Title I Parental-Family Involvement Plan Template 20-21

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Douglass Elementary

Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan


Each year, our school develops a Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan to provide regular opportunities
for us to exchange ideas about how we can support and promote the educational growth of each student. Working
together ensures a high level of success for every student. Listed below are ways in which we can partner together in
your student’s education during the coming school year.

Opportunities for Parents/Guardians to Support Student Academic Achievement

Each year, your student’s teacher will contact you to develop a home/school connection and to provide you with an
email address and phone number where you can regularly contact him/her with questions/concerns.
 Open House – 9/24/2020
 Family Advocacy Days – 10/9/2020; 2/12/2021

Opportunities for Parents/Guardians to be Informed of Annual Student Achievement and Growth

 While teachers will provide you with frequent informal progress reports, our school will also provide you
with the following formal student achievement reports during each year:
o Grades K-5: FastBridge achievement reports
o Grades K-5: Mid-Quarter and Quarterly Grade Reports
o Grades 3-5: Grade Level KAP English Language Arts (ELA) & Math achievement reports
o On an individual basis: KELPA reports

Opportunities for Parents/Guardians to be Involved in School Community Activities

 Title I Annual Program Planning & Review Meeting – 9/24/2020 6:30 p.m. (required)
 Title I Annual Parent Evaluation Survey – March 8, 2021

In addition to our Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan, we will also partner together through our 2020-
2021 School-Home Compact. The School-Home Compact has been developed with input from parents, staff, and
students and outlines the important things each of us can do to provide the best possible education for each of our
students. I have signed the compact on behalf of our staff and request that you and your student join us by signing in
your agreement to participate this year. We will keep your student’s compact on file in our school office for regular

The School-Home Compact and Parental Involvement-Family Engagement Plan will enable all of us to establish
a strong partnership that will help each student reach the highest standards of academic success. If at any time you
have concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your student’s teacher or feel free to give me a call at 913-627-5100.

Thank you,
Dr. Louis C. Neal,

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