Kurt Lewin: "If You Want To Truly Understand Something, Try To Change It." - Kurt Lewin
Kurt Lewin: "If You Want To Truly Understand Something, Try To Change It." - Kurt Lewin
Kurt Lewin: "If You Want To Truly Understand Something, Try To Change It." - Kurt Lewin
Some years back, before there was a branch of psychology called social psychology, people saw
our behavior as nothing but reactions. Behaviorism was the popular theory at the time and
scientists used it to try to explain our behavior. When someone hits you, your reaction is to
protect yourself by deflecting or avoiding the next one. So according to this thought pattern,
stimuli and associations were what shaped our behavior.
But that stimulus-response relationship was too simple. Behaviorism overlooked our
perceptions and even our thoughts. It didn’t make the connection that behaviors are the
outcome of an interaction between a person and their environment.
The one person who realized it was Kurt Lewin. This psychologist came up with field theory,
among other theories. They put a spotlight on people’s interaction with their environment. His
research was so important that he’s now seen as one of the fathers of social psychology.
During WWI, Kurt was wounded after Germany sent him into battle. When he got home, he
started to work at the Berlin Institute of Psychology. Kurt decided to leave Germany when the
Nazis were gaining power. He ended up settling in the US, where he taught at a few different
He had been in contact with ideologies that were similar to socialism, Marxism, and the fight
for women’s rights. These ideas lead him to one conclusion: psychology could help make
society more equal. That’s why he put his effort into trying to pick out and understand what
factors really played a part in our behavior.
That’s why he focused on studying groups. His research set the precedent for what would later
become social psychology and organizational psychology. His experiments revolved around
group psychology, the dynamics of organizational change, and leadership.
Field theory
Taking from field theory in physics, Kurt Lewin established two basic conditions for his field
The first one is that a behavior comes about through a totality of coexisting facts.
The second one says that these coexisting facts have the characteristics of a “dynamic field.”
This means that the state of each one of the field’s parts depends on all the others.
In physics, a field is an area of space where there are properties that show up as physical
quantities (temperature, energy, etc.). Lewin used the concept of an “energy field” from physics
in his field theory to explain the environmental factors that play a part in human behavior.
According to him, behavior doesn’t depend on the past or the future. It actually depends on all
current facts and events and how a subject sees them. The facts are interconnected and they
make up a dynamic energy field that he called the life space.
It’s like a summary of the way you look at the world, with all your goals, possibilities, fears,
experiences, and expectations. But this field also has certain limits that come especially from
the physical and social characteristics of the surroundings.
Kurt Lewin’s field theory studies our behavior with a sense of total perspective. That way we
don’t end up with an analysis with everything split up on its own. The psychological field’s
influence on our behavior is so huge that Lewin even said that if there are no changes in the
field, there won’t be any changes in the behavior.
Lewin thought that psychology shouldn’t focus on studying people and their surroundings like
they were two entirely separate pieces. Instead he thought that we have to look at the way
they impact each other in real time.
If there are no changes in the field, there won’t be any changes in the behavior.
Relevant variables
Just like with an energy field, each part impacts every other part. To understand our behavior
we have to keep in mind all the variables that play a part in it in real time. This is true on both
an individual and group level.
We also can’t analyze these elements individually. So we have to focus on studying the way
they interact to get a complete picture of what exactly is going on. Lewin came up with three
key variables for explaining this idea. They are:
Energy: what causes actions, what motivates them. When there’s a need, an energy or energy
field will appear, and that will lead to an action. All these actions have a charge, either positive
or negative. The charge of these actions also leads to other actions (positive) or pushes back
(negative). The behavior that comes from all this reacts to the psychological mix of different
Tension: the difference between a person’s goals and their current state. The tension is internal
and pushes you to go through with your intentions.
Need: what gives the motivating tension a start. When a person has a physical or psychological
need, an internal state of tension will awaken inside them. This state of tension makes the
system (the person) change to try to get back to its initial state and satisfy its need.
Lewin says that the field theory shows what every person’s possible and impossible behaviors
are. An awareness of the life space helps us make a logical prediction about what a person will
do. Every single behavior, or at least every single intentional behavior, has a motivation. There
are tensions pushing it, energies moving it, charges directing it, and all this has a goal.
Kurt Lewin said that you can explain all your actions with one simple fact: we see specific paths
and ways to unload certain tensions. We’re attracted by the actions we see as ways to let that
tension out.
Kurt thought that these kinds of actions must have a positive charge. So that would be why you
feel energy pushing you to carry them out. And then other actions must have the opposite
effect. They’ll increase your tension, and so they must have a repulsive effect.
To understand all this better here’s an example of a need we all have: the need for recognition.
When you start to feel this need, it awakens a motivation to get recognition in an area that
interests you. That motivation will have a positive charge and lead you to act with the goal of
getting recognition.
