Project Control Using BIM PDF
Project Control Using BIM PDF
Project Control Using BIM PDF
A Thesis
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty
of the
North Dakota State University
Of Agriculture and Applied Science
Dalu Zhang
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
Major Department:
Construction Management and Engineering
November 2012
Dalu Zhang
North Dakota State University’s regulations and meets the accepted standards for
the degree of
Although the construction industry has been evolving for centuries and researchers
have been seeking innovative solutions for decades, diverse challenges still exist for
making the construction process faster, safer, cheaper, and more accurate. However, it is
now believed that Building Information Modeling (BIM) can lead to greater efficiency
through the incremental collaboration. The data in BIM system are extremely useful and
can be generated to optimize the project delivery processes. Because BIM increases the
design cost and requires a big learning curve, project participants are all concerned about
the project cost, hindering the adoption of BIM for the project delivery.
This thesis, using a case study, describes how BIM functions to help cut costs,
optimize the schedule, and benefit all project participants. The analysis of project cost and
time control focuses on the life cycle. The recommendations for the future use of BIM are
made generally.
Looking back to my accomplishment with this thesis, I have received much help
and encouragement from a large number of individuals. I would like to thank Dr. Jerry Gao
for his guidance as a mentor, colleague, and friend. I would also like to thank my thesis
committee members, Dr. Charles McIntyre, Dr. Darshi DeSaram, and Dr. Jun Kong for
I would also like to thank the R.L.Engebretson group for providing me with data
about the case study developed in the thesis. Thanks to Judy Neubauer, architect of the
Special thanks to my friend, Cuiyuan Lu, for always being there and encouraging
me, not forgetting other friends who share ideas with me and give me strength to fight
against difficulties.
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................... v
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4.2. 4D............................................................................................................. 6
2. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................... 8
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 47
Table Page
Figure Page
3. BIM Process............................................................................................................. 22
2D………………Two Dimensional
3D………………Three Dimensional
4D………………Four Dimensional
CAD....................Computer-Aided Design
GC.......................General Contractor
IT……………….Information Technology
PM……………....Project Management
industry in the United States and is even one of the largest in the world accounting for one-
tenth of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP) (Murie, 2007). It is also known as a
low-tech and low-efficiency industry (Gallaher, O'Connor, Dettbarn, & Gilday, 2004). It is
common that a business can keep running because it makes profits; there is no exception in
the AEC industry. One purpose for people delivering construction projects is to achieve
economic targets, but there is nothing to guarantee that a profit is going to be made.
While these challenges vary for the diverse projects involved, all endeavors strive to
complete the projects within time and budget. In the history of construction, numerous
large construction projects have been plagued by cost overruns and schedule delays. A
comprehensive study of cost overrun reported that almost 90% of public-work projects had
According to Baccarini, a successful project should meet not only the quality output
standards, but also time and budget objectives (Baccarini, 1999). Westhuizen also stated
that “within time”, “within budget” and “according to requirements” are three main
objectives to complete a project successfully (van der Westhuizen & Fitzgerald, 2005). The
main barriers to overcome are the uncertainties in the project environment. Project
approach to forecast the contingencies, which, furthermore, can improve project and
company profitability.
1.1. Project Management
other words, to assure project profits (Nielsen, 2006). The purpose of project management
is to predict as many dangers and problems as possible to insure a successful project (Lock,
2004). According to R.A. Yamin and D.J. Harmelink, to accurately plan, predict and
control the construction process is critical for the successful project management
(Harmelink & Yamin, 2001). They also recommended that schedules should always be
Time, cost and quality are the three elements that are considered in the process of
project management. In fact, they are not separate elements, but are tightly connected.
When estimating the cost of a given project, the standards of quality and time required to
amount of time and cost have to be contributed. In this thesis, the research focuses on time
and cost.
