Formation of Mefenamic Acid Nanocrystals With Improved Dissolution Characteristics
Formation of Mefenamic Acid Nanocrystals With Improved Dissolution Characteristics
Formation of Mefenamic Acid Nanocrystals With Improved Dissolution Characteristics
An industrially feasible formulation approach combining media milling and spray-drying was applied to improve
dissolu- tion characteristics of the poorly soluble drug mefenamic acid (MA). The approach was studied for two MA
polymorphs at different stressing and pH conditions. It was found that final MA product particle sizes are rather
determined by the solid-liquid equilibrium than by mechanical fracture. Obtained drug particles are only composed of the
most stable poly- morph. Direct compressed tablets containing MA nanocrystals exhibit a significant improvement of in
vitro dissolution kinetics as compared to tablets with micronized drug particles.
Keywords: Dissolution rate enhancement, Media milling, Nanocrystal, Polymorphism, Poorly water-soluble drug,
Spray drying
Received: December 21, 2016; revised: April 20, 2017; accepted: May 05, 2017
2 Research Article Ingenieur
2.1 Materials
ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060–
Weinheim 1071
Ingenieur Research Article 3
(MCC, Vivapur® 301, JRS Pharma GmbH & Co. DMF solution of the drug. 20 g of MA raw material (form
KG, Germany) as well as fumed silica (Aerosil I) were dis- solved under stirring in 100 mL DMF at 70 °C.
200, Evonik Industries AG, Germany), talcum After the crystals were completely dissolved, the solution
(Talkum Pharma G, was rapidly cooled down to –40 °C and kept at this
C.H. Erbslo¨h GmbH & Co. KG, Germany) and temperature for 1 h until MA was completely recrystallized
magnesium stearate (Baerlocher GmbH, Germany) as form II particles. Subsequently, the solution was heated
were kindly donated by the corresponding up to room tempera- ture and obtained recrystallized form
suppliers. Hydranal® Coulomat AG-Oven analyte II drug particles were filtered, thoroughly rinsed with
was obtained from Honeywell Specialty deionized water and sub- jected to vacuum drying in a
Chemicals (Seelze GmbH, Germany). desiccator.
Demineralised water (18.2 MWcm, total
oxidisable carbon < 5 ppb) produced by a 2.2.2 Preparation of Mefenamic Acid Suspensions
PURELAB® Ultra water system (ELGA LabWater,
Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, France) MA nanosuspensions were prepared using a media milling
was used through- out the study. All chemicals approach. Prior to all milling experiments, HPC-SSL was
were used as received and with- out further dissolved in MA-saturated water and McIlvaine buffer
purification. solu- tions [41], respectively. Afterwards, MA raw material
was dispersed under mechanical agitation overnight in the
stabi- lizer solution to ensure complete wetting of the
2.2 Experimental Methods hydropho- bic drug particles. The API solids content in all
experiments was set to 5.0 wt % with respect to the mass of
2.2.1 Preparation of Mefenamic Acid Form II suspension. The concentration of the applied polymeric
stabilizer was
Form II crystals of MA were prepared from a 15.0 wt % relative to the amount of MA. Media milling
experiments were conducted using a vertically aligned
& Co. KG, Germany), microcrystalline cellulose Figure 1. SEM micrographs of mefenamic acid raw material (form I).
Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060– ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
1071 Weinheim
Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data was collected
lab-scale stirred media batch mill (PE075, Netzsch-Fein- using the diffractometer D8 Advance Bruker AXS in
mahltechnik GmbH, Germany) equipped with a zirconia- Bragg-Bren-
lined double-walled grinding chamber (0.6 L), which was
connected to an external thermostat FPW80-SL (Julabo
GmbH, Germany) for temperature control. The process
temperature was set to 20.0 ± 1.0 °C. 1.8 kg of wear
resistant yttrium-stabilized zirconium oxide milling beads
(YTZ®, rGM = 6050 kg m–3, dGM = 0.4 – 0.5 mm, Tosho Inc.,
Japan) were filled into the grinding chamber and the
agitator speed of the Al2O3 three-disc-stirrer was varied
between 750 and 2000 rpm corresponding to stirrer tip
speeds v between 2.5 and 6.7 m s–1.
Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060– ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
1071 Weinheim
fied according to Meyer determined with the tablet
tano setup (Bruker Corporation, USA) equipped with a and Zimmermann [43]. hardness tester TBH 28
VÅNTEC-1 detector. Diffraction patterns were collected Experi- ments were (Erweka
using Cu Ka radiation (l = 0.15406 nm) between 10 and performed at room
50° (2q) with a step width of 0.014° and counting times temperature and a load of
of 1 s per step. 153 Pa was applied to all Differential Scanning Calorimetry
powders. In the following,
average values and
The differential scanning calorimeter 822e (Mettler Toledo standard deviations
LLC, USA) was used for thermal analysis. An indium stan- obtained from three single
dard was used for calibration prior to the measurements. measurements are
Standard aluminium pans and covers were used for analy- reported.
sis. Measurements were conducted under inert nitrogen
atmosphere in the temperature range from 30 to 240 °C Tableting and
with a heating rate of 2 °C min –1. All measurements were Tablet Testing
performed in triplicate. Corresponding average values and
Before blending and
standard deviations are reported in the following.
tableting, all excipients Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy were sieved (mesh size
300 mm) to separate
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in the agglomerates. 33 wt % of
wavenumber range 4000 – 400 cm–1 was performed using spray-dried lactose
the Excalibur FTS 3100 Spectrometer (Varian Agilent monohydrate and 31 wt %
Tech- nologies, USA). Infrared spectra were collected with of MCC were mixed with
a spec- tral resolution of 2 cm–1. Sample platelets were 6 wt % of a
prepared by mixing 200 mg dry potassium bromide talcum/magnesium
(UVASol, Merck KGaA, Germany) with 1 mg of sample stearate/Aerosil powder
powder. Background and baseline corrections were (ratio 6:3:1 (w/w)) and
performed manually. blended for 15 min in a
TURBULA® mixer T2C Scanning Electron Microscopy (Willy A. Bachofen AG –
Maschi- nenfabrik,
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed using Switzerland). Then, 30 wt
a Gemini Ultra 55 (Carl Zeiss AG, Germany). Sample pow- % of spray-dried MA
ders were placed on a silicon wafer, which was mounted on particles obtained either
an aluminum pin stub. Measurements were carried out from the coarse suspension
using the SE2 detector. Due to charging effects and to or the nanosuspensions
improve the quality of the SEM micrographs, all samples were added and the
were sputtered with a thin film of gold-palladium (Hummer resulting mixture was
JR Technics, Germany). blended for additional 5
min. Afterwards, the Karl Fischer Titration powder was filled
manually into the die of a
Residual moisture of the spray-dried powders was deter-
Korsch laboratory single-
mined with a Metrohm 831 KF Coulometer combined with
press punch EK0 (Korsch
a KF Thermoprep 832 oven (Deutsche Metrohm GmbH &
AG, Germany) and
Co KG, Germany). 15 to 20 mg of sample powder was
compressed by punches
heated up to 130 °C and the vapoured water was pumped
with a median diameter of
into the titration cell filled with Hydranal® reagent.
13 mm. 20 tablets were
Nitrogen gas was used as carrier gas with a flow rate of
weighted and evaluated
50 mL min–1.
according to the
monograph ‘‘Uniformity
2.2.6 Post Processing of Spray-Dried Suspensions
of Mass of Single-Dose Tensile Strength Measurements Preparations’’ of the
European Pharmacopoeia
Powder flowability was characterized by determining the (Ph. Eur. 8.0, Chapter
powders’ tensile strength using a tensile strength tester as 2.9.5) [44]. For 10
proposed by Schweiger and Zimmermann [42] and modi- randomly chosen tablets
the crushing strength was ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060–
Weinheim 1071
flow rate was set mm as deter- mined by International, USA) and GM ð1 — jGM ð1 — eÞÞcv d 2
to 1.0 mL min–1. image analysis) were subjected for analysis.