The motivation would wake up a tension between your current situation and your need for
recognition. Then that will lead you to think about possible actions to get that recognition. And
depending on what area you want to be recognized in, you’ll do whatever you think gives you
the best chances of getting it.
Lewin’s Field Theory of Learning |
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Kurt Lewin (1890-1947), unlike Pavlov, Skinner and Gestltian
psychologists, conducted experiments on the study of behaviour of
children. He utilised an elaborate experimental set-up with a view to
control the child’s total environment during the course of the
investigation for getting detailed information.
Even if all general psychological laws were known, we would still need
to understand the specific individual and ‘total situation’ in which he
exists before we could make any prediction about his behaviour.
B represents behaviour
f is a function
P is the person
In Lewin’s theory, threat, goal and barrier are the main factors. An
individual who has to achieve some goal has to cross a barrier. The
barrier may be psychological or physical. Because of the changes in the
barrier in the life- space of an individual, continuous reconstruction
takes place.
2. Vector:
The term vector represents a force which is influencing movement
towards a goal or away from it. If there is only one vector (force), there
is movement in the direction of the vector. However, if there are two
or more vectors acting simultaneously in different directions, the
movement is in the direction of the resultant force.
3. Life-Space:
It is also called the psychological field. The psychological field is the
space in which the person moves psychologically. It contains the whole
of one’s psychological reality – one’s self and what one thinks of or
what one gains from one’s physical and social environment.
5. Valence:
When a person is attracted by an object, that object is said to have a
positive valence. When a person is repelled by an object that is said to
have a negative valence. The person tends to move towards a region in
life- space that has positive valence and he tends to move away from a
region in life-space that has negative valence. Because life-space may
contain regions with several valences active at a time, these give rise to
conflict, especially when the opposing forces are approximately in
7. Behaviour:
Lewin regards behaviour as a function of present life space. He insists
that behaviour depends upon the present and not upon the past or
8. Barrier:
It is a dynamic part of an environment which resists motion through
it. It stands in the way of a person’s reaching his goal.
9. Goal:
Goal is a region of valence-region of life-space to which a person is
psychologically attracted.
10. Tension:
It is very closely to and is descriptive of psychological needs. Release of
tension may be achieved either through reaching a goal or through
reconstructing a life-space.
The need for seeing the whole and details of the situation is very
necessary. The teacher must assist the students to perceive the goal
and the barrier. The goal must be presented in an easier and simplified
way. Sometimes partial insight of a situation may provide partial relief
from tension.
(2) To get within the region of the goal may be a success experience.
(3) To make some progress in the direction of the goal also constitutes
a success experience.
3. Motivation:
The repetition of an activity brings change both in the cognitive
structure and in the need-tension systems. As a result of this goal,
attractiveness changes. Lewin calls goal attractiveness valence and
valence change.
4. Memory:
The field theory states the following regarding memory:
(1) Tasks which have no sense in completion are not remembered.
Kurt Lewin was considered by some as the father of modern social psychology due to his
act of breaking new ground in employing scientific methods and experimentation in the study of
social behavior. His focus on fusing psychology with the philosophy of science resulted in an
extensive number of empirical studies performed in the realms of child development, motivation
and social behavior, particularly having to do with observational studies and experiments on
children’s behavior.
Lewin not only adapted Gestalt principles but further applied them to a theory of
personality and development into what is now known as the Psychological Field Theory. He
translated Gestalt philosophy into social experience involving people who should be considered
as wholes instead of being composed of discrete parts. A person is presented as a whole system
consisting of subsystems that are somewhat separate yet are still capable of interacting and
combining with each other.
He was one of the first psychologists to propose that the development of an individual
was the product of the interaction between inborn predispositions (nature) and life experiences
(nurture). This conception was presented by Lewin in the form of a mathematical equation
known as Lewin’s Equation for behavior, stating that behavior is the function of the person
interacting within his environment or B = f (P,E).
As such, Lewin accounted for human behavior by emphasizing forces and tensions that
influence it. He asserted that the behavior of an individual is always geared toward some goal or
objective and it is precisely this intention that matters most in the performance of behavior.
These intentions supposedly follow field principles and are influenced by psychological forces
such as how the individual perceives a situation.
Life space is most frequently determined by the physical and social environment that the
individual finds himself in. It may include places where he goes, events that occur, feelings about
places and people encountered, what he sees on TV or reads in books, his imagined thoughts and
goals. Encompassed by a child’s life space are forces which the child may be aware of or not, in
addition to forces which are accepted by the child as true though they may not be so.
Psychology Discussion. (n.d.). Lewin’s Field Theory of Learning | Education. Retrieved from:
Exploring your mind. (2018, March 18). Kurt Lewin and Field Theory. Retrieved from: