one. The distribution moments are
developed only when the joints rotate under the action of unbalanced moment. In
the case of fixed joint, it does not rotate and hence no distribution moments are
developed and consequently distribution factor is equal to zero.
In Fig.18.2b the fixed end moments and distribution factors are shown on a
working diagram. In this diagram B and C are assumed to be locked.

Now unlock the joint C. Note that joint C starts rotating under the unbalanced
moment of 5 kN.m (counterclockwise) till a moment of -5 kN.m is developed
(clockwise) at the joint. This in turn develops a beam end moment of +5 kN.m
(M CB ). This is the distributed moment and thus restores equilibr ium. Now joint C
is relocked and a line is drawn below +5 kN.m to indicate equilibrium. When joint
C rotates, a carry over moment of +2.5 kN.m is developed at the B end of
member BC.These are shown in Fig.18.2c.

When joint B is unlocked, it will rotate under an unbalanced moment equal to

algebraic sum of the fixed end moments(+5.0 and -1.5 kN.m) and a carry over
moment of +2.5 kN.m till distributed moments are developed to restore
equilibrium. The unbalanced moment is 6 kN.m. Now the distributed moments M
BC and M BA are obtained by multiplying the unbalanced moment with
the corresponding distribution factors and reversing the sign. Thus,

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M BC = −2.574 kN.m and M BA = −3.426 kN.m. These distributed moments restore

the equilibrium of joint B. Lock the joint B. This is shown in Fig.18.2d along with
the carry over moments.

Now, it is seen that joint B is balanced. However joint C is not balanced due to
the carry over moment -1.287 kN.m that is developed when the joint B is allowed
to rotate. The whole procedure of locking and unlocking the joints C and B
successively has to be continued till both joints B and C are balanced
simultaneously. The complete procedure is shown in Fig.18.2e.

The iteration procedure is terminated when the change in beam end moments is
less than say 1%. In the above problem the convergence may be improved if we
leave the hinged end C unlocked after the first cycle. This will be discussed in the
next section. In such a case the stiffness of beam BC gets modified. The above
calculations can also be done conveniently in a tabular form as shown in Table
18.1. However the above working method is preferred in this course.

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Table 18.1 Moment-distribution for continuous beam ABC

Joint A B C
Member AB BA BC CB
Stiffness 1.333EI 1.333EI EI EI
Distribution 0.571 0.429 1.0
FEM in +1.5 -1.5 +5.0 -5.0
Balance +2.5 +5.0
joints C ,B -1.713 -3.426 -2.579 0
and C.O.
-4.926 +4.926 -1.287
Balance C +0.644 1.287
and C.O.
Balance B -0.368 -0.276 -0.138
and C.O.
Balance C -0.184 -5.294 +5.294 0.138
C.O. +0.069 0
Balance B -0.02 -0.039 -0.030 -0.015
and C.O.
Balance C +0.015
Balanced -0.417 -5.333 +5.333 0
moments in

Modified stiffness factor when the far end is hinged

As mentioned in the previous example, alternate unlocking and locking at the
hinged joint slows down the convergence of moment -distribution method. At the
hinged end the moment is zero and hence we could allow the hinged joint C in
the previous example to rotate freely after unlocking it first time. This
necessitates certain changes in the stiffness parameters. Now consider beam
ABC as shown in Fig.18.2a. Now if joint C is left unlocked then the stiffness of
member BC changes. When joint B is unlocked, it will rotate by θB1 under the action of
unbalanced moment M B .The support C will also rotate by θC1 as it is
free to rotate. However, moment M CB = 0 . Thus
M =K θ + BC

CB BC C 2 θB (18.7)
But, M CB = 0
⇒θ C=− 2 (18.8)
Now, K
θC (18.9)

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Substituting the value of θC in eqn. (18.9),

BC 3K θ
BCBCB 4 B 4 (18.10)
M =K
BC BC θB (18.11)
R 3K
The K BC is known as the reduced stiffness factor and is equal to 4
.Accordingly distribution factors also get modified. It must be noted that there is
no carry over to joint C as it was left unlocked.