MA was detected subjected to media High performance liquid where dGM is the
at 275 nm and 25 milling in a batch chromatography (HPLC) grinding media
°C and the stirred media mill. A was used for quantification diameter, rGM corre-
retention time previously identified of MA. The HPLC device sponds to the density
under these condi- formu- lation (Thermo Fisher Scientific of the beads, v is the
tions was 3 min 12 containing the non- Inc.) consists of the stirrer tip speed, jGM is
s. The determined ionic polymer HPC- quaternary analytical the filling ratio of the
limit of detection SSL was selected for pump LPG-3400SD, the grinding media, e is
(LOD) of the drug the preparation of automated sample injector the poros- ity of the
and the used nanosuspensions [45]. ASI-100, the column bulk grinding media,
HPLC system was As introduced by thermostat STH 585 and n, t, and cv are the
4.97 mM as Kwade [46 – 48], the the diode array detector number of revolutions
calculated from a comminution process DAD-3000RS. For MA of the stirrer per min,
linear calibration in stirred media mills analysis, the milling time and vol-
function (N = 10 can be described by chromatographic col- umn ume concentration of
(3-fold two quantities, namely UltraSep ES AMID H the product
replication), f = 8 by the number of RP18 (column size 150 ·3 suspension,
degrees of stress events between mm, SEPSERV Separation respectively. The
freedom, t-factor product particles and Service, Germany) was impact of stirrer tip
(95 %, f = 8) = grinding media and the used as sta- tionary phase. speed on the evolution
2.306). energy transferred The mobile phase was of the vol- ume
during these stress composed of acetoni- trile median particle size
events. Hence, the key and McIlvaine buffer pH x50,3 of MA feed
3 Results and parameters stress 2.8 (60:40 (v/v)) [41] and crystals (form I)
Discussion energy SEGM (Eq. (1)) the during media milling
and stress number SN is given in Fig. 2a.
3.1 Media Milling of (Eq. (2)) can be used During initial stages of
Mefenamic Acid to summarize the the grinding process,
influence of operating size reduction occurs
Crystalline MA parameters on the very fast. As milling
drug particles milling process: proceeds, particle
(xFeret = 2.2 ± 0.9 sizes gradually
GmbH, Germany) become smaller due to
according to the procedure SE ¼ r v2
decreasing breakage
as described / dG G
in ‘‘Resistance to Crushing SE M M rates as a result of
of Tablets‘‘ of the Ph. Eur. GM
decreasing breakage
8.0 (Chapter 2.9.8). probabilities of MA
jGM ð1 — eÞ (2) particles with
SN / n decreasing particle
size. According to Eq. In Vitro circulator (Vankel Technology (1), the increase in
Dissolution Study Group, USA). The dissolution stirrer tip speed from
medium was composed of 900 3 2.5 to 6.7 m s–1
Drug release studies were mL pH 6.8 phosphate buffer corresponds to an
performed using the paddle (Ph. Eur. 8.0, Chapter 5.17.1 increase in the applied
method according to Ph. ‘‘Recommandations for stress energy SEGM by
Eur. 8.0 Chapter 2.9.3 Dissolution Studies’’ [44]). more than a factor of 7
‘‘Dissolution Test for Solid Samples of 2 mL were taken at (i.e., SEGM (v = 2.5 m
Dosage Forms’’ certain time intervals, filtered s–1) = 3.5 mJ as
(Apparatus II) in a through a 0.02 mm pore compared to SEGM (v
VK7000 apparatus (Vankel diameter filter (Whatman® = 6.7 m s–1) = 24.8
Technology Group, USA) Anotop®10 syringe filter, mJ). Also SN (cf. Eq.
[44]. Paddle rotation was VWR International, Germany) and (2)) in-
set to 100 rpm and the subsequently diluted with creases by almost the
temperature was set to 37 acetonitrile. Ali- quots were factor of 3 leading to a
± 0.5 °C using the VK then transferred and sealed in higher stress
750D external heater 1.5-mL vials (VWR frequency of the
Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060– ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
1071 Weinheim
product particles. particle size around dependent) solid-
Thus, faster x50,3 » 180 nm and x90,3 MA/HPC- process
process kinetics » 350 nm, could be SSL =
and increased observed, indicating
MA- than by
apparent breakage that final product saturate pure
rates are observed. particle sizes of MA d
However, are not linked to this
irrespective of the operating parameter.
result is in good significantly affects
applied stirrer tip This
agreement with product charac- teristics
speed a limit- ing
comparable studies dis- such as particle size
processed at cussed in literature [20, and
lower 49, 50], supporting s
process tem- general observa- tions h
peratures. that in particular high a
Moreover, stress numbers at p
SEM micro- moderate stress energies e
graphs of are advantageous with .
