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Node workshop

Creating an API for your next web application!

What is this about?
We will build a web server using Node.js and friends, focusing entirely on backend development.
The code and concepts here would be a great foundation for your next web project!
Topics include, but not limited to:
● Using Node and Express
● Routing, request and response
● Building a REST API
● Server-rendered templates
● Connecting to a NoSQL (mongo) database
● Using external APIs, such as Spotify
For Windows users:
Check out this doc if having problems with Node,
npm installation
We need: https://goo.gl/WN3LmA

1. WiFi! 📶
2. Join the Slack: http://bit.ly/37HQkkK
3. Install Git and Sign up to Github (if you don’t have one yet)
○ You’ll need this to fork the Github Repo
4. Install Chrome/Firefox
5. Install VSCode - why? bash terminals built-in
6. Install node - install latest LTS version
○ Download and install from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
○ To test: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/getting-started-guide/
7. Check out the cheat sheet https://goo.gl/m8i2gc for some quick info
Nice to haves! (optional but recommended)
Please install these before the workshop

- JSON Viewer browser plugin

- plenty out there. this is my fave for Chrome

- Install mongodb (we will use mLab but local DB is good to have for testing)
- Follow https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
Git setup also in Slack #resources
1. Log-in to github
2. Go to https://github.com/lenmorld/node_workshop
3. In github, fork branch
○ You’ll be asked to login to your github account
4. On local terminal, clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/node_workshop.git
or use SSH if you’d like
5. Checkout dev branch (which should be an empty slate)
$ cd node_workshop
$ git checkout dev
6. Open code editor with node_workshop as the root directory
7. We’re ready!
Git: exploring workshop code
also in Slack #resources
Comparing branches

1. Each chapter/step is numbered, corresponding to a github branch

2. See diff at any step, e.g. to see code in step c1.2
Or use this in Github

Checkout code at any step:

$ git stash // (and/or git clean -fd) (or commit + push in a new branch)
$ git checkout <chapter> // e.g. git checkout c4.1
$ npm install // if needed, install deps to make code work
$ npm start // if needed, restart server
Let’s make this better!
After the workshop/before you leave
Please answer a short survey about the workshop

Please go to the code repo, and give it a star

(if it deserves one, of course!)

Any mistakes or improvements, please submit an issue

or even better, contribute to open-source! (ping me in Slack for details)
1 Node Basics
c1.0 Hello World console.log()

Execute node server.js

$ node server.js
>> Hello World!

Sample directory structure:

Review of Client-server architecture
REST allows stateless connection between client and server using HTTP protocols and


Since it’s stateless, Since it’s stateless,

client can be in any server can be in any
language/platform language/platform
that implements that implements
HTTP HTTP (here, we’re
(here we’re using using Node)
browser and CLI)
# to restart server
CRTL+C to stop server
$ node server.js

c1.1 - Hello World! server >> Server listening at 4000

with some ES6 syntax

// server.js

// import built-in Node package

const http = require('http'); ES6 const
const port = 4000;

const server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { // Callback function

// Response header
res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
// send response
res.end("Hello World\n");

server.listen(port, function () { // Callback function

console.log(`Server listening at ${port}`);
}); ES6 template literals
Client and Server setup
Server: runs on our machine as localhost:4000
Client: sends HTTP requests to the server, which can also process and display
the response from the server.

Server running in
# CLIENT: on another terminal
$ curl localhost:4000
>> Hello World
C1.2 - Hello World - JSON
// server.js

const http = require('http');

const port = 4000;
ES6 arrow function
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
// Response header
res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" });

// JSON object
const song = {
id: 12345,
favorite: false,
title: "Hello World",
artist: "Node programmer",
# to restart server
album: "Node EP"
}; CRTL+C to stop server
$ node server.js
// send JSON response to client
>> Server listening at 4000
res.end(JSON.stringify(song)); // JSON.stringify({a: 1}) -> '{"a":1}'

server.listen(port, function () { // Callback function

console.log(`Server listening at ${port}`);
why JSON?
C1.3 - Hello World - HTML

// server.js
// Response header
res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/html" });

# to restart server
// send HTML response to client # CRTL+C to stop server
res.end("<h1>Hello World</h1>"); $ node server.js
}); >> Starting server at 4000
How about serving HTML files?
c1.4 - Using npm and installing express
Express simplifies web server stuff in Node
But first, to install any package (dependency, library) in Node, we need npm

$ npm init -y
$ npm install express

Examine package.json
- installed dependency: express
- Npm scripts
Sidenote: Npm, package.json,

Node_modules contains all the

packages locally
- add to .gitignore !!!