Time and cost management for a construction project have been the most important
issues since the advent of the construction industry. Various factors are involved in the
uncertainty of project development. Many efforts have been made to integrate schedule and
and models in several studies. The following sections include a literature search and
1.2. Project Time Control
important consideration for the parties involved. However, it is very common that projects
are seldom completed on time (Nassar, Gunnarsson, & Hegab, 2005). To minimize the
disparity between the real practice and the original plan, a lot of researchers are dedicated
to search for solutions. Currently, a number of tools regarding time control exist, some of
which differ for their functions, and some of which are only designed for certain projects
(Harmelink & Yamin, 2001). Researchers are still looking for a more integrated tool to
Critical path method (CPM) networks and bar charts are two basic approaches used
to lay out the project schedules. The CPM schedule is mainly used from the beginning of
the planning phase to the end of the project. It shows the logical relationships between
project activities in the form of network diagrams, which can give the user a conceptual
idea about how to carry out the project. However, Nassar, Gunnarsson, and Hegab (2005)
pointed out that the CPM scheduling is still lacking realistic expectation regarding actual
performance. Kim and de la Garza (2003) also stated the reason that CPM overlooks the
limitation of resources in practice. Koo and Fischer (2000) associated the drawings with the
related activities for presenting the schedules, which showed the importance of using two-
Therefore, as more information is considered when planning, the more closely the
plan will be to actual practice. The theory is true, but it will lead to another challenge: how
to put all the information together. Although a lot of tools are used in traditional processes,
no one can carry all the information. Furthermore, linkage between tools can be another
issue, which sometimes may become the communication barrier because many parties are
Proper cost control is also a vital ingredient for a successful project. The first step
of cost control is to identify the factors that affect project costs. The existing factors can be
divided into two major categories: quantitative factors and qualitative factors. Currently,
the AEC industry researchers have given many efforts to develop techniques that only
consider quantitative factors and ignore qualitative factors such as “client priority on
the exact cost to complete construction projects (Gould, 2004). It is common to see that the
final project cost is higher than the budgeted cost. It was reported that a cost overrun is one
of the main problems in the AEC industry (Reina & Angelo, 2002). Peeters and Madauss
(2008) stated the biggest cause of cost overruns is inaccurate estimation at the beginning of
a project.
An estimate is a general evaluation of the future project cost, and the budget
represents the amount of money that the stakeholders would like to invest. The more
accurate the estimate is, the closer the budget is to the actual cost, which means the profit is
1.4. Evolution of Computer-Aided Design and Construction
1.4.1. From 2D to 3D
Currently, the AEC industry is facing enormous technical and institutional
transformations with their resulting difficulties and challenges. One very important
instrument to such change is the use of information technology and the application of
sustainable practices. The advanced technology has simplified the project delivery in many
documentation, etc. Productivity has been highly improved compared to the past.
A 2D CAD approach, such as AutoCAD, has been adopted as the main design tool
in the AEC industry. Designing on paper drawings is really complicated and requires the
high-level skills of drafters. Because the CAD age is taking over, there are no such
requirements for hand drawings any more, and the revision of work also becomes much
easier. With the introduction of innovative and more efficient construction techniques,
equipment, materials, management initiatives, and project delivery methods (Pena-Mora &
Park, 2001), the AEC industry has improved remarkably over the last few decades.
However, CAD is only for electronic drafting, and the lack of diverse information
has limited its development. Most people involved with construction projects believe that
the only use of 2D instructions is an imperfect method of planning and managing complex
projects. With traditional processes, projects are mainly managed based on the drawings,
plans and specifications. These resources provide the layout of building components and
the scope of construction activities (Benjaoran & Bhokha, 2009). Then, PMs have to
mentally generate 3D building models from these 2D resources and to associate these 3D
building models with construction schedules. In this process, people use 2D information to
communicate, and the 2D information helps form 3D visualizations in each person’s mind
which is his own understanding of the information. Then every time the information moves
between individuals, it requires a 2D-to-3D translation, until the information finally needs
to be visualized correctly by the person who constructs the project. These steps may allow
oversights and errors to go undetected until it is too late to address them effectively.
1.4.2. 4D
Most people in construction believe that only using 2D instructions is an imperfect
method for planning and managing complex projects. Thus, it requires the project manager
to have a strong background and a long time of spatial-time analysis to redraw the
construction process in his mind. This high requirement has become an obstacle for
that all project participants involved to exactly understand the entire process and schedules
In such cases, an integrated model is needed. The model should be able to facilitate
efficient planning by integrating the schedule and cost, and easily control both schedule
and cost. The emergence of 3D CAD software simplifies the use of 3D graphical models in
constructed. These models are used to resolve constructability problems, conduct interfere
problems, and to perform scheduling and hazard analysis. Koo and Fischer (2000) linked a
interference analysis and space conflict identification. The 4D models can not only
represent the project in a 3D CAD environment, but can also connect the objects of models
with their corresponding schedule. It is like watching a manual made in a movie for
building a house. Chau, Anson, and DeSaram (2005) also successfully developed a 4D
model for site utilization to demonstrate its impact on efficiency. However, this concept of
4D modeling has just begun, and it still needs more research to identify its potential value,
This chapter discusses the concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM), and its
functions and role are introduced. Current BIM software is also discussed mainly focusing
As such, it serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a facility forming a
reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle from inception onward” (Smith & Edgar,
2009). Thus, BIM is a concept for a series of techniques that enable the process and
practice of virtual design and construction through the project life cycle.
model consists of 3D animation of actual building components, which also carry the
manufacturers, structures’ fire rating, etc. From the first element put into the model, the
properties are well defined and will always stay in the model. In addition, the models also
form a platform for project participants to share knowledge and to communicate. The
This new technology has been implemented by AEC firms because the productivity
gains and long-term benefits compared to existing practices are evident. BIM technology is
taking the architecture and design industry by storm. As early as 2005, design programs
across the globe began to investigate BIM, and many decided to add this event to their
curriculum. In 2007, it was reported that the number of licensed seats of AutoDesk Revit
had grown from 100,000 to 200,000 worldwide (AutoDesk Press Releases Archive, 2007).
