2d Art and Design 1 Contour Mash-Up Final Rubric
2d Art and Design 1 Contour Mash-Up Final Rubric
2d Art and Design 1 Contour Mash-Up Final Rubric
Professionalism Student is able to Student is able to Student had Student could not
– Craftsmanship, represent an represent a difficulty represent use of
Presentation outstanding use of satisfactory use of representing use classroom
(photo), neatness classroom classroom of classroom resources, time,
Use of classroom resources, time, resources, time, resources, time, and materials.
resources, time, and materials. and materials. and materials. Artwork shows no
and materials Artwork is Artwork meets Artwork meets level of neatness.
exceedingly neat. basic expectations limited
for neatness. expectations for
Technical Student is able to Student is able to Student had Student could not
Competence and effectively use use media with difficulty using use media with
Skill with media with satisfactory media with competence and
Materials and outstanding competence and competence and skill. Artwork
Media competence and skill. Artwork skill. Artwork shows no
– Are materials skill. Artwork is meets basic meets limited expression or
and media used highly expressive expectations for expectations for technical
effectively to with exceeding expression with expression with resolution.
express your technical basic technical underdeveloped
idea? resolution. resolution. technical
Understanding Student is able to Student is able to Student had Student could not
and Application use the elements use the elements difficulty using the use the elements
of 2D Design and principles of and principles of elements and and principles of
Principles design to an design to a basic principles of design any
–Purposeful outstanding degree. degree. Artwork design. Artwork degree. Artwork
construction, Artwork shows shows basic shows limited shows no
creative and exceeding knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of
inventive in using knowledge of formal qualities formal qualities formal qualities
the elements and formal qualities and and purposeful and purposeful and purposeful
principles of purposeful construction. construction. construction.
design. construction.