Directory structure:

server.js *include package-lock.json in
package.json the files you check in to git
package-lock.json This is useful in semvar
Express middlewares

Express is a routing and middleware framework.

What’s a middleware?

● Middlewares are functions that has access to request (req) and response
(res) objects
● We use different kinds of middleware to handle requests
Directory structure:
c1.5 - Introduction to Routing node_workshop/
using express server.js
// server.js

// import built-in Node packages

const express = require('express'); // import express Now we can serve index.html using Express.
const server = express(); Create index.html in project root
const port = 4000;

ES6 arrow function <!DOCTYPE html>

server.get("/", (req, res) => {
<html lang="en">
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html'); <head>
}); <title>Node Workshop</title>
ES6 destructuring
server.get("/json", ({res}) => { <body>
<h1 style="color: blue;">
res.send((JSON.stringify({ name: "Lenny" })));
}); </h1>
server.listen(port, () => { // Callback function </html>
Running server and testing
Since we have npm now,
we can use npm start, instead of node server.js
# to restart server
# CRTL+C to stop server
$ npm start

# in another terminal tab/window

$ curl localhost:4000/json
>> {"name":"Lenny"}
c1.6 auto restart server.js on changes
# install nodemon // package.json
$ npm install nodemon ...
"scripts": {
# in package.json, change start script to "test": "...,
# nodemon server.js "start": "nodemon server.js"
# start server ...
$ npm start

*Note that doing $ nodemon server.js in your terminal doesn’t work

but $ npm start works, because npm scripts have access to all the installed deps
Browser dev tools

Network tab
gives details
on request and

Template engine (think JSP, PHP, rhtml but for Node)

Here we will use EJS Template engine, since it’s the closest to HTML

- Simple HTML-like views, but with extra features, like:

- Passing data to view
- <h1><%= my_var %></h1>
- Partials: reusable parts, perfect for site Header, Footer, Nav, etc
- <header><% include ./header.ejs %></header>

- whenever we need server-rendered pages (vs client-rendered)

// server.js
// set the view engine to ejs
server.set('view engine', 'ejs');
c1.7 Using EJS templates // template pages
server.get("/about", (req, res) => {
1. $ npm install ejs
server.get("/info", (req, res) => {
2. Create new folder views res.render('info', { message: 'Hello
and some files under it world' });
NOTE: });
expects a file views/about.ejs // views/info.ejs
<% include ./_header.ejs %>
INFO PAGE <br />
some data passed from server: <br/>
Complete view of code changes: <%= message %>
https://github.com/lenmorld/node_workshop/compare/c1.6...c1.7 </div>
<% include ./_footer.ejs %>
How route handlers work

server.get("/info", (req, res) => {

// ... some request processing
res.render('info', { message: 'Hello world' });

render views/info.ejs,
$ curl https://localhost:4000/info
passing some data
c1.8 express.Router() - Organizing code
// routes/pages.js
const express = require('express');
const server = express.Router();
express.Router() middleware allows us to:

● group the route handlers into route module.exports = server;

modules for a particular part of a site

together // server.js
// import route modules
const pages = require('./routes/pages');
express.Router() + server.use() ...
// template pages
server.use("/", pages);
c1.9 express.Router() - mounting route
module in different route // views/header.ejs

<a href="/pages/info">Info</a>
<a href="/pages/about">About</a>
express.Router() also allows mounting a
// index.html
route module to a route prefix ...
<a href="/pages/info">Info</a>
<a href="/pages/about">About</a>
The good thing with reusable partials like
_header.ejs is you only change it ones for
those views that uses header.ejs.

express.Router() + server.use()
// server.js
server.use("/pages", pages);
BONUS: debugging Node.js in VS Code
Debugging Node.js in VSCode works out of the box
Details: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/nodejs-debugging

What can you do with this knowledge?
- Server-rendered pages in HTML (static data) or EJS (dynamic data)
- Simple routing
- using Router() to organize route handlers
2 Building a REST server
aka RESTful (HTTP) API web (server)

*We’re building our own API, not using an external API (more on that later)
HTTP requests cardio 🏃🏃‍♀
Try out these commands to understand HTTP methods, JSON, URL params,
request body, content-type

Sample commands:

$ curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
$ curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title": "foo", "body": "bar",
"userId": 1}' https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title": "foo", "body": "bar",
"userId": 2}' https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
$ curl -X DELETE https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1

Sample requests cheat sheet: Slack #node_resources “HTTP Snippets”

c2.0 setup: CRUD route module
// server.js
Add a new route module routes/crud.js // import route modules
const pages = require('./routes/pages');
const crud = require('./routes/crud');
Use from server.js
server.use("/pages", pages);
// crud
server.use("/", crud);