The development of technology has promoted the evolution of the AEC industry, but
whether new techniques can satisfy the industry’s desire still requires further proofs. Of
course, as more people learn about BIM, this number will keep growing faster, which
indicates that the AEC industry is firmly heading in the BIM direction.
Experience shows that there are many questions that need to be answered before
BIM could be implemented for a project. What is the purpose of using BIM? What type of
relevant information is required in the model to provide value to each project participant?
Who is going to develop, update, and maintain the BIM? Does the modeler have enough
expertise to update the work? How many models will there be? Are these models going to
be interoperable? How is the BIM going to be shared? What BIM tools are going to be
used? Is the contract language conducive to the use of BIM in the project? Although the
concept of BIM is already accepted in the construction field, its application and potential
BIM is not a kind of software, but is a new concept which can improve the quality
and efficiency of every link in the AEC industry chain. Lately, practitioners are embracing
new modes of interdisciplinary information sharing and are focusing on one emerging and
fast growing concept: BIM. Because BIM enables users to have an overview of the
subcontractors, and others, the BIM use can benefit all the stakeholders involved with the
design, construction, ownership, and operation of buildings all through the project life
cycle. In this section, the main BIM functions for project time and cost control is
introduced, and the application is explained. BIM is a great visualization tool. It provides
phase of the project, the construction manager can provide renderings, walkthroughs, and
same model, users can have a common understanding of the project. It takes away the
thought process of bringing the different traditional 2D views together to create the 3D
view. BIM techniques simplify the preparation of mock-ups, such as building envelopes or
building components. Virtual mock-ups can be provided to the designer and the owner
during project meetings. The virtual mock-ups enhance the process of communication and
collaboration. The developers can use them to visualize, understand, and make decisions on
the aesthetics and the functionality of the space. The utility of mock-ups also promotes
virtual mock-ups of complex building components, such as curtain walls, the architects can
quickly make decisions on design alternatives. The virtual mock-ups enable the architects
to work with contractors on constructability analysis, which reduces risk, saves time, and
solves potential design issues in advance of construction. Physical mock-ups may not be
fully replaced because they are still required if the members need physical testing. Hence,
virtual mock-ups could become a good standard to initiate the mock-up process and an
2.3. BIM Tools
As the BIM concept spreads, a great number of tools are developed to achieve its
perspectives. These tools vary depending on the end user, the use purpose, and the
construction stage at which they are used. Table 1 shows the main BIM software used for
information as possible, while others are developed for special purpose depending on the
user’s needs. However, adopting BIM techniques involves much more than simply
switching to its supporting software. The basic function of BIM is to enable 3D modeling
and information management. Supporting by the software, BIM will lead to a unified
progressively and will continue the decline if traditional processes remain unchanged.
Figure 1 (Teicholz, 2004) describes the productivities of construction and non-farm labor
from 1964 to 2003. It indicates that the construction productivity decreased through those
decades while the productivity of non-farm labor kept rising. This trend is extremely
alarming and indicates that the traditional project delivery processes no longer fit the time
There are various factors that cause a loss of productivities, such as, weather,
Maloney, 2009; Jarkas, 2012). Changes have to be made to the AEC industry to avoid
being eliminated. More productive methods for project delivery method should be
developed. Currently, a lot of efforts have been focused on the support of advanced
Construction projects often experience time and cost overruns, most of which are
usually caused by construction rework. Rework has been defined as: "The unnecessary
effort of re-doing a process or activity that is incorrectly implemented the first time" (Love
& Edwards, 2004). According to the research engaged by Construction Industry Institute
(CII), the direct costs caused by rework ranges from 0.5% to 19% of the total project costs
(CII, 2005).
Rework can have severe consequences, such as cost and time overruns. Besides
these direct consequences, there might also be indirect consequences, such as stress, de-
factor affecting cost performance in the construction industry. Rework events can have
many different origins, and for this research they have been categorized into four
categories: changes, errors, omissions and damages. This thesis focuses on how to use BIM
It is true that the AEC industry has moved to the CAD stage. With this advanced
technology, the AEC industry is brought to a higher level: the design process is simplified;
data can be conveniently stored and shared; the quality of drawings is improved; etc.
However, the contradiction between the architect and constructor, as before, remains
unresolved. Frequently with building projects, some special parts are non-constructible.