final respect to a fast and
nanosuspensi energy efficient media I
ons milling process of APIs t
processed at and organic crystals,
20 °C (D) respectively. w
and 40 °C The formation of a a
(£) reveal steady state in particle s
some size during media
irregular milling of organic f
speed5.0 Impact of stirrer tip
%, T kinetics (drug
load: 2
0 crystals (e.g., APIs, o
°C particles pigments) is generally u
(grinding observed and frequently n
fragments) discussed in literature. d
as well as The discussion is often
product limited to the dynamic t
particles equilibrium between h
with well- mechanically induced a
defined particle breakage and t
sharp agglomeration processes
crystallo- due to insufficient f
graphic stabilization. However, i
edges (Fig. also liquid phase and n
4). In the formulation mediated a
case of MA growth effects, induced l
processed at by dissolution,
40 °C, nee- precipitation, and p
ripening phenomena, r
crystals were
which compete with o
found. This
above mentioned d
processes will affect u
supports the
product formation c
hypothe- sis
during media mill- ing t
that limiting
as well, although they
are only rarely p
particle sizes
discussed. As shown by a
are rather
determined Konnerth et al. [23] and r
by the Steiner et al. [51], the t
(temperature process temperature i
-, solvent-, during wet media c
and milling is a key pro- l
formulation cess parameter, which e ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060–
Weinheim 1071
e s
s n e e
i d l
z l e
e o s v
s w o a
e l t
a r u e
t b d
p i
c r l t
o o i e
m c t m
p e y p
a s e
- s l r
e a
r t v t
a e e u
b m l r
l - s e
e s
p o ,
s e f
t r r
r a t i
e t h p
s u e e
s r n
i e p i
n s r n
g o g
w c
c e e a
o r s n
n e s d
d e
i a d g
t p r
i p o o
o l r w
n i g t
s e a h
d n
w . i e
e c f
r D f
e u c e
e o c
s m t
m t p s
a o o
l u a
l i n r
e n d e
r c s
r m
w e a o
h a t r
Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060– ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
1071 Weinheim
e i The influence of
z o formulation, i.e., in
p e f particular the impact of
r . different types of non-
o M ionic polymers and its
- T A applied concentration on
h MA grinding
n e ( performance as well as
o F lim- iting product
u s i particle sizes during
n a g media milling was
c m s already discussed in
e e . detail by Ito et al. [45].
d However, MA exhibits
r 3 polymorphism and the
l e a study was limited to pro-
e s cessing of MA form I. In
a u a principle, it is preferable
d l n to formu- late the
i t d thermodynamic most
n stable form to ensure a
g c b high reproducibility
o ) regarding
t u : manufacturing,
o l bioavailability, and shelf
d P life. In case of MA, the
a r polymorphic form II is
n b o known to exhibit higher
e d saturation solubilities in
i u several solvents,
n o c including aqueous media
c b t [33, 52]. Moreover, the
r s metastable form shows
e e p supersaturation during
a r a dissolution
s v r accompanying an
e e t apparent first-order
d i decrease in the amount
i c of MA dissolved down
n d l to the equilibrium
u e solubility of form I due
p r to polymorphic
r i s transition [32, 33, 52].
o n i Thus, form II seems to
d g z exhibit a greater
u e pharmaceutical benefit.
c m s Furthermore, MA is an
t e ionizable drug
d a compound and shows a
p i n pH-dependent solubility
a a d profile in aqueous media
r [35]. Therefore, milling
t m experiments with
i i different API feed
c l particle stressing and formulation conditions
l l size were smaller, when
e i distribution
n s at con-
s g stant ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060–
Weinheim 1071
Figure 3.
Impact of
temperature on
kinetics (a) and
final product
particle size
distributions (b)
of MA (SEGM =
13.9 mJ, drug
load: 5.0 wt %,
6.7:1, MA-
Chem. Ing. Tech. 2017, 89, No. 8, 1060– ª 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
1071 Weinheim
attributed to elevated ripening rates of the drug
during the media milling process (c.f. cMA
(pH 7, 25 °C) / cMA (pH 3, 25 °C) » 300 [35]).
3.2.1 Physicochemical
Characterization of the Dried
Drug Powder
Table 1. Final product particle sizes of MA nanosuspensions prepared at different pH conditions and with different feed materials
(n.d. = not determined).