Example 18.2
Solve the previous example by making the necessary modification for hinged end

Fixed end moments are the same. Now calculate stiffness and distribution

K BA =1.333EI, K BC = 4 EI = 0.75EI
Joint B: ∑K = 2.083, D F =0.64,D F = 0.36
Joint C: ∑K = 0.75EI, BA

All the calculations are shown in Fig.18.3a

Please note that the same results as obtained in the previous example are
obtained here in only one cycle. All joints are in equilibrium when they are
unlocked. Hence we could stop moment-distribution iteration, as there is no
unbalanced moment anywhere.

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Example 18.3
Draw the bending moment diagram for the continuous beam ABCD loaded as
shown in Fig.18.4a.The relative moment of inertia of each span of the beam is
also shown in the figure.

Note that joint C is hinged and hence stiffness factor BC gets modified. Assuming
that the supports are locked, calculate fixed end moments. They are
M AB =16 kN.m
MBA = −16 kN.m
MBC = 7.5 kN.m
MCB = −7.5 kN.m , and
MCD =15 kN.m

In the next step calculate stiffness and distribution factors

KBA= 8
K =
3 8EI
4 6

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K = 8IE

CB 6
At joint B:

∑K = 0.5EI +1.0EI =1.5EI

0.5 EI
DBA = 1.5 EI = 0.333

1 .0 EI
DBC = 1.5 EI = 0.667
At C:
∑K = EI, DCB =1.0
Now all the calculations are shown in Fig.18.4b

This problem has also been solved by slope-deflection method (see

example 14.2).The bending moment diagram is shown in Fig.18.4c.

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Moving Loads and
Influence Lines


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Instructional Objectives:
The objectives of this lesson are as follows:
• Understand the moving load effect in simpler term
• Study various definitions of influence line
• Introduce to simple procedures for construction of influence lines

37.1 Introduction
In earlier lessons, you were introduced to statically determinate and statically
indeterminate structural analysis under non-moving load (dead load or fixed
loads). In this lecture, you will be introduced to determination of maximum
internal actions at cross-sections of members of statically determinate structured
under the effects of moving loads (live loads).

Common sense tells us that when a load moves over a structure, the deflected
shape of the structural will vary. In the process, we can arrive at simple
conclusion that due to moving load position on the structure, reactions value at
the support also will vary.

From the designer’s point of view, it is essential to have safe structure, which
doesn’t exceed the limits of deformations and also the limits of load carrying
capacity of the structure.

37.2 Definitions of influence line

In the literature, researchers have defined influence line in many ways. Some of
the definitions of influence line are given below.

• An influence line is a diagram whose ordinates, which are plotted as a

function of distance along the span, give the value of an internal force, a
reaction, or a displacement at a particular point in a structure as a unit load
move across the structure.
• An influence line is a curve the ordinate to which at any point equals the value
of some particular function due to unit load acting at that point.
• An influence line represents the variation of either the reaction, shear,

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moment, or deflection at a specific point in a member as a unit concentrated

force moves over the member.

37.3 Construction of Influence Lines

In this section, we will discuss about the construction of influence lines. Using
any one of the two approaches (Figure 37.1), one can construct the influence line
at a specific point P in a member for any parameter (Reaction, Shear or

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Moment). In the present approaches it is assumed that the moving load is having
dimensionless magnitude of unity. Classification of the approaches for
construction of influence lines is given in Figure 37.1.

Construction of Influence Lines

Tabulate Values Influence Line-Equation


37.3.1 Tabulate Values

Apply a unit load at different locations along the member, say at x. And these
locations, apply statics to compute the value of parameter (reaction, shear, or
moment) at the specified point. The best way to use this approach is to prepare a
table, listing unit load at x versus the corresponding value of the parameter
calculated at the specific point (i.e. Reaction R, Shear V or moment M) and plot
the tabulated values so that influence line segments can be constructed.