Even if they could be completed, the cost is very high. With CAD, this issue is
unpredictable at the design stage. Once these issues are encountered in the construction
process, contractors have to submit their request for information (RFI) and then wait for the
engineers’ response. If the RFI is processed, change orders are issued to let the contractor
continue construction work according to the revised drawings and specifications. Every
time the above process happens, additional time and/or cost is incurred. Meanwhile, since a
lot of organizations are involved in this process, productivity is also affected because of
ineffective communication and coordination. Therefore, the current AEC industry lacks a
The AEC industry consists of many separate layers, and the amount of information
a construction project contains is tremendous. Project time and cost are the two main
elements that concerns all stakeholders. These elements are vital to the project, and they
can be the basic foundation for decision-making, collaboration, procurement, etc. The
Cost estimation for construction projects usually starts with quantification, which is
following these steps: (1) identify quantitative data used for estimating according to project
drawings and specifications; (2) analyze data generated and (3) produce plans. In the
traditional approach, this process is primarily completed manually with a high possibility
of human errors. The problem becomes even worse when preparing estimates for large and
complex projects. Obviously, the stakeholders do not want to spend their money and efforts
Problems may also be found at the end of the construction phase, or even after the
construction is done: well-furnished walls still need punching through to add attachments;
warning signs are hung all over the buildings to remind people be cautious; after a water
pipe blowout, it takes too long to go through the drawings to find the right valve; etc. These
issues are also the factors that increase project time and cost. Unlike earthquakes, or other
acts of God, such problems are evitable with thorough preparation. This challenge is still a
great issue that the AEC industry is currently facing. There is also a demand for a more
advanced tool to manage the building information throughout its life cycle.
On the other hand, the technology that supports the AEC industry keeps growing,
but few companies have embraced this development very effectively. In today’s AEC
industry climate, the information world is at a point of transferring from two dimensional
(2D) systems to three dimensional (3D) systems. Many companies and organizations have
as much as possible.
BIM is one of the 3D modeling solutions that is being given close attention. It
suggests that the best way to build and maintain a construction project is to create a digital
3D model that illustrates everything about the building, from its basic geometry to the
model number of its connecting bolts. Using BIM presents plenty of potential, and
researchers believe that this new technology will bring the AEC industry to a whole new
generation. It was reported that almost “50% of the AEC industry is using BIM; 87% of
expert users are experiencing positive return on investment with BIM; 93% of BIM users
believe that more return can be achieved for the potential value of BIM” (Young, Jones,
traditional plan-build-operate life cycle. Because starting BIM increases the firm’s cost and
requires a big learning curve, owners, designers, and contractors are all concerned about
the project’s cost, which might limit the use of BIM from many perspectives of cost. It is
obvious and important to further investigate how a project’s time and cost can be impacted
The main purpose of this research is to conduct a pilot and case study of using BIM
to help control the project’s time and cost. The objectives of this study are: (1) to examine
the benefits of using BIM for project time and cost control and (2) to study the challenges
of applying BIM to a case project during its life cycle. This project is being achieved by
introducing AutoDesk Revit Architecture (The 2009version was used in the study.) as the
BIM software to develop project control and by generating data from the case-study project
with a local architect and construction firm for discussion and analysis.
This thesis was based on a case study to discuss the impact of applying the BIM
technique to project time and cost control. The BIM models were supplied by the architect,
and other project-related information was obtained and organized through meetings with
architects. The methodology used basically contained a (1) literature review and (2) case-
project time and cost control, and CAD and BIM applications. Basic concepts and current
methods of project time and cost control were reviewed and presented. Existing problems
that cause time and cost overruns in the AEC industry were described.
Then a local architect and construction management firm was consulted to work
together with a real project’s BIM model. The process and model were analyzed. Data
analysis based on the 3D models was conducted to illustrate how this new project delivery
method can help optimize a project’s time and cost control. Major challenges for the BIM
process were stated, and the solutions to address these challenges are also addressed.
In the end, the benefits of using BIM to deliver the project were highlighted.
Recommendations for the future use of BIM, in general, were made. The main barriers that
introduces project management. Chapter 2 summarizes the literature review conducted, and
new technologies including BIM and its applications are discussed. Chapter 3 explains
reports the case study. A brief summary of the project information is presented. Major
challenges, solutions, features and applications are summarized in this chapter. Chapter 6
concludes the benefits of using BIM to deliver projects and makes recommendations for
the future use of BIM. Chapter 7 discusses the main barriers that constrain the development
of BIM as well as the limitations and future work. Case-study model data and information
In this chapter, a case study is developed to discuss how the application of BIM
affects time and cost control in practice. The Revit model is studied to analyze the BIM
applications. Major benefits and challenges from the project are summarized.