// routes/crud.js

const express = require("express");

const server = express.Router();

module.exports = server;
// data.js

c2.1 The data we’ll use module.exports = {

name: "Song List",
owner: "Lenny",
list: [
1. Create file /data.js {
id: "0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA",
a. Copy from Slack #node_snippets: data.js artist: "Muse",
title: "Madness",
2. Import data.js from server.js album: "The 2nd Law"
a. Test by console.log() },
id: "2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a",
* This data is in JSON format artist: "One Republic",
title: "I Lived",
* Node uses a module system to share code between album: "Native"
files }
// routes/crud.js
// import data and controllers
const data = require('./data');
console.log(`song: ${data.list[0].title} by ${data.list[0].artist}`);
Implementing CRUD in REST HTTP

A REST HTTP web server API provides CRUD functionality to its clients

CRUD method HTTP Verb

Create POST

Read GET

Update PUT

c2.2 Read all items: GET /items route

// routes/crud.js
// CRUD RESTful API routes
server.get("/items", (req, res) => {

$ curl http://localhost:4000/items Request

[{"id":"0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA","artist":"Muse","title":"Madness","album":"The 2nd
Law"},{"id":"2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a","artist":"One Republic","title":"I Lived","album":"Native"}]
c2.3 Read one item: GET /items/:id route
// routes/crud.js

ES6 arrow
// get an item identified by id
function and
server.get("/items/:id", (req, res) => {
implicit return
const itemId = req.params.id;
const item = data.list.find( _item => _item.id === itemId );

$ curl http://localhost:4000/items/0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA
{"id":"0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA","artist":"Muse","title":"Madness","album":"The 2nd Law"}
Designing routes with HTTP methods
What are the methods and parameters we need for REST API?

Operation Method URL URL params Request body example

Create POST /items body: POST /items

{id, title, body: {...item details}
artist, album}

Read one GET /items/:id :id (item ID) GET /items/12345

Read all GET /items GET /items

Update PUT /items/:id :id (item ID) body: PUT /items/12345

{id, title, body: {...item details}
artist, album}

Delete DELETE /items/:id :id (item ID) DELETE /items/12345

c2.4 Create item: POST /items route
// server.js
cosnt server = express();
const body_parser = require('body-parser');
server.set('view engine', 'ejs');
// need this to decode request body server.use(body_parser.json()); // parse JSON (application/json content-type)
$ npm install body-parser ...

// routes/crud.js
// create/post new item
1. Install and use body-parser server.post("/items", (req, res) => {
middleware for the entire const item = req.body;
console.log('Adding new item: ', item);
// add new item to array
2. Inside POST /items route data.list.push(item)
a. Obtain item from req.body
// return updated list
b. Add item to array
c. Return updated list });
*while we can use browser for GET requests,

Testing for POST, PUT, DELETE we have to use cURL, Postman,

or any REST client (some browser extensions available too)

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id": "abcd1234", "artist": "Meee", "title":
"sooong", "album": "Hello Word"}' http://localhost:4000/items

[{"id":"0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA","artist":"Muse","title":"Madness","album":"The 2nd
Law"},{"id":"2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a","artist":"One Republic","title":"I
Lived","album":"Native"},{"id":"abcd1234","artist":"Meee","title":"sooong","album":"Hello Word"}]
// routes/crud.js
c2.5 Update item: // update an item
server.put("/items/:id", (req, res) => {

PUT /items/:id const itemId = req.params.id;

const item = req.body;
console.log("Editing item: ", itemId, " to be ", item);

const updatedListItems = [];

// loop through list to find and replace one item

Inside PUT /items/:id route data.list.forEach(oldItem => {

if (oldItem.id === itemId) {
1. Obtain itemId from req.params } else {
and item from req.body updatedListItems.push(oldItem);
2. Replace target item in the list with }
new one**
3. Return list // replace old list with new one
data.list = updatedListItems;
** many ways to implement this
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title":"Muse++", "artist":"Madness++",
"album":"The 3rd Law", "id":"0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA"}' http://localhost:4000/items/0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA

[{"title":"Muse++","artist":"Madness++","album":"The 3rd
Law","id":"0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA"},{"id":"2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a","artist":"One Republic","title":"I

After successful PUT, we can

verify update with a GET
(e.g. using a browser)
c2.6 Delete item:
DELETE /items/:id // server.js

// delete item from list
server.delete("/items/:id", (req, res) => {
Inside DELETE /items route const { id } = req.params;
const itemId = id; ES6 object destructuring
1. Obtain itemId from
req.params using ES6 object console.log("Delete item with id: ", itemId);

// filter list copy, by excluding item to delete
2. Delete item from list** const filtered_list = data.list.filter(item => item.id !== itemId);
3. Return list
// replace old list with new one
** many ways to implement this data.list = filtered_list;

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4000/items/0c4IEciLCDdXEhhKxj4ThA
[{"id":"2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a","artist":"One Republic","title":"I Lived","album":"Native"}]

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4000/items/2QAHN4C4M8D8E8eiQvQW6a


After successful DELETE of all

items, we can verify that list is
empty, with a GET request
m1 (Milestone 1)
Building a server-rendered playlist app



In this activity, we implement:

- Playlist page that shows all items in the list

- Create and Edit page, linked to items in Playlist
- Delete function linked to items in Playlist
Spotify Tracks
To add some real song embed to your

● Google “<Artist> <song> spotify track”

● Get the ID in track/ID
● Use ID to Create new Item

What can you do with this knowledge?
- CRUD pages for an information system in memory (no DB)
Data doesn’t persist yet. When server restart/dies, our changes are lost 😢
Coming up: Persisting data into database
3 Connecting to a database:
// a document record sample in Mongodb mLab

"_id": {
"$oid": "5bafebc0c5fcaf59fed82980"

noSQL databases },
"id": "5VnDkUNyX6u5Sk0yZiP8XB",
"title": "Thunder",
"artist": "Imagine Dragons",
"album": "Evolve"

What and why?

● Document-based
● Represents programming objects closer than relational databases
● Speed and flexibility
● Denormalization - e.g. get item, item.artists, item.artist.stuffs
without joins {}
● Why not? Not good for ACID compliant purposes, e.g. joins
MongoDB database structure

NoSQL are usually structured in database > collections > documents

- in contrast to tables > rows in SQL databases

MongoDB is a noSQL database

We will use mLab to have a mongoDB instance without any installation/config

database node_workshop_db
collections items: [{}, {}, {}]
documents {id: 1234, title: “my song”, ...}
mLab is the quickest way to setup a MongoDB instance
Free up to 0.5 GB
c3.1 Setting up mLab and MongoDB
For this workshop:
● We’ll use my mLab db instance, with an initial user and some data
I’ll send the credentials through Slack
● Install mongodb driver to our project

# install mongodb to our project

$ npm install mongodb ** If you want to setup your own:

Setup and testing of mLab database

1. Login to mLab
2. Click database: node_workshop_db
3. click collection:
a. get connection_url here
b. get items
4. CRUD documents in the
collection (as shown in the screenshot)
Optional: local MongoDB setup
** This only works if you installed mongodb in your local machine as defined in

1. On another terminal, start local mongodb server on your machine

○ Ubuntu: sudo service mongod start
○ Mac: mongod
○ Windows: "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath="c:\data\db"

2. On another terminal, start mongo client as described in previous slide

# after starting local mongodb server and

# after connecting to server using a mongodb client

# use db and start running mongodb commands

> use node_workshop_db

> db.items.insertOne( { id:"some_song_id", artist:"The Artist", "title": "Song

song", "album": "The Album" } )

> db.items.find()
# should see fake song we just added
Optional: Testing local DB connection
** This only works if you installed mongodb in your local machine as defined in


# --- mongoDB CLIENT ----

# on another terminal, connect to db

# Linux
$ mongo <mongodb_connection_link>
# macOS
$ mongo --host <mongodb_connection_link>
# Windows
$ "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongo.exe"

# use db and start running mongodb commands

> use node_workshop_db

> db.items.find()
# should see some JSON-like objects here with song details
Async Programming with Promises

Time to brush up on Asynchronous Programming concepts!

Javascript (frontend and Node.js) runs asynchronously (no waiting and


We’ve been doing it the whole time, using callbacks required by express methods.

// routes/crud.js // server.js
... ...
server.put("/items/:id", function (req, res) {...}); server.listen(port, () => {...});
Sender sends a
function along with
request, which the
service will “call back”
at a later time to give
what was requested

Analogy: when you leave

your number at the
answering machine; so they
call you back later
function fetchData(successCallback, failureCallback) {
doSomethingAsync(); // results to error or data
if (error) {

Callbacks } else {


fetchData( function(result){ // successCallback
}, function(error) { // failureCallback
throw error;

