Effect of TBC On Heat Transfer Into Nickel Based Refractory Alloy
Effect of TBC On Heat Transfer Into Nickel Based Refractory Alloy
Effect of TBC On Heat Transfer Into Nickel Based Refractory Alloy
The endeavor for the highest thermodynamic efficiency
Figure 1. Explanation of heat transfer through the solid wall
in a gas turbine is related to the achievement of the
highest possible temperature of gases emitted from its The steady heat flux on Fig. 1 through the defined part of
combustion chamber [1, 2]. Although the currently used the planar wall with the thickness of d and the thermal
fuel would make it possible to increase the gas conductivity coefficient λ is formed if the first surface
temperature almost up to 3000°C [3], it is clear that the (x=0) has the constant temperature T1 and the opposite
limiting factor are the materials of combustion chambers surface (x=d) has the constant temperature T2, wherein
and gas turbines. The refractory and creep-resistant nickel
and cobalt alloys used for the construction of these parts T1>T2. The temperature inside of the wall falls therefore
have the maximum operating temperature of 1200°C [4]. under the consideration from T1 to T2 in proportion to the
But their advantages are high strength and resistance to distance x.
creep and oxidation at such high temperatures. And If we know the functional relationship T(x), we can
therefore there is an effort to create a composite material determine the heat flux through the area of S, as:
system that would ensure the protection of the refractory /
creep resistant material from heat and allow its use at (1)
temperatures higher than its operating temperature. Such
protection elements today are thermal barriers coatings
(TBC), consisting of two or more layers [5]. The first If we consider the composite wall with the thickness of
metal layer is based on NiAl, NiCr, NiCrAlY or CoCrAlY, d=d1+d 2 while its components have the coefficient of the
which improves the corrosion resistance of the base thermal conductivity λ =λ1+λ2. The heat flux QT in this
material - nickel alloy and also improves the adhesion of case is determined by the temperature difference at the
the second layer. The second layer comprises, on the boundary walls of the two components, i.e. T1, T2, T3
other hand, of the ceramic material based on ZrO2+Y2O3, maintaining the same area of S:
which resists to high temperatures without the undesired
oxidation and has low thermal conductivity. It is believed (2)
that the TBC layer on refractory alloys allows the
operation at the temperatures up to 300 °C higher than the
original operating temperature [6].
For the experiment a refractory nickel alloy designated
according to the Russian GOST Standard as EI435 [8]
978-1-5090-5655-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 000435
L. Fozo • Effect of TBC on Heat Transfer into Nickel Based Refractory Alloy
Young´s Coefficient of Specific Thermal
The results show that the model with TBC layer in the Figure 8. a) Temperature trend lines of samples (left) and b) Heat
simulation under the same conditions of heat load flux trend lines of samples (right)
exhibits on the cold side of the sample temperature of
582,2 °C, whereas the material without the TBC exhibits If we use all experimental measurement result for every
a temperature of 700,2 °C. Graphical plot with the distance between burner and sample without TBC for
dependence of the temperature on the time from this creation the surface graphical dependence chart, we will
simulation is visible on fig. 6. There is also an obvious obtain 3D chart on fig. 9.a) for temperature behaviour and
positive impact of TBC layer in offering resistance to heat on fig. 9.b) for heat flux behaviour depending on time.
flux through the sample surface area. The results of Here is clearly to see, that increase in distance between
computational simulation were than confronted with the burner and sample leads to decease in maximal
results of experiments performed in the laboratory using a temperature obtained during time period of the
gas burner and IR camera and are in direct agreement experiment. Also the Heat flux thru the sample is
with the measured data from experiments with burner decreasing rapidly with increased distance from burner.
placed at 10 cm from the sample. (The temperature at the
hot side of the sample reached approximately 1000 °C).
Figure 6. Simulation temperature behaviour The same facts are evident for 3D chart of sample with
TBC layer on Fig. 10.a) and 10.b). But in comparison
The thermovision camera of the FLIR A40M type used with sample without TBC layer, here we can see lower
for scanning is connected to the computer through the
maximum obtained temperature during experiment time
FireWire IEEE -1394 interface. Fig. 7 shows thermal
period and much lower heat flux thru the sample – almost
images for the sample without the TBC layer and the
3 times lower than heat flux in sample without TBC.
sample coated with the TBC at the distance of 10 cm
between the burner and sample holder. The results of the
experiments performed in the laboratory will be
confronted with the results of the simulation in the CREO
3.0 software tool.
Based on the above experiments and simulations it is
Figure 7. IR camera photo of sample cold side – distance of burner: 10cm possible to summarize the following conclusions:
x The computational simulation using computer
The plot with the dependence of the temperature on the time technology and software tools available shows
with established trend lines for distance of 10 cm between positive effect of TBC coating on reduction of the
burner and sample holder is in Fig. 8.a) As shown, a trend of base material (EI435) overheating. The accuracy of
the temperature rise at a constant inflow of heat from the the simulations results were than confirmed by the
burner has a logarithmic increase for both samples the same experimental measured values.
way as it was visible on Fig. 6 obtained from computational x Samples with the thermal barriers in every burner
simulation. To determine the heat flux through the area of position were overheated less than samples without
the sample we can use the relationship
L. Fozo • Effect of TBC on Heat Transfer into Nickel Based Refractory Alloy
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