The case project is to build a Scheels All Sports retail center in Springfield, Illinois.
Scheels Sporting Goods chain is the owner; R.L. Engebretson Architects serves as the lead
architectural design team. The original models and data studied in the case are all obtained
from R.L. Engebretson. Table 2 is a summary of the basic project information, and Figure
2 shows how the retail center will likely be rendered in AutoDesk Revit 2009. This project
is a two-story store which will include 90 specialty shops; a gift lodge; virtual golf and
shooting galleries; a 60-foot Ferris wheel; a giant aquarium; and a hall of presidents,
including an animated Abraham Lincoln. The site area is over 200,000 square feet. It is
planned as the anchor for a larger retail and commercial development at the south end of
the MacArthur extension at Interstate 72. In fact, the Springfield store is a new property for
R.L. Engebretson is the one of the first companies that is using the BIM process to
architectural, interior design, and construction management services with its corporate
headquarters in Fargo, North Dakota. It has a long business relationship with the Scheels
Sporting Goods chain. The following sections report the analysis and discussion of the
case-study project as a summary for the model data. However, much more information can
Location Springfield, IL
GC Sampson Construction
5.2. Model Analysis and Discussion
learned about plentiful benefits that it can bring. At the same time, some people are
confused about what the BIM process is, additionally what it can specifically do is still a
confusing question. In this section, further discussion about the impact of BIM to the
Figure 3 shows the basic BIM process of project delivery. The project usually starts
with the development of 3D BIM models. This stage is complex; during it the architects
design and test the models, back and forth until no more clashes are detected visually. At
that time, the coordinated BIM model is formed. Quantities can be extracted from this
model for estimating, scheduling, etc. During construction, BIM models are used for
directing, decision making and change management. After the project is finished, an as-
built model is prepared for future use, bringing the model to another project cycle. The
BIM models act as interactive connections to coordinate all project participants throughout
the design, pre-construction, facility management, and renovation project life cycle.
drawings for different views are completed separately. This method is a very time-
consuming and work-loaded process which also increases the possibility of conflicts. In
addition, if there is a change to one of the drawings, the architect will have to revise all of
the others. However, BIM has introduced new methods to improve the design process.
AutoDesk Revit, known as BIM software, is the main tool for design. Its diverse functions
offer a 3D parametric world, allowing the architect to build projects, and information about
BIM Setup
As-built BIM
Construction Coordinated
Model BIM Model
An example is given to describe the design process for simply creating a 3D wall in
2) Go to the Design Bar on the left side of the window, click on Wall, as shown in
Figure 4a;
3) Use cursor to finish drawing the wall. When moving the cursor, the dimension
4) Once the wall is finished, it will be like the one shown in Figure 4c. At this
point, the 3D wall is completed, too. Go to the Tool Bar; click on 3D; and
Figure 4. Wall Example.
As described above, in Revit, to create the wall, one only needs to draw the shape
on one elevation, and the other elevation drawings are created simultaneously. Not only are
the walls done this way, but the entire BIM model is produced this way. This real-time
access supplies a dynamic environment where all architects for the same project can work
individually on their parts, and then merge the different parts of the work files together to
form the complete model. This process saves a lot of time in the design stage, and much
5.2.3. 3D Visualization
Visualization is the apparent benefit that users have with BIM. BIM models are
created by accurately simulating the actual project field. These models enable the users to
see the building before the ground is broken. This function is tremendously important for
all the project stakeholders because it can be difficult to visualize the structure from a stack
of 2D drawings.
Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, and Figure 8 show the different views of the Scheels
retail center model created in AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2009. The parametric flexibility
offered in Revit is compelling. Unlike 2D applications, the views in BIM models are very
similar to the real world. Each model is visible both vertically and horizontally; one can
look over and under the models as well as from side to side without any other tools.
Furthermore, Revit also enables the users to virtually walk through the space and to view
the interiors and exteriors from a variety of angles prior to the start of any construction.
Thus, the 3D visualization provides the client with a directly accurate impression for how
Figure 6. Scheels Retail Center: East View.
Figure 8. Scheels Retail Center: Top View.
conflict detection to identify the physical clash of building components. This function is
used mostly for structure and MEP installation, but can also be used to detect design
mistakes based on the 3D visualization. It is a common problem that design teams are
working under pressure to complete their work at the lowest price to remain competitive.