// ES6
fetchData( result => { // successCallback
}, error => { // failureCallback
throw error;
c3.2 Mongo connection initDb using Callback *** If using local mongodb,
// mongo_db.js use the localhost version
of db_connection_url
... mLab CREDENTIALS: get from Slack #node_snippets

function initDb(dbCollectionName, successCallback, failureCallback) {
const dbConnectionUrl = `mongodb://${dbUser}:${dbPass}@${dbHost}/${dbName}`;
MongoClient.connect(dbConnectionUrl, function (err, dbInstance) {
if (err) {
console.log(`[MongoDB connection] ERROR: ${err}`);
failureCallback(err); // this should be "caught" by the calling function
} else {
const dbObject = dbInstance.db(dbName);
const dbCollection = dbObject.collection(dbCollectionName);
console.log("[MongoDB connection] SUCCESS");
module.exports = { initDb };
c3.2 Server code for mongodb, using Callback and ES5
// server.js
// routes/db_crud.js ...
const express = require("express"); const db_crud = require('./routes/db_crud');
const server = express.Router(); ...
const mongo_db = require('../mongo_db'); // server.use("/", crud); // COMMENT Regular CRUD FOR NOW
// db crud
// mongoDB connection server.use("/", db_crud);
const collectionName = 'items'; ...
mongo_db.initDb(collectionName, function (dbCollection) { // successCallback
server.get("/items", function (req, res) {
dbCollection.find().toArray(function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
}, function (err) { // failureCallback
throw (err);

module.exports = server;

Service sends a
Promise that later
resolves to the data

Analogy: when someone

gives you a prize/gift
voucher only valid later
function fetchData() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
doSomethingAsync(); // results to error or data
ES6 Promises if (error) {
} else {
*Note that promises are not available in
ES5 //ES5 syntax
But you can still use ES5 function() {} fetchData().then(function(result){
syntax when using ES6 promises doSomething(result);
}).catch(function(error) {
throw error;

// ES6 syntax
fetchData().then(result => {
}).catch(error => {
throw error;
c3.3 initDb using Promise and ES6 (we’re using this)
// mongo_db.js
const initDb2 = (dbCollectionName) => {
const dbConnectionUrl = `mongodb://${dbUser}:${dbPass}@${dbHost}/${dbName}`;
// function returns a promise that resolves to a mongodb instance
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
MongoClient.connect(dbConnectionUrl, (err, dbInstance) => {
if (err) {
console.log(`[MongoDB connection] ERROR: ${err}`);
reject(err); // this should be "caught" by the calling function
} else {
const dbObject = dbInstance.db(dbName);
const dbCollection = dbObject.collection(dbCollectionName);
console.log("[MongoDB connection] SUCCESS");
module.exports = { initDb, initDb2 };
c3.3 Server code for mongodb, using Callback

// routes/db_crud.js
mongo_db.initDb2(collectionName).then(dbCollection => {
// db-based CRUD RESTful API routes
// get all items
server.get("/items", (req, res) => {
dbCollection.find().toArray((err, result) => {
if (err) throw err;
}).catch(err => {
throw (err);

module.exports = server;
MongoDB operations
Operati Method URL mongoDB method Examples:
Create POST /items collection.insertOne(obj, callback) {
id: "blah20",
artist: "Artist",
title: "Title",
Read GET /items/:id collection.findOne( query, callback)
album: "Album"
one }

Read all GET /items collection.find( query ).toArray(callback) query

{ id: "blah20" }

Update PUT /items/:id collection.updateOne( query, { $set: obj }, callback) callback

function (err, result) {
// process result
Delete DELETE /items/:id collection.deleteOne( query, callback) }
c3.4 db_collection.findOne({...params})
mongo_db.initDb2(collectionName).then(dbCollection => {
. . .
server.get("/items", (req, res) => {...}

// get an item identified by id

server.get("/items/:id", (req, res) => {
const itemId = req.params.id;
dbCollection.findOne({ id: itemId }, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
. . .
c3.5 db_collection.insertOne({...params})
mongo_db.init_db(db_connection_url).then(function(db_instance) {
. . .
// create/post new item
server.post("/items", function(req, res) {
var item = req.body;
db_collection.insertOne(item, function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
// send back entire updated list after successful request check mLab as well
db_collection.find().toArray(function(_err, _result) {
if (_err) throw _err;
}); $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"id": "abcd1234", "artist":
}); "Meee", "title": "sooong", "album": "Hello Word"}' http://localhost:4000/items
[{...}, {...},
. . . {"_id":"5c4e712b4a36322c809f8594","id":"abcd1234","artist":"Meee","title":"sooong","album":"
Hello Word"}]
c3.6 db_collection.updateOne({...params})
mongo_db.init_db(db_connection_url).then(function(db_instance) {
. . .
// update an item
server.put("/items/:id", function(req, res) {
var item_id = req.params.id;
var item = req.body;

db_collection.updateOne({ id: item_id }, { $set: item }, function(err, result) {

if (err) throw err;
// send back entire updated list, to make sure frontend data is up-to-date
db_collection.find().toArray(function(_err, _result) {
if (_err) throw _err;
. . .
c3.7 db_collection.deleteOne({...params})
mongo_db.init_db(db_connection_url).then(function(db_instance) {
. . .
// delete item from list
server.delete("/items/:id", function(req, res) {
var item_id = req.params.id;
db_collection.deleteOne({ id: item_id }, function(err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
// send back entire updated list after successful request
db_collection.find().toArray(function(_err, _result) {
if (_err) throw _err;
. . .
Testing Edit and Delete
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title":"Soong v2",
"artist":"meee and youuu", "album":"Hey World", "id":"abcd123456"}'