37.3.2 Sign Conventions

Sign convention followed for shear and moment is given below.

Parameter Sign for influence line

Reaction R Positive at the point when it acts upward on the beam.

Shear V Positive for the following case


Moment M Positive for the V case


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37.3.3 Influence Line Equations

Influence line can be constructed by deriving a general mathematical equation to

compute parameters (e.g. reaction, shear or moment) at a specific point under
the effect of moving load at a variable position x.

The above discussed both approaches are demonstrated with the help of simple
numerical examples in the following paragraphs.

37.4 Numerical Examples

Example 1:

Construct the influence line for the reaction at support B for the beam of span 10
m. The beam structure is shown in Figure 37.2.

Figure 37.2: The beam structure

As discussed earlier, there are two ways this problem can be solved. Both the
approaches will be demonstrated here.

Tabulate values:
As shown in the figure, a unit load is places at distance x from support A and the
reaction value RB is calculated by taking moment with reference to support A. Let
us say, if the load is placed at 2.5 m. from support A then the reaction RB can be
calculated as follows (Figure 37.3).
Σ MA = 0 : RB x 10 - 1 x 2.5 = 0 ⇒ RB = 0.25

Figure 37.3: The beam structure with unit load

Similarly, the load can be placed at 5.0, 7.5 and 10 m. away from support A and
reaction RB can be computed and tabulated as given below.

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x RB
0 0.0
2.5 0.25
5.0 0.5
7.5 0.75
10 1

Graphical representation of influence line for RB is shown in Figure 37.4.

Figure 37.4: Influence line for reaction RB.

Influence Line Equation:

When the unit load is placed at any location between two supports from
support A at distance x then the equation for reaction RB can be written as

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 10 – x = 0 ⇒ RB = x/10

The influence line using this equation is shown in Figure 37.4.

Example 2:
Construct the influence line for support reaction at B for the given beam as
shown in Fig 37.5.

Figure 37.5: The overhang beam structure

As explained earlier in example 1, here we will use tabulated
values and influence line equation approach.

Tabulate Values:
As shown in the figure, a unit load is places at distance x from support A and the
reaction value RB is calculated by taking moment with reference to support A. Let

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us say, if the load is placed at 2.5 m. from support A then the reaction R B can
be calculated as follows.

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x 2.5 = 0 ⇒ RB = 0.33

Figure 37.6: The beam structure with unit load

Similarly one can place a unit load at distances 5.0 m and 7.5 m from support A
and compute reaction at B. When the load is placed at 10.0 m from support A,
then reaction at B can be computed using following equation.
Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x 10.0 = 0 ⇒ RB = 1.33

Similarly a unit load can be placed at 12.5 and the reaction at B can be
computed. The values of reaction at B are tabulated as follows.

x RB
0 0.0
2.5 0.33
5.0 0.67
7.5 1.00
10 1.33
12.5 1.67

Graphical representation of influence line for RB is shown in Figure 37.7.

Figure 37.7: Influence for reaction RB.

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Influence line Equation:

Applying the moment equation at A (Figure 37.6),

Σ MA = 0 : RB x 7.5 - 1 x x = 0 ⇒ RB = x/7.5

The influence line using this equation is shown in Figure 37.7.

Example 3:
Construct the influence line for shearing point C of the beam (Figure 37.8)

Figure 37.8: Beam Structure

Tabulated Values:
As discussed earlier, place a unit load at different location at distance x from
support A and find the reactions at A and finally computer shear force taking
section at C. The shear force at C should be carefully computed when unit load is
placed before point C (Figure 37.9) and after point C (Figure 37.10). The
resultant values of shear force at C are tabulated as follows.

Figure 37.9: The beam structure – a unit load before section

Figure 37.10: The beam structure - a unit load before section

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X Vc
0 0.0
7.5(-) -0.5
7.5(+) 0.5
10 0.33
12.5 0.16
15.0 0

Graphical representation of influence line for Vc is shown in Figure 37.11.