Shortcuts, which may cause design mistakes, are often taken. In traditional processes,
people have to go through complex procedures to locate the interferences during the design
phase. Otherwise, the mistakes remain hidden until problems are encountered when the
project is moved to the construction phase. With this circumstance, change orders are the
common way to keep the project moving. This process, inevitably, will affect the original
plan, resulting in overtime and extra cost. Therefore, the later conflicts are found, the
Figure 9 is a better illustration to show this issue. This figure is called the McLeamy
Curve (Construction Users Roundtable, 2004), where curve 1 represents the “ability to
control cost,” curve 2 represents the “cost of design changes,” curve 3 represents the
“traditional process,” and curve No.4 represents the “BIM process.” It is very clear that, as
the project moves through the stages, the ability to control project cost goes down, and the
cost to make changes increases. Compared with curve 3, most of the project costs for the
BIM process occurs at the beginning of the project cycle when it is easier to control cost
With the BIM process, the coordinated models allow users to check for design
conflicts and potential constructability issues among all the building systems at the front
end of a project from the office instead of at the job site. This way can drastically reduce
the number of change orders, save thousands of dollars in wasted effort, and accelerate the
for the construction industry, have made it difficult for the exchange and sharing of
information during the different phases and different application systems, and have blocked
the application of information technology in the construction area. Therefore, it has become
a research direction and trend to construct the building life cycle management framework
The core essence of BIM is “I”, which represents the information that the BIM
models can carry. Unlike a 2D drawing, the 3D models created in Revit are not only simple
graphics of the future building; but they also record all data for a project throughout the
project life cycle. Each element input into the Revit model must be defined in detail. As
Figure 10 shows, when a door is created in Revit Architecture, its basic properties, such as
material, type, thickness, height, width, fire rating, etc., are defined. When the information
is input, the data are saved in the database corresponding to the component.
Figure 10. Define a Door in Revit.
When using traditional processes, the design and construction teams are
disconnected. The architect creates a building component with 2D drawings, but when the
contractor reviews the drawings at the job site, a different one may form in his mind. To
minimize the probability of this error happening, BIM seeks to reconnect the information
and the people. Figure 11shows the detailed properties for the door created as well as its
3D view. This function gives all the viewers direct and highly detailed information. The
components can be as detailed as a small bolt used in the structures as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11. Door Properties in Revit.
Meanwhile, the information in the database is not isolated by itself but linked with
each other. Therefore, if one item is changed, the other related items are automatically
updated. Likewise, the plans, drawings, specifications, takeoffs, etc. are all saved
electronically in the same database at the time they are created. They can all be generated
through relevant views. For example, Figure 13 is the main floor view; Figure 14 is part of
the column material quantity takeoffs; Figure 15 is the drawing sheet for the wall material
takeoffs. They are all automatically recorded in the database during the design process,
Figure 14. Part of Column Material Takeoffs.
The files carrying the building information can also be exported for other specific
purposes. The function of BIM and its supporting software make the information
transmission and storage highly efficient. Significantly, the information in the databases
stays with the building throughout its life cycle, meaning that even after the construction
the information can still be significant for future maintenance or other purposes.
element of the design, and each design change requires numerous documents to be revised,
checked and approved by at least one other party. This procedure is very labor intensive
and can cause significant project delays. A 3D computer model is an extremely useful tool
fundraising campaigns. For this case project, the BIM models brought the stakeholders
together early in the conceptual design stage. Based on the same 3D models, all project
Figure 16 shows that BIM acts as a connection medium among the owner, architect,
contractor, and engineer. Through each link to BIM, these four parts are indirectly
connected. The collaborations between different parties are all achieved based on BIM.
BIM significantly improves information sharing and communication between the different
Figure 16. Relationships Based on BIM.
For this project the flow of information was entirely fluid throughout the design and
the construction process. Because the design team members used the BIM models in a
linked format, they were able to constantly coordinate on issues as they occurred and to
immediately confirm that changes were picked up in the model. Expectations for consistent
electronic and verbal communication were made from the outset. By interfacing with team
members and the client on a regular basis, the team was able to assess changes and make
any necessary updates to the model in a timely manner. This coordination amplified the
team’s ability to use the BIM modeling system to efficiently deliver their designs.
Throughout the design process, models were shared via a FTP site. This FTP option is also
be available at the job site, through a computer, so that this information and the model can
The first step of estimating is to identify the quantitative data that can be used
because the accuracy of the data collection method is extremely important for the plan’s
outcome. BIM offers a new way to record data as real building components. For example,
when all the properties of a window are defined in Revit, they are always grouped together.
This means that part of the model can be scheduled or quantified as the window is created,
Revit, as the design tool, automatically records and calculates the data input into the
program, carrying information about quantity, cost, and types. These data are not
independent. The function of Revit enables users to export data. For example, one can
export the material takeoffs in Revit, put them into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (Figure
17), and then send them to the cost estimator. The function of Revit enables users to export
them out. For example, one can export the material takeoffs in Revit, put it into a
spreadsheet, and then send it to the cost estimator. Besides the function embedded in Revit,
data can also be extracted with various tools, which are developed by a third party for to
Revit, as a platform, provides accurate data for project participants. As long as all
the data input into Revit are correct, Revit can process them without faults. Because Revit
runs all by itself to generate quantity takeoffs for cost estimation, the time spent by the
reduced. The takeoffs generated in Revit can be used as the basis for cost estimating,
The application of the BIM process also improves the way engineers develop the
project schedule. To plan a project with BIM, a fourth dimension, time, is added to the 3D
model, forming the 4D model. This concept is still new to most people due to technical
challenges for its application, but the emergence of BIM has totally changed the situation.