[{...}, {...}
{"_id":"5c74c2ccdd14b6c6ca47ca2f","id":"abcd123456","artist":"meee and youuu","title":"Soong
v2","album":"Hey World"}]

check mLab as well

$ curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4000/items/abcd123456

… check that deleted item is gone, using cUrl or browser

$ curl http://localhost:4000/items/
- App should work exactly as before, but
changes are persisted now in the mLab DB

What can you do with this knowledge?
- CRUD system with a DB
- For reference of all mongoDb methods:
- https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/
m2 (Milestone 2)
Connecting m1 to mongodb



In this activity, we:

- use mongoDb connection to replace route handler logic with mongodb

4 Using external APIs
external API?
What is that?
Aren’t we doing an
API already?
Communicating with APIs

We have been doing a RESTful API that a client (browser, cURL) can send
requests to

Now, our server will be the “client” and send requests to an external service
e.g. searching a song using Spotify API, fetching memes from Giphy

How our server communicates with an external API is exactly the same as how
our client communicates with our server, which is through HTTP requests,
usually GET and POST 😊
Client <-> Server
Client <-> Server <-> external API
They have APIs for everything nowadays!

Using external APIs require varying degrees of

- no auth
- API Key
- access tokens (OAuth)
💡 Tip: When looking at an API’s website,
- etc
look for examples, documentation, quick
After we satisfy the auth scheme, we can successfully
start on:
send HTTP requests to the API - auth method required, and how
- available endpoints
Here is an exhaustive list of some public APIs, with - available HTTP methods
varying degree of auth:
Using APIs with no auth
we will use: jsonplaceholder.typicode.com

For APIs without auth, we can make an HTTP request directly!

To simplify sending a request from server, we use a library called axios

# axios is a HTTP request library

Example of some fun APIs without auth:
$ npm install axios
- jsonplaceholder: some sample data
- recipepuppy.com/api: recipes
- jobs.github.com/api: search jobs
- icanhazdadjoke.com/api: random jokes
Let’s try it out

Sample commands:

$ curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
$ curl https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title": "foo", "body": "bar",
"userId": 1}' https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/
$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"title": "foo", "body": "bar",
"userId": 2}' https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1
$ curl -X DELETE https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1

Sample requests cheat sheet: Slack #node_resources “HTTP Snippets”

c4.1 sending requests to API with no auth
// routes/api1.js

var axios = require('axios');

var express = require('express');
var api1 = express.Router(); 1. create routes/api1.js
a. send request
// external API routes b. *NOTE use of Promise
api1.get("/users/:id", function (req, res) {
2. server.js
var id = req.params.id;
a. import and mount to
.then(result => {
}).catch(err => { // server.js
throw err; ...
}); const api1 = require('./routes/api1');
}); ...
server.use('/api1', api1);
module.exports = api1;
Testing - *install a Chrome JSON Viewer plugin to have this “prettified” output*
c4.2 Accessing req.query
e.g. (site.com/jobs?location=montreal&description=javascript)
// routes/api1.js

api1.get("/jobs", function (req, res) {

ES6 object destructuring
const { description, location } = req.query;
let requestUrl = "https://jobs.github.com/positions.json"; ES6 let
if (description || location) {
const descriptionParam = description ? `description=${description}&` : ''; ternary
const locationParam = location ? `location=${location}&` : '';
requestUrl = `${requestUrl}?${descriptionParam}${locationParam}`;
console.log(`Request: ${requestUrl}`);
axios(requestUrl).then(result => {
}).catch(err => {
throw err;
Testing: localhost:4000/api1/jobs?location=montreal&description=javascript
I could have entered the URL (API request) in my browser or
from my frontend code!
Why do I need a server for that?

https://jobs.github.com/positions.json?description=javascript&location=montreal (without our server)

same result as
http://localhost:4000/jobs?description=javascript&location=montreal (using our server)

