02 Task Performance - Logistics

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Name: Batingan, Bea Rebecca F.

Section: BSBM411

Subject: Logistics Management

Date Submitted: October 8, 2020

02 Task Performance 1


Manufacturing Processing of raw materials Keeping track of the

into finished goods through inventory of finished

the use of human labor and products.

Procurement Sourcing and acquiring goods Company can save money by

and services to fulfill its negotiating favorable terms

business model. and pricing, ensuring supplier

quality and efficiency.

Data Analysis To help making a strategic Helps the company with their

decisions to achieve major decision-making insight to

goals. Provides context for predict customer trends and

the data. behaviors.

Transportation For delivering and receiving In major corporations with

raw materials from the vast numbers of buyers, this

suppliers to make finished can be most useful when

goods. they still require new

Customer Service Communication between the It can benefit the customers,

buyer and the seller. the sales and the cash flow.

Creating consistently stellar

customer experiences plays a

major role in the success of

the business.


Quality Customer Service For the right sum of money, it Customers have varying

is about providing the right tastes and we need to

quantity and the right respond to the needs of the

product quality. Great time, consumer at all times. We

ideal climate. must cater for their needs.

Costing The economic pressures, the Strengthening their cost

cost of raw materials and management by successfully

labor has risen. They have to implementing plans by

adapt to keep the operations continual supervision. It will

going in order for operations be capable of providing

to sustain production. warehouse productivity.

Risk Management The continuous shift in the Often be prepared for how

industry will have big the organization will be able

challenges coming from a to resolve disturbances

number of outlets, such as during the course of activities

customer preferences, with a risk management

political interests and global method.


Supplier Relationship Creating a relationship with You will be able to operate

partners and vendors that is effectively and come up with

mutually sound and a stronger production in a

harmonious. You would be limited span of time by

able to offer goods with high establishing a good working

quality to the clients in a partnership with the

timely manner. This allows supplier.

you to build better resources

for change as well.

Qualified Personnel It has been a challenge over The most affordable will be

the course of the year to find hiring and recruiting by in-

talent involved in and excited house workers.

about this line of work.

Personnel working in this

area must have knowledge of

the roles and duties


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