Myth Writing Rubric
Myth Writing Rubric
Myth Writing Rubric
Learning Criteria 4 3 2 1
SLO The student The student The student The student The student
1.2b, demonstrates an demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates an
2.3a, understanding of exemplary proficient an acceptable inadequate
2.1f, 3.1a the genre of myths understanding of understanding of understanding understanding of
by creating a unique the genre of the genre of of the genre of the genre of
and creative story myths by myths by creating myths by myths by
about a natural creating their their own unique creating their creating their
phenomenon and own unique myth myth with own unique own unique
including elements with elements of elements of myth with myth with
of myths/folktales. myths/folktales. myths/folktales. elements of elements of
myths/folktales. myths/folktales.
SLO Writing has The myth is The myth is The myth has The myth has
2.1c, supporting details to extensively sufficiently limited detail in insufficient
2.2h, explain the natural detailed in the detailed in the the explanation detail in the
4.3b phenomenon, such explanation of explanation of of the natural explanation of
as by explaining the natural the natural phenomenon. the natural
“why or “how.” phenomenon. phenomenon. phenomenon.
Writing The student The student The student The student The student
Conventi successfully edited rarely had errors sometimes had frequently had consistently
ons their work and there in capitals, errors in capitals, errors in had errors in
were no errors in punctuation, or punctuation, or capitals, capitals,
capitals, spelling. spelling. punctuation, or punctuation, or
punctuation, or spelling. spelling.
SLO The student worked The student The student The student The student
4.1a effectively in peer worked worked worked provides
review to help their effectively in satisfactorily in adequately in limited evidence
partner edit their peer review to peer review to peer review to of effective work
story. (Assessed help edit their help edit their help edit their in partner review
through peer partner’s story. partner’s story. partner’s story. to help edit their
review/ self- partner’s story.
assessment sheets)