1. Data manipulation: post-processing, filtering, whatever you want to do with the data before sending it
back to the client (some of these you can still do in frontend)
2. Allows you to add some req.param, req.query options that the orig. API doesn’t provide
a. e.g.?description=javascript&location=montreal&titleContains=web&year=2019
3. CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
a. If you’re writing frontend code (JS), a lot of these external APIs won’t allow you to communicate
directly (frontend JS <-> API).
b. So, instead they require you to have a server who would act as a proxy/middleman
(frontend JS <-> server <-> API)
c4.3 Manipulating results based on user’s query
// routes/api1.js
api1.get("/jobs2", function (req, res) {
const { description, location, titleContains, year } = req.query;
let requestUrl = "https://jobs.github.com/positions.json";
if (description || location) {
const descriptionParam = description ? `description=${description}&` : '';
const locationParam = location ? `location=${location}&` : '';
requestUrl = `${requestUrl}?${descriptionParam}${locationParam}`;
axios(requestUrl).then(result => {
// post-processing of results
const results = result.data;
const matches = results.filter(r => {
const { title, created_at } = r;
const titleParam = titleContains ? titleContains.toLowerCase() : '';
const yearParam = year || '';
return title.toLowerCase().includes(titleParam) && created_at.includes(yearParam);
Testing: localhost:4000/api1/jobs?location=montreal&description=javascript&year=2019&titleContains=developer
Using APIs that requires an API key
we will use: omdbapi.com, Giphy API

To get an API key, go to the API’s website/documentation and follow

instructions. Usually it involves signing up for an account/providing email.
Testing API key

API key is usually attached as a param to

the HTTP request.
Always follow the API’s instructions on
how to do this, since it varies everytime.
Bonus: Using the Giphy API

1. Login to https://developers.giphy.com/
2. Create an app
3. Get API key
c4.4 adding new Router() and using API key
// routes/api2.js
// /movies?search=black+panther
api2.get("/movies", (req, res) => {
const search = req.query.search;
.then(result => { res.json(result.data); // server.js
... ...
const api2 = require('./routes/api2');
api2.get("/memes", (req, res) => {
const { search, limit } = req.query;
server.use('/api2', api2);
.then(result => { res.json(result.data);
TESTING: localhost:4000/api2/movies?search=black+panther
Using APIs implementing OAuth

A lot of APIs (e.g. Twitter, Spotify,

Yelp) uses some form of OAuth.

We discuss here a common flow for

server-server authentication, called
Client Credentials Flow or Access
Tokens. It goes like this:

*access tokens are also called bearer

Optional: Setting up Spotify API

1. For simplicity, we will use the free Spotify developer account I setup before
a. You could also setup your own developer account

2. Authentication flow is using Client Credentials

* For those using my credentials, I will send the Base-64 string
(composed of Client ID, Client secret) needed for authentication
through SLACK

Testing out spotify credentials

Our webapp server’s job:
Test in Terminal / Postman
1. Prepare the request,
including encoding
$ curl -X "POST" -H "Authorization: Basic <base64_string>" -d query params
grant_type=client_credentials https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token
2. Process the response,
> {"access_token":".....","token_type":"Bearer","expires_in":3600,"scope":""} which includes filtering,
preparing data for
render in React
We then use this access_token to do requests like

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"


> { literally tons of data }

c4.5 requesting for an access_token
# qs allow proper data encoding for HTTP
$ npm install qs

Define getAccessToken() which returns a Promise
● Prepare request config containing the base-64 encoded credentials in the header
● Send request and resolve Promise with access_token returned by Spotify
Setup route ‘/songs’
● Define .then(), send access_token for now to test
see code change at: https://github.com/<username>/node_workshop/compare/c4.4...c4.5
c4.6 GET request to search query string
We could now use the access_token to make a request

see full code change at: https://github.com/<username>/node_workshop/compare/c4.5...c4.6

// crud/api3.js
api3.get("/songs", (req, res) => {
const search = req.query.search;
console.log(`[SPOTIFY] : searching ${search}...`);
getAccessToken().then( access_token => {
const _url =
method: 'GET',
url: _url,
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`,
"Accept": "application/json"
}).then( result => {
console.log(`search response: ${JSON.stringify(result.data)}`);
... THOUGH! 😵😵
c4.7 “massaging” API’s response data using .map()
api3.get("/songs", (req, res) => {
So far, this is the item format we have ...
been using: ).then(function (result) {
// "massage" data so we only get the attributes we need
const search_results = result.data.tracks.items;
The object returned by Spotify is too const squashed_results = search_results.map( track => {

big. We only need: id, artist, title, album. return {

id: track.id,
artist: track.artists[0].name,
album: track.album.name,
title: track.name
// res.send(_res.data.tracks.items);
MUCH });

Test all API endpoints to query jobs, songs, movies, memes


How about querying spaces in URL?