Figure 37.11: Influence line for shear point C

Influence line equation:

In this case, we need to determine two equations as the unit load position before
point C (Figure 37.12) and after point C (Figure 37.13) will show different shear
force sign due to discontinuity. The equations are plotted in Figure 37.11.

Figure 37.12: Free body diagram – a unit load before section

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Figure 37.13: Free body diagram – a unit load after section

Influence Line for Moment:

Like shear force, we can also construct influence line for moment.

Example 4:
Construct the influence line for the moment at point C of the beam shown in
Figure 37.14

Figure 37.14: Beam structure

Tabulated values:
Place a unit load at different location between two supports and find the support
reactions. Once the support reactions are computed, take a section at C and
compute the moment. For example, we place the unit load at x=2.5 m from
support A (Figure 37.15), then the support reaction at A will be 0.833 and support
reaction B will be 0.167. Taking section at C and computation of moment at C
can be given by

Σ Mc = 0 : - Mc + RB x 7.5 - = 0 ⇒ - Mc + 0.167 x 7.5 - = 0 ⇒ Mc = 1.25

Figure 37.15: A unit load before section

Similarly, compute the moment M c for difference unit load position in the span.
The values of Mc are tabulated as follows.

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X Mc
0 0.0
10 2.5

Graphical representation of influence line for Mc is shown in Figure 37.16.

Figure 37.16: Influence line for moment at section C

Influence Line Equations:

There will be two influence line equations for the section before point C and after
point C.

When the unit load is placed before point C then the moment equation
for given Figure 37.17 can be given by

Σ Mc = 0 : Mc + 1(7.5 –x) – (1-x/15)x7.5 = 0 ⇒ Mc = x/2, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 7.5

Figure 37.17: Free body diagram - a unit load before section

When the unit load is placed after point C then the moment equation
for given Figure 37.18 can be given by

Σ Mc = 0 : Mc – (1-x/15) x 7.5 = 0 ⇒ Mc = 7.5 - x/2, where 7.5 < x ≤ 15.0

Figure 37.18: Free body diagram - a unit load before section

The equations are plotted in Figure 37.16.

Example 5:
Construct the influence line for the moment at point C of the beam shown in
Figure 37.19.

Figure 37.19: Overhang beam structure

Tabulated values:
Place a unit load at different location between two supports and find the support
reactions. Once the support reactions are computed, take a section at C and
compute the moment. For example as shown in Figure 37.20, we place a unit
load at 2.5 m from support A, then the support reaction at A will be 0.75 and
support reaction B will be 0 .25.

Figure 37.20: A unit load before section C

Taking section at C and computation of moment at C can be given by

Σ Mc = 0 : - Mc + RB x 5.0 - = 0 ⇒ - Mc + 0.25 x 5.0 = 0 ⇒ Mc = 1.25

Similarly, compute the moment Mc for difference unit load position in

the span. The values of Mc are tabulated as follows.

x Mc
0 0
2.5 1.25
5.0 2.5
7.5 1.25
10 0

Graphical representation of influence line for Mc is shown in Figure 37.21.

Figure 37.21: Influence line of moment at section C

Influence Line Equations:

There will be two influence line equations for the section before point C and after
point C.

When a unit load is placed before point C then the moment equation
for given Figure 37.22 can be given by
Σ Mc = 0 : Mc + 1(5.0 –x) – (1-x/10)x5.0 = 0 ⇒ Mc = x/2, where 0 ≤ x ≤ 5.0

Figure 37.22: A unit load before section C

When a unit load is placed after point C then the moment equation for
given Figure 37.23 can be given by

Σ Mc = 0 : Mc – (1-x/10) x 5.0 = 0 ⇒ Mc = 5 - x/2, where 5 < x ≤ 15

Figure 37.23: A unit load after section C

The equations are plotted in Figure 37.21.