The 4D scheduling model allows people to link components in the 3D BIM model to the
corresponding tasks and time. This represents a visual representation of a project timeline,
which again raises the probability to resolve conflicts before the construction of projects.
With the 3D building model linked to schedules, the project constructors can evaluate
There are also schedules stored in the Revit model; they specify the quantities of
components, such as wall length, wall area, and the numbers of doors/windows. In fact,
these schedules are also views. The following steps show how to achieve a wall schedule in
1) In the opened Revit project, go to Tool Bar; find the View tab; click on New,
2) A dialog similar to Figure 19 opens. Revit supplies many categories for users to
3) In this dialog (Figure 20), the properties of the wall schedule can be defined by
adding expected fields, and then, click OK to see the schedule (Figure 21).
The schedule created in Revit can be saved as views, and can also be exported for
other purposes. For example, the schedule for the windows is exported to Excel for the
manufacturer because, sometimes, they do not need drawings. Back to the 4D scheduling
model, various tools, such as AutoDesk Navisworks Manage, Vico Software, and Tekla
BIM sight, are available now to support this scheduling method as the technology grows.
Figure 18. Dialog of Creating a New View in Revit.
Figure 20. Dialog of Schedule Properties in Revit.
5.5. Major Challenges and Corresponding Solutions
The researcher contacted the R.L Engebretson Group, and submitted requests to
using its BIM models. Once approved, the case study started with understanding the
models. The information sections helped the data collection and organizing. Detailed
Through the information sections, major challenges during the application of BIM
were first found by the architects, and corresponding solutions for those problems were
AutoDesk Revit Architecture 2009 as the design software to start the project. To fully
benefit from this tool, high-level operating skills are required. Because the concept of BIM
is still relatively new, the company was at the stage of transferring from AutoCAD to
Revit. Although most architects in the company are AutoCAD professionals, that
knowledge of using AutoCAD would not help too much when learning Revit. Affected by
the time required for the learning curve, the time for design work was going to be extended.
As a result, the project would be delayed, and extra cost would be added, going against the
original purpose of using the BIM process as the project-delivery method. Several means
These solutions produced good results. Especially, the newly hired employees
task. This process involves simultaneously working on and saving different portions of the
project. Revit enables users to work on individual worksets that are subdivided from the
original Revit project, the central file. When the users finish their worksets, they can save
them on the individual user end and publish it to the central file. The challenge here is that
a data-access rule is defined in Revit to prevent possible project conflicts, once a user starts
accessing or updating his work to the central file, it remains unchangeable to others until
the authority is released. This principle means that all the design teams have to import their
work in the central file one by one. For large projects, such as Scheels Sporting Goods
retail center, a large number of design teams are involved. Throughout the BIM process,
the possibility of conflicts can be limited to a lower level. The time for data accessing can
be much more challenging, and this issue can be the factor that affects the total project
time. During this process, two measures were implemented as solutions for this problem:
1) Before the starting the design, a clear schedule of data access for each design
profiles, because it shows the quality and ability of the company in the industry. Another
reason to maintain a project database is that it can also be used for similar projects or
rebuilding projects in the future. Although the highly developed technology has enabled
with multi-aspect compatibility is still needed. The Revit database is used because Revit
has its own method to maintain the database of building information, and the database can
Although challenges exists in the application of BIM for building projects, the
company has the confidence that the adopting BIM would be the most efficient and suitable
way to achieve its goals based on many years in this business. Using BIM, company
architects can quickly evaluate design schemes, make the right decisions at early project
stages, and efficiently cooperate with the organizations involved. The advantages of this
highly advanced technology will also benefit the participants throughout the project life
5.5.4. Prefabrication
One of the most import goal of project control is safety on the construction site. The
contractors always wants to control the size of field crews, the number of large equipment
workshops, the amount of labors and equipment in job site can be reduced. Fewer materials
are necessary to be stored, which lowers the chance of losing and wasting. However,
prefabrication can also cause problems. Preparing for fabrication is a time consuming
process which involves many complex factors. Ordering the wrong parts would endanger
the project outcome, and late delivery would delay the project duration sequentially. So the
great challenge here is how to determine whether the component can be prefabricated and
BIM brings construction parties to get involved at early project stage. This
facilitates the communication among them. On this case project, the contractor had
sufficient time to look for manufacturers and schedule delivery with them. The
subcontractors joined the team in time to collaborate with contractors working on BIM
models. These digital models can be easily broken down to fabrication workflows.