Form I, no pH 5.3 7.0 0.106 ± 0.044 0.188 ± 0.012 0.362 ± 0.214 0.113 0.251 0.743
Form II, no pH 5.2 6.9 0.098 ± 0.067 0.189 ± 0.022 0.364 ± 0.128 n.d. n.d. n.d.
Form II, pH 3 3.0 3.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.088 0.224 0.523
Form II, pH 7 7.0 7.2 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.166 0.355 0.657
Table 2. Thermal characteristics (from DSC) of vacuum-dried MA particles obtained from nanosuspensions.
Form I, no pH control 170.2 ± 0.5 1.3 ± 0.4 215.4 ± 0.4 26.2 ± 0.5
Form II, pH 3 167.0 ± 2.6 1.6 ± 0.0 218.7 ± 0.7 27.1 ± 0.2
Form II, pH 7 169.9 ± 0.4 1.7 ± 0.1 215.5 ± 0.3 25.5 ± 1.1
tensile strengths of processed powders as well as feed
mate- rials and some additives used for the tableting
process are summarized in Tab. 3. The adhesive character
of MA raw material was confirmed by a high tensile
strength of
19.3 ± 0.9 Pa. However, micronized feed particles show a
lower tensile strength as compared to the corresponding
spray agglomerated product, which is most likely due to
their larger size. Spray-agglomerates of MA nanosuspen-
sions exhibit a moisture content of about 3 %, which may
lead to the formation of capillary bridges in the bulk solid
resulting in a decreased flowability. Although pure spray-
dried powders are still to some extent cohesive, the
flowabil- ity of the tablet composition prepared with spray-
dried MA particles obtained from nanosuspensions is
Figure 8. DSC thermograms of vacuum-dried MA particles ob-
tained from nanosuspensions: a) Form I feed material, b) form
improved due to the spherical shape of the spray
II feed material, c) form I and no pH control, d) form I and pH agglomerates and the effect of added fumed silica as
3, compared to the tablet com- position containing the same
e) form I and pH 7, f) form II and pH 3, and g) form II and pH amount of fumed silica and drug but in the micronized
7. Dashed lines: Zoom into the transition region of form I to
form II. state.
Tablets prepared by the direct compression method con-
taining the spray-dried drug product are circular, flat-faced
Apparently, polymorphic transition of MA form II to and have a diameter of 13 mm (Fig. 9). The average weight
form I occurs irrespective of the applied drying procedure is 511 ± 9 mg and 513 ± 10 mg for tablets containing MA
and its peculiarities, concluding that the transition process nanoparticles and drug particles in the micronized state,
already takes place during the media milling process and respectively. Thus, tablets meet the requirements of the
that the polymorphic form II, which exhibits a greater Ph. Eur. regarding uniformity of mass of single-dose prepa-
phar- maceutical benefit, could not be preserved during rations. With a resistance to crushing of 72 ± 12 N (tablets
process- ing. containing MA nanoparticles) and 62 ± 11 N (tablets con-
taining micronized MA drug particles) the tablets are not
3.2.2 Tableting and In Vitro Dissolution Testing expected to show poor disintegration, but they are stable
against crumbling. The calculated amount of API in all tab-
To evaluate the impact of nanosizing on MA drug dissolu- lets is 30 mg. Comparable market products of MA exhibit
tion after oral administration, spray-dried MA drug par- at least 250 mg as therapeutically effective dose for adults.
ticles were post-processed into tablets. Due to its distinct However, for the API fenofibrate (FF), which is also classi-
adhesive character and tendency to stick on any type of fied as BCS class II drug compound, it could be shown that
sur- face, the flowability of the dried API product powder the drug load in oral dosage forms can be significantly low-
was evaluated in an almost uncompacted state by tensile
strength measurements prior to tableting, which is quite
close to manufacturing conditions in the pharmaceutical
industry. The principle of measurement is outlined in detail
in [42, 43]. Tensile strength TS is strongly dependent on
interparticulate adhesion forces: Low interparticulate inter-
action forces correlate with good powder flowability and Figure 9. Tablets with
low tensile strength [59 – 61]. Experimentally spray-dried MA parti-
cles obtained from
determined nanosuspensions.
Table 3. Powder characteristics of raw materials, spray-dried products and final tablet compositions.