37.5 Influence line for beam having point load and uniformly
distributed load acting at the same time
Generally in beams/girders are main load carrying components in structural
systems. Hence it is necessary to construct the influence line for the reaction,
shear or moment at any specified point in beam to check for criticality. Let us
assume that there are two kinds of load acting on the beam. They are
concentrated load and uniformly distributed load (UDL).

37.5.1 Concentrated load

As shown in the Figure 37.24, let us say, point load P is moving on beam from A
to B. Looking at the position, we need to find out what will be the influence line
for reaction B for this load. Hence, to generalize our approach, like earlier
examples, let us assume that unit load is moving from A to B and influence line
for reaction A can be plotted as shown in Figure 37.25. Now we want to know, if
load P is at the center of span then what will be the value of reaction A? From
Figure 37.24, we can find that for the load position of P, influence line of unit load
gives value of 0.5. Hence, reaction A will be 0.5xP. Similarly, for various load
positions and load value, reactions A can be computed.

Figure 37.24: Beam structure

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Figure 37.25: Influence line for support reaction at A

37.5.2 Uniformly Distributed Load

Beam is loaded with uniformly distributed load (UDL) and our objective is to find
influence line for reaction A so that we can generalize the approach. For UDL of
w on span, considering for segment of dx (Figure 37.26), the concentrated load
dP can be given by w.dx acting at x. Let us assume that beam’s influence line
ordinate for some function (reaction, shear, moment) is y as shown in Figure
37.27. In that case, the value of function is given by (dP)(y) = (w.dx).y. For
computation of the effect of all these concentrated loads, we have to integrate
over the entire length of the beam. Hence, we can say that it will be ∫ w.y.dx = w ∫
y.dx. The term ∫ y.dx is equivalent to area under the influence line.

Figure 37.26: Uniformly distributed load on beam

Figure 37.27: Segment of influence line diagram

For a given example of UDL on beam as shown in Figure 37.28, the influence
line (Figure 37.29) for reaction A can be given by area covered by the influence
line for unit load into UDL value. i.e. [0.5x (1)xl] w = 0.5 w.l.

Figure 37.28: UDL on simply supported beam

Figure 37.29: Influence line for support reaction at A.

37.6 Numerical Example

Find the maximum positive live shear at point C when the beam (Figure 37.30) is
loaded with a concentrated moving load of 10 kN and UDL of 5 kN/m.

Figure 37.30: Simply supported beam

As discussed earlier for unit load moving on beam from A to B, the influence line
for the shear at C can be given by following Figure 37.31.

Figure 37.31: Influence line for shear at section C.

Concentrated load: As shown in Figure 37.31, the maximum live shear force at
C will be when the concentrated load 10 kN is located just before C or just after
C. Our aim is to find positive live shear and hence, we will put 10 kN just after
C. In that case,
Vc = 0.5 x 10 = 5 kN.

UDL: As shown in Figure 37.31, the maximum positive live shear force at C will
be when the UDL 5 kN/m is acting between x = 7.5 and x = 15.
Vc = [ 0.5 x (15 –7.5) (0.5)] x 5 = 9.375

Total maximum Shear at C:

(Vc) max = 5 + 9.375 = 14.375.

Finally the loading positions for maximum shear at C will be as shown in Figure
37.32. For this beam one can easily compute shear at C using statics.

Figure 37.32: Simply supported beam

Suggested Text Books for Further Reading

• Armenakas, A. E. (1988). Classical Structural Analysis – A Modern Approach,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, NY, ISBN 0-07-100120-4

• Hibbeler, R. C. (2002). Structural Analysis, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte.

Ltd., Delhi, ISBN 81-7808-750-2

• Junarkar, S. B. and Shah, H. J. (1999). Mechanics of Structures – Vol. II,

Charotar Publishing House, Anand.

• Leet, K. M. and Uang, C-M. (2003). Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, Tata

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 0-07-058208-4

• Negi, L. S. and Jangid, R.S. (2003). Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 0 -07-462304-4

• Norris, C. H., Wilbur, J. B. and Utku, S. (1991). Elementary Structural Analysis,

Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, ISBN 0-07-058116-


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