Outstanding for accurate real-time design, BIM effectively cuts down errors during
Undeniably, from paper-based design to CAD, the remarkable technology leap has
taken the AEC industry to a computer-based age. What BIM can bring is not only another
leap, but also a subversive change for the entire industry. In this new era, the design is not
merely about drawings, but is more a serious of virtual processes of building models. The
application of BIM can spread throughout the project life cycle, from the planning stage to
construction and installation, and even rebuilding or dismantling. BIM is improving the
The overall objective of this research was to see if BIM can reduce project time and
save money. To find the result, the researchers introduced a BIM-centered project delivery
process. The case study developed for this thesis showed the application of BIM in
practice. This study compared the BIM processes with the traditional processes for project
delivery, combining the actual use of BIM, and found the benefits of applying BIM to the
project: fast real-time design; accurate 3D visualization with multiple design views;
Although there are various benefits when using BIM for project time and cost
control, the learning curve required and the initial cost for BIM setup could be the main
barriers for the spread of this advanced technology. A long-sighted company should be
confident that the rewards of bringing in BIM are more significant. The application of BIM
also meets the standard of sustainability in various ways: shortening the field-cycle time,
construction, saving energy, increasing labor productivity, etc. In summary, the impact of
BIM on time and cost control is all about minimizing cost and accelerating progress.
After seeing the outcomes of this study, it would be beneficial to conduct further
study about the use of BIM. Because the AEC industry is still at a stage transferring into
the 3D world, a lot more research would be required to promote the development of new
techniques. Overall, the cost of the BIM and its supporting technologies can be expensive
at the start. However, the powerful uses of BIM increase profits, lowers costs, and shorten
scheduling time. This nature determines that BIM will be the trend of the AEC industry.
Thanks to the advanced technology, various software is developed to extend the BIM
application. But not all of them are suitable for any kind of projects. So the new
In this study only one case was studied, and the type of project were limited.
Therefore, a direction for future work on this subject is to develop more studies on various
projects. More research about the connection and compatibility of BIM tools with other
software will also be inquired. Because multi-dimensional models are becoming more
attractive for multivariate data visualization, their application would require further review.
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Structural Column Material Takeoff (continued)
Assembly Material:
Type Description Length Area Material: Name
Wall Schedule
Family and Type Code Assembly Description
Basic Wall: 8" CMU - 2" Rigid B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Ext - 8" CMU Actual B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Ext - 12" CMU B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Ext - Elev Chase Wall - Dog House- Ext. Wall - Wood Stud w/ Siding &
8"stud - 1/2" Gyp- 1/2" Coverboard B2010180 Shingles
Basic Wall: Ext - Mtl - 8" - 1/2" Gyp - 1" Rigid B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Ext -Scheelsl Atrium Sill- B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 6" - 5/8" Gyp - 1/2" Gyp C1010145 Partitions - Drywall w/ Metal Stud
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 6" - (1)5/8" Gyp C1010145 Partitions - Drywall w/ Metal Stud
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 6" - (2) 5/8" Gyp B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 6" - (2) 5/8" Gyp - 1
Hour C1010145 Partitions - Drywall w/ Metal Stud
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 8" B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 8" - 1" Rigid - 1/2" Gyp -
5/8" Gyp B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: Int - Mtl - 8" - 5/8" Gyp B2010175 Ext. Wall - Metal Siding Panels
Basic Wall: M5e - Ext - SAS Canopy - 6" - 1/2" Ext. Wall - Wood Stud w/ Siding &
Gyp - 1" Metal Panel B2010180 Shingles
Basic Wall: Pallet Storage
Basic Wall: RoofWall- Mtl - 6" - (1)1/2"
Sheath-(1)1/2" Densdeck-epdm C1010145 Partitions - Drywall w/ Metal Stud
Basic Wall: SAS Pilaster @ Loading Dock Base
- Brick - 3 5/8" AS- 11 5/8" CMU-AS-3 5/8"
Brick -no wrap B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: SAS Pilaster @ Loading Dock
Upper -15' Brick - 3 5/8" AS-CMU 11 5/8" B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: SAS Stud 8" - Gyp 5/8" (1 side) B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS Back
wall - top B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS back
wall Mid 1 B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS Back
wall-Base 1 B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS End 2 B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS End @
glass B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS End
base B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Basic Wall: Scheels - High Parapet EIFS End
base @ glass B2010158 Ext. Wall - Brick Veneer w/ Stud
Wall Schedule (continued)
Family and Type Code Assembly Description
Wall Schedule (continued)
Family and Type Code Assembly Description