💡 Use + instead of spaces.
Note that encoding stuff like these are
taken care of usually in frontend code, e.g. form inputs.
m3 (Milestone 3)
Integrating with Spotify to Playlist App


Building up from m2, do the following:

- add a Find page that includes a form for searching Spotify tracks
- execute a POST /playlist/search route that uses the req.body
- provide a UI to load Spotify search results, and allow adding to Playlist
- refactor track searching into a Promise, such that both /songs and
/playlist/search routes call the same function to search
BONUS m4: styling your template pages

To style our server-rendered EJS template pages:

1. Create public/styles.css, and put all the CSS styles there
2. From server.js, serve the public folder with server.use()
a. The public folder is the place to put all static files: Javascript, CSS, images
// server.js
server.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

3. You can now use styles.css in your .ejs, .html files

// playlist/home.ejs
// → note it is important to use relative path /styles.css so it works in all the views, even the nested ones
<link href="/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Final project with Styling (and Emojis!) 🧁💅

What can you do with this knowledge?
- CRUD pages, persisted in DB, with API integration

This is a nice example for your next web app project.

The only thing missing is your frontend app! 🖥
We finished the material!
🙌🙌🙌 🎉🎉🎉

Need help?

Coming up… EXTRAS:

Advanced Stuff and topics to explore
I need a little help...
Please answer a short survey about the workshop

Please go to the code repo, and give it a star

(if it deserves one, of course!)

Any mistakes or improvements, please submit an issue

or even better, contribute to open-source! (ping me in Slack for details)

To reduce the complexity of these advanced topics,

the branches (e.g. a1, a2...) are independent from the previous branches
They are self-contained and minimal
So it is better to view them independently as a branch, or use the github links
given in the following chapters
Appendix 1
Intro to WebSockets
for real-time apps
a1.1 Basic Client-Server

Websockets allow connection-oriented, bi-directional communication between

client and server (in contrast to HTTP). In this example, the server CAPITALIZES
whatever the client says and returns it.

TO TEST: Open file ws_client.html in a browser to serve as client

a1.2 Multi-client Chat Room
Appendix 2
Intro to User Auth
● Session-based using cookies
● Token-based using JWT
Authentication Systems
● allows a user to access a resource only when user's identity is confirmed,
e.g. by comparing the supplied credentials with the ones stored in the
backend (usually a database)
○ To simplify here, we just use in-memory data. A good challenge is to persist this in the
database as well using knowledge from Chapter 3

● can be session-based or token-based

● Usual scenario: when verifying user's identity when they login, use either a
cookie, a JWT, or a more complete approach using OAuth
● Some good visual representation of session-based vs token-based:
https://medium.com/@sherryhsu/session-vs-token-based-authentication-11a6 c5ac45e4
a2.1 Session-based Auth
AKA Cookie-based auth

● Traditional way of auth with sessions + cookies. It goes like this:

1. When user logs in successfully on /login, the req.session.username is
set to the current user
2. req.session.username must be set when accessing /secret_page route
a. otherwise, user is redirected to /login
3. on /logout, req.session.username is cleared
4. Users are also allowed to register

Branch code: https://github.com/<username>/node_workshop/tree/a2.1

Session/Cookie - based authentication
a2.2 Encrypting password
using bcrypt

Notice that we are storing user’s password in-memory in plaintext! 😱😱😱

● A quick fix is to hash the password and save the hash.

● Since the hash is “one-way” (impossible to get password from hash), we
can only compare if the hash of incoming password is similar to our saved
● We also use a salt to add randomness, thus preventing brute-force attacks
● Bcrypt simplifies the hashing and comparing for us
Code changes:
a2.3 Token-based Auth
using JWT

● Allows for “truly RESTful” or stateless auth, since no need to keep session
data in server
● JWT (JSON Web Token) is a signed piece of data, sent along with every
● It is used by the receipient to verify the sender’s authenticity

Code changes:
more about authentication...
Some of the more advanced topics include:

● Storing tokens in localStorage

● OAuth2 - a standard for token-based authentication and “access
● Passport.js - auth library that includes lots of reusable strategies
● Login with social media such as Github, Facebook, Google,Twitter, etc

...currently in the process of writing material for this.

Ping me on Slack if you need some help on this 😉

Appendix 3
Some additional resources on
In addition to the material presented, here are some good resources:

● For a more comprehensive guide on Node+Express:

○ MDN’s Express web framework tutorial:

● For a deep dive on Node

○ Udemy course All About Nodejs: https://www.udemy.com/all-about-nodejs/

● For a quick refresh on Javascript

○ MDN’s re-introduction to JS:

● Node and express docs are also good references

I need a little help...
Please answer a short survey about the workshop

Please go to the code repo, and give it a star

(if it deserves one, of course!)

Any mistakes or improvements, please submit an issue

or even better, contribute to open-source! (ping me in Slack for details)
Thank you!!!

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